diff --git a/setup.py b/setup.py
index 71a681b48..f4423eb87 100644
--- a/setup.py
+++ b/setup.py
@@ -94,6 +94,7 @@
"llmcompressor.transformers.text_generation.finetune=llmcompressor.transformers.finetune.text_generation:train", # noqa 501
"llmcompressor.transformers.text_generation.eval=llmcompressor.transformers.finetune.text_generation:eval", # noqa 501
"llmcompressor.transformers.text_generation.oneshot=llmcompressor.transformers.finetune.text_generation:oneshot", # noqa 501
+ "llmcompressor.trace=llmcompressor.transformers.tracing.debug:main",
diff --git a/src/llmcompressor/modifiers/quantization/gptq/base.py b/src/llmcompressor/modifiers/quantization/gptq/base.py
index 7de99cf9d..5e8a6b47e 100644
--- a/src/llmcompressor/modifiers/quantization/gptq/base.py
+++ b/src/llmcompressor/modifiers/quantization/gptq/base.py
@@ -244,7 +244,11 @@ def on_initialize(self, state: State, **kwargs) -> bool:
except Exception as exception:
if isinstance(exception, torch.fx.proxy.TraceError):
- warnings.warn(f"Failed to trace {model_name} with inputs {input_names}")
+ warnings.warn(
+ f"Failed to trace {model_name} with inputs {input_names}. For more "
+ "information on tracing with the sequential pipeline, see "
+ "`src/llmcompressor/transformers/tracing/GUIDE.md`"
+ )
if isinstance(exception, unfixable_errors):
raise exception
diff --git a/src/llmcompressor/pipelines/sequential/README.md b/src/llmcompressor/pipelines/sequential/README.md
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e8a817321
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/llmcompressor/pipelines/sequential/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+# Sequential Pipeline #
+The sequential pipeline is a data pipeline, primarily used for compressing models with the
+If, when using this pipeline, you encounter a `torch.fx.proxy.TraceError`, see the
+[Model Tracing Guide](/src/llmcompressor/transformers/tracing/GUIDE.md).
\ No newline at end of file
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/llmcompressor/transformers/tracing/GUIDE.md
@@ -0,0 +1,441 @@
+# Model Tracing Guide #
+This guide explains the concepts of tracing as they relate to LLM Compressor and how to
+modify your model to support recipes which require using the
+[Sequential Pipeline](/src/llmcompressor/pipelines/sequential/pipeline.py).
+Through reading this guide, you will learn
+1. Why tracing is required when compressing with recipes involving the
+[Sequential Pipeline](/src/llmcompressor/pipelines/sequential/pipeline.py) and modifiers
+such as [GPTQModifier](/src/llmcompressor/modifiers/quantization/gptq/base.py)
+2. How to determine if your model is traceable for your dataset
+3. How to modify your model definition to be traceable
+## 1. Why is Tracing Required? ##
+Due to the memory-intensive nature of some modifiers such as [GPTQModifier](/src/llmcompressor/modifiers/quantization/gptq/base.py),
+a [Sequential Pipeline](/src/llmcompressor/pipelines/sequential/pipeline.py)
+is required in order to offload activations and reduce memory usage as well as propagate
+the activation error induced by compression.
+For example, let's say we want to quantize a basic `3` layer model using the
+[GPTQModifier](/src/llmcompressor/modifiers/quantization/gptq/base.py) and `512`
+calibration samples. The [Sequential Pipeline](/src/llmcompressor/pipelines/sequential/pipeline.py)
+first identifies each of the layers (sequential targets) within the model. Then, the
+pipeline runs each of the `512` samples, one sample at a time, through the first layer.
+When one sample completes its forward pass through the layer, its activations are
+recorded by the [GPTQModifier](/src/llmcompressor/modifiers/quantization/gptq/base.py)
+hessian and the layer output is offloaded to the cpu. After all `512` samples have been
+passed through the layer, the [GPTQModifier](/src/llmcompressor/modifiers/quantization/gptq/base.py)
+uses the recorded activations to compress the weights of the modules within the layer.
+Once module compression is complete, the offloaded activations are used to perform the
+forward pass of the next layer.
