Basic programming with few commands.
Command | Description | Example |
push | push a number on to stack | push 23 |
pop | pop a number from stack | pop |
+ | add last two numbers in stack | + |
- | subract last two numbers in stack | - |
* | multiply last two numbers in stack | * |
/ | divide last two numbers in stack | / |
% | modulo last two numbers in stack | % |
> | compare last two numbers in stack | > |
< | compare last two numbers in stack | < |
>= | compare last two numbers in stack | <= |
<= | compare last two numbers in stack | >= |
!= | compare last two numbers in stack | != |
== | compare last two numbers in stack | == |
jmp | jump code to given line number | jmp 23 |
jmpt | jump code to given line number if last stack value is zero | jmpt 23 |
jmpf | jmp code to given line number if last stack value is not zero | jmpf 23 |
prints last stack value | ||
get | wait for user to enter value and push to stack | get |
dup | duplicate last value in stack | dup |
exit | exit the program | exit |
- Build with single file "stack.cpp".
- Supports all platform.
- No external dependency.
- Check file for reference.
stack <-p> <-d>
- option -p print the complied code
- option -d for debugging, execute each step on keypress.
Sample file in test folder