diff --git a/.rubocop_todo.yml b/.rubocop_todo.yml
index 14315837..de6418ee 100644
--- a/.rubocop_todo.yml
+++ b/.rubocop_todo.yml
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
# This configuration was generated by
# `rubocop --auto-gen-config`
-# on 2023-08-17 21:26:09 UTC using RuboCop version 1.50.2.
+# on 2024-08-06 17:00:26 UTC using RuboCop version 1.50.2.
# The point is for the user to remove these configuration records
# one by one as the offenses are removed from the code base.
# Note that changes in the inspected code, or installation of new
@@ -12,6 +12,44 @@ Lint/NonAtomicFileOperation:
- 'lib/puppet/provider/archive/ruby.rb'
+# Offense count: 1
+ Exclude:
+ - 'lib/puppet/type/archive.rb'
+# Offense count: 1
+# Configuration parameters: MinNameLength, AllowNamesEndingInNumbers, AllowedNames, ForbiddenNames.
+# AllowedNames: as, at, by, cc, db, id, if, in, io, ip, of, on, os, pp, to
+ Exclude:
+ - 'spec/lib/puppet_spec/files.rb'
+# Offense count: 9
+# Configuration parameters: AssignmentOnly.
+ Exclude:
+ - 'spec/unit/puppet/provider/archive/ruby_spec.rb'
+ - 'spec/unit/puppet/type/archive_spec.rb'
+# Offense count: 1
+# Configuration parameters: EnforcedStyle.
+# SupportedStyles: have_received, receive
+ Exclude:
+ - 'spec/lib/puppet_spec/compiler.rb'
+# Offense count: 4
+# Configuration parameters: IgnoreNameless, IgnoreSymbolicNames.
+ Exclude:
+ - 'spec/unit/puppet/type/archive_spec.rb'
+# Offense count: 4
+# Configuration parameters: AllowedVariables.
+ Exclude:
+ - 'spec/lib/puppet_spec/files.rb'
# Offense count: 1
# This cop supports unsafe autocorrection (--autocorrect-all).
# Configuration parameters: AllowComments.
diff --git a/REFERENCE.md b/REFERENCE.md
index 1a842069..2d69cc0a 100644
--- a/REFERENCE.md
+++ b/REFERENCE.md
@@ -632,6 +632,11 @@ Parameters
+#### Examples
archive::nexus { '/tmp/jtstand-ui-0.98.jar':
url => 'https://oss.sonatype.org',
gav => 'org.codehaus.jtstand:jtstand-ui:0.98',
@@ -639,6 +644,7 @@ archive::nexus { '/tmp/jtstand-ui-0.98.jar':
packaging => 'jar',
extract => false,
#### Parameters
@@ -895,6 +901,72 @@ whether archive file should be present/absent (default: present)
Default value: `present`
+##### `onlyif`
+A test command that checks the state of the target system and restricts
+when the `archive` can run. If present, Puppet runs this test command
+first, and only runs the main command if the test has an exit code of 0
+(success). For example:
+ ```
+ archive { '/tmp/jta-1.1.jar':
+ ensure => present,
+ extract => true,
+ extract_path => '/tmp',
+ source => 'http://central.maven.org/maven2/javax/transaction/jta/1.1/jta-1.1.jar',
+ onlyif => 'test `java -version 2>&1 | awk -F '"' '/version/ {print $2}' | awk -F '.' '{sub("^$", "0", $2); print $1$2}'` -gt 15',
+ cleanup => true,
+ env_path => ["/bin", "/usr/bin", "/sbin", "/usr/sbin"],
+ }
+ ```
+Since this command is used in the process of determining whether the
+`archive` is already in sync, it must be run during a noop Puppet run.
+This parameter can also take an array of commands. For example:
+ onlyif => ['test -f /tmp/file1', 'test -f /tmp/file2'],
+or an array of arrays. For example:
+ onlyif => [['test', '-f', '/tmp/file1'], 'test -f /tmp/file2']
+This `archive` would only run if every command in the array has an
+exit code of 0 (success).
+##### `unless`
+A test command that checks the state of the target system and restricts
+when the `archive` can run. If present, Puppet runs this test command
+first, then runs the main command unless the test has an exit code of 0
+(success). For example:
+ ```
+ archive { '/tmp/jta-1.1.jar':
+ ensure => present,
+ extract => true,
+ extract_path => '/tmp',
+ source => 'http://central.maven.org/maven2/javax/transaction/jta/1.1/jta-1.1.jar',
+ unless => 'test `java -version 2>&1 | awk -F '"' '/version/ {print $2}' | awk -F '.' '{sub("^$", "0", $2); print $1$2}'` -gt 15',
+ cleanup => true,
+ env_path => ["/bin", "/usr/bin", "/sbin", "/usr/sbin"],
+ }
+ ```
+Since this command is used in the process of determining whether the
+`archive` is already in sync, it must be run during a noop Puppet run.
+This parameter can also take an array of commands. For example:
+ unless => ['test -f /tmp/file1', 'test -f /tmp/file2'],
+or an array of arrays. For example:
+ unless => [['test', '-f', '/tmp/file1'], 'test -f /tmp/file2']
+This `archive` would only run if every command in the array has a
+non-zero exit code.
#### Parameters
The following parameters are available in the `archive` type.
