Privacy Policy
+ This Privacy Policy explains how we collect, use, and share personal information when you
+ visit our website,
+ portofmars.asu.edu/ educator ??.
+ By using our website, you agree to the collection, use, and sharing of your personal
+ information as described in this Privacy Policy. If you do not agree with our policies and
+ practices, do not use our website.
Information We Collect
How We Use Your Information
Sharing Your Information
Your Rights
Data Retention
Changes to our Privacy Policy
Contact Us
+ If you have any questions or concerns about our Privacy Policy or the collection, use, or
+ sharing of your personal information, please contact us at
+ {{ $settings.CONTACT_EMAIL }}.
diff --git a/server/pom-2024-08-27-23.29.13.sql b/server/pom-2024-08-27-23.29.13.sql
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1f7b51e7e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/server/pom-2024-08-27-23.29.13.sql
@@ -0,0 +1,4182 @@
+-- PostgreSQL database dump
+-- Dumped from database version 12.20 (Debian 12.20-1.pgdg120+1)
+-- Dumped by pg_dump version 15.8 (Debian 15.8-0+deb12u1)
+SET statement_timeout = 0;
+SET lock_timeout = 0;
+SET idle_in_transaction_session_timeout = 0;
+SET client_encoding = 'UTF8';
+SET standard_conforming_strings = on;
+SELECT pg_catalog.set_config('search_path', '', false);
+SET check_function_bodies = false;
+SET xmloption = content;
+SET client_min_messages = warning;
+SET row_security = off;
+-- Name: public; Type: SCHEMA; Schema: -; Owner: marsmadness
+-- *not* creating schema, since initdb creates it
+ALTER SCHEMA public OWNER TO marsmadness;
+-- Name: uuid-ossp; Type: EXTENSION; Schema: -; Owner: -
+-- Name: EXTENSION "uuid-ossp"; Type: COMMENT; Schema: -; Owner:
+COMMENT ON EXTENSION "uuid-ossp" IS 'generate universally unique identifiers (UUIDs)';
+-- Name: moderation_action_action_enum; Type: TYPE; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+CREATE TYPE public.moderation_action_action_enum AS ENUM (
+ 'mute',
+ 'ban',
+ 'none'
+ALTER TYPE public.moderation_action_action_enum OWNER TO marsmadness;
+-- Name: player_role_enum; Type: TYPE; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+CREATE TYPE public.player_role_enum AS ENUM (
+ 'Curator',
+ 'Entrepreneur',
+ 'Pioneer',
+ 'Politician',
+ 'Researcher'
+ALTER TYPE public.player_role_enum OWNER TO marsmadness;
+-- Name: solo_game_status_enum; Type: TYPE; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+CREATE TYPE public.solo_game_status_enum AS ENUM (
+ 'incomplete',
+ 'victory',
+ 'defeat'
+ALTER TYPE public.solo_game_status_enum OWNER TO marsmadness;
+-- Name: solo_game_treatment_thresholdinformation_enum; Type: TYPE; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+CREATE TYPE public.solo_game_treatment_thresholdinformation_enum AS ENUM (
+ 'unknown',
+ 'range',
+ 'known'
+ALTER TYPE public.solo_game_treatment_thresholdinformation_enum OWNER TO marsmadness;
+SET default_tablespace = '';
+SET default_table_access_method = heap;
+-- Name: chat_report; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+CREATE TABLE public.chat_report (
+ id integer NOT NULL,
+ "dateCreated" timestamp without time zone DEFAULT now() NOT NULL,
+ "gameId" integer NOT NULL,
+ "userId" integer NOT NULL,
+ message jsonb NOT NULL,
+ resolved boolean DEFAULT false NOT NULL
+ALTER TABLE public.chat_report OWNER TO marsmadness;
+-- Name: chat_report_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+CREATE SEQUENCE public.chat_report_id_seq
+ AS integer
+ CACHE 1;
+ALTER TABLE public.chat_report_id_seq OWNER TO marsmadness;
+-- Name: chat_report_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+ALTER SEQUENCE public.chat_report_id_seq OWNED BY public.chat_report.id;
+-- Name: classroom; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+CREATE TABLE public.classroom (
+ id integer NOT NULL,
+ "teacherId" integer NOT NULL,
+ "authToken" character varying NOT NULL,
+ descriptor character varying NOT NULL
+ALTER TABLE public.classroom OWNER TO marsmadness;
+-- Name: classroom_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+CREATE SEQUENCE public.classroom_id_seq
+ AS integer
+ CACHE 1;
+ALTER TABLE public.classroom_id_seq OWNER TO marsmadness;
+-- Name: classroom_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+ALTER SEQUENCE public.classroom_id_seq OWNED BY public.classroom.id;
+-- Name: game; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+CREATE TABLE public.game (
+ id integer NOT NULL,
+ "roomId" character varying NOT NULL,
+ "buildId" character varying NOT NULL,
+ "dateCreated" timestamp without time zone DEFAULT now() NOT NULL,
+ "dateFinalized" timestamp without time zone,
+ "tournamentRoundId" integer NOT NULL,
+ status character varying DEFAULT 'incomplete'::character varying NOT NULL,
+ "winnerId" integer,
+ type character varying DEFAULT 'freeplay'::character varying NOT NULL,
+ "treatmentId" integer,
+ "classroomId" integer
+ALTER TABLE public.game OWNER TO marsmadness;
+-- Name: game_event; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+CREATE TABLE public.game_event (
+ id integer NOT NULL,
+ "gameId" integer NOT NULL,
+ type character varying NOT NULL,
+ payload jsonb NOT NULL,
+ "dateCreated" timestamp without time zone NOT NULL,
+ "timeRemaining" integer NOT NULL
+ALTER TABLE public.game_event OWNER TO marsmadness;
+-- Name: game_event_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+CREATE SEQUENCE public.game_event_id_seq
+ AS integer
+ CACHE 1;
+ALTER TABLE public.game_event_id_seq OWNER TO marsmadness;
+-- Name: game_event_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+ALTER SEQUENCE public.game_event_id_seq OWNED BY public.game_event.id;
+-- Name: game_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+CREATE SEQUENCE public.game_id_seq
+ AS integer
+ CACHE 1;
+ALTER TABLE public.game_id_seq OWNER TO marsmadness;
+-- Name: game_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+ALTER SEQUENCE public.game_id_seq OWNED BY public.game.id;
+-- Name: lobby_chat_message; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+CREATE TABLE public.lobby_chat_message (
+ id integer NOT NULL,
+ "dateCreated" timestamp without time zone NOT NULL,
+ "userId" integer NOT NULL,
+ message character varying NOT NULL,
+ "roomId" character varying NOT NULL,
+ "lobbyType" character varying NOT NULL
+ALTER TABLE public.lobby_chat_message OWNER TO marsmadness;
+-- Name: lobby_chat_message_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+CREATE SEQUENCE public.lobby_chat_message_id_seq
+ AS integer
+ CACHE 1;
+ALTER TABLE public.lobby_chat_message_id_seq OWNER TO marsmadness;
+-- Name: lobby_chat_message_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+ALTER SEQUENCE public.lobby_chat_message_id_seq OWNED BY public.lobby_chat_message.id;
+-- Name: migrations; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+CREATE TABLE public.migrations (
+ id integer NOT NULL,
+ "timestamp" bigint NOT NULL,
+ name character varying NOT NULL
+ALTER TABLE public.migrations OWNER TO marsmadness;
+-- Name: migrations_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+CREATE SEQUENCE public.migrations_id_seq
+ AS integer
+ CACHE 1;
+ALTER TABLE public.migrations_id_seq OWNER TO marsmadness;
+-- Name: migrations_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+ALTER SEQUENCE public.migrations_id_seq OWNED BY public.migrations.id;
+-- Name: moderation_action; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+CREATE TABLE public.moderation_action (
+ id integer NOT NULL,
+ "reportId" integer NOT NULL,
+ "userId" integer NOT NULL,
+ "adminId" integer NOT NULL,
+ action public.moderation_action_action_enum NOT NULL,
+ "dateCreated" timestamp without time zone DEFAULT now() NOT NULL,
+ "daysMuted" integer,
+ "dateMuteExpires" timestamp without time zone GENERATED ALWAYS AS (
+ WHEN ("daysMuted" IS NOT NULL) THEN ("dateCreated" + ('1 day'::interval * ("daysMuted")::double precision))
+ ELSE NULL::timestamp without time zone
+ revoked boolean DEFAULT false NOT NULL
+ALTER TABLE public.moderation_action OWNER TO marsmadness;
+-- Name: moderation_action_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+CREATE SEQUENCE public.moderation_action_id_seq
+ AS integer
+ CACHE 1;
+ALTER TABLE public.moderation_action_id_seq OWNER TO marsmadness;
+-- Name: moderation_action_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+ALTER SEQUENCE public.moderation_action_id_seq OWNED BY public.moderation_action.id;
+-- Name: player; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+CREATE TABLE public.player (
+ id integer NOT NULL,
+ role public.player_role_enum NOT NULL,
+ "userId" integer NOT NULL,
+ "gameId" integer NOT NULL,
+ points integer,
+ "playerIp" character varying DEFAULT ''::character varying NOT NULL
+ALTER TABLE public.player OWNER TO marsmadness;
+-- Name: player_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+CREATE SEQUENCE public.player_id_seq
+ AS integer
+ CACHE 1;
+ALTER TABLE public.player_id_seq OWNER TO marsmadness;
+-- Name: player_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+ALTER SEQUENCE public.player_id_seq OWNED BY public.player.id;
+-- Name: question; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+CREATE TABLE public.question (
+ id integer NOT NULL,
+ "quizId" integer NOT NULL,
+ question character varying NOT NULL,
+ options jsonb NOT NULL,
+ "correctAnswer" integer NOT NULL,
+ "tutorialElementId" character varying NOT NULL,
+ "order" integer NOT NULL
+ALTER TABLE public.question OWNER TO marsmadness;
+-- Name: question_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+CREATE SEQUENCE public.question_id_seq
+ AS integer
+ CACHE 1;
+ALTER TABLE public.question_id_seq OWNER TO marsmadness;
+-- Name: question_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+ALTER SEQUENCE public.question_id_seq OWNED BY public.question.id;
+-- Name: question_response; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+CREATE TABLE public.question_response (
+ id integer NOT NULL,
+ "questionId" integer NOT NULL,
+ "submissionId" integer NOT NULL,
+ answer integer NOT NULL,
+ "dateCreated" timestamp without time zone DEFAULT now() NOT NULL
+ALTER TABLE public.question_response OWNER TO marsmadness;
+-- Name: question_response_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+CREATE SEQUENCE public.question_response_id_seq
+ AS integer
+ CACHE 1;
+ALTER TABLE public.question_response_id_seq OWNER TO marsmadness;
+-- Name: question_response_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+ALTER SEQUENCE public.question_response_id_seq OWNED BY public.question_response.id;
+-- Name: quiz; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+CREATE TABLE public.quiz (
+ id integer NOT NULL,
+ name character varying NOT NULL
+ALTER TABLE public.quiz OWNER TO marsmadness;
+-- Name: quiz_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+CREATE SEQUENCE public.quiz_id_seq
+ AS integer
+ CACHE 1;
+ALTER TABLE public.quiz_id_seq OWNER TO marsmadness;
+-- Name: quiz_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+ALTER SEQUENCE public.quiz_id_seq OWNED BY public.quiz.id;
+-- Name: quiz_submission; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+CREATE TABLE public.quiz_submission (
+ id integer NOT NULL,
+ "userId" integer NOT NULL,
+ "dateCreated" timestamp without time zone DEFAULT now() NOT NULL,
+ "quizId" integer NOT NULL
+ALTER TABLE public.quiz_submission OWNER TO marsmadness;
+-- Name: quiz_submission_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+CREATE SEQUENCE public.quiz_submission_id_seq
+ AS integer
+ CACHE 1;
+ALTER TABLE public.quiz_submission_id_seq OWNER TO marsmadness;
+-- Name: quiz_submission_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+ALTER SEQUENCE public.quiz_submission_id_seq OWNED BY public.quiz_submission.id;
+-- Name: solo_game; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+CREATE TABLE public.solo_game (
+ id integer NOT NULL,
+ "dateCreated" timestamp without time zone DEFAULT now() NOT NULL,
+ "playerId" integer NOT NULL,
+ "treatmentId" integer NOT NULL,
+ "deckId" integer NOT NULL,
+ status public.solo_game_status_enum NOT NULL,
+ "twoEventsThreshold" integer NOT NULL,
+ "threeEventsThreshold" integer NOT NULL,
+ "maxRound" integer DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL
+ALTER TABLE public.solo_game OWNER TO marsmadness;
+-- Name: solo_game_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+CREATE SEQUENCE public.solo_game_id_seq
+ AS integer
+ CACHE 1;
+ALTER TABLE public.solo_game_id_seq OWNER TO marsmadness;
+-- Name: solo_game_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+ALTER SEQUENCE public.solo_game_id_seq OWNED BY public.solo_game.id;
+-- Name: solo_game_round; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+CREATE TABLE public.solo_game_round (
+ id integer NOT NULL,
+ "dateCreated" timestamp without time zone DEFAULT now() NOT NULL,
+ "gameId" integer NOT NULL,
+ "roundNumber" integer NOT NULL,
+ "decisionId" integer NOT NULL,
+ "initialSystemHealth" integer NOT NULL,
+ "initialPoints" integer NOT NULL
+ALTER TABLE public.solo_game_round OWNER TO marsmadness;
+-- Name: solo_game_round_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+CREATE SEQUENCE public.solo_game_round_id_seq
+ AS integer
+ CACHE 1;
+ALTER TABLE public.solo_game_round_id_seq OWNER TO marsmadness;
+-- Name: solo_game_round_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+ALTER SEQUENCE public.solo_game_round_id_seq OWNED BY public.solo_game_round.id;
+-- Name: solo_game_treatment; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+CREATE TABLE public.solo_game_treatment (
+ id integer NOT NULL,
+ "isNumberOfRoundsKnown" boolean NOT NULL,
+ "isEventDeckKnown" boolean NOT NULL,
+ "thresholdInformation" public.solo_game_treatment_thresholdinformation_enum NOT NULL
+ALTER TABLE public.solo_game_treatment OWNER TO marsmadness;
+-- Name: solo_game_treatment_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+CREATE SEQUENCE public.solo_game_treatment_id_seq
+ AS integer
+ CACHE 1;
+ALTER TABLE public.solo_game_treatment_id_seq OWNER TO marsmadness;
+-- Name: solo_game_treatment_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+ALTER SEQUENCE public.solo_game_treatment_id_seq OWNED BY public.solo_game_treatment.id;
+-- Name: solo_high_score; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+CREATE TABLE public.solo_high_score (
+ id integer NOT NULL,
+ "userId" integer NOT NULL,
+ "pointsPerRound" double precision NOT NULL,
+ points integer NOT NULL,
+ "maxRound" integer NOT NULL,
+ "gameId" integer,
+ "dateCreated" timestamp without time zone DEFAULT now() NOT NULL,
+ "lastModified" timestamp without time zone DEFAULT now() NOT NULL
+ALTER TABLE public.solo_high_score OWNER TO marsmadness;
+-- Name: solo_high_score_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+CREATE SEQUENCE public.solo_high_score_id_seq
+ AS integer
+ CACHE 1;
+ALTER TABLE public.solo_high_score_id_seq OWNER TO marsmadness;
+-- Name: solo_high_score_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+ALTER SEQUENCE public.solo_high_score_id_seq OWNED BY public.solo_high_score.id;
+-- Name: solo_mars_event_card; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+CREATE TABLE public.solo_mars_event_card (
+ id integer NOT NULL,
+ "codeName" character varying NOT NULL,
+ "displayName" character varying NOT NULL,
+ "flavorText" character varying NOT NULL,
+ effect character varying NOT NULL,
+ "drawMin" integer NOT NULL,
+ "drawMax" integer NOT NULL,
+ "rollMin" integer NOT NULL,
+ "rollMax" integer NOT NULL,
+ "systemHealthMultiplier" integer NOT NULL,
+ "pointsMultiplier" integer NOT NULL,
+ "resourcesMultiplier" integer NOT NULL
+ALTER TABLE public.solo_mars_event_card OWNER TO marsmadness;
+-- Name: solo_mars_event_card_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+CREATE SEQUENCE public.solo_mars_event_card_id_seq
+ AS integer
+ CACHE 1;
+ALTER TABLE public.solo_mars_event_card_id_seq OWNER TO marsmadness;
+-- Name: solo_mars_event_card_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+ALTER SEQUENCE public.solo_mars_event_card_id_seq OWNED BY public.solo_mars_event_card.id;
+-- Name: solo_mars_event_deck; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+CREATE TABLE public.solo_mars_event_deck (
+ id integer NOT NULL
+ALTER TABLE public.solo_mars_event_deck OWNER TO marsmadness;
+-- Name: solo_mars_event_deck_card; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+CREATE TABLE public.solo_mars_event_deck_card (
+ id integer NOT NULL,
+ "dateCreated" timestamp without time zone DEFAULT now() NOT NULL,
+ "deckId" integer NOT NULL,
+ "cardId" integer NOT NULL,
+ "effectText" character varying NOT NULL,
+ "systemHealthEffect" integer NOT NULL,
+ "resourcesEffect" integer NOT NULL,
+ "pointsEffect" integer NOT NULL,
+ "roundId" integer
+ALTER TABLE public.solo_mars_event_deck_card OWNER TO marsmadness;
+-- Name: solo_mars_event_deck_card_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+CREATE SEQUENCE public.solo_mars_event_deck_card_id_seq
+ AS integer
+ CACHE 1;
+ALTER TABLE public.solo_mars_event_deck_card_id_seq OWNER TO marsmadness;
+-- Name: solo_mars_event_deck_card_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+ALTER SEQUENCE public.solo_mars_event_deck_card_id_seq OWNED BY public.solo_mars_event_deck_card.id;
+-- Name: solo_mars_event_deck_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+CREATE SEQUENCE public.solo_mars_event_deck_id_seq
+ AS integer
+ CACHE 1;
+ALTER TABLE public.solo_mars_event_deck_id_seq OWNER TO marsmadness;
+-- Name: solo_mars_event_deck_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+ALTER SEQUENCE public.solo_mars_event_deck_id_seq OWNED BY public.solo_mars_event_deck.id;
+-- Name: solo_player; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+CREATE TABLE public.solo_player (
+ id integer NOT NULL,
+ "userId" integer NOT NULL,
+ "playerIp" character varying DEFAULT ''::character varying NOT NULL,
+ "gameId" integer,
+ points integer,
+ "dateCreated" timestamp without time zone DEFAULT now() NOT NULL
+ALTER TABLE public.solo_player OWNER TO marsmadness;
+-- Name: solo_player_decision; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+CREATE TABLE public.solo_player_decision (
+ id integer NOT NULL,
+ "systemHealthInvestment" integer NOT NULL,
+ "pointsInvestment" integer NOT NULL
+ALTER TABLE public.solo_player_decision OWNER TO marsmadness;
+-- Name: solo_player_decision_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+CREATE SEQUENCE public.solo_player_decision_id_seq
+ AS integer
+ CACHE 1;
+ALTER TABLE public.solo_player_decision_id_seq OWNER TO marsmadness;
+-- Name: solo_player_decision_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+ALTER SEQUENCE public.solo_player_decision_id_seq OWNED BY public.solo_player_decision.id;
+-- Name: solo_player_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+CREATE SEQUENCE public.solo_player_id_seq
+ AS integer
+ CACHE 1;
+ALTER TABLE public.solo_player_id_seq OWNER TO marsmadness;
+-- Name: solo_player_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+ALTER SEQUENCE public.solo_player_id_seq OWNED BY public.solo_player.id;
+-- Name: student; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+CREATE TABLE public.student (
+ id integer NOT NULL,
+ "userId" integer NOT NULL,
+ "classroomId" integer NOT NULL,
+ "rejoinCode" character varying NOT NULL
+ALTER TABLE public.student OWNER TO marsmadness;
+-- Name: student_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+CREATE SEQUENCE public.student_id_seq
+ AS integer
+ CACHE 1;
+ALTER TABLE public.student_id_seq OWNER TO marsmadness;
+-- Name: student_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+ALTER SEQUENCE public.student_id_seq OWNED BY public.student.id;
+-- Name: teacher; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+CREATE TABLE public.teacher (
+ id integer NOT NULL,
+ "userId" integer NOT NULL,
+ password character varying NOT NULL
+ALTER TABLE public.teacher OWNER TO marsmadness;
+-- Name: teacher_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+CREATE SEQUENCE public.teacher_id_seq
+ AS integer
+ CACHE 1;
+ALTER TABLE public.teacher_id_seq OWNER TO marsmadness;
+-- Name: teacher_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+ALTER SEQUENCE public.teacher_id_seq OWNED BY public.teacher.id;
+-- Name: tournament; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+CREATE TABLE public.tournament (
+ id integer NOT NULL,
+ name character varying NOT NULL,
+ active boolean NOT NULL,
+ "dateCreated" timestamp without time zone DEFAULT now() NOT NULL,
+ "minNumberOfGameRounds" integer DEFAULT 8 NOT NULL,
+ "maxNumberOfGameRounds" integer DEFAULT 12 NOT NULL,
+ description character varying
+ALTER TABLE public.tournament OWNER TO marsmadness;
+-- Name: tournament_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+CREATE SEQUENCE public.tournament_id_seq
+ AS integer
+ CACHE 1;
+ALTER TABLE public.tournament_id_seq OWNER TO marsmadness;
+-- Name: tournament_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+ALTER SEQUENCE public.tournament_id_seq OWNED BY public.tournament.id;
+-- Name: tournament_round; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+CREATE TABLE public.tournament_round (
+ id integer NOT NULL,
+ "roundNumber" integer NOT NULL,
+ "numberOfGameRounds" integer DEFAULT 12 NOT NULL,
+ "tournamentId" integer NOT NULL,
+ "introSurveyUrl" character varying,
+ "exitSurveyUrl" character varying,
+ "dateCreated" timestamp without time zone DEFAULT now() NOT NULL,
+ championship boolean DEFAULT false NOT NULL,
+ announcement character varying
+ALTER TABLE public.tournament_round OWNER TO marsmadness;
+-- Name: tournament_round_date; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+CREATE TABLE public.tournament_round_date (
+ id integer NOT NULL,
+ "tournamentRoundId" integer NOT NULL,
+ "dateCreated" timestamp without time zone DEFAULT now() NOT NULL,
+ date timestamp without time zone NOT NULL
+ALTER TABLE public.tournament_round_date OWNER TO marsmadness;
+-- Name: tournament_round_date_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+CREATE SEQUENCE public.tournament_round_date_id_seq
+ AS integer
+ CACHE 1;
+ALTER TABLE public.tournament_round_date_id_seq OWNER TO marsmadness;
+-- Name: tournament_round_date_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+ALTER SEQUENCE public.tournament_round_date_id_seq OWNED BY public.tournament_round_date.id;
+-- Name: tournament_round_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+CREATE SEQUENCE public.tournament_round_id_seq
+ AS integer
+ CACHE 1;
+ALTER TABLE public.tournament_round_id_seq OWNER TO marsmadness;
+-- Name: tournament_round_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+ALTER SEQUENCE public.tournament_round_id_seq OWNED BY public.tournament_round.id;
+-- Name: tournament_round_invite; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+CREATE TABLE public.tournament_round_invite (
+ id integer NOT NULL,
+ "tournamentRoundId" integer NOT NULL,
+ "userId" integer NOT NULL,
+ "hasParticipated" boolean DEFAULT false NOT NULL,
+ "hasCompletedIntroSurvey" boolean DEFAULT false NOT NULL,
+ "hasCompletedExitSurvey" boolean DEFAULT false NOT NULL,
+ "dateCreated" timestamp without time zone DEFAULT now() NOT NULL
+ALTER TABLE public.tournament_round_invite OWNER TO marsmadness;
+-- Name: tournament_round_invite_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+CREATE SEQUENCE public.tournament_round_invite_id_seq
+ AS integer
+ CACHE 1;
+ALTER TABLE public.tournament_round_invite_id_seq OWNER TO marsmadness;
+-- Name: tournament_round_invite_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+ALTER SEQUENCE public.tournament_round_invite_id_seq OWNED BY public.tournament_round_invite.id;
+-- Name: tournament_round_signup; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+CREATE TABLE public.tournament_round_signup (
+ "tournamentRoundInviteId" integer NOT NULL,
+ "tournamentRoundDateId" integer NOT NULL
+ALTER TABLE public.tournament_round_signup OWNER TO marsmadness;
+-- Name: tournament_treatments_treatment; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+CREATE TABLE public.tournament_treatments_treatment (
+ "tournamentId" integer NOT NULL,
+ "treatmentId" integer NOT NULL
+ALTER TABLE public.tournament_treatments_treatment OWNER TO marsmadness;
+-- Name: treatment; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+CREATE TABLE public.treatment (
+ id integer NOT NULL,
+ name character varying NOT NULL,
+ description character varying NOT NULL,
+ "dateCreated" timestamp without time zone DEFAULT now() NOT NULL,
+ "marsEventOverrides" jsonb
+ALTER TABLE public.treatment OWNER TO marsmadness;
+-- Name: treatment_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+CREATE SEQUENCE public.treatment_id_seq
+ AS integer
+ CACHE 1;
+ALTER TABLE public.treatment_id_seq OWNER TO marsmadness;
+-- Name: treatment_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+ALTER SEQUENCE public.treatment_id_seq OWNED BY public.treatment.id;
+-- Name: typeorm_metadata; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+CREATE TABLE public.typeorm_metadata (
+ type character varying NOT NULL,
+ database character varying,
+ schema character varying,
+ "table" character varying,
+ name character varying,
+ value text
+ALTER TABLE public.typeorm_metadata OWNER TO marsmadness;
+-- Name: user; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+CREATE TABLE public."user" (
+ id integer NOT NULL,
+ name character varying NOT NULL,
+ username character varying NOT NULL,
+ email character varying,
+ "passedQuiz" boolean DEFAULT false NOT NULL,
+ "registrationToken" uuid DEFAULT public.uuid_generate_v4() NOT NULL,
+ "participantId" uuid DEFAULT public.uuid_generate_v4() NOT NULL,
+ "isVerified" boolean DEFAULT false NOT NULL,
+ "dateConsented" timestamp without time zone,
+ "isActive" boolean DEFAULT true NOT NULL,
+ "dateCreated" timestamp without time zone DEFAULT now() NOT NULL,
+ "isAdmin" boolean DEFAULT false NOT NULL,
+ "passportId" character varying DEFAULT ''::character varying NOT NULL,
+ "isSystemBot" boolean DEFAULT false NOT NULL,
+ "lastPlayerIp" character varying DEFAULT ''::character varying NOT NULL,
+ "isBanned" boolean DEFAULT false NOT NULL,
+ "isMuted" boolean DEFAULT false NOT NULL,
+ "muteStrikes" integer DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL
+ALTER TABLE public."user" OWNER TO marsmadness;
+-- Name: user_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+CREATE SEQUENCE public.user_id_seq
+ AS integer
+ CACHE 1;
+ALTER TABLE public.user_id_seq OWNER TO marsmadness;
+-- Name: user_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+ALTER SEQUENCE public.user_id_seq OWNED BY public."user".id;
+-- Name: chat_report id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+ALTER TABLE ONLY public.chat_report ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('public.chat_report_id_seq'::regclass);
+-- Name: classroom id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+ALTER TABLE ONLY public.classroom ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('public.classroom_id_seq'::regclass);
+-- Name: game id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+ALTER TABLE ONLY public.game ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('public.game_id_seq'::regclass);
+-- Name: game_event id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+ALTER TABLE ONLY public.game_event ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('public.game_event_id_seq'::regclass);
+-- Name: lobby_chat_message id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+ALTER TABLE ONLY public.lobby_chat_message ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('public.lobby_chat_message_id_seq'::regclass);
+-- Name: migrations id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+ALTER TABLE ONLY public.migrations ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('public.migrations_id_seq'::regclass);
+-- Name: moderation_action id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+ALTER TABLE ONLY public.moderation_action ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('public.moderation_action_id_seq'::regclass);
+-- Name: player id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+ALTER TABLE ONLY public.player ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('public.player_id_seq'::regclass);
+-- Name: question id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+ALTER TABLE ONLY public.question ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('public.question_id_seq'::regclass);
+-- Name: question_response id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+ALTER TABLE ONLY public.question_response ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('public.question_response_id_seq'::regclass);
+-- Name: quiz id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+ALTER TABLE ONLY public.quiz ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('public.quiz_id_seq'::regclass);
+-- Name: quiz_submission id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+ALTER TABLE ONLY public.quiz_submission ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('public.quiz_submission_id_seq'::regclass);
+-- Name: solo_game id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+ALTER TABLE ONLY public.solo_game ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('public.solo_game_id_seq'::regclass);
+-- Name: solo_game_round id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+ALTER TABLE ONLY public.solo_game_round ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('public.solo_game_round_id_seq'::regclass);
+-- Name: solo_game_treatment id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+ALTER TABLE ONLY public.solo_game_treatment ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('public.solo_game_treatment_id_seq'::regclass);
+-- Name: solo_high_score id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+ALTER TABLE ONLY public.solo_high_score ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('public.solo_high_score_id_seq'::regclass);
+-- Name: solo_mars_event_card id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+ALTER TABLE ONLY public.solo_mars_event_card ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('public.solo_mars_event_card_id_seq'::regclass);
+-- Name: solo_mars_event_deck id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+ALTER TABLE ONLY public.solo_mars_event_deck ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('public.solo_mars_event_deck_id_seq'::regclass);
+-- Name: solo_mars_event_deck_card id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+ALTER TABLE ONLY public.solo_mars_event_deck_card ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('public.solo_mars_event_deck_card_id_seq'::regclass);
+-- Name: solo_player id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+ALTER TABLE ONLY public.solo_player ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('public.solo_player_id_seq'::regclass);
+-- Name: solo_player_decision id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+ALTER TABLE ONLY public.solo_player_decision ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('public.solo_player_decision_id_seq'::regclass);
+-- Name: student id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+ALTER TABLE ONLY public.student ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('public.student_id_seq'::regclass);
+-- Name: teacher id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+ALTER TABLE ONLY public.teacher ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('public.teacher_id_seq'::regclass);
+-- Name: tournament id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+ALTER TABLE ONLY public.tournament ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('public.tournament_id_seq'::regclass);
+-- Name: tournament_round id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+ALTER TABLE ONLY public.tournament_round ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('public.tournament_round_id_seq'::regclass);
+-- Name: tournament_round_date id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+ALTER TABLE ONLY public.tournament_round_date ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('public.tournament_round_date_id_seq'::regclass);
+-- Name: tournament_round_invite id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+ALTER TABLE ONLY public.tournament_round_invite ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('public.tournament_round_invite_id_seq'::regclass);
+-- Name: treatment id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+ALTER TABLE ONLY public.treatment ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('public.treatment_id_seq'::regclass);
+-- Name: user id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+ALTER TABLE ONLY public."user" ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('public.user_id_seq'::regclass);
+-- Data for Name: chat_report; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+COPY public.chat_report (id, "dateCreated", "gameId", "userId", message, resolved) FROM stdin;
+-- Data for Name: classroom; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+COPY public.classroom (id, "teacherId", "authToken", descriptor) FROM stdin;
+1 1 asdf test classroom
+60 2 69237 test class 1
+76 2 22441 test class 2
+83 2 86729 test class 5
+85 2 72224 test class 4
+-- Data for Name: game; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+COPY public.game (id, "roomId", "buildId", "dateCreated", "dateFinalized", "tournamentRoundId", status, "winnerId", type, "treatmentId", "classroomId") FROM stdin;
+1 kqrzHADg_ v2023.11-119-g8658 2024-07-23 21:31:24.342244 2024-07-23 21:32:28.439 4 defeat \N classroom \N 60
+2 PMN5T4OH- v2023.11-122-gae15c6 2024-07-25 01:50:19.846694 \N 4 incomplete \N classroom \N 60
+3 yy_Pa6hBg v2023.11-122-gae15c6 2024-07-25 01:54:18.480286 2024-07-25 01:54:39.533 4 defeat \N classroom \N 60
+4 eWaM4yM3m v2023.11-122-gae15c6 2024-07-25 01:55:06.667247 2024-07-25 01:55:21.732 4 defeat \N classroom \N 60
+5 FwA3XskrK v2023.11-122-gae15c6 2024-07-26 23:00:02.725359 2024-07-26 23:05:33.789 4 defeat \N classroom \N 60
+6 SlJL5hp5d v2023.11-124-g59091 2024-07-31 00:58:24.67688 2024-07-31 01:04:29.736 4 defeat \N classroom \N 60
+-- Data for Name: game_event; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+COPY public.game_event (id, "gameId", type, payload, "dateCreated", "timeRemaining") FROM stdin;
+1 1 taken-state-snapshot {"logs": [], "phase": 0, "round": 1, "players": {"Curator": {"role": "Curator", "costs": {"legacy": 3, "culture": 2, "finance": 3, "science": 1000, "government": 1000, "systemHealth": 1}, "isBot": true, "ready": false, "isMuted": false, "username": "MartianCamel3681", "inventory": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 0}, "specialty": "culture", "timeBlocks": 10, "victoryPoints": 0, "accomplishment": {"role": "Curator", "purchased": [], "remaining": [96, 85, 92, 90, 88, 81, 87, 94, 97, 82, 95], "purchasable": [93, 91, 89]}, "pendingInvestments": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 0, "systemHealth": 0}, "systemHealthChange": {"purchases": [], "investment": 0}}, "Pioneer": {"role": "Pioneer", "costs": {"legacy": 2, "culture": 3, "finance": 1000, "science": 3, "government": 1000, "systemHealth": 1}, "isBot": true, "ready": false, "isMuted": false, "username": "SolarCamel3847", "inventory": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 0}, "specialty": "legacy", "timeBlocks": 10, "victoryPoints": 0, "accomplishment": {"role": "Pioneer", "purchased": [], "remaining": [21, 36, 31, 35, 25, 29, 22, 30, 33, 27, 34], "purchasable": [32, 28, 37]}, "pendingInvestments": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 0, "systemHealth": 0}, "systemHealthChange": {"purchases": [], "investment": 0}}, "Politician": {"role": "Politician", "costs": {"legacy": 1000, "culture": 1000, "finance": 3, "science": 3, "government": 2, "systemHealth": 1}, "isBot": false, "ready": false, "isMuted": false, "username": "GalacticCanary4199", "inventory": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 0}, "specialty": "government", "timeBlocks": 10, "victoryPoints": 0, "accomplishment": {"role": "Politician", "purchased": [], "remaining": [74, 71, 73, 65, 70, 77, 75, 67, 68, 61, 72], "purchasable": [69, 62, 76]}, "pendingInvestments": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 0, "systemHealth": 0}, "systemHealthChange": {"purchases": [], "investment": 0}}, "Researcher": {"role": "Researcher", "costs": {"legacy": 3, "culture": 1000, "finance": 1000, "science": 2, "government": 3, "systemHealth": 1}, "isBot": true, "ready": false, "isMuted": false, "username": "LunarBison2329", "inventory": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 0}, "specialty": "science", "timeBlocks": 10, "victoryPoints": 0, "accomplishment": {"role": "Researcher", "purchased": [], "remaining": [2, 9, 12, 17, 7, 11, 10, 16, 15, 1, 13], "purchasable": [5, 8, 14]}, "pendingInvestments": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 0, "systemHealth": 0}, "systemHealthChange": {"purchases": [], "investment": 0}}, "Entrepreneur": {"role": "Entrepreneur", "costs": {"legacy": 1000, "culture": 3, "finance": 2, "science": 1000, "government": 3, "systemHealth": 1}, "isBot": true, "ready": false, "isMuted": false, "username": "AuroralCamel4881", "inventory": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 0}, "specialty": "finance", "timeBlocks": 10, "victoryPoints": 0, "accomplishment": {"role": "Entrepreneur", "purchased": [], "remaining": [48, 53, 52, 41, 47, 42, 54, 49, 57, 45, 51], "purchasable": [55, 56, 50]}, "pendingInvestments": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 0, "systemHealth": 0}, "systemHealthChange": {"purchases": [], "investment": 0}}}, "winners": [], "maxRound": 10, "messages": [], "tradeSet": {}, "userRoles": {"LunarBison2329": "Researcher", "SolarCamel3847": "Pioneer", "AuroralCamel4881": "Entrepreneur", "MartianCamel3681": "Curator", "GalacticCanary4199": "Politician"}, "marsEvents": [], "heroOrPariah": "", "systemHealth": 100, "marsEventDeck": {"deck": [{"id": "sandstorm", "name": "Sandstorm", "effect": "For the next 3 rounds, destroy an additional 10 System Health at the start of the round.", "duration": 3, "flavorText": "Buckle in - things are about to get rough. And coarse. And irritating.", "timeDuration": 10, "clientViewHandler": "NO_CHANGE"}, {"id": "murphysLaw", "name": "Murphy's Law", "effect": "Reveal 2 more events. They're both in effect.", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "Residents at Port of Mars know better than to ask, \\"what ELSE could go wrong?\\"", "timeDuration": 10, "clientViewHandler": "NO_CHANGE"}, {"id": "difficultConditions", "name": "Difficult Conditions", "effect": "System Health costs twice as many Time Blocks as usual this round.", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "When one component breaks, it puts a strain on the rest of the system. Small failures often snowball into critical ones.", "timeDuration": 15, "clientViewHandler": "NO_CHANGE"}, {"id": "changingTides", "name": "Changing Tides", "effect": "Each player discards all of their available Accomplishments and draws 1 new Accomplishment. You will be able to discard this Accomplishment at the end of this round and draw up to three new Accomplishments at the start of the next round (if this is not the final round).", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "Create contingencies for your contingencies and contingencies for those contingencies. Then prepare to improvise.", "timeDuration": 10, "clientViewHandler": "NO_CHANGE"}, {"id": "lifeAsUsual", "name": "Life as Usual", "effect": "No special effect", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "As the first human outpost on Mars, having a \\"usual\\" day is pretty unusual.", "timeDuration": 10, "clientViewHandler": "NO_CHANGE"}, {"id": "cropFailure", "name": "Crop Failure", "effect": "Destroy 20 System Health.", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "\\"The good news is we're not eating any more potatoes this cycle! The bad news is we're not sure what we're eating.\\" - The Researcher", "timeDuration": 10, "clientViewHandler": "NO_CHANGE"}, {"id": "lifeAsUsual", "name": "Life as Usual", "effect": "No special effect", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "As the first human outpost on Mars, having a \\"usual\\" day is pretty unusual.", "timeDuration": 10, "clientViewHandler": "NO_CHANGE"}, {"id": "bondingThroughAdversity", "name": "Bonding Through Adversity", "effect": "Each player gains one unit of Influence of their choice.", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "Challenges brings communities together.", "clientViewHandler": "INFLUENCES_DRAW"}, {"id": "stymied", "name": "Stymied", "effect": "Players may not earn their specialty Influence this round.", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "\\"That's very nice that you have three PhD's. Now pick up this toothbrush and help with cleaning our solar panel cells.\\"", "timeDuration": 10, "clientViewHandler": "NO_CHANGE"}, {"id": "lostTime", "name": "Lost Time", "effect": "Each player has 5 fewer Time Blocks to spend this round.", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "Time flies when you're trying to stay alive.", "timeDuration": 10, "clientViewHandler": "NO_CHANGE"}, {"id": "marketsClosed", "name": "Markets Closed", "effect": "Players may not trade Influences this round.", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "\\"Trust is difficult to build and easy to break. Yet without it, this community would fall apart.\\" - The Curator", "timeDuration": 10, "clientViewHandler": "NO_CHANGE"}, {"id": "outOfCommissionCurator", "name": "Out of Commission", "effect": "The Curator receives only 3 Time Blocks this round.", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "The mental and physical health of all residents is critical to mission success. The absence of even one person can have rippling effects on the community.", "timeDuration": 15, "clientViewHandler": "NO_CHANGE"}, {"id": "outOfCommissionEntrepreneur", "name": "Out of Commission", "effect": "The Entrepreneur receives only 3 Time Blocks this round.", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "The mental and physical health of all residents is critical to mission success. The absence of even one person can have rippling effects on the community.", "timeDuration": 15, "clientViewHandler": "NO_CHANGE"}, {"id": "outOfCommissionPioneer", "name": "Out of Commission", "effect": "The Pioneer receives only 3 Time Blocks this round.", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "The mental and physical health of all residents is critical to mission success. The absence of even one person can have rippling effects on the community.", "timeDuration": 15, "clientViewHandler": "NO_CHANGE"}, {"id": "lifeAsUsual", "name": "Life as Usual", "effect": "No special effect", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "As the first human outpost on Mars, having a \\"usual\\" day is pretty unusual.", "timeDuration": 10, "clientViewHandler": "NO_CHANGE"}, {"id": "lifeAsUsual", "name": "Life as Usual", "effect": "No special effect", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "As the first human outpost on Mars, having a \\"usual\\" day is pretty unusual.", "timeDuration": 10, "clientViewHandler": "NO_CHANGE"}, {"id": "lifeAsUsual", "name": "Life as Usual", "effect": "No special effect", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "As the first human outpost on Mars, having a \\"usual\\" day is pretty unusual.", "timeDuration": 10, "clientViewHandler": "NO_CHANGE"}, {"id": "interdisciplinary", "name": "Interdisciplinary", "effect": "For this round, each player can spend 3 Time Blocks to earn an Influence in either of the 2 Influences they normally can't create.", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "\\"Everyone knows the saying, 'Jack of all trades, master of none.' Few remember the second part: 'still better than a master of one.'\\" - The Pioneer", "timeDuration": 10, "clientViewHandler": "NO_CHANGE"}, {"id": "lifeAsUsual", "name": "Life as Usual", "effect": "No special effect", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "As the first human outpost on Mars, having a \\"usual\\" day is pretty unusual.", "timeDuration": 10, "clientViewHandler": "NO_CHANGE"}, {"id": "hullBreach", "name": "Hull Breach", "effect": "Destroy 7 System Health.", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "\\"Accidents happen. It's unavoidable. Our job is to do our best to avoid them all the same.\\"", "timeDuration": 10, "clientViewHandler": "NO_CHANGE"}, {"id": "effortsWasted", "name": "Efforts Wasted", "effect": "Each player must discard an Accomplishment that they have already purchased.", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "\\"All markets are volatile. The trick is learning how to ride the waves.\\" - The Entrepreneur", "clientViewHandler": "ACCOMPLISHMENT_SELECT_PURCHASED"}, {"id": "lifeAsUsual", "name": "Life as Usual", "effect": "No special effect", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "As the first human outpost on Mars, having a \\"usual\\" day is pretty unusual.", "timeDuration": 10, "clientViewHandler": "NO_CHANGE"}, {"id": "outOfCommissionResearcher", "name": "Out of Commission", "effect": "The Researcher receives only 3 Time Blocks this round.", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "The mental and physical health of all residents is critical to mission success. The absence of even one person can have rippling effects on the community.", "timeDuration": 15, "clientViewHandler": "NO_CHANGE"}, {"id": "lifeAsUsual", "name": "Life as Usual", "effect": "No special effect", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "As the first human outpost on Mars, having a \\"usual\\" day is pretty unusual.", "timeDuration": 10, "clientViewHandler": "NO_CHANGE"}, {"id": "outOfCommissionPolitician", "name": "Out of Commission", "effect": "The Politician receives only 3 Time Blocks this round.", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "The mental and physical health of all residents is critical to mission success. The absence of even one person can have rippling effects on the community.", "timeDuration": 15, "clientViewHandler": "NO_CHANGE"}, {"id": "heroOrPariah", "name": "Hero or Pariah", "effect": "CHOOSE ONE: Players must vote for 1 player to lose all Influence OR Players must vote for 1 player to gain 4 of their specialty Influence", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "In a community as small as Port of Mars, some individuals always stand out - for better or worse.", "clientViewHandler": "VOTE_FOR_PLAYER_HERO_PARIAH"}, {"id": "lifeAsUsual", "name": "Life as Usual", "effect": "No special effect", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "As the first human outpost on Mars, having a \\"usual\\" day is pretty unusual.", "timeDuration": 10, "clientViewHandler": "NO_CHANGE"}, {"id": "lifeAsUsual", "name": "Life as Usual", "effect": "No special effect", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "As the first human outpost on Mars, having a \\"usual\\" day is pretty unusual.", "timeDuration": 10, "clientViewHandler": "NO_CHANGE"}, {"id": "compulsivePhilanthropy", "name": "Compulsive Philanthropy", "effect": "Players must vote for one player to put all their Time Blocks into System Health this round.", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "There's nothing quite like being volun-told for the greater good.", "clientViewHandler": "VOTE_FOR_PLAYER_SINGLE"}, {"id": "solarFlare", "name": "Solar Flare", "effect": "Destroy 5 System Health. Skip discussion and trading phases this turn. Players cannot chat or trade Influences.", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "Solar flares pose a far greater threat on Mars, where a thin atmosphere and non-existent magnetic field leaves settlers more vulnerable. ", "timeDuration": 10, "clientViewHandler": "DISABLE_CHAT"}, {"id": "audit", "name": "Audit", "effect": "In this round, players will be able to view each other's accomplishments, inventories, resources and investment decisions.", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "\\"Of course we trust everyone to be truthful. But it doesn't hurt to check now and again.\\" - The Politician", "timeDuration": 10, "clientViewHandler": "AUDIT"}, {"id": "personalGain", "name": "Personal Gain", "effect": "Each player secretly chooses Yes or No. Then, simultaneously, players reveal their choice. Players who chose yes gain 6 extra Time Blocks this round, but destroy 6 System Health.", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "It's easy to take risks when others are incurring the costs.", "clientViewHandler": "VOTE_YES_NO"}, {"id": "lifeAsUsual", "name": "Life as Usual", "effect": "No special effect", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "As the first human outpost on Mars, having a \\"usual\\" day is pretty unusual.", "timeDuration": 10, "clientViewHandler": "NO_CHANGE"}, {"id": "lifeAsUsual", "name": "Life as Usual", "effect": "No special effect", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "As the first human outpost on Mars, having a \\"usual\\" day is pretty unusual.", "timeDuration": 10, "clientViewHandler": "NO_CHANGE"}, {"id": "breakdownOfTrust", "name": "Breakdown of Trust", "effect": "Each player can choose to save up to 2 units of Influence that they already own. The rest will be lost.", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "Setbacks are inevitable, but no less painful each time.", "clientViewHandler": "INFLUENCES_SELECT"}], "position": 0}, "timeRemaining": 60, "lastTimePolled": 1721770284340, "tradingEnabled": true, "roundIntroduction": {"completedTrades": [], "systemHealthMarsEvents": [], "accomplishmentPurchases": [], "systemHealthAtStartOfRound": 100, "systemHealthMaintenanceCost": -25, "systemHealthGroupContributions": {}}, "marsEventsProcessed": 0} 2024-07-23 21:31:24.369 60
+2 1 set-player-readiness {"role": "Curator", "value": true} 2024-07-23 21:31:25.353 59
+3 1 set-player-readiness {"role": "Entrepreneur", "value": true} 2024-07-23 21:31:25.353 59
+4 1 set-player-readiness {"role": "Pioneer", "value": true} 2024-07-23 21:31:25.353 59
+5 1 set-player-readiness {"role": "Researcher", "value": true} 2024-07-23 21:31:25.353 59
+6 1 subtracted-system-health-wear-and-tear {} 2024-07-23 21:32:13.782 11
+7 1 entered-investment-phase {} 2024-07-23 21:32:13.782 11
+8 1 time-invested {"role": "Curator", "investment": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 2, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 0, "systemHealth": 6}} 2024-07-23 21:32:14.384 179
+9 1 set-player-readiness {"role": "Curator", "value": true} 2024-07-23 21:32:14.384 179
+10 1 time-invested {"role": "Entrepreneur", "investment": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 2, "science": 0, "government": 0, "systemHealth": 6}} 2024-07-23 21:32:14.384 179
+11 1 set-player-readiness {"role": "Entrepreneur", "value": true} 2024-07-23 21:32:14.384 179
+12 1 time-invested {"role": "Pioneer", "investment": {"legacy": 2, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 0, "systemHealth": 6}} 2024-07-23 21:32:14.384 179
+13 1 set-player-readiness {"role": "Pioneer", "value": true} 2024-07-23 21:32:14.384 179
+14 1 time-invested {"role": "Researcher", "investment": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 2, "government": 0, "systemHealth": 6}} 2024-07-23 21:32:14.384 179
+15 1 set-player-readiness {"role": "Researcher", "value": true} 2024-07-23 21:32:14.384 179
+16 1 exited-investment-phase {} 2024-07-23 21:32:18.024 176
+17 1 entered-trade-phase {} 2024-07-23 21:32:18.024 176
+18 1 set-player-readiness {"role": "Curator", "value": true} 2024-07-23 21:32:18.376 179
+19 1 set-player-readiness {"role": "Entrepreneur", "value": true} 2024-07-23 21:32:18.376 179
+20 1 set-player-readiness {"role": "Pioneer", "value": true} 2024-07-23 21:32:18.376 179
+21 1 set-player-readiness {"role": "Researcher", "value": true} 2024-07-23 21:32:18.376 179
+22 1 exited-trade-phase {} 2024-07-23 21:32:20.708 177
+23 1 entered-purchase-phase {} 2024-07-23 21:32:20.708 177
+24 1 exited-purchase-phase {} 2024-07-23 21:32:20.912 60
+25 1 entered-discard-phase {} 2024-07-23 21:32:20.912 60
+26 1 taken-round-snapshot {"round": 1, "players": {"Curator": {"role": "Curator", "ready": false, "inventory": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 2, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 0}, "timeBlocks": 10, "victoryPoints": 0, "accomplishment": {"purchased": [], "purchasable": [93, 91, 89]}}, "Pioneer": {"role": "Pioneer", "ready": false, "inventory": {"legacy": 2, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 0}, "timeBlocks": 10, "victoryPoints": 0, "accomplishment": {"purchased": [], "purchasable": [32, 28, 37]}}, "Politician": {"role": "Politician", "ready": false, "inventory": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 0}, "timeBlocks": 10, "victoryPoints": 0, "accomplishment": {"purchased": [], "purchasable": [69, 62, 76]}}, "Researcher": {"role": "Researcher", "ready": false, "inventory": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 2, "government": 0}, "timeBlocks": 10, "victoryPoints": 0, "accomplishment": {"purchased": [], "purchasable": [5, 8, 14]}}, "Entrepreneur": {"role": "Entrepreneur", "ready": false, "inventory": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 2, "science": 0, "government": 0}, "timeBlocks": 10, "victoryPoints": 0, "accomplishment": {"purchased": [], "purchasable": [55, 56, 50]}}}, "logsLength": 1, "marsEventIds": [], "systemHealth": 75, "messagesLength": 0, "marsEventsProcessed": 0} 2024-07-23 21:32:21.137 60
+27 1 added-system-health-contributions {} 2024-07-23 21:32:21.137 60
+28 1 entered-new-round-phase {} 2024-07-23 21:32:21.137 60
+29 1 set-player-readiness {"role": "Curator", "value": true} 2024-07-23 21:32:21.387 59
+30 1 set-player-readiness {"role": "Entrepreneur", "value": true} 2024-07-23 21:32:21.387 59
+31 1 set-player-readiness {"role": "Pioneer", "value": true} 2024-07-23 21:32:21.387 59
+32 1 set-player-readiness {"role": "Researcher", "value": true} 2024-07-23 21:32:21.387 59
+33 1 subtracted-system-health-wear-and-tear {} 2024-07-23 21:32:21.977 59
+34 1 entered-mars-event-phase {} 2024-07-23 21:32:21.977 59
+35 1 initialized-mars-event {} 2024-07-23 21:32:21.977 59
+36 1 set-player-readiness {"role": "Curator", "value": true} 2024-07-23 21:32:22.354 9
+37 1 set-player-readiness {"role": "Entrepreneur", "value": true} 2024-07-23 21:32:22.354 9
+38 1 set-player-readiness {"role": "Pioneer", "value": true} 2024-07-23 21:32:22.354 9
+39 1 set-player-readiness {"role": "Researcher", "value": true} 2024-07-23 21:32:22.354 9
+40 1 set-player-readiness {"role": "Politician", "value": true} 2024-07-23 21:32:25.207 7
+41 1 finalized-mars-event {} 2024-07-23 21:32:25.37 6
+42 1 exited-mars-event-phase {} 2024-07-23 21:32:25.37 6
+43 1 entered-investment-phase {} 2024-07-23 21:32:25.37 6
+44 1 exited-investment-phase {} 2024-07-23 21:32:26.258 180
+45 1 entered-trade-phase {} 2024-07-23 21:32:26.258 180
+46 1 set-player-readiness {"role": "Curator", "value": true} 2024-07-23 21:32:26.369 179
+47 1 set-player-readiness {"role": "Entrepreneur", "value": true} 2024-07-23 21:32:26.369 179
+48 1 set-player-readiness {"role": "Pioneer", "value": true} 2024-07-23 21:32:26.369 179
+49 1 set-player-readiness {"role": "Researcher", "value": true} 2024-07-23 21:32:26.369 179
+50 1 exited-trade-phase {} 2024-07-23 21:32:26.758 179
+51 1 entered-purchase-phase {} 2024-07-23 21:32:26.758 179
+52 1 exited-purchase-phase {} 2024-07-23 21:32:26.841 60
+53 1 entered-discard-phase {} 2024-07-23 21:32:26.841 60
+54 1 taken-round-snapshot {"round": 2, "players": {"Curator": {"role": "Curator", "ready": false, "inventory": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 2, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 0}, "timeBlocks": 10, "victoryPoints": 0, "accomplishment": {"purchased": [], "purchasable": [93, 91, 89]}}, "Pioneer": {"role": "Pioneer", "ready": false, "inventory": {"legacy": 2, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 0}, "timeBlocks": 10, "victoryPoints": 0, "accomplishment": {"purchased": [], "purchasable": [32, 28, 37]}}, "Politician": {"role": "Politician", "ready": false, "inventory": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 0}, "timeBlocks": 10, "victoryPoints": 0, "accomplishment": {"purchased": [], "purchasable": [69, 62, 76]}}, "Researcher": {"role": "Researcher", "ready": false, "inventory": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 2, "government": 0}, "timeBlocks": 10, "victoryPoints": 0, "accomplishment": {"purchased": [], "purchasable": [5, 8, 14]}}, "Entrepreneur": {"role": "Entrepreneur", "ready": false, "inventory": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 2, "science": 0, "government": 0}, "timeBlocks": 10, "victoryPoints": 0, "accomplishment": {"purchased": [], "purchasable": [55, 56, 50]}}}, "logsLength": 7, "marsEventIds": ["sandstorm"], "systemHealth": 64, "messagesLength": 0, "marsEventsProcessed": 0} 2024-07-23 21:32:26.924 60
+55 1 added-system-health-contributions {} 2024-07-23 21:32:26.924 60
+56 1 entered-new-round-phase {} 2024-07-23 21:32:26.924 60
+57 1 subtracted-system-health-wear-and-tear {} 2024-07-23 21:32:27.008 60
+58 1 entered-mars-event-phase {} 2024-07-23 21:32:27.008 60
+59 1 initialized-mars-event {} 2024-07-23 21:32:27.008 60
+60 1 finalized-mars-event {} 2024-07-23 21:32:27.091 10
+61 1 reentered-mars-event-phase {} 2024-07-23 21:32:27.091 10
+62 1 initialized-mars-event {} 2024-07-23 21:32:27.091 10
+63 1 finalized-mars-event {} 2024-07-23 21:32:27.176 10
+64 1 reentered-mars-event-phase {} 2024-07-23 21:32:27.176 10
+65 1 initialized-mars-event {} 2024-07-23 21:32:27.176 10
+66 1 finalized-mars-event {} 2024-07-23 21:32:27.263 15
+67 1 reentered-mars-event-phase {} 2024-07-23 21:32:27.263 15
+68 1 initialized-mars-event {} 2024-07-23 21:32:27.263 15
+69 1 finalized-mars-event {} 2024-07-23 21:32:27.342 10
+70 1 reentered-mars-event-phase {} 2024-07-23 21:32:27.342 10
+71 1 initialized-mars-event {} 2024-07-23 21:32:27.342 10
+72 1 set-player-readiness {"role": "Curator", "value": true} 2024-07-23 21:32:27.375 9
+73 1 set-player-readiness {"role": "Entrepreneur", "value": true} 2024-07-23 21:32:27.375 9
+74 1 set-player-readiness {"role": "Pioneer", "value": true} 2024-07-23 21:32:27.375 9
+75 1 set-player-readiness {"role": "Researcher", "value": true} 2024-07-23 21:32:27.375 9
+76 1 finalized-mars-event {} 2024-07-23 21:32:27.425 9
+77 1 exited-mars-event-phase {} 2024-07-23 21:32:27.425 9
+78 1 entered-investment-phase {} 2024-07-23 21:32:27.425 9
+79 1 exited-investment-phase {} 2024-07-23 21:32:27.509 180
+80 1 entered-trade-phase {} 2024-07-23 21:32:27.509 180
+81 1 exited-trade-phase {} 2024-07-23 21:32:27.591 180
+82 1 entered-purchase-phase {} 2024-07-23 21:32:27.591 180
+83 1 exited-purchase-phase {} 2024-07-23 21:32:27.675 60
+84 1 entered-discard-phase {} 2024-07-23 21:32:27.675 60
+85 1 taken-round-snapshot {"round": 3, "players": {"Curator": {"role": "Curator", "ready": false, "inventory": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 2, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 0}, "timeBlocks": 10, "victoryPoints": 0, "accomplishment": {"purchased": [], "purchasable": [93, 91, 89]}}, "Pioneer": {"role": "Pioneer", "ready": false, "inventory": {"legacy": 2, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 0}, "timeBlocks": 10, "victoryPoints": 0, "accomplishment": {"purchased": [], "purchasable": [32, 28, 37]}}, "Politician": {"role": "Politician", "ready": false, "inventory": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 0}, "timeBlocks": 10, "victoryPoints": 0, "accomplishment": {"purchased": [], "purchasable": [69, 62, 76]}}, "Researcher": {"role": "Researcher", "ready": false, "inventory": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 2, "government": 0}, "timeBlocks": 10, "victoryPoints": 0, "accomplishment": {"purchased": [], "purchasable": [5, 8, 14]}}, "Entrepreneur": {"role": "Entrepreneur", "ready": false, "inventory": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 2, "science": 0, "government": 0}, "timeBlocks": 10, "victoryPoints": 0, "accomplishment": {"purchased": [], "purchasable": [55, 56, 50]}}}, "logsLength": 17, "marsEventIds": ["sandstorm", "murphysLaw", "difficultConditions", "lifeAsUsual", "cropFailure"], "systemHealth": 9, "messagesLength": 0, "marsEventsProcessed": 4} 2024-07-23 21:32:27.76 60
+86 1 added-system-health-contributions {} 2024-07-23 21:32:27.76 60
+87 1 entered-new-round-phase {} 2024-07-23 21:32:27.76 60
+88 1 subtracted-system-health-wear-and-tear {} 2024-07-23 21:32:27.844 60
+89 1 entered-mars-event-phase {} 2024-07-23 21:32:27.844 60
+90 1 initialized-mars-event {} 2024-07-23 21:32:27.844 60
+91 1 entered-defeat-phase {"Curator": 0, "Pioneer": 0, "Politician": 0, "Researcher": 0, "Entrepreneur": 0} 2024-07-23 21:32:27.928 10
+92 1 entered-defeat-phase {"Curator": 0, "Pioneer": 0, "Politician": 0, "Researcher": 0, "Entrepreneur": 0} 2024-07-23 21:32:28.011 10000
+93 1 entered-defeat-phase {"Curator": 0, "Pioneer": 0, "Politician": 0, "Researcher": 0, "Entrepreneur": 0} 2024-07-23 21:32:28.095 10000
+94 1 entered-defeat-phase {"Curator": 0, "Pioneer": 0, "Politician": 0, "Researcher": 0, "Entrepreneur": 0} 2024-07-23 21:32:28.179 10000
+95 1 entered-defeat-phase {"Curator": 0, "Pioneer": 0, "Politician": 0, "Researcher": 0, "Entrepreneur": 0} 2024-07-23 21:32:28.263 10000
+96 1 entered-defeat-phase {"Curator": 0, "Pioneer": 0, "Politician": 0, "Researcher": 0, "Entrepreneur": 0} 2024-07-23 21:32:28.347 10000
+97 3 taken-state-snapshot {"logs": [], "phase": 0, "round": 1, "players": {"Curator": {"role": "Curator", "costs": {"legacy": 3, "culture": 2, "finance": 3, "science": 1000, "government": 1000, "systemHealth": 1}, "isBot": true, "ready": false, "isMuted": false, "username": "LunarBison2329", "inventory": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 0}, "specialty": "culture", "timeBlocks": 10, "victoryPoints": 0, "accomplishment": {"role": "Curator", "purchased": [], "remaining": [87, 89, 88, 95, 91, 82, 85, 90, 92, 81, 93], "purchasable": [96, 97, 94]}, "pendingInvestments": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 0, "systemHealth": 0}, "systemHealthChange": {"purchases": [], "investment": 0}}, "Pioneer": {"role": "Pioneer", "costs": {"legacy": 2, "culture": 3, "finance": 1000, "science": 3, "government": 1000, "systemHealth": 1}, "isBot": true, "ready": false, "isMuted": false, "username": "AuroralCamel4881", "inventory": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 0}, "specialty": "legacy", "timeBlocks": 10, "victoryPoints": 0, "accomplishment": {"role": "Pioneer", "purchased": [], "remaining": [27, 33, 34, 32, 22, 36, 29, 21, 30, 37, 31], "purchasable": [25, 35, 28]}, "pendingInvestments": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 0, "systemHealth": 0}, "systemHealthChange": {"purchases": [], "investment": 0}}, "Politician": {"role": "Politician", "costs": {"legacy": 1000, "culture": 1000, "finance": 3, "science": 3, "government": 2, "systemHealth": 1}, "isBot": false, "ready": false, "isMuted": false, "username": "InterstellarStarfish6735", "inventory": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 0}, "specialty": "government", "timeBlocks": 10, "victoryPoints": 0, "accomplishment": {"role": "Politician", "purchased": [], "remaining": [68, 77, 67, 71, 72, 75, 62, 74, 70, 73, 76], "purchasable": [61, 65, 69]}, "pendingInvestments": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 0, "systemHealth": 0}, "systemHealthChange": {"purchases": [], "investment": 0}}, "Researcher": {"role": "Researcher", "costs": {"legacy": 3, "culture": 1000, "finance": 1000, "science": 2, "government": 3, "systemHealth": 1}, "isBot": true, "ready": false, "isMuted": false, "username": "SolarCamel3847", "inventory": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 0}, "specialty": "science", "timeBlocks": 10, "victoryPoints": 0, "accomplishment": {"role": "Researcher", "purchased": [], "remaining": [5, 12, 8, 10, 17, 2, 7, 13, 11, 1, 9], "purchasable": [14, 15, 16]}, "pendingInvestments": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 0, "systemHealth": 0}, "systemHealthChange": {"purchases": [], "investment": 0}}, "Entrepreneur": {"role": "Entrepreneur", "costs": {"legacy": 1000, "culture": 3, "finance": 2, "science": 1000, "government": 3, "systemHealth": 1}, "isBot": true, "ready": false, "isMuted": false, "username": "MartianCamel3681", "inventory": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 0}, "specialty": "finance", "timeBlocks": 10, "victoryPoints": 0, "accomplishment": {"role": "Entrepreneur", "purchased": [], "remaining": [57, 50, 53, 42, 49, 52, 41, 54, 47, 45, 55], "purchasable": [48, 51, 56]}, "pendingInvestments": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 0, "systemHealth": 0}, "systemHealthChange": {"purchases": [], "investment": 0}}}, "winners": [], "maxRound": 10, "messages": [], "tradeSet": {}, "userRoles": {"LunarBison2329": "Curator", "SolarCamel3847": "Researcher", "AuroralCamel4881": "Pioneer", "MartianCamel3681": "Entrepreneur", "InterstellarStarfish6735": "Politician"}, "marsEvents": [], "heroOrPariah": "", "systemHealth": 100, "marsEventDeck": {"deck": [{"id": "lifeAsUsual", "name": "Life as Usual", "effect": "No special effect", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "As the first human outpost on Mars, having a \\"usual\\" day is pretty unusual.", "timeDuration": 10, "clientViewHandler": "NO_CHANGE"}, {"id": "lifeAsUsual", "name": "Life as Usual", "effect": "No special effect", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "As the first human outpost on Mars, having a \\"usual\\" day is pretty unusual.", "timeDuration": 10, "clientViewHandler": "NO_CHANGE"}, {"id": "lifeAsUsual", "name": "Life as Usual", "effect": "No special effect", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "As the first human outpost on Mars, having a \\"usual\\" day is pretty unusual.", "timeDuration": 10, "clientViewHandler": "NO_CHANGE"}, {"id": "murphysLaw", "name": "Murphy's Law", "effect": "Reveal 2 more events. They're both in effect.", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "Residents at Port of Mars know better than to ask, \\"what ELSE could go wrong?\\"", "timeDuration": 10, "clientViewHandler": "NO_CHANGE"}, {"id": "lifeAsUsual", "name": "Life as Usual", "effect": "No special effect", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "As the first human outpost on Mars, having a \\"usual\\" day is pretty unusual.", "timeDuration": 10, "clientViewHandler": "NO_CHANGE"}, {"id": "outOfCommissionPolitician", "name": "Out of Commission", "effect": "The Politician receives only 3 Time Blocks this round.", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "The mental and physical health of all residents is critical to mission success. The absence of even one person can have rippling effects on the community.", "timeDuration": 15, "clientViewHandler": "NO_CHANGE"}, {"id": "changingTides", "name": "Changing Tides", "effect": "Each player discards all of their available Accomplishments and draws 1 new Accomplishment. You will be able to discard this Accomplishment at the end of this round and draw up to three new Accomplishments at the start of the next round (if this is not the final round).", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "Create contingencies for your contingencies and contingencies for those contingencies. Then prepare to improvise.", "timeDuration": 10, "clientViewHandler": "NO_CHANGE"}, {"id": "stymied", "name": "Stymied", "effect": "Players may not earn their specialty Influence this round.", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "\\"That's very nice that you have three PhD's. Now pick up this toothbrush and help with cleaning our solar panel cells.\\"", "timeDuration": 10, "clientViewHandler": "NO_CHANGE"}, {"id": "lifeAsUsual", "name": "Life as Usual", "effect": "No special effect", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "As the first human outpost on Mars, having a \\"usual\\" day is pretty unusual.", "timeDuration": 10, "clientViewHandler": "NO_CHANGE"}, {"id": "marketsClosed", "name": "Markets Closed", "effect": "Players may not trade Influences this round.", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "\\"Trust is difficult to build and easy to break. Yet without it, this community would fall apart.\\" - The Curator", "timeDuration": 10, "clientViewHandler": "NO_CHANGE"}, {"id": "lifeAsUsual", "name": "Life as Usual", "effect": "No special effect", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "As the first human outpost on Mars, having a \\"usual\\" day is pretty unusual.", "timeDuration": 10, "clientViewHandler": "NO_CHANGE"}, {"id": "lifeAsUsual", "name": "Life as Usual", "effect": "No special effect", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "As the first human outpost on Mars, having a \\"usual\\" day is pretty unusual.", "timeDuration": 10, "clientViewHandler": "NO_CHANGE"}, {"id": "lifeAsUsual", "name": "Life as Usual", "effect": "No special effect", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "As the first human outpost on Mars, having a \\"usual\\" day is pretty unusual.", "timeDuration": 10, "clientViewHandler": "NO_CHANGE"}, {"id": "hullBreach", "name": "Hull Breach", "effect": "Destroy 7 System Health.", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "\\"Accidents happen. It's unavoidable. Our job is to do our best to avoid them all the same.\\"", "timeDuration": 10, "clientViewHandler": "NO_CHANGE"}, {"id": "sandstorm", "name": "Sandstorm", "effect": "For the next 3 rounds, destroy an additional 10 System Health at the start of the round.", "duration": 3, "flavorText": "Buckle in - things are about to get rough. And coarse. And irritating.", "timeDuration": 10, "clientViewHandler": "NO_CHANGE"}, {"id": "outOfCommissionPioneer", "name": "Out of Commission", "effect": "The Pioneer receives only 3 Time Blocks this round.", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "The mental and physical health of all residents is critical to mission success. The absence of even one person can have rippling effects on the community.", "timeDuration": 15, "clientViewHandler": "NO_CHANGE"}, {"id": "lifeAsUsual", "name": "Life as Usual", "effect": "No special effect", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "As the first human outpost on Mars, having a \\"usual\\" day is pretty unusual.", "timeDuration": 10, "clientViewHandler": "NO_CHANGE"}, {"id": "effortsWasted", "name": "Efforts Wasted", "effect": "Each player must discard an Accomplishment that they have already purchased.", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "\\"All markets are volatile. The trick is learning how to ride the waves.\\" - The Entrepreneur", "clientViewHandler": "ACCOMPLISHMENT_SELECT_PURCHASED"}, {"id": "outOfCommissionResearcher", "name": "Out of Commission", "effect": "The Researcher receives only 3 Time Blocks this round.", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "The mental and physical health of all residents is critical to mission success. The absence of even one person can have rippling effects on the community.", "timeDuration": 15, "clientViewHandler": "NO_CHANGE"}, {"id": "solarFlare", "name": "Solar Flare", "effect": "Destroy 5 System Health. Skip discussion and trading phases this turn. Players cannot chat or trade Influences.", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "Solar flares pose a far greater threat on Mars, where a thin atmosphere and non-existent magnetic field leaves settlers more vulnerable. ", "timeDuration": 10, "clientViewHandler": "DISABLE_CHAT"}, {"id": "lifeAsUsual", "name": "Life as Usual", "effect": "No special effect", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "As the first human outpost on Mars, having a \\"usual\\" day is pretty unusual.", "timeDuration": 10, "clientViewHandler": "NO_CHANGE"}, {"id": "heroOrPariah", "name": "Hero or Pariah", "effect": "CHOOSE ONE: Players must vote for 1 player to lose all Influence OR Players must vote for 1 player to gain 4 of their specialty Influence", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "In a community as small as Port of Mars, some individuals always stand out - for better or worse.", "clientViewHandler": "VOTE_FOR_PLAYER_HERO_PARIAH"}, {"id": "audit", "name": "Audit", "effect": "In this round, players will be able to view each other's accomplishments, inventories, resources and investment decisions.", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "\\"Of course we trust everyone to be truthful. But it doesn't hurt to check now and again.\\" - The Politician", "timeDuration": 10, "clientViewHandler": "AUDIT"}, {"id": "lostTime", "name": "Lost Time", "effect": "Each player has 5 fewer Time Blocks to spend this round.", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "Time flies when you're trying to stay alive.", "timeDuration": 10, "clientViewHandler": "NO_CHANGE"}, {"id": "bondingThroughAdversity", "name": "Bonding Through Adversity", "effect": "Each player gains one unit of Influence of their choice.", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "Challenges brings communities together.", "clientViewHandler": "INFLUENCES_DRAW"}, {"id": "interdisciplinary", "name": "Interdisciplinary", "effect": "For this round, each player can spend 3 Time Blocks to earn an Influence in either of the 2 Influences they normally can't create.", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "\\"Everyone knows the saying, 'Jack of all trades, master of none.' Few remember the second part: 'still better than a master of one.'\\" - The Pioneer", "timeDuration": 10, "clientViewHandler": "NO_CHANGE"}, {"id": "compulsivePhilanthropy", "name": "Compulsive Philanthropy", "effect": "Players must vote for one player to put all their Time Blocks into System Health this round.", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "There's nothing quite like being volun-told for the greater good.", "clientViewHandler": "VOTE_FOR_PLAYER_SINGLE"}, {"id": "cropFailure", "name": "Crop Failure", "effect": "Destroy 20 System Health.", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "\\"The good news is we're not eating any more potatoes this cycle! The bad news is we're not sure what we're eating.\\" - The Researcher", "timeDuration": 10, "clientViewHandler": "NO_CHANGE"}, {"id": "lifeAsUsual", "name": "Life as Usual", "effect": "No special effect", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "As the first human outpost on Mars, having a \\"usual\\" day is pretty unusual.", "timeDuration": 10, "clientViewHandler": "NO_CHANGE"}, {"id": "outOfCommissionEntrepreneur", "name": "Out of Commission", "effect": "The Entrepreneur receives only 3 Time Blocks this round.", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "The mental and physical health of all residents is critical to mission success. The absence of even one person can have rippling effects on the community.", "timeDuration": 15, "clientViewHandler": "NO_CHANGE"}, {"id": "personalGain", "name": "Personal Gain", "effect": "Each player secretly chooses Yes or No. Then, simultaneously, players reveal their choice. Players who chose yes gain 6 extra Time Blocks this round, but destroy 6 System Health.", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "It's easy to take risks when others are incurring the costs.", "clientViewHandler": "VOTE_YES_NO"}, {"id": "breakdownOfTrust", "name": "Breakdown of Trust", "effect": "Each player can choose to save up to 2 units of Influence that they already own. The rest will be lost.", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "Setbacks are inevitable, but no less painful each time.", "clientViewHandler": "INFLUENCES_SELECT"}, {"id": "difficultConditions", "name": "Difficult Conditions", "effect": "System Health costs twice as many Time Blocks as usual this round.", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "When one component breaks, it puts a strain on the rest of the system. Small failures often snowball into critical ones.", "timeDuration": 15, "clientViewHandler": "NO_CHANGE"}, {"id": "outOfCommissionCurator", "name": "Out of Commission", "effect": "The Curator receives only 3 Time Blocks this round.", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "The mental and physical health of all residents is critical to mission success. The absence of even one person can have rippling effects on the community.", "timeDuration": 15, "clientViewHandler": "NO_CHANGE"}, {"id": "lifeAsUsual", "name": "Life as Usual", "effect": "No special effect", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "As the first human outpost on Mars, having a \\"usual\\" day is pretty unusual.", "timeDuration": 10, "clientViewHandler": "NO_CHANGE"}], "position": 0}, "timeRemaining": 60, "lastTimePolled": 1721872458478, "tradingEnabled": true, "roundIntroduction": {"completedTrades": [], "systemHealthMarsEvents": [], "accomplishmentPurchases": [], "systemHealthAtStartOfRound": 100, "systemHealthMaintenanceCost": -25, "systemHealthGroupContributions": {}}, "marsEventsProcessed": 0} 2024-07-25 01:54:18.504 60
