This is the home repository for work done by the W3C Publishing Community Group (Github Page). The Publishing Community Group is the incubator community for Publishing@W3C. The goal of the group is to propose, document, and prototype features broadly related to
- publications on the Web,
- reading modes and systems,
- the user experience of digital publications.
These topics are general and the community errs on the side of inclusive discussions; specifics are kept to dedicated issues. See Ways to Contribute if you'd like to participate but are unsure how.
For incubation of Web Platform features, visit the Web Platform Incubator Community Group (WICG).
Monthly CG Meeting Minutes and Agenda
- Accessibility Task force works and discussions are located at w3c publ-a11y GitHub repo
- Fixed Layout Accessibility Task force produced Fixed Layout Accessibility Preview
- Anti Counterfeit Task Force
- Documentation Task force
- Education Task force
- TaskForce vertical-writing-switching produced Alternate Style Tags 1.2 draft.
- User experience guide for displaying machine readable accessibility metadata
- Harmonisation of MARC accessibility metadata with and ONIX accessibility metadata
- Document for providing guidance to publishers, how to write a good accessibility summary
- EPUB Accessibility - EU Accessibility Act Mapping
- DAISY Accessible Publishing Knowledge Base
- Join the CG and participate in group calls.
- Join the discussion around your issues of interest.
- File new issues and rally the community around them. The more interest around an issue, the more likely it is to thrive.
- Not sure if an issue belongs here? File it anyway, and the community can help you identify the proper channel.
- Contribute to documentation and prototypes as well as you can. Members are encouraged to contribute with their own expertise.
- Help identify overlapping communities that could benefit from our work, or help mature ideas graduate into dedicated communities, such as W3C working groups.
Use the standard fork, branch, and pull request workflow to propose changes to group documents. Make branch names informatively, including the related issue number, for example. If you need help with git, see W3C on GitHub. Chairs are happy to help you get started.
Editorial changes that improve the readability or correct spelling or grammatical mistakes are welcome.
Please read, about licensing contributions.