This is not just a simple calculator with default arithmetical operations but more complicated solution with possibility of calculating trigonomethrical functions and numbers in different calculus systems.
- Python basics
- Creating GUI with PyQt5
- Convert numbers in different calculus systems
- Implementing Reverse Polish Notation(RPN)
To use the application, firstly, you will need to copy the entire repository. Open command prompt, go to the folder where you would like to store files and write:
git clone
To run the calculator you must have any Python 3 version, installed C++ Tools that you can install via Visual Studio Build Tools (You can find this program on Microsoft site with this link: and installed PyQt5 package. To install PyQt5 run following command in command prompt in Windows:
py -m pip install pyqt5
If you are UNIX system user, use following command in terminal:
sudo pip3 install PyQt5
Remember that for ability to install package any version of Python 3 must be installed on your computer!
- Python 3.8
- PyQt5
- PyQt Designer