+The [Sequential Pipeline](/src/llmcompressor/pipelines/sequential/pipeline.py) relies on
+the ability to know what the inputs and outputs are of each model layer in order to
+faithfully "replay" the model's forward pass one layer at a time. While the basic
+assumption that "the input to the next layer is the output of the previous layer" holds
+for most decoder-only LLMs, this assumption breaks for more complex models such as
+encoder-decoder architectures and models which pass RoPE embeddings as an input to each
+layer. For this reason, in order to faithfully capture the data flow between model
+layers, the model's execution graph must be traced.
+Tracing is done by sampling one batch from the provided dataset, capturing all
+of the operations that are performed during the model forward pass, and encoding those
+operations into a model graph which is then broken into sequential layers to be executed
+independently at calibration time. For a visual example of a model execution graph, see
+ This image depicts some of the operations performed when executing the Llama3.2-Vision model
+## 2. Determining Traceability ##
+In order to determine if a model is traceable for a given dataset, you can use the
+`llmcompressor.trace` function. This function determines whether a model is
+traceable for a given dataset, sequential targets list, and ignore list.
+For example, this script demonstrates that the `Qwen2-VL` model is traceable when
+using inputs from a text-only dataset
+llmcompressor.trace \
+ --model_id Qwen/Qwen2-VL-2B-Instruct \
+ --model_class Qwen2VLForConditionalGeneration \
+ --sequential_targets Qwen2VLDecoderLayer \
+ --ignore "lm_head" "re:visual.*" \
+ --modality text
+Successfully traced model into 29 subgraphs!
+However, attempting to trace the `Qwen2-VL` with vision inputs (text and images)
+results in a `TraceError` due to untraceable operations within the `Qwen2-VL` model
+llmcompressor.trace \
+ --model_id Qwen/Qwen2-VL-2B-Instruct \
+ --model_class Qwen2VLForConditionalGeneration \
+ --sequential_targets Qwen2VLDecoderLayer \
+ --ignore "lm_head" "re:visual.*" \
+ --modality vision
+torch.fx.proxy.TraceError: symbolically traced variables cannot be used as inputs to control flow
+### Choosing Sequential Targets ###
+Sequential targets are the modules which determine the granularity of error propagation
+and activation offloading when performing forward passes of the model. These are
+typically the "transformer blocks" of the model, also referred to as "layers" with
+Choosing sequential targets with higher granularity (for example `"Linear"` instead of
+`"LlamaDecoderLayer"`) will result in fewer hessians being allocated at the same time,
+decreasing the memory requirements for compression. This may also increase the recovered
+accuracy of the model, as compression error is propagated at a higher granularity.
+However, using higher granularity sequential targets may also increase compression time,
+as more time is spent offloading and onloading activations.
+ This image depicts the sequential text decoder layers of the Llama3.2-Vision model. Some of the inputs, such as the cross attention features, are fed into the layers from modules computed earlier in the graph
+### Choosing Modules to Ignore ###
+If your model is not traceable for your desired dataset, first consider adding any
+problematic modules to the `ignore` list. Doing this prevents the model tracer from
+tracing the internals of those modules, thereby avoid the untraceable operations.
+For example, in this model graph, the internals of the `MllamaVisionModel` are not
+traced (we don't see the individual `MllamaVisionEncoder` layers, ect.). However, we can
+no longer target the modules within the `MllamaVisionModel` such as the
+`MllamaVisionEncoder` as sequential targets. If any modules within the
+`MllamaVisionModel` are being compressed, their hessians will all be allocated at the same
+time, increasing peak memory usage.
+ Visualization of the internals of the vision_model module being ignored and replaced with a single call_module operation. Note that, in this example, the multi_modal_projector module is also ignored.
+## 3. Defining your own Traceable Model Definitions ##
+If you discover that your model is not traceable through `llm-compressor.trace`,
+you may want to modify your model definition to make the model traceable. Before
+attempting to define your own traceable model definition, make sure that the untraceable
+parts of your model are not a part of a module that can be [ignored](#choosing-modules-to-ignore).
+To define your own traceable model definition, follow the steps below:
+1. Copy the original model definition into the [tracing folder](/src/llmcompressor/transformers/tracing/)
+ * The original model definition can usually be found in the [`transformers/models`](https://github.com/huggingface/transformers/tree/main/src/transformers/models)
+folder or the `modeling_X.py` file when using models with remote code.