@@ -910,6 +982,8 @@ The following parameters are available in the `archive` type.
* [`digest_type`](#-archive--digest_type)
* [`digest_url`](#-archive--digest_url)
* [`download_options`](#-archive--download_options)
+* [`env_path`](#-archive--env_path)
+* [`environment`](#-archive--environment)
* [`extract`](#-archive--extract)
* [`extract_command`](#-archive--extract_command)
* [`extract_flags`](#-archive--extract_flags)
@@ -998,6 +1072,20 @@ archive file checksum source (instead of specifying checksum)
provider download options (affects curl, wget, gs, and only s3 downloads for ruby provider)
+##### `env_path`
+The search path used for check execution.
+Commands must be fully qualified if no path is specified. Paths
+can be specified as an array or as a '
+##### `environment`
+An array of any additional environment variables you want to set for a
+command, such as `[ 'HOME=/root', 'MAIL=root@example.com']`.
+Note that if you use this to set PATH, it will override the `path`
+attribute. Multiple environment variables should be specified as an
##### `extract`
Valid values: `true`, `false`
diff --git a/lib/puppet/provider/archive/ruby.rb b/lib/puppet/provider/archive/ruby.rb
index c83c2e41..021bc4ef 100644
--- a/lib/puppet/provider/archive/ruby.rb
+++ b/lib/puppet/provider/archive/ruby.rb
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
require 'securerandom'
require 'tempfile'
+require 'puppet/util/execution'
# This provider implements a simple state-machine. The following attempts to #
# document it. In general, `def adjective?` implements a [state], while `def
@@ -59,6 +60,7 @@
Puppet::Type.type(:archive).provide(:ruby) do
+ include Puppet::Util::Execution
optional_commands aws: 'aws'
optional_commands gsutil: 'gsutil'
defaultfor feature: :microsoft_windows
@@ -95,18 +97,6 @@ def tempfile_name
- def creates
- if resource[:extract] == :true
- extracted? ? resource[:creates] : 'archive not extracted'
- else
- resource[:creates]
- end
- end
- def creates=(_value)
- extract
- end
def checksum
resource[:checksum] || (resource[:checksum] = remote_checksum if resource[:checksum_url])
@@ -127,7 +117,7 @@ def remote_checksum
# returns boolean
def checksum?(store_checksum = true)
return false unless File.exist? archive_filepath
- return true if resource[:checksum_type] == :none
+ return true if resource[:checksum_type] == :none
archive = PuppetX::Bodeco::Archive.new(archive_filepath)
archive_checksum = archive.checksum(resource[:checksum_type])
@@ -156,7 +146,7 @@ def extract
def extracted?
- resource[:creates] && File.exist?(resource[:creates])
+ resource.check_all_attributes
def transfer_download(archive_filepath)
@@ -258,4 +248,122 @@ def optional_switch(value, option)
+ # Verify that we have the executable
+ def checkexe(command)
+ exe = extractexe(command)
+ if Facter.value(:osfamily) == 'windows'
+ if absolute_path?(exe)
+ if !Puppet::FileSystem.exist?(exe)
+ raise ArgumentError, format(_("Could not find command '%{exe}'"), exe: exe)
+ elsif !File.file?(exe)
+ raise ArgumentError, format(_("'%{exe}' is a %{klass}, not a file"), exe: exe, klass: File.ftype(exe))
+ end
+ end
+ elsif File.expand_path(exe) == exe
+ if !Puppet::FileSystem.exist?(exe)
+ raise ArgumentError, format(_("Could not find command '%{exe}'"), exe: exe)
+ elsif !File.file?(exe)
+ raise ArgumentError, format(_("'%{exe}' is a %{klass}, not a file"), exe: exe, klass: File.ftype(exe))
+ elsif !File.executable?(exe)
+ raise ArgumentError, format(_("'%{exe}' is not executable"), exe: exe)
+ end
+ end
+ if resource[:env_path]
+ Puppet::Util.withenv PATH: resource[:env_path].join(File::PATH_SEPARATOR) do
+ return if which(exe)
+ end
+ end
+ # 'which' will only return the command if it's executable, so we can't
+ # distinguish not found from not executable
+ raise ArgumentError, format(_("Could not find command '%{exe}'"), exe: exe)
+ end
+ def environment
+ env = {}
+ if (path = resource[:env_path])
+ env[:PATH] = path.join(File::PATH_SEPARATOR)
+ end
+ return env unless (envlist = resource[:environment])
+ envlist = [envlist] unless envlist.is_a? Array
+ envlist.each do |setting|
+ unless (match = %r{^(\w+)=((.|\n)*)$}.match(setting))
+ warning "Cannot understand environment setting #{setting.inspect}"
+ next
+ end
+ var = match[1]
+ value = match[2]
+ warning "Overriding environment setting '#{var}' with '#{value}'" if env.include?(var) || env.include?(var.to_sym)
+ if value.nil? || value.empty?
