Commission Calculator is a light weight application written in pure PHP, that accepts csv transaction file as input and based on commission rule from the config file, calculates commission for every transaction in the csv
- PSR-4 and PSR-12 complaint
- Maintains SOLID principle
- Light weight
- Composer dependency management system
- Includes Unit Tests
- Clone this project to your local machine/download the zip file and unzip
- Project is tested on a machine with PHP version 8.2.1, however it should run fine on a any machine with php version 8.1 and above.
- composer needs to be installed
- Download composer Composer Website from here if not installed.
- Example csv is expected to be sorted by date
- Broken records in csv are not handled
- go to the project directory root
- execute the following command first
composer install
- after the command is executed, please execute the following command in your terminal
php src/app.php input.csv
- go to the project directory root
- run
composer test
composer phpunit
or (for more detailed info run below command)
vendor/phpunit/phpunit/phpunit --testdox tests
- open
- to change Free Withdraw Limit for private clients, change the value of
- to change deposit fee, update the value of
- to change withdrawal fee for Business Client, update the value of
- to change withdrawal fee for Private Client, update the value of
- to change/update currency exchange API, update the value of
- open
- change/add new transaction records
- Please make sure, test transaction records are sorted by date if changed or appended new records.
- go to the project directory root
- execute the following command to generate classmap for optimal performance
composer dump-autoload -o