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410 lines (285 loc) · 17.5 KB

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410 lines (285 loc) · 17.5 KB





import os
import torch
import warnings
from transformers import AutoTokenizer, AutoModel
tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained("./chatglm-6b", trust_remote_code=True)
model = AutoModel.from_pretrained("./chatglm-6b", trust_remote_code=True).half().quantize(8).to('cuda')
Loading checkpoint shards:   0%|          | 0/8 [00:00<?, ?it/s]
def get_completion(prompt, history, temperature=0.95):
    response, history =, query=prompt, history=history,
    return response, history



prod_review_zh = """
prompt = f"""


评论: ```{prod_review_zh}```

response, history = get_completion(prompt, [])



prompt = f"""


评论: ```{prod_review_zh}```
response, history = get_completion(prompt, history)
概括: 好评,熊猫公仔可爱,小但实用,快递提前到达。
prompt = f"""


评论: ```{prod_review_zh}```
response, history = get_completion(prompt, history)




prompt = f"""


评论: ```{prod_review_zh}```
response, history = get_completion(prompt, [])
- 快递比预期提前了一天到货
- 熊猫公仔快递速度较快,服务态度好



review_1 = f"""
review_2 = f"""
review_3 = f"""
他们在11月份仍然以49美元左右的价格对17件系统进行季节性销售,大约减半,但由于某种原因(称之为价格欺诈),在12月的第二周左右,价格全部上涨至大约任何地方 同一系统在70-89美元之间。11件套系统的价格也比之前的29美元上涨了10美元左右。所以它看起来还不错,但是如果你看一下底座,刀片锁定到位的部分看起来不像几年前的以前版本那么好,但我打算对它非常温和(例如,我 先在搅拌机中粉碎非常硬的东西,如豆子、冰、大米等,然后在搅拌机中将它们粉碎成我想要的份量,然后切换到搅打刀片以获得更细的面粉,并在制作冰沙时先使用横切刀片 ,然后如果我需要它们更细/更少浆状,请使用平刀片)。制作冰沙时的特别提示,切碎并冷冻您计划使用的水果和蔬菜(如果使用菠菜 - 稍微炖软菠菜,然后冷冻直至准备使用 - 如果制作冰糕,请使用中小型食品加工机) 这样你就可以避免在制作冰沙时添加太多冰块。大约一年后,电机发出一种奇怪的声音。 我打电话给客户服务,但保修期已经过期,所以我不得不再买一个。仅供参考:这些类型的产品的整体质量已经过时,因此他们有点依赖品牌知名度和消费者忠诚度来维持销售。大概两天就拿到了
reviews = [review_1, review_2, review_3]
for i in range(len(reviews)):
    prompt = f"""


    评论: ```{reviews[i]}```
    response,history = get_completion(prompt, [])
    print(i, response, "\n")
0 概括:赞扬该产品快速、高质量地满足了需求,关心客户,并提供良好的支持。 

1 评论:电动牙刷不错,电池寿命令人印象深刻,但牙刷头太小,希望头部更大,刷毛长度不同。价格划算,替换头昂贵,但可以购买更合理的通用头。觉得每天都去看牙医了,牙齿感觉闪闪发光! 

2 评论:该评论对一款产品进行了简要介绍和评价。评论指出,该产品的质量过时,依赖品牌知名度和消费者忠诚度来维持销售。此外,评论还指出,该产品的底座刀片锁定不到位,需要温和对待使用。最后,评论提醒注意产品保修期的过期问题,并建议消费者购买其他产品。 


prod_review = """
Got this panda plush toy for my daughter's birthday, \
who loves it and takes it everywhere. It's soft and \ 
super cute, and its face has a friendly look. It's \ 
a bit small for what I paid though. I think there \ 
might be other options that are bigger for the \ 
same price. It arrived a day earlier than expected, \ 
so I got to play with it myself before I gave it \ 
to her.

Summarize with a word/sentence/character limit

prompt = f"""
Your task is to generate a short summary of a product \
review from an ecommerce site. 

Summarize the review below, delimited by triple 
backticks, in at most 30 words. 

Review: ```{prod_review}```

response, _ = get_completion(prompt, [])
The product review is about a pandas plush toy that was given to a daughter for her birthday. The toy is soft and cute, with a friendly face. It's a bit small for the price, but there might be other options for the same price. The toy arrived a day earlier than expected, so the girl had time to play with it before it was given to her.

Summarize with a focus on shipping and delivery

prompt = f"""
Your task is to generate a short summary of a product \
review from an ecommerce site to give feedback to the \
Shipping deparmtment. 

Summarize the review below, delimited by triple 
backticks, in at most 30 words, and focusing on any aspects \
that mention shipping and delivery of the product. 

Review: ```{prod_review}```

response,_= get_completion(prompt,[])
Overall, the product was a success. The plush toy is soft and cute, and the face of the panda is friendly. However, it is small for the price that I paid. I think there might be other options that are bigger for the same price. The product arrived early, so I got to play with it before giving it to my daughter. Overall, I would recommend this product to others.

没有突出物流特别快,只提到一句:The product arrived early

Summarize with a focus on price and value

prompt = f"""
Your task is to generate a short summary of a product \
review from an ecommerce site to give feedback to the \
pricing deparmtment, responsible for determining the \
price of the product.  

Summarize the review below, delimited by triple 
backticks, in at most 30 words, and focusing on any aspects \
that are relevant to the price and perceived value. 

