- Build the image
docker build -t expo .
- Run the container
docker run -it --name expo_container expo
Inside container CLI, create your expo app:
npx create-expo-app StickerSmash --template blank
cd StickerSmash
npx expo install react-dom react-native-web @expo/metro-runtime
Build your app locally using:
eas build --platform android --local
- Local builds - EXPO
- Docker builds
- Docker containers
- Copy files from local machine to docker container
- Name docker container
- Disable git from eas-cli
- Android Studio + flutter in docker
- install-android-sdk.bash
- speed up gradle build time - Tim Roes
- libvirt-bin package was dropped in 18.10
- build-properties - Expo
- Accept all sdk licenses
- Create your first app - Expo