+2. Add your new model class to [tracing/\_\_init\_\_.py](/src/llmcompressor/transformers/tracing/__init__.py)
+ * Make sure to alias your model name using the template `TraceableXForY`
+3. Use `llm-compressor.trace` to find the untraceable line of code in your model
+ * See [Determining Traceability](#2-determining-traceability) for an example
+ * **Remember to replace `model_class` with your own model definition**
+4. Find the untraceable line of code in your model definition and modify the code to
+make it traceable
+ * Examples of how to do this for each of the common errors can be found below
+ * If you encounter a tracing issue which is not documented below, please create an issue!
+5. Add a comment above the line which has been modified explaining why the operation is
+ * For example, `# TRACING: Assume that the attention mask is always present`
+6. Repeat steps 3-5 until all of the untraceable operations have been replaced with
+traceable operations
+7. Once your model traces successfully, remove any class definitions you did not use and
+import them if necessary
+ * Note that this cannot be done for models with remote code, as all code is required
+8. Commit your changes to a branch and open a pull request so that others like yourself can
+benefit from the changes!
+ * LLM Compressor is an open-source project that relies on community contribution to
+ support the wide range of model architectures available on huggingface
+ * P.S., remember to add `# vllm-project: no copyright` underneath any copyright
+ notices at the top of the file
+### Conditional Logic and Asserts ###
+torch.fx.proxy.TraceError: symbolically traced variables cannot be used as inputs to control flow
+Control flow statements often cause issues during tracing because symbolic variables,
+ie inputs provided from the dataset sample, cannot be used as inputs to control flow.
+To resolve these issues, you can replace the logic with an assumption which bypasses the
+problematic control flow.
+For example, the following block in [`LlavaForConditionalGeneration`](/src/llmcompressor/transformers/tracing/llava.py)
+if n_image_tokens != n_image_features:
+ raise ValueError(
+ f"Image features and image tokens do not match: tokens: {n_image_tokens}, features {n_image_features}"
+ )
+Should be replaced with:
+# TRACING: Assume that processing and tokenization was done correctly
+# if n_image_tokens != n_image_features:
+if False:
+ raise ValueError(
+ f"Image features and image tokens do not match: tokens: {n_image_tokens}, features {n_image_features}"
+ )
+### Conditional Iteration ###
+torch.fx.proxy.TraceError: Proxy object cannot be iterated.
+Because the size and contents of symbolic variables are subject to change at runtime,
+symbolic variables cannot be iterated.
+For example, this code block cannot be traced because it iterates through the contents
+of `features`, a symbolically traced variable
+accumulated_features = torch.zeros(config.model_dims)
+for feature in features:
+ accumulated_features += feature
+In this instance, this block of code can be restructured to use a vector operation which
+does not require explicit iteration through the `features` variable.
+accumulated_features = torch.sum(features, dim=0)
+However, in more complex instances, such as iterating through a list of images to
+process each image, vectorization is not feasible. In these instances, wrapping the
+parent function is highly recommended, see [Wrapping Functions](#wrapping-functions).
+### Wrapping Functions ###
+Wrapping is a technique whereby the internals of certain functions can be ignored from
+tracing in the model graph
+For example, when tracing the [`MllamaForConditionalGeneration`](/src/llmcompressor/transformers/tracing/mllama.py)
+architecture, we encounter a `TraceError` on this line:
+batch_size, text_total_length, *_ = cross_attention_mask.shape
+torch.fx.proxy.TraceError: Proxy object cannot be iterated
+In this case, making this line traceable is fairly trivial. However, since this function
+does not output any variable whose shapes require inference
+(see [Correcting Shape Inference](#correcting-shape-inference)), we can simply wrap the
+function, effectively ignoring its untraceable internals.
+def _prepare_cross_attention_mask(...) -> ...:
+ ...
+ batch_size, text_total_length, *_ = cross_attention_mask.shape
+ ...
+ This image dicts how the internals of the _prepare_cross_attention_mask function are replaced by a single call_module operation, similar to how modules can be ignored as featured in section 1
+Please note that wrapped functions must be defined at the module-level, meaning that
+class and instance methods must be hoisted to the module level, see
+[Defining Your Own Functions to Wrap](#defining-your-own-functions-to-wrap)
+In the future, support will be added for wrapping functions by name rather than
+requiring the original function to be redefined. See [_symbolic_trace.py](https://github.com/pytorch/pytorch/blob/main/torch/fx/_symbolic_trace.py#L1246-L1247).
