- The main objective of the Online Chat application is to manage the details of Chat Application, Online Chat, Emoji, Users, Chat History.
- It manages all the information about Chat Application, Chat Profile, Chat History. Provides the searching facilities based on various factors.
- It allows users to edit and upload photos and short videos through a app. User can add caption to their posts and use hashtags and location-based geotags and make them searchable by other users within the app.
- User can like, comment on and bookmark others posts, as well as send messages to their friends via app. Users also have option their followers can view posts, there is also followers option in app people can follow each other.
- Building a user friendly platform for chatting.
Frontend: XML
Backend: Java
Database: Firebase Console
For support, email vaibhavsonu0506@gmail.com
If you have any feedback, please reach out to us at vaibhavsonu0506@gmail.com