+ msg = "Empty environment setting '#{var}'"
+ Puppet.warn_once('undefined_variables', "empty_env_var_#{var}", msg, resource.file, resource.line)
+ end
+ env[var] = value
+ end
+ env
+ end
+ def run(command, check = false)
+ checkexe(command)
+ debug "Executing#{check ? ' check' : ''} #{command}"
+ cwd = resource[:extract] ? resource[:extract_path] : File.dirname(resource[:path])
+ # It's ok if cwd is nil. In that case Puppet::Util::Execution.execute() simply will not attempt to
+ # change the working directory, which is exactly the right behavior when no cwd parameter is
+ # expressed on the resource. Moreover, attempting to change to the directory that is already
+ # the working directory can fail under some circumstances, so avoiding the directory change attempt
+ # is preferable to defaulting cwd to that directory.
+ # NOTE: that we are passing "false" for the "override_locale" parameter, which ensures that the user's
+ # default/system locale will be respected. Callers may override this behavior by setting locale-related
+ # environment variables (LANG, LC_ALL, etc.) in their 'environment' configuration.
+ output = Puppet::Util::Execution.execute(
+ command,
+ failonfail: false,
+ combine: true,
+ cwd: cwd,
+ uid: resource[:user],
+ gid: resource[:group],
+ override_locale: false,
+ custom_environment: environment,
+ sensitive: false
+ )
+ # The shell returns 127 if the command is missing.
+ raise ArgumentError, output if output.exitstatus == 127
+ # Return output twice as processstatus was returned before, but only exitstatus was ever called.
+ # Output has the exitstatus on it so it is returned instead. This is here twice as changing this
+ # would result in a change to the underlying API.
+ [output, output]
+ end
+ def extractexe(command)
+ if command.is_a? Array
+ command.first
+ else
+ match = %r{^"([^"]+)"|^'([^']+)'}.match(command)
+ if match
+ # extract whichever of the two sides matched the content.
+ match[1] or match[2]
+ else
+ command.split(%r{ })[0]
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def validatecmd(command)
+ exe = extractexe(command)
+ # if we're not fully qualified, require a path
+ self.fail "'#{exe}' is not qualified and no path was specified. Please qualify the command or specify a path." if !absolute_path?(exe) && resource[:path].nil?
+ end
diff --git a/lib/puppet/type/archive.rb b/lib/puppet/type/archive.rb
index 6535e86b..db331184 100644
--- a/lib/puppet/type/archive.rb
+++ b/lib/puppet/type/archive.rb
@@ -8,6 +8,19 @@
Puppet::Type.newtype(:archive) do
@doc = 'Manage archive file download, extraction, and cleanup.'
+ # Create a new check mechanism. It's basically a parameter that
+ # provides one extra 'check' method.
+ def self.newcheck(name, options = {}, &block)
+ @checks ||= {}
+ check = newparam(name, options, &block)
+ @checks[name] = check
+ end
+ def self.checks
+ @checks.keys
+ end
ensurable do
desc 'whether archive file should be present/absent (default: present)'
@@ -103,14 +116,6 @@ def change_to_s(currentvalue, newvalue)
- newproperty(:creates) do
- desc 'if file/directory exists, will not download/extract archive.'
- def should_to_s(value)
- "extracting in #{resource[:extract_path]} to create #{value}"
- end
- end
newparam(:cleanup) do
desc 'whether archive file will be removed after extraction (true|false).'
newvalues(:true, :false)
@@ -251,6 +256,174 @@ def should_to_s(value)
+ newparam(:env_path) do
+ desc "The search path used for check execution.
+ Commands must be fully qualified if no path is specified. Paths
+ can be specified as an array or as a '#{File::PATH_SEPARATOR}' separated list."
+ # Support both arrays and colon-separated fields.
+ def value=(*values)
+ @value = values.flatten.map do |val|
+ val.split(File::PATH_SEPARATOR)
+ end.flatten
+ end
+ end
+ newparam(:environment) do
+ desc "An array of any additional environment variables you want to set for a
+ command, such as `[ 'HOME=/root', 'MAIL=root@example.com']`.
+ Note that if you use this to set PATH, it will override the `path`
+ attribute. Multiple environment variables should be specified as an
+ array."
+ validate do |values|
+ values = [values] unless values.is_a? Array
+ values.each do |value|
+ raise ArgumentError, "Invalid environment setting '#{value}'" unless value =~ %r{\w+=}
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ newcheck(:creates, parent: Puppet::Parameter::Path) do
+ desc 'if file/directory exists, will not download/extract archive.'
+ accept_arrays
+ # If the file exists, return false (i.e., don't run the command),
+ # else return true
+ def check(value)
+ # TRANSLATORS 'creates' is a parameter name and should not be translated
+ debug("Checking that 'creates' path '#{value}' exists")
+ !Puppet::FileSystem.exist?(value)
+ end
+ end
+ newcheck(:unless) do
+ desc <<-EOT
+ A test command that checks the state of the target system and restricts
+ when the `archive` can run. If present, Puppet runs this test command
+ first, then runs the main command unless the test has an exit code of 0
+ (success). For example:
+ ```
+ archive { '/tmp/jta-1.1.jar':
+ ensure => present,
+ extract => true,
+ extract_path => '/tmp',
+ source => 'http://central.maven.org/maven2/javax/transaction/jta/1.1/jta-1.1.jar',
+ unless => 'test `java -version 2>&1 | awk -F '"' '/version/ {print $2}' | awk -F '.' '{sub("^$", "0", $2); print $1$2}'` -gt 15',
+ cleanup => true,
+ env_path => ["/bin", "/usr/bin", "/sbin", "/usr/sbin"],
+ }
+ ```
+ Since this command is used in the process of determining whether the
+ `archive` is already in sync, it must be run during a noop Puppet run.
