- Docker
- Git
- Java
- Webdriver
- ChromeDriver
- IDE such as IntelliJ
Pull Docker image for the-internet app:
docker pull gprestes/the-internet
Run the following command:
docker run -d -p 7080:5000 gprestes/the-internet
Set the following BaseUrl for your tests:
Use ChromeDriver to write Tests for the following scenarios in Java:
- Login Success: http://localhost:7080/login credentials: tomsmith/SuperSecretPassword!
- Login Failure: http://localhost:7080/login Login fail invalid creadentials
- CheckBoxes: http://localhost:7080/checkboxes Check and uncheck boxes
- ContextMenu: http://localhost:7080/context_menu Right-click in the box to see one called 'the-internet'. Test JavaScript alert text on Right-Click.
- Drag and Drop: http://localhost:7080/drag_and_drop Perofrm Drag And Drop in a Webdriver test.
- Dropdown: http://localhost:7080/dropdown Test dropdown using Webdriver.
- Dynamic Content: http://localhost:7080/dynamic_content Test content changes with page reload.
- Dynamic Controls: http://localhost:7080/dynamic_controls Test Dynamic Controls using Explicit Waits.
- Dynamic Loading: http://localhost:7080/dynamic_loading/2 Test Dynamic Loading using Explict Waits.
- File Download: http://localhost:7080/download Test File Download.
- File Upload: http://localhost:7080/upload Test File Upload.
- Floating Menu: http://localhost:7080/floating_menu Test Floating Menu.
- Iframe: http://localhost:7080/iframe Test iframe.
- Mouse Hover: http://localhost:7080/hovers Test Mouse Hover.
- JavaScript Alerts: http://localhost:7080/javascript_alerts Test confirm JS Alert.
- JavaScript Error: http://localhost:7080/javascript_error Test JS error.
- Open in New Tab: http://localhost:7080/windows Test Link Opens in new tab.
- Notification Message: http://localhost:7080/notification_message_rendered Test notification Message.
Login Success
- Page Object Model for the login page should be provided.
- Test is able to login successfully.
- Test uses an assertion to make sure User has logged in.
Login Failure
- Page Object Model for the login page should be used.
- Test is not able to login with wrong credentials.
- Test uses assertions to check Login failed for incorrect user and password.
- Test checks and unchecks checkboxes.
- Test uses assertions to make sure boxes were properly checked and unchecked.
Context Menu
- Test right clicks on the context menu.
- Test asserts the alert menu text.
Drag and Drop
- Test drags element A to element B.
- Test asserts that the text on element A and B are switched.
- Test selects Option 1 and Option 2 from the drop down menu.
- Test asserts Option 1 and Option 2 are selected.
Dynamic Content
- Test refreshes the page a couple of times.
- Test asserts that the content changes on each refresh.
Dynamic Controls
- Test clicks on the Remove Button and uses explicit wait.
- Test asserts that the checkbox is gone.
- Test clicks on Add Button and uses explicit wait.
- Test asserts that the checkbox is present.
- Test clicks on the Enable Button and uses explicit wait.
- Test asserts that the text box is enabled.
- Test clicks on the Disable Button and uses explicit wait.
- Test asserts that the text box is disabled.
Dynamic Loading
- Test clicks the start button and uses explicit wait.
- Test asserts that “Hello World!” text is displayed.
File Download
- Test clicks on the file.
- Test asserts that the file is downloaded.
File Upload
- Test uses Upload Button or Drag and Drop to upload a file.
- Test asserts that the file is uploaded.
Floating Menu
- Test scrolls the page.
- Test asserts that the floating menu is still displayed.
- Test switches to Iframe and types some text.
- Test asserts that the typed text is as expected.
Mouse Hover
- Test does a mouse hover on each image.
- Test asserts that additional information is displayed for each image.
JavaScript Alerts
- Test Clicks on JS Alert Button.
- Test asserts alert message.
- Test clicks on JS confirm Button and clicks ok on alert.
- Test asserts the alert message.
- Test clicks on JS Prompt Button and types a message on Prompt.
- Test asserts that the alert message contains the typed message.
JavaScript Error
- Test finds the JavaScript error on the page.
- Test asserts that the page contains error: Cannot read property 'xyz' of undefined.
Open in New Tab
- Test clicks on the Click Here link.
- Test asserts that a new tab is opened with text New Window.
Notification Message
- Test clicks on the Click Here link a multiple times.
- Test asserts that one of the “Action Successful”, “Action unsuccessful, please try again” and “Action Unsuccessful” messages show on click.