+### Defining Your Own Functions to Wrap ###
+Wrapping is not limited to functions already defined by the model definition. We can
+also write our own functions to wrap if we want to wrap a particular chunk of code or
+wrap a function which is defined a non-module level.
+For example, this chunk of code iterates through a symbolic variable, which is
+[not traceable](#conditional-iteration).
+for idx, feature in enumerate(features):
+ process_feature(idx, feature)
+torch.fx.proxy.TraceError: Proxy object cannot be iterated
+To resolve this, the iteration can be wrapped in a function that will not be traced.
+def process_all_features(features):
+ for idx, feature in enumerate(features):
+ process_feature(idx, feature)
+Make sure to define your new function at the top module-level and pass in any arguments
+required by the function.
+### Correcting Shape Inference ###
+When tracing with LLM Compressor, the shapes of some variables are assumed based on the
+shapes provided by a sample from the dataset. This is done to allow some models which
+include basic [Conditional Logic and Asserts](#conditional-logic-and-asserts) to be
+traceable without major changes to the model definition.
+Shape assumptions are implemented by modifying the `HFProxy` instance, which is used as
+a proxy for symbolic variables during tracing. The `_metadata` attribute of the
+`HFProxy` instance is assigned to a meta tensor whose shape and dtype correspond to the
+assumed shape and dtype of the symbolic variable.
+However, there are some instances where the shape inference is not properly
+implemented, leading to some variables whose shape is unknown. This can happen if the
+proxy variable passes through an ignored module or wrapped function, or if a shape
+inference is missing for a particular operation. This is not always a problem, unless
+those variables are used for conditional logic later during execution. In these cases,
+rather than fixing every instance of condition logic, we can inject our own knowledge of
+variable shapes.
+For example, when tracing the [LlavaForConditionalGeneration](/src/llmcompressor/transformers/tracing/llava.py)
+architecture, we have a function which returns a variable `image_features` whose shape
+is unknown (this is because `get_image_features` calls the `self.multi_modal_projector`,
+which is typically part of the `ignore` list).
+image_features = self.get_image_features(
+ pixel_values=pixel_values,
+ vision_feature_layer=vision_feature_layer,
+ vision_feature_select_strategy=vision_feature_select_strategy,
+`image_features` is later used for conditional logic, so it would be nice if this
+variable had a known shape. Luckily, `get_image_features` includes documentation which
+describes the known shape of its output.
+ image_features (`torch.Tensor`): Image feature tensor of shape `(num_images, image_length, embed_dim)`).
+Using this information, we can define our own helper function to install the known shape
+information as metadata into the `image_features` variable.
+def maybe_install_metadata_image_features(
+ image_features: Union[torch.Tensor, HFProxy],
+ pixel_values: Union[torch.Tensor, HFProxy],
+ config: LlavaConfig,
+) -> Union[torch.Tensor, HFProxy]:
+ if isinstance(image_features, HFProxy):
+ # (num_images, image_length, embed_dim)
+ num_images = pixel_values._metadata.size(0)
+ image_length = config.image_seq_length
+ embed_dim = config.vision_config.intermediate_size
+ original_fn = image_features.tracer.patched_torch_methods["empty"][1]
+ metadata = original_fn(
+ (num_images, image_length, embed_dim), device=torch.device("meta")
+ )
+ image_features.install_metadata(metadata)
+ return image_features
+The new function is inserted after the `get_image_features`
+image_features = self.get_image_features(
+ pixel_values=pixel_values,
+ vision_feature_layer=vision_feature_layer,
+ vision_feature_select_strategy=vision_feature_select_strategy,
+image_features = maybe_install_metadata_image_features(
+ image_features, pixel_values, self.config
+In another example from [LlavaForConditionalGeneration](/src/llmcompressor/transformers/tracing/llava.py),
+we find that shape inference for the `torch.Tensor.masked_scatter` function has not been
+implemented. We can determine the shape of this function's output by simulating it using
+the existing metadata.