+ This parameter can also take an array of commands. For example:
+ unless => ['test -f /tmp/file1', 'test -f /tmp/file2'],
+ or an array of arrays. For example:
+ unless => [['test', '-f', '/tmp/file1'], 'test -f /tmp/file2']
+ This `archive` would only run if every command in the array has a
+ non-zero exit code.
+ validate do |cmds|
+ cmds = [cmds] unless cmds.is_a? Array
+ cmds.each do |command|
+ provider.validatecmd(command)
+ end
+ end
+ # Return true if the command does not return 0.
+ def check(value)
+ begin
+ output, status = provider.run(value, true)
+ rescue Timeout::Error
+ err format('Check %{value} exceeded timeout', value: value.inspect)
+ return false
+ end
+ if sensitive
+ debug('[output redacted]')
+ else
+ output.split(%r{\n}).each do |line|
+ debug(line)
+ end
+ end
+ status.exitstatus != 0
+ end
+ end
+ newcheck(:onlyif) do
+ desc <<-EOT
+ A test command that checks the state of the target system and restricts
+ when the `archive` can run. If present, Puppet runs this test command
+ first, and only runs the main command if the test has an exit code of 0
+ (success). For example:
+ ```
+ archive { '/tmp/jta-1.1.jar':
+ ensure => present,
+ extract => true,
+ extract_path => '/tmp',
+ source => 'http://central.maven.org/maven2/javax/transaction/jta/1.1/jta-1.1.jar',
+ onlyif => 'test `java -version 2>&1 | awk -F '"' '/version/ {print $2}' | awk -F '.' '{sub("^$", "0", $2); print $1$2}'` -gt 15',
+ cleanup => true,
+ env_path => ["/bin", "/usr/bin", "/sbin", "/usr/sbin"],
+ }
+ ```
+ Since this command is used in the process of determining whether the
+ `archive` is already in sync, it must be run during a noop Puppet run.
+ This parameter can also take an array of commands. For example:
+ onlyif => ['test -f /tmp/file1', 'test -f /tmp/file2'],
+ or an array of arrays. For example:
+ onlyif => [['test', '-f', '/tmp/file1'], 'test -f /tmp/file2']
+ This `archive` would only run if every command in the array has an
+ exit code of 0 (success).
+ validate do |cmds|
+ cmds = [cmds] unless cmds.is_a? Array
+ cmds.each do |command|
+ provider.validatecmd(command)
+ end
+ end
+ # Return true if the command returns 0.
+ def check(value)
+ begin
+ output, status = provider.run(value, true)
+ rescue Timeout::Error
+ err format('Check %{value} exceeded timeout', value: value.inspect)
+ return false
+ end
+ if sensitive
+ debug('[output redacted]')
+ else
+ output.split(%r{\n}).each do |line|
+ debug(line)
+ end
+ end
+ status.exitstatus.zero?
+ end
+ end
autorequire(:file) do
@@ -280,4 +453,28 @@ def should_to_s(value)
self[:proxy_type] = :none
+ # Verify that we pass all of the checks. The argument determines whether
+ # we skip the :refreshonly check, which is necessary because we now check
+ # within refresh
+ def check_all_attributes
+ self.class.checks.each do |check|
+ next unless @parameters.include?(check)
+ val = @parameters[check].value
+ val = [val] unless val.is_a? Array
+ val.each do |value|
+ next if @parameters[check].check(value)
+ # Give a debug message so users can figure out what command would have been
+ # but don't print sensitive commands or parameters in the clear
+ sourcestring = @parameters[:source].sensitive ? '[command redacted]' : @parameters[:source].value
+ debug("'#{sourcestring}' won't be executed because of failed check '#{check}'")
+ return true
+ end
+ end
+ false
+ end
diff --git a/manifests/nexus.pp b/manifests/nexus.pp
index 2a9395b8..312e63b7 100644
--- a/manifests/nexus.pp
+++ b/manifests/nexus.pp
@@ -9,14 +9,14 @@
# Examples
# --------
-# archive::nexus { '/tmp/jtstand-ui-0.98.jar':
-# url => 'https://oss.sonatype.org',
-# gav => 'org.codehaus.jtstand:jtstand-ui:0.98',
-# repository => 'codehaus-releases',
-# packaging => 'jar',
-# extract => false,
-# }
+# @example
+# archive::nexus { '/tmp/jtstand-ui-0.98.jar':
+# url => 'https://oss.sonatype.org',
+# gav => 'org.codehaus.jtstand:jtstand-ui:0.98',
+# repository => 'codehaus-releases',
+# packaging => 'jar',
+# extract => false,
+# }
define archive::nexus (
String $url,
diff --git a/spec/acceptance/authentication_spec.rb b/spec/acceptance/authentication_spec.rb
index ee9ce86f..fa28c6ae 100644
--- a/spec/acceptance/authentication_spec.rb
+++ b/spec/acceptance/authentication_spec.rb
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
context 'authenticated download' do
let(:source) do
parser = URI::RFC2396_Parser.new
- parser.escape("http://httpbin.org/basic-auth/user/#{password}")
+ parser.escape("https://httpbin.org/basic-auth/user/#{password}")
let(:pp) do
diff --git a/spec/lib/puppet_spec/compiler.rb b/spec/lib/puppet_spec/compiler.rb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..36361816
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/lib/puppet_spec/compiler.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+# file from https://github.com/puppetlabs/puppet/blob/6.x/spec/lib/puppet_spec/compiler.rb
+module PuppetSpec::Compiler
+ module_function
+ def compile_to_catalog(string, node = Puppet::Node.new('test'))
+ Puppet[:code] = string
+ # see lib/puppet/indirector/catalog/compiler.rb#filter
+ Puppet::Parser::Compiler.compile(node).filter(&:virtual?)
