This is not about an object-oriented ice planet. OOHOTH is the acronym for "on one hand, on the other hand".
Its goal is to generate a text that you can then tweet. For those of you who can do 280 chars
This code
ohohoh = OOHOTH("Many many people swore to protect country from inside enemies",
"There is no 46 yet, despite everything that is taped")
ohohoh.generate(20, 20)
will generate this text
┃ Many many people swo ┃┃ There is no 46 yet, ┃
┃ re to protect countr ┃┃ despite everything t ┃
┃ y from inside enemie ┃┃ hat is taped ┃
┃ s ┃┗━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┛
I just needed to create something in Python to use what I learned. Clean code far from guaranteed.