This repo is my attempt to create a good knowledge acquisition workflow. With it I can centralize my efforts in designing knowledge pipelines. For example, what are the best steps to take from raw knowledge source, to notes, and to new knowledge? In reading a book, what thinking/writing structure should I use to better internalize its ideas into who I am? Things like that.
I expect to have graphs for each workflow I did sometime in the past, I already do, or I think will do soon:
- To understand this concept from this paper I read it using this method to obtain notes in this structure; after that, I used this other method to synthesize these literature notes into a permanent note.
- For articles, my note-taking system consists in doing this and that, where the generated data goes to this tool for later analysis.
- I managed to be X% more productive this week because I notice that my programming workflow was limited by this thing, which I resolved with this tool.
Actual workflow as of today -- 15/04/22
- Add tools I currently use to organize daily tasks (quire), notes (roam research).
- Add tools I currently use to take notes (hypothesis, roam research, readwise).
- Add tools I currently use code (archlinux, i3wm, neovim, kitty, etc).