+ end
+ # Does not removed virtual resources in compiled catalog (i.e. keeps unrealized)
+ def compile_to_catalog_unfiltered(string, node = Puppet::Node.new('test'))
+ Puppet[:code] = string
+ # see lib/puppet/indirector/catalog/compiler.rb#filter
+ Puppet::Parser::Compiler.compile(node)
+ end
+ def compile_to_ral(manifest, node = Puppet::Node.new('test'))
+ catalog = compile_to_catalog(manifest, node)
+ ral = catalog.to_ral
+ ral.finalize
+ ral
+ end
+ def compile_to_relationship_graph(manifest, prioritizer = Puppet::Graph::SequentialPrioritizer.new)
+ ral = compile_to_ral(manifest)
+ graph = Puppet::Graph::RelationshipGraph.new(prioritizer)
+ graph.populate_from(ral)
+ graph
+ end
+ def apply_compiled_manifest(manifest, prioritizer = Puppet::Graph::SequentialPrioritizer.new, &block)
+ catalog = compile_to_ral(manifest)
+ catalog.resources.each(&block) if block_given?
+ transaction = Puppet::Transaction.new(catalog,
+ Puppet::Transaction::Report.new,
+ prioritizer)
+ transaction.evaluate
+ transaction.report.finalize_report
+ transaction
+ end
+ def apply_with_error_check(manifest)
+ apply_compiled_manifest(manifest) do |res|
+ expect(res).not_to receive(:err)
+ end
+ end
+ def order_resources_traversed_in(relationships)
+ order_seen = []
+ relationships.traverse { |resource| order_seen << resource.ref }
+ order_seen
+ end
+ def collect_notices(code, node = Puppet::Node.new('foonode'))
+ Puppet[:code] = code
+ compiler = Puppet::Parser::Compiler.new(node)
+ node.environment.check_for_reparse
+ logs = []
+ Puppet::Util::Log.with_destination(Puppet::Test::LogCollector.new(logs)) do
+ yield(compiler)
+ end
+ logs.select { |log| log.level == :notice }.map(&:message)
+ end
+ def eval_and_collect_notices(code, node = Puppet::Node.new('foonode'), topscope_vars = {})
+ collect_notices(code, node) do |compiler|
+ unless topscope_vars.empty?
+ scope = compiler.topscope
+ topscope_vars.each { |k, v| scope.setvar(k, v) }
+ end
+ if block_given?
+ compiler.compile do |catalog|
+ yield(compiler.topscope, catalog)
+ catalog
+ end
+ else
+ compiler.compile
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ # Compiles a catalog, and if source is given evaluates it and returns its result.
+ # The catalog is returned if no source is given.
+ # Topscope variables are set before compilation
+ # Uses a created node 'testnode' if none is given.
+ # (Parameters given by name)
+ #
+ def evaluate(code: 'undef', source: nil, node: Puppet::Node.new('testnode'), variables: {})
+ source_location = caller[0]
+ Puppet[:code] = code
+ compiler = Puppet::Parser::Compiler.new(node)
+ unless variables.empty?
+ scope = compiler.topscope
+ variables.each { |k, v| scope.setvar(k, v) }
+ end
+ if source.nil?
+ compiler.compile
+ # see lib/puppet/indirector/catalog/compiler.rb#filter
+ return compiler.filter(&:virtual?)
+ end
+ # evaluate given source is the context of the compiled state and return its result
+ compiler.compile do |_catalog|
+ Puppet::Pops::Parser::EvaluatingParser.singleton.evaluate_string(compiler.topscope, source, source_location)
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/spec/lib/puppet_spec/files.rb b/spec/lib/puppet_spec/files.rb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..616f32ba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/lib/puppet_spec/files.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+# file from https://github.com/puppetlabs/puppet/blob/6.x/spec/lib/puppet_spec/files.rb
+require 'fileutils'
+require 'tempfile'
+require 'tmpdir'
+require 'pathname'
+# A support module for testing files.
+module PuppetSpec::Files
+ def self.cleanup
+ $global_tempfiles ||= []
+ while (path = $global_tempfiles.pop)
+ begin
+ FileUtils.rm_rf path, secure: true
+ rescue Errno::ENOENT
+ # nothing to do
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ module_function
+ def make_absolute(path)
+ path = File.expand_path(path)
+ path[0] = 'c' if Puppet::Util::Platform.windows?
