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A Chess Game backend made with Django

For Documentation and reference to the Game design, see docs here

This project uses pre-commit and black for formatting.

Quick Start

Clone the repo:

with https

git clone

or SSH

git clone

or with Git CLI

gh repo clone wawanjohi/chess-python

Setup virtual env:

Linux or Mac:

virtualenv venv && source venv/bin/activate

Windows: Create the environment venv and run this on powershell:


While at it, copy .env.example to .env and prepopulate the values as you need to.

Setup Channel Layers:

You can use in-memory channel layers, but be sure to move to a production-ready channel layer such as Redis.

Setting up InMemoryChannelLayer:

Add this to your Setting at config/

        "default": {
            "BACKEND": "channels.layers.InMemoryChannelLayer"

Setup channel layers to use Redis

Make sure Redis is installed and working on your machine. This works out of the box on Mac or Linux.


sudo apt install redis


sudo pacman -S redis


sudo dnf -y install redis

Install with Snap (Compatible with most linux Distros)

sudo snap install redis

For Windows, you will either have to use Docker or other third-party ways for connecting to a linux environment as Redis doesn't work out of the box.


docker run -it --name chess-python-redis -d redis

I'd highly recommend that you use Memurai if you don't intend to use Docker

Add this to your settings at config/

        "default": {
            "BACKEND": "channels_redis.core.RedisChannelLayer",
            "CONFIG": {
                "hosts": [("", 6379)],

Setup pre commit:

Adjust the python version on .pre-commit-config.yaml to match yours (3.9.x recommended) on this line:
language_version: python3.x.x

Run Project

Migrate and create superuser:

python migrate
python createsuperuser

Run the project:

python runserver

Go to http://localhost:8000 to ping a move!