Unity PlayerPrefsPro uses Unity's default PlayerPrefs to save complex data types and classes (E.g. Booleans, Colors, Vectors, Lists, ...).
The syntax is actually the same as PlayerPrefs.
You may need to call namespace as follow to call PlayerPrefsPro.
using HarioGames.PlayerPrefsPro;
An example script is provided in the package and here are some examples of saving and loading datas with PlayerPrefsPro.
bool testBoolean = true;
bool resultBoolean;
PlayerPrefsPro.Save("Test_Bool", testBoolean); //"Test_Bool" is the key to store data because PlayerPrefs needs a key to store data.
resultBoolean = PlayerPrefsPro.Load("Test_Bool", false); //With default value
resultBoolean = PlayerPrefsPro.Load<bool>("Test_Bool"); //Without providing default value
Color testColor = Color.white;
Color resultColor;
//Color 32bit
Color32 testColor32 = Color.red;
Color32 resultColor32;
PlayerPrefsPro.Save("Test_Color", testColor); //"Test_Color" is the key to store data because PlayerPrefs needs a key to store data.
PlayerPrefsPro.Save("Test_Color32", testColor32); //"Test_Color32" is the key to store data because PlayerPrefs needs a key to store data.
//The keys to store data need to be different for each data.
resultColor = PlayerPrefsPro.Load("Test_Color", Color.black); //With default value
resultColor = PlayerPrefsPro.Load<Color>("Test_Color"); //Without providing default value
resultColor32 = PlayerPrefsPro.Load("Test_Color32", Color.black); //With default value
resultColor32 = PlayerPrefsPro.Load<Color32>("Test_Color32"); //Without providing default value
Vector3 testVector3 = Vector3.one;
Vector3 resultVector3;
Quaternion testQuaternion = Quaternion.identity;
Quaternion resultQuaternion;
PlayerPrefsPro.Save("Test_Vector3", testVector3); //"Test_Vector3" is the key to store data because PlayerPrefs needs a key to store data.
PlayerPrefsPro.Save("Test_Quaternion", testQuaternion); //"Test_Quaternion" is the key to store data because PlayerPrefs needs a key to store data.
resultVector3 = PlayerPrefsPro.Load("Test_Vector3", Vector3.zero); //With default value
resultVector3 = PlayerPrefsPro.Load<Vector3>("Test_Vector3"); //Without providing default value
resultQuaternion = PlayerPrefsPro.Load("Test_Quaternion", Quaternion.identity); //With default value
resultQuaternion = PlayerPrefsPro.Load<Quaternion>("Test_Quaternion"); //Without providing default value
List<int> testList = new List<int>() { 1, 2, 3};
List<int> resultList;
PlayerPrefsPro.Save("Test_List", testList); //"Test_List" is the key to store data because PlayerPrefs needs a key to store data.
resultList = PlayerPrefsPro.Load("Test_List", new List<int>()); //With default value
resultList = PlayerPrefsPro.Load<List<int>>("Test_List"); //Without providing default value
public class MyClass
public int testInt = 20;
public string testString = "Hi";
//Parameterless Constructor
public MyClass()
public MyClass(int testInt, string testString)
this.testInt = testInt;
this.testString = testString;
public MyClass testClass = new MyClass(123, "Leo");
public MyClass resultClass;
PlayerPrefsPro.Save("Test_Class", testClass); //"Test_Class" is the key to store data because PlayerPrefs need a key to store data.
resultClass = PlayerPrefsPro.Load("Test_Class", new MyClass()); //With default value
resultClass = PlayerPrefsPro.Load<MyClass>("Test_Class"); //Without providing default value
You can contact me via waiyanzawwinstar8@gmail.com.