+ path
+ end
+ def tmpfile(name, dir = nil)
+ dir ||= Dir.tmpdir
+ path = Puppet::FileSystem.expand_path(make_tmpname(name, nil).encode(Encoding::UTF_8), dir)
+ record_tmp(File.expand_path(path))
+ path
+ end
+ def file_containing(name, contents)
+ file = tmpfile(name)
+ File.binwrite(file, contents)
+ file
+ end
+ def script_containing(name, contents)
+ file = tmpfile(name)
+ if Puppet::Util::Platform.windows?
+ file += '.bat'
+ text = contents[:windows]
+ else
+ text = contents[:posix]
+ end
+ File.binwrite(file, text)
+ Puppet::FileSystem.chmod(0o755, file)
+ file
+ end
+ def tmpdir(name)
+ dir = Puppet::FileSystem.expand_path(Dir.mktmpdir(name).encode!(Encoding::UTF_8))
+ record_tmp(dir)
+ dir
+ end
+ # Copied from ruby 2.4 source
+ def make_tmpname((prefix, suffix), n)
+ prefix = (String.try_convert(prefix) or
+ raise ArgumentError, "unexpected prefix: #{prefix.inspect}")
+ suffix &&= (String.try_convert(suffix) or
+ raise ArgumentError, "unexpected suffix: #{suffix.inspect}")
+ t = Time.now.strftime('%Y%m%d')
+ path = "#{prefix}#{t}-#{$PROCESS_ID}-#{rand(0x100000000).to_s(36)}".dup
+ path << "-#{n}" if n
+ path << suffix if suffix
+ path
+ end
+ def dir_containing(name, contents_hash)
+ dir_contained_in(tmpdir(name), contents_hash)
+ end
+ def dir_contained_in(dir, contents_hash)
+ contents_hash.each do |k, v|
+ if v.is_a?(Hash)
+ Dir.mkdir(tmp = File.join(dir, k))
+ dir_contained_in(tmp, v)
+ else
+ file = File.join(dir, k)
+ File.binwrite(file, v)
+ end
+ end
+ dir
+ end
+ def record_tmp(tmp)
+ # ...record it for cleanup,
+ $global_tempfiles ||= []
+ $global_tempfiles << tmp
+ end
+ def expect_file_mode(file, mode)
+ actual_mode = format('%o', Puppet::FileSystem.stat(file).mode)
+ target_mode = if Puppet::Util::Platform.windows?
+ mode
+ else
+ "10#{format('%04i', mode.to_i)}"
+ end
+ expect(actual_mode).to eq(target_mode)
+ end
diff --git a/spec/spec_helper.rb b/spec/spec_helper.rb
index ff92c7a2..5f3b6743 100644
--- a/spec/spec_helper.rb
+++ b/spec/spec_helper.rb
@@ -7,8 +7,16 @@
# We want to do this if lib exists and it hasn't been explicitly set.
ENV['COVERAGE'] ||= 'yes' if Dir.exist?(File.expand_path('../lib', __dir__))
+dir = __dir__
+$LOAD_PATH.unshift File.join(dir, 'lib')
require 'voxpupuli/test/spec_helper'
+# So everyone else doesn't have to include this base constant.
+module PuppetSpec
+ FIXTURE_DIR = File.join(__dir__, 'fixtures') unless defined?(FIXTURE_DIR)
RSpec.configure do |c|
c.facterdb_string_keys = true
diff --git a/spec/unit/puppet/provider/archive/ruby_spec.rb b/spec/unit/puppet/provider/archive/ruby_spec.rb
index 532f4b7a..58ae3da4 100644
--- a/spec/unit/puppet/provider/archive/ruby_spec.rb
+++ b/spec/unit/puppet/provider/archive/ruby_spec.rb
@@ -2,10 +2,13 @@
# rubocop:disable RSpec/MultipleMemoizedHelpers
require 'spec_helper'
+require 'puppet_spec/compiler'
+require 'puppet_spec/files'
ruby_provider = Puppet::Type.type(:archive).provider(:ruby)
RSpec.describe ruby_provider do
+ include PuppetSpec::Compiler
+ include PuppetSpec::Files
it_behaves_like 'an archive provider', ruby_provider
describe 'ruby provider' do
@@ -13,7 +16,7 @@
let(:resource_properties) do
name: name,
- source: 's3://home.lan/example.zip'
+ source: 's3://home.lan/example.zip',
let(:resource) { Puppet::Type::Archive.new(resource_properties) }
@@ -129,6 +132,96 @@
expect { provider.transfer_download(name) }.to raise_error(Puppet::Error, %r{Download file checksum mismatch})
+ context 'when handling checks', unless: Puppet::Util::Platform.jruby? do
+ before do
+ Puppet[:log_level] = 'debug'
+ end
+ let(:onlyifsecret) { 'onlyifsecret' }
+ let(:unlesssecret) { 'unlesssecret' }
+ let(:supersecret) { 'supersecret' }
+ let(:path) do
+ if Puppet::Util::Platform.windows?
+ # The `apply_compiled_manifest` helper doesn't add the `path` fact, so
+ # we can't reference that in our manifest. Windows PATHs can contain
+ # double quotes and trailing backslashes, which confuse HEREDOC
+ # interpolation below. So sanitize it:
+ ENV['PATH'].split(File::PATH_SEPARATOR).
+ map { |dir| dir.gsub(%r{"}, '\"').gsub(%r{\\$}, '') }.
+ map { |dir| Pathname.new(dir).cleanpath.to_s }.
