Our mission is to fulfill every blood request in the country with a promising web portal and motivated individuals willing to donate blood.
(i) Clone the repository containing the frontend/UI code to your local machine.
Extract and Open in VS Code:
Extract the contents of the repository (if necessary).
Open the folder containing the extracted files in Visual Studio Code (VS Code).
Run as Live Server:
(ii) Navigate to the index.html file within VS Code. Right-click on index.html and select "Open with Live Server" to run the application in your browser.
* minimum java version 17, MySQL:8.x.x
(i) Clone the blood4family-backend repository to your local machine. Extract and Open in an IDE Extract the contents of the repository (if necessary). Open the folder in an IDE like Eclipse or Spring Tool Suite (STS).
(ii) Import as a Maven Project: In your IDE, go to the Import option. Choose to import the project as a Maven project. Complete the import process.
(iii) Set Up the Database: Open a database management tool like MySQL Workbench. Create a new database with a name of your choice. In the file of the project, update the spring.datasource.url property to point to your newly created database. Run the Spring Boot Application:
(iv) Right-click on the project in your IDE. Select "Run as" > "Spring Boot Application." Once the application runs successfully, you can start sending requests, such as registering as a donor or finding blood donor data.
(I)- Donor Not Found
(ii)- Donor Found
4- Register As Donor
(I) Form Validation
(ii) Register As Donor Successfully