Iaso is a georegistry and data collection web platform structured around trees of organization units (also known a master lists)
The main tasks it allows to do are:
- Data collection using [XLSForm](https://xlsform.org/) forms linked to org units through a mobile application.
- Import, comparison and merging of multiple org. units trees, both through a web application and an API allowing manipulation through data science tools like [Jupyter notebooks](https://jupyter.org/).
- Validation of received data for org. units trees and forms.
- Exports of the org. unit trees and form data, either in csv, xlsx, [GeoPackage](https://www.geopackage.org/) or through an api.
No local setup should be needed apart from:
The local dev setup uses docker-compose to spin up all necessary services. Make sure you have it installed and can connect to the docker daemon.
The docker-compose.yml file contains sensible defaults for the django application.
Other environment variables can be provided by a .env file.
As a starting point, you can copy the sample .env.dist file and edit it to your needs.
cp .env.dist .env
Run in project directory:
docker-compose build
docker-compose run iaso manage migrate
Run in project directory:
docker-compose up
This will build and download the containers and start them. The docker-compose.yml
file describes the setup of the containers.
The web server should be reachable at http://localhost:8081
To login to the app or the django admin, a superuser needs to be created with:
docker-compose run iaso manage createsuperuser
Then additional users with custom groups and permissions can be added through
the django admin at /admin
or loaded via fixtures.
Each docker container uses the same script as entrypoint. The entrypoint.sh
script offers a range of commands to start services or run commands.
The full list of commands can be seen in the script.
The pattern to run a command is always
docker-compose run <container-name> <entrypoint-command> <...args>
The following are some examples:
To seed data coming from play.dhis2.org, since the previous commands doesn't run in the same container, you need to do a run a docker exec command
docker exec iaso_iaso_1 ./manage.py seed_test_data --mode=seed --dhis2version=2.32.6
you can then login through with :
- user : testemail2.31.8
- password: testemail2.31.8
Django 3 requires version 2+ of the gdal library. Sadly, Beanstalk is based on Amazon Linux that can only install gdal 1 from the epel repository. To be able to use gdal 2, first identify the AMI of the Elastic Beanstalk EC2 server. In EC2, launch a new instance based on that AMI. In the instance, run (based on https://stackoverflow.com/questions/49637407/deploying-a-geodjango-application-on-aws-elastic-beanstalk and adapted to use /usr instead of /usr/local): (For Amazon Linux 2, use geos-3.5.2)
wget http://download.osgeo.org/geos/geos-3.4.2.tar.bz2 tar xjf geos-3.4.2.tar.bz2 cd geos-3.4.2 ./configure --prefix=/usr make sudo make install cd ..
wget http://download.osgeo.org/proj/proj-4.9.1.tar.gz wget http://download.osgeo.org/proj/proj-datumgrid-1.5.tar.gz tar xzf proj-4.9.1.tar.gz cd proj-4.9.1/nad tar xzf ../../proj-datumgrid-1.5.tar.gz cd .. ./configure --prefix=/usr make sudo make install cd ..
sudo yum-config-manager --enable epel sudo yum -y update
sudo yum install make automake gcc gcc-c++ libcurl-devel proj-devel geos-devel autoconf automake gdal cd /tmp
curl -L http://download.osgeo.org/gdal/2.2.3/gdal-2.2.3.tar.gz | tar zxf - cd gdal-2.2.3/ ./configure --prefix=/usr --without-python
make -j4 sudo make install
sudo ldconfig
Then go to Actions -> Image -> Create Image When it's ready, go to the Beanstalk Instance Settings and specify the AMI reference of the image we just created.
The list of the main containers:
All of the container definitions for development can be found in the docker-compose.yml
Postgresql uses Django ORM models for table configuration and migrations.
Tests can be executed with
docker-compose run iaso test
User fixtures can be loaded when testing. This is the list (<name>:<password>) of users:
To export some data from the database to create fixtures run e.g.:
docker-compose run iaso manage dumpdata auth.User --indent 2
To load some fixture into the database manually run e.g.:
docker-compose run iaso manage loaddata users
In development the django dev server will restart when it detects a file change, either in Python or Javascript.
docker-compose stop && docker-compose start
If you encounter problems, you can try to rebuild everything from scratch.
# kill containers
docker-compose kill
# remove `iaso` container
docker-compose rm -f iaso
# build containers
docker-compose build
# start-up containers
docker-compose up
We have adopted Black https://github.com/psf/black as our code formatting tool.
The easiest way to use is is to set it up as a pre-commit hook:
- Install pre-commit: pip install pre-commit
- Add pre-commit to requirements.txt (or requirements-dev.txt)
- Define .pre-commit-config.yaml with the hooks you want to include.
- Execute pre-commit install to install git hooks in your .git/ directory.
Here is an example of pre-commit-config.yaml:
- repo: https://github.com/ambv/black
rev: stable
- id: black
language_version: python3.6
if often block the deployment.
you can test the default message extraction with
# make sure you commit everything
npm run webpack-prod
git clean -n
git clean -f ..
To run a Jupyter Notebook, just activate the virtualenv and run
python manage.py shell_plus --notebook
If you need to test s3 storage in development, you have to:
- Set the AWS_STORAGE_BUCKET_NAME env variable to a bucket created for such tests
- Set the AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY env variables appropriately
- Change the DEFAULT_FILE_STORAGE setting to storages.backends.s3boto3.S3Boto3Storage
To enable the Enketo editor in your local environment, you will have to install our fork of enketo-express:
git clone git@bitbucket.org:bluesquare_org/enketo-express.git
cd setup/docker
docker-compose up
Then, you need to make sure your .env file is properly configured. ENKETO_URL should be set to (Replace by your host)
docker-compose up
docker exec iaso_iaso_1 ./manage.py seed_test_data --mode=seed --dhis2version=2.32.6