Review: ```{prod_review}```

response,_ = get_completion(prompt,[])
This review describes a product from an ecommerce site, where the review concerns the price and perceived value of the product. The review includes the following information:

-   The product is a panda plush toy for a child's birthday
-   The product is soft and cute, with a friendly face
-   The product arrived early, allowing the reviewer to play with it before giving it to their child
-   The product is considered to be small for the price, but the reviewer likes that it allows their child to take it with them.


Try "extract" instead of "summarize"

prompt = f"""
Your task is to extract relevant information from \ 
a product review from an ecommerce site to give \
feedback to the Shipping department. 

From the review below, delimited by triple quotes \
extract the information relevant to shipping and \ 
delivery. Limit to 30 words. 

Review: ```{prod_review}```

response,_ = get_completion(prompt,[])
shipping was fine, but the product itself was a bit small for the price. I would suggest finding a larger size option. The toy arrived on time, which is good.

Summarize multiple product reviews

review_1 = prod_review 

# review for a standing lamp
review_2 = """
Needed a nice lamp for my bedroom, and this one \
had additional storage and not too high of a price \
point. Got it fast - arrived in 2 days. The string \
to the lamp broke during the transit and the company \
happily sent over a new one. Came within a few days \
as well. It was easy to put together. Then I had a \
missing part, so I contacted their support and they \
very quickly got me the missing piece! Seems to me \
to be a great company that cares about their customers \
and products. 

# review for an electric toothbrush
review_3 = """
My dental hygienist recommended an electric toothbrush, \
which is why I got this. The battery life seems to be \
pretty impressive so far. After initial charging and \
leaving the charger plugged in for the first week to \
condition the battery, I've unplugged the charger and \
been using it for twice daily brushing for the last \
3 weeks all on the same charge. But the toothbrush head \
is too small. I’ve seen baby toothbrushes bigger than \
this one. I wish the head was bigger with different \
length bristles to get between teeth better because \
this one doesn’t.  Overall if you can get this one \
around the $50 mark, it's a good deal. The manufactuer's \
replacements heads are pretty expensive, but you can \
get generic ones that're more reasonably priced. This \
toothbrush makes me feel like I've been to the dentist \
every day. My teeth feel sparkly clean! 

# review for a blender
review_4 = """
So, they still had the 17 piece system on seasonal \
sale for around $49 in the month of November, about \
half off, but for some reason (call it price gouging) \
around the second week of December the prices all went \
up to about anywhere from between $70-$89 for the same \
system. And the 11 piece system went up around $10 or \
so in price also from the earlier sale price of $29. \
So it looks okay, but if you look at the base, the part \
where the blade locks into place doesn’t look as good \
as in previous editions from a few years ago, but I \
plan to be very gentle with it (example, I crush \
very hard items like beans, ice, rice, etc. in the \ 
blender first then pulverize them in the serving size \
I want in the blender then switch to the whipping \
blade for a finer flour, and use the cross cutting blade \
first when making smoothies, then use the flat blade \
if I need them finer/less pulpy). Special tip when making \
smoothies, finely cut and freeze the fruits and \
vegetables (if using spinach-lightly stew soften the \ 
spinach then freeze until ready for use-and if making \
sorbet, use a small to medium sized food processor) \ 
that you plan to use that way you can avoid adding so \
much ice if at all-when making your smoothie. \
After about a year, the motor was making a funny noise. \
I called customer service but the warranty expired \
already, so I had to buy another one. FYI: The overall \
quality has gone done in these types of products, so \
they are kind of counting on brand recognition and \
consumer loyalty to maintain sales. Got it in about \
two days.

reviews = [review_1, review_2, review_3, review_4]
for i in range(len(reviews)):
    prompt = f"""
    Your task is to generate a short summary of a product \ 
    review from an ecommerce site. 

    Summarize the review below, delimited by triple \
    backticks in at most 20 words. 

    Review: ```{reviews[i]}```

    response,_ = get_completion(prompt,[])
    print(i, response, "\n")
0 The review is of a ecommerce site\'s review of a panda plush toy for a birthday gift for a daughter. The toy is soft and cute, and the face is friendly. It\'s a bit small for the price, but the reviewer feels there might be other options that are bigger for the same price. The toy arrived early, so the reviewer got to play with it before giving it to their daughter. 

1 This review describes a product review from an ecommerce site. The review reads as follows:

    This lamp was a great purchase for me as I needed a nice lamp for my bedroom. It had additional storage and was not too high of a price point. The lamp arrived fast with the string broken, but the company sent over a new one quickly. It was easy to put together and the support team was very helpful. I appreciate the company\'s attention to their customers and products. 

2 This electric toothbrush from an ecommerce site is recommended by a dental hygienist. The battery life is impressive, and it can be used twice daily on the same charge for a week. However, the toothbrush head is too small, and you may need to use different length bristles to get between teeth better. The prices for the manufacturer\'s replacement heads are higher, but you can get generic ones for less. Overall, if you can get this one for around the $50 mark, it\'s a good deal. The feeling of being clean and干燥 after using this brush is great. 

3 This review describes a product from an Ecommerce site, including its price变化 and customer reviews. The summary highlights the problems with the product, such as the Base part where the Blade Locks into place not as good as previous Editions, and the customer service issue with the warranty. The review also mentions the overall quality of the product has gone down in recent years and that the brand is counting on brand recognition and consumer loyalty to maintain sales. The product was able to be found and purchased in about two days. 


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