# Status : Works on one machine, only I am sharing for getting help. Developped on pc1 (OK), installed on pc2 (KO)
Feature | pc1 | pc2 |
os | mint | mint |
netdata version | 1.8 | 1.10 |
## Disclaimer I am not a part of NetData or Neo4j, and not even a Python expert
In one word: MONITORING !
As per the NetData website ( https://my-netdata.io/ ) Unparalleled insights, in real-time, of everything happening on your systems and applications, with stunning, interactive web dashboards and powerful performance and health alarms
The source code is on github at https://github.com/firehol/netdata/
Neo4j is a graph database. Everything you need to know is in Learning Neo4j 2nd Edition
It brings you three charts in their own menu.
- Total number of nodes
- Total number of nodes per label (top 5)
- Total number of nodes per relations (top 5)
First, install NetData.
I assume its done, else see the NetData's install page
Download the files of this project and put them in the given destination folder.
Copy them in the given destination (as root).
Each .py file goes with a .conf file. The first is the code to create the graph, the latter is for the configuration. You can install each pair or not.
File name | Destination folder | Description |
dashboard_info_custom.js | /usr/share/netdata/web | the js file describing the additionnal Neo4j menu |
neo4jMon.chart.py | /usr/libexec/netdata/python.d | Total number of nodes |
neo4jMonLabels.chart.py | /usr/libexec/netdata/python.d | Total number of nodes per label (top 5 labels) |
neo4jMonRels.chart.py | /usr/libexec/netdata/python.d | Total number of nodes per relation (top 5 relations) |
neo4jMon.conf | /etc/netdata/python.d | |
neo4jMonLabels.conf | /etc/netdata/python.d | |
neo4jMonRels.conf | /etc/netdata/python.d |
Open the /etc/netdata/netdata.conf file and add this line in the [web] paragraph (indent as needed)
custom dashboard_info.js = dashboard_info_custom.js
The .conf files contain the credentials to connect to neo4j, and the server adress.
If you rightfully not use neo4j/password, some change is needed. In each file.
## Get Neo4j Python driver I tried to use pip and even pip3 without success so I just downloaded the driver from Neo4j's website and (as root), and extracted the
- neo4j
- neo4j_driver.egg-info folders in /usr/libexec/netdata/python.d/python_modules
All files added/modified must belong to netdata/netdata.
cd /usr/libexec/netdata/ sudo chown -R netdata * && chgrp -R netdata *
Same for /etc/netdata/ and /usr/share/netdata/web
Well, easy to miss this step
As root, for ubuntu and variants
service netdata restart
Go to http://localhost:19999 and enjoy. Give it an instant to show the Neo4j related graphs err ... charts
Refresh screen if needed
# Troubleshooting
- verify ports in the conf files
- check the file /var/log/netdata/error.log
- replace tabs by spaces in the .py files (if you modified them)
- I had the issue of NetData not finding the neo4j-driver, you have to install it or run the modified shell script. Is there a /usr/libexec/netdata/python.d/python_modules folder ?
# Oh files, where art thou ?
- the daemon at /usr/sbin/netdata
- config files in /etc/netdata
- web files in /usr/share/netdata
- plugins in /usr/libexec/netdata
- cache files in /var/cache/netdata
- db files in /var/lib/netdata
- log files in /var/log/netdata
- pid file at /var/run/netdata.pid
- logrotate file at /etc/logrotate.d/netdata
Probably, I have not yet contacted the authors of NetData or proposed a PR. Yet, I want a few buddies to try this. So I published it.
## How do you like NetData ?
Very much. Its a very useful tool
## What are the pros ?
Use this project to conveniently check that your imports are going well. Of course you could repeatedly query yourself but hey, why not fancy charts, mate ?
If the top 5 labels are replaced by others, the legend will have 10 label names. Easily solve this by clearing the cache.
As an almost total Python noob, this project would not work without the examples provided by the NetData and Neo4j Python driver teams.