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espresso calculator class

Johannes Voss edited this page Sep 3, 2013 · 2 revisions

Class espresso

ase.calculators.general.Calculator --+

ase interface for Quantum Espresso

Instance Methods
__init__(self, atoms=None, pw=350.0, dw=None, nbands=-10, kpts=(1,1,1), kptshift=(0,0,0), mode='ase3', opt_algorithm='ase3', constr_tol=None, fmax=0.05, cell_dynamics=None, press=None, dpress=None, cell_factor=None, cell_dofree=None, dontcalcforces=False, nosym=False, noinv=False, nosym_evc=False, no_t_rev=False, xc='PBE', beefensemble=False, printensemble=False, psppath=None, spinpol=False, noncollinear=False, spinorbit=False, outdir=None, txt=None, calcstress=False, smearing='fd', sigma=0.1, fix_magmom=False, U=None, J=None, U_alpha=None, U_projection_type='atomic', tot_charge=None, charge=None, tot_magnetization=-1, occupations='smearing', dipole={'status': False}, field={'status': False}, output={'disk_io': 'default','avoidio': False,'removewf': True,'remov..., convergence={'energy': 1e-6,'mixing': 0.7,'maxsteps': 100,'diag': 'david'}, startingpot=None, startingwfc=None, ion_positions=None, parflags=None, onlycreatepwinp=None, single_calculator=True, procrange=None, numcalcs=None, verbose='low')
Construct an ase-espresso calculator.
set(self, **kwargs)
Define settings for the Quantum Espresso calculator object after it has been initialized.
writeinputfile(self, filename='pw.inp', mode=None, overridekpts=None, overridekptshift=None, overridenbands=None, suppressforcecalc=False, usetetrahedra=False)
set_atoms(self, atoms)
update(self, atoms)
get_stress(self, atoms)
init_only(self, atoms)
read(self, atoms)
initialize(self, atoms)
Create the pw.inp input file and start the calculation.
topath(self, filename)
save_output(self, filename='calc.tgz')
Save the contents of directory.
load_output(self, filename='calc.tgz')
Restore the contents of previously saved directory.
save_chg(self, filename='chg.tgz')
Save charge density.
load_chg(self, filename='chg.tgz')
Load charge density.
save_wf(self, filename='wf.tgz')
Save wave functions.
load_wf(self, filename='wf.tgz')
Load wave functions.
save_flev_chg(self, filename='chg.tgz')
Save charge density and Fermi level.
load_flev_chg(self, filename='efchg.tgz')
Load charge density and Fermi level.
returns Atoms object according to a structure optimized internally by quantum espresso
get_potential_energy(self, atoms=None, force_consistent=False)
get_nonselfconsistent_energies(self, type='beefvdw')
returns 3x3 stress tensor after an internal unit cell relaxation in quantum espresso (also works for calcstress=True)
relax_cell_and_atoms(self, cell_dynamics='bfgs', opt_algorithm='bfgs', cell_factor=1.2, cell_dofree=None, fmax=None, press=None, dpress=None)
Simultaneously relax unit cell and atoms using Espresso's internal relaxation routines.
relax_atoms(self, opt_algorithm='bfgs', fmax=None)
Relax atoms using Espresso's internal relaxation routines.
run_espressox(self, binary, inp, log=None, piperead=False, parallel=True)
run_ppx(self, inp, log=None, inputpp=[], plot=[], output_format=5, iflag=3, piperead=False, parallel=True)
calc_pdos(self, Emin=None, Emax=None, DeltaE=None, nscf=False, tetrahedra=False, slab=False, kpts=None, kptshift=None, nbands=None, ngauss=None, sigma=None, nscf_fermilevel=False, add_higher_channels=False, get_overlap_integrals=False)
Calculate (projected) density of states.
calc_bandstructure(self, kptpath, nbands=None, atomic_projections=False)
Calculate bandstructure along kptpath (= array of k-points).
get_eigenvalues(self, kpt=None, spin=None, efermi=None)
read_3d_grid(self, stream, log)
read_2d_grid(self, stream, log)
extract_charge_density(self, spin='both')
Obtains the charge density as a numpy array after a DFT calculation.
xsf_charge_density(self, xsf, spin='both')
Writes the charge density from a DFT calculation to an input file for xcrysden.
extract_total_potential(self, spin='both')
Obtains the total potential as a numpy array after a DFT calculation.
xsf_total_potential(self, xsf, spin='both')
Writes the total potential from a DFT calculation to an input file for xcrysden.
Obtains the local ionic potential as a numpy array after a DFT calculation.
xsf_local_ionic_potential(self, xsf)
Writes the local ionic potential from a DFT calculation to an input file for xcrysden.
Obtains the local DOS at the Fermi level as a numpy array after a DFT calculation.
xsf_local_dos_at_efermi(self, xsf)
Writes the local DOS at the Fermi level from a DFT calculation to an input file for xcrysden.
Obtains the local entropy density as a numpy array after a DFT calculation.
xsf_local_entropy_density(self, xsf)
Writes the local entropy density from a DFT calculation to an input file for xcrysden.
extract_stm_data(self, bias)
Obtains STM data as a numpy array after a DFT calculation.
xsf_stm_data(self, xsf, bias)
Writes STM data from a DFT calculation to an input file for xcrysden.
Obtains the magnetization density as a numpy array after a DFT calculation.
xsf_magnetization_density(self, xsf)
Writes the magnetization density from a DFT calculation to an input file for xcrysden.
extract_wavefunction_density(self, band, kpoint=0, spin='up', gamma_with_sign=False)
Obtains the amplitude of a given wave function as a numpy array after a DFT calculation.
xsf_wavefunction_density(self, xsf, band, kpoint=0, spin='up', gamma_with_sign=False)
Writes the amplitude of a given wave function from a DFT calculation to an input file for xcrysden.
Obtains the ELF as a numpy array after a DFT calculation.
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