+def maybe_install_metadata_inputs_embeds(
+ inputs_embeds_masked: Union[torch.Tensor, HFProxy],
+ inputs_embeds: Union[torch.Tensor, HFProxy],
+ special_image_mask: Union[torch.Tensor, HFProxy],
+ image_features: Union[torch.Tensor, HFProxy],
+) -> Union[torch.Tensor, HFProxy]:
+ if isinstance(inputs_embeds_masked, HFProxy):
+ metadata = inputs_embeds._metadata.masked_scatter(
+ special_image_mask._metadata.to(bool), image_features._metadata
+ )
+ inputs_embeds_masked.install_metadata(metadata)
+ return inputs_embeds
+inputs_embeds_masked = inputs_embeds.masked_scatter(special_image_mask, image_features)
+inputs_embeds_masked = maybe_install_metadata_inputs_embeds(
+ inputs_embeds_masked, inputs_embeds, special_image_mask, image_features
+### Ensuring Consistent Data Types ###
+TypeError: __bool__ should return bool, returned Tensor
+In rare cases, some variables are assigned to a different type than the type they were
+initialized with. This is a problem for the torch.fx tracing module, as the
+implementation requires that all variables maintain the same type.
+In this case, the variable `legacy_processing` is initially assigned to the `bool` type.
+However, it is later reassigned to the type `torch.Tensor[bool]`.
+legacy_processing = False
+legacy_processing = (
+ (input_ids == self.config.image_token_index).sum(1).max() < self.config.image_seq_length
+) or (input_ids.shape[-1] == 1 and pixel_values is not None)
+In this example, we can fix the type of `legacy_processing` by ensuring that the new
+assignment matches the original type `bool`.
+legacy_processing = False
+legacy_processing = (
+ (input_ids == self.config.image_token_index).sum(1).max() < self.config.image_seq_length
+) or (input_ids.shape[-1] == 1 and pixel_values is not None).item()
+## Summary ##
+This guide provides a comprehensive overview of tracing concepts as they apply to
+LLM Compressor, enabling effective use of the [Sequential Pipeline](/src/llmcompressor/pipelines/sequential/pipeline.py)
+and modifiers such as [GPTQModifier](/src/llmcompressor/modifiers/quantization/gptq/base.py).
+The following key points are covered by this guide:
+1. **Importance of Tracing**:
+ Tracing is essential for compressing complex models and managing memory efficiently.
+ It ensures accurate data flow capture for layer-by-layer processing during
+ compression.
+2. **Traceability**:
+ A model's traceability depends on its ability to define clear input-output
+ operations. Using tools like `llmcompressor.trace`, users can identify traceability
+ issues and make necessary adjustments, such as modifying sequential targets or adding
+ modules to the ignore list.
+3. **Model Modifications**:
+ Non-traceable models can be modified by addressing common errors, such as conditional
+ logic and iteration issues, or by implementing techniques like function wrapping and
+ shape inference correction.
+This guide empowers users to adapt their models for optimal performance with LLM
+Compressor while maintaining compatibility with its pipeline and modifier tools. The
+outlined steps, examples, and troubleshooting tips ensure that even complex
+architectures can be effectively traced and compressed with minimal memory usage and
+accuracy loss.
diff --git a/src/llmcompressor/transformers/tracing/assets/Llama_3.2-Vision.svg b/src/llmcompressor/transformers/tracing/assets/Llama_3.2-Vision.svg
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c12a828a3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/llmcompressor/transformers/tracing/assets/Llama_3.2-Vision.svg
@@ -0,0 +1,5319 @@
diff --git a/src/llmcompressor/transformers/tracing/assets/ignored_modules.jpg b/src/llmcompressor/transformers/tracing/assets/ignored_modules.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1ed591674
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new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5fa7b771c
Binary files /dev/null and b/src/llmcompressor/transformers/tracing/assets/model_graph.jpg differ
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new file mode 100644
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new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3bd5da411
Binary files /dev/null and b/src/llmcompressor/transformers/tracing/assets/wrapped_function.jpg differ
diff --git a/src/llmcompressor/transformers/tracing/debug.py b/src/llmcompressor/transformers/tracing/debug.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c2ec23d07
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/llmcompressor/transformers/tracing/debug.py
