- Allows you to Copy (Ctrl+C) Cut (Ctrl+X) Paste (Crtl+V) in Unity project (file) view. (aka project explorer window)
- Allows you to do Windows explorer-like navigation, Back (Alt+Left) Forward (Alt+Right) Up one level (Alt+Up) in Unity project (file) view.
- I'm too lazy to record cool gif to demonstrate this, I hope you get the idea.
- Make sure you have git client installed on your PC, preferably "Git for Windows" https://git-scm.com/download/win
- If you are using this method for team project git, everyone on your team should have git client or they will have warning message on opening a project.
- Specialized git client such as bit bucket / source tree does not counted as git client by Unity editor, etc. And still get warning.
- Install using direct method instead if you are not sure.
- From Unity, go to Window-> Package manager
- Plus button on upper left (?), choose from git URL
- Enter https://github.com/wappenull/unity-cutcopypaste-nav.git
- Done, go ahead, and try it.
- This will install as local package.
- Without use and need of git client on PC.
- Difference with git method is this wont be able to update/auto-update via package manager window.
- Commit this local package along with your project file to your version control to let everyone have it.
- Download this repo.
- Extract content to
- Effectively, package.json file will be positioned at
- Done, go ahead, and try it.
- Nav feature: is explictly for two-column mode only. CHECKMATE! one-column-er!
- Nav feature: does not offer UI back button, only keyboard shortcut for now.
- Nav feature: Might still buggy, esp when deleting stuff. (please report issue?)
- Not tested against every unity version in the world.
- Original CopyCutPaste was created by Stephan Hövelbrinks | https://twitter.com/talecrafter/status/834000968261984256
- Modified by Wappen to include explorer navigation | http://github.com/wappenull/
StealEr, I mean used some code and inspriation from https://github.com/acoppes/unity-history-window Thank you!
You can freely use/distribute this plugin in any way possible with the exception of selling it on it's own.