Link | Description |
Oleh's WiKi | Basic setup, 3.3v HWMOD, connecting to esp hw serial, etc... |
PZEM-004Tv3.0 datasheet | User manual, datasheet and MODBUS commands/specs |
PZEM-003 datasheet | User manual, datasheet and MODBUS commands/specs |
TheHWcave | reverse-engineered schematics, hwmod and interface software (python) |
Multiple PZEMs serial sharing MOD | PZEM hardware mod - multiple devs sharing same UART lines |
sd3003-sd3004 datasheets | the original documentation on Peacefair PZEM-004/PZEM-004T energy meters and SDIC Micro SD3003/SD3004 energy measurement SoCs |
Link | Description |
Oleh's PZEM-004T lib | The original arduino lib for legacy version of PZEM004t device |
mandulaj's PZEM-004T-v30 lib | Generic Arduino lib for PZEM-004T-v30 with a variaty of platforms supported |
Maxzerker's PZEM-017-v1 lib | Maxzerker's lib for the DC version PZEM-017-v1 |
PZEM on TASMOTA | Tasmota has it's own embeded support for PZEM |
zabbuino | Zabbix agent firmware for Arduino supporting PZEM meters |