+ join(File::PATH_SEPARATOR)
+ else
+ ENV.fetch('PATH', nil)
+ end
+ end
+ def echo_from_ruby_exit0(message)
+ # Escape double quotes due to HEREDOC interpolation below
+ "ruby -e 'puts \"#{message}\"; exit 0'".gsub(%r{"}, '\"')
+ end
+ def echo_from_ruby_exit1(message)
+ # Escape double quotes due to HEREDOC interpolation below
+ "ruby -e 'puts \"#{message}\"; exit 1'".gsub(%r{"}, '\"')
+ end
+ it 'redacts command and onlyif outputs' do
+ onlyif = echo_from_ruby_exit0(onlyifsecret)
+ apply_compiled_manifest(<<-MANIFEST)
+ archive { '/tmp/favicon.ico':
+ ensure => present,
+ source => 'https://www.google.com/favicon.ico',
+ onlyif => "#{onlyif}",
+ env_path => "#{path}",
+ }
+ expect(@logs).to include(an_object_having_attributes(level: :debug, message: "Executing check ruby -e 'puts \"onlyifsecret\"; exit 0'", source: %r{Archive\[/tmp/favicon.ico\]}))
+ end
+ it "redacts the command that would have been executed but didn't due to onlyif" do
+ onlyif = echo_from_ruby_exit1(onlyifsecret)
+ apply_compiled_manifest(<<-MANIFEST)
+ archive { '/tmp/favicon.ico':
+ ensure => present,
+ source => 'https://www.google.com/favicon.ico',
+ onlyif => "#{onlyif}",
+ env_path => "#{path}",
+ }
+ expect(@logs).to include(an_object_having_attributes(level: :debug, message: "'https://www.google.com/favicon.ico' won't be executed because of failed check 'onlyif'"))
+ end
+ it 'redacts command and unless outputs' do
+ unlesscmd = echo_from_ruby_exit1(unlesssecret)
+ apply_compiled_manifest(<<-MANIFEST)
+ archive { '/tmp/favicon.ico':
+ ensure => present,
+ source => 'https://www.google.com/favicon.ico',
+ unless => "#{unlesscmd}",
+ env_path => "#{path}",
+ }
+ expect(@logs).to include(an_object_having_attributes(level: :debug, message: "Executing check ruby -e 'puts \"unlesssecret\"; exit 1'", source: %r{Archive\[/tmp/favicon.ico\]}))
+ end
+ it "redacts the command that would have been executed but didn't due to unless" do
+ unlesscmd = echo_from_ruby_exit0(unlesssecret)
+ apply_compiled_manifest(<<-MANIFEST)
+ archive { '/tmp/favicon.ico':
+ ensure => present,
+ source => 'https://www.google.com/favicon.ico',
+ unless => "#{unlesscmd}",
+ env_path => "#{path}",
+ }
+ expect(@logs).to include(an_object_having_attributes(level: :debug, message: "'https://www.google.com/favicon.ico' won't be executed because of failed check 'unless'"))
+ end
+ end
# rubocop:enable RSpec/MultipleMemoizedHelpers
diff --git a/spec/unit/puppet/type/archive_spec.rb b/spec/unit/puppet/type/archive_spec.rb
index e249be08..fc4d8a2d 100644
--- a/spec/unit/puppet/type/archive_spec.rb
+++ b/spec/unit/puppet/type/archive_spec.rb
@@ -2,8 +2,10 @@
require 'spec_helper'
require 'puppet'
+require 'puppet_spec/files'
describe Puppet::Type.type(:archive) do
+ include PuppetSpec::Files
let(:resource) do
path: '/tmp/example.zip',
@@ -134,6 +136,202 @@
end.not_to raise_error
+ describe 'when setting environment' do
+ { 'single values' => 'foo=bar',
+ 'multiple values' => ['foo=bar', 'baz=quux'], }.each do |name, data|
+ it "accepts #{name}" do
+ resource[:environment] = data
+ expect(resource[:environment]).to eq(data)
+ end
+ end
+ { 'single values' => 'foo',
+ 'only values' => %w[foo bar],
+ 'any values' => ['foo=bar', 'baz'] }.each do |name, data|
+ it "rejects #{name} without assignment" do
+ expect { resource[:environment] = data }.