+98 3 set-player-readiness {"role": "Curator", "value": true} 2024-07-25 01:54:19.493 59
+99 3 set-player-readiness {"role": "Entrepreneur", "value": true} 2024-07-25 01:54:19.493 59
+100 3 set-player-readiness {"role": "Pioneer", "value": true} 2024-07-25 01:54:19.493 59
+101 3 set-player-readiness {"role": "Researcher", "value": true} 2024-07-25 01:54:19.493 59
+102 3 subtracted-system-health-wear-and-tear {} 2024-07-25 01:54:36.703 42
+103 3 entered-investment-phase {} 2024-07-25 01:54:36.703 42
+104 3 exited-investment-phase {} 2024-07-25 01:54:37.199 180
+105 3 entered-trade-phase {} 2024-07-25 01:54:37.199 180
+106 3 exited-trade-phase {} 2024-07-25 01:54:37.281 180
+107 3 entered-purchase-phase {} 2024-07-25 01:54:37.281 180
+108 3 exited-purchase-phase {} 2024-07-25 01:54:37.368 60
+109 3 entered-discard-phase {} 2024-07-25 01:54:37.368 60
+110 3 taken-round-snapshot {"round": 1, "players": {"Curator": {"role": "Curator", "ready": false, "inventory": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 0}, "timeBlocks": 10, "victoryPoints": 0, "accomplishment": {"purchased": [], "purchasable": [96, 97, 94]}}, "Pioneer": {"role": "Pioneer", "ready": false, "inventory": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 0}, "timeBlocks": 10, "victoryPoints": 0, "accomplishment": {"purchased": [], "purchasable": [25, 35, 28]}}, "Politician": {"role": "Politician", "ready": false, "inventory": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 0}, "timeBlocks": 10, "victoryPoints": 0, "accomplishment": {"purchased": [], "purchasable": [61, 65, 69]}}, "Researcher": {"role": "Researcher", "ready": false, "inventory": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 0}, "timeBlocks": 10, "victoryPoints": 0, "accomplishment": {"purchased": [], "purchasable": [14, 15, 16]}}, "Entrepreneur": {"role": "Entrepreneur", "ready": false, "inventory": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 0}, "timeBlocks": 10, "victoryPoints": 0, "accomplishment": {"purchased": [], "purchasable": [48, 51, 56]}}}, "logsLength": 1, "marsEventIds": [], "systemHealth": 75, "messagesLength": 0, "marsEventsProcessed": 0} 2024-07-25 01:54:37.458 60
+111 3 added-system-health-contributions {} 2024-07-25 01:54:37.458 60
+112 3 entered-new-round-phase {} 2024-07-25 01:54:37.458 60
+113 3 set-player-readiness {"role": "Curator", "value": true} 2024-07-25 01:54:37.521 59
+114 3 set-player-readiness {"role": "Entrepreneur", "value": true} 2024-07-25 01:54:37.521 59
+115 3 set-player-readiness {"role": "Pioneer", "value": true} 2024-07-25 01:54:37.521 59
+116 3 set-player-readiness {"role": "Researcher", "value": true} 2024-07-25 01:54:37.521 59
+117 3 subtracted-system-health-wear-and-tear {} 2024-07-25 01:54:37.539 59
+118 3 entered-mars-event-phase {} 2024-07-25 01:54:37.539 59
+119 3 initialized-mars-event {} 2024-07-25 01:54:37.539 59
+120 3 finalized-mars-event {} 2024-07-25 01:54:37.621 10
+121 3 reentered-mars-event-phase {} 2024-07-25 01:54:37.621 10
+122 3 initialized-mars-event {} 2024-07-25 01:54:37.621 10
+123 3 finalized-mars-event {} 2024-07-25 01:54:37.705 10
+124 3 exited-mars-event-phase {} 2024-07-25 01:54:37.705 10
+125 3 entered-investment-phase {} 2024-07-25 01:54:37.705 10
+126 3 exited-investment-phase {} 2024-07-25 01:54:37.788 180
+127 3 entered-trade-phase {} 2024-07-25 01:54:37.788 180
+128 3 exited-trade-phase {} 2024-07-25 01:54:37.868 180
+129 3 entered-purchase-phase {} 2024-07-25 01:54:37.868 180
+130 3 exited-purchase-phase {} 2024-07-25 01:54:37.957 60
+131 3 entered-discard-phase {} 2024-07-25 01:54:37.957 60
+132 3 taken-round-snapshot {"round": 2, "players": {"Curator": {"role": "Curator", "ready": false, "inventory": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 0}, "timeBlocks": 10, "victoryPoints": 0, "accomplishment": {"purchased": [], "purchasable": [96, 97, 94]}}, "Pioneer": {"role": "Pioneer", "ready": false, "inventory": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 0}, "timeBlocks": 10, "victoryPoints": 0, "accomplishment": {"purchased": [], "purchasable": [25, 35, 28]}}, "Politician": {"role": "Politician", "ready": false, "inventory": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 0}, "timeBlocks": 10, "victoryPoints": 0, "accomplishment": {"purchased": [], "purchasable": [61, 65, 69]}}, "Researcher": {"role": "Researcher", "ready": false, "inventory": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 0}, "timeBlocks": 10, "victoryPoints": 0, "accomplishment": {"purchased": [], "purchasable": [14, 15, 16]}}, "Entrepreneur": {"role": "Entrepreneur", "ready": false, "inventory": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 0}, "timeBlocks": 10, "victoryPoints": 0, "accomplishment": {"purchased": [], "purchasable": [48, 51, 56]}}}, "logsLength": 8, "marsEventIds": ["lifeAsUsual", "lifeAsUsual"], "systemHealth": 50, "messagesLength": 0, "marsEventsProcessed": 1} 2024-07-25 01:54:38.041 60
+133 3 added-system-health-contributions {} 2024-07-25 01:54:38.041 60
+134 3 entered-new-round-phase {} 2024-07-25 01:54:38.041 60
+135 3 subtracted-system-health-wear-and-tear {} 2024-07-25 01:54:38.118 60
+136 3 entered-mars-event-phase {} 2024-07-25 01:54:38.118 60
+137 3 initialized-mars-event {} 2024-07-25 01:54:38.118 60
+138 3 finalized-mars-event {} 2024-07-25 01:54:38.201 10
+139 3 reentered-mars-event-phase {} 2024-07-25 01:54:38.201 10
+140 3 initialized-mars-event {} 2024-07-25 01:54:38.201 10
+141 3 finalized-mars-event {} 2024-07-25 01:54:38.287 15
+142 3 reentered-mars-event-phase {} 2024-07-25 01:54:38.287 15
+143 3 initialized-mars-event {} 2024-07-25 01:54:38.287 15
+144 3 finalized-mars-event {} 2024-07-25 01:54:38.372 10
+145 3 reentered-mars-event-phase {} 2024-07-25 01:54:38.372 10
+146 3 initialized-mars-event {} 2024-07-25 01:54:38.372 10
+147 3 finalized-mars-event {} 2024-07-25 01:54:38.454 15
+148 3 reentered-mars-event-phase {} 2024-07-25 01:54:38.454 15
+149 3 initialized-mars-event {} 2024-07-25 01:54:38.454 15
+150 3 set-player-readiness {"role": "Curator", "value": true} 2024-07-25 01:54:38.517 9
+151 3 set-player-readiness {"role": "Entrepreneur", "value": true} 2024-07-25 01:54:38.517 9
+152 3 set-player-readiness {"role": "Pioneer", "value": true} 2024-07-25 01:54:38.517 9
+153 3 set-player-readiness {"role": "Researcher", "value": true} 2024-07-25 01:54:38.517 9
+154 3 finalized-mars-event {} 2024-07-25 01:54:38.536 9
+155 3 exited-mars-event-phase {} 2024-07-25 01:54:38.536 9
+156 3 entered-investment-phase {} 2024-07-25 01:54:38.536 9
+157 3 exited-investment-phase {} 2024-07-25 01:54:38.618 180
+158 3 entered-trade-phase {} 2024-07-25 01:54:38.618 180
+159 3 exited-trade-phase {} 2024-07-25 01:54:38.703 180
+160 3 entered-purchase-phase {} 2024-07-25 01:54:38.703 180
+161 3 exited-purchase-phase {} 2024-07-25 01:54:38.791 60
+162 3 entered-discard-phase {} 2024-07-25 01:54:38.791 60
+163 3 taken-round-snapshot {"round": 3, "players": {"Curator": {"role": "Curator", "ready": false, "inventory": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 0}, "timeBlocks": 10, "victoryPoints": 0, "accomplishment": {"purchased": [], "purchasable": [87]}}, "Pioneer": {"role": "Pioneer", "ready": false, "inventory": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 0}, "timeBlocks": 10, "victoryPoints": 0, "accomplishment": {"purchased": [], "purchasable": [27]}}, "Politician": {"role": "Politician", "ready": false, "inventory": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 0}, "timeBlocks": 3, "victoryPoints": 0, "accomplishment": {"purchased": [], "purchasable": [68]}}, "Researcher": {"role": "Researcher", "ready": false, "inventory": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 0}, "timeBlocks": 10, "victoryPoints": 0, "accomplishment": {"purchased": [], "purchasable": [5]}}, "Entrepreneur": {"role": "Entrepreneur", "ready": false, "inventory": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 0}, "timeBlocks": 10, "victoryPoints": 0, "accomplishment": {"purchased": [], "purchasable": [57]}}}, "logsLength": 18, "marsEventIds": ["lifeAsUsual", "murphysLaw", "lifeAsUsual", "outOfCommissionPolitician", "changingTides"], "systemHealth": 25, "messagesLength": 0, "marsEventsProcessed": 4} 2024-07-25 01:54:38.869 60
+164 3 added-system-health-contributions {} 2024-07-25 01:54:38.869 60
+165 3 entered-new-round-phase {} 2024-07-25 01:54:38.869 60
+166 3 subtracted-system-health-wear-and-tear {} 2024-07-25 01:54:38.956 60
+167 3 entered-mars-event-phase {} 2024-07-25 01:54:38.956 60
+168 3 initialized-mars-event {} 2024-07-25 01:54:38.956 60
+169 3 entered-defeat-phase {"Curator": 0, "Pioneer": 0, "Politician": 0, "Researcher": 0, "Entrepreneur": 0} 2024-07-25 01:54:39.036 10
+170 3 entered-defeat-phase {"Curator": 0, "Pioneer": 0, "Politician": 0, "Researcher": 0, "Entrepreneur": 0} 2024-07-25 01:54:39.12 10000
+171 3 entered-defeat-phase {"Curator": 0, "Pioneer": 0, "Politician": 0, "Researcher": 0, "Entrepreneur": 0} 2024-07-25 01:54:39.199 10000
+172 3 entered-defeat-phase {"Curator": 0, "Pioneer": 0, "Politician": 0, "Researcher": 0, "Entrepreneur": 0} 2024-07-25 01:54:39.284 10000
+173 3 entered-defeat-phase {"Curator": 0, "Pioneer": 0, "Politician": 0, "Researcher": 0, "Entrepreneur": 0} 2024-07-25 01:54:39.368 10000
+174 3 entered-defeat-phase {"Curator": 0, "Pioneer": 0, "Politician": 0, "Researcher": 0, "Entrepreneur": 0} 2024-07-25 01:54:39.451 10000
+175 4 taken-state-snapshot {"logs": [], "phase": 0, "round": 1, "players": {"Curator": {"role": "Curator", "costs": {"legacy": 3, "culture": 2, "finance": 3, "science": 1000, "government": 1000, "systemHealth": 1}, "isBot": true, "ready": false, "isMuted": false, "username": "AuroralCamel4881", "inventory": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 0}, "specialty": "culture", "timeBlocks": 10, "victoryPoints": 0, "accomplishment": {"role": "Curator", "purchased": [], "remaining": [85, 93, 96, 92, 82, 97, 81, 91, 89, 94, 88], "purchasable": [95, 90, 87]}, "pendingInvestments": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 0, "systemHealth": 0}, "systemHealthChange": {"purchases": [], "investment": 0}}, "Pioneer": {"role": "Pioneer", "costs": {"legacy": 2, "culture": 3, "finance": 1000, "science": 3, "government": 1000, "systemHealth": 1}, "isBot": true, "ready": false, "isMuted": false, "username": "MartianCamel3681", "inventory": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 0}, "specialty": "legacy", "timeBlocks": 10, "victoryPoints": 0, "accomplishment": {"role": "Pioneer", "purchased": [], "remaining": [29, 34, 37, 25, 32, 28, 36, 35, 27, 31, 22], "purchasable": [21, 30, 33]}, "pendingInvestments": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 0, "systemHealth": 0}, "systemHealthChange": {"purchases": [], "investment": 0}}, "Politician": {"role": "Politician", "costs": {"legacy": 1000, "culture": 1000, "finance": 3, "science": 3, "government": 2, "systemHealth": 1}, "isBot": true, "ready": false, "isMuted": false, "username": "SolarCamel3847", "inventory": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 0}, "specialty": "government", "timeBlocks": 10, "victoryPoints": 0, "accomplishment": {"role": "Politician", "purchased": [], "remaining": [76, 65, 67, 62, 74, 73, 70, 77, 69, 61, 68], "purchasable": [75, 71, 72]}, "pendingInvestments": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 0, "systemHealth": 0}, "systemHealthChange": {"purchases": [], "investment": 0}}, "Researcher": {"role": "Researcher", "costs": {"legacy": 3, "culture": 1000, "finance": 1000, "science": 2, "government": 3, "systemHealth": 1}, "isBot": true, "ready": false, "isMuted": false, "username": "LunarBison2329", "inventory": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 0}, "specialty": "science", "timeBlocks": 10, "victoryPoints": 0, "accomplishment": {"role": "Researcher", "purchased": [], "remaining": [9, 2, 10, 12, 1, 13, 15, 17, 16, 8, 7], "purchasable": [5, 14, 11]}, "pendingInvestments": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 0, "systemHealth": 0}, "systemHealthChange": {"purchases": [], "investment": 0}}, "Entrepreneur": {"role": "Entrepreneur", "costs": {"legacy": 1000, "culture": 3, "finance": 2, "science": 1000, "government": 3, "systemHealth": 1}, "isBot": false, "ready": false, "isMuted": false, "username": "SolarWolverine8632", "inventory": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 0}, "specialty": "finance", "timeBlocks": 10, "victoryPoints": 0, "accomplishment": {"role": "Entrepreneur", "purchased": [], "remaining": [54, 45, 47, 55, 42, 53, 52, 48, 56, 41, 49], "purchasable": [57, 50, 51]}, "pendingInvestments": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 0, "systemHealth": 0}, "systemHealthChange": {"purchases": [], "investment": 0}}}, "winners": [], "maxRound": 10, "messages": [], "tradeSet": {}, "userRoles": {"LunarBison2329": "Researcher", "SolarCamel3847": "Politician", "AuroralCamel4881": "Curator", "MartianCamel3681": "Pioneer", "SolarWolverine8632": "Entrepreneur"}, "marsEvents": [], "heroOrPariah": "", "systemHealth": 100, "marsEventDeck": {"deck": [{"id": "solarFlare", "name": "Solar Flare", "effect": "Destroy 5 System Health. Skip discussion and trading phases this turn. Players cannot chat or trade Influences.", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "Solar flares pose a far greater threat on Mars, where a thin atmosphere and non-existent magnetic field leaves settlers more vulnerable. ", "timeDuration": 10, "clientViewHandler": "DISABLE_CHAT"}, {"id": "lifeAsUsual", "name": "Life as Usual", "effect": "No special effect", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "As the first human outpost on Mars, having a \\"usual\\" day is pretty unusual.", "timeDuration": 10, "clientViewHandler": "NO_CHANGE"}, {"id": "outOfCommissionResearcher", "name": "Out of Commission", "effect": "The Researcher receives only 3 Time Blocks this round.", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "The mental and physical health of all residents is critical to mission success. The absence of even one person can have rippling effects on the community.", "timeDuration": 15, "clientViewHandler": "NO_CHANGE"}, {"id": "outOfCommissionEntrepreneur", "name": "Out of Commission", "effect": "The Entrepreneur receives only 3 Time Blocks this round.", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "The mental and physical health of all residents is critical to mission success. The absence of even one person can have rippling effects on the community.", "timeDuration": 15, "clientViewHandler": "NO_CHANGE"}, {"id": "lifeAsUsual", "name": "Life as Usual", "effect": "No special effect", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "As the first human outpost on Mars, having a \\"usual\\" day is pretty unusual.", "timeDuration": 10, "clientViewHandler": "NO_CHANGE"}, {"id": "lifeAsUsual", "name": "Life as Usual", "effect": "No special effect", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "As the first human outpost on Mars, having a \\"usual\\" day is pretty unusual.", "timeDuration": 10, "clientViewHandler": "NO_CHANGE"}, {"id": "compulsivePhilanthropy", "name": "Compulsive Philanthropy", "effect": "Players must vote for one player to put all their Time Blocks into System Health this round.", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "There's nothing quite like being volun-told for the greater good.", "clientViewHandler": "VOTE_FOR_PLAYER_SINGLE"}, {"id": "lifeAsUsual", "name": "Life as Usual", "effect": "No special effect", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "As the first human outpost on Mars, having a \\"usual\\" day is pretty unusual.", "timeDuration": 10, "clientViewHandler": "NO_CHANGE"}, {"id": "lifeAsUsual", "name": "Life as Usual", "effect": "No special effect", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "As the first human outpost on Mars, having a \\"usual\\" day is pretty unusual.", "timeDuration": 10, "clientViewHandler": "NO_CHANGE"}, {"id": "interdisciplinary", "name": "Interdisciplinary", "effect": "For this round, each player can spend 3 Time Blocks to earn an Influence in either of the 2 Influences they normally can't create.", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "\\"Everyone knows the saying, 'Jack of all trades, master of none.' Few remember the second part: 'still better than a master of one.'\\" - The Pioneer", "timeDuration": 10, "clientViewHandler": "NO_CHANGE"}, {"id": "bondingThroughAdversity", "name": "Bonding Through Adversity", "effect": "Each player gains one unit of Influence of their choice.", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "Challenges brings communities together.", "clientViewHandler": "INFLUENCES_DRAW"}, {"id": "lifeAsUsual", "name": "Life as Usual", "effect": "No special effect", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "As the first human outpost on Mars, having a \\"usual\\" day is pretty unusual.", "timeDuration": 10, "clientViewHandler": "NO_CHANGE"}, {"id": "lifeAsUsual", "name": "Life as Usual", "effect": "No special effect", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "As the first human outpost on Mars, having a \\"usual\\" day is pretty unusual.", "timeDuration": 10, "clientViewHandler": "NO_CHANGE"}, {"id": "changingTides", "name": "Changing Tides", "effect": "Each player discards all of their available Accomplishments and draws 1 new Accomplishment. You will be able to discard this Accomplishment at the end of this round and draw up to three new Accomplishments at the start of the next round (if this is not the final round).", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "Create contingencies for your contingencies and contingencies for those contingencies. Then prepare to improvise.", "timeDuration": 10, "clientViewHandler": "NO_CHANGE"}, {"id": "lifeAsUsual", "name": "Life as Usual", "effect": "No special effect", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "As the first human outpost on Mars, having a \\"usual\\" day is pretty unusual.", "timeDuration": 10, "clientViewHandler": "NO_CHANGE"}, {"id": "outOfCommissionPolitician", "name": "Out of Commission", "effect": "The Politician receives only 3 Time Blocks this round.", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "The mental and physical health of all residents is critical to mission success. The absence of even one person can have rippling effects on the community.", "timeDuration": 15, "clientViewHandler": "NO_CHANGE"}, {"id": "outOfCommissionPioneer", "name": "Out of Commission", "effect": "The Pioneer receives only 3 Time Blocks this round.", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "The mental and physical health of all residents is critical to mission success. The absence of even one person can have rippling effects on the community.", "timeDuration": 15, "clientViewHandler": "NO_CHANGE"}, {"id": "personalGain", "name": "Personal Gain", "effect": "Each player secretly chooses Yes or No. Then, simultaneously, players reveal their choice. Players who chose yes gain 6 extra Time Blocks this round, but destroy 6 System Health.", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "It's easy to take risks when others are incurring the costs.", "clientViewHandler": "VOTE_YES_NO"}, {"id": "lifeAsUsual", "name": "Life as Usual", "effect": "No special effect", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "As the first human outpost on Mars, having a \\"usual\\" day is pretty unusual.", "timeDuration": 10, "clientViewHandler": "NO_CHANGE"}, {"id": "outOfCommissionCurator", "name": "Out of Commission", "effect": "The Curator receives only 3 Time Blocks this round.", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "The mental and physical health of all residents is critical to mission success. The absence of even one person can have rippling effects on the community.", "timeDuration": 15, "clientViewHandler": "NO_CHANGE"}, {"id": "lifeAsUsual", "name": "Life as Usual", "effect": "No special effect", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "As the first human outpost on Mars, having a \\"usual\\" day is pretty unusual.", "timeDuration": 10, "clientViewHandler": "NO_CHANGE"}, {"id": "hullBreach", "name": "Hull Breach", "effect": "Destroy 7 System Health.", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "\\"Accidents happen. It's unavoidable. Our job is to do our best to avoid them all the same.\\"", "timeDuration": 10, "clientViewHandler": "NO_CHANGE"}, {"id": "murphysLaw", "name": "Murphy's Law", "effect": "Reveal 2 more events. They're both in effect.", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "Residents at Port of Mars know better than to ask, \\"what ELSE could go wrong?\\"", "timeDuration": 10, "clientViewHandler": "NO_CHANGE"}, {"id": "lostTime", "name": "Lost Time", "effect": "Each player has 5 fewer Time Blocks to spend this round.", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "Time flies when you're trying to stay alive.", "timeDuration": 10, "clientViewHandler": "NO_CHANGE"}, {"id": "cropFailure", "name": "Crop Failure", "effect": "Destroy 20 System Health.", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "\\"The good news is we're not eating any more potatoes this cycle! The bad news is we're not sure what we're eating.\\" - The Researcher", "timeDuration": 10, "clientViewHandler": "NO_CHANGE"}, {"id": "stymied", "name": "Stymied", "effect": "Players may not earn their specialty Influence this round.", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "\\"That's very nice that you have three PhD's. Now pick up this toothbrush and help with cleaning our solar panel cells.\\"", "timeDuration": 10, "clientViewHandler": "NO_CHANGE"}, {"id": "difficultConditions", "name": "Difficult Conditions", "effect": "System Health costs twice as many Time Blocks as usual this round.", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "When one component breaks, it puts a strain on the rest of the system. Small failures often snowball into critical ones.", "timeDuration": 15, "clientViewHandler": "NO_CHANGE"}, {"id": "heroOrPariah", "name": "Hero or Pariah", "effect": "CHOOSE ONE: Players must vote for 1 player to lose all Influence OR Players must vote for 1 player to gain 4 of their specialty Influence", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "In a community as small as Port of Mars, some individuals always stand out - for better or worse.", "clientViewHandler": "VOTE_FOR_PLAYER_HERO_PARIAH"}, {"id": "lifeAsUsual", "name": "Life as Usual", "effect": "No special effect", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "As the first human outpost on Mars, having a \\"usual\\" day is pretty unusual.", "timeDuration": 10, "clientViewHandler": "NO_CHANGE"}, {"id": "effortsWasted", "name": "Efforts Wasted", "effect": "Each player must discard an Accomplishment that they have already purchased.", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "\\"All markets are volatile. The trick is learning how to ride the waves.\\" - The Entrepreneur", "clientViewHandler": "ACCOMPLISHMENT_SELECT_PURCHASED"}, {"id": "marketsClosed", "name": "Markets Closed", "effect": "Players may not trade Influences this round.", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "\\"Trust is difficult to build and easy to break. Yet without it, this community would fall apart.\\" - The Curator", "timeDuration": 10, "clientViewHandler": "NO_CHANGE"}, {"id": "sandstorm", "name": "Sandstorm", "effect": "For the next 3 rounds, destroy an additional 10 System Health at the start of the round.", "duration": 3, "flavorText": "Buckle in - things are about to get rough. And coarse. And irritating.", "timeDuration": 10, "clientViewHandler": "NO_CHANGE"}, {"id": "audit", "name": "Audit", "effect": "In this round, players will be able to view each other's accomplishments, inventories, resources and investment decisions.", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "\\"Of course we trust everyone to be truthful. But it doesn't hurt to check now and again.\\" - The Politician", "timeDuration": 10, "clientViewHandler": "AUDIT"}, {"id": "breakdownOfTrust", "name": "Breakdown of Trust", "effect": "Each player can choose to save up to 2 units of Influence that they already own. The rest will be lost.", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "Setbacks are inevitable, but no less painful each time.", "clientViewHandler": "INFLUENCES_SELECT"}, {"id": "lifeAsUsual", "name": "Life as Usual", "effect": "No special effect", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "As the first human outpost on Mars, having a \\"usual\\" day is pretty unusual.", "timeDuration": 10, "clientViewHandler": "NO_CHANGE"}], "position": 0}, "timeRemaining": 60, "lastTimePolled": 1721872506665, "tradingEnabled": true, "roundIntroduction": {"completedTrades": [], "systemHealthMarsEvents": [], "accomplishmentPurchases": [], "systemHealthAtStartOfRound": 100, "systemHealthMaintenanceCost": -25, "systemHealthGroupContributions": {}}, "marsEventsProcessed": 0} 2024-07-25 01:55:06.687 60
+176 4 set-player-readiness {"role": "Curator", "value": true} 2024-07-25 01:55:07.69 59
+177 4 set-player-readiness {"role": "Pioneer", "value": true} 2024-07-25 01:55:07.69 59
+178 4 set-player-readiness {"role": "Politician", "value": true} 2024-07-25 01:55:07.69 59
+179 4 set-player-readiness {"role": "Researcher", "value": true} 2024-07-25 01:55:07.69 59
+180 4 subtracted-system-health-wear-and-tear {} 2024-07-25 01:55:18.462 49
+181 4 entered-investment-phase {} 2024-07-25 01:55:18.462 49
+182 4 time-invested {"role": "Curator", "investment": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 2, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 0, "systemHealth": 6}} 2024-07-25 01:55:18.677 179
+183 4 set-player-readiness {"role": "Curator", "value": true} 2024-07-25 01:55:18.677 179
+184 4 time-invested {"role": "Pioneer", "investment": {"legacy": 2, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 0, "systemHealth": 6}} 2024-07-25 01:55:18.677 179
+185 4 set-player-readiness {"role": "Pioneer", "value": true} 2024-07-25 01:55:18.677 179
+186 4 time-invested {"role": "Politician", "investment": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 2, "systemHealth": 6}} 2024-07-25 01:55:18.677 179
+187 4 set-player-readiness {"role": "Politician", "value": true} 2024-07-25 01:55:18.677 179
+188 4 time-invested {"role": "Researcher", "investment": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 2, "government": 0, "systemHealth": 6}} 2024-07-25 01:55:18.677 179
+189 4 set-player-readiness {"role": "Researcher", "value": true} 2024-07-25 01:55:18.677 179
+190 4 exited-investment-phase {} 2024-07-25 01:55:18.963 179
+191 4 entered-trade-phase {} 2024-07-25 01:55:18.963 179
+192 4 exited-trade-phase {} 2024-07-25 01:55:19.051 180
+193 4 entered-purchase-phase {} 2024-07-25 01:55:19.051 180
+194 4 exited-purchase-phase {} 2024-07-25 01:55:19.128 60
+195 4 entered-discard-phase {} 2024-07-25 01:55:19.128 60
+196 4 taken-round-snapshot {"round": 1, "players": {"Curator": {"role": "Curator", "ready": false, "inventory": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 2, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 0}, "timeBlocks": 10, "victoryPoints": 0, "accomplishment": {"purchased": [], "purchasable": [95, 90, 87]}}, "Pioneer": {"role": "Pioneer", "ready": false, "inventory": {"legacy": 2, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 0}, "timeBlocks": 10, "victoryPoints": 0, "accomplishment": {"purchased": [], "purchasable": [21, 30, 33]}}, "Politician": {"role": "Politician", "ready": false, "inventory": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 2}, "timeBlocks": 10, "victoryPoints": 0, "accomplishment": {"purchased": [], "purchasable": [75, 71, 72]}}, "Researcher": {"role": "Researcher", "ready": false, "inventory": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 2, "government": 0}, "timeBlocks": 10, "victoryPoints": 0, "accomplishment": {"purchased": [], "purchasable": [5, 14, 11]}}, "Entrepreneur": {"role": "Entrepreneur", "ready": false, "inventory": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 0}, "timeBlocks": 10, "victoryPoints": 0, "accomplishment": {"purchased": [], "purchasable": [57, 50, 51]}}}, "logsLength": 1, "marsEventIds": [], "systemHealth": 75, "messagesLength": 0, "marsEventsProcessed": 0} 2024-07-25 01:55:19.211 60
+197 4 added-system-health-contributions {} 2024-07-25 01:55:19.211 60
+198 4 entered-new-round-phase {} 2024-07-25 01:55:19.211 60
+199 4 subtracted-system-health-wear-and-tear {} 2024-07-25 01:55:19.296 60
+200 4 entered-mars-event-phase {} 2024-07-25 01:55:19.296 60
+201 4 initialized-mars-event {} 2024-07-25 01:55:19.296 60
+202 4 finalized-mars-event {} 2024-07-25 01:55:19.378 10
+203 4 exited-mars-event-phase {} 2024-07-25 01:55:19.378 10
+204 4 entered-investment-phase {} 2024-07-25 01:55:19.378 10
+205 4 exited-investment-phase {} 2024-07-25 01:55:19.463 180
+206 4 entered-purchase-phase {} 2024-07-25 01:55:19.463 180
+207 4 exited-purchase-phase {} 2024-07-25 01:55:19.546 60
+208 4 entered-discard-phase {} 2024-07-25 01:55:19.546 60
+209 4 taken-round-snapshot {"round": 2, "players": {"Curator": {"role": "Curator", "ready": false, "inventory": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 2, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 0}, "timeBlocks": 10, "victoryPoints": 0, "accomplishment": {"purchased": [], "purchasable": [95, 90, 87]}}, "Pioneer": {"role": "Pioneer", "ready": false, "inventory": {"legacy": 2, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 0}, "timeBlocks": 10, "victoryPoints": 0, "accomplishment": {"purchased": [], "purchasable": [21, 30, 33]}}, "Politician": {"role": "Politician", "ready": false, "inventory": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 2}, "timeBlocks": 10, "victoryPoints": 0, "accomplishment": {"purchased": [], "purchasable": [75, 71, 72]}}, "Researcher": {"role": "Researcher", "ready": false, "inventory": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 2, "government": 0}, "timeBlocks": 10, "victoryPoints": 0, "accomplishment": {"purchased": [], "purchasable": [5, 14, 11]}}, "Entrepreneur": {"role": "Entrepreneur", "ready": false, "inventory": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 0}, "timeBlocks": 10, "victoryPoints": 0, "accomplishment": {"purchased": [], "purchasable": [57, 50, 51]}}}, "logsLength": 7, "marsEventIds": ["solarFlare"], "systemHealth": 69, "messagesLength": 0, "marsEventsProcessed": 0} 2024-07-25 01:55:19.629 60
+210 4 added-system-health-contributions {} 2024-07-25 01:55:19.629 60
+211 4 entered-new-round-phase {} 2024-07-25 01:55:19.629 60
+212 4 set-player-readiness {"role": "Curator", "value": true} 2024-07-25 01:55:19.688 59
+213 4 set-player-readiness {"role": "Pioneer", "value": true} 2024-07-25 01:55:19.688 59
+214 4 set-player-readiness {"role": "Politician", "value": true} 2024-07-25 01:55:19.688 59
+215 4 set-player-readiness {"role": "Researcher", "value": true} 2024-07-25 01:55:19.688 59
+216 4 subtracted-system-health-wear-and-tear {} 2024-07-25 01:55:19.712 59
+217 4 entered-mars-event-phase {} 2024-07-25 01:55:19.712 59
+218 4 initialized-mars-event {} 2024-07-25 01:55:19.712 59
+219 4 finalized-mars-event {} 2024-07-25 01:55:19.801 10
+220 4 reentered-mars-event-phase {} 2024-07-25 01:55:19.801 10
+221 4 initialized-mars-event {} 2024-07-25 01:55:19.801 10
+222 4 finalized-mars-event {} 2024-07-25 01:55:19.885 15
+223 4 exited-mars-event-phase {} 2024-07-25 01:55:19.885 15
+224 4 entered-investment-phase {} 2024-07-25 01:55:19.885 15
+225 4 exited-investment-phase {} 2024-07-25 01:55:19.969 180
+226 4 entered-trade-phase {} 2024-07-25 01:55:19.969 180
+227 4 exited-trade-phase {} 2024-07-25 01:55:20.053 180
+228 4 entered-purchase-phase {} 2024-07-25 01:55:20.053 180
+229 4 exited-purchase-phase {} 2024-07-25 01:55:20.135 60
+230 4 entered-discard-phase {} 2024-07-25 01:55:20.135 60
+231 4 taken-round-snapshot {"round": 3, "players": {"Curator": {"role": "Curator", "ready": false, "inventory": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 2, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 0}, "timeBlocks": 10, "victoryPoints": 0, "accomplishment": {"purchased": [], "purchasable": [95, 90, 87]}}, "Pioneer": {"role": "Pioneer", "ready": false, "inventory": {"legacy": 2, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 0}, "timeBlocks": 10, "victoryPoints": 0, "accomplishment": {"purchased": [], "purchasable": [21, 30, 33]}}, "Politician": {"role": "Politician", "ready": false, "inventory": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 2}, "timeBlocks": 10, "victoryPoints": 0, "accomplishment": {"purchased": [], "purchasable": [75, 71, 72]}}, "Researcher": {"role": "Researcher", "ready": false, "inventory": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 2, "government": 0}, "timeBlocks": 3, "victoryPoints": 0, "accomplishment": {"purchased": [], "purchasable": [5, 14, 11]}}, "Entrepreneur": {"role": "Entrepreneur", "ready": false, "inventory": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 0}, "timeBlocks": 10, "victoryPoints": 0, "accomplishment": {"purchased": [], "purchasable": [57, 50, 51]}}}, "logsLength": 14, "marsEventIds": ["lifeAsUsual", "outOfCommissionResearcher"], "systemHealth": 44, "messagesLength": 0, "marsEventsProcessed": 1} 2024-07-25 01:55:20.22 60
+232 4 added-system-health-contributions {} 2024-07-25 01:55:20.22 60
+233 4 entered-new-round-phase {} 2024-07-25 01:55:20.22 60
+234 4 subtracted-system-health-wear-and-tear {} 2024-07-25 01:55:20.304 60
+235 4 entered-mars-event-phase {} 2024-07-25 01:55:20.304 60
+236 4 initialized-mars-event {} 2024-07-25 01:55:20.304 60
+237 4 finalized-mars-event {} 2024-07-25 01:55:20.386 15
+238 4 reentered-mars-event-phase {} 2024-07-25 01:55:20.386 15
+239 4 initialized-mars-event {} 2024-07-25 01:55:20.386 15
+240 4 finalized-mars-event {} 2024-07-25 01:55:20.483 10
+241 4 reentered-mars-event-phase {} 2024-07-25 01:55:20.483 10
+242 4 initialized-mars-event {} 2024-07-25 01:55:20.483 10
+243 4 finalized-mars-event {} 2024-07-25 01:55:20.553 10
+244 4 exited-mars-event-phase {} 2024-07-25 01:55:20.553 10
+245 4 entered-investment-phase {} 2024-07-25 01:55:20.553 10
+246 4 exited-investment-phase {} 2024-07-25 01:55:20.635 180
+247 4 entered-trade-phase {} 2024-07-25 01:55:20.635 180
+248 4 set-player-readiness {"role": "Curator", "value": true} 2024-07-25 01:55:20.693 179
+249 4 set-player-readiness {"role": "Pioneer", "value": true} 2024-07-25 01:55:20.693 179
+250 4 set-player-readiness {"role": "Politician", "value": true} 2024-07-25 01:55:20.693 179
+251 4 set-player-readiness {"role": "Researcher", "value": true} 2024-07-25 01:55:20.693 179
+252 4 exited-trade-phase {} 2024-07-25 01:55:20.718 179
+253 4 entered-purchase-phase {} 2024-07-25 01:55:20.718 179
+254 4 exited-purchase-phase {} 2024-07-25 01:55:20.802 60
+255 4 entered-discard-phase {} 2024-07-25 01:55:20.802 60
+310 5 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 57, "role": "Entrepreneur"} 2024-07-26 23:05:06.726 59
+311 5 set-player-readiness {"role": "Entrepreneur", "value": true} 2024-07-26 23:05:06.726 59
+312 5 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 27, "role": "Pioneer"} 2024-07-26 23:05:06.726 59
+313 5 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 33, "role": "Pioneer"} 2024-07-26 23:05:06.726 59
+644 6 exited-mars-event-phase {} 2024-07-31 01:03:29.723 14
+256 4 taken-round-snapshot {"round": 4, "players": {"Curator": {"role": "Curator", "ready": false, "inventory": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 2, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 0}, "timeBlocks": 10, "victoryPoints": 0, "accomplishment": {"purchased": [], "purchasable": [95, 90, 87]}}, "Pioneer": {"role": "Pioneer", "ready": false, "inventory": {"legacy": 2, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 0}, "timeBlocks": 10, "victoryPoints": 0, "accomplishment": {"purchased": [], "purchasable": [21, 30, 33]}}, "Politician": {"role": "Politician", "ready": false, "inventory": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 2}, "timeBlocks": 10, "victoryPoints": 0, "accomplishment": {"purchased": [], "purchasable": [75, 71, 72]}}, "Researcher": {"role": "Researcher", "ready": false, "inventory": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 2, "government": 0}, "timeBlocks": 10, "victoryPoints": 0, "accomplishment": {"purchased": [], "purchasable": [5, 14, 11]}}, "Entrepreneur": {"role": "Entrepreneur", "ready": false, "inventory": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 0}, "timeBlocks": 3, "victoryPoints": 0, "accomplishment": {"purchased": [], "purchasable": [57, 50, 51]}}}, "logsLength": 22, "marsEventIds": ["outOfCommissionEntrepreneur", "lifeAsUsual", "lifeAsUsual"], "systemHealth": 19, "messagesLength": 0, "marsEventsProcessed": 2} 2024-07-25 01:55:20.889 60
+257 4 added-system-health-contributions {} 2024-07-25 01:55:20.889 60
+258 4 entered-new-round-phase {} 2024-07-25 01:55:20.889 60
+259 4 subtracted-system-health-wear-and-tear {} 2024-07-25 01:55:20.968 60
+260 4 entered-mars-event-phase {} 2024-07-25 01:55:20.968 60
+261 4 initialized-mars-event {} 2024-07-25 01:55:20.968 60
+262 4 entered-defeat-phase {"Curator": 0, "Pioneer": 0, "Politician": 0, "Researcher": 0, "Entrepreneur": 0} 2024-07-25 01:55:21.051 90
+263 4 entered-defeat-phase {"Curator": 0, "Pioneer": 0, "Politician": 0, "Researcher": 0, "Entrepreneur": 0} 2024-07-25 01:55:21.13 10000
+264 4 entered-defeat-phase {"Curator": 0, "Pioneer": 0, "Politician": 0, "Researcher": 0, "Entrepreneur": 0} 2024-07-25 01:55:21.215 10000
+265 4 entered-defeat-phase {"Curator": 0, "Pioneer": 0, "Politician": 0, "Researcher": 0, "Entrepreneur": 0} 2024-07-25 01:55:21.299 10000
+266 4 entered-defeat-phase {"Curator": 0, "Pioneer": 0, "Politician": 0, "Researcher": 0, "Entrepreneur": 0} 2024-07-25 01:55:21.383 10000
+267 4 entered-defeat-phase {"Curator": 0, "Pioneer": 0, "Politician": 0, "Researcher": 0, "Entrepreneur": 0} 2024-07-25 01:55:21.473 10000
+268 4 entered-defeat-phase {"Curator": 0, "Pioneer": 0, "Politician": 0, "Researcher": 0, "Entrepreneur": 0} 2024-07-25 01:55:21.552 10000
+269 4 entered-defeat-phase {"Curator": 0, "Pioneer": 0, "Politician": 0, "Researcher": 0, "Entrepreneur": 0} 2024-07-25 01:55:21.635 10000
+270 5 taken-state-snapshot {"logs": [], "phase": 0, "round": 1, "players": {"Curator": {"role": "Curator", "costs": {"legacy": 3, "culture": 2, "finance": 3, "science": 1000, "government": 1000, "systemHealth": 1}, "isBot": true, "ready": false, "isMuted": false, "username": "MartianCamel3681", "inventory": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 0}, "specialty": "culture", "timeBlocks": 10, "victoryPoints": 0, "accomplishment": {"role": "Curator", "purchased": [], "remaining": [95, 92, 82, 88, 97, 85, 87, 96, 89, 94, 81], "purchasable": [91, 90, 93]}, "pendingInvestments": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 0, "systemHealth": 0}, "systemHealthChange": {"purchases": [], "investment": 0}}, "Pioneer": {"role": "Pioneer", "costs": {"legacy": 2, "culture": 3, "finance": 1000, "science": 3, "government": 1000, "systemHealth": 1}, "isBot": true, "ready": false, "isMuted": false, "username": "LunarBison2329", "inventory": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 0}, "specialty": "legacy", "timeBlocks": 10, "victoryPoints": 0, "accomplishment": {"role": "Pioneer", "purchased": [], "remaining": [36, 32, 25, 30, 35, 21, 28, 29, 37, 31, 22], "purchasable": [34, 27, 33]}, "pendingInvestments": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 0, "systemHealth": 0}, "systemHealthChange": {"purchases": [], "investment": 0}}, "Politician": {"role": "Politician", "costs": {"legacy": 1000, "culture": 1000, "finance": 3, "science": 3, "government": 2, "systemHealth": 1}, "isBot": false, "ready": false, "isMuted": false, "username": "PlanetaryQuagga6458", "inventory": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 0}, "specialty": "government", "timeBlocks": 10, "victoryPoints": 0, "accomplishment": {"role": "Politician", "purchased": [], "remaining": [62, 61, 73, 72, 76, 71, 68, 70, 74, 65, 75], "purchasable": [67, 77, 69]}, "pendingInvestments": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 0, "systemHealth": 0}, "systemHealthChange": {"purchases": [], "investment": 0}}, "Researcher": {"role": "Researcher", "costs": {"legacy": 3, "culture": 1000, "finance": 1000, "science": 2, "government": 3, "systemHealth": 1}, "isBot": true, "ready": false, "isMuted": false, "username": "AuroralCamel4881", "inventory": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 0}, "specialty": "science", "timeBlocks": 10, "victoryPoints": 0, "accomplishment": {"role": "Researcher", "purchased": [], "remaining": [1, 13, 15, 12, 9, 5, 17, 7, 16, 10, 11], "purchasable": [8, 2, 14]}, "pendingInvestments": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 0, "systemHealth": 0}, "systemHealthChange": {"purchases": [], "investment": 0}}, "Entrepreneur": {"role": "Entrepreneur", "costs": {"legacy": 1000, "culture": 3, "finance": 2, "science": 1000, "government": 3, "systemHealth": 1}, "isBot": true, "ready": false, "isMuted": false, "username": "SolarCamel3847", "inventory": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 0}, "specialty": "finance", "timeBlocks": 10, "victoryPoints": 0, "accomplishment": {"role": "Entrepreneur", "purchased": [], "remaining": [48, 45, 53, 56, 51, 47, 52, 50, 49, 42, 54], "purchasable": [55, 41, 57]}, "pendingInvestments": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 0, "systemHealth": 0}, "systemHealthChange": {"purchases": [], "investment": 0}}}, "winners": [], "maxRound": 10, "messages": [], "tradeSet": {}, "userRoles": {"LunarBison2329": "Pioneer", "SolarCamel3847": "Entrepreneur", "AuroralCamel4881": "Researcher", "MartianCamel3681": "Curator", "PlanetaryQuagga6458": "Politician"}, "marsEvents": [], "heroOrPariah": "", "systemHealth": 100, "marsEventDeck": {"deck": [{"id": "effortsWasted", "name": "Efforts Wasted", "effect": "Each player must discard an Accomplishment that they have already purchased.", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "\\"All markets are volatile. The trick is learning how to ride the waves.\\" - The Entrepreneur", "clientViewHandler": "ACCOMPLISHMENT_SELECT_PURCHASED"}, {"id": "outOfCommissionPolitician", "name": "Out of Commission", "effect": "The Politician receives only 3 Time Blocks this round.", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "The mental and physical health of all residents is critical to mission success. The absence of even one person can have rippling effects on the community.", "timeDuration": 15, "clientViewHandler": "NO_CHANGE"}, {"id": "lifeAsUsual", "name": "Life as Usual", "effect": "No special effect", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "As the first human outpost on Mars, having a \\"usual\\" day is pretty unusual.", "timeDuration": 10, "clientViewHandler": "NO_CHANGE"}, {"id": "lifeAsUsual", "name": "Life as Usual", "effect": "No special effect", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "As the first human outpost on Mars, having a \\"usual\\" day is pretty unusual.", "timeDuration": 10, "clientViewHandler": "NO_CHANGE"}, {"id": "outOfCommissionEntrepreneur", "name": "Out of Commission", "effect": "The Entrepreneur receives only 3 Time Blocks this round.", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "The mental and physical health of all residents is critical to mission success. The absence of even one person can have rippling effects on the community.", "timeDuration": 15, "clientViewHandler": "NO_CHANGE"}, {"id": "difficultConditions", "name": "Difficult Conditions", "effect": "System Health costs twice as many Time Blocks as usual this round.", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "When one component breaks, it puts a strain on the rest of the system. Small failures often snowball into critical ones.", "timeDuration": 15, "clientViewHandler": "NO_CHANGE"}, {"id": "cropFailure", "name": "Crop Failure", "effect": "Destroy 20 System Health.", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "\\"The good news is we're not eating any more potatoes this cycle! The bad news is we're not sure what we're eating.\\" - The Researcher", "timeDuration": 10, "clientViewHandler": "NO_CHANGE"}, {"id": "personalGain", "name": "Personal Gain", "effect": "Each player secretly chooses Yes or No. Then, simultaneously, players reveal their choice. Players who chose yes gain 6 extra Time Blocks this round, but destroy 6 System Health.", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "It's easy to take risks when others are incurring the costs.", "clientViewHandler": "VOTE_YES_NO"}, {"id": "bondingThroughAdversity", "name": "Bonding Through Adversity", "effect": "Each player gains one unit of Influence of their choice.", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "Challenges brings communities together.", "clientViewHandler": "INFLUENCES_DRAW"}, {"id": "changingTides", "name": "Changing Tides", "effect": "Each player discards all of their available Accomplishments and draws 1 new Accomplishment. You will be able to discard this Accomplishment at the end of this round and draw up to three new Accomplishments at the start of the next round (if this is not the final round).", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "Create contingencies for your contingencies and contingencies for those contingencies. Then prepare to improvise.", "timeDuration": 10, "clientViewHandler": "NO_CHANGE"}, {"id": "solarFlare", "name": "Solar Flare", "effect": "Destroy 5 System Health. Skip discussion and trading phases this turn. Players cannot chat or trade Influences.", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "Solar flares pose a far greater threat on Mars, where a thin atmosphere and non-existent magnetic field leaves settlers more vulnerable. ", "timeDuration": 10, "clientViewHandler": "DISABLE_CHAT"}, {"id": "hullBreach", "name": "Hull Breach", "effect": "Destroy 7 System Health.", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "\\"Accidents happen. It's unavoidable. Our job is to do our best to avoid them all the same.\\"", "timeDuration": 10, "clientViewHandler": "NO_CHANGE"}, {"id": "interdisciplinary", "name": "Interdisciplinary", "effect": "For this round, each player can spend 3 Time Blocks to earn an Influence in either of the 2 Influences they normally can't create.", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "\\"Everyone knows the saying, 'Jack of all trades, master of none.' Few remember the second part: 'still better than a master of one.'\\" - The Pioneer", "timeDuration": 10, "clientViewHandler": "NO_CHANGE"}, {"id": "lifeAsUsual", "name": "Life as Usual", "effect": "No special effect", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "As the first human outpost on Mars, having a \\"usual\\" day is pretty unusual.", "timeDuration": 10, "clientViewHandler": "NO_CHANGE"}, {"id": "marketsClosed", "name": "Markets Closed", "effect": "Players may not trade Influences this round.", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "\\"Trust is difficult to build and easy to break. Yet without it, this community would fall apart.\\" - The Curator", "timeDuration": 10, "clientViewHandler": "NO_CHANGE"}, {"id": "lifeAsUsual", "name": "Life as Usual", "effect": "No special effect", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "As the first human outpost on Mars, having a \\"usual\\" day is pretty unusual.", "timeDuration": 10, "clientViewHandler": "NO_CHANGE"}, {"id": "lifeAsUsual", "name": "Life as Usual", "effect": "No special effect", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "As the first human outpost on Mars, having a \\"usual\\" day is pretty unusual.", "timeDuration": 10, "clientViewHandler": "NO_CHANGE"}, {"id": "outOfCommissionCurator", "name": "Out of Commission", "effect": "The Curator receives only 3 Time Blocks this round.", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "The mental and physical health of all residents is critical to mission success. The absence of even one person can have rippling effects on the community.", "timeDuration": 15, "clientViewHandler": "NO_CHANGE"}, {"id": "lostTime", "name": "Lost Time", "effect": "Each player has 5 fewer Time Blocks to spend this round.", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "Time flies when you're trying to stay alive.", "timeDuration": 10, "clientViewHandler": "NO_CHANGE"}, {"id": "heroOrPariah", "name": "Hero or Pariah", "effect": "CHOOSE ONE: Players must vote for 1 player to lose all Influence OR Players must vote for 1 player to gain 4 of their specialty Influence", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "In a community as small as Port of Mars, some individuals always stand out - for better or worse.", "clientViewHandler": "VOTE_FOR_PLAYER_HERO_PARIAH"}, {"id": "outOfCommissionResearcher", "name": "Out of Commission", "effect": "The Researcher receives only 3 Time Blocks this round.", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "The mental and physical health of all residents is critical to mission success. The absence of even one person can have rippling effects on the community.", "timeDuration": 15, "clientViewHandler": "NO_CHANGE"}, {"id": "breakdownOfTrust", "name": "Breakdown of Trust", "effect": "Each player can choose to save up to 2 units of Influence that they already own. The rest will be lost.", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "Setbacks are inevitable, but no less painful each time.", "clientViewHandler": "INFLUENCES_SELECT"}, {"id": "lifeAsUsual", "name": "Life as Usual", "effect": "No special effect", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "As the first human outpost on Mars, having a \\"usual\\" day is pretty unusual.", "timeDuration": 10, "clientViewHandler": "NO_CHANGE"}, {"id": "stymied", "name": "Stymied", "effect": "Players may not earn their specialty Influence this round.", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "\\"That's very nice that you have three PhD's. Now pick up this toothbrush and help with cleaning our solar panel cells.\\"", "timeDuration": 10, "clientViewHandler": "NO_CHANGE"}, {"id": "compulsivePhilanthropy", "name": "Compulsive Philanthropy", "effect": "Players must vote for one player to put all their Time Blocks into System Health this round.", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "There's nothing quite like being volun-told for the greater good.", "clientViewHandler": "VOTE_FOR_PLAYER_SINGLE"}, {"id": "lifeAsUsual", "name": "Life as Usual", "effect": "No special effect", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "As the first human outpost on Mars, having a \\"usual\\" day is pretty unusual.", "timeDuration": 10, "clientViewHandler": "NO_CHANGE"}, {"id": "lifeAsUsual", "name": "Life as Usual", "effect": "No special effect", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "As the first human outpost on Mars, having a \\"usual\\" day is pretty unusual.", "timeDuration": 10, "clientViewHandler": "NO_CHANGE"}, {"id": "lifeAsUsual", "name": "Life as Usual", "effect": "No special effect", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "As the first human outpost on Mars, having a \\"usual\\" day is pretty unusual.", "timeDuration": 10, "clientViewHandler": "NO_CHANGE"}, {"id": "sandstorm", "name": "Sandstorm", "effect": "For the next 3 rounds, destroy an additional 10 System Health at the start of the round.", "duration": 3, "flavorText": "Buckle in - things are about to get rough. And coarse. And irritating.", "timeDuration": 10, "clientViewHandler": "NO_CHANGE"}, {"id": "lifeAsUsual", "name": "Life as Usual", "effect": "No special effect", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "As the first human outpost on Mars, having a \\"usual\\" day is pretty unusual.", "timeDuration": 10, "clientViewHandler": "NO_CHANGE"}, {"id": "lifeAsUsual", "name": "Life as Usual", "effect": "No special effect", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "As the first human outpost on Mars, having a \\"usual\\" day is pretty unusual.", "timeDuration": 10, "clientViewHandler": "NO_CHANGE"}, {"id": "audit", "name": "Audit", "effect": "In this round, players will be able to view each other's accomplishments, inventories, resources and investment decisions.", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "\\"Of course we trust everyone to be truthful. But it doesn't hurt to check now and again.\\" - The Politician", "timeDuration": 10, "clientViewHandler": "AUDIT"}, {"id": "murphysLaw", "name": "Murphy's Law", "effect": "Reveal 2 more events. They're both in effect.", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "Residents at Port of Mars know better than to ask, \\"what ELSE could go wrong?\\"", "timeDuration": 10, "clientViewHandler": "NO_CHANGE"}, {"id": "lifeAsUsual", "name": "Life as Usual", "effect": "No special effect", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "As the first human outpost on Mars, having a \\"usual\\" day is pretty unusual.", "timeDuration": 10, "clientViewHandler": "NO_CHANGE"}, {"id": "outOfCommissionPioneer", "name": "Out of Commission", "effect": "The Pioneer receives only 3 Time Blocks this round.", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "The mental and physical health of all residents is critical to mission success. The absence of even one person can have rippling effects on the community.", "timeDuration": 15, "clientViewHandler": "NO_CHANGE"}], "position": 0}, "timeRemaining": 60, "lastTimePolled": 1722034802722, "tradingEnabled": true, "roundIntroduction": {"completedTrades": [], "systemHealthMarsEvents": [], "accomplishmentPurchases": [], "systemHealthAtStartOfRound": 100, "systemHealthMaintenanceCost": -25, "systemHealthGroupContributions": {}}, "marsEventsProcessed": 0} 2024-07-26 23:00:02.756 60
+271 5 set-player-readiness {"role": "Curator", "value": true} 2024-07-26 23:00:03.727 59
+272 5 set-player-readiness {"role": "Entrepreneur", "value": true} 2024-07-26 23:00:03.727 59
+273 5 set-player-readiness {"role": "Pioneer", "value": true} 2024-07-26 23:00:03.727 59
+274 5 set-player-readiness {"role": "Researcher", "value": true} 2024-07-26 23:00:03.727 59
+275 5 subtracted-system-health-wear-and-tear {} 2024-07-26 23:01:02.759 0
+276 5 entered-investment-phase {} 2024-07-26 23:01:02.759 0
+277 5 time-invested {"role": "Curator", "investment": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 2, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 0, "systemHealth": 6}} 2024-07-26 23:01:03.775 179
+278 5 set-player-readiness {"role": "Curator", "value": true} 2024-07-26 23:01:03.775 179
+279 5 time-invested {"role": "Entrepreneur", "investment": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 2, "science": 0, "government": 0, "systemHealth": 6}} 2024-07-26 23:01:03.775 179
+280 5 set-player-readiness {"role": "Entrepreneur", "value": true} 2024-07-26 23:01:03.775 179
+281 5 time-invested {"role": "Pioneer", "investment": {"legacy": 2, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 0, "systemHealth": 6}} 2024-07-26 23:01:03.775 179
+282 5 set-player-readiness {"role": "Pioneer", "value": true} 2024-07-26 23:01:03.775 179
+283 5 time-invested {"role": "Researcher", "investment": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 2, "government": 0, "systemHealth": 6}} 2024-07-26 23:01:03.775 179
+284 5 set-player-readiness {"role": "Researcher", "value": true} 2024-07-26 23:01:03.775 179
+285 5 exited-investment-phase {} 2024-07-26 23:04:02.752 0
+286 5 entered-trade-phase {} 2024-07-26 23:04:02.752 0
+287 5 set-player-readiness {"role": "Curator", "value": true} 2024-07-26 23:04:03.777 179
+288 5 set-player-readiness {"role": "Entrepreneur", "value": true} 2024-07-26 23:04:03.777 179
+289 5 set-player-readiness {"role": "Pioneer", "value": true} 2024-07-26 23:04:03.777 179
+290 5 set-player-readiness {"role": "Researcher", "value": true} 2024-07-26 23:04:03.777 179
+291 5 bot-control-taken {"role": "Politician"} 2024-07-26 23:05:02.739 120
+292 5 set-player-readiness {"role": "Politician", "value": true} 2024-07-26 23:05:03.727 119
+293 5 exited-trade-phase {} 2024-07-26 23:05:03.727 119
+294 5 entered-purchase-phase {} 2024-07-26 23:05:03.727 119
+295 5 set-player-readiness {"role": "Curator", "value": true} 2024-07-26 23:05:04.732 59
+296 5 purchased-accomplishment {"role": "Entrepreneur", "accomplishment": {"id": 55, "role": "Entrepreneur"}} 2024-07-26 23:05:04.732 59
+297 5 purchased-accomplishment {"role": "Pioneer", "accomplishment": {"id": 34, "role": "Pioneer"}} 2024-07-26 23:05:04.732 59
+298 5 set-player-readiness {"role": "Politician", "value": true} 2024-07-26 23:05:04.732 59
+299 5 purchased-accomplishment {"role": "Researcher", "accomplishment": {"id": 14, "role": "Researcher"}} 2024-07-26 23:05:04.732 59
+300 5 set-player-readiness {"role": "Entrepreneur", "value": true} 2024-07-26 23:05:05.755 58
+301 5 set-player-readiness {"role": "Pioneer", "value": true} 2024-07-26 23:05:05.755 58
+302 5 set-player-readiness {"role": "Researcher", "value": true} 2024-07-26 23:05:05.755 58
+303 5 exited-purchase-phase {} 2024-07-26 23:05:05.755 58
+304 5 entered-discard-phase {} 2024-07-26 23:05:05.755 58
+305 5 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 91, "role": "Curator"} 2024-07-26 23:05:06.726 59
+306 5 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 90, "role": "Curator"} 2024-07-26 23:05:06.726 59
+307 5 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 93, "role": "Curator"} 2024-07-26 23:05:06.726 59
+308 5 set-player-readiness {"role": "Curator", "value": true} 2024-07-26 23:05:06.726 59
+309 5 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 41, "role": "Entrepreneur"} 2024-07-26 23:05:06.726 59
+421 5 initialized-mars-event {} 2024-07-26 23:05:17.725 9
+314 5 set-player-readiness {"role": "Pioneer", "value": true} 2024-07-26 23:05:06.726 59
+315 5 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 67, "role": "Politician"} 2024-07-26 23:05:06.726 59
+316 5 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 77, "role": "Politician"} 2024-07-26 23:05:06.726 59
+317 5 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 69, "role": "Politician"} 2024-07-26 23:05:06.726 59
+318 5 set-player-readiness {"role": "Politician", "value": true} 2024-07-26 23:05:06.726 59
+319 5 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 8, "role": "Researcher"} 2024-07-26 23:05:06.726 59
+320 5 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 2, "role": "Researcher"} 2024-07-26 23:05:06.726 59
+321 5 set-player-readiness {"role": "Researcher", "value": true} 2024-07-26 23:05:06.726 59
+322 5 taken-round-snapshot {"round": 1, "players": {"Curator": {"role": "Curator", "ready": true, "inventory": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 2, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 0}, "timeBlocks": 10, "victoryPoints": 0, "accomplishment": {"purchased": [], "purchasable": []}}, "Pioneer": {"role": "Pioneer", "ready": true, "inventory": {"legacy": 2, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 0}, "timeBlocks": 10, "victoryPoints": 3, "accomplishment": {"purchased": [34], "purchasable": []}}, "Politician": {"role": "Politician", "ready": true, "inventory": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 0}, "timeBlocks": 10, "victoryPoints": 0, "accomplishment": {"purchased": [], "purchasable": []}}, "Researcher": {"role": "Researcher", "ready": true, "inventory": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 2, "government": 0}, "timeBlocks": 10, "victoryPoints": 3, "accomplishment": {"purchased": [14], "purchasable": []}}, "Entrepreneur": {"role": "Entrepreneur", "ready": true, "inventory": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 2, "science": 0, "government": 0}, "timeBlocks": 10, "victoryPoints": 6, "accomplishment": {"purchased": [55], "purchasable": []}}}, "logsLength": 4, "marsEventIds": [], "systemHealth": 75, "messagesLength": 0, "marsEventsProcessed": 0} 2024-07-26 23:05:06.726 59
+323 5 added-system-health-contributions {} 2024-07-26 23:05:06.726 59
+324 5 entered-new-round-phase {} 2024-07-26 23:05:06.726 59
+325 5 set-player-readiness {"role": "Curator", "value": true} 2024-07-26 23:05:07.751 59
+326 5 set-player-readiness {"role": "Entrepreneur", "value": true} 2024-07-26 23:05:07.751 59
+327 5 set-player-readiness {"role": "Pioneer", "value": true} 2024-07-26 23:05:07.751 59
+328 5 set-player-readiness {"role": "Politician", "value": true} 2024-07-26 23:05:07.751 59
+329 5 set-player-readiness {"role": "Researcher", "value": true} 2024-07-26 23:05:07.751 59
+330 5 subtracted-system-health-wear-and-tear {} 2024-07-26 23:05:07.751 59
+331 5 entered-mars-event-phase {} 2024-07-26 23:05:07.751 59
+332 5 initialized-mars-event {} 2024-07-26 23:05:07.751 59
+333 5 set-player-readiness {"role": "Curator", "value": true} 2024-07-26 23:05:08.755 89
+334 5 set-player-readiness {"role": "Entrepreneur", "value": true} 2024-07-26 23:05:08.755 89
+335 5 set-player-readiness {"role": "Pioneer", "value": true} 2024-07-26 23:05:08.755 89
+336 5 set-player-readiness {"role": "Politician", "value": true} 2024-07-26 23:05:08.755 89
+337 5 set-player-readiness {"role": "Researcher", "value": true} 2024-07-26 23:05:08.755 89
+338 5 finalized-mars-event {} 2024-07-26 23:05:08.755 89
+339 5 reentered-mars-event-phase {} 2024-07-26 23:05:08.755 89
+340 5 initialized-mars-event {} 2024-07-26 23:05:08.755 89
+341 5 set-player-readiness {"role": "Curator", "value": true} 2024-07-26 23:05:09.75 14
+342 5 set-player-readiness {"role": "Entrepreneur", "value": true} 2024-07-26 23:05:09.75 14
+343 5 set-player-readiness {"role": "Pioneer", "value": true} 2024-07-26 23:05:09.75 14
+344 5 set-player-readiness {"role": "Politician", "value": true} 2024-07-26 23:05:09.75 14
+345 5 set-player-readiness {"role": "Researcher", "value": true} 2024-07-26 23:05:09.75 14
+346 5 finalized-mars-event {} 2024-07-26 23:05:09.75 14
+347 5 exited-mars-event-phase {} 2024-07-26 23:05:09.75 14
+348 5 entered-investment-phase {} 2024-07-26 23:05:09.75 14
+349 5 time-invested {"role": "Curator", "investment": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 2, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 0, "systemHealth": 6}} 2024-07-26 23:05:10.773 179
+350 5 set-player-readiness {"role": "Curator", "value": true} 2024-07-26 23:05:10.773 179
+351 5 time-invested {"role": "Entrepreneur", "investment": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 2, "science": 0, "government": 0, "systemHealth": 6}} 2024-07-26 23:05:10.773 179
+352 5 set-player-readiness {"role": "Entrepreneur", "value": true} 2024-07-26 23:05:10.773 179
+353 5 time-invested {"role": "Pioneer", "investment": {"legacy": 2, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 0, "systemHealth": 6}} 2024-07-26 23:05:10.773 179
+354 5 set-player-readiness {"role": "Pioneer", "value": true} 2024-07-26 23:05:10.773 179
+355 5 time-invested {"role": "Politician", "investment": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 0, "systemHealth": 3}} 2024-07-26 23:05:10.773 179
+356 5 set-player-readiness {"role": "Politician", "value": true} 2024-07-26 23:05:10.773 179
+357 5 time-invested {"role": "Researcher", "investment": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 2, "government": 0, "systemHealth": 6}} 2024-07-26 23:05:10.773 179
+358 5 set-player-readiness {"role": "Researcher", "value": true} 2024-07-26 23:05:10.773 179
+359 5 exited-investment-phase {} 2024-07-26 23:05:10.773 179
+360 5 entered-trade-phase {} 2024-07-26 23:05:10.773 179
+361 5 set-player-readiness {"role": "Curator", "value": true} 2024-07-26 23:05:11.746 179
+362 5 set-player-readiness {"role": "Entrepreneur", "value": true} 2024-07-26 23:05:11.746 179
+363 5 set-player-readiness {"role": "Pioneer", "value": true} 2024-07-26 23:05:11.746 179
+364 5 set-player-readiness {"role": "Politician", "value": true} 2024-07-26 23:05:11.746 179
+365 5 set-player-readiness {"role": "Researcher", "value": true} 2024-07-26 23:05:11.746 179
+366 5 exited-trade-phase {} 2024-07-26 23:05:11.746 179
+367 5 entered-purchase-phase {} 2024-07-26 23:05:11.746 179
+368 5 purchased-accomplishment {"role": "Curator", "accomplishment": {"id": 95, "role": "Curator"}} 2024-07-26 23:05:12.727 59
+369 5 set-player-readiness {"role": "Entrepreneur", "value": true} 2024-07-26 23:05:12.727 59
+370 5 set-player-readiness {"role": "Pioneer", "value": true} 2024-07-26 23:05:12.727 59
+371 5 set-player-readiness {"role": "Politician", "value": true} 2024-07-26 23:05:12.727 59
+372 5 purchased-accomplishment {"role": "Researcher", "accomplishment": {"id": 15, "role": "Researcher"}} 2024-07-26 23:05:12.727 59
+373 5 set-player-readiness {"role": "Curator", "value": true} 2024-07-26 23:05:13.767 58
+374 5 set-player-readiness {"role": "Researcher", "value": true} 2024-07-26 23:05:13.767 58
+375 5 exited-purchase-phase {} 2024-07-26 23:05:13.767 58
+376 5 entered-discard-phase {} 2024-07-26 23:05:13.767 58
+377 5 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 92, "role": "Curator"} 2024-07-26 23:05:14.729 59
+378 5 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 82, "role": "Curator"} 2024-07-26 23:05:14.729 59
+379 5 set-player-readiness {"role": "Curator", "value": true} 2024-07-26 23:05:14.729 59
+380 5 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 48, "role": "Entrepreneur"} 2024-07-26 23:05:14.729 59
+381 5 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 45, "role": "Entrepreneur"} 2024-07-26 23:05:14.729 59
+382 5 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 53, "role": "Entrepreneur"} 2024-07-26 23:05:14.729 59
+383 5 set-player-readiness {"role": "Entrepreneur", "value": true} 2024-07-26 23:05:14.729 59
+384 5 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 36, "role": "Pioneer"} 2024-07-26 23:05:14.729 59
+385 5 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 32, "role": "Pioneer"} 2024-07-26 23:05:14.729 59
+386 5 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 25, "role": "Pioneer"} 2024-07-26 23:05:14.729 59
+387 5 set-player-readiness {"role": "Pioneer", "value": true} 2024-07-26 23:05:14.729 59
+388 5 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 62, "role": "Politician"} 2024-07-26 23:05:14.729 59
+389 5 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 61, "role": "Politician"} 2024-07-26 23:05:14.729 59
+390 5 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 73, "role": "Politician"} 2024-07-26 23:05:14.729 59
+391 5 set-player-readiness {"role": "Politician", "value": true} 2024-07-26 23:05:14.729 59
+392 5 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 1, "role": "Researcher"} 2024-07-26 23:05:14.729 59
+393 5 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 13, "role": "Researcher"} 2024-07-26 23:05:14.729 59
+394 5 set-player-readiness {"role": "Researcher", "value": true} 2024-07-26 23:05:14.729 59
+395 5 taken-round-snapshot {"round": 2, "players": {"Curator": {"role": "Curator", "ready": true, "inventory": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 4, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 0}, "timeBlocks": 10, "victoryPoints": 6, "accomplishment": {"purchased": [95], "purchasable": []}}, "Pioneer": {"role": "Pioneer", "ready": true, "inventory": {"legacy": 4, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 0}, "timeBlocks": 10, "victoryPoints": 0, "accomplishment": {"purchased": [], "purchasable": []}}, "Politician": {"role": "Politician", "ready": true, "inventory": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 0}, "timeBlocks": 3, "victoryPoints": 0, "accomplishment": {"purchased": [], "purchasable": []}}, "Researcher": {"role": "Researcher", "ready": true, "inventory": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 4, "government": 0}, "timeBlocks": 10, "victoryPoints": 6, "accomplishment": {"purchased": [15], "purchasable": []}}, "Entrepreneur": {"role": "Entrepreneur", "ready": true, "inventory": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 4, "science": 0, "government": 0}, "timeBlocks": 10, "victoryPoints": 0, "accomplishment": {"purchased": [], "purchasable": []}}}, "logsLength": 14, "marsEventIds": ["effortsWasted", "outOfCommissionPolitician"], "systemHealth": 49, "messagesLength": 0, "marsEventsProcessed": 1} 2024-07-26 23:05:14.729 59
+396 5 added-system-health-contributions {} 2024-07-26 23:05:14.729 59
+397 5 entered-new-round-phase {} 2024-07-26 23:05:14.729 59
+398 5 set-player-readiness {"role": "Curator", "value": true} 2024-07-26 23:05:15.74 59
+399 5 set-player-readiness {"role": "Entrepreneur", "value": true} 2024-07-26 23:05:15.74 59
+400 5 set-player-readiness {"role": "Pioneer", "value": true} 2024-07-26 23:05:15.74 59
+401 5 set-player-readiness {"role": "Politician", "value": true} 2024-07-26 23:05:15.74 59
+402 5 set-player-readiness {"role": "Researcher", "value": true} 2024-07-26 23:05:15.74 59
+403 5 subtracted-system-health-wear-and-tear {} 2024-07-26 23:05:15.74 59
+404 5 entered-mars-event-phase {} 2024-07-26 23:05:15.74 59
+405 5 initialized-mars-event {} 2024-07-26 23:05:15.74 59
+406 5 set-player-readiness {"role": "Curator", "value": true} 2024-07-26 23:05:16.766 9
+407 5 set-player-readiness {"role": "Entrepreneur", "value": true} 2024-07-26 23:05:16.766 9
+408 5 set-player-readiness {"role": "Pioneer", "value": true} 2024-07-26 23:05:16.766 9
+409 5 set-player-readiness {"role": "Politician", "value": true} 2024-07-26 23:05:16.766 9
+410 5 set-player-readiness {"role": "Researcher", "value": true} 2024-07-26 23:05:16.766 9
+411 5 finalized-mars-event {} 2024-07-26 23:05:16.766 9
+412 5 reentered-mars-event-phase {} 2024-07-26 23:05:16.766 9
+413 5 initialized-mars-event {} 2024-07-26 23:05:16.766 9
+414 5 set-player-readiness {"role": "Curator", "value": true} 2024-07-26 23:05:17.725 9
+415 5 set-player-readiness {"role": "Entrepreneur", "value": true} 2024-07-26 23:05:17.725 9
+416 5 set-player-readiness {"role": "Pioneer", "value": true} 2024-07-26 23:05:17.725 9
+417 5 set-player-readiness {"role": "Politician", "value": true} 2024-07-26 23:05:17.725 9
+418 5 set-player-readiness {"role": "Researcher", "value": true} 2024-07-26 23:05:17.725 9
+419 5 finalized-mars-event {} 2024-07-26 23:05:17.725 9
+420 5 reentered-mars-event-phase {} 2024-07-26 23:05:17.725 9
+422 5 set-player-readiness {"role": "Curator", "value": true} 2024-07-26 23:05:18.746 14
+423 5 set-player-readiness {"role": "Entrepreneur", "value": true} 2024-07-26 23:05:18.746 14
+424 5 set-player-readiness {"role": "Pioneer", "value": true} 2024-07-26 23:05:18.746 14
+425 5 set-player-readiness {"role": "Politician", "value": true} 2024-07-26 23:05:18.746 14
+426 5 set-player-readiness {"role": "Researcher", "value": true} 2024-07-26 23:05:18.746 14
+427 5 finalized-mars-event {} 2024-07-26 23:05:18.746 14
+428 5 exited-mars-event-phase {} 2024-07-26 23:05:18.746 14
+429 5 entered-investment-phase {} 2024-07-26 23:05:18.746 14
+430 5 time-invested {"role": "Curator", "investment": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 2, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 0, "systemHealth": 6}} 2024-07-26 23:05:19.769 179
+431 5 set-player-readiness {"role": "Curator", "value": true} 2024-07-26 23:05:19.769 179
+432 5 time-invested {"role": "Entrepreneur", "investment": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 0, "systemHealth": 3}} 2024-07-26 23:05:19.769 179
