This repository contains two codes developed by Celso G. de Oliveira Jr and Vitor R. Coluci. The codes are used to control a steeped motor with Arduino and to collect and exhibit the light intensity patterns produced in Young's double-slit experiments. The codes were used on the apparatus described in the article "Light interference pattern measurements from automated low-cost Young's double-slit experiments" submitted to Revista Brasileira de Ensino de Fisica. All the work was developed at the School of Technology, University of Campinas, SP, Brazil.
The first code is the code to be uploaded in the Arduino, written in C, that controls a stepped motor, collects voltage data and sends them to the serial port to be visualized with Processing.
The second code is the Processing code that takes the voltage data from the serial port and exhibits them in a graph in real-time as a function of the position of the light sensor.