create an addon project
Give the command a name, a comma-separated list of steps names for the the resulting wizard
wizard-generator --commandName do-that-business-thing --stepsNames MyStartWizard,MyStep1,MyStep2,MyStep3,MyStep4,MyStep5,MyStep6,MyStep7 --destinationSourceFolder gen
and hack it
This command will generate 8 classes responding to the Forge command do-that-business-thing, put in the folder gen of the current (addon) project.
Well, you refactor the package because org.wadael.changeme is probably not what you want in your source tree. Then have a look at the TODOs in the code. And of course, implement your business thing
From the Forge prompt, type addon-install-from-git --url https://github.com/wadael/MetaForgeWizard.git
Having Forge installed. Java 1.7. Must be used within a project. Preferably an addon project :) (mandatorily)
I had fun making a serie of memes like the one above
Find them here
Yes you can ! Amongst the options, there is
file issues/enhancement requests
send me lots of cash
send compliments via gmail (wadael@) , use MetaForgeWizard in the object
Thank me in the README of your addon :)
Happy with saving time thanks to this project ? Paypal me at gmail : wadael