Internet Time Clock (Ring 60Leds + Clock 58Leds) for PlatformIO
Used Libraries
fastled/FastLED @ ^3.6.0
paulstoffregen/OneWire @ ^2.3.7
milesburton/DallasTemperature @ ^3.11.0
On first launch, an unsecured Wifi Access Point will be created!
When connecting to this you will be redirected to your browser to the web configuration panel. (
Please select your router there and enter your password.
Selectable languages are German, English and Dutch.
With the help of a checkbox you can protect the web control panel with a password, which you can enter in the text field below.
The password already contained therein was automatically generated at the first start.
Finally, all you have to do is click on save - if everything went well, ######** should appear in the wifi password text field.
Now you can click Reboot device to connect to your router.
To call up the web configuration panel again, you have to press the "Start Config Button" for about 3 seconds when restarting/switching on.
Full Changelog: V1.0...V1.1