+433 5 set-player-readiness {"role": "Entrepreneur", "value": true} 2024-07-26 23:05:19.769 179
+434 5 time-invested {"role": "Pioneer", "investment": {"legacy": 2, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 0, "systemHealth": 6}} 2024-07-26 23:05:19.769 179
+435 5 set-player-readiness {"role": "Pioneer", "value": true} 2024-07-26 23:05:19.769 179
+436 5 time-invested {"role": "Politician", "investment": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 2, "systemHealth": 6}} 2024-07-26 23:05:19.769 179
+437 5 set-player-readiness {"role": "Politician", "value": true} 2024-07-26 23:05:19.769 179
+438 5 time-invested {"role": "Researcher", "investment": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 2, "government": 0, "systemHealth": 6}} 2024-07-26 23:05:19.769 179
+439 5 set-player-readiness {"role": "Researcher", "value": true} 2024-07-26 23:05:19.769 179
+440 5 exited-investment-phase {} 2024-07-26 23:05:19.769 179
+441 5 entered-trade-phase {} 2024-07-26 23:05:19.769 179
+442 5 set-player-readiness {"role": "Curator", "value": true} 2024-07-26 23:05:20.751 179
+443 5 set-player-readiness {"role": "Entrepreneur", "value": true} 2024-07-26 23:05:20.751 179
+444 5 set-player-readiness {"role": "Pioneer", "value": true} 2024-07-26 23:05:20.751 179
+445 5 set-player-readiness {"role": "Politician", "value": true} 2024-07-26 23:05:20.751 179
+446 5 set-player-readiness {"role": "Researcher", "value": true} 2024-07-26 23:05:20.751 179
+447 5 exited-trade-phase {} 2024-07-26 23:05:20.751 179
+448 5 entered-purchase-phase {} 2024-07-26 23:05:20.751 179
+449 5 set-player-readiness {"role": "Curator", "value": true} 2024-07-26 23:05:21.765 59
+450 5 set-player-readiness {"role": "Entrepreneur", "value": true} 2024-07-26 23:05:21.765 59
+451 5 set-player-readiness {"role": "Pioneer", "value": true} 2024-07-26 23:05:21.765 59
+452 5 set-player-readiness {"role": "Politician", "value": true} 2024-07-26 23:05:21.765 59
+453 5 set-player-readiness {"role": "Researcher", "value": true} 2024-07-26 23:05:21.765 59
+454 5 exited-purchase-phase {} 2024-07-26 23:05:21.765 59
+455 5 entered-discard-phase {} 2024-07-26 23:05:21.765 59
+456 5 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 88, "role": "Curator"} 2024-07-26 23:05:22.754 59
+457 5 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 97, "role": "Curator"} 2024-07-26 23:05:22.754 59
+458 5 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 85, "role": "Curator"} 2024-07-26 23:05:22.754 59
+459 5 set-player-readiness {"role": "Curator", "value": true} 2024-07-26 23:05:22.754 59
+460 5 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 56, "role": "Entrepreneur"} 2024-07-26 23:05:22.754 59
+461 5 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 51, "role": "Entrepreneur"} 2024-07-26 23:05:22.754 59
+462 5 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 47, "role": "Entrepreneur"} 2024-07-26 23:05:22.754 59
+463 5 set-player-readiness {"role": "Entrepreneur", "value": true} 2024-07-26 23:05:22.754 59
+464 5 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 30, "role": "Pioneer"} 2024-07-26 23:05:22.754 59
+465 5 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 35, "role": "Pioneer"} 2024-07-26 23:05:22.754 59
+466 5 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 21, "role": "Pioneer"} 2024-07-26 23:05:22.754 59
+467 5 set-player-readiness {"role": "Pioneer", "value": true} 2024-07-26 23:05:22.754 59
+468 5 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 72, "role": "Politician"} 2024-07-26 23:05:22.754 59
+469 5 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 76, "role": "Politician"} 2024-07-26 23:05:22.754 59
+470 5 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 71, "role": "Politician"} 2024-07-26 23:05:22.754 59
+471 5 set-player-readiness {"role": "Politician", "value": true} 2024-07-26 23:05:22.754 59
+472 5 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 12, "role": "Researcher"} 2024-07-26 23:05:22.754 59
+473 5 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 9, "role": "Researcher"} 2024-07-26 23:05:22.754 59
+474 5 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 5, "role": "Researcher"} 2024-07-26 23:05:22.754 59
+475 5 set-player-readiness {"role": "Researcher", "value": true} 2024-07-26 23:05:22.754 59
+527 5 set-player-readiness {"role": "Researcher", "value": true} 2024-07-26 23:05:28.757 179
+528 5 exited-trade-phase {} 2024-07-26 23:05:28.757 179
+529 5 entered-purchase-phase {} 2024-07-26 23:05:28.757 179
+530 5 set-player-readiness {"role": "Curator", "value": true} 2024-07-26 23:05:29.772 59
+531 5 set-player-readiness {"role": "Entrepreneur", "value": true} 2024-07-26 23:05:29.772 59
+532 5 set-player-readiness {"role": "Pioneer", "value": true} 2024-07-26 23:05:29.772 59
+533 5 set-player-readiness {"role": "Politician", "value": true} 2024-07-26 23:05:29.772 59
+534 5 set-player-readiness {"role": "Researcher", "value": true} 2024-07-26 23:05:29.772 59
+535 5 exited-purchase-phase {} 2024-07-26 23:05:29.772 59
+536 5 entered-discard-phase {} 2024-07-26 23:05:29.772 59
+537 5 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 87, "role": "Curator"} 2024-07-26 23:05:30.738 59
+538 5 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 96, "role": "Curator"} 2024-07-26 23:05:30.738 59
+476 5 taken-round-snapshot {"round": 3, "players": {"Curator": {"role": "Curator", "ready": true, "inventory": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 6, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 0}, "timeBlocks": 10, "victoryPoints": 6, "accomplishment": {"purchased": [95], "purchasable": []}}, "Pioneer": {"role": "Pioneer", "ready": true, "inventory": {"legacy": 6, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 0}, "timeBlocks": 10, "victoryPoints": 0, "accomplishment": {"purchased": [], "purchasable": []}}, "Politician": {"role": "Politician", "ready": true, "inventory": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 2}, "timeBlocks": 10, "victoryPoints": 0, "accomplishment": {"purchased": [], "purchasable": []}}, "Researcher": {"role": "Researcher", "ready": true, "inventory": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 6, "government": 0}, "timeBlocks": 10, "victoryPoints": 6, "accomplishment": {"purchased": [15], "purchasable": []}}, "Entrepreneur": {"role": "Entrepreneur", "ready": true, "inventory": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 4, "science": 0, "government": 0}, "timeBlocks": 3, "victoryPoints": 0, "accomplishment": {"purchased": [], "purchasable": []}}}, "logsLength": 23, "marsEventIds": ["lifeAsUsual", "lifeAsUsual", "outOfCommissionEntrepreneur"], "systemHealth": 25, "messagesLength": 0, "marsEventsProcessed": 2} 2024-07-26 23:05:22.754 59
+477 5 added-system-health-contributions {} 2024-07-26 23:05:22.754 59
+478 5 entered-new-round-phase {} 2024-07-26 23:05:22.754 59
+479 5 set-player-readiness {"role": "Curator", "value": true} 2024-07-26 23:05:23.766 59
+480 5 set-player-readiness {"role": "Entrepreneur", "value": true} 2024-07-26 23:05:23.766 59
+481 5 set-player-readiness {"role": "Pioneer", "value": true} 2024-07-26 23:05:23.766 59
+482 5 set-player-readiness {"role": "Politician", "value": true} 2024-07-26 23:05:23.766 59
+483 5 set-player-readiness {"role": "Researcher", "value": true} 2024-07-26 23:05:23.766 59
+484 5 subtracted-system-health-wear-and-tear {} 2024-07-26 23:05:23.766 59
+485 5 entered-mars-event-phase {} 2024-07-26 23:05:23.766 59
+486 5 initialized-mars-event {} 2024-07-26 23:05:23.766 59
+487 5 set-player-readiness {"role": "Curator", "value": true} 2024-07-26 23:05:24.774 14
+488 5 set-player-readiness {"role": "Entrepreneur", "value": true} 2024-07-26 23:05:24.774 14
+489 5 set-player-readiness {"role": "Pioneer", "value": true} 2024-07-26 23:05:24.774 14
+490 5 set-player-readiness {"role": "Politician", "value": true} 2024-07-26 23:05:24.774 14
+491 5 set-player-readiness {"role": "Researcher", "value": true} 2024-07-26 23:05:24.774 14
+492 5 finalized-mars-event {} 2024-07-26 23:05:24.774 14
+493 5 reentered-mars-event-phase {} 2024-07-26 23:05:24.774 14
+494 5 initialized-mars-event {} 2024-07-26 23:05:24.774 14
+495 5 set-player-readiness {"role": "Curator", "value": true} 2024-07-26 23:05:25.732 9
+496 5 set-player-readiness {"role": "Entrepreneur", "value": true} 2024-07-26 23:05:25.732 9
+497 5 set-player-readiness {"role": "Pioneer", "value": true} 2024-07-26 23:05:25.732 9
+498 5 set-player-readiness {"role": "Politician", "value": true} 2024-07-26 23:05:25.732 9
+499 5 set-player-readiness {"role": "Researcher", "value": true} 2024-07-26 23:05:25.732 9
+500 5 finalized-mars-event {} 2024-07-26 23:05:25.732 9
+501 5 reentered-mars-event-phase {} 2024-07-26 23:05:25.732 9
+502 5 initialized-mars-event {} 2024-07-26 23:05:25.732 9
+503 5 voted-for-personal-gain {"role": "Curator", "vote": false} 2024-07-26 23:05:26.756 89
+504 5 voted-for-personal-gain {"role": "Entrepreneur", "vote": false} 2024-07-26 23:05:26.756 89
+505 5 voted-for-personal-gain {"role": "Pioneer", "vote": false} 2024-07-26 23:05:26.756 89
+506 5 voted-for-personal-gain {"role": "Politician", "vote": false} 2024-07-26 23:05:26.756 89
+507 5 voted-for-personal-gain {"role": "Researcher", "vote": false} 2024-07-26 23:05:26.756 89
+508 5 finalized-mars-event {} 2024-07-26 23:05:26.756 89
+509 5 exited-mars-event-phase {} 2024-07-26 23:05:26.756 89
+510 5 entered-investment-phase {} 2024-07-26 23:05:26.756 89
+511 5 time-invested {"role": "Curator", "investment": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 2, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 0, "systemHealth": 3}} 2024-07-26 23:05:27.751 179
+512 5 set-player-readiness {"role": "Curator", "value": true} 2024-07-26 23:05:27.751 179
+513 5 time-invested {"role": "Entrepreneur", "investment": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 2, "science": 0, "government": 0, "systemHealth": 3}} 2024-07-26 23:05:27.751 179
+514 5 set-player-readiness {"role": "Entrepreneur", "value": true} 2024-07-26 23:05:27.751 179
+515 5 time-invested {"role": "Pioneer", "investment": {"legacy": 2, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 0, "systemHealth": 3}} 2024-07-26 23:05:27.751 179
+516 5 set-player-readiness {"role": "Pioneer", "value": true} 2024-07-26 23:05:27.751 179
+517 5 time-invested {"role": "Politician", "investment": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 2, "systemHealth": 3}} 2024-07-26 23:05:27.751 179
+518 5 set-player-readiness {"role": "Politician", "value": true} 2024-07-26 23:05:27.751 179
+519 5 time-invested {"role": "Researcher", "investment": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 2, "government": 0, "systemHealth": 3}} 2024-07-26 23:05:27.751 179
+520 5 set-player-readiness {"role": "Researcher", "value": true} 2024-07-26 23:05:27.751 179
+521 5 exited-investment-phase {} 2024-07-26 23:05:27.751 179
+522 5 entered-trade-phase {} 2024-07-26 23:05:27.751 179
+523 5 set-player-readiness {"role": "Curator", "value": true} 2024-07-26 23:05:28.757 179
+524 5 set-player-readiness {"role": "Entrepreneur", "value": true} 2024-07-26 23:05:28.757 179
+525 5 set-player-readiness {"role": "Pioneer", "value": true} 2024-07-26 23:05:28.757 179
+526 5 set-player-readiness {"role": "Politician", "value": true} 2024-07-26 23:05:28.757 179
+643 6 finalized-mars-event {} 2024-07-31 01:03:29.723 14
+539 5 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 89, "role": "Curator"} 2024-07-26 23:05:30.738 59
+540 5 set-player-readiness {"role": "Curator", "value": true} 2024-07-26 23:05:30.738 59
+541 5 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 52, "role": "Entrepreneur"} 2024-07-26 23:05:30.738 59
+542 5 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 50, "role": "Entrepreneur"} 2024-07-26 23:05:30.738 59
+543 5 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 49, "role": "Entrepreneur"} 2024-07-26 23:05:30.738 59
+544 5 set-player-readiness {"role": "Entrepreneur", "value": true} 2024-07-26 23:05:30.738 59
+545 5 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 28, "role": "Pioneer"} 2024-07-26 23:05:30.738 59
+546 5 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 29, "role": "Pioneer"} 2024-07-26 23:05:30.738 59
+547 5 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 37, "role": "Pioneer"} 2024-07-26 23:05:30.738 59
+548 5 set-player-readiness {"role": "Pioneer", "value": true} 2024-07-26 23:05:30.738 59
+549 5 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 68, "role": "Politician"} 2024-07-26 23:05:30.738 59
+550 5 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 70, "role": "Politician"} 2024-07-26 23:05:30.738 59
+551 5 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 74, "role": "Politician"} 2024-07-26 23:05:30.738 59
+552 5 set-player-readiness {"role": "Politician", "value": true} 2024-07-26 23:05:30.738 59
+553 5 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 17, "role": "Researcher"} 2024-07-26 23:05:30.738 59
+554 5 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 7, "role": "Researcher"} 2024-07-26 23:05:30.738 59
+555 5 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 16, "role": "Researcher"} 2024-07-26 23:05:30.738 59
+556 5 set-player-readiness {"role": "Researcher", "value": true} 2024-07-26 23:05:30.738 59
+557 5 taken-round-snapshot {"round": 4, "players": {"Curator": {"role": "Curator", "ready": true, "inventory": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 8, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 0}, "timeBlocks": 10, "victoryPoints": 6, "accomplishment": {"purchased": [95], "purchasable": []}}, "Pioneer": {"role": "Pioneer", "ready": true, "inventory": {"legacy": 8, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 0}, "timeBlocks": 10, "victoryPoints": 0, "accomplishment": {"purchased": [], "purchasable": []}}, "Politician": {"role": "Politician", "ready": true, "inventory": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 4}, "timeBlocks": 10, "victoryPoints": 0, "accomplishment": {"purchased": [], "purchasable": []}}, "Researcher": {"role": "Researcher", "ready": true, "inventory": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 8, "government": 0}, "timeBlocks": 10, "victoryPoints": 6, "accomplishment": {"purchased": [15], "purchasable": []}}, "Entrepreneur": {"role": "Entrepreneur", "ready": true, "inventory": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 6, "science": 0, "government": 0}, "timeBlocks": 10, "victoryPoints": 0, "accomplishment": {"purchased": [], "purchasable": []}}}, "logsLength": 31, "marsEventIds": ["difficultConditions", "cropFailure", "personalGain"], "systemHealth": 7, "messagesLength": 0, "marsEventsProcessed": 2} 2024-07-26 23:05:30.738 59
+558 5 added-system-health-contributions {} 2024-07-26 23:05:30.738 59
+559 5 entered-new-round-phase {} 2024-07-26 23:05:30.738 59
+560 5 set-player-readiness {"role": "Curator", "value": true} 2024-07-26 23:05:31.76 59
+561 5 set-player-readiness {"role": "Entrepreneur", "value": true} 2024-07-26 23:05:31.76 59
+562 5 set-player-readiness {"role": "Pioneer", "value": true} 2024-07-26 23:05:31.76 59
+563 5 set-player-readiness {"role": "Politician", "value": true} 2024-07-26 23:05:31.76 59
+564 5 set-player-readiness {"role": "Researcher", "value": true} 2024-07-26 23:05:31.76 59
+565 5 subtracted-system-health-wear-and-tear {} 2024-07-26 23:05:31.76 59
+566 5 entered-mars-event-phase {} 2024-07-26 23:05:31.76 59
+567 5 initialized-mars-event {} 2024-07-26 23:05:31.76 59
+568 5 selected-influence {"role": "Curator", "influence": "culture"} 2024-07-26 23:05:32.76 89
+569 5 selected-influence {"role": "Entrepreneur", "influence": "culture"} 2024-07-26 23:05:32.76 89
+570 5 selected-influence {"role": "Pioneer", "influence": "culture"} 2024-07-26 23:05:32.76 89
+571 5 selected-influence {"role": "Politician", "influence": "culture"} 2024-07-26 23:05:32.76 89
+572 5 selected-influence {"role": "Researcher", "influence": "culture"} 2024-07-26 23:05:32.76 89
+573 5 entered-defeat-phase {"Curator": 6, "Pioneer": 0, "Politician": 0, "Researcher": 6, "Entrepreneur": 0} 2024-07-26 23:05:32.76 89
+574 5 entered-defeat-phase {"Curator": 6, "Pioneer": 0, "Politician": 0, "Researcher": 6, "Entrepreneur": 0} 2024-07-26 23:05:33.729 9999
+575 6 taken-state-snapshot {"logs": [], "phase": 0, "round": 1, "players": {"Curator": {"role": "Curator", "costs": {"legacy": 3, "culture": 2, "finance": 3, "science": 1000, "government": 1000, "systemHealth": 1}, "isBot": false, "ready": false, "isMuted": false, "username": "NebularFalcon4036", "inventory": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 0}, "specialty": "culture", "timeBlocks": 10, "victoryPoints": 0, "accomplishment": {"role": "Curator", "purchased": [], "remaining": [96, 95, 85, 88, 82, 89, 91, 81, 94, 92, 97], "purchasable": [90, 93, 87]}, "pendingInvestments": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 0, "systemHealth": 0}, "systemHealthChange": {"purchases": [], "investment": 0}}, "Pioneer": {"role": "Pioneer", "costs": {"legacy": 2, "culture": 3, "finance": 1000, "science": 3, "government": 1000, "systemHealth": 1}, "isBot": true, "ready": false, "isMuted": false, "username": "LunarBison2329", "inventory": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 0}, "specialty": "legacy", "timeBlocks": 10, "victoryPoints": 0, "accomplishment": {"role": "Pioneer", "purchased": [], "remaining": [35, 27, 36, 30, 32, 29, 34, 21, 22, 31, 33], "purchasable": [37, 28, 25]}, "pendingInvestments": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 0, "systemHealth": 0}, "systemHealthChange": {"purchases": [], "investment": 0}}, "Politician": {"role": "Politician", "costs": {"legacy": 1000, "culture": 1000, "finance": 3, "science": 3, "government": 2, "systemHealth": 1}, "isBot": true, "ready": false, "isMuted": false, "username": "SolarCamel3847", "inventory": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 0}, "specialty": "government", "timeBlocks": 10, "victoryPoints": 0, "accomplishment": {"role": "Politician", "purchased": [], "remaining": [61, 74, 67, 75, 73, 71, 72, 70, 68, 69, 77], "purchasable": [76, 62, 65]}, "pendingInvestments": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 0, "systemHealth": 0}, "systemHealthChange": {"purchases": [], "investment": 0}}, "Researcher": {"role": "Researcher", "costs": {"legacy": 3, "culture": 1000, "finance": 1000, "science": 2, "government": 3, "systemHealth": 1}, "isBot": true, "ready": false, "isMuted": false, "username": "AuroralCamel4881", "inventory": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 0}, "specialty": "science", "timeBlocks": 10, "victoryPoints": 0, "accomplishment": {"role": "Researcher", "purchased": [], "remaining": [15, 17, 2, 9, 7, 11, 14, 16, 13, 1, 8], "purchasable": [12, 10, 5]}, "pendingInvestments": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 0, "systemHealth": 0}, "systemHealthChange": {"purchases": [], "investment": 0}}, "Entrepreneur": {"role": "Entrepreneur", "costs": {"legacy": 1000, "culture": 3, "finance": 2, "science": 1000, "government": 3, "systemHealth": 1}, "isBot": true, "ready": false, "isMuted": false, "username": "MartianCamel3681", "inventory": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 0}, "specialty": "finance", "timeBlocks": 10, "victoryPoints": 0, "accomplishment": {"role": "Entrepreneur", "purchased": [], "remaining": [42, 56, 54, 55, 50, 51, 48, 47, 49, 41, 53], "purchasable": [45, 52, 57]}, "pendingInvestments": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 0, "systemHealth": 0}, "systemHealthChange": {"purchases": [], "investment": 0}}}, "winners": [], "maxRound": 10, "messages": [], "tradeSet": {}, "userRoles": {"LunarBison2329": "Pioneer", "SolarCamel3847": "Politician", "AuroralCamel4881": "Researcher", "MartianCamel3681": "Entrepreneur", "NebularFalcon4036": "Curator"}, "marsEvents": [], "heroOrPariah": "", "systemHealth": 100, "marsEventDeck": {"deck": [{"id": "outOfCommissionPioneer", "name": "Out of Commission", "effect": "The Pioneer receives only 3 Time Blocks this round.", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "The mental and physical health of all residents is critical to mission success. The absence of even one person can have rippling effects on the community.", "timeDuration": 15, "clientViewHandler": "NO_CHANGE"}, {"id": "lifeAsUsual", "name": "Life as Usual", "effect": "No special effect", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "As the first human outpost on Mars, having a \\"usual\\" day is pretty unusual.", "timeDuration": 10, "clientViewHandler": "NO_CHANGE"}, {"id": "lifeAsUsual", "name": "Life as Usual", "effect": "No special effect", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "As the first human outpost on Mars, having a \\"usual\\" day is pretty unusual.", "timeDuration": 10, "clientViewHandler": "NO_CHANGE"}, {"id": "lifeAsUsual", "name": "Life as Usual", "effect": "No special effect", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "As the first human outpost on Mars, having a \\"usual\\" day is pretty unusual.", "timeDuration": 10, "clientViewHandler": "NO_CHANGE"}, {"id": "lifeAsUsual", "name": "Life as Usual", "effect": "No special effect", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "As the first human outpost on Mars, having a \\"usual\\" day is pretty unusual.", "timeDuration": 10, "clientViewHandler": "NO_CHANGE"}, {"id": "stymied", "name": "Stymied", "effect": "Players may not earn their specialty Influence this round.", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "\\"That's very nice that you have three PhD's. Now pick up this toothbrush and help with cleaning our solar panel cells.\\"", "timeDuration": 10, "clientViewHandler": "NO_CHANGE"}, {"id": "lifeAsUsual", "name": "Life as Usual", "effect": "No special effect", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "As the first human outpost on Mars, having a \\"usual\\" day is pretty unusual.", "timeDuration": 10, "clientViewHandler": "NO_CHANGE"}, {"id": "solarFlare", "name": "Solar Flare", "effect": "Destroy 5 System Health. Skip discussion and trading phases this turn. Players cannot chat or trade Influences.", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "Solar flares pose a far greater threat on Mars, where a thin atmosphere and non-existent magnetic field leaves settlers more vulnerable. ", "timeDuration": 10, "clientViewHandler": "DISABLE_CHAT"}, {"id": "effortsWasted", "name": "Efforts Wasted", "effect": "Each player must discard an Accomplishment that they have already purchased.", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "\\"All markets are volatile. The trick is learning how to ride the waves.\\" - The Entrepreneur", "clientViewHandler": "ACCOMPLISHMENT_SELECT_PURCHASED"}, {"id": "hullBreach", "name": "Hull Breach", "effect": "Destroy 7 System Health.", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "\\"Accidents happen. It's unavoidable. Our job is to do our best to avoid them all the same.\\"", "timeDuration": 10, "clientViewHandler": "NO_CHANGE"}, {"id": "lifeAsUsual", "name": "Life as Usual", "effect": "No special effect", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "As the first human outpost on Mars, having a \\"usual\\" day is pretty unusual.", "timeDuration": 10, "clientViewHandler": "NO_CHANGE"}, {"id": "outOfCommissionPolitician", "name": "Out of Commission", "effect": "The Politician receives only 3 Time Blocks this round.", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "The mental and physical health of all residents is critical to mission success. The absence of even one person can have rippling effects on the community.", "timeDuration": 15, "clientViewHandler": "NO_CHANGE"}, {"id": "changingTides", "name": "Changing Tides", "effect": "Each player discards all of their available Accomplishments and draws 1 new Accomplishment. You will be able to discard this Accomplishment at the end of this round and draw up to three new Accomplishments at the start of the next round (if this is not the final round).", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "Create contingencies for your contingencies and contingencies for those contingencies. Then prepare to improvise.", "timeDuration": 10, "clientViewHandler": "NO_CHANGE"}, {"id": "lifeAsUsual", "name": "Life as Usual", "effect": "No special effect", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "As the first human outpost on Mars, having a \\"usual\\" day is pretty unusual.", "timeDuration": 10, "clientViewHandler": "NO_CHANGE"}, {"id": "lifeAsUsual", "name": "Life as Usual", "effect": "No special effect", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "As the first human outpost on Mars, having a \\"usual\\" day is pretty unusual.", "timeDuration": 10, "clientViewHandler": "NO_CHANGE"}, {"id": "outOfCommissionResearcher", "name": "Out of Commission", "effect": "The Researcher receives only 3 Time Blocks this round.", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "The mental and physical health of all residents is critical to mission success. The absence of even one person can have rippling effects on the community.", "timeDuration": 15, "clientViewHandler": "NO_CHANGE"}, {"id": "lifeAsUsual", "name": "Life as Usual", "effect": "No special effect", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "As the first human outpost on Mars, having a \\"usual\\" day is pretty unusual.", "timeDuration": 10, "clientViewHandler": "NO_CHANGE"}, {"id": "lifeAsUsual", "name": "Life as Usual", "effect": "No special effect", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "As the first human outpost on Mars, having a \\"usual\\" day is pretty unusual.", "timeDuration": 10, "clientViewHandler": "NO_CHANGE"}, {"id": "marketsClosed", "name": "Markets Closed", "effect": "Players may not trade Influences this round.", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "\\"Trust is difficult to build and easy to break. Yet without it, this community would fall apart.\\" - The Curator", "timeDuration": 10, "clientViewHandler": "NO_CHANGE"}, {"id": "sandstorm", "name": "Sandstorm", "effect": "For the next 3 rounds, destroy an additional 10 System Health at the start of the round.", "duration": 3, "flavorText": "Buckle in - things are about to get rough. And coarse. And irritating.", "timeDuration": 10, "clientViewHandler": "NO_CHANGE"}, {"id": "heroOrPariah", "name": "Hero or Pariah", "effect": "CHOOSE ONE: Players must vote for 1 player to lose all Influence OR Players must vote for 1 player to gain 4 of their specialty Influence", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "In a community as small as Port of Mars, some individuals always stand out - for better or worse.", "clientViewHandler": "VOTE_FOR_PLAYER_HERO_PARIAH"}, {"id": "personalGain", "name": "Personal Gain", "effect": "Each player secretly chooses Yes or No. Then, simultaneously, players reveal their choice. Players who chose yes gain 6 extra Time Blocks this round, but destroy 6 System Health.", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "It's easy to take risks when others are incurring the costs.", "clientViewHandler": "VOTE_YES_NO"}, {"id": "outOfCommissionCurator", "name": "Out of Commission", "effect": "The Curator receives only 3 Time Blocks this round.", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "The mental and physical health of all residents is critical to mission success. The absence of even one person can have rippling effects on the community.", "timeDuration": 15, "clientViewHandler": "NO_CHANGE"}, {"id": "outOfCommissionEntrepreneur", "name": "Out of Commission", "effect": "The Entrepreneur receives only 3 Time Blocks this round.", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "The mental and physical health of all residents is critical to mission success. The absence of even one person can have rippling effects on the community.", "timeDuration": 15, "clientViewHandler": "NO_CHANGE"}, {"id": "breakdownOfTrust", "name": "Breakdown of Trust", "effect": "Each player can choose to save up to 2 units of Influence that they already own. The rest will be lost.", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "Setbacks are inevitable, but no less painful each time.", "clientViewHandler": "INFLUENCES_SELECT"}, {"id": "murphysLaw", "name": "Murphy's Law", "effect": "Reveal 2 more events. They're both in effect.", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "Residents at Port of Mars know better than to ask, \\"what ELSE could go wrong?\\"", "timeDuration": 10, "clientViewHandler": "NO_CHANGE"}, {"id": "audit", "name": "Audit", "effect": "In this round, players will be able to view each other's accomplishments, inventories, resources and investment decisions.", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "\\"Of course we trust everyone to be truthful. But it doesn't hurt to check now and again.\\" - The Politician", "timeDuration": 10, "clientViewHandler": "AUDIT"}, {"id": "bondingThroughAdversity", "name": "Bonding Through Adversity", "effect": "Each player gains one unit of Influence of their choice.", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "Challenges brings communities together.", "clientViewHandler": "INFLUENCES_DRAW"}, {"id": "interdisciplinary", "name": "Interdisciplinary", "effect": "For this round, each player can spend 3 Time Blocks to earn an Influence in either of the 2 Influences they normally can't create.", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "\\"Everyone knows the saying, 'Jack of all trades, master of none.' Few remember the second part: 'still better than a master of one.'\\" - The Pioneer", "timeDuration": 10, "clientViewHandler": "NO_CHANGE"}, {"id": "lifeAsUsual", "name": "Life as Usual", "effect": "No special effect", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "As the first human outpost on Mars, having a \\"usual\\" day is pretty unusual.", "timeDuration": 10, "clientViewHandler": "NO_CHANGE"}, {"id": "lostTime", "name": "Lost Time", "effect": "Each player has 5 fewer Time Blocks to spend this round.", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "Time flies when you're trying to stay alive.", "timeDuration": 10, "clientViewHandler": "NO_CHANGE"}, {"id": "cropFailure", "name": "Crop Failure", "effect": "Destroy 20 System Health.", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "\\"The good news is we're not eating any more potatoes this cycle! The bad news is we're not sure what we're eating.\\" - The Researcher", "timeDuration": 10, "clientViewHandler": "NO_CHANGE"}, {"id": "difficultConditions", "name": "Difficult Conditions", "effect": "System Health costs twice as many Time Blocks as usual this round.", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "When one component breaks, it puts a strain on the rest of the system. Small failures often snowball into critical ones.", "timeDuration": 15, "clientViewHandler": "NO_CHANGE"}, {"id": "compulsivePhilanthropy", "name": "Compulsive Philanthropy", "effect": "Players must vote for one player to put all their Time Blocks into System Health this round.", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "There's nothing quite like being volun-told for the greater good.", "clientViewHandler": "VOTE_FOR_PLAYER_SINGLE"}, {"id": "lifeAsUsual", "name": "Life as Usual", "effect": "No special effect", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "As the first human outpost on Mars, having a \\"usual\\" day is pretty unusual.", "timeDuration": 10, "clientViewHandler": "NO_CHANGE"}], "position": 0}, "timeRemaining": 60, "lastTimePolled": 1722387504674, "tradingEnabled": true, "roundIntroduction": {"completedTrades": [], "systemHealthMarsEvents": [], "accomplishmentPurchases": [], "systemHealthAtStartOfRound": 100, "systemHealthMaintenanceCost": -25, "systemHealthGroupContributions": {}}, "marsEventsProcessed": 0} 2024-07-31 00:58:24.705 60
+576 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Entrepreneur", "value": true} 2024-07-31 00:58:25.725 59
+577 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Pioneer", "value": true} 2024-07-31 00:58:25.725 59
+578 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Politician", "value": true} 2024-07-31 00:58:25.725 59
+579 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Researcher", "value": true} 2024-07-31 00:58:25.725 59
+580 6 subtracted-system-health-wear-and-tear {} 2024-07-31 00:59:24.703 0
+581 6 entered-investment-phase {} 2024-07-31 00:59:24.703 0
+582 6 time-invested {"role": "Entrepreneur", "investment": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 2, "science": 0, "government": 0, "systemHealth": 6}} 2024-07-31 00:59:25.723 179
+583 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Entrepreneur", "value": true} 2024-07-31 00:59:25.723 179
+584 6 time-invested {"role": "Pioneer", "investment": {"legacy": 2, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 0, "systemHealth": 6}} 2024-07-31 00:59:25.723 179
+585 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Pioneer", "value": true} 2024-07-31 00:59:25.723 179
+586 6 time-invested {"role": "Politician", "investment": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 2, "systemHealth": 6}} 2024-07-31 00:59:25.723 179
+587 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Politician", "value": true} 2024-07-31 00:59:25.723 179
+588 6 time-invested {"role": "Researcher", "investment": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 2, "government": 0, "systemHealth": 6}} 2024-07-31 00:59:25.723 179
+589 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Researcher", "value": true} 2024-07-31 00:59:25.723 179
+590 6 exited-investment-phase {} 2024-07-31 01:02:24.682 0
+591 6 entered-trade-phase {} 2024-07-31 01:02:24.682 0
+592 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Entrepreneur", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:02:25.693 179
+593 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Pioneer", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:02:25.693 179
+594 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Politician", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:02:25.693 179
+595 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Researcher", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:02:25.693 179
+596 6 bot-control-taken {"role": "Curator"} 2024-07-31 01:03:24.684 120
+597 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Curator", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:25.694 119
+598 6 exited-trade-phase {} 2024-07-31 01:03:25.694 119
+599 6 entered-purchase-phase {} 2024-07-31 01:03:25.694 119
+600 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Curator", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:26.676 59
+601 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Entrepreneur", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:26.676 59
+602 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Pioneer", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:26.676 59
+603 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Politician", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:26.676 59
+604 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Researcher", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:26.676 59
+605 6 exited-purchase-phase {} 2024-07-31 01:03:26.676 59
+606 6 entered-discard-phase {} 2024-07-31 01:03:26.676 59
+607 6 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 90, "role": "Curator"} 2024-07-31 01:03:27.705 59
+608 6 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 93, "role": "Curator"} 2024-07-31 01:03:27.705 59
+609 6 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 87, "role": "Curator"} 2024-07-31 01:03:27.705 59
+610 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Curator", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:27.705 59
+611 6 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 45, "role": "Entrepreneur"} 2024-07-31 01:03:27.705 59
+612 6 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 52, "role": "Entrepreneur"} 2024-07-31 01:03:27.705 59
+613 6 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 57, "role": "Entrepreneur"} 2024-07-31 01:03:27.705 59
+614 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Entrepreneur", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:27.705 59
+615 6 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 37, "role": "Pioneer"} 2024-07-31 01:03:27.705 59
+616 6 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 28, "role": "Pioneer"} 2024-07-31 01:03:27.705 59
+617 6 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 25, "role": "Pioneer"} 2024-07-31 01:03:27.705 59
+618 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Pioneer", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:27.705 59
+619 6 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 76, "role": "Politician"} 2024-07-31 01:03:27.705 59
+620 6 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 62, "role": "Politician"} 2024-07-31 01:03:27.705 59
+621 6 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 65, "role": "Politician"} 2024-07-31 01:03:27.705 59
+622 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Politician", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:27.705 59
+623 6 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 12, "role": "Researcher"} 2024-07-31 01:03:27.705 59
+624 6 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 10, "role": "Researcher"} 2024-07-31 01:03:27.705 59
+625 6 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 5, "role": "Researcher"} 2024-07-31 01:03:27.705 59
+626 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Researcher", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:27.705 59
+627 6 taken-round-snapshot {"round": 1, "players": {"Curator": {"role": "Curator", "ready": true, "inventory": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 0}, "timeBlocks": 10, "victoryPoints": 0, "accomplishment": {"purchased": [], "purchasable": []}}, "Pioneer": {"role": "Pioneer", "ready": true, "inventory": {"legacy": 2, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 0}, "timeBlocks": 10, "victoryPoints": 0, "accomplishment": {"purchased": [], "purchasable": []}}, "Politician": {"role": "Politician", "ready": true, "inventory": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 2}, "timeBlocks": 10, "victoryPoints": 0, "accomplishment": {"purchased": [], "purchasable": []}}, "Researcher": {"role": "Researcher", "ready": true, "inventory": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 2, "government": 0}, "timeBlocks": 10, "victoryPoints": 0, "accomplishment": {"purchased": [], "purchasable": []}}, "Entrepreneur": {"role": "Entrepreneur", "ready": true, "inventory": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 2, "science": 0, "government": 0}, "timeBlocks": 10, "victoryPoints": 0, "accomplishment": {"purchased": [], "purchasable": []}}}, "logsLength": 1, "marsEventIds": [], "systemHealth": 75, "messagesLength": 0, "marsEventsProcessed": 0} 2024-07-31 01:03:27.705 59
+628 6 added-system-health-contributions {} 2024-07-31 01:03:27.705 59
+629 6 entered-new-round-phase {} 2024-07-31 01:03:27.705 59
+630 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Curator", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:28.707 59
+631 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Entrepreneur", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:28.707 59
+632 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Pioneer", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:28.707 59
+633 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Politician", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:28.707 59
+634 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Researcher", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:28.707 59
+635 6 subtracted-system-health-wear-and-tear {} 2024-07-31 01:03:28.707 59
+636 6 entered-mars-event-phase {} 2024-07-31 01:03:28.707 59
+637 6 initialized-mars-event {} 2024-07-31 01:03:28.707 59
+638 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Curator", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:29.723 14
+639 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Entrepreneur", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:29.723 14
+640 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Pioneer", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:29.723 14
+641 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Politician", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:29.723 14
+642 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Researcher", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:29.723 14
+645 6 entered-investment-phase {} 2024-07-31 01:03:29.723 14
+646 6 time-invested {"role": "Curator", "investment": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 2, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 0, "systemHealth": 6}} 2024-07-31 01:03:30.718 179
+647 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Curator", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:30.718 179
+648 6 time-invested {"role": "Entrepreneur", "investment": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 2, "science": 0, "government": 0, "systemHealth": 6}} 2024-07-31 01:03:30.718 179
+649 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Entrepreneur", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:30.718 179
+650 6 time-invested {"role": "Pioneer", "investment": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 0, "systemHealth": 3}} 2024-07-31 01:03:30.718 179
+651 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Pioneer", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:30.718 179
+652 6 time-invested {"role": "Politician", "investment": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 2, "systemHealth": 6}} 2024-07-31 01:03:30.718 179
+653 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Politician", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:30.718 179
+654 6 time-invested {"role": "Researcher", "investment": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 2, "government": 0, "systemHealth": 6}} 2024-07-31 01:03:30.718 179
+655 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Researcher", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:30.718 179
+656 6 exited-investment-phase {} 2024-07-31 01:03:30.718 179
+657 6 entered-trade-phase {} 2024-07-31 01:03:30.718 179
+658 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Curator", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:31.682 179
+659 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Entrepreneur", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:31.682 179
+660 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Pioneer", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:31.682 179
+661 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Politician", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:31.682 179
+662 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Researcher", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:31.682 179
+663 6 exited-trade-phase {} 2024-07-31 01:03:31.682 179
+664 6 entered-purchase-phase {} 2024-07-31 01:03:31.682 179
+665 6 purchased-accomplishment {"role": "Curator", "accomplishment": {"id": 95, "role": "Curator"}} 2024-07-31 01:03:32.706 59
+666 6 purchased-accomplishment {"role": "Entrepreneur", "accomplishment": {"id": 54, "role": "Entrepreneur"}} 2024-07-31 01:03:32.706 59
+667 6 purchased-accomplishment {"role": "Pioneer", "accomplishment": {"id": 35, "role": "Pioneer"}} 2024-07-31 01:03:32.706 59
+668 6 purchased-accomplishment {"role": "Politician", "accomplishment": {"id": 74, "role": "Politician"}} 2024-07-31 01:03:32.706 59
+669 6 purchased-accomplishment {"role": "Researcher", "accomplishment": {"id": 15, "role": "Researcher"}} 2024-07-31 01:03:32.706 59
+670 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Curator", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:33.716 58
+671 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Entrepreneur", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:33.716 58
+672 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Pioneer", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:33.716 58
+673 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Politician", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:33.716 58
+674 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Researcher", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:33.716 58
+675 6 exited-purchase-phase {} 2024-07-31 01:03:33.716 58
+676 6 entered-discard-phase {} 2024-07-31 01:03:33.716 58
+677 6 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 96, "role": "Curator"} 2024-07-31 01:03:34.688 59
+678 6 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 85, "role": "Curator"} 2024-07-31 01:03:34.688 59
+679 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Curator", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:34.688 59
+680 6 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 42, "role": "Entrepreneur"} 2024-07-31 01:03:34.688 59
+681 6 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 56, "role": "Entrepreneur"} 2024-07-31 01:03:34.688 59
+682 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Entrepreneur", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:34.688 59
+683 6 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 27, "role": "Pioneer"} 2024-07-31 01:03:34.688 59
+684 6 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 36, "role": "Pioneer"} 2024-07-31 01:03:34.688 59
+685 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Pioneer", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:34.688 59
+686 6 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 61, "role": "Politician"} 2024-07-31 01:03:34.688 59
+687 6 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 67, "role": "Politician"} 2024-07-31 01:03:34.688 59
+688 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Politician", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:34.688 59
+689 6 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 17, "role": "Researcher"} 2024-07-31 01:03:34.688 59
+690 6 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 2, "role": "Researcher"} 2024-07-31 01:03:34.688 59
+691 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Researcher", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:34.688 59
+743 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Researcher", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:40.682 179
+744 6 exited-trade-phase {} 2024-07-31 01:03:40.682 179
+745 6 entered-purchase-phase {} 2024-07-31 01:03:40.682 179
+746 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Curator", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:41.698 59
+747 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Entrepreneur", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:41.698 59
+748 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Pioneer", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:41.698 59
+749 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Politician", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:41.698 59
+750 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Researcher", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:41.698 59
+751 6 exited-purchase-phase {} 2024-07-31 01:03:41.698 59
+752 6 entered-discard-phase {} 2024-07-31 01:03:41.698 59
+753 6 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 88, "role": "Curator"} 2024-07-31 01:03:42.723 59
+754 6 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 82, "role": "Curator"} 2024-07-31 01:03:42.723 59
+755 6 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 89, "role": "Curator"} 2024-07-31 01:03:42.723 59
+756 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Curator", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:42.723 59
+757 6 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 55, "role": "Entrepreneur"} 2024-07-31 01:03:42.723 59
+758 6 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 50, "role": "Entrepreneur"} 2024-07-31 01:03:42.723 59
+692 6 taken-round-snapshot {"round": 2, "players": {"Curator": {"role": "Curator", "ready": true, "inventory": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 2, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 0}, "timeBlocks": 10, "victoryPoints": 6, "accomplishment": {"purchased": [95], "purchasable": []}}, "Pioneer": {"role": "Pioneer", "ready": true, "inventory": {"legacy": 2, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 0}, "timeBlocks": 3, "victoryPoints": 6, "accomplishment": {"purchased": [35], "purchasable": []}}, "Politician": {"role": "Politician", "ready": true, "inventory": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 4}, "timeBlocks": 10, "victoryPoints": 3, "accomplishment": {"purchased": [74], "purchasable": []}}, "Researcher": {"role": "Researcher", "ready": true, "inventory": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 4, "government": 0}, "timeBlocks": 10, "victoryPoints": 6, "accomplishment": {"purchased": [15], "purchasable": []}}, "Entrepreneur": {"role": "Entrepreneur", "ready": true, "inventory": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 4, "science": 0, "government": 0}, "timeBlocks": 10, "victoryPoints": 3, "accomplishment": {"purchased": [54], "purchasable": []}}}, "logsLength": 12, "marsEventIds": ["outOfCommissionPioneer"], "systemHealth": 74, "messagesLength": 0, "marsEventsProcessed": 0} 2024-07-31 01:03:34.688 59
+693 6 added-system-health-contributions {} 2024-07-31 01:03:34.688 59
+694 6 entered-new-round-phase {} 2024-07-31 01:03:34.688 59
+695 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Curator", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:35.696 59
+696 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Entrepreneur", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:35.696 59
+697 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Pioneer", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:35.696 59
+698 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Politician", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:35.696 59
+699 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Researcher", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:35.696 59
+700 6 subtracted-system-health-wear-and-tear {} 2024-07-31 01:03:35.696 59
+701 6 entered-mars-event-phase {} 2024-07-31 01:03:35.696 59
+702 6 initialized-mars-event {} 2024-07-31 01:03:35.696 59
+703 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Curator", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:36.71 9
+704 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Entrepreneur", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:36.71 9
+705 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Pioneer", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:36.71 9
+706 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Politician", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:36.71 9
+707 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Researcher", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:36.71 9
+708 6 finalized-mars-event {} 2024-07-31 01:03:36.71 9
+709 6 reentered-mars-event-phase {} 2024-07-31 01:03:36.71 9
+710 6 initialized-mars-event {} 2024-07-31 01:03:36.71 9
+711 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Curator", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:37.723 9
+712 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Entrepreneur", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:37.723 9
+713 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Pioneer", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:37.723 9
+714 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Politician", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:37.723 9
+715 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Researcher", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:37.723 9
+716 6 finalized-mars-event {} 2024-07-31 01:03:37.723 9
+717 6 reentered-mars-event-phase {} 2024-07-31 01:03:37.723 9
+718 6 initialized-mars-event {} 2024-07-31 01:03:37.723 9
+719 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Curator", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:38.69 9
+720 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Entrepreneur", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:38.69 9
+721 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Pioneer", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:38.69 9
+722 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Politician", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:38.69 9
+723 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Researcher", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:38.69 9
+724 6 finalized-mars-event {} 2024-07-31 01:03:38.69 9
+725 6 exited-mars-event-phase {} 2024-07-31 01:03:38.69 9
+726 6 entered-investment-phase {} 2024-07-31 01:03:38.69 9
+727 6 time-invested {"role": "Curator", "investment": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 2, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 0, "systemHealth": 6}} 2024-07-31 01:03:39.71 179
+728 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Curator", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:39.71 179
+729 6 time-invested {"role": "Entrepreneur", "investment": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 2, "science": 0, "government": 0, "systemHealth": 6}} 2024-07-31 01:03:39.71 179
+730 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Entrepreneur", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:39.71 179
+731 6 time-invested {"role": "Pioneer", "investment": {"legacy": 2, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 0, "systemHealth": 6}} 2024-07-31 01:03:39.71 179
+732 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Pioneer", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:39.71 179
+733 6 time-invested {"role": "Politician", "investment": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 2, "systemHealth": 6}} 2024-07-31 01:03:39.71 179
+734 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Politician", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:39.71 179
+735 6 time-invested {"role": "Researcher", "investment": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 2, "government": 0, "systemHealth": 6}} 2024-07-31 01:03:39.71 179
+736 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Researcher", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:39.71 179
+737 6 exited-investment-phase {} 2024-07-31 01:03:39.71 179
+738 6 entered-trade-phase {} 2024-07-31 01:03:39.71 179
+739 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Curator", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:40.682 179
+740 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Entrepreneur", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:40.682 179
+741 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Pioneer", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:40.682 179
+742 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Politician", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:40.682 179
+863 6 entered-mars-event-phase {} 2024-07-31 01:03:51.709 59
+759 6 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 51, "role": "Entrepreneur"} 2024-07-31 01:03:42.723 59
+760 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Entrepreneur", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:42.723 59
+761 6 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 30, "role": "Pioneer"} 2024-07-31 01:03:42.723 59
+762 6 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 32, "role": "Pioneer"} 2024-07-31 01:03:42.723 59
+763 6 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 29, "role": "Pioneer"} 2024-07-31 01:03:42.723 59
+764 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Pioneer", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:42.723 59
+765 6 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 75, "role": "Politician"} 2024-07-31 01:03:42.723 59
+766 6 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 73, "role": "Politician"} 2024-07-31 01:03:42.723 59
+767 6 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 71, "role": "Politician"} 2024-07-31 01:03:42.723 59
+768 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Politician", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:42.723 59
+769 6 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 9, "role": "Researcher"} 2024-07-31 01:03:42.723 59
+770 6 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 7, "role": "Researcher"} 2024-07-31 01:03:42.723 59
+771 6 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 11, "role": "Researcher"} 2024-07-31 01:03:42.723 59
+772 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Researcher", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:42.723 59
+773 6 taken-round-snapshot {"round": 3, "players": {"Curator": {"role": "Curator", "ready": true, "inventory": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 4, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 0}, "timeBlocks": 10, "victoryPoints": 6, "accomplishment": {"purchased": [95], "purchasable": []}}, "Pioneer": {"role": "Pioneer", "ready": true, "inventory": {"legacy": 4, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 0}, "timeBlocks": 10, "victoryPoints": 6, "accomplishment": {"purchased": [35], "purchasable": []}}, "Politician": {"role": "Politician", "ready": true, "inventory": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 6}, "timeBlocks": 10, "victoryPoints": 3, "accomplishment": {"purchased": [74], "purchasable": []}}, "Researcher": {"role": "Researcher", "ready": true, "inventory": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 6, "government": 0}, "timeBlocks": 10, "victoryPoints": 6, "accomplishment": {"purchased": [15], "purchasable": []}}, "Entrepreneur": {"role": "Entrepreneur", "ready": true, "inventory": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 6, "science": 0, "government": 0}, "timeBlocks": 10, "victoryPoints": 3, "accomplishment": {"purchased": [54], "purchasable": []}}}, "logsLength": 21, "marsEventIds": ["lifeAsUsual", "lifeAsUsual", "lifeAsUsual"], "systemHealth": 25, "messagesLength": 0, "marsEventsProcessed": 2} 2024-07-31 01:03:42.723 59
+774 6 added-system-health-contributions {} 2024-07-31 01:03:42.723 59
+775 6 entered-new-round-phase {} 2024-07-31 01:03:42.723 59
+776 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Curator", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:43.695 59
+777 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Entrepreneur", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:43.695 59
+778 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Pioneer", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:43.695 59
+779 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Politician", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:43.695 59
+780 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Researcher", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:43.695 59
+781 6 subtracted-system-health-wear-and-tear {} 2024-07-31 01:03:43.695 59
+782 6 entered-mars-event-phase {} 2024-07-31 01:03:43.695 59
+783 6 initialized-mars-event {} 2024-07-31 01:03:43.695 59
+784 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Curator", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:44.727 9
+785 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Entrepreneur", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:44.727 9
+786 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Pioneer", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:44.727 9
+787 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Politician", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:44.727 9
+788 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Researcher", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:44.727 9
+789 6 finalized-mars-event {} 2024-07-31 01:03:44.727 9
+790 6 reentered-mars-event-phase {} 2024-07-31 01:03:44.727 9
+791 6 initialized-mars-event {} 2024-07-31 01:03:44.727 9
+792 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Curator", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:45.695 9
+793 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Entrepreneur", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:45.695 9
+794 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Pioneer", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:45.695 9
+795 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Politician", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:45.695 9
+796 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Researcher", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:45.695 9
+797 6 finalized-mars-event {} 2024-07-31 01:03:45.695 9
+798 6 reentered-mars-event-phase {} 2024-07-31 01:03:45.695 9
+799 6 initialized-mars-event {} 2024-07-31 01:03:45.695 9
+800 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Curator", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:46.71 9
+801 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Entrepreneur", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:46.71 9
+802 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Pioneer", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:46.71 9
+803 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Politician", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:46.71 9
+804 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Researcher", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:46.71 9
+805 6 finalized-mars-event {} 2024-07-31 01:03:46.71 9
+806 6 exited-mars-event-phase {} 2024-07-31 01:03:46.71 9
+807 6 entered-investment-phase {} 2024-07-31 01:03:46.71 9
+808 6 time-invested {"role": "Curator", "investment": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 0, "systemHealth": 10}} 2024-07-31 01:03:47.686 179
+809 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Curator", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:47.686 179
+810 6 time-invested {"role": "Entrepreneur", "investment": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 0, "systemHealth": 10}} 2024-07-31 01:03:47.686 179
+811 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Entrepreneur", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:47.686 179
+864 6 initialized-mars-event {} 2024-07-31 01:03:51.709 59
+812 6 time-invested {"role": "Pioneer", "investment": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 0, "systemHealth": 10}} 2024-07-31 01:03:47.686 179
+813 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Pioneer", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:47.686 179
+814 6 time-invested {"role": "Politician", "investment": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 0, "systemHealth": 10}} 2024-07-31 01:03:47.686 179
+815 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Politician", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:47.686 179
+816 6 time-invested {"role": "Researcher", "investment": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 0, "systemHealth": 10}} 2024-07-31 01:03:47.686 179
+817 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Researcher", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:47.686 179
+818 6 exited-investment-phase {} 2024-07-31 01:03:47.686 179
+819 6 entered-trade-phase {} 2024-07-31 01:03:47.686 179
+820 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Curator", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:48.695 179
+821 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Entrepreneur", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:48.695 179
+822 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Pioneer", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:48.695 179
+823 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Politician", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:48.695 179
+824 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Researcher", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:48.695 179
+825 6 exited-trade-phase {} 2024-07-31 01:03:48.695 179
+826 6 entered-purchase-phase {} 2024-07-31 01:03:48.695 179
+827 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Curator", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:49.726 59
+828 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Entrepreneur", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:49.726 59
+829 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Pioneer", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:49.726 59
+830 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Politician", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:49.726 59
+831 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Researcher", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:49.726 59
+832 6 exited-purchase-phase {} 2024-07-31 01:03:49.726 59
+833 6 entered-discard-phase {} 2024-07-31 01:03:49.726 59
+834 6 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 91, "role": "Curator"} 2024-07-31 01:03:50.696 59
+835 6 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 81, "role": "Curator"} 2024-07-31 01:03:50.696 59
+836 6 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 94, "role": "Curator"} 2024-07-31 01:03:50.696 59
+837 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Curator", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:50.696 59
+838 6 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 48, "role": "Entrepreneur"} 2024-07-31 01:03:50.696 59
+839 6 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 47, "role": "Entrepreneur"} 2024-07-31 01:03:50.696 59
+840 6 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 49, "role": "Entrepreneur"} 2024-07-31 01:03:50.696 59
+841 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Entrepreneur", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:50.696 59
+842 6 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 34, "role": "Pioneer"} 2024-07-31 01:03:50.696 59
+843 6 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 21, "role": "Pioneer"} 2024-07-31 01:03:50.696 59
+844 6 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 22, "role": "Pioneer"} 2024-07-31 01:03:50.696 59
+845 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Pioneer", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:50.696 59
+846 6 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 72, "role": "Politician"} 2024-07-31 01:03:50.696 59
+847 6 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 70, "role": "Politician"} 2024-07-31 01:03:50.696 59
+848 6 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 68, "role": "Politician"} 2024-07-31 01:03:50.696 59
+849 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Politician", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:50.696 59
+850 6 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 14, "role": "Researcher"} 2024-07-31 01:03:50.696 59
+851 6 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 16, "role": "Researcher"} 2024-07-31 01:03:50.696 59
+852 6 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 13, "role": "Researcher"} 2024-07-31 01:03:50.696 59
+853 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Researcher", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:50.696 59
+854 6 taken-round-snapshot {"round": 4, "players": {"Curator": {"role": "Curator", "ready": true, "inventory": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 4, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 0}, "timeBlocks": 10, "victoryPoints": 6, "accomplishment": {"purchased": [95], "purchasable": []}}, "Pioneer": {"role": "Pioneer", "ready": true, "inventory": {"legacy": 4, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 0}, "timeBlocks": 10, "victoryPoints": 6, "accomplishment": {"purchased": [35], "purchasable": []}}, "Politician": {"role": "Politician", "ready": true, "inventory": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 6}, "timeBlocks": 10, "victoryPoints": 3, "accomplishment": {"purchased": [74], "purchasable": []}}, "Researcher": {"role": "Researcher", "ready": true, "inventory": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 6, "government": 0}, "timeBlocks": 10, "victoryPoints": 6, "accomplishment": {"purchased": [15], "purchasable": []}}, "Entrepreneur": {"role": "Entrepreneur", "ready": true, "inventory": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 6, "science": 0, "government": 0}, "timeBlocks": 10, "victoryPoints": 3, "accomplishment": {"purchased": [54], "purchasable": []}}}, "logsLength": 29, "marsEventIds": ["lifeAsUsual", "stymied", "lifeAsUsual"], "systemHealth": 30, "messagesLength": 0, "marsEventsProcessed": 2} 2024-07-31 01:03:50.696 59
+855 6 added-system-health-contributions {} 2024-07-31 01:03:50.696 59
+856 6 entered-new-round-phase {} 2024-07-31 01:03:50.696 59
+857 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Curator", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:51.709 59
+858 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Entrepreneur", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:51.709 59
+859 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Pioneer", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:51.709 59
+860 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Politician", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:51.709 59
+861 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Researcher", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:51.709 59
+862 6 subtracted-system-health-wear-and-tear {} 2024-07-31 01:03:51.709 59
+865 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Curator", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:52.723 9
+866 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Entrepreneur", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:52.723 9
+867 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Pioneer", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:52.723 9
+868 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Politician", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:52.723 9
+869 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Researcher", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:52.723 9
+870 6 finalized-mars-event {} 2024-07-31 01:03:52.723 9
+871 6 reentered-mars-event-phase {} 2024-07-31 01:03:52.723 9
+872 6 initialized-mars-event {} 2024-07-31 01:03:52.723 9
+873 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Curator", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:53.687 89
+874 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Entrepreneur", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:53.687 89
+875 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Pioneer", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:53.687 89
+876 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Politician", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:53.687 89
+877 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Researcher", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:53.687 89
+878 6 finalized-mars-event {} 2024-07-31 01:03:53.687 89
+879 6 exited-mars-event-phase {} 2024-07-31 01:03:53.687 89
+880 6 entered-investment-phase {} 2024-07-31 01:03:53.687 89
+881 6 time-invested {"role": "Curator", "investment": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 2, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 0, "systemHealth": 6}} 2024-07-31 01:03:54.71 179
+882 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Curator", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:54.71 179
+883 6 time-invested {"role": "Entrepreneur", "investment": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 2, "science": 0, "government": 0, "systemHealth": 6}} 2024-07-31 01:03:54.71 179
+884 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Entrepreneur", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:54.71 179
+885 6 time-invested {"role": "Pioneer", "investment": {"legacy": 2, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 0, "systemHealth": 6}} 2024-07-31 01:03:54.71 179
+886 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Pioneer", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:54.71 179
+887 6 time-invested {"role": "Politician", "investment": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 2, "systemHealth": 6}} 2024-07-31 01:03:54.71 179
+888 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Politician", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:54.71 179
+889 6 time-invested {"role": "Researcher", "investment": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 2, "government": 0, "systemHealth": 6}} 2024-07-31 01:03:54.71 179
+890 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Researcher", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:54.71 179
+891 6 exited-investment-phase {} 2024-07-31 01:03:54.71 179
+892 6 entered-purchase-phase {} 2024-07-31 01:03:54.71 179
+893 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Curator", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:55.691 59
+894 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Entrepreneur", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:55.691 59
+895 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Pioneer", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:55.691 59
+896 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Politician", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:55.691 59
+897 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Researcher", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:55.691 59
+898 6 exited-purchase-phase {} 2024-07-31 01:03:55.691 59
+899 6 entered-discard-phase {} 2024-07-31 01:03:55.691 59
+900 6 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 92, "role": "Curator"} 2024-07-31 01:03:56.719 59
+901 6 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 97, "role": "Curator"} 2024-07-31 01:03:56.719 59
+902 6 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 90, "role": "Curator"} 2024-07-31 01:03:56.719 59
+903 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Curator", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:56.719 59
+904 6 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 41, "role": "Entrepreneur"} 2024-07-31 01:03:56.719 59
