diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index ec1fd26..020051f 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ jobs:
| goamd64 | **Optional** | `GOAMD64` is the running programs amd64 microarchitecture level, which is available since `go1.18`. It should only be used when `GOARCH` is `amd64`: one of `v1`, `v2`, `v3`, `v4`. |
| goarm | **Optional** | `GOARM` is the running programs arm microarchitecture level, which is available since `go1.1`. It should only be used when `GOARCH` is `arm`: one of `5`, `6`, `7`, |
| goversion | **Optional** | The `Go` compiler version. `latest`([check it here](https://go.dev/VERSION?m=text)) by default, optional `1.13`, `1.14`, `1.15`, `1.16`, `1.17`, `1.18`, `1.19`. You can also define a specific minor release, such as `1.19.5`.
Alternatively takes a download URL or a path to go.mod instead of version string. Make sure your URL references the `linux-amd64` package. You can find the URL on [Go - Downloads](https://go.dev/dl/).
e.g., `https://dl.google.com/go/go1.13.1.linux-amd64.tar.gz`. |
-| project_path | **Optional** | Where to run `go build`.
Use `.` by default.
Assume you have multiple binaries in your `repo/cmd`, you can use `project_path: ./cmd/...` to build multiple binaries and include them in one package. |
+| project_path | **Optional** | Where to run `go build`.
Use `.` by default.
If enable `multi_binaries: true`, you can use `project_path: ./cmd/...` or `project_path: ./cmd/app1 ./cmd/app2` to build multiple binaries and include them in one package. |
| binary_name | **Optional** | Specify another binary name if do not want to use repository basename.
Use your repository's basename if not set. |
| pre_command | **Optional** | Extra command that will be executed before `go build`. You may want to use it to solve dependency if you're NOT using [Go Modules](https://github.com/golang/go/wiki/Modules). |
| build_command | **Optional** | The actual command to build binary, typically `go build`. You may want to use other command wrapper, e.g., [packr2](https://github.com/gobuffalo/packr/tree/master/v2), example `build_command: 'packr2 build'`. Remember to use `pre_command` to set up `packr2` command in this scenario.
It also supports the `make`(`Makefile`) building system, example `build_command: make`. In this case both `build_flags` and `ldflags` will be ignored since they should be written in your `Makefile` already. Also, please make sure the generated binary placed in the path where `make` runs, i.e., `project_path`. |