Welcome to iloveAI, your go-to destination for comprehensive educational content on Artificial Intelligence Concepts and Introduction to AI! This project aims to provide students enrolled in COMP-3710/8700 with a rich learning experience while also exploring the intersection of AI and web development.
iloveAI is a user-friendly website packed with high-quality educational resources for AI enthusiasts. Our primary goal is to offer a comprehensive curriculum covering essential AI concepts, multimedia resources including articles, animations, and videos, and interactive elements such as quizzes and comment sections for enhanced learning.
- Next.js / React
- TailWindCSS
- DaisyUI
- GitHub (for hosting and repository)
- Vercel (for deployment)
- ChatGPT (for content generation)
Explore the iloveAI website at https://i-love-ai.vercel.app/ and embark on your journey into the world of artificial intelligence!