+905 6 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 53, "role": "Entrepreneur"} 2024-07-31 01:03:56.719 59
+906 6 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 45, "role": "Entrepreneur"} 2024-07-31 01:03:56.719 59
+907 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Entrepreneur", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:56.719 59
+908 6 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 31, "role": "Pioneer"} 2024-07-31 01:03:56.719 59
+909 6 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 33, "role": "Pioneer"} 2024-07-31 01:03:56.719 59
+910 6 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 37, "role": "Pioneer"} 2024-07-31 01:03:56.719 59
+911 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Pioneer", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:56.719 59
+912 6 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 69, "role": "Politician"} 2024-07-31 01:03:56.719 59
+913 6 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 77, "role": "Politician"} 2024-07-31 01:03:56.719 59
+914 6 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 76, "role": "Politician"} 2024-07-31 01:03:56.719 59
+915 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Politician", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:56.719 59
+916 6 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 1, "role": "Researcher"} 2024-07-31 01:03:56.719 59
+917 6 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 8, "role": "Researcher"} 2024-07-31 01:03:56.719 59
+918 6 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 12, "role": "Researcher"} 2024-07-31 01:03:56.719 59
+919 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Researcher", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:56.719 59
+972 6 entered-discard-phase {} 2024-07-31 01:04:02.703 59
+973 6 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 93, "role": "Curator"} 2024-07-31 01:04:03.727 59
+974 6 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 87, "role": "Curator"} 2024-07-31 01:04:03.727 59
+975 6 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 96, "role": "Curator"} 2024-07-31 01:04:03.727 59
+976 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Curator", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:04:03.727 59
+977 6 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 52, "role": "Entrepreneur"} 2024-07-31 01:04:03.727 59
+978 6 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 57, "role": "Entrepreneur"} 2024-07-31 01:04:03.727 59
+979 6 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 42, "role": "Entrepreneur"} 2024-07-31 01:04:03.727 59
+980 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Entrepreneur", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:04:03.727 59
+1031 6 entered-trade-phase {} 2024-07-31 01:04:07.71 179
+920 6 taken-round-snapshot {"round": 5, "players": {"Curator": {"role": "Curator", "ready": true, "inventory": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 6, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 0}, "timeBlocks": 10, "victoryPoints": 0, "accomplishment": {"purchased": [], "purchasable": []}}, "Pioneer": {"role": "Pioneer", "ready": true, "inventory": {"legacy": 6, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 0}, "timeBlocks": 10, "victoryPoints": 0, "accomplishment": {"purchased": [], "purchasable": []}}, "Politician": {"role": "Politician", "ready": true, "inventory": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 8}, "timeBlocks": 10, "victoryPoints": 0, "accomplishment": {"purchased": [], "purchasable": []}}, "Researcher": {"role": "Researcher", "ready": true, "inventory": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 8, "government": 0}, "timeBlocks": 10, "victoryPoints": 0, "accomplishment": {"purchased": [], "purchasable": []}}, "Entrepreneur": {"role": "Entrepreneur", "ready": true, "inventory": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 8, "science": 0, "government": 0}, "timeBlocks": 10, "victoryPoints": 0, "accomplishment": {"purchased": [], "purchasable": []}}}, "logsLength": 36, "marsEventIds": ["solarFlare", "effortsWasted"], "systemHealth": 50, "messagesLength": 0, "marsEventsProcessed": 1} 2024-07-31 01:03:56.719 59
+921 6 added-system-health-contributions {} 2024-07-31 01:03:56.719 59
+922 6 entered-new-round-phase {} 2024-07-31 01:03:56.719 59
+923 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Curator", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:57.683 59
+924 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Entrepreneur", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:57.683 59
+925 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Pioneer", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:57.683 59
+926 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Politician", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:57.683 59
+927 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Researcher", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:57.683 59
+928 6 subtracted-system-health-wear-and-tear {} 2024-07-31 01:03:57.683 59
+929 6 entered-mars-event-phase {} 2024-07-31 01:03:57.683 59
+930 6 initialized-mars-event {} 2024-07-31 01:03:57.683 59
+931 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Curator", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:58.697 9
+932 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Entrepreneur", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:58.697 9
+933 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Pioneer", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:58.697 9
+934 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Politician", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:58.697 9
+935 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Researcher", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:58.697 9
+936 6 finalized-mars-event {} 2024-07-31 01:03:58.697 9
+937 6 reentered-mars-event-phase {} 2024-07-31 01:03:58.697 9
+938 6 initialized-mars-event {} 2024-07-31 01:03:58.697 9
+939 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Curator", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:59.713 9
+940 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Entrepreneur", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:59.713 9
+941 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Pioneer", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:59.713 9
+942 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Politician", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:59.713 9
+943 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Researcher", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:59.713 9
+944 6 finalized-mars-event {} 2024-07-31 01:03:59.713 9
+945 6 exited-mars-event-phase {} 2024-07-31 01:03:59.713 9
+946 6 entered-investment-phase {} 2024-07-31 01:03:59.713 9
+947 6 time-invested {"role": "Curator", "investment": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 2, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 0, "systemHealth": 6}} 2024-07-31 01:04:00.722 179
+948 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Curator", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:04:00.722 179
+949 6 time-invested {"role": "Entrepreneur", "investment": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 2, "science": 0, "government": 0, "systemHealth": 6}} 2024-07-31 01:04:00.722 179
+950 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Entrepreneur", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:04:00.722 179
+951 6 time-invested {"role": "Pioneer", "investment": {"legacy": 2, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 0, "systemHealth": 6}} 2024-07-31 01:04:00.722 179
+952 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Pioneer", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:04:00.722 179
+953 6 time-invested {"role": "Politician", "investment": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 2, "systemHealth": 6}} 2024-07-31 01:04:00.722 179
+954 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Politician", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:04:00.722 179
+955 6 time-invested {"role": "Researcher", "investment": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 2, "government": 0, "systemHealth": 6}} 2024-07-31 01:04:00.722 179
+956 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Researcher", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:04:00.722 179
+957 6 exited-investment-phase {} 2024-07-31 01:04:00.722 179
+958 6 entered-trade-phase {} 2024-07-31 01:04:00.722 179
+959 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Curator", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:04:01.677 179
+960 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Entrepreneur", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:04:01.677 179
+961 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Pioneer", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:04:01.677 179
+962 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Politician", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:04:01.677 179
+963 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Researcher", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:04:01.677 179
+964 6 exited-trade-phase {} 2024-07-31 01:04:01.677 179
+965 6 entered-purchase-phase {} 2024-07-31 01:04:01.677 179
+966 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Curator", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:04:02.703 59
+967 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Entrepreneur", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:04:02.703 59
+968 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Pioneer", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:04:02.703 59
+969 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Politician", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:04:02.703 59
+970 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Researcher", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:04:02.703 59
+971 6 exited-purchase-phase {} 2024-07-31 01:04:02.703 59
+981 6 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 28, "role": "Pioneer"} 2024-07-31 01:04:03.727 59
+982 6 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 25, "role": "Pioneer"} 2024-07-31 01:04:03.727 59
+983 6 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 27, "role": "Pioneer"} 2024-07-31 01:04:03.727 59
+984 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Pioneer", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:04:03.727 59
+985 6 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 62, "role": "Politician"} 2024-07-31 01:04:03.727 59
+986 6 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 65, "role": "Politician"} 2024-07-31 01:04:03.727 59
+987 6 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 61, "role": "Politician"} 2024-07-31 01:04:03.727 59
+988 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Politician", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:04:03.727 59
+989 6 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 10, "role": "Researcher"} 2024-07-31 01:04:03.727 59
+990 6 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 5, "role": "Researcher"} 2024-07-31 01:04:03.727 59
+991 6 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 17, "role": "Researcher"} 2024-07-31 01:04:03.727 59
+992 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Researcher", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:04:03.727 59
+993 6 taken-round-snapshot {"round": 6, "players": {"Curator": {"role": "Curator", "ready": true, "inventory": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 8, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 0}, "timeBlocks": 10, "victoryPoints": 0, "accomplishment": {"purchased": [], "purchasable": []}}, "Pioneer": {"role": "Pioneer", "ready": true, "inventory": {"legacy": 8, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 0}, "timeBlocks": 10, "victoryPoints": 0, "accomplishment": {"purchased": [], "purchasable": []}}, "Politician": {"role": "Politician", "ready": true, "inventory": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 10}, "timeBlocks": 10, "victoryPoints": 0, "accomplishment": {"purchased": [], "purchasable": []}}, "Researcher": {"role": "Researcher", "ready": true, "inventory": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 10, "government": 0}, "timeBlocks": 10, "victoryPoints": 0, "accomplishment": {"purchased": [], "purchasable": []}}, "Entrepreneur": {"role": "Entrepreneur", "ready": true, "inventory": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 10, "science": 0, "government": 0}, "timeBlocks": 10, "victoryPoints": 0, "accomplishment": {"purchased": [], "purchasable": []}}}, "logsLength": 43, "marsEventIds": ["hullBreach", "lifeAsUsual"], "systemHealth": 48, "messagesLength": 0, "marsEventsProcessed": 1} 2024-07-31 01:04:03.727 59
+994 6 added-system-health-contributions {} 2024-07-31 01:04:03.727 59
+995 6 entered-new-round-phase {} 2024-07-31 01:04:03.727 59
+996 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Curator", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:04:04.708 59
+997 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Entrepreneur", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:04:04.708 59
+998 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Pioneer", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:04:04.708 59
+999 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Politician", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:04:04.708 59
+1000 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Researcher", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:04:04.708 59
+1001 6 subtracted-system-health-wear-and-tear {} 2024-07-31 01:04:04.708 59
+1002 6 entered-mars-event-phase {} 2024-07-31 01:04:04.708 59
+1003 6 initialized-mars-event {} 2024-07-31 01:04:04.708 59
+1004 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Curator", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:04:05.718 14
+1005 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Entrepreneur", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:04:05.718 14
+1006 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Pioneer", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:04:05.718 14
+1007 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Politician", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:04:05.718 14
+1008 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Researcher", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:04:05.718 14
+1009 6 finalized-mars-event {} 2024-07-31 01:04:05.718 14
+1010 6 reentered-mars-event-phase {} 2024-07-31 01:04:05.718 14
+1011 6 initialized-mars-event {} 2024-07-31 01:04:05.718 14
+1012 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Curator", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:04:06.677 9
+1013 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Entrepreneur", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:04:06.677 9
+1014 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Pioneer", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:04:06.677 9
+1015 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Politician", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:04:06.677 9
+1016 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Researcher", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:04:06.677 9
+1017 6 finalized-mars-event {} 2024-07-31 01:04:06.677 9
+1018 6 exited-mars-event-phase {} 2024-07-31 01:04:06.677 9
+1019 6 entered-investment-phase {} 2024-07-31 01:04:06.677 9
+1020 6 time-invested {"role": "Curator", "investment": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 2, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 0, "systemHealth": 6}} 2024-07-31 01:04:07.71 179
+1021 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Curator", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:04:07.71 179
+1022 6 time-invested {"role": "Entrepreneur", "investment": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 2, "science": 0, "government": 0, "systemHealth": 6}} 2024-07-31 01:04:07.71 179
+1023 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Entrepreneur", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:04:07.71 179
+1024 6 time-invested {"role": "Pioneer", "investment": {"legacy": 2, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 0, "systemHealth": 6}} 2024-07-31 01:04:07.71 179
+1025 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Pioneer", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:04:07.71 179
+1026 6 time-invested {"role": "Politician", "investment": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 0, "systemHealth": 3}} 2024-07-31 01:04:07.71 179
+1027 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Politician", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:04:07.71 179
+1028 6 time-invested {"role": "Researcher", "investment": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 2, "government": 0, "systemHealth": 6}} 2024-07-31 01:04:07.71 179
+1029 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Researcher", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:04:07.71 179
+1030 6 exited-investment-phase {} 2024-07-31 01:04:07.71 179
+1032 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Curator", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:04:08.685 179
+1033 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Entrepreneur", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:04:08.685 179
+1034 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Pioneer", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:04:08.685 179
+1035 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Politician", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:04:08.685 179
+1036 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Researcher", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:04:08.685 179
+1037 6 exited-trade-phase {} 2024-07-31 01:04:08.685 179
+1038 6 entered-purchase-phase {} 2024-07-31 01:04:08.685 179
+1039 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Curator", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:04:09.693 59
+1040 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Entrepreneur", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:04:09.693 59
+1041 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Pioneer", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:04:09.693 59
+1042 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Politician", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:04:09.693 59
+1043 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Researcher", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:04:09.693 59
+1044 6 exited-purchase-phase {} 2024-07-31 01:04:09.693 59
+1045 6 entered-discard-phase {} 2024-07-31 01:04:09.693 59
+1046 6 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 89, "role": "Curator"} 2024-07-31 01:04:10.703 59
+1047 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Curator", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:04:10.703 59
+1048 6 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 51, "role": "Entrepreneur"} 2024-07-31 01:04:10.703 59
+1049 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Entrepreneur", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:04:10.703 59
+1050 6 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 29, "role": "Pioneer"} 2024-07-31 01:04:10.703 59
+1051 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Pioneer", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:04:10.703 59
+1052 6 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 71, "role": "Politician"} 2024-07-31 01:04:10.703 59
+1053 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Politician", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:04:10.703 59
+1054 6 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 11, "role": "Researcher"} 2024-07-31 01:04:10.703 59
+1055 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Researcher", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:04:10.703 59
+1056 6 taken-round-snapshot {"round": 7, "players": {"Curator": {"role": "Curator", "ready": true, "inventory": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 10, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 0}, "timeBlocks": 10, "victoryPoints": 0, "accomplishment": {"purchased": [], "purchasable": []}}, "Pioneer": {"role": "Pioneer", "ready": true, "inventory": {"legacy": 10, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 0}, "timeBlocks": 10, "victoryPoints": 0, "accomplishment": {"purchased": [], "purchasable": []}}, "Politician": {"role": "Politician", "ready": true, "inventory": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 10}, "timeBlocks": 3, "victoryPoints": 0, "accomplishment": {"purchased": [], "purchasable": []}}, "Researcher": {"role": "Researcher", "ready": true, "inventory": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 12, "government": 0}, "timeBlocks": 10, "victoryPoints": 0, "accomplishment": {"purchased": [], "purchasable": []}}, "Entrepreneur": {"role": "Entrepreneur", "ready": true, "inventory": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 12, "science": 0, "government": 0}, "timeBlocks": 10, "victoryPoints": 0, "accomplishment": {"purchased": [], "purchasable": []}}}, "logsLength": 50, "marsEventIds": ["outOfCommissionPolitician", "changingTides"], "systemHealth": 53, "messagesLength": 0, "marsEventsProcessed": 1} 2024-07-31 01:04:10.703 59
+1057 6 added-system-health-contributions {} 2024-07-31 01:04:10.703 59
+1058 6 entered-new-round-phase {} 2024-07-31 01:04:10.703 59
+1059 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Curator", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:04:11.711 59
+1060 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Entrepreneur", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:04:11.711 59
+1061 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Pioneer", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:04:11.711 59
+1062 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Politician", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:04:11.711 59
+1063 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Researcher", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:04:11.711 59
+1064 6 subtracted-system-health-wear-and-tear {} 2024-07-31 01:04:11.711 59
+1065 6 entered-mars-event-phase {} 2024-07-31 01:04:11.711 59
+1066 6 initialized-mars-event {} 2024-07-31 01:04:11.711 59
+1067 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Curator", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:04:12.684 9
+1068 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Entrepreneur", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:04:12.684 9
+1069 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Pioneer", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:04:12.684 9
+1070 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Politician", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:04:12.684 9
+1071 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Researcher", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:04:12.684 9
+1072 6 finalized-mars-event {} 2024-07-31 01:04:12.684 9
+1073 6 reentered-mars-event-phase {} 2024-07-31 01:04:12.684 9
+1074 6 initialized-mars-event {} 2024-07-31 01:04:12.684 9
+1075 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Curator", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:04:13.722 9
+1076 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Entrepreneur", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:04:13.722 9
+1077 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Pioneer", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:04:13.722 9
+1078 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Politician", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:04:13.722 9
+1079 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Researcher", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:04:13.722 9
+1080 6 finalized-mars-event {} 2024-07-31 01:04:13.722 9
+1081 6 exited-mars-event-phase {} 2024-07-31 01:04:13.722 9
+1082 6 entered-investment-phase {} 2024-07-31 01:04:13.722 9
+1083 6 time-invested {"role": "Curator", "investment": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 2, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 0, "systemHealth": 6}} 2024-07-31 01:04:14.695 179
+1084 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Curator", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:04:14.695 179
+1085 6 time-invested {"role": "Entrepreneur", "investment": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 2, "science": 0, "government": 0, "systemHealth": 6}} 2024-07-31 01:04:14.695 179
+1086 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Entrepreneur", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:04:14.695 179
+1087 6 time-invested {"role": "Pioneer", "investment": {"legacy": 2, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 0, "systemHealth": 6}} 2024-07-31 01:04:14.695 179
+1088 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Pioneer", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:04:14.695 179
+1089 6 time-invested {"role": "Politician", "investment": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 2, "systemHealth": 6}} 2024-07-31 01:04:14.695 179
+1090 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Politician", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:04:14.695 179
+1091 6 time-invested {"role": "Researcher", "investment": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 2, "government": 0, "systemHealth": 6}} 2024-07-31 01:04:14.695 179
+1092 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Researcher", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:04:14.695 179
+1093 6 exited-investment-phase {} 2024-07-31 01:04:14.695 179
+1094 6 entered-trade-phase {} 2024-07-31 01:04:14.695 179
+1095 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Curator", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:04:15.723 179
+1096 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Entrepreneur", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:04:15.723 179
+1097 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Pioneer", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:04:15.723 179
+1098 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Politician", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:04:15.723 179
+1099 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Researcher", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:04:15.723 179
+1100 6 exited-trade-phase {} 2024-07-31 01:04:15.723 179
+1101 6 entered-purchase-phase {} 2024-07-31 01:04:15.723 179
+1102 6 purchased-accomplishment {"role": "Curator", "accomplishment": {"id": 94, "role": "Curator"}} 2024-07-31 01:04:16.688 59
+1103 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Entrepreneur", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:04:16.688 59
+1104 6 purchased-accomplishment {"role": "Pioneer", "accomplishment": {"id": 34, "role": "Pioneer"}} 2024-07-31 01:04:16.688 59
+1105 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Politician", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:04:16.688 59
+1106 6 purchased-accomplishment {"role": "Researcher", "accomplishment": {"id": 14, "role": "Researcher"}} 2024-07-31 01:04:16.688 59
+1107 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Curator", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:04:17.713 58
+1108 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Pioneer", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:04:17.713 58
+1109 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Researcher", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:04:17.713 58
+1110 6 exited-purchase-phase {} 2024-07-31 01:04:17.713 58
+1111 6 entered-discard-phase {} 2024-07-31 01:04:17.713 58
+1112 6 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 91, "role": "Curator"} 2024-07-31 01:04:18.715 59
+1113 6 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 81, "role": "Curator"} 2024-07-31 01:04:18.715 59
+1114 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Curator", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:04:18.715 59
+1115 6 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 48, "role": "Entrepreneur"} 2024-07-31 01:04:18.715 59
+1116 6 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 47, "role": "Entrepreneur"} 2024-07-31 01:04:18.715 59
+1117 6 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 49, "role": "Entrepreneur"} 2024-07-31 01:04:18.715 59
+1118 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Entrepreneur", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:04:18.715 59
+1119 6 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 21, "role": "Pioneer"} 2024-07-31 01:04:18.715 59
+1120 6 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 22, "role": "Pioneer"} 2024-07-31 01:04:18.715 59
+1121 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Pioneer", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:04:18.715 59
+1122 6 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 72, "role": "Politician"} 2024-07-31 01:04:18.715 59
+1123 6 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 70, "role": "Politician"} 2024-07-31 01:04:18.715 59
+1124 6 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 68, "role": "Politician"} 2024-07-31 01:04:18.715 59
+1125 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Politician", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:04:18.715 59
+1126 6 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 16, "role": "Researcher"} 2024-07-31 01:04:18.715 59
+1127 6 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 13, "role": "Researcher"} 2024-07-31 01:04:18.715 59
+1128 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Researcher", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:04:18.715 59
+1129 6 taken-round-snapshot {"round": 8, "players": {"Curator": {"role": "Curator", "ready": true, "inventory": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 12, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 0}, "timeBlocks": 10, "victoryPoints": 3, "accomplishment": {"purchased": [94], "purchasable": []}}, "Pioneer": {"role": "Pioneer", "ready": true, "inventory": {"legacy": 12, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 0}, "timeBlocks": 10, "victoryPoints": 3, "accomplishment": {"purchased": [34], "purchasable": []}}, "Politician": {"role": "Politician", "ready": true, "inventory": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 12}, "timeBlocks": 10, "victoryPoints": 0, "accomplishment": {"purchased": [], "purchasable": []}}, "Researcher": {"role": "Researcher", "ready": true, "inventory": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 14, "government": 0}, "timeBlocks": 10, "victoryPoints": 3, "accomplishment": {"purchased": [14], "purchasable": []}}, "Entrepreneur": {"role": "Entrepreneur", "ready": true, "inventory": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 14, "science": 0, "government": 0}, "timeBlocks": 10, "victoryPoints": 0, "accomplishment": {"purchased": [], "purchasable": []}}}, "logsLength": 60, "marsEventIds": ["lifeAsUsual", "lifeAsUsual"], "systemHealth": 55, "messagesLength": 0, "marsEventsProcessed": 1} 2024-07-31 01:04:18.715 59
+1130 6 added-system-health-contributions {} 2024-07-31 01:04:18.715 59
+1131 6 entered-new-round-phase {} 2024-07-31 01:04:18.715 59
+1132 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Curator", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:04:19.694 59
+1133 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Entrepreneur", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:04:19.694 59
+1134 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Pioneer", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:04:19.694 59
+1135 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Politician", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:04:19.694 59
+1136 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Researcher", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:04:19.694 59
+1137 6 subtracted-system-health-wear-and-tear {} 2024-07-31 01:04:19.694 59
+1138 6 entered-mars-event-phase {} 2024-07-31 01:04:19.694 59
+1139 6 initialized-mars-event {} 2024-07-31 01:04:19.694 59
+1140 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Curator", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:04:20.716 14
+1141 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Entrepreneur", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:04:20.716 14
+1142 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Pioneer", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:04:20.716 14
+1143 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Politician", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:04:20.716 14
+1144 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Researcher", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:04:20.716 14
+1145 6 finalized-mars-event {} 2024-07-31 01:04:20.716 14
+1146 6 reentered-mars-event-phase {} 2024-07-31 01:04:20.716 14
+1147 6 initialized-mars-event {} 2024-07-31 01:04:20.716 14
+1148 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Curator", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:04:21.701 9
+1149 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Entrepreneur", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:04:21.701 9
+1150 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Pioneer", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:04:21.701 9
+1151 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Politician", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:04:21.701 9
+1152 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Researcher", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:04:21.701 9
+1153 6 finalized-mars-event {} 2024-07-31 01:04:21.701 9
+1154 6 exited-mars-event-phase {} 2024-07-31 01:04:21.701 9
+1155 6 entered-investment-phase {} 2024-07-31 01:04:21.701 9
+1156 6 time-invested {"role": "Curator", "investment": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 2, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 0, "systemHealth": 6}} 2024-07-31 01:04:22.717 179
+1157 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Curator", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:04:22.717 179
+1158 6 time-invested {"role": "Entrepreneur", "investment": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 2, "science": 0, "government": 0, "systemHealth": 6}} 2024-07-31 01:04:22.717 179
+1159 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Entrepreneur", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:04:22.717 179
+1160 6 time-invested {"role": "Pioneer", "investment": {"legacy": 2, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 0, "systemHealth": 6}} 2024-07-31 01:04:22.717 179
+1161 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Pioneer", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:04:22.717 179
+1162 6 time-invested {"role": "Politician", "investment": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 2, "systemHealth": 6}} 2024-07-31 01:04:22.717 179
+1163 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Politician", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:04:22.717 179
+1164 6 time-invested {"role": "Researcher", "investment": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 0, "systemHealth": 3}} 2024-07-31 01:04:22.717 179
+1165 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Researcher", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:04:22.717 179
+1166 6 exited-investment-phase {} 2024-07-31 01:04:22.717 179
+1167 6 entered-trade-phase {} 2024-07-31 01:04:22.717 179
+1168 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Curator", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:04:23.707 179
+1169 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Entrepreneur", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:04:23.707 179
+1170 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Pioneer", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:04:23.707 179
+1171 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Politician", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:04:23.707 179
+1172 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Researcher", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:04:23.707 179
+1173 6 exited-trade-phase {} 2024-07-31 01:04:23.707 179
+1174 6 entered-purchase-phase {} 2024-07-31 01:04:23.707 179
+1175 6 purchased-accomplishment {"role": "Curator", "accomplishment": {"id": 95, "role": "Curator"}} 2024-07-31 01:04:24.724 59
+1176 6 purchased-accomplishment {"role": "Entrepreneur", "accomplishment": {"id": 54, "role": "Entrepreneur"}} 2024-07-31 01:04:24.724 59
+1177 6 purchased-accomplishment {"role": "Pioneer", "accomplishment": {"id": 35, "role": "Pioneer"}} 2024-07-31 01:04:24.724 59
+1178 6 purchased-accomplishment {"role": "Politician", "accomplishment": {"id": 74, "role": "Politician"}} 2024-07-31 01:04:24.724 59
+1179 6 purchased-accomplishment {"role": "Researcher", "accomplishment": {"id": 15, "role": "Researcher"}} 2024-07-31 01:04:24.724 59
+1180 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Curator", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:04:25.689 58
+1181 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Entrepreneur", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:04:25.689 58
+1182 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Pioneer", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:04:25.689 58
+1183 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Politician", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:04:25.689 58
+1184 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Researcher", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:04:25.689 58
+1185 6 exited-purchase-phase {} 2024-07-31 01:04:25.689 58
+1186 6 entered-discard-phase {} 2024-07-31 01:04:25.689 58
+1187 6 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 92, "role": "Curator"} 2024-07-31 01:04:26.695 59
+1188 6 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 97, "role": "Curator"} 2024-07-31 01:04:26.695 59
+1189 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Curator", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:04:26.695 59
+1190 6 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 41, "role": "Entrepreneur"} 2024-07-31 01:04:26.695 59
+1191 6 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 53, "role": "Entrepreneur"} 2024-07-31 01:04:26.695 59
+1192 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Entrepreneur", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:04:26.695 59
+1193 6 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 31, "role": "Pioneer"} 2024-07-31 01:04:26.695 59
+1194 6 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 33, "role": "Pioneer"} 2024-07-31 01:04:26.695 59
+1195 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Pioneer", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:04:26.695 59
+1196 6 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 69, "role": "Politician"} 2024-07-31 01:04:26.695 59
+1197 6 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 77, "role": "Politician"} 2024-07-31 01:04:26.695 59
+1198 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Politician", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:04:26.695 59
+1199 6 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 1, "role": "Researcher"} 2024-07-31 01:04:26.695 59
+1200 6 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 8, "role": "Researcher"} 2024-07-31 01:04:26.695 59
+1201 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Researcher", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:04:26.695 59
+1202 6 taken-round-snapshot {"round": 9, "players": {"Curator": {"role": "Curator", "ready": true, "inventory": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 14, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 0}, "timeBlocks": 10, "victoryPoints": 9, "accomplishment": {"purchased": [94, 95], "purchasable": []}}, "Pioneer": {"role": "Pioneer", "ready": true, "inventory": {"legacy": 14, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 0}, "timeBlocks": 10, "victoryPoints": 9, "accomplishment": {"purchased": [34, 35], "purchasable": []}}, "Politician": {"role": "Politician", "ready": true, "inventory": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 14}, "timeBlocks": 10, "victoryPoints": 3, "accomplishment": {"purchased": [74], "purchasable": []}}, "Researcher": {"role": "Researcher", "ready": true, "inventory": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 14, "government": 0}, "timeBlocks": 3, "victoryPoints": 9, "accomplishment": {"purchased": [14, 15], "purchasable": []}}, "Entrepreneur": {"role": "Entrepreneur", "ready": true, "inventory": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 16, "science": 0, "government": 0}, "timeBlocks": 10, "victoryPoints": 3, "accomplishment": {"purchased": [54], "purchasable": []}}}, "logsLength": 73, "marsEventIds": ["outOfCommissionResearcher", "lifeAsUsual"], "systemHealth": 42, "messagesLength": 0, "marsEventsProcessed": 1} 2024-07-31 01:04:26.695 59
+1203 6 added-system-health-contributions {} 2024-07-31 01:04:26.695 59
+1204 6 entered-new-round-phase {} 2024-07-31 01:04:26.695 59
+1205 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Curator", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:04:27.725 59
+1206 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Entrepreneur", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:04:27.725 59
+1207 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Pioneer", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:04:27.725 59
+1208 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Politician", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:04:27.725 59
+1209 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Researcher", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:04:27.725 59
+1210 6 subtracted-system-health-wear-and-tear {} 2024-07-31 01:04:27.725 59
+1211 6 entered-mars-event-phase {} 2024-07-31 01:04:27.725 59
+1212 6 initialized-mars-event {} 2024-07-31 01:04:27.725 59
+1213 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Curator", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:04:28.714 9
+1214 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Entrepreneur", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:04:28.714 9
+1215 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Pioneer", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:04:28.714 9
+1216 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Politician", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:04:28.714 9
+1217 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Researcher", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:04:28.714 9
+1218 6 entered-defeat-phase {"Curator": 9, "Pioneer": 9, "Politician": 3, "Researcher": 9, "Entrepreneur": 3} 2024-07-31 01:04:28.714 9
+1219 6 entered-defeat-phase {"Curator": 9, "Pioneer": 9, "Politician": 3, "Researcher": 9, "Entrepreneur": 3} 2024-07-31 01:04:29.691 9999
+-- Data for Name: lobby_chat_message; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+COPY public.lobby_chat_message (id, "dateCreated", "userId", message, "roomId", "lobbyType") FROM stdin;
+-- Data for Name: migrations; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+COPY public.migrations (id, "timestamp", name) FROM stdin;
+1 1600968396723 Initial1600968396723
+2 1607117297405 UserMetadataAddition1607117297405
+3 1613509726805 AddUserIsBot1613509726805
+4 1644350406427 addChampionshipRound1644350406427
+5 1644363701712 addTournamentMetadata1644363701712
+6 1657582808514 AddUserIsAdmin1657582808514
+7 1666217996704 AddScheduledGameDate1666217996704
+8 1666903440370 AddPassportIdToUser1666903440370
+9 1667243476058 AddPlayerIp1667243476058
+10 1667244753829 AddUserMetadata1667244753829
+11 1669846502424 AddChatReporting1669846502424
+12 1670531425797 RemoveUserIsBot1670531425797
+13 1670976633211 ChangeLobbyCloseToGenerated1670976633211
+14 1671156473904 AddModerationActionTable1671156473904
+15 1677861842128 DropScheduledGameDate1677861842128
+16 1687396740108 AddSoloGameData1687396740108
+17 1693510548181 StoreSoloGameThresholds1693510548181
+18 1693945293530 AddSoloGameMaxRound1693945293530
+19 1696275612911 AddSoloHighScore1696275612911
+20 1698183026092 AddGameType1698183026092
+21 1698283007653 ChangeFreePlayTournamentName1698283007653
+22 1698896130565 AddTreatments1698896130565
+23 1699482607231 AddLobbyChatMessage1699482607231
+24 1701799216158 AddGameRoundsRelationship1701799216158
+25 1701805620516 ComputeSoloRoundInitialValues1701805620516
+26 1706569597345 AddEducationModels1706569597345
+27 1712620270893 AddTeacherPassword1712620270893
+28 1713217959623 AddStudentPassword1713217959623
+30 1705517898533 AddTournamentRoundSignups1705517898533
+31 1715639656593 MakeStudentCodeClassroomCodeUnique1715639656593
+33 1719960742206 AddGameClassroomId1719960742206
+-- Data for Name: moderation_action; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+COPY public.moderation_action (id, "reportId", "userId", "adminId", action, "dateCreated", "daysMuted", revoked) FROM stdin;
+-- Data for Name: player; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+COPY public.player (id, role, "userId", "gameId", points, "playerIp") FROM stdin;
+1 Politician 119 1 0
+2 Curator 120 1 0
+3 Researcher 121 1 0
+4 Pioneer 122 1 0
+5 Entrepreneur 123 1 0
+6 Curator 120 2 \N
+7 Pioneer 121 2 \N
+8 Entrepreneur 122 2 \N
+9 Researcher 123 2 \N
+10 Politician 124 2 \N
+11 Entrepreneur 120 3 0
+12 Curator 121 3 0
+13 Researcher 122 3 0
+14 Pioneer 123 3 0
+15 Politician 125 3 0
+16 Pioneer 120 4 0
+17 Researcher 121 4 0
+18 Politician 122 4 0
+19 Curator 123 4 0
+20 Entrepreneur 126 4 0
+21 Curator 120 5 6
+22 Pioneer 121 5 0
+23 Entrepreneur 122 5 0
+24 Researcher 123 5 6
+25 Politician 128 5 0
+26 Entrepreneur 120 6 3
+27 Pioneer 121 6 9
+28 Politician 122 6 3
+29 Researcher 123 6 9
+30 Curator 145 6 9
+-- Data for Name: question; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+COPY public.question (id, "quizId", question, options, "correctAnswer", "tutorialElementId", "order") FROM stdin;
+-- Data for Name: question_response; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+COPY public.question_response (id, "questionId", "submissionId", answer, "dateCreated") FROM stdin;
+-- Data for Name: quiz; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+COPY public.quiz (id, name) FROM stdin;
+-- Data for Name: quiz_submission; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+COPY public.quiz_submission (id, "userId", "dateCreated", "quizId") FROM stdin;
+-- Data for Name: solo_game; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+COPY public.solo_game (id, "dateCreated", "playerId", "treatmentId", "deckId", status, "twoEventsThreshold", "threeEventsThreshold", "maxRound") FROM stdin;
+-- Data for Name: solo_game_round; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+COPY public.solo_game_round (id, "dateCreated", "gameId", "roundNumber", "decisionId", "initialSystemHealth", "initialPoints") FROM stdin;
+-- Data for Name: solo_game_treatment; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+COPY public.solo_game_treatment (id, "isNumberOfRoundsKnown", "isEventDeckKnown", "thresholdInformation") FROM stdin;
+1 f f unknown
+2 f f range
+3 f f known
+4 f t unknown
+5 f t range
+6 f t known
+7 t f unknown
+8 t f range
+9 t f known
+10 t t unknown
+11 t t range
+12 t t known
+-- Data for Name: solo_high_score; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+COPY public.solo_high_score (id, "userId", "pointsPerRound", points, "maxRound", "gameId", "dateCreated", "lastModified") FROM stdin;
+-- Data for Name: solo_mars_event_card; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+COPY public.solo_mars_event_card (id, "codeName", "displayName", "flavorText", effect, "drawMin", "drawMax", "rollMin", "rollMax", "systemHealthMultiplier", "pointsMultiplier", "resourcesMultiplier") FROM stdin;
+1 lifeAsUsual Life As Usual As the first human outpost on Mars, having a "usual" day is pretty unusual. No special effect. 10 20 0 0 0 0 0
+2 murphysLaw Murphy's Law Residents at Port of Mars know better than to ask, "what ELSE could go wrong?" Reveal 2 more events for this round. 1 1 0 0 0 0 0
+3 lostTime Lost Time Time flies when you're trying to stay alive. Lose {roll} resource{s} for this round. 1 1 1 8 0 0 -1
+4 richDeposit Rich Deposit A stroke of luck in an otherwise unlucky day. Gain {roll} resource{s} for this round. 1 1 1 8 0 0 1
+5 urgentRepairs Urgent Repairs No pneumatic tires on mars, but there are always holes to patch. {roll} resource{s} are immediately diverted to system health. 1 1 2 7 1 0 -1
+6 hullBreach Hull Breach Accidents happen. It's unavoidable. Our job is to do our best to avoid them all the same. Lose {roll} system health. 4 4 1 10 -1 0 0
+7 softwareUpgrade Software Upgrade A much needed patch to the system comes online. Gain {roll} system health. 4 4 1 10 1 0 0
+8 lostCargo Lost Cargo Precious cargo, now forever Martian property. Lose {roll} point{s}. 4 4 1 10 0 -1 0
+9 hitTheMotherlode Hit the Motherlode A valuable find. Fortunately for us, not that useful for repairs. Gain {roll} point{s}. 4 4 1 10 0 1 0
+-- Data for Name: solo_mars_event_deck; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+COPY public.solo_mars_event_deck (id) FROM stdin;
+-- Data for Name: solo_mars_event_deck_card; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+COPY public.solo_mars_event_deck_card (id, "dateCreated", "deckId", "cardId", "effectText", "systemHealthEffect", "resourcesEffect", "pointsEffect", "roundId") FROM stdin;
+-- Data for Name: solo_player; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+COPY public.solo_player (id, "userId", "playerIp", "gameId", points, "dateCreated") FROM stdin;
+-- Data for Name: solo_player_decision; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+COPY public.solo_player_decision (id, "systemHealthInvestment", "pointsInvestment") FROM stdin;
+-- Data for Name: student; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+COPY public.student (id, "userId", "classroomId", "rejoinCode") FROM stdin;
+25 30 1 zyionsx
+26 31 1 xvepygh
+27 32 1 oczuexs
+28 33 1 naecsqj
+29 34 1 mwajksd
+30 35 1 krguenm
+31 36 1 sudxwpz
+32 37 1 insihou
+33 38 1 nvrqgaf
+34 39 1 bkuwkat
+35 40 1 akwmmzg
+36 41 1 lyjlvyd
+37 42 1 epdetgu
+38 43 1 cfvtxav
+39 44 1 mfebamd
+40 49 1 nqtufcy
+41 50 1 vvegyne
+42 51 1 nuabdbn
+43 52 1 wobnasg
+44 53 1 upsitxi
+45 54 1 qnyxbiy
+46 55 1 saisoet
+47 56 1 qxbsoyr
+48 57 1 fmkuebm
+49 58 1 fejlbhn
+50 59 1 ijyhkvo
+51 60 1 urhwjbv
+52 61 1 ybabugk
+53 62 1 ttoohmm
+55 63 1 lkxiadk
+57 64 1 ipllzht
+58 65 1 xlplagh
+60 66 1 xljpbfy
+62 67 1 vsoqode
+63 68 1 urxtitd
+64 69 1 ptgbksp
+65 70 1 eykzwva
+67 71 1 vcnpfff
+69 72 1 kbqxjna
+70 73 1 zudddza
+71 74 1 izwdpqj
+72 75 1 sxwadxd
+73 76 1 ylgcftz
+74 77 1 spachyj
+75 78 1 rrwredt
+76 79 1 turksbi
+77 80 1 lcorzgj
+78 81 1 rmxowcm
+79 82 1 uhsjmmv
+80 83 1 mxztiff
+81 84 1 vwgjuei
+82 85 1 abswwgx
+83 86 1 hkbrhcd
+84 87 1 xshfzge
+85 88 1 fazheor
+86 89 1 thkpypo
+87 90 1 xoigrui
+88 91 1 orikjjp
+89 92 1 ncukmrn
+90 93 1 eihmykp
+91 94 1 yltbvji
+93 95 1 qibqnoe
+95 96 1 trvoros
+140 144 60 zwcsadt
+97 97 1 zinyqdt
+141 145 60 ihqxxnp
+98 98 1 nwakwil
+142 146 60 bewkioj
+99 99 1 fygktms
+143 147 1 putzyls
+100 100 1 yqimfck
+101 101 1 wlbvsuk
+102 102 1 vwjoufm
+103 103 1 waultbh
+104 104 1 ycslrck
+105 105 1 rbjlqjo
+106 106 1 lkdiktr
+107 107 1 wnmoqcl
+108 108 1 rnzxxbv
+109 109 1 hesqpbr
+110 110 1 cjjvfcb
+111 111 1 iefymch
+112 112 1 mfytuow
+113 113 1 ayietlg
+114 114 1 rsxbcac
+115 115 1 irbtpqo
+116 116 1 lvgqsys
+117 117 1 ohgiwng
+118 118 1 naxaorm
+119 119 60 rnxnzyk
+120 124 60 ynqgsqx
+121 125 60 mlykgxu
+122 126 60 wendgvr
+123 127 60 hsrhsae
+124 128 60 wokampv
+125 129 60 wekixhe
+126 130 60 rdroigs
+127 131 60 myuqsdn
+128 132 60 xddmloo
+129 133 60 obrmryt
+130 134 60 nqcgmxc
+131 135 60 bmldati
+132 136 60 dlvrjsj
+133 137 76 vvizvhh
+134 138 60 sgwokab
+135 139 60 eccegbm
+136 140 60 bsycycz
+137 141 60 treefxa
+138 142 60 eafztqe
+139 143 60 xslhyrp
+-- Data for Name: teacher; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+COPY public.teacher (id, "userId", password) FROM stdin;
+1 1 1234
+2 26 1234
+-- Data for Name: tournament; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+COPY public.tournament (id, name, active, "dateCreated", "minNumberOfGameRounds", "maxNumberOfGameRounds", description) FROM stdin;
+1 freeplay f 2024-06-06 00:28:19.711636 8 12 \N
+4 educator t 2024-07-23 21:29:06.349279 8 12 \N
+-- Data for Name: tournament_round; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+COPY public.tournament_round (id, "roundNumber", "numberOfGameRounds", "tournamentId", "introSurveyUrl", "exitSurveyUrl", "dateCreated", championship, announcement) FROM stdin;
+1 1 10 1 2024-06-06 00:28:31.996898 f
+2 2 10 1 2024-06-06 22:52:18.53373 f
+3 3 10 1 2024-07-01 03:35:50.731282 f
+4 1 10 4 2024-07-23 21:29:20.651476 f
+5 4 10 1 2024-07-28 23:41:08.537342 f
+6 5 10 1 2024-07-28 23:45:47.666877 f
+7 6 10 1 2024-07-31 00:05:35.59769 f
+-- Data for Name: tournament_round_date; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+COPY public.tournament_round_date (id, "tournamentRoundId", "dateCreated", date) FROM stdin;
+-- Data for Name: tournament_round_invite; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+COPY public.tournament_round_invite (id, "tournamentRoundId", "userId", "hasParticipated", "hasCompletedIntroSurvey", "hasCompletedExitSurvey", "dateCreated") FROM stdin;
+-- Data for Name: tournament_round_signup; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+COPY public.tournament_round_signup ("tournamentRoundInviteId", "tournamentRoundDateId") FROM stdin;
+-- Data for Name: tournament_treatments_treatment; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+COPY public.tournament_treatments_treatment ("tournamentId", "treatmentId") FROM stdin;
+-- Data for Name: treatment; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+COPY public.treatment (id, name, description, "dateCreated", "marsEventOverrides") FROM stdin;
+-- Data for Name: typeorm_metadata; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+COPY public.typeorm_metadata (type, database, schema, "table", name, value) FROM stdin;
+GENERATED_COLUMN port_of_mars public moderation_action dateMuteExpires case when "daysMuted" is not null then "dateCreated" + interval '1 day' * "daysMuted" else null end
+GENERATED_COLUMN port_of_mars public scheduled_game_date lobbyCloseDate "date" + interval '1 minute' * "minutesOpenAfter"
+-- Data for Name: user; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+COPY public."user" (id, name, username, email, "passedQuiz", "registrationToken", "participantId", "isVerified", "dateConsented", "isActive", "dateCreated", "isAdmin", "passportId", "isSystemBot", "lastPlayerIp", "isBanned", "isMuted", "muteStrikes") FROM stdin;
+1 test teacher testteacher test@example.com f fd0d63d9-4689-40b8-9580-c37f85f04f06 34399e7e-70fc-4323-bee1-1ae7eb7a4c6f t 2024-06-06 22:44:33.573 t 2024-06-06 22:44:33.546198 f f f f 0
+2 LunarFox9068 \N f 7ff3b6ff-c360-483d-898e-71b7e04a1fcf a412cfbc-62ad-4fde-98db-aab126d4958f f \N t 2024-06-06 22:52:56.671489 f f f f 0
+3 CometaryIbex2603 \N f 83db4b78-97b2-4600-a436-bbbc288eedbb 845c27b4-aa29-4384-b53d-618ae2b99eaf f \N t 2024-06-06 22:53:20.412523 f f f f 0
+4 SolarDolphin1672 \N f 15765e27-3031-45d8-ac9f-f2cbf501d15c beab1df8-134f-4436-976d-0123e893248e f \N t 2024-06-06 22:53:46.746182 f f f f 0
+5 LunarFox6417 \N f 0b718b03-4a95-4a19-add5-48cc33c2916a 4da1428d-469d-416d-8b7c-de3b4031772d f \N t 2024-06-06 22:55:47.852297 f f f f 0
+6 NebularOrangutan2507 \N f 803c5d27-b006-4fcb-9954-1d798d83dcce df05f36a-f5d9-445d-9466-fa2207fb0c53 f \N t 2024-06-06 23:00:44.652767 f f f f 0
+7 EllipticalEagle4718 \N f bbc5814c-b90b-4995-9efb-8d074190ac35 87e91096-08b6-4f21-a9d5-6a6718ebdad4 f \N t 2024-06-06 23:06:01.528326 f f f f 0
+8 SolarCanary6228 \N f 819336ba-8464-4e1c-97c8-21fc3a44bec8 60f1bbca-3795-4d75-809a-75962268f644 f \N t 2024-06-06 23:08:11.351667 f f f f 0
+9 IllustriousRaccoon6607 \N f dc8946d0-15b6-4542-8f3e-136ad4685927 216afd4c-b9a7-4e7c-8b2d-b7fe7f44341e f \N t 2024-06-06 23:14:03.116687 f f f f 0
+10 LunarHeron7979 \N f f6e49c29-21ea-42d1-bac0-418e9fdac79b 3bd01a97-5235-4cd1-be77-574a6304cea9 f \N t 2024-06-06 23:15:01.773392 f f f f 0
+11 EllipticalOrangutan9140 \N f a20a1b61-95fe-4f63-a1f9-14e20918cefc 257eaf53-ca27-4c6f-8c96-fe49920e0eaa f \N t 2024-06-06 23:19:50.103458 f f f f 0
+12 CometaryMeerkat2816 \N f 7e526758-7e9a-4deb-a39b-e87e33798294 c875557a-e6cb-49a2-b748-ca3ca2f0db2a f \N t 2024-06-06 23:20:56.617389 f f f f 0
+13 LunarOrangutan8739 \N f d3f75720-1d70-49b4-aec0-21ad5f4dbc31 d6fc4dfa-f2fa-427f-a1e4-403d6e562b9a f \N t 2024-06-06 23:21:29.909379 f f f f 0
+14 AuroralEagle4911 \N f f03903a5-d548-4d7c-96d7-9f3c41c8d19a 5c836c00-ade3-4d85-ba4f-079b69471d48 f \N t 2024-06-07 05:21:24.564931 f f f f 0
+15 LunarGiraffe9238 \N f 81e47c0c-47ca-49f3-a418-5678dad9cdd0 e6c74c75-278a-436c-8768-a84f9dce272e f \N t 2024-06-07 05:28:36.883779 f f f f 0
+16 StellarCamel5210 \N f 71b1d2a4-87f7-41a4-8923-09c5d4564a56 be8a5771-0e8e-4dcf-bcac-0efe17b254ad f \N t 2024-06-07 23:35:42.621028 f f f f 0
+17 MartianGiraffe5526 \N f a86831f5-80b8-47f9-9574-13bc0c625a8d f89ed5a2-9922-4fa6-8e77-c1c6b5e0c237 f \N t 2024-06-12 00:02:50.43267 f f f f 0
+18 PlanetaryCanary6738 \N f ab8d6d26-3f8c-4897-aac7-572ecdbcadfa 5c7b4f80-807e-4ef3-b0ab-db51c3c7a1ac f \N t 2024-06-12 19:19:19.113444 f f f f 0
+19 CosmicHedgehog3639 \N f c0ecf843-f0fb-4b4b-abdd-332c5b09ab0d 797a6717-2b04-4255-82ea-be5cc38e6cbd f \N t 2024-06-12 20:01:36.734193 f f f f 0
+20 AstralNewt3408 \N f d8e4c276-70c0-4464-87be-9833aa4d5142 502bdc08-f68a-4b07-9915-ef301066372e f \N t 2024-06-12 20:06:37.053357 f f f f 0
+21 EllipticalWolverine3744 \N f 45111eee-d471-460b-b854-5568cdec8cc3 6689aa14-f1cf-4ee4-9c57-1e3f6e2d2801 f \N t 2024-06-12 20:07:45.512808 f f f f 0
+22 NebularHeron6800 \N f 0867792b-519f-4749-a61d-214679059c2a aaa2c9c1-9684-4469-bc96-10da8871ddbd f \N t 2024-06-14 02:19:59.001017 f f f f 0
+23 CometaryLizard2593 \N f 15fb2251-81cf-4da0-83a1-10a88768ecd9 e9af4e6c-5df3-4696-932e-ff8e4fd997d6 f \N t 2024-06-14 06:14:41.615947 f f f f 0
+24 StellarDingo3982 \N f 1b111823-9f03-47d9-ab93-f3f6842bf4d7 480eb551-5c4b-462f-bfa8-a61f0e7d1025 f \N t 2024-06-14 06:19:21.353101 f f f f 0
+25 EllipticalOrangutan4797 \N f 8956c7ba-a375-4e2f-a3c9-c6ff59641298 3b6ac0b0-cb45-466b-9166-991d83ec2c38 f \N t 2024-06-14 21:17:44.9987 f f f f 0
+26 test teacher 3 testteacher3 test_teacher_3@example.com f 19b24bd3-8f52-4dec-9f4a-4e1c0565ca10 9d3d9383-875f-4c32-bb33-81247d9c2c8b t 2024-06-18 21:50:25.108 t 2024-06-18 21:50:25.084485 f f f f 0
+27 CometaryLizard4284 \N f 0eb2996d-305c-4f24-a37a-5b6a7ceb8efe 119eda52-190a-4d69-91af-565ba150384f f \N t 2024-06-18 21:56:22.613779 f f f f 0
+28 IllustriousLemur5167 \N f 499ce711-4501-47a6-b57f-fd8327950848 8e570bcf-b139-4a33-b139-1b42baafbb31 f \N t 2024-06-18 21:56:35.46836 f f f f 0
+29 CometaryAntelope5303 \N f 4632cbd3-171e-40d5-8e13-c80e13f01d9e 4986d6bc-6985-4988-b700-aef9b16252d6 f \N t 2024-06-18 21:58:46.862657 f f f f 0
+30 sab nel IllustriousHedgehog5181 \N f 8169cce7-d806-46b5-a2c2-5dae2d86ff4e 77a16094-250b-478b-b4ae-b497443d3088 f \N t 2024-06-18 22:06:27.433746 f f f f 0
+31 sab nel MartianIguana3479 \N f 23fccc3f-1d6a-4152-aec3-61270acc717a cd26d76a-ed17-4e84-ac6b-20fca5dc4125 f \N t 2024-06-19 06:02:46.873541 f f f f 0
+32 sab nel AuroralWolverine8833 \N f fe4a96df-b7fd-4fc0-9dd7-da695c377918 d36f93c6-1b07-4cdd-8e15-16e16310f6bf f \N t 2024-06-19 21:28:29.682537 f f f f 0
+33 sab nel StellarDolphin7272 \N f 0bedf98d-8e02-415b-8467-ea03129dab4c 6ad122f3-8979-4179-9261-044f9e26aff0 f \N t 2024-06-19 21:35:43.714018 f f f f 0
+34 sab nel CometaryRaccoon8388 \N f a1a4e016-9d76-4df2-ab99-6c8d07caf126 1a745c91-96a6-4424-9cf1-d2673e852b86 f \N t 2024-06-19 21:38:58.954209 f f f f 0
+35 sab nel OrbitingEagle3724 \N f ef9d8838-df29-432d-9c08-7ac130f43128 1b34eccc-aad3-4d3e-bcde-6080def44362 f \N t 2024-06-20 18:22:46.943539 f f f f 0
+36 sab nel EllipticalIbex3831 \N f bcdac578-23d0-4212-bccc-9f45e3d64940 08754075-c032-4a65-850b-8ce4fe5e149e f \N t 2024-06-20 18:34:12.056106 f f f f 0
+37 sab nel GalacticCamel9896 \N f 2d114d68-681a-428c-b2f0-d017dd8fc287 04350976-02c6-4f0a-91ad-6aa7aed62e36 f \N t 2024-06-20 18:35:26.831505 f f f f 0
+38 GalacticAxolotl6910 \N f f550054e-6ff7-4d64-85ef-41be97fb000a 2dbea7f4-7dff-4cd3-b7e9-951bc167142e f \N t 2024-06-20 18:39:20.394161 f f f f 0
+39 OrbitingAntelope1804 \N f 9f68a296-9dae-468c-929d-bde6dcf3f9da f0448583-1270-4add-ae60-f4cf831b8952 f \N t 2024-06-20 18:47:26.027869 f f f f 0
+40 OrbitingMeerkat1760 \N f bb5b08ad-811d-44ce-99c4-bd2469c68cfb 5f0c6dd0-bcd3-4207-8253-64c4a10a8d0d f \N t 2024-06-20 18:50:36.232878 f f f f 0
+41 LunarHyena1921 \N f 6aa64165-f513-418e-baf2-b6ac82b69d97 8ada6d68-8ebf-4711-b690-5ca339767fd0 f \N t 2024-06-20 18:52:56.298021 f f f f 0
+42 SolarLemur7011 \N f a08afa9f-42ed-4825-b295-18ed6e8475c8 c762a489-0b64-42ac-b328-78c2cf0b49a1 f \N t 2024-06-20 18:58:25.08566 f f f f 0
+43 AsteroidalDingo4669 \N f 5d7b30be-ce6a-49a3-8fa5-8b48113b886c fed85c44-7aa8-46da-8693-b3c1021d9d9f f \N t 2024-06-20 18:58:58.584115 f f f f 0
+44 NebularCanary8941 \N f 84477979-061d-4e64-bcf8-992bf03e2872 49098132-6099-4ae1-95cb-5c1b9a24beec f \N t 2024-06-20 20:31:22.287622 f f f f 0
+45 InterstellarWolverine6186 \N f e86845d1-a032-40bd-aed4-cbb646fd1512 707e47f1-2192-46b9-bf87-1e0f0e23781f f \N t 2024-06-24 19:01:05.001227 f f f f 0
+46 GalacticNewt8597 \N f 18632e00-1ca5-4e27-8aad-833b3bb60112 2d20b68f-04f3-48b4-85c8-44f399197c00 f \N t 2024-06-24 19:01:14.520444 f f f f 0
+47 CosmicHeron9976 \N f 3fbc20eb-bf39-4512-b20c-183596677806 67b5c010-9c66-488e-83fa-9c71c890f06e f \N t 2024-06-24 19:07:57.729739 f f f f 0
+48 PlanetaryIbex5904 \N f 14189301-7166-4687-8382-63ba52529a50 a2c697a3-2a0d-49e6-a2cd-0cf41afabe50 f \N t 2024-06-24 19:17:10.607345 f f f f 0
+49 StellarWolverine4790 \N f e46a8bde-32b7-4cf9-ae85-80300a4b7328 6a758552-1a96-4bbe-b0ca-70598051d372 f \N t 2024-06-25 20:00:22.761639 f f f f 0
+50 GalacticParrot5648 \N f 03225f64-9ef2-40ac-8959-523b87e94507 57f63f9f-6dd4-4c2d-9021-e046098d8058 f \N t 2024-06-26 01:04:17.100703 f f f f 0
+51 LunarDolphin6755 \N f bacc86ee-db56-496e-8d97-88ff59d3d9c6 9c959b18-1734-44b6-8817-91b21b0913ac f \N t 2024-06-26 01:04:24.901592 f f f f 0
+52 PlanetaryHeron4418 \N f 7577cffb-6663-4e33-b312-802fecacc0cb 1367f84b-3403-48a8-bb45-3494a5c4a3a5 f \N t 2024-06-26 01:04:31.719098 f f f f 0
+53 OrbitingHeron8981 \N f ed93fafa-7a58-4edf-886a-d09343425fbb 916d0100-c245-4eb0-85c4-15dc3e872fea f \N t 2024-06-26 01:17:27.363768 f f f f 0
+54 AstralHyena9142 \N f b79d711f-05d6-43f6-b18f-87dbfaed8bea 37e00eb9-0edf-4a2e-a21f-0680d74de7ec f \N t 2024-06-26 01:38:53.580023 f f f f 0
+55 NebularFerret8911 \N f 166c48b8-8449-4fc5-9535-e38bbc2d2de0 b3702b73-8eaf-47ee-8b76-5b824452bb09 f \N t 2024-06-26 01:42:41.455095 f f f f 0
+56 CosmicOrca5233 \N f 955bccc5-13d7-48ac-8409-60b2d513a036 89765af9-0746-4b59-ade4-279878ed8896 f \N t 2024-06-26 01:47:07.77177 f f f f 0
+57 AuroralAntelope9350 \N f 149de38c-70dd-4993-a4e7-8d4770e027c0 2891ed22-2374-4b17-840e-27972b7f6255 f \N t 2024-06-26 01:48:40.28823 f f f f 0
+58 Sabrina Nelson SolarFalcon5048 \N f 67dbba8a-0be8-4b4c-abf1-ffdea04f5ead 14d2cc37-fe00-4cfa-b337-6b42a3e3bc9f f \N t 2024-06-26 16:38:44.023265 f f f f 0
+59 Sabrina Nelson PlanetaryHedgehog8074 \N f 217ecdab-c12a-4eda-a93a-9f40bc9632e3 9d89e483-63ac-42bb-880e-bd865e69b4f4 f \N t 2024-06-26 16:59:45.745115 f f f f 0
+60 sab nel StellarFerret1447 \N f 8355ef33-c434-4915-8554-1433516c061c 5f8c7867-1adb-45e1-99bb-c75dcf0f538c f \N t 2024-06-26 17:02:38.122137 f f f f 0
+61 sab nel GalacticIguana3820 \N f 0b8ef984-d450-46f0-8f90-da9cc7ba42b2 ef4fa828-b586-4b90-babd-84ef10271490 f \N t 2024-06-26 17:04:52.671743 f f f f 0
+62 CometaryOrangutan6437 \N f 9dc22d6f-0f6d-46cd-b731-072edd2c0c98 00ac2b1a-5ac6-4a4c-932f-4c067672338a f \N t 2024-06-26 17:13:19.758346 f f f f 0
+63 LunarCanary1214 \N f 165fb8aa-0332-4aef-819f-5147f43643c0 7e0cd09e-42f1-4ae7-8491-8eaf94cd6635 f \N t 2024-06-26 17:14:35.637319 f f f f 0
+64 LunarChameleon4519 \N f c1d9a7e5-29c1-4f4c-b34b-e388623b38f2 323706e5-74fd-4b81-ba9f-7f335120a75c f \N t 2024-06-28 22:13:38.021921 f f f f 0
+65 PlanetaryKoala1353 \N f 5697ebcb-ef5e-438a-9995-31c100acc95c d7cbdce4-bc5c-4ed3-ac91-32288aaab55c f \N t 2024-07-01 03:08:13.716644 f f f f 0
+66 LunarWolverine6661 \N f 3f010fc4-6eaf-49c1-905f-008d7abf587c 3a9e74c2-232d-43fb-99cf-35d6a40043ab f \N t 2024-07-01 03:09:38.9567 f f f f 0
+67 InterstellarFalcon8812 \N f 127b77e7-4062-4d09-8244-2401a21046c0 b4745f07-fae9-4ac2-ab95-dd3ec9b8e54f f \N t 2024-07-01 03:10:34.805526 f f f f 0
+68 StellarKoala9424 \N f 19cf20d9-28fe-4e83-8fcd-447d88e5e934 2e0e2355-7f97-4696-ae43-bf566cad723e f \N t 2024-07-01 03:11:25.484136 f f f f 0
+69 LunarDolphin9388 \N f 97a2e9a0-edfc-4a37-acc2-5286a672173d 1edec00b-149f-496d-a0fa-83cd377e0305 f \N t 2024-07-01 03:12:32.687911 f f f f 0
+70 StellarRaccoon8166 \N f b9a8da3a-97d5-4f5e-a42e-b2a39e33f3b2 2ccbf7de-e61a-48b3-9604-e197a1b52c57 f \N t 2024-07-01 03:28:08.953132 f f f f 0
+71 StellarDingo8222 \N f 46bd7656-23ab-4cb0-83ac-fbaa50f7f2f3 d16fe995-aa37-4498-87b4-454b15d8712e f \N t 2024-07-01 18:02:32.015248 f f f f 0
+72 MartianMeerkat4482 \N f d7e3abcd-f476-4436-ab9e-3c90ef813fac 28708c3a-f0b3-4655-9712-450ec8d038a3 f \N t 2024-07-01 18:05:46.18281 f f f f 0
+73 OrbitingNewt9320 \N f eb483fc0-81f6-4667-aae9-b26bdb21164b 9811f2d5-6db9-4870-b978-5283a6282913 f \N t 2024-07-01 18:07:56.013825 f f f f 0
+74 CometaryBison3496 \N f 2846880b-272c-4b9f-8bb9-ca450f1c2101 94c13415-c8c3-4f3f-9924-bcd7f6733620 f \N t 2024-07-01 18:17:29.155612 f f f f 0
+103 S N InterstellarOrca7008 \N f bd499920-79f7-4f96-a92e-b2b51b00bc60 41d79c27-1af8-4802-8ba7-76ee3b9e3df8 t \N t 2024-07-02 21:12:09.607778 f f f f 0
+75 N asdf NebularAxolotl1894 \N f c2656b00-9c7f-40d7-acfd-0249547d58a1 5e69645c-d4ad-4184-adcc-ec67b2104bdb f \N t 2024-07-01 18:18:43.99537 f f f f 0
+76 Sab Nel MartianFalcon4214 \N f c3dcc9e1-cfad-4b50-8b69-00af7c430d24 66c3e5a8-f4a9-401c-921d-1f0e6b6988ba f \N t 2024-07-01 18:19:49.213417 f f f f 0
+77 s n CometaryLemur5709 \N f 4080fd5a-d09b-4499-9860-9e25837ae68f 4e518497-3fe2-4c9f-b263-2034c4a6bf48 f \N t 2024-07-01 18:22:06.347485 f f f f 0
+78 S N PlanetaryRaccoon6096 \N f a8812d82-23ce-40da-9b08-389af9a3c484 0fc9b48a-cd17-4a71-b093-c11ff72b1a81 f \N t 2024-07-01 18:23:30.217972 f f f f 0
+79 MartianHyena2761 \N f c89cbfd8-73e1-4a82-8203-5ca8afca13af 2703cdcc-4085-49d8-9d0c-d71adaf19766 f \N t 2024-07-01 18:26:00.442955 f f f f 0
+80 sab nel SolarParrot2319 \N f 64b2d820-6ca0-4ae5-bf0c-8734d33ec19f 57da56f2-7db5-4318-aa37-3784ecb61a05 f \N t 2024-07-01 18:26:22.363283 f f f f 0
+81 AsteroidalOrangutan4273 \N f f8fc5cbe-9a50-4082-be51-d392147c4118 50ddb17d-4805-4c3e-92d6-8c7c69496e84 f \N t 2024-07-01 18:26:52.955182 f f f f 0
+82 S N LunarEagle4396 \N f 3036eb32-2e76-4e71-8e4e-9d27a9762a45 9f367d21-8172-4641-a317-237ef74b84e1 f \N t 2024-07-01 18:29:16.624623 f f f f 0
+83 sab nel NebularQuagga2881 \N f 9f7fdda9-46fd-4c88-beac-e2ff8bfeaaa3 a26a83b5-3a0f-47ec-a6db-5ef1767e7b43 f \N t 2024-07-01 22:26:29.165609 f f f f 0
+84 S N OrbitingFalcon7132 \N f 15a5fafc-7957-4c2b-97ad-c155b459e47f d23fe328-c6d7-4c1c-aa72-071b23d1da97 f \N t 2024-07-01 22:30:53.875903 f f f f 0
+85 Sab nel CelestialHedgehog3650 \N f 732ae45b-50f0-478d-ad17-0fd5820f669f 561f181d-2838-452f-8b06-ace7e6e9fbcc f \N t 2024-07-01 22:32:04.622771 f f f f 0
+86 sab nel CometaryGiraffe9552 \N f 92af4e40-53c5-42a7-b2fe-55ef062e17e7 2753726d-d486-435a-b4d6-29bcac9cd234 f \N t 2024-07-01 22:36:30.877461 f f f f 0
+87 Sab Nel GalacticFerret7776 \N f d31f49eb-9895-4eb1-80a7-de1d8b54e021 10b44fd7-2383-44b5-88c9-31cd30f090bf f \N t 2024-07-01 22:41:50.543276 f f f f 0
+88 sab nel AsteroidalHedgehog9751 \N f 23e967ff-d8ab-4a71-9b66-046e25e377e9 78684d1b-f6d6-4a23-9d42-eb97ee2e7b74 f \N t 2024-07-01 22:49:19.729018 f f f f 0
+89 AuroralWolverine6769 \N f 57041e39-6b71-4350-b7ab-93c3e8a0abe0 70b270ce-a40f-4132-91ce-de4d007fc10e f \N t 2024-07-01 22:50:19.333336 f f f f 0
+90 sab nel NebularFalcon7755 \N f 6b2d3667-0bd5-4110-9726-f0e5fdfa23e8 031cf10d-db09-4f92-b435-b40d57f6af8a f \N t 2024-07-02 19:32:44.361847 f f f f 0
+91 SolarAntelope1246 \N f 6d9585b0-e3b4-47f3-9209-aa97726669f1 f2b2c2ca-155e-41d4-a027-7b913136d89e f \N t 2024-07-02 19:37:41.425531 f f f f 0
+92 sab nel AsteroidalMeerkat1446 \N f c139f099-d18e-4729-9836-2b29d429b012 f89279db-6081-4778-8470-46d922ff0933 f \N t 2024-07-02 19:42:07.074328 f f f f 0
+93 MartianFox4035 \N f c7935d2b-bc8d-4f56-8b79-04275e86afcf 69314d68-43fa-468e-9c6e-f1323abb29cf f \N t 2024-07-02 19:51:33.726559 f f f f 0
+94 PlanetaryMeerkat6541 \N f c62c6b23-e225-408c-8202-84ad773a7290 d53a0d45-62d6-4752-b0ad-64f48920a246 f \N t 2024-07-02 19:55:11.168223 f f f f 0
+95 GalacticNewt3211 \N f badb4349-d1e2-49c2-94f9-e072eb1d1dde 4f83873d-9a53-4366-8c51-dc438e2dd3d2 f \N t 2024-07-02 19:56:22.687744 f f f f 0
+96 NebularDolphin2105 \N f 40475053-e069-4d87-a468-8b15729eb5ad ff343282-8e31-40a8-8cb1-414254751b84 f \N t 2024-07-02 19:57:26.922593 f f f f 0
+97 Sab nel AuroralLemur8957 \N f 2f29e0d5-856e-4d18-82f8-92f91aeab580 e02196e4-90ad-4e4f-9704-4227f7e6773d t \N t 2024-07-02 19:58:36.66568 f f f f 0
+98 sab nel CosmicEagle9623 \N f 795dd1df-5b2d-4d30-ab72-82f8a9d9fc98 731394c9-e110-43c9-8a66-6948c93e058e t \N t 2024-07-02 19:58:51.138562 f f f f 0
+99 S N AsteroidalRaccoon1291 \N f 995e0109-4077-439c-b3cb-58862489f63c 19cf8f70-3116-4ab0-b173-99af1473f7ac t \N t 2024-07-02 20:59:58.152642 f f f f 0
+100 S N StellarCamel6303 \N f 6ebba136-3c21-401a-8d81-0389e50c3144 bb2c97e9-1a68-4f02-9742-ec9b684ebae6 t \N t 2024-07-02 21:01:22.638793 f f f f 0
+101 InterstellarQuagga3102 \N f a74730ea-16fc-4218-87f6-fa30d3798c3d 8ea6613f-238f-4a24-948a-192e1b85681c f \N t 2024-07-02 21:01:36.372871 f f f f 0
+102 Sabrina Nelson LunarIbex9647 \N f 1510316b-75d9-4ac1-9f53-fb3e9bf5a94f 157ee0a7-642e-40f5-a12c-15585371d8b8 t \N t 2024-07-02 21:09:00.901549 f f f f 0
+104 Sab Nel EllipticalLemur8957 \N f 7b0eca36-30f1-46d8-9c12-52c7b2f6dd24 ff5557ff-e85d-4871-a0c6-84a9d057f0ce t \N t 2024-07-02 21:17:41.635092 f f f f 0
+105 StellarFox4417 \N f 018febf0-e3c1-4530-8bee-4ea9abb544ef b3191751-c0dc-4807-a558-b5339d2f92ae f \N t 2024-07-03 04:10:23.329568 f f f f 0
+106 sab nel CelestialCamel3749 \N f 28c39520-0f04-4155-9ef0-cc322a2ccaed 169544e6-0e5e-49c0-b0ae-174467b0e910 t \N t 2024-07-03 04:24:04.473876 f f f f 0
+107 S N SolarOrangutan2841 \N f ae7807be-ada9-4718-8113-f2db43b41e37 d113ddb2-ae0e-4abd-802f-d2898c356610 t \N t 2024-07-03 18:44:14.832135 f f f f 0
+108 S N LunarHedgehog3764 \N f 86645afb-79de-47ec-bf90-3b9a98172280 d8a977e3-fa0f-43be-a75b-5adefdbfc326 t \N t 2024-07-03 19:13:56.802159 f f f f 0
+109 S N GalacticMarmot4936 \N f 4c5af1ab-a5e5-4b0d-8284-6ee8bdebcc0a bd93cfa7-2a70-4e04-8e19-dc2cd973d36c t \N t 2024-07-03 19:20:41.113937 f f f f 0
+110 SolarRaccoon2995 \N f c44ac092-7ca8-4084-bd1a-0620db6897d8 166403c4-f59c-45c3-b4c2-c13b4148ebf9 f \N t 2024-07-03 19:24:26.417102 f f f f 0
+111 S N InterstellarHedgehog4671 \N f 8b61f411-fa20-47f3-900a-fa732b30020f d1c67a70-bc20-4680-957f-a42f3530ab4b t \N t 2024-07-03 19:24:46.468286 f f f f 0
+112 S N IllustriousAxolotl4596 \N f a4f5badd-2e84-465f-b150-1bf64cbdceb1 ac7db814-0658-4e2a-bbf1-dc401413e9bf t \N t 2024-07-05 23:59:00.443259 f f f f 0
+113 S N AsteroidalAntelope4386 \N f 64ef9b2f-0100-4054-9c10-84ac218c506c fd3bc8e1-98ae-475e-9707-e5b4a767ca5b t \N t 2024-07-06 05:31:08.777635 f f f f 0
+114 s n SolarParrot7475 \N f bbaa6dfe-53b1-4889-90a3-f29c02aabfc2 6a494717-afd9-45a4-b7cb-5d44184d4070 t \N t 2024-07-08 01:38:29.067536 f f f f 0
+115 S N GalacticHeron5255 \N f 9600e5d8-73ca-4207-bd11-c9845ee4ea1b 05cb60ee-de75-4d7f-88f0-0b55fdee1654 t \N t 2024-07-09 00:21:40.428037 f f f f 0
+116 S N IllustriousHedgehog7148 \N f c1edb820-0b6d-4ce1-8695-5c47d0e44501 1c845f8f-c0e3-48f5-a3f6-e0a4aa1ae048 t \N t 2024-07-09 21:40:25.464435 f f f f 0
+117 CelestialHeron3168 \N f f9ea6d0c-0284-4106-95aa-1addc5256a35 785c3a1e-e8ba-489d-a4fb-5238bce9b06f f \N t 2024-07-10 23:03:05.113849 f f f f 0
+118 S N CometaryHedgehog7941 \N f bb298950-0436-407b-ab92-40fdc8dba167 564ea5df-6a09-4bd2-9c37-3889db31f883 t \N t 2024-07-10 23:03:15.130597 f f f f 0
+120 robot MartianCamel3681 MartianCamel3681 \N f 20a645c4-7fa2-49aa-a1a8-53880e7cb204 df646020-96ac-47bb-9cf5-372cb8688ae0 f \N t 2024-07-23 21:31:24.2094 f t f f 0
+121 robot LunarBison2329 LunarBison2329 \N f 9eee4850-948c-49c0-b25f-162aa9450c93 a5a2fb2f-d589-4341-afae-78cc7add710f f \N t 2024-07-23 21:31:24.239253 f t f f 0
+122 robot SolarCamel3847 SolarCamel3847 \N f 7e981dec-2f42-46e9-bc1c-72652cb590e2 6030f331-1d99-4d08-ae28-94ee2c63f7e1 f \N t 2024-07-23 21:31:24.245632 f t f f 0
+123 robot AuroralCamel4881 AuroralCamel4881 \N f d1b076d1-52e4-43f3-b7ba-456653d79e09 d291cc02-b427-43cb-9e5b-0ab9bc94bf79 f \N t 2024-07-23 21:31:24.249532 f t f f 0
+119 S N GalacticCanary4199 \N f 0cb1b7a1-f1eb-410e-b4cf-959fa151068f dd21de89-9784-44af-b023-507d2c31e513 t \N t 2024-07-23 21:30:45.859595 f f ::ffff: f f 0
+124 S N IllustriousGiraffe8998 \N f f90c4fc3-eef9-467f-8145-f102a66f9397 88aa6444-2304-4c18-9768-b14267888089 t \N t 2024-07-25 01:50:04.928013 f f f f 0
+125 S N InterstellarStarfish6735 \N f 71894e52-ba88-479e-ac1d-d9a6c5e53e92 36652c9f-0dfa-497c-a2ca-74775bb828ef t \N t 2024-07-25 01:54:12.036175 f f ::ffff: f f 0
+126 Sab Nel SolarWolverine8632 \N f 7606142b-7b59-456f-acdd-f76e71b4171a 11641067-ced0-475f-9a9f-d50e019931e1 t \N t 2024-07-25 01:54:55.731517 f f ::ffff: f f 0
+127 S N AuroralLizard4476 \N f 8e9bfca1-761d-4b26-9b3a-19119ddbd1b8 a46e8857-1984-4c5a-94e2-1f8e3519b3b6 t \N t 2024-07-25 04:23:43.076032 f f f f 0
