- Support Builder classes without getters, only setters (see new @Test with BeanWithNoGettersBuilderBuilder) such as those generated by https://immutables.github.io (see also immutables/immutables#432) via use of the new ReflectUtils, instead of org.mockito.cglib.core.ReflectUtils (which was based on java.beans.*) see also https://bugs.opendaylight.org/show_bug.cgi?id=8800
- Added slf4j, and log exceptions occurring during object introspection by reflection
- Bumped xtend.version from 2.11.0 to 2.12.0
- Bumped Guava version, to be able to use Google Truth
- Fixed bug re. constructors with primitives type arguments (default value 0 related issue)
- Support all Iterable, not just List
- Fixed confusing "empty" new expression occurring e.g. for anonymous inner classes
- Bumped xtend.version from 2.10.0 to 2.11.0
- POM use mockito-core instead of mockito-all, which is bad dangerous substance abuse (because it included outdated hamcrest; non-shadowed)
- POM now explicitly depends on objenesis, which used to be in mockito-all (non-shadowed), as scope compile instead of runtime (due to above)
- Bumped xtend.version from 2.9.2 to 2.10.0
- Support "union" kind of pattern classes (see also https://bugs.opendaylight.org/show_bug.cgi?id=7498)
- Fixed spurious end of line new line characters which should not be there if only invoking constructor
- Test for possible future support of objects with factory methods and private constructor
- Support setters that don't return void, as typically found on Builder classes
- Support matching constructor arguments by type instead name
- Support properties of type Map (incl. via addXXX methods)
- Support Class instances (customizable name/simpleName)
- Customizable extra additional special properties
- Customizable arbitrary extra initialization code
- Customizable Property filtering (e.g. exclusion)
- Fixed possible NullPointerException in assertEqualByText()
- AssertBeans without Object.equals()
- Class to use after "new" can be customized (useful if it cannot be auto-detected)
- Builder Class with extension operation for shorter syntax can be used through customization (XtendBeanGeneratorTest#beanWithBuilderAndExtensionMethod())
- Documentation in README
- Initial Release