#8.5 Summary In this chapter, I introduced you several main stream web application development model. In section 8.1, I described the basic networking programming: Socket programming. Because the direction of the network being rapid evolution, and the Socket is the cornerstone of knowledge of this evolution, you must be mastered as a developer. In section 8.2, I described HTML5 WebSocket, the increasingly popular feature, the server can push messages through it, simplified the polling mode of AJAX. In section 8.3, we implemented a simple RESTful application, which is particularly suited to the development of network API; due to rapid develop of mobile applications, I believe it will be a trend. In section 8.4, we learned about Go RPC.
Go provides good support above four kinds of development methods. Note that package net
and its sub-packages is the place where network programming tools of Go are. If you want more in-depth understanding of the relevant implementation details, you should try to read source code of those packages.
- Directory
- Previous section: RPC
- Next chapter: Security and encryption