+128 S N PlanetaryQuagga6458 \N f 900a6a74-6798-4192-9202-b46cd503f34e 14cdb70e-4b20-45d6-bbaf-cc8c8828eb67 t \N t 2024-07-26 22:49:24.989699 f f ::ffff: f f 0
+129 S N LunarFox6831 \N f 2e9b21d6-5a41-4167-b632-48d7bcfcd923 c47fefb4-cb14-4626-82da-20b282a55f83 t \N t 2024-07-26 23:01:16.560227 f f f f 0
+130 S N CosmicRaccoon5930 \N f 3ca24074-54c9-4e70-87eb-e8e0f7aaedad aada0ee9-4124-4b83-9fb3-1c58687788a9 t \N t 2024-07-27 21:55:31.250449 f f f f 0
+131 Test Student 1 AuroralOrangutan5597 \N f 784ebddd-537d-4286-9999-d4c01798285c 4ac77a6f-e9a1-47a6-b709-307d30402194 t \N t 2024-07-29 00:03:45.239061 f f f f 0
+132 Test Student 2 PlanetaryFalcon2257 \N f 3b2a8940-301f-4fc1-8ec7-575650875660 f52552cc-946a-4cfe-a363-f7a787f4f7f0 t \N t 2024-07-29 00:04:16.925893 f f f f 0
+133 Sabrina Nelson AsteroidalBison5563 \N f 680a0861-d8b6-4b79-959d-ac7ce07a66ab cbbe8c60-dea9-4712-831b-272b6850a037 t \N t 2024-07-30 03:46:08.204219 f f f f 0
+134 Sabrina Nelson CometaryAxolotl5045 \N f b8eb41c0-fef6-451c-90f2-813931296501 af2da181-6866-4e89-b293-f58a08b2d513 t \N t 2024-07-30 03:48:22.029302 f f f f 0
+135 Sabrina Nelson LunarMarmot7251 \N f aa885542-7f1a-4d0e-977c-04ad77f8cee7 d406afc6-e321-4245-a71d-d003f48556b9 t \N t 2024-07-30 04:09:27.430334 f f f f 0
+136 Sab Nel StellarFalcon6452 \N f d36db8a7-f888-4d23-a50d-e890feca999e 792db984-fee9-485d-a072-c090c4088824 t \N t 2024-07-30 23:58:05.252428 f f f f 0
+137 Sabrina Nelson GalacticOrangutan9195 \N f 5d590255-d01c-4f36-9854-33712ed559ce d58b511d-f2db-414e-a949-4934370f5b84 t \N t 2024-07-31 00:07:18.73585 f f f f 0
+138 Sab Nel LunarFalcon4386 \N f b8ce914e-4c6a-42f4-b354-2d71762dbe1e 6e2b2a1b-5900-4449-8ea2-992d83724e64 t \N t 2024-07-31 00:09:51.961939 f f f f 0
+139 Hailey Nelson MartianCanary9920 \N f 49165a28-6bb1-41cb-bd43-b5e30228fb39 ed488308-a1a6-4ef9-8855-0b378f95a556 t \N t 2024-07-31 00:26:50.429719 f f f f 0
+140 Sabrina Nelson CelestialStarfish3364 \N f ecf2079f-fa5b-42a7-854a-1160bbf0b20c 29b93fa7-a953-4aef-947d-8e293c0b34e8 t \N t 2024-07-31 00:30:14.456242 f f f f 0
+141 NebularGiraffe8754 \N f 34079aba-0780-4e40-b033-2b8c48217f20 e17665dd-b660-4fc1-a033-9852a2449de0 f \N t 2024-07-31 00:37:45.274851 f f f f 0
+142 S N AuroralLizard2453 \N f 3c8cadaf-cc7e-4222-bce7-289e6f5ed00f 33694f5d-7c08-4c09-b7cd-8e81f7e7cc3b t \N t 2024-07-31 00:41:21.1586 f f f f 0
+143 S N CometaryChameleon8159 \N f 37fcddc6-f5ad-4fbb-b141-b7f49e10531f b1ebebd7-56bb-4e60-82fa-d3479b6f3b27 t \N t 2024-07-31 00:43:01.544398 f f f f 0
+144 S N GalacticHedgehog8483 \N f bad7059f-8081-4df6-94a5-ba2edb883ce9 6d3e7671-05ca-4c78-858d-2f59bc9bb0de t \N t 2024-07-31 00:46:40.011887 f f f f 0
+145 S N NebularFalcon4036 \N f e5472e99-cf7d-44ae-a5d7-2a7b4222f6f0 e5d49bfc-6bf6-4ab2-806b-3a950a90adb5 t \N t 2024-07-31 00:58:08.265562 f f ::ffff: f f 0
+146 S N CosmicMeerkat1348 \N f 153b94a9-24c2-4178-97b6-9a4e865f38b0 293f443f-36a4-4a4a-88bb-d2597da69cc6 t \N t 2024-07-31 00:59:22.788685 f f f f 0
+147 S N SolarParrot3600 \N f 7dac33e1-0545-40f9-b8ca-edbd5499ab09 df7a45b2-872a-4d74-8416-c15e9565b706 t \N t 2024-08-16 20:20:22.069753 f f f f 0
+-- Name: chat_report_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('public.chat_report_id_seq', 1, false);
+-- Name: classroom_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('public.classroom_id_seq', 93, true);
+-- Name: game_event_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('public.game_event_id_seq', 1219, true);
+-- Name: game_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('public.game_id_seq', 6, true);
+-- Name: lobby_chat_message_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('public.lobby_chat_message_id_seq', 1, false);
+-- Name: migrations_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('public.migrations_id_seq', 33, true);
+-- Name: moderation_action_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('public.moderation_action_id_seq', 1, false);
+-- Name: player_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('public.player_id_seq', 30, true);
+-- Name: question_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('public.question_id_seq', 1, false);
+-- Name: question_response_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('public.question_response_id_seq', 1, false);
+-- Name: quiz_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('public.quiz_id_seq', 1, false);
+-- Name: quiz_submission_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('public.quiz_submission_id_seq', 1, false);
+-- Name: solo_game_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('public.solo_game_id_seq', 1, false);
+-- Name: solo_game_round_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('public.solo_game_round_id_seq', 1, false);
+-- Name: solo_game_treatment_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('public.solo_game_treatment_id_seq', 12, true);
+-- Name: solo_high_score_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('public.solo_high_score_id_seq', 1, false);
+-- Name: solo_mars_event_card_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('public.solo_mars_event_card_id_seq', 9, true);
+-- Name: solo_mars_event_deck_card_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('public.solo_mars_event_deck_card_id_seq', 1, false);
+-- Name: solo_mars_event_deck_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('public.solo_mars_event_deck_id_seq', 1, false);
+-- Name: solo_player_decision_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('public.solo_player_decision_id_seq', 1, false);
+-- Name: solo_player_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('public.solo_player_id_seq', 1, false);
+-- Name: student_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('public.student_id_seq', 143, true);
+-- Name: teacher_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('public.teacher_id_seq', 2, true);
+-- Name: tournament_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('public.tournament_id_seq', 8, true);
+-- Name: tournament_round_date_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('public.tournament_round_date_id_seq', 1, false);
+-- Name: tournament_round_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('public.tournament_round_id_seq', 7, true);
+-- Name: tournament_round_invite_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('public.tournament_round_invite_id_seq', 1, false);
+-- Name: treatment_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('public.treatment_id_seq', 1, false);
+-- Name: user_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('public.user_id_seq', 147, true);
+-- Name: moderation_action PK_152a7fb29b5a2bfc5fa43a96806; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+ALTER TABLE ONLY public.moderation_action
+ ADD CONSTRAINT "PK_152a7fb29b5a2bfc5fa43a96806" PRIMARY KEY (id);
+-- Name: question PK_21e5786aa0ea704ae185a79b2d5; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+ALTER TABLE ONLY public.question
+ ADD CONSTRAINT "PK_21e5786aa0ea704ae185a79b2d5" PRIMARY KEY (id);
+-- Name: teacher PK_2f807294148612a9751dacf1026; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+ALTER TABLE ONLY public.teacher
+ ADD CONSTRAINT "PK_2f807294148612a9751dacf1026" PRIMARY KEY (id);
+-- Name: game PK_352a30652cd352f552fef73dec5; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+ALTER TABLE ONLY public.game
+ ADD CONSTRAINT "PK_352a30652cd352f552fef73dec5" PRIMARY KEY (id);
+-- Name: solo_mars_event_deck_card PK_39035f7fd267d19f4863843efeb; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+ALTER TABLE ONLY public.solo_mars_event_deck_card
+ ADD CONSTRAINT "PK_39035f7fd267d19f4863843efeb" PRIMARY KEY (id);
+-- Name: student PK_3d8016e1cb58429474a3c041904; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+ALTER TABLE ONLY public.student
+ ADD CONSTRAINT "PK_3d8016e1cb58429474a3c041904" PRIMARY KEY (id);
+-- Name: tournament_round PK_40931a39f30039b3de581bf4806; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+ALTER TABLE ONLY public.tournament_round
+ ADD CONSTRAINT "PK_40931a39f30039b3de581bf4806" PRIMARY KEY (id);
+-- Name: solo_game_round PK_410930ce91d0fb7658ac8e5203d; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+ALTER TABLE ONLY public.solo_game_round
+ ADD CONSTRAINT "PK_410930ce91d0fb7658ac8e5203d" PRIMARY KEY (id);
+-- Name: quiz PK_422d974e7217414e029b3e641d0; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+ALTER TABLE ONLY public.quiz
+ ADD CONSTRAINT "PK_422d974e7217414e029b3e641d0" PRIMARY KEY (id);
+-- Name: tournament PK_449f912ba2b62be003f0c22e767; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+ALTER TABLE ONLY public.tournament
+ ADD CONSTRAINT "PK_449f912ba2b62be003f0c22e767" PRIMARY KEY (id);
+-- Name: lobby_chat_message PK_4640a139c74b0d188cc5efdda33; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+ALTER TABLE ONLY public.lobby_chat_message
+ ADD CONSTRAINT "PK_4640a139c74b0d188cc5efdda33" PRIMARY KEY (id);
+-- Name: tournament_treatments_treatment PK_51fb9e4c95d17614ddf43ff04a0; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+ALTER TABLE ONLY public.tournament_treatments_treatment
+ ADD CONSTRAINT "PK_51fb9e4c95d17614ddf43ff04a0" PRIMARY KEY ("tournamentId", "treatmentId");
+-- Name: solo_high_score PK_52d621b5047f8eb9a6861975622; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+ALTER TABLE ONLY public.solo_high_score
+ ADD CONSTRAINT "PK_52d621b5047f8eb9a6861975622" PRIMARY KEY (id);
+-- Name: treatment PK_5ed256f72665dee35f8e47b416e; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+ALTER TABLE ONLY public.treatment
+ ADD CONSTRAINT "PK_5ed256f72665dee35f8e47b416e" PRIMARY KEY (id);
+-- Name: tournament_round_date PK_608a88e29bcf26ffee33446e25f; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+ALTER TABLE ONLY public.tournament_round_date
+ ADD CONSTRAINT "PK_608a88e29bcf26ffee33446e25f" PRIMARY KEY (id);
+-- Name: solo_game_treatment PK_61a365004e22a4d84b35711f4c0; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+ALTER TABLE ONLY public.solo_game_treatment
+ ADD CONSTRAINT "PK_61a365004e22a4d84b35711f4c0" PRIMARY KEY (id);
+-- Name: player PK_65edadc946a7faf4b638d5e8885; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+ALTER TABLE ONLY public.player
+ ADD CONSTRAINT "PK_65edadc946a7faf4b638d5e8885" PRIMARY KEY (id);
+-- Name: solo_player PK_6b0ee07ab2bf9b16ad83c4f921c; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+ALTER TABLE ONLY public.solo_player
+ ADD CONSTRAINT "PK_6b0ee07ab2bf9b16ad83c4f921c" PRIMARY KEY (id);
+-- Name: classroom PK_729f896c8b7b96ddf10c341e6ff; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+ALTER TABLE ONLY public.classroom
+ ADD CONSTRAINT "PK_729f896c8b7b96ddf10c341e6ff" PRIMARY KEY (id);
+-- Name: solo_mars_event_card PK_7947d532c97b8ca371fb460d01c; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+ALTER TABLE ONLY public.solo_mars_event_card
+ ADD CONSTRAINT "PK_7947d532c97b8ca371fb460d01c" PRIMARY KEY (id);
+-- Name: solo_mars_event_deck PK_875bc3785d3916d7e5c5807d3a9; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+ALTER TABLE ONLY public.solo_mars_event_deck
+ ADD CONSTRAINT "PK_875bc3785d3916d7e5c5807d3a9" PRIMARY KEY (id);
+-- Name: migrations PK_8c82d7f526340ab734260ea46be; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+ALTER TABLE ONLY public.migrations
+ ADD CONSTRAINT "PK_8c82d7f526340ab734260ea46be" PRIMARY KEY (id);
+-- Name: tournament_round_invite PK_921655be23744634aaadf3568a5; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+ALTER TABLE ONLY public.tournament_round_invite
+ ADD CONSTRAINT "PK_921655be23744634aaadf3568a5" PRIMARY KEY (id);
+-- Name: tournament_round_signup PK_9ca713344f84fdcb0a29418ab48; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+ALTER TABLE ONLY public.tournament_round_signup
+ ADD CONSTRAINT "PK_9ca713344f84fdcb0a29418ab48" PRIMARY KEY ("tournamentRoundInviteId", "tournamentRoundDateId");
+-- Name: solo_player_decision PK_a39283302b3ed8728f66b8108fa; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+ALTER TABLE ONLY public.solo_player_decision
+ ADD CONSTRAINT "PK_a39283302b3ed8728f66b8108fa" PRIMARY KEY (id);
+-- Name: solo_game PK_a941170fd23d55a87d4e49cca7f; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+ALTER TABLE ONLY public.solo_game
+ ADD CONSTRAINT "PK_a941170fd23d55a87d4e49cca7f" PRIMARY KEY (id);
+-- Name: quiz_submission PK_af730e984e8f6f25b5667a5d7be; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+ALTER TABLE ONLY public.quiz_submission
+ ADD CONSTRAINT "PK_af730e984e8f6f25b5667a5d7be" PRIMARY KEY (id);
+-- Name: question_response PK_b6c14a10d1d808f247ad89f4685; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+ALTER TABLE ONLY public.question_response
+ ADD CONSTRAINT "PK_b6c14a10d1d808f247ad89f4685" PRIMARY KEY (id);
+-- Name: user PK_cace4a159ff9f2512dd42373760; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+ALTER TABLE ONLY public."user"
+ ADD CONSTRAINT "PK_cace4a159ff9f2512dd42373760" PRIMARY KEY (id);
+-- Name: game_event PK_d979b8a4d47b02b8f87322f33e0; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+ALTER TABLE ONLY public.game_event
+ ADD CONSTRAINT "PK_d979b8a4d47b02b8f87322f33e0" PRIMARY KEY (id);
+-- Name: chat_report PK_ebb459eb4da2a5061ff8d6e415e; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+ALTER TABLE ONLY public.chat_report
+ ADD CONSTRAINT "PK_ebb459eb4da2a5061ff8d6e415e" PRIMARY KEY (id);
+-- Name: solo_game REL_39a6a51dc8dbc70626d59fe06d; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+ALTER TABLE ONLY public.solo_game
+ ADD CONSTRAINT "REL_39a6a51dc8dbc70626d59fe06d" UNIQUE ("deckId");
+-- Name: teacher REL_4f596730e16ee49d9b081b5d8e; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+ALTER TABLE ONLY public.teacher
+ ADD CONSTRAINT "REL_4f596730e16ee49d9b081b5d8e" UNIQUE ("userId");
+-- Name: solo_game_round REL_a31e55e614589c1806a4b96f15; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+ALTER TABLE ONLY public.solo_game_round
+ ADD CONSTRAINT "REL_a31e55e614589c1806a4b96f15" UNIQUE ("decisionId");
+-- Name: student REL_b35463776b4a11a3df3c30d920; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+ALTER TABLE ONLY public.student
+ ADD CONSTRAINT "REL_b35463776b4a11a3df3c30d920" UNIQUE ("userId");
+-- Name: game REL_cd57acb58d1147c23da5cd09ca; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+ALTER TABLE ONLY public.game
+ ADD CONSTRAINT "REL_cd57acb58d1147c23da5cd09ca" UNIQUE ("winnerId");
+-- Name: solo_game REL_ee276d60507980ddead8f08c80; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+ALTER TABLE ONLY public.solo_game
+ ADD CONSTRAINT "REL_ee276d60507980ddead8f08c80" UNIQUE ("playerId");
+-- Name: tournament UQ_39c996e461f5fe152d4811f9e54; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+ALTER TABLE ONLY public.tournament
+ ADD CONSTRAINT "UQ_39c996e461f5fe152d4811f9e54" UNIQUE (name);
+-- Name: tournament_round_invite UQ_4604294bf59d5e001f0361f2a33; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+ALTER TABLE ONLY public.tournament_round_invite
+ ADD CONSTRAINT "UQ_4604294bf59d5e001f0361f2a33" UNIQUE ("userId", "tournamentRoundId");
+-- Name: classroom UQ_5001c4e5dbc1507f8ad6578f3e1; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+ALTER TABLE ONLY public.classroom
+ ADD CONSTRAINT "UQ_5001c4e5dbc1507f8ad6578f3e1" UNIQUE ("authToken");
+-- Name: student UQ_77adce5802e7f39e1fb53885c8f; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+ALTER TABLE ONLY public.student
+ ADD CONSTRAINT "UQ_77adce5802e7f39e1fb53885c8f" UNIQUE ("rejoinCode");
+-- Name: user UQ_78a916df40e02a9deb1c4b75edb; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+ALTER TABLE ONLY public."user"
+ ADD CONSTRAINT "UQ_78a916df40e02a9deb1c4b75edb" UNIQUE (username);
+-- Name: user UQ_e12875dfb3b1d92d7d7c5377e22; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+ALTER TABLE ONLY public."user"
+ ADD CONSTRAINT "UQ_e12875dfb3b1d92d7d7c5377e22" UNIQUE (email);
+-- Name: IDX_03fa7ee872d41e983bdda793fc; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+CREATE INDEX "IDX_03fa7ee872d41e983bdda793fc" ON public.tournament_treatments_treatment USING btree ("tournamentId");
+-- Name: IDX_38eaef09c6bb65d223f53e8d74; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+CREATE INDEX "IDX_38eaef09c6bb65d223f53e8d74" ON public.tournament_treatments_treatment USING btree ("treatmentId");
+-- Name: tournament_treatments_treatment FK_03fa7ee872d41e983bdda793fc3; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+ALTER TABLE ONLY public.tournament_treatments_treatment
+ ADD CONSTRAINT "FK_03fa7ee872d41e983bdda793fc3" FOREIGN KEY ("tournamentId") REFERENCES public.tournament(id) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE CASCADE;
+-- Name: tournament_round_date FK_0d1fb1e55339e433e212fbd7212; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+ALTER TABLE ONLY public.tournament_round_date
+ ADD CONSTRAINT "FK_0d1fb1e55339e433e212fbd7212" FOREIGN KEY ("tournamentRoundId") REFERENCES public.tournament_round(id);
+-- Name: tournament_round_invite FK_10661028f07a7359fbbb45e4345; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+ALTER TABLE ONLY public.tournament_round_invite
+ ADD CONSTRAINT "FK_10661028f07a7359fbbb45e4345" FOREIGN KEY ("userId") REFERENCES public."user"(id);
+-- Name: tournament_round_invite FK_190cbb0d8573db49e599c973d5f; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+ALTER TABLE ONLY public.tournament_round_invite
+ ADD CONSTRAINT "FK_190cbb0d8573db49e599c973d5f" FOREIGN KEY ("tournamentRoundId") REFERENCES public.tournament_round(id);
+-- Name: question_response FK_1bb7171618902f1d1935002f979; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+ALTER TABLE ONLY public.question_response
+ ADD CONSTRAINT "FK_1bb7171618902f1d1935002f979" FOREIGN KEY ("submissionId") REFERENCES public.quiz_submission(id);
+-- Name: classroom FK_2b3c1fa62762d7d0e828c139130; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+ALTER TABLE ONLY public.classroom
+ ADD CONSTRAINT "FK_2b3c1fa62762d7d0e828c139130" FOREIGN KEY ("teacherId") REFERENCES public.teacher(id);
+-- Name: tournament_treatments_treatment FK_38eaef09c6bb65d223f53e8d74f; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+ALTER TABLE ONLY public.tournament_treatments_treatment
+ ADD CONSTRAINT "FK_38eaef09c6bb65d223f53e8d74f" FOREIGN KEY ("treatmentId") REFERENCES public.treatment(id) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE CASCADE;
+-- Name: solo_game FK_39a6a51dc8dbc70626d59fe06db; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+ALTER TABLE ONLY public.solo_game
+ ADD CONSTRAINT "FK_39a6a51dc8dbc70626d59fe06db" FOREIGN KEY ("deckId") REFERENCES public.solo_mars_event_deck(id);
+-- Name: moderation_action FK_41198e6096b6a55b1f5c5549beb; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+ALTER TABLE ONLY public.moderation_action
+ ADD CONSTRAINT "FK_41198e6096b6a55b1f5c5549beb" FOREIGN KEY ("userId") REFERENCES public."user"(id);
+-- Name: student FK_426224f5597213259b1d58fc0f4; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+ALTER TABLE ONLY public.student
+ ADD CONSTRAINT "FK_426224f5597213259b1d58fc0f4" FOREIGN KEY ("classroomId") REFERENCES public.classroom(id);
+-- Name: tournament_round FK_427f88a9c9475d0c248c0321736; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+ALTER TABLE ONLY public.tournament_round
+ ADD CONSTRAINT "FK_427f88a9c9475d0c248c0321736" FOREIGN KEY ("tournamentId") REFERENCES public.tournament(id);
+-- Name: solo_game_round FK_4561cd9a73086f238bc0433e0d2; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+ALTER TABLE ONLY public.solo_game_round
+ ADD CONSTRAINT "FK_4561cd9a73086f238bc0433e0d2" FOREIGN KEY ("gameId") REFERENCES public.solo_game(id);
+-- Name: question FK_4959a4225f25d923111e54c7cd2; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+ALTER TABLE ONLY public.question
+ ADD CONSTRAINT "FK_4959a4225f25d923111e54c7cd2" FOREIGN KEY ("quizId") REFERENCES public.quiz(id);
+-- Name: chat_report FK_4bcf26a31b96ed582fe5492e5da; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+ALTER TABLE ONLY public.chat_report
+ ADD CONSTRAINT "FK_4bcf26a31b96ed582fe5492e5da" FOREIGN KEY ("userId") REFERENCES public."user"(id);
+-- Name: teacher FK_4f596730e16ee49d9b081b5d8e5; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+ALTER TABLE ONLY public.teacher
+ ADD CONSTRAINT "FK_4f596730e16ee49d9b081b5d8e5" FOREIGN KEY ("userId") REFERENCES public."user"(id);
+-- Name: quiz_submission FK_611bef6102c491c49be42432c17; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+ALTER TABLE ONLY public.quiz_submission
+ ADD CONSTRAINT "FK_611bef6102c491c49be42432c17" FOREIGN KEY ("userId") REFERENCES public."user"(id);
+-- Name: moderation_action FK_64cb2162b81e4f4c4d778f1ed2d; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+ALTER TABLE ONLY public.moderation_action
+ ADD CONSTRAINT "FK_64cb2162b81e4f4c4d778f1ed2d" FOREIGN KEY ("reportId") REFERENCES public.chat_report(id);
+-- Name: solo_high_score FK_71c90c349c4faf3b1f071edaec3; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+ALTER TABLE ONLY public.solo_high_score
+ ADD CONSTRAINT "FK_71c90c349c4faf3b1f071edaec3" FOREIGN KEY ("userId") REFERENCES public."user"(id);
+-- Name: game_event FK_71fa66873a3ea8dabfa3b267432; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+ALTER TABLE ONLY public.game_event
+ ADD CONSTRAINT "FK_71fa66873a3ea8dabfa3b267432" FOREIGN KEY ("gameId") REFERENCES public.game(id);
+-- Name: solo_mars_event_deck_card FK_732e7ef62231a3b1f8a692b9ca9; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+ALTER TABLE ONLY public.solo_mars_event_deck_card
+ ADD CONSTRAINT "FK_732e7ef62231a3b1f8a692b9ca9" FOREIGN KEY ("roundId") REFERENCES public.solo_game_round(id);
+-- Name: player FK_7687919bf054bf262c669d3ae21; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+ALTER TABLE ONLY public.player
+ ADD CONSTRAINT "FK_7687919bf054bf262c669d3ae21" FOREIGN KEY ("userId") REFERENCES public."user"(id);
+-- Name: solo_mars_event_deck_card FK_794e3e38b173d64eec1f2962996; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+ALTER TABLE ONLY public.solo_mars_event_deck_card
+ ADD CONSTRAINT "FK_794e3e38b173d64eec1f2962996" FOREIGN KEY ("cardId") REFERENCES public.solo_mars_event_card(id);
+-- Name: tournament_round_signup FK_7a74b3434f7b9fd1e2dd345128c; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+ALTER TABLE ONLY public.tournament_round_signup
+ ADD CONSTRAINT "FK_7a74b3434f7b9fd1e2dd345128c" FOREIGN KEY ("tournamentRoundDateId") REFERENCES public.tournament_round_date(id);
+-- Name: solo_game FK_7ba902b4f916952de522fbf7d0e; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+ALTER TABLE ONLY public.solo_game
+ ADD CONSTRAINT "FK_7ba902b4f916952de522fbf7d0e" FOREIGN KEY ("treatmentId") REFERENCES public.solo_game_treatment(id);
+-- Name: player FK_7dfdd31fcd2b5aa3b08ed15fe8a; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+ALTER TABLE ONLY public.player
+ ADD CONSTRAINT "FK_7dfdd31fcd2b5aa3b08ed15fe8a" FOREIGN KEY ("gameId") REFERENCES public.game(id);
+-- Name: question_response FK_91f0c1f6c501e01525c9db6df29; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+ALTER TABLE ONLY public.question_response
+ ADD CONSTRAINT "FK_91f0c1f6c501e01525c9db6df29" FOREIGN KEY ("questionId") REFERENCES public.question(id);
+-- Name: lobby_chat_message FK_96a0bc5d48c597dbd5ea6400feb; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+ALTER TABLE ONLY public.lobby_chat_message
+ ADD CONSTRAINT "FK_96a0bc5d48c597dbd5ea6400feb" FOREIGN KEY ("userId") REFERENCES public."user"(id);
+-- Name: solo_game_round FK_a31e55e614589c1806a4b96f158; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+ALTER TABLE ONLY public.solo_game_round
+ ADD CONSTRAINT "FK_a31e55e614589c1806a4b96f158" FOREIGN KEY ("decisionId") REFERENCES public.solo_player_decision(id);
+-- Name: solo_mars_event_deck_card FK_a48822e171d01382a35c0d087fb; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+ALTER TABLE ONLY public.solo_mars_event_deck_card
+ ADD CONSTRAINT "FK_a48822e171d01382a35c0d087fb" FOREIGN KEY ("deckId") REFERENCES public.solo_mars_event_deck(id);
+-- Name: student FK_b35463776b4a11a3df3c30d920a; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+ALTER TABLE ONLY public.student
+ ADD CONSTRAINT "FK_b35463776b4a11a3df3c30d920a" FOREIGN KEY ("userId") REFERENCES public."user"(id);
+-- Name: moderation_action FK_b63b644db636b8abd2d4cfaf54d; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+ALTER TABLE ONLY public.moderation_action
+ ADD CONSTRAINT "FK_b63b644db636b8abd2d4cfaf54d" FOREIGN KEY ("adminId") REFERENCES public."user"(id);
+-- Name: game FK_c02c037ca5f7f6d22d82c4e18fa; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+ALTER TABLE ONLY public.game
+ ADD CONSTRAINT "FK_c02c037ca5f7f6d22d82c4e18fa" FOREIGN KEY ("tournamentRoundId") REFERENCES public.tournament_round(id);
+-- Name: game FK_c788ccf03f8452ec179982a4fbc; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+ALTER TABLE ONLY public.game
+ ADD CONSTRAINT "FK_c788ccf03f8452ec179982a4fbc" FOREIGN KEY ("treatmentId") REFERENCES public.treatment(id);
+-- Name: game FK_cd57acb58d1147c23da5cd09cae; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+ALTER TABLE ONLY public.game
+ ADD CONSTRAINT "FK_cd57acb58d1147c23da5cd09cae" FOREIGN KEY ("winnerId") REFERENCES public.player(id);
+-- Name: quiz_submission FK_d80e4bff3be137d3f97a5ac42d7; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+ALTER TABLE ONLY public.quiz_submission
+ ADD CONSTRAINT "FK_d80e4bff3be137d3f97a5ac42d7" FOREIGN KEY ("quizId") REFERENCES public.quiz(id);
+-- Name: tournament_round_signup FK_e23420d741d9efa72888f948d8e; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+ALTER TABLE ONLY public.tournament_round_signup
+ ADD CONSTRAINT "FK_e23420d741d9efa72888f948d8e" FOREIGN KEY ("tournamentRoundInviteId") REFERENCES public.tournament_round_invite(id);
+-- Name: chat_report FK_e2629ead95a4b6c06436b708505; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+ALTER TABLE ONLY public.chat_report
+ ADD CONSTRAINT "FK_e2629ead95a4b6c06436b708505" FOREIGN KEY ("gameId") REFERENCES public.game(id);
+-- Name: solo_game FK_ee276d60507980ddead8f08c80a; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+ALTER TABLE ONLY public.solo_game
+ ADD CONSTRAINT "FK_ee276d60507980ddead8f08c80a" FOREIGN KEY ("playerId") REFERENCES public.solo_player(id);
+-- Name: solo_player FK_f3655aa944db2032d6d9453c5c7; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+ALTER TABLE ONLY public.solo_player
+ ADD CONSTRAINT "FK_f3655aa944db2032d6d9453c5c7" FOREIGN KEY ("userId") REFERENCES public."user"(id);
+-- Name: SCHEMA public; Type: ACL; Schema: -; Owner: marsmadness
+-- PostgreSQL database dump complete
diff --git a/server/pom-db.sql b/server/pom-db.sql
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1f7b51e7e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/server/pom-db.sql
@@ -0,0 +1,4182 @@
+-- PostgreSQL database dump
+-- Dumped from database version 12.20 (Debian 12.20-1.pgdg120+1)
+-- Dumped by pg_dump version 15.8 (Debian 15.8-0+deb12u1)
+SET statement_timeout = 0;
+SET lock_timeout = 0;
+SET idle_in_transaction_session_timeout = 0;
+SET client_encoding = 'UTF8';
+SET standard_conforming_strings = on;
+SELECT pg_catalog.set_config('search_path', '', false);
+SET check_function_bodies = false;
+SET xmloption = content;
+SET client_min_messages = warning;
+SET row_security = off;
+-- Name: public; Type: SCHEMA; Schema: -; Owner: marsmadness
+-- *not* creating schema, since initdb creates it
+ALTER SCHEMA public OWNER TO marsmadness;
+-- Name: uuid-ossp; Type: EXTENSION; Schema: -; Owner: -
+-- Name: EXTENSION "uuid-ossp"; Type: COMMENT; Schema: -; Owner:
+COMMENT ON EXTENSION "uuid-ossp" IS 'generate universally unique identifiers (UUIDs)';
+-- Name: moderation_action_action_enum; Type: TYPE; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+CREATE TYPE public.moderation_action_action_enum AS ENUM (
+ 'mute',
+ 'ban',
+ 'none'
+ALTER TYPE public.moderation_action_action_enum OWNER TO marsmadness;
+-- Name: player_role_enum; Type: TYPE; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+CREATE TYPE public.player_role_enum AS ENUM (
+ 'Curator',
+ 'Entrepreneur',
+ 'Pioneer',
+ 'Politician',
+ 'Researcher'
+ALTER TYPE public.player_role_enum OWNER TO marsmadness;
+-- Name: solo_game_status_enum; Type: TYPE; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+CREATE TYPE public.solo_game_status_enum AS ENUM (
+ 'incomplete',
+ 'victory',
+ 'defeat'
+ALTER TYPE public.solo_game_status_enum OWNER TO marsmadness;
+-- Name: solo_game_treatment_thresholdinformation_enum; Type: TYPE; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+CREATE TYPE public.solo_game_treatment_thresholdinformation_enum AS ENUM (
+ 'unknown',
+ 'range',
+ 'known'
+ALTER TYPE public.solo_game_treatment_thresholdinformation_enum OWNER TO marsmadness;
+SET default_tablespace = '';
+SET default_table_access_method = heap;
+-- Name: chat_report; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+CREATE TABLE public.chat_report (
+ id integer NOT NULL,
+ "dateCreated" timestamp without time zone DEFAULT now() NOT NULL,
+ "gameId" integer NOT NULL,
+ "userId" integer NOT NULL,
+ message jsonb NOT NULL,
+ resolved boolean DEFAULT false NOT NULL
+ALTER TABLE public.chat_report OWNER TO marsmadness;
+-- Name: chat_report_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+CREATE SEQUENCE public.chat_report_id_seq
+ AS integer
+ CACHE 1;
+ALTER TABLE public.chat_report_id_seq OWNER TO marsmadness;
+-- Name: chat_report_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+ALTER SEQUENCE public.chat_report_id_seq OWNED BY public.chat_report.id;
+-- Name: classroom; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+CREATE TABLE public.classroom (
+ id integer NOT NULL,
+ "teacherId" integer NOT NULL,
+ "authToken" character varying NOT NULL,
+ descriptor character varying NOT NULL
+ALTER TABLE public.classroom OWNER TO marsmadness;
+-- Name: classroom_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+CREATE SEQUENCE public.classroom_id_seq
+ AS integer
+ CACHE 1;
+ALTER TABLE public.classroom_id_seq OWNER TO marsmadness;
+-- Name: classroom_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+ALTER SEQUENCE public.classroom_id_seq OWNED BY public.classroom.id;
+-- Name: game; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+CREATE TABLE public.game (
+ id integer NOT NULL,
+ "roomId" character varying NOT NULL,
+ "buildId" character varying NOT NULL,
+ "dateCreated" timestamp without time zone DEFAULT now() NOT NULL,
+ "dateFinalized" timestamp without time zone,
+ "tournamentRoundId" integer NOT NULL,
+ status character varying DEFAULT 'incomplete'::character varying NOT NULL,
+ "winnerId" integer,
+ type character varying DEFAULT 'freeplay'::character varying NOT NULL,
+ "treatmentId" integer,
+ "classroomId" integer
+ALTER TABLE public.game OWNER TO marsmadness;
+-- Name: game_event; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+CREATE TABLE public.game_event (
+ id integer NOT NULL,
+ "gameId" integer NOT NULL,
+ type character varying NOT NULL,
+ payload jsonb NOT NULL,
+ "dateCreated" timestamp without time zone NOT NULL,
+ "timeRemaining" integer NOT NULL
+ALTER TABLE public.game_event OWNER TO marsmadness;
+-- Name: game_event_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+CREATE SEQUENCE public.game_event_id_seq
+ AS integer
+ CACHE 1;
+ALTER TABLE public.game_event_id_seq OWNER TO marsmadness;
+-- Name: game_event_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+ALTER SEQUENCE public.game_event_id_seq OWNED BY public.game_event.id;
+-- Name: game_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+CREATE SEQUENCE public.game_id_seq
+ AS integer
+ CACHE 1;
+ALTER TABLE public.game_id_seq OWNER TO marsmadness;
+-- Name: game_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+ALTER SEQUENCE public.game_id_seq OWNED BY public.game.id;
+-- Name: lobby_chat_message; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+CREATE TABLE public.lobby_chat_message (
+ id integer NOT NULL,
+ "dateCreated" timestamp without time zone NOT NULL,
+ "userId" integer NOT NULL,
+ message character varying NOT NULL,
+ "roomId" character varying NOT NULL,
+ "lobbyType" character varying NOT NULL
+ALTER TABLE public.lobby_chat_message OWNER TO marsmadness;
+-- Name: lobby_chat_message_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+CREATE SEQUENCE public.lobby_chat_message_id_seq
+ AS integer
+ CACHE 1;
+ALTER TABLE public.lobby_chat_message_id_seq OWNER TO marsmadness;
+-- Name: lobby_chat_message_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+ALTER SEQUENCE public.lobby_chat_message_id_seq OWNED BY public.lobby_chat_message.id;
+-- Name: migrations; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+CREATE TABLE public.migrations (
+ id integer NOT NULL,
+ "timestamp" bigint NOT NULL,
+ name character varying NOT NULL
+ALTER TABLE public.migrations OWNER TO marsmadness;
+-- Name: migrations_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+CREATE SEQUENCE public.migrations_id_seq
+ AS integer
+ CACHE 1;
+ALTER TABLE public.migrations_id_seq OWNER TO marsmadness;
+-- Name: migrations_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+ALTER SEQUENCE public.migrations_id_seq OWNED BY public.migrations.id;
+-- Name: moderation_action; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+CREATE TABLE public.moderation_action (
+ id integer NOT NULL,
+ "reportId" integer NOT NULL,
+ "userId" integer NOT NULL,
+ "adminId" integer NOT NULL,
+ action public.moderation_action_action_enum NOT NULL,
+ "dateCreated" timestamp without time zone DEFAULT now() NOT NULL,
+ "daysMuted" integer,
+ "dateMuteExpires" timestamp without time zone GENERATED ALWAYS AS (
+ WHEN ("daysMuted" IS NOT NULL) THEN ("dateCreated" + ('1 day'::interval * ("daysMuted")::double precision))
+ ELSE NULL::timestamp without time zone
+ revoked boolean DEFAULT false NOT NULL
+ALTER TABLE public.moderation_action OWNER TO marsmadness;
+-- Name: moderation_action_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+CREATE SEQUENCE public.moderation_action_id_seq
+ AS integer
+ CACHE 1;
+ALTER TABLE public.moderation_action_id_seq OWNER TO marsmadness;
+-- Name: moderation_action_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+ALTER SEQUENCE public.moderation_action_id_seq OWNED BY public.moderation_action.id;
+-- Name: player; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+CREATE TABLE public.player (
+ id integer NOT NULL,
+ role public.player_role_enum NOT NULL,
+ "userId" integer NOT NULL,
+ "gameId" integer NOT NULL,
+ points integer,
+ "playerIp" character varying DEFAULT ''::character varying NOT NULL
+ALTER TABLE public.player OWNER TO marsmadness;
+-- Name: player_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+CREATE SEQUENCE public.player_id_seq
+ AS integer
+ CACHE 1;
+ALTER TABLE public.player_id_seq OWNER TO marsmadness;
+-- Name: player_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+ALTER SEQUENCE public.player_id_seq OWNED BY public.player.id;
+-- Name: question; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+CREATE TABLE public.question (
+ id integer NOT NULL,
+ "quizId" integer NOT NULL,
+ question character varying NOT NULL,
+ options jsonb NOT NULL,
+ "correctAnswer" integer NOT NULL,
+ "tutorialElementId" character varying NOT NULL,
+ "order" integer NOT NULL
+ALTER TABLE public.question OWNER TO marsmadness;
+-- Name: question_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+CREATE SEQUENCE public.question_id_seq
+ AS integer
+ CACHE 1;
+ALTER TABLE public.question_id_seq OWNER TO marsmadness;
+-- Name: question_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+ALTER SEQUENCE public.question_id_seq OWNED BY public.question.id;
+-- Name: question_response; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+CREATE TABLE public.question_response (
+ id integer NOT NULL,
+ "questionId" integer NOT NULL,
+ "submissionId" integer NOT NULL,
+ answer integer NOT NULL,
+ "dateCreated" timestamp without time zone DEFAULT now() NOT NULL
+ALTER TABLE public.question_response OWNER TO marsmadness;
+-- Name: question_response_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+CREATE SEQUENCE public.question_response_id_seq
+ AS integer
+ CACHE 1;
+ALTER TABLE public.question_response_id_seq OWNER TO marsmadness;
+-- Name: question_response_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+ALTER SEQUENCE public.question_response_id_seq OWNED BY public.question_response.id;
+-- Name: quiz; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+CREATE TABLE public.quiz (
+ id integer NOT NULL,
+ name character varying NOT NULL
+ALTER TABLE public.quiz OWNER TO marsmadness;
+-- Name: quiz_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+CREATE SEQUENCE public.quiz_id_seq
+ AS integer
+ CACHE 1;
+ALTER TABLE public.quiz_id_seq OWNER TO marsmadness;
+-- Name: quiz_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+ALTER SEQUENCE public.quiz_id_seq OWNED BY public.quiz.id;
+-- Name: quiz_submission; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+CREATE TABLE public.quiz_submission (
+ id integer NOT NULL,
+ "userId" integer NOT NULL,
+ "dateCreated" timestamp without time zone DEFAULT now() NOT NULL,
+ "quizId" integer NOT NULL
+ALTER TABLE public.quiz_submission OWNER TO marsmadness;
+-- Name: quiz_submission_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+CREATE SEQUENCE public.quiz_submission_id_seq
+ AS integer
+ CACHE 1;
+ALTER TABLE public.quiz_submission_id_seq OWNER TO marsmadness;
+-- Name: quiz_submission_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+ALTER SEQUENCE public.quiz_submission_id_seq OWNED BY public.quiz_submission.id;
+-- Name: solo_game; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+CREATE TABLE public.solo_game (
+ id integer NOT NULL,
+ "dateCreated" timestamp without time zone DEFAULT now() NOT NULL,
+ "playerId" integer NOT NULL,
+ "treatmentId" integer NOT NULL,
+ "deckId" integer NOT NULL,
+ status public.solo_game_status_enum NOT NULL,
+ "twoEventsThreshold" integer NOT NULL,
+ "threeEventsThreshold" integer NOT NULL,
+ "maxRound" integer DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL
+ALTER TABLE public.solo_game OWNER TO marsmadness;
+-- Name: solo_game_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+CREATE SEQUENCE public.solo_game_id_seq
+ AS integer
+ CACHE 1;
+ALTER TABLE public.solo_game_id_seq OWNER TO marsmadness;
+-- Name: solo_game_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+ALTER SEQUENCE public.solo_game_id_seq OWNED BY public.solo_game.id;
+-- Name: solo_game_round; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+CREATE TABLE public.solo_game_round (
+ id integer NOT NULL,
+ "dateCreated" timestamp without time zone DEFAULT now() NOT NULL,
+ "gameId" integer NOT NULL,
+ "roundNumber" integer NOT NULL,
+ "decisionId" integer NOT NULL,
+ "initialSystemHealth" integer NOT NULL,
+ "initialPoints" integer NOT NULL
+ALTER TABLE public.solo_game_round OWNER TO marsmadness;
+-- Name: solo_game_round_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+CREATE SEQUENCE public.solo_game_round_id_seq
+ AS integer
+ CACHE 1;
+ALTER TABLE public.solo_game_round_id_seq OWNER TO marsmadness;
+-- Name: solo_game_round_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+ALTER SEQUENCE public.solo_game_round_id_seq OWNED BY public.solo_game_round.id;
+-- Name: solo_game_treatment; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+CREATE TABLE public.solo_game_treatment (
+ id integer NOT NULL,
+ "isNumberOfRoundsKnown" boolean NOT NULL,
+ "isEventDeckKnown" boolean NOT NULL,
+ "thresholdInformation" public.solo_game_treatment_thresholdinformation_enum NOT NULL
+ALTER TABLE public.solo_game_treatment OWNER TO marsmadness;
+-- Name: solo_game_treatment_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+CREATE SEQUENCE public.solo_game_treatment_id_seq
+ AS integer
+ CACHE 1;
+ALTER TABLE public.solo_game_treatment_id_seq OWNER TO marsmadness;
+-- Name: solo_game_treatment_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+ALTER SEQUENCE public.solo_game_treatment_id_seq OWNED BY public.solo_game_treatment.id;
+-- Name: solo_high_score; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+CREATE TABLE public.solo_high_score (
+ id integer NOT NULL,
+ "userId" integer NOT NULL,
+ "pointsPerRound" double precision NOT NULL,
+ points integer NOT NULL,
+ "maxRound" integer NOT NULL,
+ "gameId" integer,
+ "dateCreated" timestamp without time zone DEFAULT now() NOT NULL,
+ "lastModified" timestamp without time zone DEFAULT now() NOT NULL
+ALTER TABLE public.solo_high_score OWNER TO marsmadness;
+-- Name: solo_high_score_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+CREATE SEQUENCE public.solo_high_score_id_seq
+ AS integer
+ CACHE 1;
+ALTER TABLE public.solo_high_score_id_seq OWNER TO marsmadness;
+-- Name: solo_high_score_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+ALTER SEQUENCE public.solo_high_score_id_seq OWNED BY public.solo_high_score.id;
+-- Name: solo_mars_event_card; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+CREATE TABLE public.solo_mars_event_card (
+ id integer NOT NULL,
+ "codeName" character varying NOT NULL,
+ "displayName" character varying NOT NULL,
+ "flavorText" character varying NOT NULL,
+ effect character varying NOT NULL,
+ "drawMin" integer NOT NULL,
+ "drawMax" integer NOT NULL,
+ "rollMin" integer NOT NULL,
+ "rollMax" integer NOT NULL,
+ "systemHealthMultiplier" integer NOT NULL,
+ "pointsMultiplier" integer NOT NULL,
+ "resourcesMultiplier" integer NOT NULL
+ALTER TABLE public.solo_mars_event_card OWNER TO marsmadness;
+-- Name: solo_mars_event_card_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+CREATE SEQUENCE public.solo_mars_event_card_id_seq
+ AS integer
+ CACHE 1;
+ALTER TABLE public.solo_mars_event_card_id_seq OWNER TO marsmadness;
+-- Name: solo_mars_event_card_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+ALTER SEQUENCE public.solo_mars_event_card_id_seq OWNED BY public.solo_mars_event_card.id;
+-- Name: solo_mars_event_deck; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+CREATE TABLE public.solo_mars_event_deck (
+ id integer NOT NULL
+ALTER TABLE public.solo_mars_event_deck OWNER TO marsmadness;
+-- Name: solo_mars_event_deck_card; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+CREATE TABLE public.solo_mars_event_deck_card (
+ id integer NOT NULL,
+ "dateCreated" timestamp without time zone DEFAULT now() NOT NULL,
+ "deckId" integer NOT NULL,
+ "cardId" integer NOT NULL,
+ "effectText" character varying NOT NULL,
+ "systemHealthEffect" integer NOT NULL,
+ "resourcesEffect" integer NOT NULL,
+ "pointsEffect" integer NOT NULL,
+ "roundId" integer
+ALTER TABLE public.solo_mars_event_deck_card OWNER TO marsmadness;
+-- Name: solo_mars_event_deck_card_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+CREATE SEQUENCE public.solo_mars_event_deck_card_id_seq
+ AS integer
+ CACHE 1;
+ALTER TABLE public.solo_mars_event_deck_card_id_seq OWNER TO marsmadness;
+-- Name: solo_mars_event_deck_card_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+ALTER SEQUENCE public.solo_mars_event_deck_card_id_seq OWNED BY public.solo_mars_event_deck_card.id;
+-- Name: solo_mars_event_deck_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+CREATE SEQUENCE public.solo_mars_event_deck_id_seq
+ AS integer
+ CACHE 1;
+ALTER TABLE public.solo_mars_event_deck_id_seq OWNER TO marsmadness;
+-- Name: solo_mars_event_deck_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+ALTER SEQUENCE public.solo_mars_event_deck_id_seq OWNED BY public.solo_mars_event_deck.id;
+-- Name: solo_player; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+CREATE TABLE public.solo_player (
+ id integer NOT NULL,
+ "userId" integer NOT NULL,
+ "playerIp" character varying DEFAULT ''::character varying NOT NULL,
+ "gameId" integer,
+ points integer,
+ "dateCreated" timestamp without time zone DEFAULT now() NOT NULL
+ALTER TABLE public.solo_player OWNER TO marsmadness;
+-- Name: solo_player_decision; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+CREATE TABLE public.solo_player_decision (
+ id integer NOT NULL,
+ "systemHealthInvestment" integer NOT NULL,
+ "pointsInvestment" integer NOT NULL
+ALTER TABLE public.solo_player_decision OWNER TO marsmadness;
+-- Name: solo_player_decision_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+CREATE SEQUENCE public.solo_player_decision_id_seq
+ AS integer
+ CACHE 1;
+ALTER TABLE public.solo_player_decision_id_seq OWNER TO marsmadness;
+-- Name: solo_player_decision_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+ALTER SEQUENCE public.solo_player_decision_id_seq OWNED BY public.solo_player_decision.id;
+-- Name: solo_player_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+CREATE SEQUENCE public.solo_player_id_seq
+ AS integer
+ CACHE 1;
+ALTER TABLE public.solo_player_id_seq OWNER TO marsmadness;
+-- Name: solo_player_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+ALTER SEQUENCE public.solo_player_id_seq OWNED BY public.solo_player.id;
+-- Name: student; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+CREATE TABLE public.student (
+ id integer NOT NULL,
+ "userId" integer NOT NULL,
+ "classroomId" integer NOT NULL,
+ "rejoinCode" character varying NOT NULL
+ALTER TABLE public.student OWNER TO marsmadness;
+-- Name: student_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+CREATE SEQUENCE public.student_id_seq
+ AS integer
+ CACHE 1;
+ALTER TABLE public.student_id_seq OWNER TO marsmadness;
+-- Name: student_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+ALTER SEQUENCE public.student_id_seq OWNED BY public.student.id;
+-- Name: teacher; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+CREATE TABLE public.teacher (
+ id integer NOT NULL,
+ "userId" integer NOT NULL,
+ password character varying NOT NULL
+ALTER TABLE public.teacher OWNER TO marsmadness;
+-- Name: teacher_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+CREATE SEQUENCE public.teacher_id_seq
+ AS integer
+ CACHE 1;
+ALTER TABLE public.teacher_id_seq OWNER TO marsmadness;
+-- Name: teacher_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+ALTER SEQUENCE public.teacher_id_seq OWNED BY public.teacher.id;
+-- Name: tournament; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+CREATE TABLE public.tournament (
+ id integer NOT NULL,
+ name character varying NOT NULL,
+ active boolean NOT NULL,
+ "dateCreated" timestamp without time zone DEFAULT now() NOT NULL,
+ "minNumberOfGameRounds" integer DEFAULT 8 NOT NULL,
+ "maxNumberOfGameRounds" integer DEFAULT 12 NOT NULL,
+ description character varying
+ALTER TABLE public.tournament OWNER TO marsmadness;
+-- Name: tournament_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+CREATE SEQUENCE public.tournament_id_seq
+ AS integer
+ CACHE 1;
+ALTER TABLE public.tournament_id_seq OWNER TO marsmadness;
+-- Name: tournament_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+ALTER SEQUENCE public.tournament_id_seq OWNED BY public.tournament.id;
+-- Name: tournament_round; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+CREATE TABLE public.tournament_round (
+ id integer NOT NULL,
+ "roundNumber" integer NOT NULL,
+ "numberOfGameRounds" integer DEFAULT 12 NOT NULL,
+ "tournamentId" integer NOT NULL,
+ "introSurveyUrl" character varying,
+ "exitSurveyUrl" character varying,
+ "dateCreated" timestamp without time zone DEFAULT now() NOT NULL,
+ championship boolean DEFAULT false NOT NULL,
+ announcement character varying
+ALTER TABLE public.tournament_round OWNER TO marsmadness;
+-- Name: tournament_round_date; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+CREATE TABLE public.tournament_round_date (
+ id integer NOT NULL,
+ "tournamentRoundId" integer NOT NULL,
+ "dateCreated" timestamp without time zone DEFAULT now() NOT NULL,
+ date timestamp without time zone NOT NULL
+ALTER TABLE public.tournament_round_date OWNER TO marsmadness;
+-- Name: tournament_round_date_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+CREATE SEQUENCE public.tournament_round_date_id_seq
+ AS integer
+ CACHE 1;
+ALTER TABLE public.tournament_round_date_id_seq OWNER TO marsmadness;
+-- Name: tournament_round_date_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+ALTER SEQUENCE public.tournament_round_date_id_seq OWNED BY public.tournament_round_date.id;
+-- Name: tournament_round_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+CREATE SEQUENCE public.tournament_round_id_seq
+ AS integer
+ CACHE 1;
+ALTER TABLE public.tournament_round_id_seq OWNER TO marsmadness;
+-- Name: tournament_round_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+ALTER SEQUENCE public.tournament_round_id_seq OWNED BY public.tournament_round.id;
+-- Name: tournament_round_invite; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+CREATE TABLE public.tournament_round_invite (
+ id integer NOT NULL,
+ "tournamentRoundId" integer NOT NULL,
+ "userId" integer NOT NULL,
+ "hasParticipated" boolean DEFAULT false NOT NULL,
+ "hasCompletedIntroSurvey" boolean DEFAULT false NOT NULL,
+ "hasCompletedExitSurvey" boolean DEFAULT false NOT NULL,
+ "dateCreated" timestamp without time zone DEFAULT now() NOT NULL
+ALTER TABLE public.tournament_round_invite OWNER TO marsmadness;
+-- Name: tournament_round_invite_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+CREATE SEQUENCE public.tournament_round_invite_id_seq
+ AS integer
+ CACHE 1;
+ALTER TABLE public.tournament_round_invite_id_seq OWNER TO marsmadness;
+-- Name: tournament_round_invite_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+ALTER SEQUENCE public.tournament_round_invite_id_seq OWNED BY public.tournament_round_invite.id;
+-- Name: tournament_round_signup; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+CREATE TABLE public.tournament_round_signup (
+ "tournamentRoundInviteId" integer NOT NULL,
+ "tournamentRoundDateId" integer NOT NULL
+ALTER TABLE public.tournament_round_signup OWNER TO marsmadness;
+-- Name: tournament_treatments_treatment; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+CREATE TABLE public.tournament_treatments_treatment (
+ "tournamentId" integer NOT NULL,
+ "treatmentId" integer NOT NULL
+ALTER TABLE public.tournament_treatments_treatment OWNER TO marsmadness;
+-- Name: treatment; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+CREATE TABLE public.treatment (
+ id integer NOT NULL,
+ name character varying NOT NULL,
+ description character varying NOT NULL,
+ "dateCreated" timestamp without time zone DEFAULT now() NOT NULL,
+ "marsEventOverrides" jsonb
+ALTER TABLE public.treatment OWNER TO marsmadness;
+-- Name: treatment_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+CREATE SEQUENCE public.treatment_id_seq
+ AS integer
+ CACHE 1;
+ALTER TABLE public.treatment_id_seq OWNER TO marsmadness;
+-- Name: treatment_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+ALTER SEQUENCE public.treatment_id_seq OWNED BY public.treatment.id;
+-- Name: typeorm_metadata; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+CREATE TABLE public.typeorm_metadata (
+ type character varying NOT NULL,
+ database character varying,
+ schema character varying,
+ "table" character varying,
+ name character varying,
+ value text
+ALTER TABLE public.typeorm_metadata OWNER TO marsmadness;
+-- Name: user; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+CREATE TABLE public."user" (
+ id integer NOT NULL,
+ name character varying NOT NULL,
+ username character varying NOT NULL,
+ email character varying,
+ "passedQuiz" boolean DEFAULT false NOT NULL,
+ "registrationToken" uuid DEFAULT public.uuid_generate_v4() NOT NULL,
+ "participantId" uuid DEFAULT public.uuid_generate_v4() NOT NULL,
+ "isVerified" boolean DEFAULT false NOT NULL,
+ "dateConsented" timestamp without time zone,
+ "isActive" boolean DEFAULT true NOT NULL,
+ "dateCreated" timestamp without time zone DEFAULT now() NOT NULL,
+ "isAdmin" boolean DEFAULT false NOT NULL,
+ "passportId" character varying DEFAULT ''::character varying NOT NULL,
+ "isSystemBot" boolean DEFAULT false NOT NULL,
+ "lastPlayerIp" character varying DEFAULT ''::character varying NOT NULL,
+ "isBanned" boolean DEFAULT false NOT NULL,
+ "isMuted" boolean DEFAULT false NOT NULL,
+ "muteStrikes" integer DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL
+ALTER TABLE public."user" OWNER TO marsmadness;
+-- Name: user_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+CREATE SEQUENCE public.user_id_seq
+ AS integer
+ CACHE 1;
+ALTER TABLE public.user_id_seq OWNER TO marsmadness;
+-- Name: user_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+ALTER SEQUENCE public.user_id_seq OWNED BY public."user".id;
+-- Name: chat_report id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+ALTER TABLE ONLY public.chat_report ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('public.chat_report_id_seq'::regclass);
+-- Name: classroom id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+ALTER TABLE ONLY public.classroom ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('public.classroom_id_seq'::regclass);
+-- Name: game id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+ALTER TABLE ONLY public.game ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('public.game_id_seq'::regclass);
+-- Name: game_event id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+ALTER TABLE ONLY public.game_event ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('public.game_event_id_seq'::regclass);
+-- Name: lobby_chat_message id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+ALTER TABLE ONLY public.lobby_chat_message ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('public.lobby_chat_message_id_seq'::regclass);
+-- Name: migrations id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+ALTER TABLE ONLY public.migrations ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('public.migrations_id_seq'::regclass);
+-- Name: moderation_action id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+ALTER TABLE ONLY public.moderation_action ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('public.moderation_action_id_seq'::regclass);
+-- Name: player id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+ALTER TABLE ONLY public.player ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('public.player_id_seq'::regclass);
+-- Name: question id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+ALTER TABLE ONLY public.question ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('public.question_id_seq'::regclass);
+-- Name: question_response id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+ALTER TABLE ONLY public.question_response ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('public.question_response_id_seq'::regclass);
+-- Name: quiz id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+ALTER TABLE ONLY public.quiz ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('public.quiz_id_seq'::regclass);
+-- Name: quiz_submission id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+ALTER TABLE ONLY public.quiz_submission ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('public.quiz_submission_id_seq'::regclass);
+-- Name: solo_game id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+ALTER TABLE ONLY public.solo_game ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('public.solo_game_id_seq'::regclass);
+-- Name: solo_game_round id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+ALTER TABLE ONLY public.solo_game_round ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('public.solo_game_round_id_seq'::regclass);
+-- Name: solo_game_treatment id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+ALTER TABLE ONLY public.solo_game_treatment ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('public.solo_game_treatment_id_seq'::regclass);
+-- Name: solo_high_score id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+ALTER TABLE ONLY public.solo_high_score ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('public.solo_high_score_id_seq'::regclass);
+-- Name: solo_mars_event_card id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+ALTER TABLE ONLY public.solo_mars_event_card ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('public.solo_mars_event_card_id_seq'::regclass);
+-- Name: solo_mars_event_deck id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+ALTER TABLE ONLY public.solo_mars_event_deck ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('public.solo_mars_event_deck_id_seq'::regclass);
+-- Name: solo_mars_event_deck_card id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+ALTER TABLE ONLY public.solo_mars_event_deck_card ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('public.solo_mars_event_deck_card_id_seq'::regclass);
+-- Name: solo_player id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+ALTER TABLE ONLY public.solo_player ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('public.solo_player_id_seq'::regclass);
+-- Name: solo_player_decision id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+ALTER TABLE ONLY public.solo_player_decision ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('public.solo_player_decision_id_seq'::regclass);
+-- Name: student id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+ALTER TABLE ONLY public.student ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('public.student_id_seq'::regclass);
+-- Name: teacher id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+ALTER TABLE ONLY public.teacher ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('public.teacher_id_seq'::regclass);
+-- Name: tournament id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+ALTER TABLE ONLY public.tournament ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('public.tournament_id_seq'::regclass);
+-- Name: tournament_round id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+ALTER TABLE ONLY public.tournament_round ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('public.tournament_round_id_seq'::regclass);
+-- Name: tournament_round_date id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+ALTER TABLE ONLY public.tournament_round_date ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('public.tournament_round_date_id_seq'::regclass);
+-- Name: tournament_round_invite id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+ALTER TABLE ONLY public.tournament_round_invite ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('public.tournament_round_invite_id_seq'::regclass);
+-- Name: treatment id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+ALTER TABLE ONLY public.treatment ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('public.treatment_id_seq'::regclass);
+-- Name: user id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+ALTER TABLE ONLY public."user" ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('public.user_id_seq'::regclass);
+-- Data for Name: chat_report; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+COPY public.chat_report (id, "dateCreated", "gameId", "userId", message, resolved) FROM stdin;
+-- Data for Name: classroom; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+COPY public.classroom (id, "teacherId", "authToken", descriptor) FROM stdin;
+1 1 asdf test classroom
+60 2 69237 test class 1
+76 2 22441 test class 2
+83 2 86729 test class 5
+85 2 72224 test class 4
+-- Data for Name: game; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+COPY public.game (id, "roomId", "buildId", "dateCreated", "dateFinalized", "tournamentRoundId", status, "winnerId", type, "treatmentId", "classroomId") FROM stdin;
+1 kqrzHADg_ v2023.11-119-g8658 2024-07-23 21:31:24.342244 2024-07-23 21:32:28.439 4 defeat \N classroom \N 60
+2 PMN5T4OH- v2023.11-122-gae15c6 2024-07-25 01:50:19.846694 \N 4 incomplete \N classroom \N 60
+3 yy_Pa6hBg v2023.11-122-gae15c6 2024-07-25 01:54:18.480286 2024-07-25 01:54:39.533 4 defeat \N classroom \N 60
+4 eWaM4yM3m v2023.11-122-gae15c6 2024-07-25 01:55:06.667247 2024-07-25 01:55:21.732 4 defeat \N classroom \N 60
+5 FwA3XskrK v2023.11-122-gae15c6 2024-07-26 23:00:02.725359 2024-07-26 23:05:33.789 4 defeat \N classroom \N 60
+6 SlJL5hp5d v2023.11-124-g59091 2024-07-31 00:58:24.67688 2024-07-31 01:04:29.736 4 defeat \N classroom \N 60
+-- Data for Name: game_event; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+COPY public.game_event (id, "gameId", type, payload, "dateCreated", "timeRemaining") FROM stdin;
+1 1 taken-state-snapshot {"logs": [], "phase": 0, "round": 1, "players": {"Curator": {"role": "Curator", "costs": {"legacy": 3, "culture": 2, "finance": 3, "science": 1000, "government": 1000, "systemHealth": 1}, "isBot": true, "ready": false, "isMuted": false, "username": "MartianCamel3681", "inventory": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 0}, "specialty": "culture", "timeBlocks": 10, "victoryPoints": 0, "accomplishment": {"role": "Curator", "purchased": [], "remaining": [96, 85, 92, 90, 88, 81, 87, 94, 97, 82, 95], "purchasable": [93, 91, 89]}, "pendingInvestments": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 0, "systemHealth": 0}, "systemHealthChange": {"purchases": [], "investment": 0}}, "Pioneer": {"role": "Pioneer", "costs": {"legacy": 2, "culture": 3, "finance": 1000, "science": 3, "government": 1000, "systemHealth": 1}, "isBot": true, "ready": false, "isMuted": false, "username": "SolarCamel3847", "inventory": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 0}, "specialty": "legacy", "timeBlocks": 10, "victoryPoints": 0, "accomplishment": {"role": "Pioneer", "purchased": [], "remaining": [21, 36, 31, 35, 25, 29, 22, 30, 33, 27, 34], "purchasable": [32, 28, 37]}, "pendingInvestments": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 0, "systemHealth": 0}, "systemHealthChange": {"purchases": [], "investment": 0}}, "Politician": {"role": "Politician", "costs": {"legacy": 1000, "culture": 1000, "finance": 3, "science": 3, "government": 2, "systemHealth": 1}, "isBot": false, "ready": false, "isMuted": false, "username": "GalacticCanary4199", "inventory": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 0}, "specialty": "government", "timeBlocks": 10, "victoryPoints": 0, "accomplishment": {"role": "Politician", "purchased": [], "remaining": [74, 71, 73, 65, 70, 77, 75, 67, 68, 61, 72], "purchasable": [69, 62, 76]}, "pendingInvestments": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 0, "systemHealth": 0}, "systemHealthChange": {"purchases": [], "investment": 0}}, "Researcher": {"role": "Researcher", "costs": {"legacy": 3, "culture": 1000, "finance": 1000, "science": 2, "government": 3, "systemHealth": 1}, "isBot": true, "ready": false, "isMuted": false, "username": "LunarBison2329", "inventory": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 0}, "specialty": "science", "timeBlocks": 10, "victoryPoints": 0, "accomplishment": {"role": "Researcher", "purchased": [], "remaining": [2, 9, 12, 17, 7, 11, 10, 16, 15, 1, 13], "purchasable": [5, 8, 14]}, "pendingInvestments": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 0, "systemHealth": 0}, "systemHealthChange": {"purchases": [], "investment": 0}}, "Entrepreneur": {"role": "Entrepreneur", "costs": {"legacy": 1000, "culture": 3, "finance": 2, "science": 1000, "government": 3, "systemHealth": 1}, "isBot": true, "ready": false, "isMuted": false, "username": "AuroralCamel4881", "inventory": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 0}, "specialty": "finance", "timeBlocks": 10, "victoryPoints": 0, "accomplishment": {"role": "Entrepreneur", "purchased": [], "remaining": [48, 53, 52, 41, 47, 42, 54, 49, 57, 45, 51], "purchasable": [55, 56, 50]}, "pendingInvestments": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 0, "systemHealth": 0}, "systemHealthChange": {"purchases": [], "investment": 0}}}, "winners": [], "maxRound": 10, "messages": [], "tradeSet": {}, "userRoles": {"LunarBison2329": "Researcher", "SolarCamel3847": "Pioneer", "AuroralCamel4881": "Entrepreneur", "MartianCamel3681": "Curator", "GalacticCanary4199": "Politician"}, "marsEvents": [], "heroOrPariah": "", "systemHealth": 100, "marsEventDeck": {"deck": [{"id": "sandstorm", "name": "Sandstorm", "effect": "For the next 3 rounds, destroy an additional 10 System Health at the start of the round.", "duration": 3, "flavorText": "Buckle in - things are about to get rough. And coarse. And irritating.", "timeDuration": 10, "clientViewHandler": "NO_CHANGE"}, {"id": "murphysLaw", "name": "Murphy's Law", "effect": "Reveal 2 more events. They're both in effect.", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "Residents at Port of Mars know better than to ask, \\"what ELSE could go wrong?\\"", "timeDuration": 10, "clientViewHandler": "NO_CHANGE"}, {"id": "difficultConditions", "name": "Difficult Conditions", "effect": "System Health costs twice as many Time Blocks as usual this round.", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "When one component breaks, it puts a strain on the rest of the system. Small failures often snowball into critical ones.", "timeDuration": 15, "clientViewHandler": "NO_CHANGE"}, {"id": "changingTides", "name": "Changing Tides", "effect": "Each player discards all of their available Accomplishments and draws 1 new Accomplishment. You will be able to discard this Accomplishment at the end of this round and draw up to three new Accomplishments at the start of the next round (if this is not the final round).", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "Create contingencies for your contingencies and contingencies for those contingencies. Then prepare to improvise.", "timeDuration": 10, "clientViewHandler": "NO_CHANGE"}, {"id": "lifeAsUsual", "name": "Life as Usual", "effect": "No special effect", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "As the first human outpost on Mars, having a \\"usual\\" day is pretty unusual.", "timeDuration": 10, "clientViewHandler": "NO_CHANGE"}, {"id": "cropFailure", "name": "Crop Failure", "effect": "Destroy 20 System Health.", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "\\"The good news is we're not eating any more potatoes this cycle! The bad news is we're not sure what we're eating.\\" - The Researcher", "timeDuration": 10, "clientViewHandler": "NO_CHANGE"}, {"id": "lifeAsUsual", "name": "Life as Usual", "effect": "No special effect", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "As the first human outpost on Mars, having a \\"usual\\" day is pretty unusual.", "timeDuration": 10, "clientViewHandler": "NO_CHANGE"}, {"id": "bondingThroughAdversity", "name": "Bonding Through Adversity", "effect": "Each player gains one unit of Influence of their choice.", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "Challenges brings communities together.", "clientViewHandler": "INFLUENCES_DRAW"}, {"id": "stymied", "name": "Stymied", "effect": "Players may not earn their specialty Influence this round.", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "\\"That's very nice that you have three PhD's. Now pick up this toothbrush and help with cleaning our solar panel cells.\\"", "timeDuration": 10, "clientViewHandler": "NO_CHANGE"}, {"id": "lostTime", "name": "Lost Time", "effect": "Each player has 5 fewer Time Blocks to spend this round.", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "Time flies when you're trying to stay alive.", "timeDuration": 10, "clientViewHandler": "NO_CHANGE"}, {"id": "marketsClosed", "name": "Markets Closed", "effect": "Players may not trade Influences this round.", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "\\"Trust is difficult to build and easy to break. Yet without it, this community would fall apart.\\" - The Curator", "timeDuration": 10, "clientViewHandler": "NO_CHANGE"}, {"id": "outOfCommissionCurator", "name": "Out of Commission", "effect": "The Curator receives only 3 Time Blocks this round.", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "The mental and physical health of all residents is critical to mission success. The absence of even one person can have rippling effects on the community.", "timeDuration": 15, "clientViewHandler": "NO_CHANGE"}, {"id": "outOfCommissionEntrepreneur", "name": "Out of Commission", "effect": "The Entrepreneur receives only 3 Time Blocks this round.", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "The mental and physical health of all residents is critical to mission success. The absence of even one person can have rippling effects on the community.", "timeDuration": 15, "clientViewHandler": "NO_CHANGE"}, {"id": "outOfCommissionPioneer", "name": "Out of Commission", "effect": "The Pioneer receives only 3 Time Blocks this round.", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "The mental and physical health of all residents is critical to mission success. The absence of even one person can have rippling effects on the community.", "timeDuration": 15, "clientViewHandler": "NO_CHANGE"}, {"id": "lifeAsUsual", "name": "Life as Usual", "effect": "No special effect", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "As the first human outpost on Mars, having a \\"usual\\" day is pretty unusual.", "timeDuration": 10, "clientViewHandler": "NO_CHANGE"}, {"id": "lifeAsUsual", "name": "Life as Usual", "effect": "No special effect", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "As the first human outpost on Mars, having a \\"usual\\" day is pretty unusual.", "timeDuration": 10, "clientViewHandler": "NO_CHANGE"}, {"id": "lifeAsUsual", "name": "Life as Usual", "effect": "No special effect", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "As the first human outpost on Mars, having a \\"usual\\" day is pretty unusual.", "timeDuration": 10, "clientViewHandler": "NO_CHANGE"}, {"id": "interdisciplinary", "name": "Interdisciplinary", "effect": "For this round, each player can spend 3 Time Blocks to earn an Influence in either of the 2 Influences they normally can't create.", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "\\"Everyone knows the saying, 'Jack of all trades, master of none.' Few remember the second part: 'still better than a master of one.'\\" - The Pioneer", "timeDuration": 10, "clientViewHandler": "NO_CHANGE"}, {"id": "lifeAsUsual", "name": "Life as Usual", "effect": "No special effect", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "As the first human outpost on Mars, having a \\"usual\\" day is pretty unusual.", "timeDuration": 10, "clientViewHandler": "NO_CHANGE"}, {"id": "hullBreach", "name": "Hull Breach", "effect": "Destroy 7 System Health.", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "\\"Accidents happen. It's unavoidable. Our job is to do our best to avoid them all the same.\\"", "timeDuration": 10, "clientViewHandler": "NO_CHANGE"}, {"id": "effortsWasted", "name": "Efforts Wasted", "effect": "Each player must discard an Accomplishment that they have already purchased.", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "\\"All markets are volatile. The trick is learning how to ride the waves.\\" - The Entrepreneur", "clientViewHandler": "ACCOMPLISHMENT_SELECT_PURCHASED"}, {"id": "lifeAsUsual", "name": "Life as Usual", "effect": "No special effect", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "As the first human outpost on Mars, having a \\"usual\\" day is pretty unusual.", "timeDuration": 10, "clientViewHandler": "NO_CHANGE"}, {"id": "outOfCommissionResearcher", "name": "Out of Commission", "effect": "The Researcher receives only 3 Time Blocks this round.", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "The mental and physical health of all residents is critical to mission success. The absence of even one person can have rippling effects on the community.", "timeDuration": 15, "clientViewHandler": "NO_CHANGE"}, {"id": "lifeAsUsual", "name": "Life as Usual", "effect": "No special effect", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "As the first human outpost on Mars, having a \\"usual\\" day is pretty unusual.", "timeDuration": 10, "clientViewHandler": "NO_CHANGE"}, {"id": "outOfCommissionPolitician", "name": "Out of Commission", "effect": "The Politician receives only 3 Time Blocks this round.", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "The mental and physical health of all residents is critical to mission success. The absence of even one person can have rippling effects on the community.", "timeDuration": 15, "clientViewHandler": "NO_CHANGE"}, {"id": "heroOrPariah", "name": "Hero or Pariah", "effect": "CHOOSE ONE: Players must vote for 1 player to lose all Influence OR Players must vote for 1 player to gain 4 of their specialty Influence", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "In a community as small as Port of Mars, some individuals always stand out - for better or worse.", "clientViewHandler": "VOTE_FOR_PLAYER_HERO_PARIAH"}, {"id": "lifeAsUsual", "name": "Life as Usual", "effect": "No special effect", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "As the first human outpost on Mars, having a \\"usual\\" day is pretty unusual.", "timeDuration": 10, "clientViewHandler": "NO_CHANGE"}, {"id": "lifeAsUsual", "name": "Life as Usual", "effect": "No special effect", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "As the first human outpost on Mars, having a \\"usual\\" day is pretty unusual.", "timeDuration": 10, "clientViewHandler": "NO_CHANGE"}, {"id": "compulsivePhilanthropy", "name": "Compulsive Philanthropy", "effect": "Players must vote for one player to put all their Time Blocks into System Health this round.", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "There's nothing quite like being volun-told for the greater good.", "clientViewHandler": "VOTE_FOR_PLAYER_SINGLE"}, {"id": "solarFlare", "name": "Solar Flare", "effect": "Destroy 5 System Health. Skip discussion and trading phases this turn. Players cannot chat or trade Influences.", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "Solar flares pose a far greater threat on Mars, where a thin atmosphere and non-existent magnetic field leaves settlers more vulnerable. ", "timeDuration": 10, "clientViewHandler": "DISABLE_CHAT"}, {"id": "audit", "name": "Audit", "effect": "In this round, players will be able to view each other's accomplishments, inventories, resources and investment decisions.", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "\\"Of course we trust everyone to be truthful. But it doesn't hurt to check now and again.\\" - The Politician", "timeDuration": 10, "clientViewHandler": "AUDIT"}, {"id": "personalGain", "name": "Personal Gain", "effect": "Each player secretly chooses Yes or No. Then, simultaneously, players reveal their choice. Players who chose yes gain 6 extra Time Blocks this round, but destroy 6 System Health.", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "It's easy to take risks when others are incurring the costs.", "clientViewHandler": "VOTE_YES_NO"}, {"id": "lifeAsUsual", "name": "Life as Usual", "effect": "No special effect", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "As the first human outpost on Mars, having a \\"usual\\" day is pretty unusual.", "timeDuration": 10, "clientViewHandler": "NO_CHANGE"}, {"id": "lifeAsUsual", "name": "Life as Usual", "effect": "No special effect", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "As the first human outpost on Mars, having a \\"usual\\" day is pretty unusual.", "timeDuration": 10, "clientViewHandler": "NO_CHANGE"}, {"id": "breakdownOfTrust", "name": "Breakdown of Trust", "effect": "Each player can choose to save up to 2 units of Influence that they already own. The rest will be lost.", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "Setbacks are inevitable, but no less painful each time.", "clientViewHandler": "INFLUENCES_SELECT"}], "position": 0}, "timeRemaining": 60, "lastTimePolled": 1721770284340, "tradingEnabled": true, "roundIntroduction": {"completedTrades": [], "systemHealthMarsEvents": [], "accomplishmentPurchases": [], "systemHealthAtStartOfRound": 100, "systemHealthMaintenanceCost": -25, "systemHealthGroupContributions": {}}, "marsEventsProcessed": 0} 2024-07-23 21:31:24.369 60