+ to raise_error Puppet::Error, %r{Invalid environment setting}
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ describe '#check' do
+ describe ':creates' do
+ let(:exist_file) do
+ tmpfile('exist')
+ end
+ let(:unexist_file) do
+ tmpfile('unexist')
+ end
+ before do
+ FileUtils.touch(exist_file)
+ end
+ context 'with a single item' do
+ it 'runs when the item does not exist' do
+ resource[:creates] = unexist_file
+ expect(resource.check_all_attributes).to be(false)
+ end
+ it 'does not run when the item exists' do
+ resource[:creates] = exist_file
+ expect(resource.check_all_attributes).to be(true)
+ end
+ end
+ context 'with an array with one item' do
+ it 'runs when the item does not exist' do
+ resource[:creates] = [unexist_file]
+ expect(resource.check_all_attributes).to be(false)
+ end
+ it 'does not run when the item exists' do
+ resource[:creates] = [exist_file]
+ expect(resource.check_all_attributes).to be(true)
+ end
+ it 'does not run when all items exist' do
+ resource[:creates] = [exist_file] * 3
+ end
+ context 'when creates is being checked' do
+ it 'is logged to debug when the path does exist' do
+ Puppet::Util::Log.level = :debug
+ resource[:creates] = exist_file
+ expect(resource.check_all_attributes).to be(true)
+ expect(@logs).to include(an_object_having_attributes(level: :debug, message: "Checking that 'creates' path '#{exist_file}' exists"))
+ end
+ it 'is logged to debug when the path does not exist' do
+ Puppet::Util::Log.level = :debug
+ resource[:creates] = unexist_file
+ expect(resource.check_all_attributes).to be(false)
+ expect(@logs).to include(an_object_having_attributes(level: :debug, message: "Checking that 'creates' path '#{unexist_file}' exists"))
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ { onlyif: { pass: false, fail: true },
+ unless: { pass: true, fail: false }, }.each do |param, sense|
+ describe ":#{param}" do
+ let(:cmd_pass) do
+ make_absolute('/magic/pass')
+ end
+ let(:cmd_fail) do
+ make_absolute('/magic/fail')
+ end
+ let(:pass_status) do
+ double('status', exitstatus: sense[:pass] ? 0 : 1)
+ end
+ let(:fail_status) do
+ double('status', exitstatus: sense[:fail] ? 0 : 1)
+ end
+ before do
+ pass_status = double('status', exitstatus: sense[:pass] ? 0 : 1)
+ fail_status = double('status', exitstatus: sense[:fail] ? 0 : 1)
+ allow(resource.provider).to receive(:checkexe).and_return(true)
+ [true, false].each do |check|
+ allow(resource.provider).to receive(:run).with(cmd_pass, check).
+ and_return(['test output', pass_status])
+ allow(resource.provider).to receive(:run).with(cmd_fail, check).
+ and_return(['test output', fail_status])
+ end
+ end
+ context 'with a single item' do
+ it 'runs if the command exits non-zero' do
+ resource[param] = cmd_fail
+ expect(resource.check_all_attributes).to be(false)
+ end
+ it 'does not run if the command exits zero' do
+ resource[param] = cmd_pass
+ expect(resource.check_all_attributes).to be(true)
+ end
+ end
+ context 'with an array with a single item' do
+ it 'runs if the command exits non-zero' do
+ resource[param] = [cmd_fail]
+ expect(resource.check_all_attributes).to be(false)
+ end
+ it 'does not run if the command exits zero' do
+ resource[param] = [cmd_pass]
+ expect(resource.check_all_attributes).to be(true)
+ end
+ end
+ context 'with an array with multiple items' do
+ it 'runs if all the commands exits non-zero' do
+ resource[param] = [cmd_fail] * 3
+ expect(resource.check_all_attributes).to be(false)
+ end
+ it 'does not run if one command exits zero' do
+ resource[param] = [cmd_pass, cmd_fail, cmd_pass]
+ expect(resource.check_all_attributes).to be(true)
+ end
+ it 'does not run if all command exits zero' do
+ resource[param] = [cmd_pass] * 3
+ expect(resource.check_all_attributes).to be(true)
+ end
+ end
+ context 'with an array of arrays with multiple items' do
+ before do
+ [true, false].each do |check|
+ allow(resource.provider).to receive(:run).with([cmd_pass, '--flag'], check).
+ and_return(['test output', pass_status])
+ allow(resource.provider).to receive(:run).with([cmd_fail, '--flag'], check).
+ and_return(['test output', fail_status])
+ allow(resource.provider).to receive(:run).with([cmd_pass], check).
+ and_return(['test output', pass_status])
+ allow(resource.provider).to receive(:run).with([cmd_fail], check).
+ and_return(['test output', fail_status])
+ end
+ end
+ it 'runs if all the commands exits non-zero' do
+ resource[param] = [[cmd_fail, '--flag'], [cmd_fail], [cmd_fail, '--flag']]
+ expect(resource.check_all_attributes).to be(false)
+ end
+ it 'does not run if one command exits zero' do
+ resource[param] = [[cmd_pass, '--flag'], [cmd_pass], [cmd_fail, '--flag']]
+ expect(resource.check_all_attributes).to be(true)
+ end
+ it 'does not run if all command exits zero' do
+ resource[param] = [[cmd_pass, '--flag'], [cmd_pass], [cmd_pass, '--flag']]
+ expect(resource.check_all_attributes).to be(true)
+ end
+ end
+ it 'emits output to debug' do
+ Puppet::Util::Log.level = :debug
+ resource[param] = cmd_fail
+ expect(resource.check_all_attributes).to be(false)
+ expect(@logs.shift.message).to eq('test output')
+ end
+ it 'does not emit output to debug if sensitive is true' do
+ Puppet::Util::Log.level = :debug
+ resource[param] = cmd_fail
+ allow(resource.parameters[param]).to receive(:sensitive).and_return(true)
+ expect(resource.check_all_attributes).to be(false)
+ expect(@logs).not_to include(an_object_having_attributes(level: :debug, message: 'test output'))
+ expect(@logs).to include(an_object_having_attributes(level: :debug, message: '[output redacted]'))
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
describe 'archive autorequire' do
let(:file_resource) { Puppet::Type.type(:file).new(name: '/tmp') }
let(:archive_resource) do