@@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
+from typing import List, Type, Union, Optional, Dict
+import argparse
+import torch
+import transformers
+from transformers import AutoProcessor, PreTrainedModel
+from llmcompressor.transformers import tracing
+from llmcompressor.utils.pytorch.module import get_no_split_params
+from llmcompressor.pipelines.sequential.helpers import trace_subgraphs
+from llmcompressor.transformers import DataTrainingArguments, TextGenerationDataset
+def parse_args():
+ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Trace a model into subgraphs")
+ parser.add_argument("--model_id", type=str, required=True, help="The stub of the model to load") # noqa: E501
+ parser.add_argument("--model_class", type=str, required=True, help="The class name of the model") # noqa: E501
+ parser.add_argument("--sequential_targets", type=str, nargs="*", default=None, metavar="TARGET", help="List of targets for sequential tracing") # noqa: E501
+ parser.add_argument("--ignore", type=str, nargs="*", default=[], metavar="PATTERN", help="List of patterns to ignore during tracing") # noqa: E501
+ parser.add_argument("--modality", type=str, default="text", help="Modality of calibration dataset, defaults to text") # noqa: E501
+ return parser.parse_args()
+def trace(
+ model_id: str,
+ model_class: Type[PreTrainedModel],
+ sequential_targets: Optional[Union[List[str], str]] = None,
+ ignore: Union[List[str], str] = [],
+ modality: str = "text",
+ """
+ Debug traceability by tracing a pre-trained model into subgraphs
+ :param model_id: stub of the model to load
+ :param model_class: class constructor of the pre-trained model. Can use either
+ HF transformers classes or `Traceable` classes defined by LLM Compressor
+ :param sequential_targets: targets for sequential tracing, defaults to automatic
+ inference
+ :param ignore: patterns to ignore during tracing
+ :param modality: data modality for dummy tracing data, defaults to 'text'
+ Example usage from CLI
+ llmcompressor.trace \
+ --model_id Qwen/Qwen2-VL-2B-Instruct \
+ --model_class Qwen2VLForConditionalGeneration \
+ --sequential_targets Qwen2VLDecoderLayer \
+ --ignore "lm_head" "re:visual.*" \
+ --modality text
+ """
+ # Load model
+ model = model_class.from_pretrained(
+ model_id,
+ device_map="auto",
+ torch_dtype="auto",
+ )
+ processor = AutoProcessor.from_pretrained(model_id, trust_remote_code=True)
+ print("Loaded model")
+ # Prepare sample data
+ data_args = DataTrainingArguments(**get_dataset_kwargs(modality))
+ dataset = TextGenerationDataset.load_from_registry(
+ data_args.dataset,
+ data_args=data_args,
+ split=data_args.splits["calibration"],
+ processor=processor,
+ )(add_labels=False)
+ sample_input = next(iter(dataset))
+ sample_input = {k: torch.tensor(v) for k, v in sample_input.items()}
+ print("Loaded sample data")
+ # infer sequential targets
+ if sequential_targets is None:
+ sequential_targets = get_no_split_params(model)
+ if isinstance(sequential_targets, str):
+ sequential_targets = [sequential_targets]
+ # infer ignore
+ if isinstance(ignore, str):
+ ignore = [ignore]
+ # Attempt trace
+ print(
+ "\nAttempting trace\n"
+ f" model_id={model_id}\n"
+ f" model_class={model_class.__name__}\n"
+ f" dataset={data_args.dataset}\n"
+ f" split={dataset.split}\n"
+ f" inputs={sample_input.keys()}\n"
+ f" sequential_targets={sequential_targets}\n"
+ f" ignore={ignore}\n"
+ )
+ subgraphs = trace_subgraphs(model, sample_input, sequential_targets, ignore)
+ print(f"Successfully traced model into {len(subgraphs)} subgraphs!\n")
+def get_model_class(model_class: str) -> Type[PreTrainedModel]:
+ model_cls = getattr(tracing, model_class, getattr(transformers, model_class, None))
+ if model_cls is None:
+ raise ValueError(f"Could not import model class {model_class}")
+ return model_cls
+def get_dataset_kwargs(modality: str) -> Dict[str, str]:
+ dataset_kwargs = {
+ "text": {
+ "dataset": "ultrachat-200k",
+ "splits": {"calibration": "test_sft[:1]"},
+ },
+ "vision": {
+ "dataset": "flickr",
+ "splits": {"calibration": "test[:1]"},
+ },
+ }
+ if modality not in dataset_kwargs:
+ raise ValueError(f"Modality must be one of {list(dataset_kwargs.keys())}")
+ return dataset_kwargs[modality]
+def main():
+ args = parse_args()
+ trace(
+ model_id=args.model_id,
+ model_class=get_model_class(args.model_class),
+ sequential_targets=args.sequential_targets,
+ ignore=args.ignore,
+ modality=args.modality,
+ )
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ main()