+2 1 set-player-readiness {"role": "Curator", "value": true} 2024-07-23 21:31:25.353 59
+3 1 set-player-readiness {"role": "Entrepreneur", "value": true} 2024-07-23 21:31:25.353 59
+4 1 set-player-readiness {"role": "Pioneer", "value": true} 2024-07-23 21:31:25.353 59
+5 1 set-player-readiness {"role": "Researcher", "value": true} 2024-07-23 21:31:25.353 59
+6 1 subtracted-system-health-wear-and-tear {} 2024-07-23 21:32:13.782 11
+7 1 entered-investment-phase {} 2024-07-23 21:32:13.782 11
+8 1 time-invested {"role": "Curator", "investment": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 2, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 0, "systemHealth": 6}} 2024-07-23 21:32:14.384 179
+9 1 set-player-readiness {"role": "Curator", "value": true} 2024-07-23 21:32:14.384 179
+10 1 time-invested {"role": "Entrepreneur", "investment": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 2, "science": 0, "government": 0, "systemHealth": 6}} 2024-07-23 21:32:14.384 179
+11 1 set-player-readiness {"role": "Entrepreneur", "value": true} 2024-07-23 21:32:14.384 179
+12 1 time-invested {"role": "Pioneer", "investment": {"legacy": 2, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 0, "systemHealth": 6}} 2024-07-23 21:32:14.384 179
+13 1 set-player-readiness {"role": "Pioneer", "value": true} 2024-07-23 21:32:14.384 179
+14 1 time-invested {"role": "Researcher", "investment": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 2, "government": 0, "systemHealth": 6}} 2024-07-23 21:32:14.384 179
+15 1 set-player-readiness {"role": "Researcher", "value": true} 2024-07-23 21:32:14.384 179
+16 1 exited-investment-phase {} 2024-07-23 21:32:18.024 176
+17 1 entered-trade-phase {} 2024-07-23 21:32:18.024 176
+18 1 set-player-readiness {"role": "Curator", "value": true} 2024-07-23 21:32:18.376 179
+19 1 set-player-readiness {"role": "Entrepreneur", "value": true} 2024-07-23 21:32:18.376 179
+20 1 set-player-readiness {"role": "Pioneer", "value": true} 2024-07-23 21:32:18.376 179
+21 1 set-player-readiness {"role": "Researcher", "value": true} 2024-07-23 21:32:18.376 179
+22 1 exited-trade-phase {} 2024-07-23 21:32:20.708 177
+23 1 entered-purchase-phase {} 2024-07-23 21:32:20.708 177
+24 1 exited-purchase-phase {} 2024-07-23 21:32:20.912 60
+25 1 entered-discard-phase {} 2024-07-23 21:32:20.912 60
+26 1 taken-round-snapshot {"round": 1, "players": {"Curator": {"role": "Curator", "ready": false, "inventory": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 2, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 0}, "timeBlocks": 10, "victoryPoints": 0, "accomplishment": {"purchased": [], "purchasable": [93, 91, 89]}}, "Pioneer": {"role": "Pioneer", "ready": false, "inventory": {"legacy": 2, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 0}, "timeBlocks": 10, "victoryPoints": 0, "accomplishment": {"purchased": [], "purchasable": [32, 28, 37]}}, "Politician": {"role": "Politician", "ready": false, "inventory": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 0}, "timeBlocks": 10, "victoryPoints": 0, "accomplishment": {"purchased": [], "purchasable": [69, 62, 76]}}, "Researcher": {"role": "Researcher", "ready": false, "inventory": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 2, "government": 0}, "timeBlocks": 10, "victoryPoints": 0, "accomplishment": {"purchased": [], "purchasable": [5, 8, 14]}}, "Entrepreneur": {"role": "Entrepreneur", "ready": false, "inventory": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 2, "science": 0, "government": 0}, "timeBlocks": 10, "victoryPoints": 0, "accomplishment": {"purchased": [], "purchasable": [55, 56, 50]}}}, "logsLength": 1, "marsEventIds": [], "systemHealth": 75, "messagesLength": 0, "marsEventsProcessed": 0} 2024-07-23 21:32:21.137 60
+27 1 added-system-health-contributions {} 2024-07-23 21:32:21.137 60
+28 1 entered-new-round-phase {} 2024-07-23 21:32:21.137 60
+29 1 set-player-readiness {"role": "Curator", "value": true} 2024-07-23 21:32:21.387 59
+30 1 set-player-readiness {"role": "Entrepreneur", "value": true} 2024-07-23 21:32:21.387 59
+31 1 set-player-readiness {"role": "Pioneer", "value": true} 2024-07-23 21:32:21.387 59
+32 1 set-player-readiness {"role": "Researcher", "value": true} 2024-07-23 21:32:21.387 59
+33 1 subtracted-system-health-wear-and-tear {} 2024-07-23 21:32:21.977 59
+34 1 entered-mars-event-phase {} 2024-07-23 21:32:21.977 59
+35 1 initialized-mars-event {} 2024-07-23 21:32:21.977 59
+36 1 set-player-readiness {"role": "Curator", "value": true} 2024-07-23 21:32:22.354 9
+37 1 set-player-readiness {"role": "Entrepreneur", "value": true} 2024-07-23 21:32:22.354 9
+38 1 set-player-readiness {"role": "Pioneer", "value": true} 2024-07-23 21:32:22.354 9
+39 1 set-player-readiness {"role": "Researcher", "value": true} 2024-07-23 21:32:22.354 9
+40 1 set-player-readiness {"role": "Politician", "value": true} 2024-07-23 21:32:25.207 7
+41 1 finalized-mars-event {} 2024-07-23 21:32:25.37 6
+42 1 exited-mars-event-phase {} 2024-07-23 21:32:25.37 6
+43 1 entered-investment-phase {} 2024-07-23 21:32:25.37 6
+44 1 exited-investment-phase {} 2024-07-23 21:32:26.258 180
+45 1 entered-trade-phase {} 2024-07-23 21:32:26.258 180
+46 1 set-player-readiness {"role": "Curator", "value": true} 2024-07-23 21:32:26.369 179
+47 1 set-player-readiness {"role": "Entrepreneur", "value": true} 2024-07-23 21:32:26.369 179
+48 1 set-player-readiness {"role": "Pioneer", "value": true} 2024-07-23 21:32:26.369 179
+49 1 set-player-readiness {"role": "Researcher", "value": true} 2024-07-23 21:32:26.369 179
+50 1 exited-trade-phase {} 2024-07-23 21:32:26.758 179
+51 1 entered-purchase-phase {} 2024-07-23 21:32:26.758 179
+52 1 exited-purchase-phase {} 2024-07-23 21:32:26.841 60
+53 1 entered-discard-phase {} 2024-07-23 21:32:26.841 60
+54 1 taken-round-snapshot {"round": 2, "players": {"Curator": {"role": "Curator", "ready": false, "inventory": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 2, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 0}, "timeBlocks": 10, "victoryPoints": 0, "accomplishment": {"purchased": [], "purchasable": [93, 91, 89]}}, "Pioneer": {"role": "Pioneer", "ready": false, "inventory": {"legacy": 2, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 0}, "timeBlocks": 10, "victoryPoints": 0, "accomplishment": {"purchased": [], "purchasable": [32, 28, 37]}}, "Politician": {"role": "Politician", "ready": false, "inventory": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 0}, "timeBlocks": 10, "victoryPoints": 0, "accomplishment": {"purchased": [], "purchasable": [69, 62, 76]}}, "Researcher": {"role": "Researcher", "ready": false, "inventory": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 2, "government": 0}, "timeBlocks": 10, "victoryPoints": 0, "accomplishment": {"purchased": [], "purchasable": [5, 8, 14]}}, "Entrepreneur": {"role": "Entrepreneur", "ready": false, "inventory": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 2, "science": 0, "government": 0}, "timeBlocks": 10, "victoryPoints": 0, "accomplishment": {"purchased": [], "purchasable": [55, 56, 50]}}}, "logsLength": 7, "marsEventIds": ["sandstorm"], "systemHealth": 64, "messagesLength": 0, "marsEventsProcessed": 0} 2024-07-23 21:32:26.924 60
+55 1 added-system-health-contributions {} 2024-07-23 21:32:26.924 60
+56 1 entered-new-round-phase {} 2024-07-23 21:32:26.924 60
+57 1 subtracted-system-health-wear-and-tear {} 2024-07-23 21:32:27.008 60
+58 1 entered-mars-event-phase {} 2024-07-23 21:32:27.008 60
+59 1 initialized-mars-event {} 2024-07-23 21:32:27.008 60
+60 1 finalized-mars-event {} 2024-07-23 21:32:27.091 10
+61 1 reentered-mars-event-phase {} 2024-07-23 21:32:27.091 10
+62 1 initialized-mars-event {} 2024-07-23 21:32:27.091 10
+63 1 finalized-mars-event {} 2024-07-23 21:32:27.176 10
+64 1 reentered-mars-event-phase {} 2024-07-23 21:32:27.176 10
+65 1 initialized-mars-event {} 2024-07-23 21:32:27.176 10
+66 1 finalized-mars-event {} 2024-07-23 21:32:27.263 15
+67 1 reentered-mars-event-phase {} 2024-07-23 21:32:27.263 15
+68 1 initialized-mars-event {} 2024-07-23 21:32:27.263 15
+69 1 finalized-mars-event {} 2024-07-23 21:32:27.342 10
+70 1 reentered-mars-event-phase {} 2024-07-23 21:32:27.342 10
+71 1 initialized-mars-event {} 2024-07-23 21:32:27.342 10
+72 1 set-player-readiness {"role": "Curator", "value": true} 2024-07-23 21:32:27.375 9
+73 1 set-player-readiness {"role": "Entrepreneur", "value": true} 2024-07-23 21:32:27.375 9
+74 1 set-player-readiness {"role": "Pioneer", "value": true} 2024-07-23 21:32:27.375 9
+75 1 set-player-readiness {"role": "Researcher", "value": true} 2024-07-23 21:32:27.375 9
+76 1 finalized-mars-event {} 2024-07-23 21:32:27.425 9
+77 1 exited-mars-event-phase {} 2024-07-23 21:32:27.425 9
+78 1 entered-investment-phase {} 2024-07-23 21:32:27.425 9
+79 1 exited-investment-phase {} 2024-07-23 21:32:27.509 180
+80 1 entered-trade-phase {} 2024-07-23 21:32:27.509 180
+81 1 exited-trade-phase {} 2024-07-23 21:32:27.591 180
+82 1 entered-purchase-phase {} 2024-07-23 21:32:27.591 180
+83 1 exited-purchase-phase {} 2024-07-23 21:32:27.675 60
+84 1 entered-discard-phase {} 2024-07-23 21:32:27.675 60
+85 1 taken-round-snapshot {"round": 3, "players": {"Curator": {"role": "Curator", "ready": false, "inventory": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 2, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 0}, "timeBlocks": 10, "victoryPoints": 0, "accomplishment": {"purchased": [], "purchasable": [93, 91, 89]}}, "Pioneer": {"role": "Pioneer", "ready": false, "inventory": {"legacy": 2, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 0}, "timeBlocks": 10, "victoryPoints": 0, "accomplishment": {"purchased": [], "purchasable": [32, 28, 37]}}, "Politician": {"role": "Politician", "ready": false, "inventory": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 0}, "timeBlocks": 10, "victoryPoints": 0, "accomplishment": {"purchased": [], "purchasable": [69, 62, 76]}}, "Researcher": {"role": "Researcher", "ready": false, "inventory": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 2, "government": 0}, "timeBlocks": 10, "victoryPoints": 0, "accomplishment": {"purchased": [], "purchasable": [5, 8, 14]}}, "Entrepreneur": {"role": "Entrepreneur", "ready": false, "inventory": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 2, "science": 0, "government": 0}, "timeBlocks": 10, "victoryPoints": 0, "accomplishment": {"purchased": [], "purchasable": [55, 56, 50]}}}, "logsLength": 17, "marsEventIds": ["sandstorm", "murphysLaw", "difficultConditions", "lifeAsUsual", "cropFailure"], "systemHealth": 9, "messagesLength": 0, "marsEventsProcessed": 4} 2024-07-23 21:32:27.76 60
+86 1 added-system-health-contributions {} 2024-07-23 21:32:27.76 60
+87 1 entered-new-round-phase {} 2024-07-23 21:32:27.76 60
+88 1 subtracted-system-health-wear-and-tear {} 2024-07-23 21:32:27.844 60
+89 1 entered-mars-event-phase {} 2024-07-23 21:32:27.844 60
+90 1 initialized-mars-event {} 2024-07-23 21:32:27.844 60
+91 1 entered-defeat-phase {"Curator": 0, "Pioneer": 0, "Politician": 0, "Researcher": 0, "Entrepreneur": 0} 2024-07-23 21:32:27.928 10
+92 1 entered-defeat-phase {"Curator": 0, "Pioneer": 0, "Politician": 0, "Researcher": 0, "Entrepreneur": 0} 2024-07-23 21:32:28.011 10000
+93 1 entered-defeat-phase {"Curator": 0, "Pioneer": 0, "Politician": 0, "Researcher": 0, "Entrepreneur": 0} 2024-07-23 21:32:28.095 10000
+94 1 entered-defeat-phase {"Curator": 0, "Pioneer": 0, "Politician": 0, "Researcher": 0, "Entrepreneur": 0} 2024-07-23 21:32:28.179 10000
+95 1 entered-defeat-phase {"Curator": 0, "Pioneer": 0, "Politician": 0, "Researcher": 0, "Entrepreneur": 0} 2024-07-23 21:32:28.263 10000
+96 1 entered-defeat-phase {"Curator": 0, "Pioneer": 0, "Politician": 0, "Researcher": 0, "Entrepreneur": 0} 2024-07-23 21:32:28.347 10000
+97 3 taken-state-snapshot {"logs": [], "phase": 0, "round": 1, "players": {"Curator": {"role": "Curator", "costs": {"legacy": 3, "culture": 2, "finance": 3, "science": 1000, "government": 1000, "systemHealth": 1}, "isBot": true, "ready": false, "isMuted": false, "username": "LunarBison2329", "inventory": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 0}, "specialty": "culture", "timeBlocks": 10, "victoryPoints": 0, "accomplishment": {"role": "Curator", "purchased": [], "remaining": [87, 89, 88, 95, 91, 82, 85, 90, 92, 81, 93], "purchasable": [96, 97, 94]}, "pendingInvestments": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 0, "systemHealth": 0}, "systemHealthChange": {"purchases": [], "investment": 0}}, "Pioneer": {"role": "Pioneer", "costs": {"legacy": 2, "culture": 3, "finance": 1000, "science": 3, "government": 1000, "systemHealth": 1}, "isBot": true, "ready": false, "isMuted": false, "username": "AuroralCamel4881", "inventory": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 0}, "specialty": "legacy", "timeBlocks": 10, "victoryPoints": 0, "accomplishment": {"role": "Pioneer", "purchased": [], "remaining": [27, 33, 34, 32, 22, 36, 29, 21, 30, 37, 31], "purchasable": [25, 35, 28]}, "pendingInvestments": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 0, "systemHealth": 0}, "systemHealthChange": {"purchases": [], "investment": 0}}, "Politician": {"role": "Politician", "costs": {"legacy": 1000, "culture": 1000, "finance": 3, "science": 3, "government": 2, "systemHealth": 1}, "isBot": false, "ready": false, "isMuted": false, "username": "InterstellarStarfish6735", "inventory": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 0}, "specialty": "government", "timeBlocks": 10, "victoryPoints": 0, "accomplishment": {"role": "Politician", "purchased": [], "remaining": [68, 77, 67, 71, 72, 75, 62, 74, 70, 73, 76], "purchasable": [61, 65, 69]}, "pendingInvestments": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 0, "systemHealth": 0}, "systemHealthChange": {"purchases": [], "investment": 0}}, "Researcher": {"role": "Researcher", "costs": {"legacy": 3, "culture": 1000, "finance": 1000, "science": 2, "government": 3, "systemHealth": 1}, "isBot": true, "ready": false, "isMuted": false, "username": "SolarCamel3847", "inventory": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 0}, "specialty": "science", "timeBlocks": 10, "victoryPoints": 0, "accomplishment": {"role": "Researcher", "purchased": [], "remaining": [5, 12, 8, 10, 17, 2, 7, 13, 11, 1, 9], "purchasable": [14, 15, 16]}, "pendingInvestments": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 0, "systemHealth": 0}, "systemHealthChange": {"purchases": [], "investment": 0}}, "Entrepreneur": {"role": "Entrepreneur", "costs": {"legacy": 1000, "culture": 3, "finance": 2, "science": 1000, "government": 3, "systemHealth": 1}, "isBot": true, "ready": false, "isMuted": false, "username": "MartianCamel3681", "inventory": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 0}, "specialty": "finance", "timeBlocks": 10, "victoryPoints": 0, "accomplishment": {"role": "Entrepreneur", "purchased": [], "remaining": [57, 50, 53, 42, 49, 52, 41, 54, 47, 45, 55], "purchasable": [48, 51, 56]}, "pendingInvestments": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 0, "systemHealth": 0}, "systemHealthChange": {"purchases": [], "investment": 0}}}, "winners": [], "maxRound": 10, "messages": [], "tradeSet": {}, "userRoles": {"LunarBison2329": "Curator", "SolarCamel3847": "Researcher", "AuroralCamel4881": "Pioneer", "MartianCamel3681": "Entrepreneur", "InterstellarStarfish6735": "Politician"}, "marsEvents": [], "heroOrPariah": "", "systemHealth": 100, "marsEventDeck": {"deck": [{"id": "lifeAsUsual", "name": "Life as Usual", "effect": "No special effect", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "As the first human outpost on Mars, having a \\"usual\\" day is pretty unusual.", "timeDuration": 10, "clientViewHandler": "NO_CHANGE"}, {"id": "lifeAsUsual", "name": "Life as Usual", "effect": "No special effect", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "As the first human outpost on Mars, having a \\"usual\\" day is pretty unusual.", "timeDuration": 10, "clientViewHandler": "NO_CHANGE"}, {"id": "lifeAsUsual", "name": "Life as Usual", "effect": "No special effect", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "As the first human outpost on Mars, having a \\"usual\\" day is pretty unusual.", "timeDuration": 10, "clientViewHandler": "NO_CHANGE"}, {"id": "murphysLaw", "name": "Murphy's Law", "effect": "Reveal 2 more events. They're both in effect.", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "Residents at Port of Mars know better than to ask, \\"what ELSE could go wrong?\\"", "timeDuration": 10, "clientViewHandler": "NO_CHANGE"}, {"id": "lifeAsUsual", "name": "Life as Usual", "effect": "No special effect", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "As the first human outpost on Mars, having a \\"usual\\" day is pretty unusual.", "timeDuration": 10, "clientViewHandler": "NO_CHANGE"}, {"id": "outOfCommissionPolitician", "name": "Out of Commission", "effect": "The Politician receives only 3 Time Blocks this round.", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "The mental and physical health of all residents is critical to mission success. The absence of even one person can have rippling effects on the community.", "timeDuration": 15, "clientViewHandler": "NO_CHANGE"}, {"id": "changingTides", "name": "Changing Tides", "effect": "Each player discards all of their available Accomplishments and draws 1 new Accomplishment. You will be able to discard this Accomplishment at the end of this round and draw up to three new Accomplishments at the start of the next round (if this is not the final round).", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "Create contingencies for your contingencies and contingencies for those contingencies. Then prepare to improvise.", "timeDuration": 10, "clientViewHandler": "NO_CHANGE"}, {"id": "stymied", "name": "Stymied", "effect": "Players may not earn their specialty Influence this round.", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "\\"That's very nice that you have three PhD's. Now pick up this toothbrush and help with cleaning our solar panel cells.\\"", "timeDuration": 10, "clientViewHandler": "NO_CHANGE"}, {"id": "lifeAsUsual", "name": "Life as Usual", "effect": "No special effect", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "As the first human outpost on Mars, having a \\"usual\\" day is pretty unusual.", "timeDuration": 10, "clientViewHandler": "NO_CHANGE"}, {"id": "marketsClosed", "name": "Markets Closed", "effect": "Players may not trade Influences this round.", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "\\"Trust is difficult to build and easy to break. Yet without it, this community would fall apart.\\" - The Curator", "timeDuration": 10, "clientViewHandler": "NO_CHANGE"}, {"id": "lifeAsUsual", "name": "Life as Usual", "effect": "No special effect", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "As the first human outpost on Mars, having a \\"usual\\" day is pretty unusual.", "timeDuration": 10, "clientViewHandler": "NO_CHANGE"}, {"id": "lifeAsUsual", "name": "Life as Usual", "effect": "No special effect", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "As the first human outpost on Mars, having a \\"usual\\" day is pretty unusual.", "timeDuration": 10, "clientViewHandler": "NO_CHANGE"}, {"id": "lifeAsUsual", "name": "Life as Usual", "effect": "No special effect", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "As the first human outpost on Mars, having a \\"usual\\" day is pretty unusual.", "timeDuration": 10, "clientViewHandler": "NO_CHANGE"}, {"id": "hullBreach", "name": "Hull Breach", "effect": "Destroy 7 System Health.", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "\\"Accidents happen. It's unavoidable. Our job is to do our best to avoid them all the same.\\"", "timeDuration": 10, "clientViewHandler": "NO_CHANGE"}, {"id": "sandstorm", "name": "Sandstorm", "effect": "For the next 3 rounds, destroy an additional 10 System Health at the start of the round.", "duration": 3, "flavorText": "Buckle in - things are about to get rough. And coarse. And irritating.", "timeDuration": 10, "clientViewHandler": "NO_CHANGE"}, {"id": "outOfCommissionPioneer", "name": "Out of Commission", "effect": "The Pioneer receives only 3 Time Blocks this round.", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "The mental and physical health of all residents is critical to mission success. The absence of even one person can have rippling effects on the community.", "timeDuration": 15, "clientViewHandler": "NO_CHANGE"}, {"id": "lifeAsUsual", "name": "Life as Usual", "effect": "No special effect", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "As the first human outpost on Mars, having a \\"usual\\" day is pretty unusual.", "timeDuration": 10, "clientViewHandler": "NO_CHANGE"}, {"id": "effortsWasted", "name": "Efforts Wasted", "effect": "Each player must discard an Accomplishment that they have already purchased.", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "\\"All markets are volatile. The trick is learning how to ride the waves.\\" - The Entrepreneur", "clientViewHandler": "ACCOMPLISHMENT_SELECT_PURCHASED"}, {"id": "outOfCommissionResearcher", "name": "Out of Commission", "effect": "The Researcher receives only 3 Time Blocks this round.", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "The mental and physical health of all residents is critical to mission success. The absence of even one person can have rippling effects on the community.", "timeDuration": 15, "clientViewHandler": "NO_CHANGE"}, {"id": "solarFlare", "name": "Solar Flare", "effect": "Destroy 5 System Health. Skip discussion and trading phases this turn. Players cannot chat or trade Influences.", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "Solar flares pose a far greater threat on Mars, where a thin atmosphere and non-existent magnetic field leaves settlers more vulnerable. ", "timeDuration": 10, "clientViewHandler": "DISABLE_CHAT"}, {"id": "lifeAsUsual", "name": "Life as Usual", "effect": "No special effect", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "As the first human outpost on Mars, having a \\"usual\\" day is pretty unusual.", "timeDuration": 10, "clientViewHandler": "NO_CHANGE"}, {"id": "heroOrPariah", "name": "Hero or Pariah", "effect": "CHOOSE ONE: Players must vote for 1 player to lose all Influence OR Players must vote for 1 player to gain 4 of their specialty Influence", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "In a community as small as Port of Mars, some individuals always stand out - for better or worse.", "clientViewHandler": "VOTE_FOR_PLAYER_HERO_PARIAH"}, {"id": "audit", "name": "Audit", "effect": "In this round, players will be able to view each other's accomplishments, inventories, resources and investment decisions.", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "\\"Of course we trust everyone to be truthful. But it doesn't hurt to check now and again.\\" - The Politician", "timeDuration": 10, "clientViewHandler": "AUDIT"}, {"id": "lostTime", "name": "Lost Time", "effect": "Each player has 5 fewer Time Blocks to spend this round.", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "Time flies when you're trying to stay alive.", "timeDuration": 10, "clientViewHandler": "NO_CHANGE"}, {"id": "bondingThroughAdversity", "name": "Bonding Through Adversity", "effect": "Each player gains one unit of Influence of their choice.", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "Challenges brings communities together.", "clientViewHandler": "INFLUENCES_DRAW"}, {"id": "interdisciplinary", "name": "Interdisciplinary", "effect": "For this round, each player can spend 3 Time Blocks to earn an Influence in either of the 2 Influences they normally can't create.", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "\\"Everyone knows the saying, 'Jack of all trades, master of none.' Few remember the second part: 'still better than a master of one.'\\" - The Pioneer", "timeDuration": 10, "clientViewHandler": "NO_CHANGE"}, {"id": "compulsivePhilanthropy", "name": "Compulsive Philanthropy", "effect": "Players must vote for one player to put all their Time Blocks into System Health this round.", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "There's nothing quite like being volun-told for the greater good.", "clientViewHandler": "VOTE_FOR_PLAYER_SINGLE"}, {"id": "cropFailure", "name": "Crop Failure", "effect": "Destroy 20 System Health.", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "\\"The good news is we're not eating any more potatoes this cycle! The bad news is we're not sure what we're eating.\\" - The Researcher", "timeDuration": 10, "clientViewHandler": "NO_CHANGE"}, {"id": "lifeAsUsual", "name": "Life as Usual", "effect": "No special effect", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "As the first human outpost on Mars, having a \\"usual\\" day is pretty unusual.", "timeDuration": 10, "clientViewHandler": "NO_CHANGE"}, {"id": "outOfCommissionEntrepreneur", "name": "Out of Commission", "effect": "The Entrepreneur receives only 3 Time Blocks this round.", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "The mental and physical health of all residents is critical to mission success. The absence of even one person can have rippling effects on the community.", "timeDuration": 15, "clientViewHandler": "NO_CHANGE"}, {"id": "personalGain", "name": "Personal Gain", "effect": "Each player secretly chooses Yes or No. Then, simultaneously, players reveal their choice. Players who chose yes gain 6 extra Time Blocks this round, but destroy 6 System Health.", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "It's easy to take risks when others are incurring the costs.", "clientViewHandler": "VOTE_YES_NO"}, {"id": "breakdownOfTrust", "name": "Breakdown of Trust", "effect": "Each player can choose to save up to 2 units of Influence that they already own. The rest will be lost.", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "Setbacks are inevitable, but no less painful each time.", "clientViewHandler": "INFLUENCES_SELECT"}, {"id": "difficultConditions", "name": "Difficult Conditions", "effect": "System Health costs twice as many Time Blocks as usual this round.", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "When one component breaks, it puts a strain on the rest of the system. Small failures often snowball into critical ones.", "timeDuration": 15, "clientViewHandler": "NO_CHANGE"}, {"id": "outOfCommissionCurator", "name": "Out of Commission", "effect": "The Curator receives only 3 Time Blocks this round.", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "The mental and physical health of all residents is critical to mission success. The absence of even one person can have rippling effects on the community.", "timeDuration": 15, "clientViewHandler": "NO_CHANGE"}, {"id": "lifeAsUsual", "name": "Life as Usual", "effect": "No special effect", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "As the first human outpost on Mars, having a \\"usual\\" day is pretty unusual.", "timeDuration": 10, "clientViewHandler": "NO_CHANGE"}], "position": 0}, "timeRemaining": 60, "lastTimePolled": 1721872458478, "tradingEnabled": true, "roundIntroduction": {"completedTrades": [], "systemHealthMarsEvents": [], "accomplishmentPurchases": [], "systemHealthAtStartOfRound": 100, "systemHealthMaintenanceCost": -25, "systemHealthGroupContributions": {}}, "marsEventsProcessed": 0} 2024-07-25 01:54:18.504 60
+98 3 set-player-readiness {"role": "Curator", "value": true} 2024-07-25 01:54:19.493 59
+99 3 set-player-readiness {"role": "Entrepreneur", "value": true} 2024-07-25 01:54:19.493 59
+100 3 set-player-readiness {"role": "Pioneer", "value": true} 2024-07-25 01:54:19.493 59
+101 3 set-player-readiness {"role": "Researcher", "value": true} 2024-07-25 01:54:19.493 59
+102 3 subtracted-system-health-wear-and-tear {} 2024-07-25 01:54:36.703 42
+103 3 entered-investment-phase {} 2024-07-25 01:54:36.703 42
+104 3 exited-investment-phase {} 2024-07-25 01:54:37.199 180
+105 3 entered-trade-phase {} 2024-07-25 01:54:37.199 180
+106 3 exited-trade-phase {} 2024-07-25 01:54:37.281 180
+107 3 entered-purchase-phase {} 2024-07-25 01:54:37.281 180
+108 3 exited-purchase-phase {} 2024-07-25 01:54:37.368 60
+109 3 entered-discard-phase {} 2024-07-25 01:54:37.368 60
+110 3 taken-round-snapshot {"round": 1, "players": {"Curator": {"role": "Curator", "ready": false, "inventory": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 0}, "timeBlocks": 10, "victoryPoints": 0, "accomplishment": {"purchased": [], "purchasable": [96, 97, 94]}}, "Pioneer": {"role": "Pioneer", "ready": false, "inventory": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 0}, "timeBlocks": 10, "victoryPoints": 0, "accomplishment": {"purchased": [], "purchasable": [25, 35, 28]}}, "Politician": {"role": "Politician", "ready": false, "inventory": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 0}, "timeBlocks": 10, "victoryPoints": 0, "accomplishment": {"purchased": [], "purchasable": [61, 65, 69]}}, "Researcher": {"role": "Researcher", "ready": false, "inventory": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 0}, "timeBlocks": 10, "victoryPoints": 0, "accomplishment": {"purchased": [], "purchasable": [14, 15, 16]}}, "Entrepreneur": {"role": "Entrepreneur", "ready": false, "inventory": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 0}, "timeBlocks": 10, "victoryPoints": 0, "accomplishment": {"purchased": [], "purchasable": [48, 51, 56]}}}, "logsLength": 1, "marsEventIds": [], "systemHealth": 75, "messagesLength": 0, "marsEventsProcessed": 0} 2024-07-25 01:54:37.458 60
+111 3 added-system-health-contributions {} 2024-07-25 01:54:37.458 60
+112 3 entered-new-round-phase {} 2024-07-25 01:54:37.458 60
+113 3 set-player-readiness {"role": "Curator", "value": true} 2024-07-25 01:54:37.521 59
+114 3 set-player-readiness {"role": "Entrepreneur", "value": true} 2024-07-25 01:54:37.521 59
+115 3 set-player-readiness {"role": "Pioneer", "value": true} 2024-07-25 01:54:37.521 59
+116 3 set-player-readiness {"role": "Researcher", "value": true} 2024-07-25 01:54:37.521 59
+117 3 subtracted-system-health-wear-and-tear {} 2024-07-25 01:54:37.539 59
+118 3 entered-mars-event-phase {} 2024-07-25 01:54:37.539 59
+119 3 initialized-mars-event {} 2024-07-25 01:54:37.539 59
+120 3 finalized-mars-event {} 2024-07-25 01:54:37.621 10
+121 3 reentered-mars-event-phase {} 2024-07-25 01:54:37.621 10
+122 3 initialized-mars-event {} 2024-07-25 01:54:37.621 10
+123 3 finalized-mars-event {} 2024-07-25 01:54:37.705 10
+124 3 exited-mars-event-phase {} 2024-07-25 01:54:37.705 10
+125 3 entered-investment-phase {} 2024-07-25 01:54:37.705 10
+126 3 exited-investment-phase {} 2024-07-25 01:54:37.788 180
+127 3 entered-trade-phase {} 2024-07-25 01:54:37.788 180
+128 3 exited-trade-phase {} 2024-07-25 01:54:37.868 180
+129 3 entered-purchase-phase {} 2024-07-25 01:54:37.868 180
+130 3 exited-purchase-phase {} 2024-07-25 01:54:37.957 60
+131 3 entered-discard-phase {} 2024-07-25 01:54:37.957 60
+132 3 taken-round-snapshot {"round": 2, "players": {"Curator": {"role": "Curator", "ready": false, "inventory": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 0}, "timeBlocks": 10, "victoryPoints": 0, "accomplishment": {"purchased": [], "purchasable": [96, 97, 94]}}, "Pioneer": {"role": "Pioneer", "ready": false, "inventory": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 0}, "timeBlocks": 10, "victoryPoints": 0, "accomplishment": {"purchased": [], "purchasable": [25, 35, 28]}}, "Politician": {"role": "Politician", "ready": false, "inventory": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 0}, "timeBlocks": 10, "victoryPoints": 0, "accomplishment": {"purchased": [], "purchasable": [61, 65, 69]}}, "Researcher": {"role": "Researcher", "ready": false, "inventory": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 0}, "timeBlocks": 10, "victoryPoints": 0, "accomplishment": {"purchased": [], "purchasable": [14, 15, 16]}}, "Entrepreneur": {"role": "Entrepreneur", "ready": false, "inventory": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 0}, "timeBlocks": 10, "victoryPoints": 0, "accomplishment": {"purchased": [], "purchasable": [48, 51, 56]}}}, "logsLength": 8, "marsEventIds": ["lifeAsUsual", "lifeAsUsual"], "systemHealth": 50, "messagesLength": 0, "marsEventsProcessed": 1} 2024-07-25 01:54:38.041 60
+133 3 added-system-health-contributions {} 2024-07-25 01:54:38.041 60
+134 3 entered-new-round-phase {} 2024-07-25 01:54:38.041 60
+135 3 subtracted-system-health-wear-and-tear {} 2024-07-25 01:54:38.118 60
+136 3 entered-mars-event-phase {} 2024-07-25 01:54:38.118 60
+137 3 initialized-mars-event {} 2024-07-25 01:54:38.118 60
+138 3 finalized-mars-event {} 2024-07-25 01:54:38.201 10
+139 3 reentered-mars-event-phase {} 2024-07-25 01:54:38.201 10
+140 3 initialized-mars-event {} 2024-07-25 01:54:38.201 10
+141 3 finalized-mars-event {} 2024-07-25 01:54:38.287 15
+142 3 reentered-mars-event-phase {} 2024-07-25 01:54:38.287 15
+143 3 initialized-mars-event {} 2024-07-25 01:54:38.287 15
+144 3 finalized-mars-event {} 2024-07-25 01:54:38.372 10
+145 3 reentered-mars-event-phase {} 2024-07-25 01:54:38.372 10
+146 3 initialized-mars-event {} 2024-07-25 01:54:38.372 10
+147 3 finalized-mars-event {} 2024-07-25 01:54:38.454 15
+148 3 reentered-mars-event-phase {} 2024-07-25 01:54:38.454 15
+149 3 initialized-mars-event {} 2024-07-25 01:54:38.454 15
+150 3 set-player-readiness {"role": "Curator", "value": true} 2024-07-25 01:54:38.517 9
+151 3 set-player-readiness {"role": "Entrepreneur", "value": true} 2024-07-25 01:54:38.517 9
+152 3 set-player-readiness {"role": "Pioneer", "value": true} 2024-07-25 01:54:38.517 9
+153 3 set-player-readiness {"role": "Researcher", "value": true} 2024-07-25 01:54:38.517 9
+154 3 finalized-mars-event {} 2024-07-25 01:54:38.536 9
+155 3 exited-mars-event-phase {} 2024-07-25 01:54:38.536 9
+156 3 entered-investment-phase {} 2024-07-25 01:54:38.536 9
+157 3 exited-investment-phase {} 2024-07-25 01:54:38.618 180
+158 3 entered-trade-phase {} 2024-07-25 01:54:38.618 180
+159 3 exited-trade-phase {} 2024-07-25 01:54:38.703 180
+160 3 entered-purchase-phase {} 2024-07-25 01:54:38.703 180
+161 3 exited-purchase-phase {} 2024-07-25 01:54:38.791 60
+162 3 entered-discard-phase {} 2024-07-25 01:54:38.791 60
+163 3 taken-round-snapshot {"round": 3, "players": {"Curator": {"role": "Curator", "ready": false, "inventory": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 0}, "timeBlocks": 10, "victoryPoints": 0, "accomplishment": {"purchased": [], "purchasable": [87]}}, "Pioneer": {"role": "Pioneer", "ready": false, "inventory": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 0}, "timeBlocks": 10, "victoryPoints": 0, "accomplishment": {"purchased": [], "purchasable": [27]}}, "Politician": {"role": "Politician", "ready": false, "inventory": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 0}, "timeBlocks": 3, "victoryPoints": 0, "accomplishment": {"purchased": [], "purchasable": [68]}}, "Researcher": {"role": "Researcher", "ready": false, "inventory": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 0}, "timeBlocks": 10, "victoryPoints": 0, "accomplishment": {"purchased": [], "purchasable": [5]}}, "Entrepreneur": {"role": "Entrepreneur", "ready": false, "inventory": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 0}, "timeBlocks": 10, "victoryPoints": 0, "accomplishment": {"purchased": [], "purchasable": [57]}}}, "logsLength": 18, "marsEventIds": ["lifeAsUsual", "murphysLaw", "lifeAsUsual", "outOfCommissionPolitician", "changingTides"], "systemHealth": 25, "messagesLength": 0, "marsEventsProcessed": 4} 2024-07-25 01:54:38.869 60
+164 3 added-system-health-contributions {} 2024-07-25 01:54:38.869 60
+165 3 entered-new-round-phase {} 2024-07-25 01:54:38.869 60
+166 3 subtracted-system-health-wear-and-tear {} 2024-07-25 01:54:38.956 60
+167 3 entered-mars-event-phase {} 2024-07-25 01:54:38.956 60
+168 3 initialized-mars-event {} 2024-07-25 01:54:38.956 60
+169 3 entered-defeat-phase {"Curator": 0, "Pioneer": 0, "Politician": 0, "Researcher": 0, "Entrepreneur": 0} 2024-07-25 01:54:39.036 10
+170 3 entered-defeat-phase {"Curator": 0, "Pioneer": 0, "Politician": 0, "Researcher": 0, "Entrepreneur": 0} 2024-07-25 01:54:39.12 10000
+171 3 entered-defeat-phase {"Curator": 0, "Pioneer": 0, "Politician": 0, "Researcher": 0, "Entrepreneur": 0} 2024-07-25 01:54:39.199 10000
+172 3 entered-defeat-phase {"Curator": 0, "Pioneer": 0, "Politician": 0, "Researcher": 0, "Entrepreneur": 0} 2024-07-25 01:54:39.284 10000
+173 3 entered-defeat-phase {"Curator": 0, "Pioneer": 0, "Politician": 0, "Researcher": 0, "Entrepreneur": 0} 2024-07-25 01:54:39.368 10000
+174 3 entered-defeat-phase {"Curator": 0, "Pioneer": 0, "Politician": 0, "Researcher": 0, "Entrepreneur": 0} 2024-07-25 01:54:39.451 10000
+175 4 taken-state-snapshot {"logs": [], "phase": 0, "round": 1, "players": {"Curator": {"role": "Curator", "costs": {"legacy": 3, "culture": 2, "finance": 3, "science": 1000, "government": 1000, "systemHealth": 1}, "isBot": true, "ready": false, "isMuted": false, "username": "AuroralCamel4881", "inventory": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 0}, "specialty": "culture", "timeBlocks": 10, "victoryPoints": 0, "accomplishment": {"role": "Curator", "purchased": [], "remaining": [85, 93, 96, 92, 82, 97, 81, 91, 89, 94, 88], "purchasable": [95, 90, 87]}, "pendingInvestments": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 0, "systemHealth": 0}, "systemHealthChange": {"purchases": [], "investment": 0}}, "Pioneer": {"role": "Pioneer", "costs": {"legacy": 2, "culture": 3, "finance": 1000, "science": 3, "government": 1000, "systemHealth": 1}, "isBot": true, "ready": false, "isMuted": false, "username": "MartianCamel3681", "inventory": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 0}, "specialty": "legacy", "timeBlocks": 10, "victoryPoints": 0, "accomplishment": {"role": "Pioneer", "purchased": [], "remaining": [29, 34, 37, 25, 32, 28, 36, 35, 27, 31, 22], "purchasable": [21, 30, 33]}, "pendingInvestments": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 0, "systemHealth": 0}, "systemHealthChange": {"purchases": [], "investment": 0}}, "Politician": {"role": "Politician", "costs": {"legacy": 1000, "culture": 1000, "finance": 3, "science": 3, "government": 2, "systemHealth": 1}, "isBot": true, "ready": false, "isMuted": false, "username": "SolarCamel3847", "inventory": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 0}, "specialty": "government", "timeBlocks": 10, "victoryPoints": 0, "accomplishment": {"role": "Politician", "purchased": [], "remaining": [76, 65, 67, 62, 74, 73, 70, 77, 69, 61, 68], "purchasable": [75, 71, 72]}, "pendingInvestments": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 0, "systemHealth": 0}, "systemHealthChange": {"purchases": [], "investment": 0}}, "Researcher": {"role": "Researcher", "costs": {"legacy": 3, "culture": 1000, "finance": 1000, "science": 2, "government": 3, "systemHealth": 1}, "isBot": true, "ready": false, "isMuted": false, "username": "LunarBison2329", "inventory": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 0}, "specialty": "science", "timeBlocks": 10, "victoryPoints": 0, "accomplishment": {"role": "Researcher", "purchased": [], "remaining": [9, 2, 10, 12, 1, 13, 15, 17, 16, 8, 7], "purchasable": [5, 14, 11]}, "pendingInvestments": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 0, "systemHealth": 0}, "systemHealthChange": {"purchases": [], "investment": 0}}, "Entrepreneur": {"role": "Entrepreneur", "costs": {"legacy": 1000, "culture": 3, "finance": 2, "science": 1000, "government": 3, "systemHealth": 1}, "isBot": false, "ready": false, "isMuted": false, "username": "SolarWolverine8632", "inventory": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 0}, "specialty": "finance", "timeBlocks": 10, "victoryPoints": 0, "accomplishment": {"role": "Entrepreneur", "purchased": [], "remaining": [54, 45, 47, 55, 42, 53, 52, 48, 56, 41, 49], "purchasable": [57, 50, 51]}, "pendingInvestments": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 0, "systemHealth": 0}, "systemHealthChange": {"purchases": [], "investment": 0}}}, "winners": [], "maxRound": 10, "messages": [], "tradeSet": {}, "userRoles": {"LunarBison2329": "Researcher", "SolarCamel3847": "Politician", "AuroralCamel4881": "Curator", "MartianCamel3681": "Pioneer", "SolarWolverine8632": "Entrepreneur"}, "marsEvents": [], "heroOrPariah": "", "systemHealth": 100, "marsEventDeck": {"deck": [{"id": "solarFlare", "name": "Solar Flare", "effect": "Destroy 5 System Health. Skip discussion and trading phases this turn. Players cannot chat or trade Influences.", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "Solar flares pose a far greater threat on Mars, where a thin atmosphere and non-existent magnetic field leaves settlers more vulnerable. ", "timeDuration": 10, "clientViewHandler": "DISABLE_CHAT"}, {"id": "lifeAsUsual", "name": "Life as Usual", "effect": "No special effect", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "As the first human outpost on Mars, having a \\"usual\\" day is pretty unusual.", "timeDuration": 10, "clientViewHandler": "NO_CHANGE"}, {"id": "outOfCommissionResearcher", "name": "Out of Commission", "effect": "The Researcher receives only 3 Time Blocks this round.", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "The mental and physical health of all residents is critical to mission success. The absence of even one person can have rippling effects on the community.", "timeDuration": 15, "clientViewHandler": "NO_CHANGE"}, {"id": "outOfCommissionEntrepreneur", "name": "Out of Commission", "effect": "The Entrepreneur receives only 3 Time Blocks this round.", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "The mental and physical health of all residents is critical to mission success. The absence of even one person can have rippling effects on the community.", "timeDuration": 15, "clientViewHandler": "NO_CHANGE"}, {"id": "lifeAsUsual", "name": "Life as Usual", "effect": "No special effect", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "As the first human outpost on Mars, having a \\"usual\\" day is pretty unusual.", "timeDuration": 10, "clientViewHandler": "NO_CHANGE"}, {"id": "lifeAsUsual", "name": "Life as Usual", "effect": "No special effect", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "As the first human outpost on Mars, having a \\"usual\\" day is pretty unusual.", "timeDuration": 10, "clientViewHandler": "NO_CHANGE"}, {"id": "compulsivePhilanthropy", "name": "Compulsive Philanthropy", "effect": "Players must vote for one player to put all their Time Blocks into System Health this round.", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "There's nothing quite like being volun-told for the greater good.", "clientViewHandler": "VOTE_FOR_PLAYER_SINGLE"}, {"id": "lifeAsUsual", "name": "Life as Usual", "effect": "No special effect", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "As the first human outpost on Mars, having a \\"usual\\" day is pretty unusual.", "timeDuration": 10, "clientViewHandler": "NO_CHANGE"}, {"id": "lifeAsUsual", "name": "Life as Usual", "effect": "No special effect", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "As the first human outpost on Mars, having a \\"usual\\" day is pretty unusual.", "timeDuration": 10, "clientViewHandler": "NO_CHANGE"}, {"id": "interdisciplinary", "name": "Interdisciplinary", "effect": "For this round, each player can spend 3 Time Blocks to earn an Influence in either of the 2 Influences they normally can't create.", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "\\"Everyone knows the saying, 'Jack of all trades, master of none.' Few remember the second part: 'still better than a master of one.'\\" - The Pioneer", "timeDuration": 10, "clientViewHandler": "NO_CHANGE"}, {"id": "bondingThroughAdversity", "name": "Bonding Through Adversity", "effect": "Each player gains one unit of Influence of their choice.", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "Challenges brings communities together.", "clientViewHandler": "INFLUENCES_DRAW"}, {"id": "lifeAsUsual", "name": "Life as Usual", "effect": "No special effect", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "As the first human outpost on Mars, having a \\"usual\\" day is pretty unusual.", "timeDuration": 10, "clientViewHandler": "NO_CHANGE"}, {"id": "lifeAsUsual", "name": "Life as Usual", "effect": "No special effect", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "As the first human outpost on Mars, having a \\"usual\\" day is pretty unusual.", "timeDuration": 10, "clientViewHandler": "NO_CHANGE"}, {"id": "changingTides", "name": "Changing Tides", "effect": "Each player discards all of their available Accomplishments and draws 1 new Accomplishment. You will be able to discard this Accomplishment at the end of this round and draw up to three new Accomplishments at the start of the next round (if this is not the final round).", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "Create contingencies for your contingencies and contingencies for those contingencies. Then prepare to improvise.", "timeDuration": 10, "clientViewHandler": "NO_CHANGE"}, {"id": "lifeAsUsual", "name": "Life as Usual", "effect": "No special effect", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "As the first human outpost on Mars, having a \\"usual\\" day is pretty unusual.", "timeDuration": 10, "clientViewHandler": "NO_CHANGE"}, {"id": "outOfCommissionPolitician", "name": "Out of Commission", "effect": "The Politician receives only 3 Time Blocks this round.", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "The mental and physical health of all residents is critical to mission success. The absence of even one person can have rippling effects on the community.", "timeDuration": 15, "clientViewHandler": "NO_CHANGE"}, {"id": "outOfCommissionPioneer", "name": "Out of Commission", "effect": "The Pioneer receives only 3 Time Blocks this round.", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "The mental and physical health of all residents is critical to mission success. The absence of even one person can have rippling effects on the community.", "timeDuration": 15, "clientViewHandler": "NO_CHANGE"}, {"id": "personalGain", "name": "Personal Gain", "effect": "Each player secretly chooses Yes or No. Then, simultaneously, players reveal their choice. Players who chose yes gain 6 extra Time Blocks this round, but destroy 6 System Health.", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "It's easy to take risks when others are incurring the costs.", "clientViewHandler": "VOTE_YES_NO"}, {"id": "lifeAsUsual", "name": "Life as Usual", "effect": "No special effect", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "As the first human outpost on Mars, having a \\"usual\\" day is pretty unusual.", "timeDuration": 10, "clientViewHandler": "NO_CHANGE"}, {"id": "outOfCommissionCurator", "name": "Out of Commission", "effect": "The Curator receives only 3 Time Blocks this round.", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "The mental and physical health of all residents is critical to mission success. The absence of even one person can have rippling effects on the community.", "timeDuration": 15, "clientViewHandler": "NO_CHANGE"}, {"id": "lifeAsUsual", "name": "Life as Usual", "effect": "No special effect", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "As the first human outpost on Mars, having a \\"usual\\" day is pretty unusual.", "timeDuration": 10, "clientViewHandler": "NO_CHANGE"}, {"id": "hullBreach", "name": "Hull Breach", "effect": "Destroy 7 System Health.", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "\\"Accidents happen. It's unavoidable. Our job is to do our best to avoid them all the same.\\"", "timeDuration": 10, "clientViewHandler": "NO_CHANGE"}, {"id": "murphysLaw", "name": "Murphy's Law", "effect": "Reveal 2 more events. They're both in effect.", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "Residents at Port of Mars know better than to ask, \\"what ELSE could go wrong?\\"", "timeDuration": 10, "clientViewHandler": "NO_CHANGE"}, {"id": "lostTime", "name": "Lost Time", "effect": "Each player has 5 fewer Time Blocks to spend this round.", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "Time flies when you're trying to stay alive.", "timeDuration": 10, "clientViewHandler": "NO_CHANGE"}, {"id": "cropFailure", "name": "Crop Failure", "effect": "Destroy 20 System Health.", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "\\"The good news is we're not eating any more potatoes this cycle! The bad news is we're not sure what we're eating.\\" - The Researcher", "timeDuration": 10, "clientViewHandler": "NO_CHANGE"}, {"id": "stymied", "name": "Stymied", "effect": "Players may not earn their specialty Influence this round.", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "\\"That's very nice that you have three PhD's. Now pick up this toothbrush and help with cleaning our solar panel cells.\\"", "timeDuration": 10, "clientViewHandler": "NO_CHANGE"}, {"id": "difficultConditions", "name": "Difficult Conditions", "effect": "System Health costs twice as many Time Blocks as usual this round.", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "When one component breaks, it puts a strain on the rest of the system. Small failures often snowball into critical ones.", "timeDuration": 15, "clientViewHandler": "NO_CHANGE"}, {"id": "heroOrPariah", "name": "Hero or Pariah", "effect": "CHOOSE ONE: Players must vote for 1 player to lose all Influence OR Players must vote for 1 player to gain 4 of their specialty Influence", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "In a community as small as Port of Mars, some individuals always stand out - for better or worse.", "clientViewHandler": "VOTE_FOR_PLAYER_HERO_PARIAH"}, {"id": "lifeAsUsual", "name": "Life as Usual", "effect": "No special effect", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "As the first human outpost on Mars, having a \\"usual\\" day is pretty unusual.", "timeDuration": 10, "clientViewHandler": "NO_CHANGE"}, {"id": "effortsWasted", "name": "Efforts Wasted", "effect": "Each player must discard an Accomplishment that they have already purchased.", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "\\"All markets are volatile. The trick is learning how to ride the waves.\\" - The Entrepreneur", "clientViewHandler": "ACCOMPLISHMENT_SELECT_PURCHASED"}, {"id": "marketsClosed", "name": "Markets Closed", "effect": "Players may not trade Influences this round.", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "\\"Trust is difficult to build and easy to break. Yet without it, this community would fall apart.\\" - The Curator", "timeDuration": 10, "clientViewHandler": "NO_CHANGE"}, {"id": "sandstorm", "name": "Sandstorm", "effect": "For the next 3 rounds, destroy an additional 10 System Health at the start of the round.", "duration": 3, "flavorText": "Buckle in - things are about to get rough. And coarse. And irritating.", "timeDuration": 10, "clientViewHandler": "NO_CHANGE"}, {"id": "audit", "name": "Audit", "effect": "In this round, players will be able to view each other's accomplishments, inventories, resources and investment decisions.", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "\\"Of course we trust everyone to be truthful. But it doesn't hurt to check now and again.\\" - The Politician", "timeDuration": 10, "clientViewHandler": "AUDIT"}, {"id": "breakdownOfTrust", "name": "Breakdown of Trust", "effect": "Each player can choose to save up to 2 units of Influence that they already own. The rest will be lost.", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "Setbacks are inevitable, but no less painful each time.", "clientViewHandler": "INFLUENCES_SELECT"}, {"id": "lifeAsUsual", "name": "Life as Usual", "effect": "No special effect", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "As the first human outpost on Mars, having a \\"usual\\" day is pretty unusual.", "timeDuration": 10, "clientViewHandler": "NO_CHANGE"}], "position": 0}, "timeRemaining": 60, "lastTimePolled": 1721872506665, "tradingEnabled": true, "roundIntroduction": {"completedTrades": [], "systemHealthMarsEvents": [], "accomplishmentPurchases": [], "systemHealthAtStartOfRound": 100, "systemHealthMaintenanceCost": -25, "systemHealthGroupContributions": {}}, "marsEventsProcessed": 0} 2024-07-25 01:55:06.687 60
+176 4 set-player-readiness {"role": "Curator", "value": true} 2024-07-25 01:55:07.69 59
+177 4 set-player-readiness {"role": "Pioneer", "value": true} 2024-07-25 01:55:07.69 59
+178 4 set-player-readiness {"role": "Politician", "value": true} 2024-07-25 01:55:07.69 59
+179 4 set-player-readiness {"role": "Researcher", "value": true} 2024-07-25 01:55:07.69 59
+180 4 subtracted-system-health-wear-and-tear {} 2024-07-25 01:55:18.462 49
+181 4 entered-investment-phase {} 2024-07-25 01:55:18.462 49
+182 4 time-invested {"role": "Curator", "investment": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 2, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 0, "systemHealth": 6}} 2024-07-25 01:55:18.677 179
+183 4 set-player-readiness {"role": "Curator", "value": true} 2024-07-25 01:55:18.677 179
+184 4 time-invested {"role": "Pioneer", "investment": {"legacy": 2, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 0, "systemHealth": 6}} 2024-07-25 01:55:18.677 179
+185 4 set-player-readiness {"role": "Pioneer", "value": true} 2024-07-25 01:55:18.677 179
+186 4 time-invested {"role": "Politician", "investment": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 2, "systemHealth": 6}} 2024-07-25 01:55:18.677 179
+187 4 set-player-readiness {"role": "Politician", "value": true} 2024-07-25 01:55:18.677 179
+188 4 time-invested {"role": "Researcher", "investment": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 2, "government": 0, "systemHealth": 6}} 2024-07-25 01:55:18.677 179
+189 4 set-player-readiness {"role": "Researcher", "value": true} 2024-07-25 01:55:18.677 179
+190 4 exited-investment-phase {} 2024-07-25 01:55:18.963 179
+191 4 entered-trade-phase {} 2024-07-25 01:55:18.963 179
+192 4 exited-trade-phase {} 2024-07-25 01:55:19.051 180
+193 4 entered-purchase-phase {} 2024-07-25 01:55:19.051 180
+194 4 exited-purchase-phase {} 2024-07-25 01:55:19.128 60
+195 4 entered-discard-phase {} 2024-07-25 01:55:19.128 60
+196 4 taken-round-snapshot {"round": 1, "players": {"Curator": {"role": "Curator", "ready": false, "inventory": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 2, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 0}, "timeBlocks": 10, "victoryPoints": 0, "accomplishment": {"purchased": [], "purchasable": [95, 90, 87]}}, "Pioneer": {"role": "Pioneer", "ready": false, "inventory": {"legacy": 2, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 0}, "timeBlocks": 10, "victoryPoints": 0, "accomplishment": {"purchased": [], "purchasable": [21, 30, 33]}}, "Politician": {"role": "Politician", "ready": false, "inventory": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 2}, "timeBlocks": 10, "victoryPoints": 0, "accomplishment": {"purchased": [], "purchasable": [75, 71, 72]}}, "Researcher": {"role": "Researcher", "ready": false, "inventory": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 2, "government": 0}, "timeBlocks": 10, "victoryPoints": 0, "accomplishment": {"purchased": [], "purchasable": [5, 14, 11]}}, "Entrepreneur": {"role": "Entrepreneur", "ready": false, "inventory": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 0}, "timeBlocks": 10, "victoryPoints": 0, "accomplishment": {"purchased": [], "purchasable": [57, 50, 51]}}}, "logsLength": 1, "marsEventIds": [], "systemHealth": 75, "messagesLength": 0, "marsEventsProcessed": 0} 2024-07-25 01:55:19.211 60
+197 4 added-system-health-contributions {} 2024-07-25 01:55:19.211 60
+198 4 entered-new-round-phase {} 2024-07-25 01:55:19.211 60
+199 4 subtracted-system-health-wear-and-tear {} 2024-07-25 01:55:19.296 60
+200 4 entered-mars-event-phase {} 2024-07-25 01:55:19.296 60
+201 4 initialized-mars-event {} 2024-07-25 01:55:19.296 60
+202 4 finalized-mars-event {} 2024-07-25 01:55:19.378 10
+203 4 exited-mars-event-phase {} 2024-07-25 01:55:19.378 10
+204 4 entered-investment-phase {} 2024-07-25 01:55:19.378 10
+205 4 exited-investment-phase {} 2024-07-25 01:55:19.463 180
+206 4 entered-purchase-phase {} 2024-07-25 01:55:19.463 180
+207 4 exited-purchase-phase {} 2024-07-25 01:55:19.546 60
+208 4 entered-discard-phase {} 2024-07-25 01:55:19.546 60
+209 4 taken-round-snapshot {"round": 2, "players": {"Curator": {"role": "Curator", "ready": false, "inventory": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 2, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 0}, "timeBlocks": 10, "victoryPoints": 0, "accomplishment": {"purchased": [], "purchasable": [95, 90, 87]}}, "Pioneer": {"role": "Pioneer", "ready": false, "inventory": {"legacy": 2, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 0}, "timeBlocks": 10, "victoryPoints": 0, "accomplishment": {"purchased": [], "purchasable": [21, 30, 33]}}, "Politician": {"role": "Politician", "ready": false, "inventory": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 2}, "timeBlocks": 10, "victoryPoints": 0, "accomplishment": {"purchased": [], "purchasable": [75, 71, 72]}}, "Researcher": {"role": "Researcher", "ready": false, "inventory": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 2, "government": 0}, "timeBlocks": 10, "victoryPoints": 0, "accomplishment": {"purchased": [], "purchasable": [5, 14, 11]}}, "Entrepreneur": {"role": "Entrepreneur", "ready": false, "inventory": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 0}, "timeBlocks": 10, "victoryPoints": 0, "accomplishment": {"purchased": [], "purchasable": [57, 50, 51]}}}, "logsLength": 7, "marsEventIds": ["solarFlare"], "systemHealth": 69, "messagesLength": 0, "marsEventsProcessed": 0} 2024-07-25 01:55:19.629 60
+210 4 added-system-health-contributions {} 2024-07-25 01:55:19.629 60
+211 4 entered-new-round-phase {} 2024-07-25 01:55:19.629 60
+212 4 set-player-readiness {"role": "Curator", "value": true} 2024-07-25 01:55:19.688 59
+213 4 set-player-readiness {"role": "Pioneer", "value": true} 2024-07-25 01:55:19.688 59
+214 4 set-player-readiness {"role": "Politician", "value": true} 2024-07-25 01:55:19.688 59
+215 4 set-player-readiness {"role": "Researcher", "value": true} 2024-07-25 01:55:19.688 59
+216 4 subtracted-system-health-wear-and-tear {} 2024-07-25 01:55:19.712 59
+217 4 entered-mars-event-phase {} 2024-07-25 01:55:19.712 59
+218 4 initialized-mars-event {} 2024-07-25 01:55:19.712 59
+219 4 finalized-mars-event {} 2024-07-25 01:55:19.801 10
+220 4 reentered-mars-event-phase {} 2024-07-25 01:55:19.801 10
+221 4 initialized-mars-event {} 2024-07-25 01:55:19.801 10
+222 4 finalized-mars-event {} 2024-07-25 01:55:19.885 15
+223 4 exited-mars-event-phase {} 2024-07-25 01:55:19.885 15
+224 4 entered-investment-phase {} 2024-07-25 01:55:19.885 15
+225 4 exited-investment-phase {} 2024-07-25 01:55:19.969 180
+226 4 entered-trade-phase {} 2024-07-25 01:55:19.969 180
+227 4 exited-trade-phase {} 2024-07-25 01:55:20.053 180
+228 4 entered-purchase-phase {} 2024-07-25 01:55:20.053 180
+229 4 exited-purchase-phase {} 2024-07-25 01:55:20.135 60
+230 4 entered-discard-phase {} 2024-07-25 01:55:20.135 60
+231 4 taken-round-snapshot {"round": 3, "players": {"Curator": {"role": "Curator", "ready": false, "inventory": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 2, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 0}, "timeBlocks": 10, "victoryPoints": 0, "accomplishment": {"purchased": [], "purchasable": [95, 90, 87]}}, "Pioneer": {"role": "Pioneer", "ready": false, "inventory": {"legacy": 2, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 0}, "timeBlocks": 10, "victoryPoints": 0, "accomplishment": {"purchased": [], "purchasable": [21, 30, 33]}}, "Politician": {"role": "Politician", "ready": false, "inventory": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 2}, "timeBlocks": 10, "victoryPoints": 0, "accomplishment": {"purchased": [], "purchasable": [75, 71, 72]}}, "Researcher": {"role": "Researcher", "ready": false, "inventory": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 2, "government": 0}, "timeBlocks": 3, "victoryPoints": 0, "accomplishment": {"purchased": [], "purchasable": [5, 14, 11]}}, "Entrepreneur": {"role": "Entrepreneur", "ready": false, "inventory": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 0}, "timeBlocks": 10, "victoryPoints": 0, "accomplishment": {"purchased": [], "purchasable": [57, 50, 51]}}}, "logsLength": 14, "marsEventIds": ["lifeAsUsual", "outOfCommissionResearcher"], "systemHealth": 44, "messagesLength": 0, "marsEventsProcessed": 1} 2024-07-25 01:55:20.22 60
+232 4 added-system-health-contributions {} 2024-07-25 01:55:20.22 60
+233 4 entered-new-round-phase {} 2024-07-25 01:55:20.22 60
+234 4 subtracted-system-health-wear-and-tear {} 2024-07-25 01:55:20.304 60
+235 4 entered-mars-event-phase {} 2024-07-25 01:55:20.304 60
+236 4 initialized-mars-event {} 2024-07-25 01:55:20.304 60
+237 4 finalized-mars-event {} 2024-07-25 01:55:20.386 15
+238 4 reentered-mars-event-phase {} 2024-07-25 01:55:20.386 15
+239 4 initialized-mars-event {} 2024-07-25 01:55:20.386 15
+240 4 finalized-mars-event {} 2024-07-25 01:55:20.483 10
+241 4 reentered-mars-event-phase {} 2024-07-25 01:55:20.483 10
+242 4 initialized-mars-event {} 2024-07-25 01:55:20.483 10
+243 4 finalized-mars-event {} 2024-07-25 01:55:20.553 10
+244 4 exited-mars-event-phase {} 2024-07-25 01:55:20.553 10
+245 4 entered-investment-phase {} 2024-07-25 01:55:20.553 10
+246 4 exited-investment-phase {} 2024-07-25 01:55:20.635 180
+247 4 entered-trade-phase {} 2024-07-25 01:55:20.635 180
+248 4 set-player-readiness {"role": "Curator", "value": true} 2024-07-25 01:55:20.693 179
+249 4 set-player-readiness {"role": "Pioneer", "value": true} 2024-07-25 01:55:20.693 179
+250 4 set-player-readiness {"role": "Politician", "value": true} 2024-07-25 01:55:20.693 179
+251 4 set-player-readiness {"role": "Researcher", "value": true} 2024-07-25 01:55:20.693 179
+252 4 exited-trade-phase {} 2024-07-25 01:55:20.718 179
+253 4 entered-purchase-phase {} 2024-07-25 01:55:20.718 179
+254 4 exited-purchase-phase {} 2024-07-25 01:55:20.802 60
+255 4 entered-discard-phase {} 2024-07-25 01:55:20.802 60
+310 5 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 57, "role": "Entrepreneur"} 2024-07-26 23:05:06.726 59
+311 5 set-player-readiness {"role": "Entrepreneur", "value": true} 2024-07-26 23:05:06.726 59
+312 5 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 27, "role": "Pioneer"} 2024-07-26 23:05:06.726 59
+313 5 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 33, "role": "Pioneer"} 2024-07-26 23:05:06.726 59
+644 6 exited-mars-event-phase {} 2024-07-31 01:03:29.723 14
+256 4 taken-round-snapshot {"round": 4, "players": {"Curator": {"role": "Curator", "ready": false, "inventory": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 2, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 0}, "timeBlocks": 10, "victoryPoints": 0, "accomplishment": {"purchased": [], "purchasable": [95, 90, 87]}}, "Pioneer": {"role": "Pioneer", "ready": false, "inventory": {"legacy": 2, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 0}, "timeBlocks": 10, "victoryPoints": 0, "accomplishment": {"purchased": [], "purchasable": [21, 30, 33]}}, "Politician": {"role": "Politician", "ready": false, "inventory": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 2}, "timeBlocks": 10, "victoryPoints": 0, "accomplishment": {"purchased": [], "purchasable": [75, 71, 72]}}, "Researcher": {"role": "Researcher", "ready": false, "inventory": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 2, "government": 0}, "timeBlocks": 10, "victoryPoints": 0, "accomplishment": {"purchased": [], "purchasable": [5, 14, 11]}}, "Entrepreneur": {"role": "Entrepreneur", "ready": false, "inventory": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 0}, "timeBlocks": 3, "victoryPoints": 0, "accomplishment": {"purchased": [], "purchasable": [57, 50, 51]}}}, "logsLength": 22, "marsEventIds": ["outOfCommissionEntrepreneur", "lifeAsUsual", "lifeAsUsual"], "systemHealth": 19, "messagesLength": 0, "marsEventsProcessed": 2} 2024-07-25 01:55:20.889 60
+257 4 added-system-health-contributions {} 2024-07-25 01:55:20.889 60
+258 4 entered-new-round-phase {} 2024-07-25 01:55:20.889 60
+259 4 subtracted-system-health-wear-and-tear {} 2024-07-25 01:55:20.968 60
+260 4 entered-mars-event-phase {} 2024-07-25 01:55:20.968 60
+261 4 initialized-mars-event {} 2024-07-25 01:55:20.968 60
+262 4 entered-defeat-phase {"Curator": 0, "Pioneer": 0, "Politician": 0, "Researcher": 0, "Entrepreneur": 0} 2024-07-25 01:55:21.051 90
+263 4 entered-defeat-phase {"Curator": 0, "Pioneer": 0, "Politician": 0, "Researcher": 0, "Entrepreneur": 0} 2024-07-25 01:55:21.13 10000
+264 4 entered-defeat-phase {"Curator": 0, "Pioneer": 0, "Politician": 0, "Researcher": 0, "Entrepreneur": 0} 2024-07-25 01:55:21.215 10000
+265 4 entered-defeat-phase {"Curator": 0, "Pioneer": 0, "Politician": 0, "Researcher": 0, "Entrepreneur": 0} 2024-07-25 01:55:21.299 10000
+266 4 entered-defeat-phase {"Curator": 0, "Pioneer": 0, "Politician": 0, "Researcher": 0, "Entrepreneur": 0} 2024-07-25 01:55:21.383 10000
+267 4 entered-defeat-phase {"Curator": 0, "Pioneer": 0, "Politician": 0, "Researcher": 0, "Entrepreneur": 0} 2024-07-25 01:55:21.473 10000
+268 4 entered-defeat-phase {"Curator": 0, "Pioneer": 0, "Politician": 0, "Researcher": 0, "Entrepreneur": 0} 2024-07-25 01:55:21.552 10000
+269 4 entered-defeat-phase {"Curator": 0, "Pioneer": 0, "Politician": 0, "Researcher": 0, "Entrepreneur": 0} 2024-07-25 01:55:21.635 10000
