What is the problem here?
public static void userFunc(){
Console.WriteLine("Your commands will be executed with low privilege user and command output will be saved to your home folder.");
int userID;
Process process = new Process();
Console.WriteLine("Please supply your userID for home folder creation:");
userID = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());
string homeFolder=@"C:\" + userID.ToString();
Console.WriteLine("Your home folder has been created!");
catch (Exception ex){}
Console.WriteLine("What command you want to run:");
String userCommand = Console.ReadLine();
userCommand = userCommand.Replace(";","").Replace("|","").Replace("||","").Replace("&","").Replace("&&","");
process.StartInfo.FileName = userCommand;
process.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = true;
string output = process.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd();
using StreamWriter file = new(@"C:\"+ userID.ToString(), append: true);
await file.WriteLineAsync(output);
It is a Gain Privileges issue. The code escalates its own privilege to perform some tasks however this can be abused by end-users. According to the example, home folders are being created with 'escalatePrivileges' function, but if any exception occurs the application can not execute 'lowerPrivileges' and it keeps running with high-privilege role.