% The straightline programming language
Straightline is a micro programming language used in the book series Modern Compiler Implementation by Andrew Appel.
In order to develop the activities of the BCC328 (Compiler Construction 1) course you should:
- Have a github account. If you do not have one, visit the github site and sign up.
- Log in to github.
- Visit the main straightline project page.
- Fork the straightline project. For that use the
buttom at the top right of the project page.
This will create your own copy of the main repository. It can be freely modified by you. But probably you do not have permission to modify the main repository. - In your computer clone your fork of the straightline project. Notice that in the commands that follow any text written between angular brackets
shold be replaced by more appropriate text, according to your setup. For instance<working directory
should be replaced by the name of the directory (folder) for the working activities.
$ cd <working directory>
$ git clone https://github.com/<owner>/straightline.git
$ cd straightline
- Set the the upstream remote repository for your clone. The upstream remote repository is the main repository of the project from which the fork was made.
$ git remote add upstream https://github.com/romildo/straightline.git
All remote repositories can be listed with the following command:
$ git remote -v
Similar steps will also be followed when starting other github based projects on the course.
The above commands were presented to you using the command line. There are other ways to accomplish them, though. For instance they may be integrated in development environments like IntelliJ IDEA and Eclipse.
- Change your working directory to the folder containing your clone.
$ cd <working directory>/straightline
- Select the master branch of the clone of your forked project.
$ git branch
$ git checkout master
- Pull the latest changes from the remote repository.
$ git pull upstream master
- Create and select the appropriate branch for the activity.
$ git checkout -b <activity>
- Use the project code to do whatever is needed.
- Select the master branch of the clone of your forked project.
$ cd <working directory>/straightline
$ git checkout master
- Pull the latest changes from the remote repository.
$ git pull upstream master
- Create a new branch where you will develop the activity.
$ git checkout -b <activity>
- Develop the activity.
- Check the status of your cloned repository:
git status
This command list new and modified files.
- Add any new or modified file of interest to the revision history:
git add <files>
- Commit the changes:
git commit -m <message>
- Push your changes to your forked project.
git push origin <activity>
- Make a pull request (PR) from your forked project at github.
$ mvn clean
$ mvn compile
$ mvn package
- The syntax of the language is given by a context free grammar.
- Only the production rules are explicitly given.
- The sets of terminals and non-terminals are obtained from the rules.
- The initial symbol is the non-terminal on the left side of the first production rule.
Production rule | Internal representation |
Stm → Stm ; Stm |
CompoundStm |
Stm → id := Exp |
AssignStm |
Stm → print ( ExpList ) |
PrintStm |
Exp → id |
IdExp |
Exp → num |
NumExp |
Exp → Exp Binop Exp | OpExp |
Exp → ( Stm , Exp ) |
EseqExp |
ExpList → Exp | LastExpList |
ExpList → Exp , ExpList |
PairExpList |
Binop → + |
Plus |
Binop → - |
Minus |
Binop → * |
Times |
Binop → / |
Div |
a := 5 + 3;
b := ( print(a, a - ), 10*a);
- There is a class for each interesting non terminal (representing a kind of phrase).
- There is a subclass for each production rule for that non terminal (representing a particular form for the phrase).
For instance, the Stm non terminal represents statements. So there is an abstract class, named Stm
to represent all forms of statements. But there are three forms of statements, and for each one there is a subclass of Stm
- compound statements, represented by the
class - assignment statements, represented by the
class - print statements, represented by the
Add a Main
class to the project, with a main
method that creates the AST for the program given above, and print it.
As an example, below is the AST for the program:
x := 2 + 3 * 4;
Stm p = new CompoundStm(new AssignStm("x",
new OpExp(new NumExp(2),
new OpExp(new NumExp(3),
new NumExp(4),
new PrintStm(List.of(new IdExp("x"))));
Make AST
implement the interface javaslang.render.ToTree<String>
from the javalang-render
library. This will allow converting the AST to general trees of String
that can be easily drawn in different ways.
- Add the
clause to the class declaration ofAST
. - Implement the method
in each concrete subclass ofAST
. It has no arguments and returns ajavaslang.collection.Tree.Node<String>
corresponding to the AST. - Test with the AST written previously, drawing it in the terminal.
Add a method maxargs
to calculate the maximum number of arguments in print statements ocurring in a given program.
It should have no arguments and returns an int
Test with the AST you have created above.
Add a method interp
to run a program.
It should have a Map<String, Integer>
as argument representing the memory, and runs the program.
The memory can be a hash table where the keys are variable names, and the associated values are the value of the variable.
Test with the AST you have created above.
Write the class MainTest
in the directory test/java
to test the interpreter.