+270 5 taken-state-snapshot {"logs": [], "phase": 0, "round": 1, "players": {"Curator": {"role": "Curator", "costs": {"legacy": 3, "culture": 2, "finance": 3, "science": 1000, "government": 1000, "systemHealth": 1}, "isBot": true, "ready": false, "isMuted": false, "username": "MartianCamel3681", "inventory": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 0}, "specialty": "culture", "timeBlocks": 10, "victoryPoints": 0, "accomplishment": {"role": "Curator", "purchased": [], "remaining": [95, 92, 82, 88, 97, 85, 87, 96, 89, 94, 81], "purchasable": [91, 90, 93]}, "pendingInvestments": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 0, "systemHealth": 0}, "systemHealthChange": {"purchases": [], "investment": 0}}, "Pioneer": {"role": "Pioneer", "costs": {"legacy": 2, "culture": 3, "finance": 1000, "science": 3, "government": 1000, "systemHealth": 1}, "isBot": true, "ready": false, "isMuted": false, "username": "LunarBison2329", "inventory": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 0}, "specialty": "legacy", "timeBlocks": 10, "victoryPoints": 0, "accomplishment": {"role": "Pioneer", "purchased": [], "remaining": [36, 32, 25, 30, 35, 21, 28, 29, 37, 31, 22], "purchasable": [34, 27, 33]}, "pendingInvestments": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 0, "systemHealth": 0}, "systemHealthChange": {"purchases": [], "investment": 0}}, "Politician": {"role": "Politician", "costs": {"legacy": 1000, "culture": 1000, "finance": 3, "science": 3, "government": 2, "systemHealth": 1}, "isBot": false, "ready": false, "isMuted": false, "username": "PlanetaryQuagga6458", "inventory": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 0}, "specialty": "government", "timeBlocks": 10, "victoryPoints": 0, "accomplishment": {"role": "Politician", "purchased": [], "remaining": [62, 61, 73, 72, 76, 71, 68, 70, 74, 65, 75], "purchasable": [67, 77, 69]}, "pendingInvestments": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 0, "systemHealth": 0}, "systemHealthChange": {"purchases": [], "investment": 0}}, "Researcher": {"role": "Researcher", "costs": {"legacy": 3, "culture": 1000, "finance": 1000, "science": 2, "government": 3, "systemHealth": 1}, "isBot": true, "ready": false, "isMuted": false, "username": "AuroralCamel4881", "inventory": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 0}, "specialty": "science", "timeBlocks": 10, "victoryPoints": 0, "accomplishment": {"role": "Researcher", "purchased": [], "remaining": [1, 13, 15, 12, 9, 5, 17, 7, 16, 10, 11], "purchasable": [8, 2, 14]}, "pendingInvestments": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 0, "systemHealth": 0}, "systemHealthChange": {"purchases": [], "investment": 0}}, "Entrepreneur": {"role": "Entrepreneur", "costs": {"legacy": 1000, "culture": 3, "finance": 2, "science": 1000, "government": 3, "systemHealth": 1}, "isBot": true, "ready": false, "isMuted": false, "username": "SolarCamel3847", "inventory": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 0}, "specialty": "finance", "timeBlocks": 10, "victoryPoints": 0, "accomplishment": {"role": "Entrepreneur", "purchased": [], "remaining": [48, 45, 53, 56, 51, 47, 52, 50, 49, 42, 54], "purchasable": [55, 41, 57]}, "pendingInvestments": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 0, "systemHealth": 0}, "systemHealthChange": {"purchases": [], "investment": 0}}}, "winners": [], "maxRound": 10, "messages": [], "tradeSet": {}, "userRoles": {"LunarBison2329": "Pioneer", "SolarCamel3847": "Entrepreneur", "AuroralCamel4881": "Researcher", "MartianCamel3681": "Curator", "PlanetaryQuagga6458": "Politician"}, "marsEvents": [], "heroOrPariah": "", "systemHealth": 100, "marsEventDeck": {"deck": [{"id": "effortsWasted", "name": "Efforts Wasted", "effect": "Each player must discard an Accomplishment that they have already purchased.", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "\\"All markets are volatile. The trick is learning how to ride the waves.\\" - The Entrepreneur", "clientViewHandler": "ACCOMPLISHMENT_SELECT_PURCHASED"}, {"id": "outOfCommissionPolitician", "name": "Out of Commission", "effect": "The Politician receives only 3 Time Blocks this round.", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "The mental and physical health of all residents is critical to mission success. The absence of even one person can have rippling effects on the community.", "timeDuration": 15, "clientViewHandler": "NO_CHANGE"}, {"id": "lifeAsUsual", "name": "Life as Usual", "effect": "No special effect", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "As the first human outpost on Mars, having a \\"usual\\" day is pretty unusual.", "timeDuration": 10, "clientViewHandler": "NO_CHANGE"}, {"id": "lifeAsUsual", "name": "Life as Usual", "effect": "No special effect", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "As the first human outpost on Mars, having a \\"usual\\" day is pretty unusual.", "timeDuration": 10, "clientViewHandler": "NO_CHANGE"}, {"id": "outOfCommissionEntrepreneur", "name": "Out of Commission", "effect": "The Entrepreneur receives only 3 Time Blocks this round.", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "The mental and physical health of all residents is critical to mission success. The absence of even one person can have rippling effects on the community.", "timeDuration": 15, "clientViewHandler": "NO_CHANGE"}, {"id": "difficultConditions", "name": "Difficult Conditions", "effect": "System Health costs twice as many Time Blocks as usual this round.", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "When one component breaks, it puts a strain on the rest of the system. Small failures often snowball into critical ones.", "timeDuration": 15, "clientViewHandler": "NO_CHANGE"}, {"id": "cropFailure", "name": "Crop Failure", "effect": "Destroy 20 System Health.", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "\\"The good news is we're not eating any more potatoes this cycle! The bad news is we're not sure what we're eating.\\" - The Researcher", "timeDuration": 10, "clientViewHandler": "NO_CHANGE"}, {"id": "personalGain", "name": "Personal Gain", "effect": "Each player secretly chooses Yes or No. Then, simultaneously, players reveal their choice. Players who chose yes gain 6 extra Time Blocks this round, but destroy 6 System Health.", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "It's easy to take risks when others are incurring the costs.", "clientViewHandler": "VOTE_YES_NO"}, {"id": "bondingThroughAdversity", "name": "Bonding Through Adversity", "effect": "Each player gains one unit of Influence of their choice.", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "Challenges brings communities together.", "clientViewHandler": "INFLUENCES_DRAW"}, {"id": "changingTides", "name": "Changing Tides", "effect": "Each player discards all of their available Accomplishments and draws 1 new Accomplishment. You will be able to discard this Accomplishment at the end of this round and draw up to three new Accomplishments at the start of the next round (if this is not the final round).", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "Create contingencies for your contingencies and contingencies for those contingencies. Then prepare to improvise.", "timeDuration": 10, "clientViewHandler": "NO_CHANGE"}, {"id": "solarFlare", "name": "Solar Flare", "effect": "Destroy 5 System Health. Skip discussion and trading phases this turn. Players cannot chat or trade Influences.", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "Solar flares pose a far greater threat on Mars, where a thin atmosphere and non-existent magnetic field leaves settlers more vulnerable. ", "timeDuration": 10, "clientViewHandler": "DISABLE_CHAT"}, {"id": "hullBreach", "name": "Hull Breach", "effect": "Destroy 7 System Health.", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "\\"Accidents happen. It's unavoidable. Our job is to do our best to avoid them all the same.\\"", "timeDuration": 10, "clientViewHandler": "NO_CHANGE"}, {"id": "interdisciplinary", "name": "Interdisciplinary", "effect": "For this round, each player can spend 3 Time Blocks to earn an Influence in either of the 2 Influences they normally can't create.", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "\\"Everyone knows the saying, 'Jack of all trades, master of none.' Few remember the second part: 'still better than a master of one.'\\" - The Pioneer", "timeDuration": 10, "clientViewHandler": "NO_CHANGE"}, {"id": "lifeAsUsual", "name": "Life as Usual", "effect": "No special effect", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "As the first human outpost on Mars, having a \\"usual\\" day is pretty unusual.", "timeDuration": 10, "clientViewHandler": "NO_CHANGE"}, {"id": "marketsClosed", "name": "Markets Closed", "effect": "Players may not trade Influences this round.", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "\\"Trust is difficult to build and easy to break. Yet without it, this community would fall apart.\\" - The Curator", "timeDuration": 10, "clientViewHandler": "NO_CHANGE"}, {"id": "lifeAsUsual", "name": "Life as Usual", "effect": "No special effect", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "As the first human outpost on Mars, having a \\"usual\\" day is pretty unusual.", "timeDuration": 10, "clientViewHandler": "NO_CHANGE"}, {"id": "lifeAsUsual", "name": "Life as Usual", "effect": "No special effect", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "As the first human outpost on Mars, having a \\"usual\\" day is pretty unusual.", "timeDuration": 10, "clientViewHandler": "NO_CHANGE"}, {"id": "outOfCommissionCurator", "name": "Out of Commission", "effect": "The Curator receives only 3 Time Blocks this round.", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "The mental and physical health of all residents is critical to mission success. The absence of even one person can have rippling effects on the community.", "timeDuration": 15, "clientViewHandler": "NO_CHANGE"}, {"id": "lostTime", "name": "Lost Time", "effect": "Each player has 5 fewer Time Blocks to spend this round.", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "Time flies when you're trying to stay alive.", "timeDuration": 10, "clientViewHandler": "NO_CHANGE"}, {"id": "heroOrPariah", "name": "Hero or Pariah", "effect": "CHOOSE ONE: Players must vote for 1 player to lose all Influence OR Players must vote for 1 player to gain 4 of their specialty Influence", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "In a community as small as Port of Mars, some individuals always stand out - for better or worse.", "clientViewHandler": "VOTE_FOR_PLAYER_HERO_PARIAH"}, {"id": "outOfCommissionResearcher", "name": "Out of Commission", "effect": "The Researcher receives only 3 Time Blocks this round.", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "The mental and physical health of all residents is critical to mission success. The absence of even one person can have rippling effects on the community.", "timeDuration": 15, "clientViewHandler": "NO_CHANGE"}, {"id": "breakdownOfTrust", "name": "Breakdown of Trust", "effect": "Each player can choose to save up to 2 units of Influence that they already own. The rest will be lost.", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "Setbacks are inevitable, but no less painful each time.", "clientViewHandler": "INFLUENCES_SELECT"}, {"id": "lifeAsUsual", "name": "Life as Usual", "effect": "No special effect", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "As the first human outpost on Mars, having a \\"usual\\" day is pretty unusual.", "timeDuration": 10, "clientViewHandler": "NO_CHANGE"}, {"id": "stymied", "name": "Stymied", "effect": "Players may not earn their specialty Influence this round.", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "\\"That's very nice that you have three PhD's. Now pick up this toothbrush and help with cleaning our solar panel cells.\\"", "timeDuration": 10, "clientViewHandler": "NO_CHANGE"}, {"id": "compulsivePhilanthropy", "name": "Compulsive Philanthropy", "effect": "Players must vote for one player to put all their Time Blocks into System Health this round.", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "There's nothing quite like being volun-told for the greater good.", "clientViewHandler": "VOTE_FOR_PLAYER_SINGLE"}, {"id": "lifeAsUsual", "name": "Life as Usual", "effect": "No special effect", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "As the first human outpost on Mars, having a \\"usual\\" day is pretty unusual.", "timeDuration": 10, "clientViewHandler": "NO_CHANGE"}, {"id": "lifeAsUsual", "name": "Life as Usual", "effect": "No special effect", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "As the first human outpost on Mars, having a \\"usual\\" day is pretty unusual.", "timeDuration": 10, "clientViewHandler": "NO_CHANGE"}, {"id": "lifeAsUsual", "name": "Life as Usual", "effect": "No special effect", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "As the first human outpost on Mars, having a \\"usual\\" day is pretty unusual.", "timeDuration": 10, "clientViewHandler": "NO_CHANGE"}, {"id": "sandstorm", "name": "Sandstorm", "effect": "For the next 3 rounds, destroy an additional 10 System Health at the start of the round.", "duration": 3, "flavorText": "Buckle in - things are about to get rough. And coarse. And irritating.", "timeDuration": 10, "clientViewHandler": "NO_CHANGE"}, {"id": "lifeAsUsual", "name": "Life as Usual", "effect": "No special effect", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "As the first human outpost on Mars, having a \\"usual\\" day is pretty unusual.", "timeDuration": 10, "clientViewHandler": "NO_CHANGE"}, {"id": "lifeAsUsual", "name": "Life as Usual", "effect": "No special effect", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "As the first human outpost on Mars, having a \\"usual\\" day is pretty unusual.", "timeDuration": 10, "clientViewHandler": "NO_CHANGE"}, {"id": "audit", "name": "Audit", "effect": "In this round, players will be able to view each other's accomplishments, inventories, resources and investment decisions.", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "\\"Of course we trust everyone to be truthful. But it doesn't hurt to check now and again.\\" - The Politician", "timeDuration": 10, "clientViewHandler": "AUDIT"}, {"id": "murphysLaw", "name": "Murphy's Law", "effect": "Reveal 2 more events. They're both in effect.", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "Residents at Port of Mars know better than to ask, \\"what ELSE could go wrong?\\"", "timeDuration": 10, "clientViewHandler": "NO_CHANGE"}, {"id": "lifeAsUsual", "name": "Life as Usual", "effect": "No special effect", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "As the first human outpost on Mars, having a \\"usual\\" day is pretty unusual.", "timeDuration": 10, "clientViewHandler": "NO_CHANGE"}, {"id": "outOfCommissionPioneer", "name": "Out of Commission", "effect": "The Pioneer receives only 3 Time Blocks this round.", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "The mental and physical health of all residents is critical to mission success. The absence of even one person can have rippling effects on the community.", "timeDuration": 15, "clientViewHandler": "NO_CHANGE"}], "position": 0}, "timeRemaining": 60, "lastTimePolled": 1722034802722, "tradingEnabled": true, "roundIntroduction": {"completedTrades": [], "systemHealthMarsEvents": [], "accomplishmentPurchases": [], "systemHealthAtStartOfRound": 100, "systemHealthMaintenanceCost": -25, "systemHealthGroupContributions": {}}, "marsEventsProcessed": 0} 2024-07-26 23:00:02.756 60
+271 5 set-player-readiness {"role": "Curator", "value": true} 2024-07-26 23:00:03.727 59
+272 5 set-player-readiness {"role": "Entrepreneur", "value": true} 2024-07-26 23:00:03.727 59
+273 5 set-player-readiness {"role": "Pioneer", "value": true} 2024-07-26 23:00:03.727 59
+274 5 set-player-readiness {"role": "Researcher", "value": true} 2024-07-26 23:00:03.727 59
+275 5 subtracted-system-health-wear-and-tear {} 2024-07-26 23:01:02.759 0
+276 5 entered-investment-phase {} 2024-07-26 23:01:02.759 0
+277 5 time-invested {"role": "Curator", "investment": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 2, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 0, "systemHealth": 6}} 2024-07-26 23:01:03.775 179
+278 5 set-player-readiness {"role": "Curator", "value": true} 2024-07-26 23:01:03.775 179
+279 5 time-invested {"role": "Entrepreneur", "investment": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 2, "science": 0, "government": 0, "systemHealth": 6}} 2024-07-26 23:01:03.775 179
+280 5 set-player-readiness {"role": "Entrepreneur", "value": true} 2024-07-26 23:01:03.775 179
+281 5 time-invested {"role": "Pioneer", "investment": {"legacy": 2, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 0, "systemHealth": 6}} 2024-07-26 23:01:03.775 179
+282 5 set-player-readiness {"role": "Pioneer", "value": true} 2024-07-26 23:01:03.775 179
+283 5 time-invested {"role": "Researcher", "investment": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 2, "government": 0, "systemHealth": 6}} 2024-07-26 23:01:03.775 179
+284 5 set-player-readiness {"role": "Researcher", "value": true} 2024-07-26 23:01:03.775 179
+285 5 exited-investment-phase {} 2024-07-26 23:04:02.752 0
+286 5 entered-trade-phase {} 2024-07-26 23:04:02.752 0
+287 5 set-player-readiness {"role": "Curator", "value": true} 2024-07-26 23:04:03.777 179
+288 5 set-player-readiness {"role": "Entrepreneur", "value": true} 2024-07-26 23:04:03.777 179
+289 5 set-player-readiness {"role": "Pioneer", "value": true} 2024-07-26 23:04:03.777 179
+290 5 set-player-readiness {"role": "Researcher", "value": true} 2024-07-26 23:04:03.777 179
+291 5 bot-control-taken {"role": "Politician"} 2024-07-26 23:05:02.739 120
+292 5 set-player-readiness {"role": "Politician", "value": true} 2024-07-26 23:05:03.727 119
+293 5 exited-trade-phase {} 2024-07-26 23:05:03.727 119
+294 5 entered-purchase-phase {} 2024-07-26 23:05:03.727 119
+295 5 set-player-readiness {"role": "Curator", "value": true} 2024-07-26 23:05:04.732 59
+296 5 purchased-accomplishment {"role": "Entrepreneur", "accomplishment": {"id": 55, "role": "Entrepreneur"}} 2024-07-26 23:05:04.732 59
+297 5 purchased-accomplishment {"role": "Pioneer", "accomplishment": {"id": 34, "role": "Pioneer"}} 2024-07-26 23:05:04.732 59
+298 5 set-player-readiness {"role": "Politician", "value": true} 2024-07-26 23:05:04.732 59
+299 5 purchased-accomplishment {"role": "Researcher", "accomplishment": {"id": 14, "role": "Researcher"}} 2024-07-26 23:05:04.732 59
+300 5 set-player-readiness {"role": "Entrepreneur", "value": true} 2024-07-26 23:05:05.755 58
+301 5 set-player-readiness {"role": "Pioneer", "value": true} 2024-07-26 23:05:05.755 58
+302 5 set-player-readiness {"role": "Researcher", "value": true} 2024-07-26 23:05:05.755 58
+303 5 exited-purchase-phase {} 2024-07-26 23:05:05.755 58
+304 5 entered-discard-phase {} 2024-07-26 23:05:05.755 58
+305 5 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 91, "role": "Curator"} 2024-07-26 23:05:06.726 59
+306 5 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 90, "role": "Curator"} 2024-07-26 23:05:06.726 59
+307 5 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 93, "role": "Curator"} 2024-07-26 23:05:06.726 59
+308 5 set-player-readiness {"role": "Curator", "value": true} 2024-07-26 23:05:06.726 59
+309 5 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 41, "role": "Entrepreneur"} 2024-07-26 23:05:06.726 59
+421 5 initialized-mars-event {} 2024-07-26 23:05:17.725 9
+314 5 set-player-readiness {"role": "Pioneer", "value": true} 2024-07-26 23:05:06.726 59
+315 5 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 67, "role": "Politician"} 2024-07-26 23:05:06.726 59
+316 5 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 77, "role": "Politician"} 2024-07-26 23:05:06.726 59
+317 5 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 69, "role": "Politician"} 2024-07-26 23:05:06.726 59
+318 5 set-player-readiness {"role": "Politician", "value": true} 2024-07-26 23:05:06.726 59
+319 5 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 8, "role": "Researcher"} 2024-07-26 23:05:06.726 59
+320 5 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 2, "role": "Researcher"} 2024-07-26 23:05:06.726 59
+321 5 set-player-readiness {"role": "Researcher", "value": true} 2024-07-26 23:05:06.726 59
+322 5 taken-round-snapshot {"round": 1, "players": {"Curator": {"role": "Curator", "ready": true, "inventory": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 2, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 0}, "timeBlocks": 10, "victoryPoints": 0, "accomplishment": {"purchased": [], "purchasable": []}}, "Pioneer": {"role": "Pioneer", "ready": true, "inventory": {"legacy": 2, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 0}, "timeBlocks": 10, "victoryPoints": 3, "accomplishment": {"purchased": [34], "purchasable": []}}, "Politician": {"role": "Politician", "ready": true, "inventory": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 0}, "timeBlocks": 10, "victoryPoints": 0, "accomplishment": {"purchased": [], "purchasable": []}}, "Researcher": {"role": "Researcher", "ready": true, "inventory": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 2, "government": 0}, "timeBlocks": 10, "victoryPoints": 3, "accomplishment": {"purchased": [14], "purchasable": []}}, "Entrepreneur": {"role": "Entrepreneur", "ready": true, "inventory": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 2, "science": 0, "government": 0}, "timeBlocks": 10, "victoryPoints": 6, "accomplishment": {"purchased": [55], "purchasable": []}}}, "logsLength": 4, "marsEventIds": [], "systemHealth": 75, "messagesLength": 0, "marsEventsProcessed": 0} 2024-07-26 23:05:06.726 59
+323 5 added-system-health-contributions {} 2024-07-26 23:05:06.726 59
+324 5 entered-new-round-phase {} 2024-07-26 23:05:06.726 59
+325 5 set-player-readiness {"role": "Curator", "value": true} 2024-07-26 23:05:07.751 59
+326 5 set-player-readiness {"role": "Entrepreneur", "value": true} 2024-07-26 23:05:07.751 59
+327 5 set-player-readiness {"role": "Pioneer", "value": true} 2024-07-26 23:05:07.751 59
+328 5 set-player-readiness {"role": "Politician", "value": true} 2024-07-26 23:05:07.751 59
+329 5 set-player-readiness {"role": "Researcher", "value": true} 2024-07-26 23:05:07.751 59
+330 5 subtracted-system-health-wear-and-tear {} 2024-07-26 23:05:07.751 59
+331 5 entered-mars-event-phase {} 2024-07-26 23:05:07.751 59
+332 5 initialized-mars-event {} 2024-07-26 23:05:07.751 59
+333 5 set-player-readiness {"role": "Curator", "value": true} 2024-07-26 23:05:08.755 89
+334 5 set-player-readiness {"role": "Entrepreneur", "value": true} 2024-07-26 23:05:08.755 89
+335 5 set-player-readiness {"role": "Pioneer", "value": true} 2024-07-26 23:05:08.755 89
+336 5 set-player-readiness {"role": "Politician", "value": true} 2024-07-26 23:05:08.755 89
+337 5 set-player-readiness {"role": "Researcher", "value": true} 2024-07-26 23:05:08.755 89
+338 5 finalized-mars-event {} 2024-07-26 23:05:08.755 89
+339 5 reentered-mars-event-phase {} 2024-07-26 23:05:08.755 89
+340 5 initialized-mars-event {} 2024-07-26 23:05:08.755 89
+341 5 set-player-readiness {"role": "Curator", "value": true} 2024-07-26 23:05:09.75 14
+342 5 set-player-readiness {"role": "Entrepreneur", "value": true} 2024-07-26 23:05:09.75 14
+343 5 set-player-readiness {"role": "Pioneer", "value": true} 2024-07-26 23:05:09.75 14
+344 5 set-player-readiness {"role": "Politician", "value": true} 2024-07-26 23:05:09.75 14
+345 5 set-player-readiness {"role": "Researcher", "value": true} 2024-07-26 23:05:09.75 14
+346 5 finalized-mars-event {} 2024-07-26 23:05:09.75 14
+347 5 exited-mars-event-phase {} 2024-07-26 23:05:09.75 14
+348 5 entered-investment-phase {} 2024-07-26 23:05:09.75 14
+349 5 time-invested {"role": "Curator", "investment": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 2, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 0, "systemHealth": 6}} 2024-07-26 23:05:10.773 179
+350 5 set-player-readiness {"role": "Curator", "value": true} 2024-07-26 23:05:10.773 179
+351 5 time-invested {"role": "Entrepreneur", "investment": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 2, "science": 0, "government": 0, "systemHealth": 6}} 2024-07-26 23:05:10.773 179
+352 5 set-player-readiness {"role": "Entrepreneur", "value": true} 2024-07-26 23:05:10.773 179
+353 5 time-invested {"role": "Pioneer", "investment": {"legacy": 2, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 0, "systemHealth": 6}} 2024-07-26 23:05:10.773 179
+354 5 set-player-readiness {"role": "Pioneer", "value": true} 2024-07-26 23:05:10.773 179
+355 5 time-invested {"role": "Politician", "investment": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 0, "systemHealth": 3}} 2024-07-26 23:05:10.773 179
+356 5 set-player-readiness {"role": "Politician", "value": true} 2024-07-26 23:05:10.773 179
+357 5 time-invested {"role": "Researcher", "investment": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 2, "government": 0, "systemHealth": 6}} 2024-07-26 23:05:10.773 179
+358 5 set-player-readiness {"role": "Researcher", "value": true} 2024-07-26 23:05:10.773 179
+359 5 exited-investment-phase {} 2024-07-26 23:05:10.773 179
+360 5 entered-trade-phase {} 2024-07-26 23:05:10.773 179
+361 5 set-player-readiness {"role": "Curator", "value": true} 2024-07-26 23:05:11.746 179
+362 5 set-player-readiness {"role": "Entrepreneur", "value": true} 2024-07-26 23:05:11.746 179
+363 5 set-player-readiness {"role": "Pioneer", "value": true} 2024-07-26 23:05:11.746 179
+364 5 set-player-readiness {"role": "Politician", "value": true} 2024-07-26 23:05:11.746 179
+365 5 set-player-readiness {"role": "Researcher", "value": true} 2024-07-26 23:05:11.746 179
+366 5 exited-trade-phase {} 2024-07-26 23:05:11.746 179
+367 5 entered-purchase-phase {} 2024-07-26 23:05:11.746 179
+368 5 purchased-accomplishment {"role": "Curator", "accomplishment": {"id": 95, "role": "Curator"}} 2024-07-26 23:05:12.727 59
+369 5 set-player-readiness {"role": "Entrepreneur", "value": true} 2024-07-26 23:05:12.727 59
+370 5 set-player-readiness {"role": "Pioneer", "value": true} 2024-07-26 23:05:12.727 59
+371 5 set-player-readiness {"role": "Politician", "value": true} 2024-07-26 23:05:12.727 59
+372 5 purchased-accomplishment {"role": "Researcher", "accomplishment": {"id": 15, "role": "Researcher"}} 2024-07-26 23:05:12.727 59
+373 5 set-player-readiness {"role": "Curator", "value": true} 2024-07-26 23:05:13.767 58
+374 5 set-player-readiness {"role": "Researcher", "value": true} 2024-07-26 23:05:13.767 58
+375 5 exited-purchase-phase {} 2024-07-26 23:05:13.767 58
+376 5 entered-discard-phase {} 2024-07-26 23:05:13.767 58
+377 5 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 92, "role": "Curator"} 2024-07-26 23:05:14.729 59
+378 5 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 82, "role": "Curator"} 2024-07-26 23:05:14.729 59
+379 5 set-player-readiness {"role": "Curator", "value": true} 2024-07-26 23:05:14.729 59
+380 5 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 48, "role": "Entrepreneur"} 2024-07-26 23:05:14.729 59
+381 5 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 45, "role": "Entrepreneur"} 2024-07-26 23:05:14.729 59
+382 5 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 53, "role": "Entrepreneur"} 2024-07-26 23:05:14.729 59
+383 5 set-player-readiness {"role": "Entrepreneur", "value": true} 2024-07-26 23:05:14.729 59
+384 5 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 36, "role": "Pioneer"} 2024-07-26 23:05:14.729 59
+385 5 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 32, "role": "Pioneer"} 2024-07-26 23:05:14.729 59
+386 5 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 25, "role": "Pioneer"} 2024-07-26 23:05:14.729 59
+387 5 set-player-readiness {"role": "Pioneer", "value": true} 2024-07-26 23:05:14.729 59
+388 5 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 62, "role": "Politician"} 2024-07-26 23:05:14.729 59
+389 5 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 61, "role": "Politician"} 2024-07-26 23:05:14.729 59
+390 5 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 73, "role": "Politician"} 2024-07-26 23:05:14.729 59
+391 5 set-player-readiness {"role": "Politician", "value": true} 2024-07-26 23:05:14.729 59
+392 5 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 1, "role": "Researcher"} 2024-07-26 23:05:14.729 59
+393 5 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 13, "role": "Researcher"} 2024-07-26 23:05:14.729 59
+394 5 set-player-readiness {"role": "Researcher", "value": true} 2024-07-26 23:05:14.729 59
+395 5 taken-round-snapshot {"round": 2, "players": {"Curator": {"role": "Curator", "ready": true, "inventory": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 4, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 0}, "timeBlocks": 10, "victoryPoints": 6, "accomplishment": {"purchased": [95], "purchasable": []}}, "Pioneer": {"role": "Pioneer", "ready": true, "inventory": {"legacy": 4, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 0}, "timeBlocks": 10, "victoryPoints": 0, "accomplishment": {"purchased": [], "purchasable": []}}, "Politician": {"role": "Politician", "ready": true, "inventory": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 0}, "timeBlocks": 3, "victoryPoints": 0, "accomplishment": {"purchased": [], "purchasable": []}}, "Researcher": {"role": "Researcher", "ready": true, "inventory": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 4, "government": 0}, "timeBlocks": 10, "victoryPoints": 6, "accomplishment": {"purchased": [15], "purchasable": []}}, "Entrepreneur": {"role": "Entrepreneur", "ready": true, "inventory": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 4, "science": 0, "government": 0}, "timeBlocks": 10, "victoryPoints": 0, "accomplishment": {"purchased": [], "purchasable": []}}}, "logsLength": 14, "marsEventIds": ["effortsWasted", "outOfCommissionPolitician"], "systemHealth": 49, "messagesLength": 0, "marsEventsProcessed": 1} 2024-07-26 23:05:14.729 59
+396 5 added-system-health-contributions {} 2024-07-26 23:05:14.729 59
+397 5 entered-new-round-phase {} 2024-07-26 23:05:14.729 59
+398 5 set-player-readiness {"role": "Curator", "value": true} 2024-07-26 23:05:15.74 59
+399 5 set-player-readiness {"role": "Entrepreneur", "value": true} 2024-07-26 23:05:15.74 59
+400 5 set-player-readiness {"role": "Pioneer", "value": true} 2024-07-26 23:05:15.74 59
+401 5 set-player-readiness {"role": "Politician", "value": true} 2024-07-26 23:05:15.74 59
+402 5 set-player-readiness {"role": "Researcher", "value": true} 2024-07-26 23:05:15.74 59
+403 5 subtracted-system-health-wear-and-tear {} 2024-07-26 23:05:15.74 59
+404 5 entered-mars-event-phase {} 2024-07-26 23:05:15.74 59
+405 5 initialized-mars-event {} 2024-07-26 23:05:15.74 59
+406 5 set-player-readiness {"role": "Curator", "value": true} 2024-07-26 23:05:16.766 9
+407 5 set-player-readiness {"role": "Entrepreneur", "value": true} 2024-07-26 23:05:16.766 9
+408 5 set-player-readiness {"role": "Pioneer", "value": true} 2024-07-26 23:05:16.766 9
+409 5 set-player-readiness {"role": "Politician", "value": true} 2024-07-26 23:05:16.766 9
+410 5 set-player-readiness {"role": "Researcher", "value": true} 2024-07-26 23:05:16.766 9
+411 5 finalized-mars-event {} 2024-07-26 23:05:16.766 9
+412 5 reentered-mars-event-phase {} 2024-07-26 23:05:16.766 9
+413 5 initialized-mars-event {} 2024-07-26 23:05:16.766 9
+414 5 set-player-readiness {"role": "Curator", "value": true} 2024-07-26 23:05:17.725 9
+415 5 set-player-readiness {"role": "Entrepreneur", "value": true} 2024-07-26 23:05:17.725 9
+416 5 set-player-readiness {"role": "Pioneer", "value": true} 2024-07-26 23:05:17.725 9
+417 5 set-player-readiness {"role": "Politician", "value": true} 2024-07-26 23:05:17.725 9
+418 5 set-player-readiness {"role": "Researcher", "value": true} 2024-07-26 23:05:17.725 9
+419 5 finalized-mars-event {} 2024-07-26 23:05:17.725 9
+420 5 reentered-mars-event-phase {} 2024-07-26 23:05:17.725 9
+422 5 set-player-readiness {"role": "Curator", "value": true} 2024-07-26 23:05:18.746 14
+423 5 set-player-readiness {"role": "Entrepreneur", "value": true} 2024-07-26 23:05:18.746 14
+424 5 set-player-readiness {"role": "Pioneer", "value": true} 2024-07-26 23:05:18.746 14
+425 5 set-player-readiness {"role": "Politician", "value": true} 2024-07-26 23:05:18.746 14
+426 5 set-player-readiness {"role": "Researcher", "value": true} 2024-07-26 23:05:18.746 14
+427 5 finalized-mars-event {} 2024-07-26 23:05:18.746 14
+428 5 exited-mars-event-phase {} 2024-07-26 23:05:18.746 14
+429 5 entered-investment-phase {} 2024-07-26 23:05:18.746 14
+430 5 time-invested {"role": "Curator", "investment": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 2, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 0, "systemHealth": 6}} 2024-07-26 23:05:19.769 179
+431 5 set-player-readiness {"role": "Curator", "value": true} 2024-07-26 23:05:19.769 179
+432 5 time-invested {"role": "Entrepreneur", "investment": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 0, "systemHealth": 3}} 2024-07-26 23:05:19.769 179
+433 5 set-player-readiness {"role": "Entrepreneur", "value": true} 2024-07-26 23:05:19.769 179
+434 5 time-invested {"role": "Pioneer", "investment": {"legacy": 2, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 0, "systemHealth": 6}} 2024-07-26 23:05:19.769 179
+435 5 set-player-readiness {"role": "Pioneer", "value": true} 2024-07-26 23:05:19.769 179
+436 5 time-invested {"role": "Politician", "investment": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 2, "systemHealth": 6}} 2024-07-26 23:05:19.769 179
+437 5 set-player-readiness {"role": "Politician", "value": true} 2024-07-26 23:05:19.769 179
+438 5 time-invested {"role": "Researcher", "investment": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 2, "government": 0, "systemHealth": 6}} 2024-07-26 23:05:19.769 179
+439 5 set-player-readiness {"role": "Researcher", "value": true} 2024-07-26 23:05:19.769 179
+440 5 exited-investment-phase {} 2024-07-26 23:05:19.769 179
+441 5 entered-trade-phase {} 2024-07-26 23:05:19.769 179
+442 5 set-player-readiness {"role": "Curator", "value": true} 2024-07-26 23:05:20.751 179
+443 5 set-player-readiness {"role": "Entrepreneur", "value": true} 2024-07-26 23:05:20.751 179
+444 5 set-player-readiness {"role": "Pioneer", "value": true} 2024-07-26 23:05:20.751 179
+445 5 set-player-readiness {"role": "Politician", "value": true} 2024-07-26 23:05:20.751 179
+446 5 set-player-readiness {"role": "Researcher", "value": true} 2024-07-26 23:05:20.751 179
+447 5 exited-trade-phase {} 2024-07-26 23:05:20.751 179
+448 5 entered-purchase-phase {} 2024-07-26 23:05:20.751 179
+449 5 set-player-readiness {"role": "Curator", "value": true} 2024-07-26 23:05:21.765 59
+450 5 set-player-readiness {"role": "Entrepreneur", "value": true} 2024-07-26 23:05:21.765 59
+451 5 set-player-readiness {"role": "Pioneer", "value": true} 2024-07-26 23:05:21.765 59
+452 5 set-player-readiness {"role": "Politician", "value": true} 2024-07-26 23:05:21.765 59
+453 5 set-player-readiness {"role": "Researcher", "value": true} 2024-07-26 23:05:21.765 59
+454 5 exited-purchase-phase {} 2024-07-26 23:05:21.765 59
+455 5 entered-discard-phase {} 2024-07-26 23:05:21.765 59
+456 5 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 88, "role": "Curator"} 2024-07-26 23:05:22.754 59
+457 5 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 97, "role": "Curator"} 2024-07-26 23:05:22.754 59
+458 5 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 85, "role": "Curator"} 2024-07-26 23:05:22.754 59
+459 5 set-player-readiness {"role": "Curator", "value": true} 2024-07-26 23:05:22.754 59
+460 5 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 56, "role": "Entrepreneur"} 2024-07-26 23:05:22.754 59
+461 5 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 51, "role": "Entrepreneur"} 2024-07-26 23:05:22.754 59
+462 5 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 47, "role": "Entrepreneur"} 2024-07-26 23:05:22.754 59
+463 5 set-player-readiness {"role": "Entrepreneur", "value": true} 2024-07-26 23:05:22.754 59
+464 5 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 30, "role": "Pioneer"} 2024-07-26 23:05:22.754 59
+465 5 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 35, "role": "Pioneer"} 2024-07-26 23:05:22.754 59
+466 5 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 21, "role": "Pioneer"} 2024-07-26 23:05:22.754 59
+467 5 set-player-readiness {"role": "Pioneer", "value": true} 2024-07-26 23:05:22.754 59
+468 5 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 72, "role": "Politician"} 2024-07-26 23:05:22.754 59
+469 5 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 76, "role": "Politician"} 2024-07-26 23:05:22.754 59
+470 5 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 71, "role": "Politician"} 2024-07-26 23:05:22.754 59
+471 5 set-player-readiness {"role": "Politician", "value": true} 2024-07-26 23:05:22.754 59
+472 5 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 12, "role": "Researcher"} 2024-07-26 23:05:22.754 59
+473 5 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 9, "role": "Researcher"} 2024-07-26 23:05:22.754 59
+474 5 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 5, "role": "Researcher"} 2024-07-26 23:05:22.754 59
+475 5 set-player-readiness {"role": "Researcher", "value": true} 2024-07-26 23:05:22.754 59
+527 5 set-player-readiness {"role": "Researcher", "value": true} 2024-07-26 23:05:28.757 179
+528 5 exited-trade-phase {} 2024-07-26 23:05:28.757 179
+529 5 entered-purchase-phase {} 2024-07-26 23:05:28.757 179
+530 5 set-player-readiness {"role": "Curator", "value": true} 2024-07-26 23:05:29.772 59
+531 5 set-player-readiness {"role": "Entrepreneur", "value": true} 2024-07-26 23:05:29.772 59
+532 5 set-player-readiness {"role": "Pioneer", "value": true} 2024-07-26 23:05:29.772 59
+533 5 set-player-readiness {"role": "Politician", "value": true} 2024-07-26 23:05:29.772 59
+534 5 set-player-readiness {"role": "Researcher", "value": true} 2024-07-26 23:05:29.772 59
+535 5 exited-purchase-phase {} 2024-07-26 23:05:29.772 59
+536 5 entered-discard-phase {} 2024-07-26 23:05:29.772 59
+537 5 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 87, "role": "Curator"} 2024-07-26 23:05:30.738 59
+538 5 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 96, "role": "Curator"} 2024-07-26 23:05:30.738 59
+476 5 taken-round-snapshot {"round": 3, "players": {"Curator": {"role": "Curator", "ready": true, "inventory": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 6, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 0}, "timeBlocks": 10, "victoryPoints": 6, "accomplishment": {"purchased": [95], "purchasable": []}}, "Pioneer": {"role": "Pioneer", "ready": true, "inventory": {"legacy": 6, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 0}, "timeBlocks": 10, "victoryPoints": 0, "accomplishment": {"purchased": [], "purchasable": []}}, "Politician": {"role": "Politician", "ready": true, "inventory": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 2}, "timeBlocks": 10, "victoryPoints": 0, "accomplishment": {"purchased": [], "purchasable": []}}, "Researcher": {"role": "Researcher", "ready": true, "inventory": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 6, "government": 0}, "timeBlocks": 10, "victoryPoints": 6, "accomplishment": {"purchased": [15], "purchasable": []}}, "Entrepreneur": {"role": "Entrepreneur", "ready": true, "inventory": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 4, "science": 0, "government": 0}, "timeBlocks": 3, "victoryPoints": 0, "accomplishment": {"purchased": [], "purchasable": []}}}, "logsLength": 23, "marsEventIds": ["lifeAsUsual", "lifeAsUsual", "outOfCommissionEntrepreneur"], "systemHealth": 25, "messagesLength": 0, "marsEventsProcessed": 2} 2024-07-26 23:05:22.754 59
+477 5 added-system-health-contributions {} 2024-07-26 23:05:22.754 59
+478 5 entered-new-round-phase {} 2024-07-26 23:05:22.754 59
+479 5 set-player-readiness {"role": "Curator", "value": true} 2024-07-26 23:05:23.766 59
+480 5 set-player-readiness {"role": "Entrepreneur", "value": true} 2024-07-26 23:05:23.766 59
+481 5 set-player-readiness {"role": "Pioneer", "value": true} 2024-07-26 23:05:23.766 59
+482 5 set-player-readiness {"role": "Politician", "value": true} 2024-07-26 23:05:23.766 59
+483 5 set-player-readiness {"role": "Researcher", "value": true} 2024-07-26 23:05:23.766 59
+484 5 subtracted-system-health-wear-and-tear {} 2024-07-26 23:05:23.766 59
+485 5 entered-mars-event-phase {} 2024-07-26 23:05:23.766 59
+486 5 initialized-mars-event {} 2024-07-26 23:05:23.766 59
+487 5 set-player-readiness {"role": "Curator", "value": true} 2024-07-26 23:05:24.774 14
+488 5 set-player-readiness {"role": "Entrepreneur", "value": true} 2024-07-26 23:05:24.774 14
+489 5 set-player-readiness {"role": "Pioneer", "value": true} 2024-07-26 23:05:24.774 14
+490 5 set-player-readiness {"role": "Politician", "value": true} 2024-07-26 23:05:24.774 14
+491 5 set-player-readiness {"role": "Researcher", "value": true} 2024-07-26 23:05:24.774 14
+492 5 finalized-mars-event {} 2024-07-26 23:05:24.774 14
+493 5 reentered-mars-event-phase {} 2024-07-26 23:05:24.774 14
+494 5 initialized-mars-event {} 2024-07-26 23:05:24.774 14
+495 5 set-player-readiness {"role": "Curator", "value": true} 2024-07-26 23:05:25.732 9
+496 5 set-player-readiness {"role": "Entrepreneur", "value": true} 2024-07-26 23:05:25.732 9
+497 5 set-player-readiness {"role": "Pioneer", "value": true} 2024-07-26 23:05:25.732 9
+498 5 set-player-readiness {"role": "Politician", "value": true} 2024-07-26 23:05:25.732 9
+499 5 set-player-readiness {"role": "Researcher", "value": true} 2024-07-26 23:05:25.732 9
+500 5 finalized-mars-event {} 2024-07-26 23:05:25.732 9
+501 5 reentered-mars-event-phase {} 2024-07-26 23:05:25.732 9
+502 5 initialized-mars-event {} 2024-07-26 23:05:25.732 9
+503 5 voted-for-personal-gain {"role": "Curator", "vote": false} 2024-07-26 23:05:26.756 89
+504 5 voted-for-personal-gain {"role": "Entrepreneur", "vote": false} 2024-07-26 23:05:26.756 89
+505 5 voted-for-personal-gain {"role": "Pioneer", "vote": false} 2024-07-26 23:05:26.756 89
+506 5 voted-for-personal-gain {"role": "Politician", "vote": false} 2024-07-26 23:05:26.756 89
+507 5 voted-for-personal-gain {"role": "Researcher", "vote": false} 2024-07-26 23:05:26.756 89
+508 5 finalized-mars-event {} 2024-07-26 23:05:26.756 89
+509 5 exited-mars-event-phase {} 2024-07-26 23:05:26.756 89
+510 5 entered-investment-phase {} 2024-07-26 23:05:26.756 89
+511 5 time-invested {"role": "Curator", "investment": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 2, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 0, "systemHealth": 3}} 2024-07-26 23:05:27.751 179
+512 5 set-player-readiness {"role": "Curator", "value": true} 2024-07-26 23:05:27.751 179
+513 5 time-invested {"role": "Entrepreneur", "investment": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 2, "science": 0, "government": 0, "systemHealth": 3}} 2024-07-26 23:05:27.751 179
+514 5 set-player-readiness {"role": "Entrepreneur", "value": true} 2024-07-26 23:05:27.751 179
+515 5 time-invested {"role": "Pioneer", "investment": {"legacy": 2, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 0, "systemHealth": 3}} 2024-07-26 23:05:27.751 179
+516 5 set-player-readiness {"role": "Pioneer", "value": true} 2024-07-26 23:05:27.751 179
+517 5 time-invested {"role": "Politician", "investment": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 2, "systemHealth": 3}} 2024-07-26 23:05:27.751 179
+518 5 set-player-readiness {"role": "Politician", "value": true} 2024-07-26 23:05:27.751 179
+519 5 time-invested {"role": "Researcher", "investment": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 2, "government": 0, "systemHealth": 3}} 2024-07-26 23:05:27.751 179
+520 5 set-player-readiness {"role": "Researcher", "value": true} 2024-07-26 23:05:27.751 179
+521 5 exited-investment-phase {} 2024-07-26 23:05:27.751 179
+522 5 entered-trade-phase {} 2024-07-26 23:05:27.751 179
+523 5 set-player-readiness {"role": "Curator", "value": true} 2024-07-26 23:05:28.757 179
+524 5 set-player-readiness {"role": "Entrepreneur", "value": true} 2024-07-26 23:05:28.757 179
+525 5 set-player-readiness {"role": "Pioneer", "value": true} 2024-07-26 23:05:28.757 179
+526 5 set-player-readiness {"role": "Politician", "value": true} 2024-07-26 23:05:28.757 179
+643 6 finalized-mars-event {} 2024-07-31 01:03:29.723 14
+539 5 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 89, "role": "Curator"} 2024-07-26 23:05:30.738 59
+540 5 set-player-readiness {"role": "Curator", "value": true} 2024-07-26 23:05:30.738 59
+541 5 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 52, "role": "Entrepreneur"} 2024-07-26 23:05:30.738 59
+542 5 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 50, "role": "Entrepreneur"} 2024-07-26 23:05:30.738 59
+543 5 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 49, "role": "Entrepreneur"} 2024-07-26 23:05:30.738 59
+544 5 set-player-readiness {"role": "Entrepreneur", "value": true} 2024-07-26 23:05:30.738 59
+545 5 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 28, "role": "Pioneer"} 2024-07-26 23:05:30.738 59
+546 5 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 29, "role": "Pioneer"} 2024-07-26 23:05:30.738 59
+547 5 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 37, "role": "Pioneer"} 2024-07-26 23:05:30.738 59
+548 5 set-player-readiness {"role": "Pioneer", "value": true} 2024-07-26 23:05:30.738 59
+549 5 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 68, "role": "Politician"} 2024-07-26 23:05:30.738 59
+550 5 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 70, "role": "Politician"} 2024-07-26 23:05:30.738 59
+551 5 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 74, "role": "Politician"} 2024-07-26 23:05:30.738 59
+552 5 set-player-readiness {"role": "Politician", "value": true} 2024-07-26 23:05:30.738 59
+553 5 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 17, "role": "Researcher"} 2024-07-26 23:05:30.738 59
+554 5 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 7, "role": "Researcher"} 2024-07-26 23:05:30.738 59
+555 5 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 16, "role": "Researcher"} 2024-07-26 23:05:30.738 59
+556 5 set-player-readiness {"role": "Researcher", "value": true} 2024-07-26 23:05:30.738 59
+557 5 taken-round-snapshot {"round": 4, "players": {"Curator": {"role": "Curator", "ready": true, "inventory": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 8, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 0}, "timeBlocks": 10, "victoryPoints": 6, "accomplishment": {"purchased": [95], "purchasable": []}}, "Pioneer": {"role": "Pioneer", "ready": true, "inventory": {"legacy": 8, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 0}, "timeBlocks": 10, "victoryPoints": 0, "accomplishment": {"purchased": [], "purchasable": []}}, "Politician": {"role": "Politician", "ready": true, "inventory": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 4}, "timeBlocks": 10, "victoryPoints": 0, "accomplishment": {"purchased": [], "purchasable": []}}, "Researcher": {"role": "Researcher", "ready": true, "inventory": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 8, "government": 0}, "timeBlocks": 10, "victoryPoints": 6, "accomplishment": {"purchased": [15], "purchasable": []}}, "Entrepreneur": {"role": "Entrepreneur", "ready": true, "inventory": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 6, "science": 0, "government": 0}, "timeBlocks": 10, "victoryPoints": 0, "accomplishment": {"purchased": [], "purchasable": []}}}, "logsLength": 31, "marsEventIds": ["difficultConditions", "cropFailure", "personalGain"], "systemHealth": 7, "messagesLength": 0, "marsEventsProcessed": 2} 2024-07-26 23:05:30.738 59
+558 5 added-system-health-contributions {} 2024-07-26 23:05:30.738 59
+559 5 entered-new-round-phase {} 2024-07-26 23:05:30.738 59
+560 5 set-player-readiness {"role": "Curator", "value": true} 2024-07-26 23:05:31.76 59
+561 5 set-player-readiness {"role": "Entrepreneur", "value": true} 2024-07-26 23:05:31.76 59
+562 5 set-player-readiness {"role": "Pioneer", "value": true} 2024-07-26 23:05:31.76 59
+563 5 set-player-readiness {"role": "Politician", "value": true} 2024-07-26 23:05:31.76 59
+564 5 set-player-readiness {"role": "Researcher", "value": true} 2024-07-26 23:05:31.76 59
+565 5 subtracted-system-health-wear-and-tear {} 2024-07-26 23:05:31.76 59
+566 5 entered-mars-event-phase {} 2024-07-26 23:05:31.76 59
+567 5 initialized-mars-event {} 2024-07-26 23:05:31.76 59
+568 5 selected-influence {"role": "Curator", "influence": "culture"} 2024-07-26 23:05:32.76 89
+569 5 selected-influence {"role": "Entrepreneur", "influence": "culture"} 2024-07-26 23:05:32.76 89
+570 5 selected-influence {"role": "Pioneer", "influence": "culture"} 2024-07-26 23:05:32.76 89
+571 5 selected-influence {"role": "Politician", "influence": "culture"} 2024-07-26 23:05:32.76 89
+572 5 selected-influence {"role": "Researcher", "influence": "culture"} 2024-07-26 23:05:32.76 89
+573 5 entered-defeat-phase {"Curator": 6, "Pioneer": 0, "Politician": 0, "Researcher": 6, "Entrepreneur": 0} 2024-07-26 23:05:32.76 89
+574 5 entered-defeat-phase {"Curator": 6, "Pioneer": 0, "Politician": 0, "Researcher": 6, "Entrepreneur": 0} 2024-07-26 23:05:33.729 9999
+575 6 taken-state-snapshot {"logs": [], "phase": 0, "round": 1, "players": {"Curator": {"role": "Curator", "costs": {"legacy": 3, "culture": 2, "finance": 3, "science": 1000, "government": 1000, "systemHealth": 1}, "isBot": false, "ready": false, "isMuted": false, "username": "NebularFalcon4036", "inventory": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 0}, "specialty": "culture", "timeBlocks": 10, "victoryPoints": 0, "accomplishment": {"role": "Curator", "purchased": [], "remaining": [96, 95, 85, 88, 82, 89, 91, 81, 94, 92, 97], "purchasable": [90, 93, 87]}, "pendingInvestments": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 0, "systemHealth": 0}, "systemHealthChange": {"purchases": [], "investment": 0}}, "Pioneer": {"role": "Pioneer", "costs": {"legacy": 2, "culture": 3, "finance": 1000, "science": 3, "government": 1000, "systemHealth": 1}, "isBot": true, "ready": false, "isMuted": false, "username": "LunarBison2329", "inventory": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 0}, "specialty": "legacy", "timeBlocks": 10, "victoryPoints": 0, "accomplishment": {"role": "Pioneer", "purchased": [], "remaining": [35, 27, 36, 30, 32, 29, 34, 21, 22, 31, 33], "purchasable": [37, 28, 25]}, "pendingInvestments": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 0, "systemHealth": 0}, "systemHealthChange": {"purchases": [], "investment": 0}}, "Politician": {"role": "Politician", "costs": {"legacy": 1000, "culture": 1000, "finance": 3, "science": 3, "government": 2, "systemHealth": 1}, "isBot": true, "ready": false, "isMuted": false, "username": "SolarCamel3847", "inventory": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 0}, "specialty": "government", "timeBlocks": 10, "victoryPoints": 0, "accomplishment": {"role": "Politician", "purchased": [], "remaining": [61, 74, 67, 75, 73, 71, 72, 70, 68, 69, 77], "purchasable": [76, 62, 65]}, "pendingInvestments": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 0, "systemHealth": 0}, "systemHealthChange": {"purchases": [], "investment": 0}}, "Researcher": {"role": "Researcher", "costs": {"legacy": 3, "culture": 1000, "finance": 1000, "science": 2, "government": 3, "systemHealth": 1}, "isBot": true, "ready": false, "isMuted": false, "username": "AuroralCamel4881", "inventory": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 0}, "specialty": "science", "timeBlocks": 10, "victoryPoints": 0, "accomplishment": {"role": "Researcher", "purchased": [], "remaining": [15, 17, 2, 9, 7, 11, 14, 16, 13, 1, 8], "purchasable": [12, 10, 5]}, "pendingInvestments": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 0, "systemHealth": 0}, "systemHealthChange": {"purchases": [], "investment": 0}}, "Entrepreneur": {"role": "Entrepreneur", "costs": {"legacy": 1000, "culture": 3, "finance": 2, "science": 1000, "government": 3, "systemHealth": 1}, "isBot": true, "ready": false, "isMuted": false, "username": "MartianCamel3681", "inventory": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 0}, "specialty": "finance", "timeBlocks": 10, "victoryPoints": 0, "accomplishment": {"role": "Entrepreneur", "purchased": [], "remaining": [42, 56, 54, 55, 50, 51, 48, 47, 49, 41, 53], "purchasable": [45, 52, 57]}, "pendingInvestments": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 0, "systemHealth": 0}, "systemHealthChange": {"purchases": [], "investment": 0}}}, "winners": [], "maxRound": 10, "messages": [], "tradeSet": {}, "userRoles": {"LunarBison2329": "Pioneer", "SolarCamel3847": "Politician", "AuroralCamel4881": "Researcher", "MartianCamel3681": "Entrepreneur", "NebularFalcon4036": "Curator"}, "marsEvents": [], "heroOrPariah": "", "systemHealth": 100, "marsEventDeck": {"deck": [{"id": "outOfCommissionPioneer", "name": "Out of Commission", "effect": "The Pioneer receives only 3 Time Blocks this round.", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "The mental and physical health of all residents is critical to mission success. The absence of even one person can have rippling effects on the community.", "timeDuration": 15, "clientViewHandler": "NO_CHANGE"}, {"id": "lifeAsUsual", "name": "Life as Usual", "effect": "No special effect", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "As the first human outpost on Mars, having a \\"usual\\" day is pretty unusual.", "timeDuration": 10, "clientViewHandler": "NO_CHANGE"}, {"id": "lifeAsUsual", "name": "Life as Usual", "effect": "No special effect", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "As the first human outpost on Mars, having a \\"usual\\" day is pretty unusual.", "timeDuration": 10, "clientViewHandler": "NO_CHANGE"}, {"id": "lifeAsUsual", "name": "Life as Usual", "effect": "No special effect", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "As the first human outpost on Mars, having a \\"usual\\" day is pretty unusual.", "timeDuration": 10, "clientViewHandler": "NO_CHANGE"}, {"id": "lifeAsUsual", "name": "Life as Usual", "effect": "No special effect", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "As the first human outpost on Mars, having a \\"usual\\" day is pretty unusual.", "timeDuration": 10, "clientViewHandler": "NO_CHANGE"}, {"id": "stymied", "name": "Stymied", "effect": "Players may not earn their specialty Influence this round.", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "\\"That's very nice that you have three PhD's. Now pick up this toothbrush and help with cleaning our solar panel cells.\\"", "timeDuration": 10, "clientViewHandler": "NO_CHANGE"}, {"id": "lifeAsUsual", "name": "Life as Usual", "effect": "No special effect", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "As the first human outpost on Mars, having a \\"usual\\" day is pretty unusual.", "timeDuration": 10, "clientViewHandler": "NO_CHANGE"}, {"id": "solarFlare", "name": "Solar Flare", "effect": "Destroy 5 System Health. Skip discussion and trading phases this turn. Players cannot chat or trade Influences.", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "Solar flares pose a far greater threat on Mars, where a thin atmosphere and non-existent magnetic field leaves settlers more vulnerable. ", "timeDuration": 10, "clientViewHandler": "DISABLE_CHAT"}, {"id": "effortsWasted", "name": "Efforts Wasted", "effect": "Each player must discard an Accomplishment that they have already purchased.", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "\\"All markets are volatile. The trick is learning how to ride the waves.\\" - The Entrepreneur", "clientViewHandler": "ACCOMPLISHMENT_SELECT_PURCHASED"}, {"id": "hullBreach", "name": "Hull Breach", "effect": "Destroy 7 System Health.", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "\\"Accidents happen. It's unavoidable. Our job is to do our best to avoid them all the same.\\"", "timeDuration": 10, "clientViewHandler": "NO_CHANGE"}, {"id": "lifeAsUsual", "name": "Life as Usual", "effect": "No special effect", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "As the first human outpost on Mars, having a \\"usual\\" day is pretty unusual.", "timeDuration": 10, "clientViewHandler": "NO_CHANGE"}, {"id": "outOfCommissionPolitician", "name": "Out of Commission", "effect": "The Politician receives only 3 Time Blocks this round.", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "The mental and physical health of all residents is critical to mission success. The absence of even one person can have rippling effects on the community.", "timeDuration": 15, "clientViewHandler": "NO_CHANGE"}, {"id": "changingTides", "name": "Changing Tides", "effect": "Each player discards all of their available Accomplishments and draws 1 new Accomplishment. You will be able to discard this Accomplishment at the end of this round and draw up to three new Accomplishments at the start of the next round (if this is not the final round).", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "Create contingencies for your contingencies and contingencies for those contingencies. Then prepare to improvise.", "timeDuration": 10, "clientViewHandler": "NO_CHANGE"}, {"id": "lifeAsUsual", "name": "Life as Usual", "effect": "No special effect", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "As the first human outpost on Mars, having a \\"usual\\" day is pretty unusual.", "timeDuration": 10, "clientViewHandler": "NO_CHANGE"}, {"id": "lifeAsUsual", "name": "Life as Usual", "effect": "No special effect", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "As the first human outpost on Mars, having a \\"usual\\" day is pretty unusual.", "timeDuration": 10, "clientViewHandler": "NO_CHANGE"}, {"id": "outOfCommissionResearcher", "name": "Out of Commission", "effect": "The Researcher receives only 3 Time Blocks this round.", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "The mental and physical health of all residents is critical to mission success. The absence of even one person can have rippling effects on the community.", "timeDuration": 15, "clientViewHandler": "NO_CHANGE"}, {"id": "lifeAsUsual", "name": "Life as Usual", "effect": "No special effect", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "As the first human outpost on Mars, having a \\"usual\\" day is pretty unusual.", "timeDuration": 10, "clientViewHandler": "NO_CHANGE"}, {"id": "lifeAsUsual", "name": "Life as Usual", "effect": "No special effect", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "As the first human outpost on Mars, having a \\"usual\\" day is pretty unusual.", "timeDuration": 10, "clientViewHandler": "NO_CHANGE"}, {"id": "marketsClosed", "name": "Markets Closed", "effect": "Players may not trade Influences this round.", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "\\"Trust is difficult to build and easy to break. Yet without it, this community would fall apart.\\" - The Curator", "timeDuration": 10, "clientViewHandler": "NO_CHANGE"}, {"id": "sandstorm", "name": "Sandstorm", "effect": "For the next 3 rounds, destroy an additional 10 System Health at the start of the round.", "duration": 3, "flavorText": "Buckle in - things are about to get rough. And coarse. And irritating.", "timeDuration": 10, "clientViewHandler": "NO_CHANGE"}, {"id": "heroOrPariah", "name": "Hero or Pariah", "effect": "CHOOSE ONE: Players must vote for 1 player to lose all Influence OR Players must vote for 1 player to gain 4 of their specialty Influence", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "In a community as small as Port of Mars, some individuals always stand out - for better or worse.", "clientViewHandler": "VOTE_FOR_PLAYER_HERO_PARIAH"}, {"id": "personalGain", "name": "Personal Gain", "effect": "Each player secretly chooses Yes or No. Then, simultaneously, players reveal their choice. Players who chose yes gain 6 extra Time Blocks this round, but destroy 6 System Health.", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "It's easy to take risks when others are incurring the costs.", "clientViewHandler": "VOTE_YES_NO"}, {"id": "outOfCommissionCurator", "name": "Out of Commission", "effect": "The Curator receives only 3 Time Blocks this round.", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "The mental and physical health of all residents is critical to mission success. The absence of even one person can have rippling effects on the community.", "timeDuration": 15, "clientViewHandler": "NO_CHANGE"}, {"id": "outOfCommissionEntrepreneur", "name": "Out of Commission", "effect": "The Entrepreneur receives only 3 Time Blocks this round.", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "The mental and physical health of all residents is critical to mission success. The absence of even one person can have rippling effects on the community.", "timeDuration": 15, "clientViewHandler": "NO_CHANGE"}, {"id": "breakdownOfTrust", "name": "Breakdown of Trust", "effect": "Each player can choose to save up to 2 units of Influence that they already own. The rest will be lost.", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "Setbacks are inevitable, but no less painful each time.", "clientViewHandler": "INFLUENCES_SELECT"}, {"id": "murphysLaw", "name": "Murphy's Law", "effect": "Reveal 2 more events. They're both in effect.", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "Residents at Port of Mars know better than to ask, \\"what ELSE could go wrong?\\"", "timeDuration": 10, "clientViewHandler": "NO_CHANGE"}, {"id": "audit", "name": "Audit", "effect": "In this round, players will be able to view each other's accomplishments, inventories, resources and investment decisions.", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "\\"Of course we trust everyone to be truthful. But it doesn't hurt to check now and again.\\" - The Politician", "timeDuration": 10, "clientViewHandler": "AUDIT"}, {"id": "bondingThroughAdversity", "name": "Bonding Through Adversity", "effect": "Each player gains one unit of Influence of their choice.", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "Challenges brings communities together.", "clientViewHandler": "INFLUENCES_DRAW"}, {"id": "interdisciplinary", "name": "Interdisciplinary", "effect": "For this round, each player can spend 3 Time Blocks to earn an Influence in either of the 2 Influences they normally can't create.", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "\\"Everyone knows the saying, 'Jack of all trades, master of none.' Few remember the second part: 'still better than a master of one.'\\" - The Pioneer", "timeDuration": 10, "clientViewHandler": "NO_CHANGE"}, {"id": "lifeAsUsual", "name": "Life as Usual", "effect": "No special effect", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "As the first human outpost on Mars, having a \\"usual\\" day is pretty unusual.", "timeDuration": 10, "clientViewHandler": "NO_CHANGE"}, {"id": "lostTime", "name": "Lost Time", "effect": "Each player has 5 fewer Time Blocks to spend this round.", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "Time flies when you're trying to stay alive.", "timeDuration": 10, "clientViewHandler": "NO_CHANGE"}, {"id": "cropFailure", "name": "Crop Failure", "effect": "Destroy 20 System Health.", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "\\"The good news is we're not eating any more potatoes this cycle! The bad news is we're not sure what we're eating.\\" - The Researcher", "timeDuration": 10, "clientViewHandler": "NO_CHANGE"}, {"id": "difficultConditions", "name": "Difficult Conditions", "effect": "System Health costs twice as many Time Blocks as usual this round.", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "When one component breaks, it puts a strain on the rest of the system. Small failures often snowball into critical ones.", "timeDuration": 15, "clientViewHandler": "NO_CHANGE"}, {"id": "compulsivePhilanthropy", "name": "Compulsive Philanthropy", "effect": "Players must vote for one player to put all their Time Blocks into System Health this round.", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "There's nothing quite like being volun-told for the greater good.", "clientViewHandler": "VOTE_FOR_PLAYER_SINGLE"}, {"id": "lifeAsUsual", "name": "Life as Usual", "effect": "No special effect", "duration": 1, "flavorText": "As the first human outpost on Mars, having a \\"usual\\" day is pretty unusual.", "timeDuration": 10, "clientViewHandler": "NO_CHANGE"}], "position": 0}, "timeRemaining": 60, "lastTimePolled": 1722387504674, "tradingEnabled": true, "roundIntroduction": {"completedTrades": [], "systemHealthMarsEvents": [], "accomplishmentPurchases": [], "systemHealthAtStartOfRound": 100, "systemHealthMaintenanceCost": -25, "systemHealthGroupContributions": {}}, "marsEventsProcessed": 0} 2024-07-31 00:58:24.705 60
+576 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Entrepreneur", "value": true} 2024-07-31 00:58:25.725 59
+577 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Pioneer", "value": true} 2024-07-31 00:58:25.725 59
+578 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Politician", "value": true} 2024-07-31 00:58:25.725 59
+579 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Researcher", "value": true} 2024-07-31 00:58:25.725 59
+580 6 subtracted-system-health-wear-and-tear {} 2024-07-31 00:59:24.703 0
+581 6 entered-investment-phase {} 2024-07-31 00:59:24.703 0
+582 6 time-invested {"role": "Entrepreneur", "investment": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 2, "science": 0, "government": 0, "systemHealth": 6}} 2024-07-31 00:59:25.723 179
+583 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Entrepreneur", "value": true} 2024-07-31 00:59:25.723 179
+584 6 time-invested {"role": "Pioneer", "investment": {"legacy": 2, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 0, "systemHealth": 6}} 2024-07-31 00:59:25.723 179
+585 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Pioneer", "value": true} 2024-07-31 00:59:25.723 179
+586 6 time-invested {"role": "Politician", "investment": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 2, "systemHealth": 6}} 2024-07-31 00:59:25.723 179
+587 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Politician", "value": true} 2024-07-31 00:59:25.723 179
+588 6 time-invested {"role": "Researcher", "investment": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 2, "government": 0, "systemHealth": 6}} 2024-07-31 00:59:25.723 179
+589 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Researcher", "value": true} 2024-07-31 00:59:25.723 179
+590 6 exited-investment-phase {} 2024-07-31 01:02:24.682 0
+591 6 entered-trade-phase {} 2024-07-31 01:02:24.682 0
+592 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Entrepreneur", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:02:25.693 179
+593 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Pioneer", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:02:25.693 179
+594 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Politician", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:02:25.693 179
+595 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Researcher", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:02:25.693 179
+596 6 bot-control-taken {"role": "Curator"} 2024-07-31 01:03:24.684 120
+597 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Curator", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:25.694 119
+598 6 exited-trade-phase {} 2024-07-31 01:03:25.694 119
+599 6 entered-purchase-phase {} 2024-07-31 01:03:25.694 119
+600 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Curator", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:26.676 59
+601 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Entrepreneur", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:26.676 59
+602 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Pioneer", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:26.676 59
+603 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Politician", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:26.676 59
+604 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Researcher", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:26.676 59
+605 6 exited-purchase-phase {} 2024-07-31 01:03:26.676 59
+606 6 entered-discard-phase {} 2024-07-31 01:03:26.676 59
+607 6 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 90, "role": "Curator"} 2024-07-31 01:03:27.705 59
+608 6 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 93, "role": "Curator"} 2024-07-31 01:03:27.705 59
+609 6 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 87, "role": "Curator"} 2024-07-31 01:03:27.705 59
+610 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Curator", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:27.705 59
+611 6 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 45, "role": "Entrepreneur"} 2024-07-31 01:03:27.705 59
+612 6 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 52, "role": "Entrepreneur"} 2024-07-31 01:03:27.705 59
+613 6 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 57, "role": "Entrepreneur"} 2024-07-31 01:03:27.705 59
+614 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Entrepreneur", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:27.705 59
+615 6 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 37, "role": "Pioneer"} 2024-07-31 01:03:27.705 59
+616 6 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 28, "role": "Pioneer"} 2024-07-31 01:03:27.705 59
+617 6 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 25, "role": "Pioneer"} 2024-07-31 01:03:27.705 59
+618 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Pioneer", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:27.705 59
+619 6 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 76, "role": "Politician"} 2024-07-31 01:03:27.705 59
+620 6 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 62, "role": "Politician"} 2024-07-31 01:03:27.705 59
+621 6 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 65, "role": "Politician"} 2024-07-31 01:03:27.705 59
+622 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Politician", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:27.705 59
+623 6 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 12, "role": "Researcher"} 2024-07-31 01:03:27.705 59
+624 6 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 10, "role": "Researcher"} 2024-07-31 01:03:27.705 59
+625 6 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 5, "role": "Researcher"} 2024-07-31 01:03:27.705 59
+626 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Researcher", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:27.705 59
+627 6 taken-round-snapshot {"round": 1, "players": {"Curator": {"role": "Curator", "ready": true, "inventory": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 0}, "timeBlocks": 10, "victoryPoints": 0, "accomplishment": {"purchased": [], "purchasable": []}}, "Pioneer": {"role": "Pioneer", "ready": true, "inventory": {"legacy": 2, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 0}, "timeBlocks": 10, "victoryPoints": 0, "accomplishment": {"purchased": [], "purchasable": []}}, "Politician": {"role": "Politician", "ready": true, "inventory": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 2}, "timeBlocks": 10, "victoryPoints": 0, "accomplishment": {"purchased": [], "purchasable": []}}, "Researcher": {"role": "Researcher", "ready": true, "inventory": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 2, "government": 0}, "timeBlocks": 10, "victoryPoints": 0, "accomplishment": {"purchased": [], "purchasable": []}}, "Entrepreneur": {"role": "Entrepreneur", "ready": true, "inventory": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 2, "science": 0, "government": 0}, "timeBlocks": 10, "victoryPoints": 0, "accomplishment": {"purchased": [], "purchasable": []}}}, "logsLength": 1, "marsEventIds": [], "systemHealth": 75, "messagesLength": 0, "marsEventsProcessed": 0} 2024-07-31 01:03:27.705 59
+628 6 added-system-health-contributions {} 2024-07-31 01:03:27.705 59
+629 6 entered-new-round-phase {} 2024-07-31 01:03:27.705 59
+630 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Curator", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:28.707 59
+631 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Entrepreneur", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:28.707 59
+632 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Pioneer", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:28.707 59
+633 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Politician", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:28.707 59
+634 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Researcher", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:28.707 59
+635 6 subtracted-system-health-wear-and-tear {} 2024-07-31 01:03:28.707 59
+636 6 entered-mars-event-phase {} 2024-07-31 01:03:28.707 59
+637 6 initialized-mars-event {} 2024-07-31 01:03:28.707 59
+638 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Curator", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:29.723 14
+639 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Entrepreneur", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:29.723 14
+640 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Pioneer", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:29.723 14
+641 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Politician", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:29.723 14
+642 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Researcher", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:29.723 14
+645 6 entered-investment-phase {} 2024-07-31 01:03:29.723 14
+646 6 time-invested {"role": "Curator", "investment": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 2, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 0, "systemHealth": 6}} 2024-07-31 01:03:30.718 179
+647 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Curator", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:30.718 179
+648 6 time-invested {"role": "Entrepreneur", "investment": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 2, "science": 0, "government": 0, "systemHealth": 6}} 2024-07-31 01:03:30.718 179
+649 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Entrepreneur", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:30.718 179
+650 6 time-invested {"role": "Pioneer", "investment": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 0, "systemHealth": 3}} 2024-07-31 01:03:30.718 179
+651 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Pioneer", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:30.718 179
+652 6 time-invested {"role": "Politician", "investment": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 2, "systemHealth": 6}} 2024-07-31 01:03:30.718 179
+653 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Politician", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:30.718 179
+654 6 time-invested {"role": "Researcher", "investment": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 2, "government": 0, "systemHealth": 6}} 2024-07-31 01:03:30.718 179
+655 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Researcher", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:30.718 179
+656 6 exited-investment-phase {} 2024-07-31 01:03:30.718 179
+657 6 entered-trade-phase {} 2024-07-31 01:03:30.718 179
+658 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Curator", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:31.682 179
+659 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Entrepreneur", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:31.682 179
+660 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Pioneer", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:31.682 179
+661 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Politician", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:31.682 179
+662 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Researcher", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:31.682 179
+663 6 exited-trade-phase {} 2024-07-31 01:03:31.682 179
+664 6 entered-purchase-phase {} 2024-07-31 01:03:31.682 179
+665 6 purchased-accomplishment {"role": "Curator", "accomplishment": {"id": 95, "role": "Curator"}} 2024-07-31 01:03:32.706 59
+666 6 purchased-accomplishment {"role": "Entrepreneur", "accomplishment": {"id": 54, "role": "Entrepreneur"}} 2024-07-31 01:03:32.706 59
+667 6 purchased-accomplishment {"role": "Pioneer", "accomplishment": {"id": 35, "role": "Pioneer"}} 2024-07-31 01:03:32.706 59
+668 6 purchased-accomplishment {"role": "Politician", "accomplishment": {"id": 74, "role": "Politician"}} 2024-07-31 01:03:32.706 59
+669 6 purchased-accomplishment {"role": "Researcher", "accomplishment": {"id": 15, "role": "Researcher"}} 2024-07-31 01:03:32.706 59
+670 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Curator", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:33.716 58
+671 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Entrepreneur", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:33.716 58
+672 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Pioneer", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:33.716 58
+673 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Politician", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:33.716 58
+674 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Researcher", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:33.716 58
+675 6 exited-purchase-phase {} 2024-07-31 01:03:33.716 58
+676 6 entered-discard-phase {} 2024-07-31 01:03:33.716 58
+677 6 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 96, "role": "Curator"} 2024-07-31 01:03:34.688 59
+678 6 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 85, "role": "Curator"} 2024-07-31 01:03:34.688 59
+679 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Curator", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:34.688 59
+680 6 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 42, "role": "Entrepreneur"} 2024-07-31 01:03:34.688 59
+681 6 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 56, "role": "Entrepreneur"} 2024-07-31 01:03:34.688 59
+682 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Entrepreneur", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:34.688 59
+683 6 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 27, "role": "Pioneer"} 2024-07-31 01:03:34.688 59
+684 6 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 36, "role": "Pioneer"} 2024-07-31 01:03:34.688 59
+685 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Pioneer", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:34.688 59
+686 6 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 61, "role": "Politician"} 2024-07-31 01:03:34.688 59
+687 6 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 67, "role": "Politician"} 2024-07-31 01:03:34.688 59
+688 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Politician", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:34.688 59
+689 6 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 17, "role": "Researcher"} 2024-07-31 01:03:34.688 59
+690 6 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 2, "role": "Researcher"} 2024-07-31 01:03:34.688 59
+691 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Researcher", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:34.688 59
+743 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Researcher", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:40.682 179
+744 6 exited-trade-phase {} 2024-07-31 01:03:40.682 179
+745 6 entered-purchase-phase {} 2024-07-31 01:03:40.682 179
+746 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Curator", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:41.698 59
+747 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Entrepreneur", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:41.698 59
+748 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Pioneer", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:41.698 59
+749 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Politician", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:41.698 59
+750 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Researcher", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:41.698 59
+751 6 exited-purchase-phase {} 2024-07-31 01:03:41.698 59
+752 6 entered-discard-phase {} 2024-07-31 01:03:41.698 59
+753 6 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 88, "role": "Curator"} 2024-07-31 01:03:42.723 59
+754 6 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 82, "role": "Curator"} 2024-07-31 01:03:42.723 59
+755 6 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 89, "role": "Curator"} 2024-07-31 01:03:42.723 59
+756 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Curator", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:42.723 59
+757 6 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 55, "role": "Entrepreneur"} 2024-07-31 01:03:42.723 59
+758 6 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 50, "role": "Entrepreneur"} 2024-07-31 01:03:42.723 59
