Solved many problems related to Census, Olympics, Energy using Data Science Techniques and methods. Also, performed Hypothesis Testing.
Develop basic Python programs using strings, functions, lists, dictionaries, date/time features, and files.
Use advanced Python features, including lambdas, list comprehensions and the numpy library.
Create Series and DataFrame Data Structures.
Use pandas math functions, as well as broadcasting features.
Employ the pandas library to import and manipulate data.
Apply indexing and querying to DataFrames, and deal with missing values.
Apply merge and join on DataFrames.
Employ slicing and indexing on DataFrames.
Analyze data with groupby and understand categorical variables.
Produce the entire process of data source to elucidation.
Examine the data by manipulating, cutting, and applying aggregate functions to DataFrames.
Generate summary tables, group data into logical pieces, and manipulate dates.
Statistical techniques such a distributions, sampling and t-tests.
Recognize different distributions such as binomial, uniform, normal, and chi-squared
Interpret data to evaluate hypothesis tests