+692 6 taken-round-snapshot {"round": 2, "players": {"Curator": {"role": "Curator", "ready": true, "inventory": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 2, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 0}, "timeBlocks": 10, "victoryPoints": 6, "accomplishment": {"purchased": [95], "purchasable": []}}, "Pioneer": {"role": "Pioneer", "ready": true, "inventory": {"legacy": 2, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 0}, "timeBlocks": 3, "victoryPoints": 6, "accomplishment": {"purchased": [35], "purchasable": []}}, "Politician": {"role": "Politician", "ready": true, "inventory": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 4}, "timeBlocks": 10, "victoryPoints": 3, "accomplishment": {"purchased": [74], "purchasable": []}}, "Researcher": {"role": "Researcher", "ready": true, "inventory": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 4, "government": 0}, "timeBlocks": 10, "victoryPoints": 6, "accomplishment": {"purchased": [15], "purchasable": []}}, "Entrepreneur": {"role": "Entrepreneur", "ready": true, "inventory": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 4, "science": 0, "government": 0}, "timeBlocks": 10, "victoryPoints": 3, "accomplishment": {"purchased": [54], "purchasable": []}}}, "logsLength": 12, "marsEventIds": ["outOfCommissionPioneer"], "systemHealth": 74, "messagesLength": 0, "marsEventsProcessed": 0} 2024-07-31 01:03:34.688 59
+693 6 added-system-health-contributions {} 2024-07-31 01:03:34.688 59
+694 6 entered-new-round-phase {} 2024-07-31 01:03:34.688 59
+695 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Curator", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:35.696 59
+696 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Entrepreneur", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:35.696 59
+697 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Pioneer", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:35.696 59
+698 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Politician", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:35.696 59
+699 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Researcher", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:35.696 59
+700 6 subtracted-system-health-wear-and-tear {} 2024-07-31 01:03:35.696 59
+701 6 entered-mars-event-phase {} 2024-07-31 01:03:35.696 59
+702 6 initialized-mars-event {} 2024-07-31 01:03:35.696 59
+703 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Curator", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:36.71 9
+704 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Entrepreneur", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:36.71 9
+705 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Pioneer", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:36.71 9
+706 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Politician", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:36.71 9
+707 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Researcher", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:36.71 9
+708 6 finalized-mars-event {} 2024-07-31 01:03:36.71 9
+709 6 reentered-mars-event-phase {} 2024-07-31 01:03:36.71 9
+710 6 initialized-mars-event {} 2024-07-31 01:03:36.71 9
+711 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Curator", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:37.723 9
+712 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Entrepreneur", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:37.723 9
+713 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Pioneer", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:37.723 9
+714 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Politician", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:37.723 9
+715 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Researcher", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:37.723 9
+716 6 finalized-mars-event {} 2024-07-31 01:03:37.723 9
+717 6 reentered-mars-event-phase {} 2024-07-31 01:03:37.723 9
+718 6 initialized-mars-event {} 2024-07-31 01:03:37.723 9
+719 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Curator", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:38.69 9
+720 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Entrepreneur", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:38.69 9
+721 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Pioneer", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:38.69 9
+722 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Politician", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:38.69 9
+723 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Researcher", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:38.69 9
+724 6 finalized-mars-event {} 2024-07-31 01:03:38.69 9
+725 6 exited-mars-event-phase {} 2024-07-31 01:03:38.69 9
+726 6 entered-investment-phase {} 2024-07-31 01:03:38.69 9
+727 6 time-invested {"role": "Curator", "investment": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 2, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 0, "systemHealth": 6}} 2024-07-31 01:03:39.71 179
+728 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Curator", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:39.71 179
+729 6 time-invested {"role": "Entrepreneur", "investment": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 2, "science": 0, "government": 0, "systemHealth": 6}} 2024-07-31 01:03:39.71 179
+730 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Entrepreneur", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:39.71 179
+731 6 time-invested {"role": "Pioneer", "investment": {"legacy": 2, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 0, "systemHealth": 6}} 2024-07-31 01:03:39.71 179
+732 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Pioneer", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:39.71 179
+733 6 time-invested {"role": "Politician", "investment": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 2, "systemHealth": 6}} 2024-07-31 01:03:39.71 179
+734 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Politician", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:39.71 179
+735 6 time-invested {"role": "Researcher", "investment": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 2, "government": 0, "systemHealth": 6}} 2024-07-31 01:03:39.71 179
+736 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Researcher", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:39.71 179
+737 6 exited-investment-phase {} 2024-07-31 01:03:39.71 179
+738 6 entered-trade-phase {} 2024-07-31 01:03:39.71 179
+739 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Curator", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:40.682 179
+740 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Entrepreneur", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:40.682 179
+741 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Pioneer", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:40.682 179
+742 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Politician", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:40.682 179
+863 6 entered-mars-event-phase {} 2024-07-31 01:03:51.709 59
+759 6 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 51, "role": "Entrepreneur"} 2024-07-31 01:03:42.723 59
+760 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Entrepreneur", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:42.723 59
+761 6 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 30, "role": "Pioneer"} 2024-07-31 01:03:42.723 59
+762 6 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 32, "role": "Pioneer"} 2024-07-31 01:03:42.723 59
+763 6 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 29, "role": "Pioneer"} 2024-07-31 01:03:42.723 59
+764 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Pioneer", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:42.723 59
+765 6 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 75, "role": "Politician"} 2024-07-31 01:03:42.723 59
+766 6 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 73, "role": "Politician"} 2024-07-31 01:03:42.723 59
+767 6 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 71, "role": "Politician"} 2024-07-31 01:03:42.723 59
+768 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Politician", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:42.723 59
+769 6 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 9, "role": "Researcher"} 2024-07-31 01:03:42.723 59
+770 6 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 7, "role": "Researcher"} 2024-07-31 01:03:42.723 59
+771 6 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 11, "role": "Researcher"} 2024-07-31 01:03:42.723 59
+772 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Researcher", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:42.723 59
+773 6 taken-round-snapshot {"round": 3, "players": {"Curator": {"role": "Curator", "ready": true, "inventory": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 4, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 0}, "timeBlocks": 10, "victoryPoints": 6, "accomplishment": {"purchased": [95], "purchasable": []}}, "Pioneer": {"role": "Pioneer", "ready": true, "inventory": {"legacy": 4, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 0}, "timeBlocks": 10, "victoryPoints": 6, "accomplishment": {"purchased": [35], "purchasable": []}}, "Politician": {"role": "Politician", "ready": true, "inventory": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 6}, "timeBlocks": 10, "victoryPoints": 3, "accomplishment": {"purchased": [74], "purchasable": []}}, "Researcher": {"role": "Researcher", "ready": true, "inventory": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 6, "government": 0}, "timeBlocks": 10, "victoryPoints": 6, "accomplishment": {"purchased": [15], "purchasable": []}}, "Entrepreneur": {"role": "Entrepreneur", "ready": true, "inventory": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 6, "science": 0, "government": 0}, "timeBlocks": 10, "victoryPoints": 3, "accomplishment": {"purchased": [54], "purchasable": []}}}, "logsLength": 21, "marsEventIds": ["lifeAsUsual", "lifeAsUsual", "lifeAsUsual"], "systemHealth": 25, "messagesLength": 0, "marsEventsProcessed": 2} 2024-07-31 01:03:42.723 59
+774 6 added-system-health-contributions {} 2024-07-31 01:03:42.723 59
+775 6 entered-new-round-phase {} 2024-07-31 01:03:42.723 59
+776 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Curator", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:43.695 59
+777 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Entrepreneur", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:43.695 59
+778 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Pioneer", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:43.695 59
+779 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Politician", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:43.695 59
+780 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Researcher", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:43.695 59
+781 6 subtracted-system-health-wear-and-tear {} 2024-07-31 01:03:43.695 59
+782 6 entered-mars-event-phase {} 2024-07-31 01:03:43.695 59
+783 6 initialized-mars-event {} 2024-07-31 01:03:43.695 59
+784 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Curator", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:44.727 9
+785 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Entrepreneur", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:44.727 9
+786 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Pioneer", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:44.727 9
+787 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Politician", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:44.727 9
+788 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Researcher", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:44.727 9
+789 6 finalized-mars-event {} 2024-07-31 01:03:44.727 9
+790 6 reentered-mars-event-phase {} 2024-07-31 01:03:44.727 9
+791 6 initialized-mars-event {} 2024-07-31 01:03:44.727 9
+792 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Curator", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:45.695 9
+793 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Entrepreneur", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:45.695 9
+794 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Pioneer", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:45.695 9
+795 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Politician", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:45.695 9
+796 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Researcher", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:45.695 9
+797 6 finalized-mars-event {} 2024-07-31 01:03:45.695 9
+798 6 reentered-mars-event-phase {} 2024-07-31 01:03:45.695 9
+799 6 initialized-mars-event {} 2024-07-31 01:03:45.695 9
+800 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Curator", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:46.71 9
+801 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Entrepreneur", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:46.71 9
+802 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Pioneer", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:46.71 9
+803 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Politician", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:46.71 9
+804 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Researcher", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:46.71 9
+805 6 finalized-mars-event {} 2024-07-31 01:03:46.71 9
+806 6 exited-mars-event-phase {} 2024-07-31 01:03:46.71 9
+807 6 entered-investment-phase {} 2024-07-31 01:03:46.71 9
+808 6 time-invested {"role": "Curator", "investment": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 0, "systemHealth": 10}} 2024-07-31 01:03:47.686 179
+809 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Curator", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:47.686 179
+810 6 time-invested {"role": "Entrepreneur", "investment": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 0, "systemHealth": 10}} 2024-07-31 01:03:47.686 179
+811 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Entrepreneur", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:47.686 179
+864 6 initialized-mars-event {} 2024-07-31 01:03:51.709 59
+812 6 time-invested {"role": "Pioneer", "investment": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 0, "systemHealth": 10}} 2024-07-31 01:03:47.686 179
+813 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Pioneer", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:47.686 179
+814 6 time-invested {"role": "Politician", "investment": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 0, "systemHealth": 10}} 2024-07-31 01:03:47.686 179
+815 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Politician", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:47.686 179
+816 6 time-invested {"role": "Researcher", "investment": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 0, "systemHealth": 10}} 2024-07-31 01:03:47.686 179
+817 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Researcher", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:47.686 179
+818 6 exited-investment-phase {} 2024-07-31 01:03:47.686 179
+819 6 entered-trade-phase {} 2024-07-31 01:03:47.686 179
+820 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Curator", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:48.695 179
+821 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Entrepreneur", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:48.695 179
+822 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Pioneer", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:48.695 179
+823 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Politician", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:48.695 179
+824 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Researcher", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:48.695 179
+825 6 exited-trade-phase {} 2024-07-31 01:03:48.695 179
+826 6 entered-purchase-phase {} 2024-07-31 01:03:48.695 179
+827 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Curator", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:49.726 59
+828 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Entrepreneur", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:49.726 59
+829 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Pioneer", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:49.726 59
+830 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Politician", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:49.726 59
+831 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Researcher", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:49.726 59
+832 6 exited-purchase-phase {} 2024-07-31 01:03:49.726 59
+833 6 entered-discard-phase {} 2024-07-31 01:03:49.726 59
+834 6 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 91, "role": "Curator"} 2024-07-31 01:03:50.696 59
+835 6 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 81, "role": "Curator"} 2024-07-31 01:03:50.696 59
+836 6 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 94, "role": "Curator"} 2024-07-31 01:03:50.696 59
+837 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Curator", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:50.696 59
+838 6 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 48, "role": "Entrepreneur"} 2024-07-31 01:03:50.696 59
+839 6 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 47, "role": "Entrepreneur"} 2024-07-31 01:03:50.696 59
+840 6 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 49, "role": "Entrepreneur"} 2024-07-31 01:03:50.696 59
+841 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Entrepreneur", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:50.696 59
+842 6 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 34, "role": "Pioneer"} 2024-07-31 01:03:50.696 59
+843 6 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 21, "role": "Pioneer"} 2024-07-31 01:03:50.696 59
+844 6 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 22, "role": "Pioneer"} 2024-07-31 01:03:50.696 59
+845 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Pioneer", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:50.696 59
+846 6 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 72, "role": "Politician"} 2024-07-31 01:03:50.696 59
+847 6 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 70, "role": "Politician"} 2024-07-31 01:03:50.696 59
+848 6 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 68, "role": "Politician"} 2024-07-31 01:03:50.696 59
+849 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Politician", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:50.696 59
+850 6 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 14, "role": "Researcher"} 2024-07-31 01:03:50.696 59
+851 6 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 16, "role": "Researcher"} 2024-07-31 01:03:50.696 59
+852 6 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 13, "role": "Researcher"} 2024-07-31 01:03:50.696 59
+853 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Researcher", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:50.696 59
+854 6 taken-round-snapshot {"round": 4, "players": {"Curator": {"role": "Curator", "ready": true, "inventory": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 4, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 0}, "timeBlocks": 10, "victoryPoints": 6, "accomplishment": {"purchased": [95], "purchasable": []}}, "Pioneer": {"role": "Pioneer", "ready": true, "inventory": {"legacy": 4, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 0}, "timeBlocks": 10, "victoryPoints": 6, "accomplishment": {"purchased": [35], "purchasable": []}}, "Politician": {"role": "Politician", "ready": true, "inventory": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 6}, "timeBlocks": 10, "victoryPoints": 3, "accomplishment": {"purchased": [74], "purchasable": []}}, "Researcher": {"role": "Researcher", "ready": true, "inventory": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 6, "government": 0}, "timeBlocks": 10, "victoryPoints": 6, "accomplishment": {"purchased": [15], "purchasable": []}}, "Entrepreneur": {"role": "Entrepreneur", "ready": true, "inventory": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 6, "science": 0, "government": 0}, "timeBlocks": 10, "victoryPoints": 3, "accomplishment": {"purchased": [54], "purchasable": []}}}, "logsLength": 29, "marsEventIds": ["lifeAsUsual", "stymied", "lifeAsUsual"], "systemHealth": 30, "messagesLength": 0, "marsEventsProcessed": 2} 2024-07-31 01:03:50.696 59
+855 6 added-system-health-contributions {} 2024-07-31 01:03:50.696 59
+856 6 entered-new-round-phase {} 2024-07-31 01:03:50.696 59
+857 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Curator", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:51.709 59
+858 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Entrepreneur", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:51.709 59
+859 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Pioneer", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:51.709 59
+860 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Politician", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:51.709 59
+861 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Researcher", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:51.709 59
+862 6 subtracted-system-health-wear-and-tear {} 2024-07-31 01:03:51.709 59
+865 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Curator", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:52.723 9
+866 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Entrepreneur", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:52.723 9
+867 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Pioneer", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:52.723 9
+868 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Politician", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:52.723 9
+869 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Researcher", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:52.723 9
+870 6 finalized-mars-event {} 2024-07-31 01:03:52.723 9
+871 6 reentered-mars-event-phase {} 2024-07-31 01:03:52.723 9
+872 6 initialized-mars-event {} 2024-07-31 01:03:52.723 9
+873 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Curator", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:53.687 89
+874 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Entrepreneur", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:53.687 89
+875 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Pioneer", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:53.687 89
+876 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Politician", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:53.687 89
+877 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Researcher", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:53.687 89
+878 6 finalized-mars-event {} 2024-07-31 01:03:53.687 89
+879 6 exited-mars-event-phase {} 2024-07-31 01:03:53.687 89
+880 6 entered-investment-phase {} 2024-07-31 01:03:53.687 89
+881 6 time-invested {"role": "Curator", "investment": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 2, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 0, "systemHealth": 6}} 2024-07-31 01:03:54.71 179
+882 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Curator", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:54.71 179
+883 6 time-invested {"role": "Entrepreneur", "investment": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 2, "science": 0, "government": 0, "systemHealth": 6}} 2024-07-31 01:03:54.71 179
+884 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Entrepreneur", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:54.71 179
+885 6 time-invested {"role": "Pioneer", "investment": {"legacy": 2, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 0, "systemHealth": 6}} 2024-07-31 01:03:54.71 179
+886 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Pioneer", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:54.71 179
+887 6 time-invested {"role": "Politician", "investment": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 2, "systemHealth": 6}} 2024-07-31 01:03:54.71 179
+888 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Politician", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:54.71 179
+889 6 time-invested {"role": "Researcher", "investment": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 2, "government": 0, "systemHealth": 6}} 2024-07-31 01:03:54.71 179
+890 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Researcher", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:54.71 179
+891 6 exited-investment-phase {} 2024-07-31 01:03:54.71 179
+892 6 entered-purchase-phase {} 2024-07-31 01:03:54.71 179
+893 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Curator", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:55.691 59
+894 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Entrepreneur", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:55.691 59
+895 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Pioneer", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:55.691 59
+896 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Politician", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:55.691 59
+897 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Researcher", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:55.691 59
+898 6 exited-purchase-phase {} 2024-07-31 01:03:55.691 59
+899 6 entered-discard-phase {} 2024-07-31 01:03:55.691 59
+900 6 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 92, "role": "Curator"} 2024-07-31 01:03:56.719 59
+901 6 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 97, "role": "Curator"} 2024-07-31 01:03:56.719 59
+902 6 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 90, "role": "Curator"} 2024-07-31 01:03:56.719 59
+903 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Curator", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:56.719 59
+904 6 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 41, "role": "Entrepreneur"} 2024-07-31 01:03:56.719 59
+905 6 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 53, "role": "Entrepreneur"} 2024-07-31 01:03:56.719 59
+906 6 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 45, "role": "Entrepreneur"} 2024-07-31 01:03:56.719 59
+907 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Entrepreneur", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:56.719 59
+908 6 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 31, "role": "Pioneer"} 2024-07-31 01:03:56.719 59
+909 6 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 33, "role": "Pioneer"} 2024-07-31 01:03:56.719 59
+910 6 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 37, "role": "Pioneer"} 2024-07-31 01:03:56.719 59
+911 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Pioneer", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:56.719 59
+912 6 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 69, "role": "Politician"} 2024-07-31 01:03:56.719 59
+913 6 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 77, "role": "Politician"} 2024-07-31 01:03:56.719 59
+914 6 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 76, "role": "Politician"} 2024-07-31 01:03:56.719 59
+915 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Politician", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:56.719 59
+916 6 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 1, "role": "Researcher"} 2024-07-31 01:03:56.719 59
+917 6 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 8, "role": "Researcher"} 2024-07-31 01:03:56.719 59
+918 6 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 12, "role": "Researcher"} 2024-07-31 01:03:56.719 59
+919 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Researcher", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:56.719 59
+972 6 entered-discard-phase {} 2024-07-31 01:04:02.703 59
+973 6 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 93, "role": "Curator"} 2024-07-31 01:04:03.727 59
+974 6 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 87, "role": "Curator"} 2024-07-31 01:04:03.727 59
+975 6 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 96, "role": "Curator"} 2024-07-31 01:04:03.727 59
+976 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Curator", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:04:03.727 59
+977 6 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 52, "role": "Entrepreneur"} 2024-07-31 01:04:03.727 59
+978 6 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 57, "role": "Entrepreneur"} 2024-07-31 01:04:03.727 59
+979 6 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 42, "role": "Entrepreneur"} 2024-07-31 01:04:03.727 59
+980 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Entrepreneur", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:04:03.727 59
+1031 6 entered-trade-phase {} 2024-07-31 01:04:07.71 179
+920 6 taken-round-snapshot {"round": 5, "players": {"Curator": {"role": "Curator", "ready": true, "inventory": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 6, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 0}, "timeBlocks": 10, "victoryPoints": 0, "accomplishment": {"purchased": [], "purchasable": []}}, "Pioneer": {"role": "Pioneer", "ready": true, "inventory": {"legacy": 6, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 0}, "timeBlocks": 10, "victoryPoints": 0, "accomplishment": {"purchased": [], "purchasable": []}}, "Politician": {"role": "Politician", "ready": true, "inventory": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 8}, "timeBlocks": 10, "victoryPoints": 0, "accomplishment": {"purchased": [], "purchasable": []}}, "Researcher": {"role": "Researcher", "ready": true, "inventory": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 8, "government": 0}, "timeBlocks": 10, "victoryPoints": 0, "accomplishment": {"purchased": [], "purchasable": []}}, "Entrepreneur": {"role": "Entrepreneur", "ready": true, "inventory": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 8, "science": 0, "government": 0}, "timeBlocks": 10, "victoryPoints": 0, "accomplishment": {"purchased": [], "purchasable": []}}}, "logsLength": 36, "marsEventIds": ["solarFlare", "effortsWasted"], "systemHealth": 50, "messagesLength": 0, "marsEventsProcessed": 1} 2024-07-31 01:03:56.719 59
+921 6 added-system-health-contributions {} 2024-07-31 01:03:56.719 59
+922 6 entered-new-round-phase {} 2024-07-31 01:03:56.719 59
+923 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Curator", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:57.683 59
+924 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Entrepreneur", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:57.683 59
+925 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Pioneer", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:57.683 59
+926 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Politician", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:57.683 59
+927 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Researcher", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:57.683 59
+928 6 subtracted-system-health-wear-and-tear {} 2024-07-31 01:03:57.683 59
+929 6 entered-mars-event-phase {} 2024-07-31 01:03:57.683 59
+930 6 initialized-mars-event {} 2024-07-31 01:03:57.683 59
+931 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Curator", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:58.697 9
+932 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Entrepreneur", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:58.697 9
+933 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Pioneer", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:58.697 9
+934 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Politician", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:58.697 9
+935 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Researcher", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:58.697 9
+936 6 finalized-mars-event {} 2024-07-31 01:03:58.697 9
+937 6 reentered-mars-event-phase {} 2024-07-31 01:03:58.697 9
+938 6 initialized-mars-event {} 2024-07-31 01:03:58.697 9
+939 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Curator", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:59.713 9
+940 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Entrepreneur", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:59.713 9
+941 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Pioneer", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:59.713 9
+942 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Politician", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:59.713 9
+943 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Researcher", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:03:59.713 9
+944 6 finalized-mars-event {} 2024-07-31 01:03:59.713 9
+945 6 exited-mars-event-phase {} 2024-07-31 01:03:59.713 9
+946 6 entered-investment-phase {} 2024-07-31 01:03:59.713 9
+947 6 time-invested {"role": "Curator", "investment": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 2, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 0, "systemHealth": 6}} 2024-07-31 01:04:00.722 179
+948 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Curator", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:04:00.722 179
+949 6 time-invested {"role": "Entrepreneur", "investment": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 2, "science": 0, "government": 0, "systemHealth": 6}} 2024-07-31 01:04:00.722 179
+950 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Entrepreneur", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:04:00.722 179
+951 6 time-invested {"role": "Pioneer", "investment": {"legacy": 2, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 0, "systemHealth": 6}} 2024-07-31 01:04:00.722 179
+952 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Pioneer", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:04:00.722 179
+953 6 time-invested {"role": "Politician", "investment": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 2, "systemHealth": 6}} 2024-07-31 01:04:00.722 179
+954 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Politician", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:04:00.722 179
+955 6 time-invested {"role": "Researcher", "investment": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 2, "government": 0, "systemHealth": 6}} 2024-07-31 01:04:00.722 179
+956 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Researcher", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:04:00.722 179
+957 6 exited-investment-phase {} 2024-07-31 01:04:00.722 179
+958 6 entered-trade-phase {} 2024-07-31 01:04:00.722 179
+959 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Curator", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:04:01.677 179
+960 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Entrepreneur", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:04:01.677 179
+961 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Pioneer", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:04:01.677 179
+962 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Politician", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:04:01.677 179
+963 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Researcher", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:04:01.677 179
+964 6 exited-trade-phase {} 2024-07-31 01:04:01.677 179
+965 6 entered-purchase-phase {} 2024-07-31 01:04:01.677 179
+966 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Curator", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:04:02.703 59
+967 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Entrepreneur", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:04:02.703 59
+968 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Pioneer", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:04:02.703 59
+969 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Politician", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:04:02.703 59
+970 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Researcher", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:04:02.703 59
+971 6 exited-purchase-phase {} 2024-07-31 01:04:02.703 59
+981 6 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 28, "role": "Pioneer"} 2024-07-31 01:04:03.727 59
+982 6 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 25, "role": "Pioneer"} 2024-07-31 01:04:03.727 59
+983 6 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 27, "role": "Pioneer"} 2024-07-31 01:04:03.727 59
+984 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Pioneer", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:04:03.727 59
+985 6 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 62, "role": "Politician"} 2024-07-31 01:04:03.727 59
+986 6 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 65, "role": "Politician"} 2024-07-31 01:04:03.727 59
+987 6 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 61, "role": "Politician"} 2024-07-31 01:04:03.727 59
+988 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Politician", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:04:03.727 59
+989 6 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 10, "role": "Researcher"} 2024-07-31 01:04:03.727 59
+990 6 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 5, "role": "Researcher"} 2024-07-31 01:04:03.727 59
+991 6 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 17, "role": "Researcher"} 2024-07-31 01:04:03.727 59
+992 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Researcher", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:04:03.727 59
+993 6 taken-round-snapshot {"round": 6, "players": {"Curator": {"role": "Curator", "ready": true, "inventory": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 8, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 0}, "timeBlocks": 10, "victoryPoints": 0, "accomplishment": {"purchased": [], "purchasable": []}}, "Pioneer": {"role": "Pioneer", "ready": true, "inventory": {"legacy": 8, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 0}, "timeBlocks": 10, "victoryPoints": 0, "accomplishment": {"purchased": [], "purchasable": []}}, "Politician": {"role": "Politician", "ready": true, "inventory": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 10}, "timeBlocks": 10, "victoryPoints": 0, "accomplishment": {"purchased": [], "purchasable": []}}, "Researcher": {"role": "Researcher", "ready": true, "inventory": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 10, "government": 0}, "timeBlocks": 10, "victoryPoints": 0, "accomplishment": {"purchased": [], "purchasable": []}}, "Entrepreneur": {"role": "Entrepreneur", "ready": true, "inventory": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 10, "science": 0, "government": 0}, "timeBlocks": 10, "victoryPoints": 0, "accomplishment": {"purchased": [], "purchasable": []}}}, "logsLength": 43, "marsEventIds": ["hullBreach", "lifeAsUsual"], "systemHealth": 48, "messagesLength": 0, "marsEventsProcessed": 1} 2024-07-31 01:04:03.727 59
+994 6 added-system-health-contributions {} 2024-07-31 01:04:03.727 59
+995 6 entered-new-round-phase {} 2024-07-31 01:04:03.727 59
+996 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Curator", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:04:04.708 59
+997 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Entrepreneur", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:04:04.708 59
+998 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Pioneer", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:04:04.708 59
+999 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Politician", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:04:04.708 59
+1000 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Researcher", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:04:04.708 59
+1001 6 subtracted-system-health-wear-and-tear {} 2024-07-31 01:04:04.708 59
+1002 6 entered-mars-event-phase {} 2024-07-31 01:04:04.708 59
+1003 6 initialized-mars-event {} 2024-07-31 01:04:04.708 59
+1004 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Curator", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:04:05.718 14
+1005 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Entrepreneur", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:04:05.718 14
+1006 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Pioneer", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:04:05.718 14
+1007 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Politician", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:04:05.718 14
+1008 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Researcher", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:04:05.718 14
+1009 6 finalized-mars-event {} 2024-07-31 01:04:05.718 14
+1010 6 reentered-mars-event-phase {} 2024-07-31 01:04:05.718 14
+1011 6 initialized-mars-event {} 2024-07-31 01:04:05.718 14
+1012 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Curator", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:04:06.677 9
+1013 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Entrepreneur", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:04:06.677 9
+1014 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Pioneer", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:04:06.677 9
+1015 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Politician", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:04:06.677 9
+1016 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Researcher", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:04:06.677 9
+1017 6 finalized-mars-event {} 2024-07-31 01:04:06.677 9
+1018 6 exited-mars-event-phase {} 2024-07-31 01:04:06.677 9
+1019 6 entered-investment-phase {} 2024-07-31 01:04:06.677 9
+1020 6 time-invested {"role": "Curator", "investment": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 2, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 0, "systemHealth": 6}} 2024-07-31 01:04:07.71 179
+1021 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Curator", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:04:07.71 179
+1022 6 time-invested {"role": "Entrepreneur", "investment": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 2, "science": 0, "government": 0, "systemHealth": 6}} 2024-07-31 01:04:07.71 179
+1023 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Entrepreneur", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:04:07.71 179
+1024 6 time-invested {"role": "Pioneer", "investment": {"legacy": 2, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 0, "systemHealth": 6}} 2024-07-31 01:04:07.71 179
+1025 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Pioneer", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:04:07.71 179
+1026 6 time-invested {"role": "Politician", "investment": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 0, "systemHealth": 3}} 2024-07-31 01:04:07.71 179
+1027 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Politician", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:04:07.71 179
+1028 6 time-invested {"role": "Researcher", "investment": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 2, "government": 0, "systemHealth": 6}} 2024-07-31 01:04:07.71 179
+1029 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Researcher", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:04:07.71 179
+1030 6 exited-investment-phase {} 2024-07-31 01:04:07.71 179
+1032 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Curator", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:04:08.685 179
+1033 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Entrepreneur", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:04:08.685 179
+1034 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Pioneer", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:04:08.685 179
+1035 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Politician", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:04:08.685 179
+1036 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Researcher", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:04:08.685 179
+1037 6 exited-trade-phase {} 2024-07-31 01:04:08.685 179
+1038 6 entered-purchase-phase {} 2024-07-31 01:04:08.685 179
+1039 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Curator", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:04:09.693 59
+1040 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Entrepreneur", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:04:09.693 59
+1041 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Pioneer", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:04:09.693 59
+1042 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Politician", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:04:09.693 59
+1043 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Researcher", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:04:09.693 59
+1044 6 exited-purchase-phase {} 2024-07-31 01:04:09.693 59
+1045 6 entered-discard-phase {} 2024-07-31 01:04:09.693 59
+1046 6 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 89, "role": "Curator"} 2024-07-31 01:04:10.703 59
+1047 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Curator", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:04:10.703 59
+1048 6 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 51, "role": "Entrepreneur"} 2024-07-31 01:04:10.703 59
+1049 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Entrepreneur", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:04:10.703 59
+1050 6 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 29, "role": "Pioneer"} 2024-07-31 01:04:10.703 59
+1051 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Pioneer", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:04:10.703 59
+1052 6 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 71, "role": "Politician"} 2024-07-31 01:04:10.703 59
+1053 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Politician", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:04:10.703 59
+1054 6 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 11, "role": "Researcher"} 2024-07-31 01:04:10.703 59
+1055 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Researcher", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:04:10.703 59
+1056 6 taken-round-snapshot {"round": 7, "players": {"Curator": {"role": "Curator", "ready": true, "inventory": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 10, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 0}, "timeBlocks": 10, "victoryPoints": 0, "accomplishment": {"purchased": [], "purchasable": []}}, "Pioneer": {"role": "Pioneer", "ready": true, "inventory": {"legacy": 10, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 0}, "timeBlocks": 10, "victoryPoints": 0, "accomplishment": {"purchased": [], "purchasable": []}}, "Politician": {"role": "Politician", "ready": true, "inventory": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 10}, "timeBlocks": 3, "victoryPoints": 0, "accomplishment": {"purchased": [], "purchasable": []}}, "Researcher": {"role": "Researcher", "ready": true, "inventory": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 12, "government": 0}, "timeBlocks": 10, "victoryPoints": 0, "accomplishment": {"purchased": [], "purchasable": []}}, "Entrepreneur": {"role": "Entrepreneur", "ready": true, "inventory": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 12, "science": 0, "government": 0}, "timeBlocks": 10, "victoryPoints": 0, "accomplishment": {"purchased": [], "purchasable": []}}}, "logsLength": 50, "marsEventIds": ["outOfCommissionPolitician", "changingTides"], "systemHealth": 53, "messagesLength": 0, "marsEventsProcessed": 1} 2024-07-31 01:04:10.703 59
+1057 6 added-system-health-contributions {} 2024-07-31 01:04:10.703 59
+1058 6 entered-new-round-phase {} 2024-07-31 01:04:10.703 59
+1059 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Curator", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:04:11.711 59
+1060 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Entrepreneur", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:04:11.711 59
+1061 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Pioneer", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:04:11.711 59
+1062 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Politician", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:04:11.711 59
+1063 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Researcher", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:04:11.711 59
+1064 6 subtracted-system-health-wear-and-tear {} 2024-07-31 01:04:11.711 59
+1065 6 entered-mars-event-phase {} 2024-07-31 01:04:11.711 59
+1066 6 initialized-mars-event {} 2024-07-31 01:04:11.711 59
+1067 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Curator", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:04:12.684 9
+1068 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Entrepreneur", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:04:12.684 9
+1069 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Pioneer", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:04:12.684 9
+1070 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Politician", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:04:12.684 9
+1071 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Researcher", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:04:12.684 9
+1072 6 finalized-mars-event {} 2024-07-31 01:04:12.684 9
+1073 6 reentered-mars-event-phase {} 2024-07-31 01:04:12.684 9
+1074 6 initialized-mars-event {} 2024-07-31 01:04:12.684 9
+1075 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Curator", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:04:13.722 9
+1076 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Entrepreneur", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:04:13.722 9
+1077 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Pioneer", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:04:13.722 9
+1078 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Politician", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:04:13.722 9
+1079 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Researcher", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:04:13.722 9
+1080 6 finalized-mars-event {} 2024-07-31 01:04:13.722 9
+1081 6 exited-mars-event-phase {} 2024-07-31 01:04:13.722 9
+1082 6 entered-investment-phase {} 2024-07-31 01:04:13.722 9
+1083 6 time-invested {"role": "Curator", "investment": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 2, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 0, "systemHealth": 6}} 2024-07-31 01:04:14.695 179
+1084 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Curator", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:04:14.695 179
+1085 6 time-invested {"role": "Entrepreneur", "investment": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 2, "science": 0, "government": 0, "systemHealth": 6}} 2024-07-31 01:04:14.695 179
+1086 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Entrepreneur", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:04:14.695 179
+1087 6 time-invested {"role": "Pioneer", "investment": {"legacy": 2, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 0, "systemHealth": 6}} 2024-07-31 01:04:14.695 179
+1088 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Pioneer", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:04:14.695 179
+1089 6 time-invested {"role": "Politician", "investment": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 2, "systemHealth": 6}} 2024-07-31 01:04:14.695 179
+1090 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Politician", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:04:14.695 179
+1091 6 time-invested {"role": "Researcher", "investment": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 2, "government": 0, "systemHealth": 6}} 2024-07-31 01:04:14.695 179
+1092 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Researcher", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:04:14.695 179
+1093 6 exited-investment-phase {} 2024-07-31 01:04:14.695 179
+1094 6 entered-trade-phase {} 2024-07-31 01:04:14.695 179
+1095 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Curator", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:04:15.723 179
+1096 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Entrepreneur", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:04:15.723 179
+1097 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Pioneer", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:04:15.723 179
+1098 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Politician", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:04:15.723 179
+1099 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Researcher", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:04:15.723 179
+1100 6 exited-trade-phase {} 2024-07-31 01:04:15.723 179
+1101 6 entered-purchase-phase {} 2024-07-31 01:04:15.723 179
+1102 6 purchased-accomplishment {"role": "Curator", "accomplishment": {"id": 94, "role": "Curator"}} 2024-07-31 01:04:16.688 59
+1103 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Entrepreneur", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:04:16.688 59
+1104 6 purchased-accomplishment {"role": "Pioneer", "accomplishment": {"id": 34, "role": "Pioneer"}} 2024-07-31 01:04:16.688 59
+1105 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Politician", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:04:16.688 59
+1106 6 purchased-accomplishment {"role": "Researcher", "accomplishment": {"id": 14, "role": "Researcher"}} 2024-07-31 01:04:16.688 59
+1107 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Curator", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:04:17.713 58
+1108 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Pioneer", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:04:17.713 58
+1109 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Researcher", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:04:17.713 58
+1110 6 exited-purchase-phase {} 2024-07-31 01:04:17.713 58
+1111 6 entered-discard-phase {} 2024-07-31 01:04:17.713 58
+1112 6 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 91, "role": "Curator"} 2024-07-31 01:04:18.715 59
+1113 6 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 81, "role": "Curator"} 2024-07-31 01:04:18.715 59
+1114 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Curator", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:04:18.715 59
+1115 6 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 48, "role": "Entrepreneur"} 2024-07-31 01:04:18.715 59
+1116 6 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 47, "role": "Entrepreneur"} 2024-07-31 01:04:18.715 59
+1117 6 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 49, "role": "Entrepreneur"} 2024-07-31 01:04:18.715 59
+1118 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Entrepreneur", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:04:18.715 59
+1119 6 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 21, "role": "Pioneer"} 2024-07-31 01:04:18.715 59
+1120 6 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 22, "role": "Pioneer"} 2024-07-31 01:04:18.715 59
+1121 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Pioneer", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:04:18.715 59
+1122 6 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 72, "role": "Politician"} 2024-07-31 01:04:18.715 59
+1123 6 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 70, "role": "Politician"} 2024-07-31 01:04:18.715 59
+1124 6 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 68, "role": "Politician"} 2024-07-31 01:04:18.715 59
+1125 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Politician", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:04:18.715 59
+1126 6 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 16, "role": "Researcher"} 2024-07-31 01:04:18.715 59
+1127 6 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 13, "role": "Researcher"} 2024-07-31 01:04:18.715 59
+1128 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Researcher", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:04:18.715 59
+1129 6 taken-round-snapshot {"round": 8, "players": {"Curator": {"role": "Curator", "ready": true, "inventory": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 12, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 0}, "timeBlocks": 10, "victoryPoints": 3, "accomplishment": {"purchased": [94], "purchasable": []}}, "Pioneer": {"role": "Pioneer", "ready": true, "inventory": {"legacy": 12, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 0}, "timeBlocks": 10, "victoryPoints": 3, "accomplishment": {"purchased": [34], "purchasable": []}}, "Politician": {"role": "Politician", "ready": true, "inventory": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 12}, "timeBlocks": 10, "victoryPoints": 0, "accomplishment": {"purchased": [], "purchasable": []}}, "Researcher": {"role": "Researcher", "ready": true, "inventory": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 14, "government": 0}, "timeBlocks": 10, "victoryPoints": 3, "accomplishment": {"purchased": [14], "purchasable": []}}, "Entrepreneur": {"role": "Entrepreneur", "ready": true, "inventory": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 14, "science": 0, "government": 0}, "timeBlocks": 10, "victoryPoints": 0, "accomplishment": {"purchased": [], "purchasable": []}}}, "logsLength": 60, "marsEventIds": ["lifeAsUsual", "lifeAsUsual"], "systemHealth": 55, "messagesLength": 0, "marsEventsProcessed": 1} 2024-07-31 01:04:18.715 59
+1130 6 added-system-health-contributions {} 2024-07-31 01:04:18.715 59
+1131 6 entered-new-round-phase {} 2024-07-31 01:04:18.715 59
+1132 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Curator", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:04:19.694 59
+1133 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Entrepreneur", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:04:19.694 59
+1134 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Pioneer", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:04:19.694 59
+1135 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Politician", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:04:19.694 59
+1136 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Researcher", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:04:19.694 59
+1137 6 subtracted-system-health-wear-and-tear {} 2024-07-31 01:04:19.694 59
+1138 6 entered-mars-event-phase {} 2024-07-31 01:04:19.694 59
+1139 6 initialized-mars-event {} 2024-07-31 01:04:19.694 59
+1140 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Curator", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:04:20.716 14
+1141 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Entrepreneur", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:04:20.716 14
+1142 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Pioneer", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:04:20.716 14
+1143 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Politician", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:04:20.716 14
+1144 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Researcher", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:04:20.716 14
+1145 6 finalized-mars-event {} 2024-07-31 01:04:20.716 14
+1146 6 reentered-mars-event-phase {} 2024-07-31 01:04:20.716 14
+1147 6 initialized-mars-event {} 2024-07-31 01:04:20.716 14
+1148 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Curator", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:04:21.701 9
+1149 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Entrepreneur", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:04:21.701 9
+1150 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Pioneer", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:04:21.701 9
+1151 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Politician", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:04:21.701 9
+1152 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Researcher", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:04:21.701 9
+1153 6 finalized-mars-event {} 2024-07-31 01:04:21.701 9
+1154 6 exited-mars-event-phase {} 2024-07-31 01:04:21.701 9
+1155 6 entered-investment-phase {} 2024-07-31 01:04:21.701 9
+1156 6 time-invested {"role": "Curator", "investment": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 2, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 0, "systemHealth": 6}} 2024-07-31 01:04:22.717 179
+1157 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Curator", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:04:22.717 179
+1158 6 time-invested {"role": "Entrepreneur", "investment": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 2, "science": 0, "government": 0, "systemHealth": 6}} 2024-07-31 01:04:22.717 179
+1159 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Entrepreneur", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:04:22.717 179
+1160 6 time-invested {"role": "Pioneer", "investment": {"legacy": 2, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 0, "systemHealth": 6}} 2024-07-31 01:04:22.717 179
+1161 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Pioneer", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:04:22.717 179
+1162 6 time-invested {"role": "Politician", "investment": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 2, "systemHealth": 6}} 2024-07-31 01:04:22.717 179
+1163 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Politician", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:04:22.717 179
+1164 6 time-invested {"role": "Researcher", "investment": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 0, "systemHealth": 3}} 2024-07-31 01:04:22.717 179
+1165 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Researcher", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:04:22.717 179
+1166 6 exited-investment-phase {} 2024-07-31 01:04:22.717 179
+1167 6 entered-trade-phase {} 2024-07-31 01:04:22.717 179
+1168 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Curator", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:04:23.707 179
+1169 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Entrepreneur", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:04:23.707 179
+1170 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Pioneer", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:04:23.707 179
+1171 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Politician", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:04:23.707 179
+1172 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Researcher", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:04:23.707 179
+1173 6 exited-trade-phase {} 2024-07-31 01:04:23.707 179
+1174 6 entered-purchase-phase {} 2024-07-31 01:04:23.707 179
+1175 6 purchased-accomplishment {"role": "Curator", "accomplishment": {"id": 95, "role": "Curator"}} 2024-07-31 01:04:24.724 59
+1176 6 purchased-accomplishment {"role": "Entrepreneur", "accomplishment": {"id": 54, "role": "Entrepreneur"}} 2024-07-31 01:04:24.724 59
+1177 6 purchased-accomplishment {"role": "Pioneer", "accomplishment": {"id": 35, "role": "Pioneer"}} 2024-07-31 01:04:24.724 59
+1178 6 purchased-accomplishment {"role": "Politician", "accomplishment": {"id": 74, "role": "Politician"}} 2024-07-31 01:04:24.724 59
+1179 6 purchased-accomplishment {"role": "Researcher", "accomplishment": {"id": 15, "role": "Researcher"}} 2024-07-31 01:04:24.724 59
+1180 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Curator", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:04:25.689 58
+1181 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Entrepreneur", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:04:25.689 58
+1182 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Pioneer", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:04:25.689 58
+1183 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Politician", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:04:25.689 58
+1184 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Researcher", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:04:25.689 58
+1185 6 exited-purchase-phase {} 2024-07-31 01:04:25.689 58
+1186 6 entered-discard-phase {} 2024-07-31 01:04:25.689 58
+1187 6 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 92, "role": "Curator"} 2024-07-31 01:04:26.695 59
+1188 6 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 97, "role": "Curator"} 2024-07-31 01:04:26.695 59
+1189 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Curator", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:04:26.695 59
+1190 6 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 41, "role": "Entrepreneur"} 2024-07-31 01:04:26.695 59
+1191 6 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 53, "role": "Entrepreneur"} 2024-07-31 01:04:26.695 59
+1192 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Entrepreneur", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:04:26.695 59
+1193 6 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 31, "role": "Pioneer"} 2024-07-31 01:04:26.695 59
+1194 6 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 33, "role": "Pioneer"} 2024-07-31 01:04:26.695 59
+1195 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Pioneer", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:04:26.695 59
+1196 6 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 69, "role": "Politician"} 2024-07-31 01:04:26.695 59
+1197 6 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 77, "role": "Politician"} 2024-07-31 01:04:26.695 59
+1198 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Politician", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:04:26.695 59
+1199 6 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 1, "role": "Researcher"} 2024-07-31 01:04:26.695 59
+1200 6 discarded-accomplishment {"id": 8, "role": "Researcher"} 2024-07-31 01:04:26.695 59
+1201 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Researcher", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:04:26.695 59
+1202 6 taken-round-snapshot {"round": 9, "players": {"Curator": {"role": "Curator", "ready": true, "inventory": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 14, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 0}, "timeBlocks": 10, "victoryPoints": 9, "accomplishment": {"purchased": [94, 95], "purchasable": []}}, "Pioneer": {"role": "Pioneer", "ready": true, "inventory": {"legacy": 14, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 0}, "timeBlocks": 10, "victoryPoints": 9, "accomplishment": {"purchased": [34, 35], "purchasable": []}}, "Politician": {"role": "Politician", "ready": true, "inventory": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 0, "government": 14}, "timeBlocks": 10, "victoryPoints": 3, "accomplishment": {"purchased": [74], "purchasable": []}}, "Researcher": {"role": "Researcher", "ready": true, "inventory": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 0, "science": 14, "government": 0}, "timeBlocks": 3, "victoryPoints": 9, "accomplishment": {"purchased": [14, 15], "purchasable": []}}, "Entrepreneur": {"role": "Entrepreneur", "ready": true, "inventory": {"legacy": 0, "culture": 0, "finance": 16, "science": 0, "government": 0}, "timeBlocks": 10, "victoryPoints": 3, "accomplishment": {"purchased": [54], "purchasable": []}}}, "logsLength": 73, "marsEventIds": ["outOfCommissionResearcher", "lifeAsUsual"], "systemHealth": 42, "messagesLength": 0, "marsEventsProcessed": 1} 2024-07-31 01:04:26.695 59
+1203 6 added-system-health-contributions {} 2024-07-31 01:04:26.695 59
+1204 6 entered-new-round-phase {} 2024-07-31 01:04:26.695 59
+1205 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Curator", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:04:27.725 59
+1206 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Entrepreneur", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:04:27.725 59
+1207 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Pioneer", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:04:27.725 59
+1208 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Politician", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:04:27.725 59
+1209 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Researcher", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:04:27.725 59
+1210 6 subtracted-system-health-wear-and-tear {} 2024-07-31 01:04:27.725 59
+1211 6 entered-mars-event-phase {} 2024-07-31 01:04:27.725 59
+1212 6 initialized-mars-event {} 2024-07-31 01:04:27.725 59
+1213 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Curator", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:04:28.714 9
+1214 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Entrepreneur", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:04:28.714 9
+1215 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Pioneer", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:04:28.714 9
+1216 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Politician", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:04:28.714 9
+1217 6 set-player-readiness {"role": "Researcher", "value": true} 2024-07-31 01:04:28.714 9
+1218 6 entered-defeat-phase {"Curator": 9, "Pioneer": 9, "Politician": 3, "Researcher": 9, "Entrepreneur": 3} 2024-07-31 01:04:28.714 9
+1219 6 entered-defeat-phase {"Curator": 9, "Pioneer": 9, "Politician": 3, "Researcher": 9, "Entrepreneur": 3} 2024-07-31 01:04:29.691 9999
+-- Data for Name: lobby_chat_message; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+COPY public.lobby_chat_message (id, "dateCreated", "userId", message, "roomId", "lobbyType") FROM stdin;
+-- Data for Name: migrations; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+COPY public.migrations (id, "timestamp", name) FROM stdin;
+1 1600968396723 Initial1600968396723
+2 1607117297405 UserMetadataAddition1607117297405
+3 1613509726805 AddUserIsBot1613509726805
+4 1644350406427 addChampionshipRound1644350406427
+5 1644363701712 addTournamentMetadata1644363701712
+6 1657582808514 AddUserIsAdmin1657582808514
+7 1666217996704 AddScheduledGameDate1666217996704
+8 1666903440370 AddPassportIdToUser1666903440370
+9 1667243476058 AddPlayerIp1667243476058
+10 1667244753829 AddUserMetadata1667244753829
+11 1669846502424 AddChatReporting1669846502424
+12 1670531425797 RemoveUserIsBot1670531425797
+13 1670976633211 ChangeLobbyCloseToGenerated1670976633211
+14 1671156473904 AddModerationActionTable1671156473904
+15 1677861842128 DropScheduledGameDate1677861842128
+16 1687396740108 AddSoloGameData1687396740108
+17 1693510548181 StoreSoloGameThresholds1693510548181
+18 1693945293530 AddSoloGameMaxRound1693945293530
+19 1696275612911 AddSoloHighScore1696275612911
+20 1698183026092 AddGameType1698183026092
+21 1698283007653 ChangeFreePlayTournamentName1698283007653
+22 1698896130565 AddTreatments1698896130565
+23 1699482607231 AddLobbyChatMessage1699482607231
+24 1701799216158 AddGameRoundsRelationship1701799216158
+25 1701805620516 ComputeSoloRoundInitialValues1701805620516
+26 1706569597345 AddEducationModels1706569597345
+27 1712620270893 AddTeacherPassword1712620270893
+28 1713217959623 AddStudentPassword1713217959623
+30 1705517898533 AddTournamentRoundSignups1705517898533
+31 1715639656593 MakeStudentCodeClassroomCodeUnique1715639656593
+33 1719960742206 AddGameClassroomId1719960742206
+-- Data for Name: moderation_action; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+COPY public.moderation_action (id, "reportId", "userId", "adminId", action, "dateCreated", "daysMuted", revoked) FROM stdin;
+-- Data for Name: player; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+COPY public.player (id, role, "userId", "gameId", points, "playerIp") FROM stdin;
+1 Politician 119 1 0
+2 Curator 120 1 0
+3 Researcher 121 1 0
+4 Pioneer 122 1 0
+5 Entrepreneur 123 1 0
+6 Curator 120 2 \N
+7 Pioneer 121 2 \N
+8 Entrepreneur 122 2 \N
+9 Researcher 123 2 \N
+10 Politician 124 2 \N
+11 Entrepreneur 120 3 0
+12 Curator 121 3 0
+13 Researcher 122 3 0
+14 Pioneer 123 3 0
+15 Politician 125 3 0
+16 Pioneer 120 4 0
+17 Researcher 121 4 0
+18 Politician 122 4 0
+19 Curator 123 4 0
+20 Entrepreneur 126 4 0
+21 Curator 120 5 6
+22 Pioneer 121 5 0
+23 Entrepreneur 122 5 0
+24 Researcher 123 5 6
+25 Politician 128 5 0
+26 Entrepreneur 120 6 3
+27 Pioneer 121 6 9
+28 Politician 122 6 3
+29 Researcher 123 6 9
+30 Curator 145 6 9
+-- Data for Name: question; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+COPY public.question (id, "quizId", question, options, "correctAnswer", "tutorialElementId", "order") FROM stdin;
+-- Data for Name: question_response; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+COPY public.question_response (id, "questionId", "submissionId", answer, "dateCreated") FROM stdin;
+-- Data for Name: quiz; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+COPY public.quiz (id, name) FROM stdin;
+-- Data for Name: quiz_submission; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+COPY public.quiz_submission (id, "userId", "dateCreated", "quizId") FROM stdin;
+-- Data for Name: solo_game; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+COPY public.solo_game (id, "dateCreated", "playerId", "treatmentId", "deckId", status, "twoEventsThreshold", "threeEventsThreshold", "maxRound") FROM stdin;
+-- Data for Name: solo_game_round; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+COPY public.solo_game_round (id, "dateCreated", "gameId", "roundNumber", "decisionId", "initialSystemHealth", "initialPoints") FROM stdin;
+-- Data for Name: solo_game_treatment; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+COPY public.solo_game_treatment (id, "isNumberOfRoundsKnown", "isEventDeckKnown", "thresholdInformation") FROM stdin;
+1 f f unknown
+2 f f range
+3 f f known
+4 f t unknown
+5 f t range
+6 f t known
+7 t f unknown
+8 t f range
+9 t f known
+10 t t unknown
+11 t t range
+12 t t known
+-- Data for Name: solo_high_score; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+COPY public.solo_high_score (id, "userId", "pointsPerRound", points, "maxRound", "gameId", "dateCreated", "lastModified") FROM stdin;
+-- Data for Name: solo_mars_event_card; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+COPY public.solo_mars_event_card (id, "codeName", "displayName", "flavorText", effect, "drawMin", "drawMax", "rollMin", "rollMax", "systemHealthMultiplier", "pointsMultiplier", "resourcesMultiplier") FROM stdin;
+1 lifeAsUsual Life As Usual As the first human outpost on Mars, having a "usual" day is pretty unusual. No special effect. 10 20 0 0 0 0 0
+2 murphysLaw Murphy's Law Residents at Port of Mars know better than to ask, "what ELSE could go wrong?" Reveal 2 more events for this round. 1 1 0 0 0 0 0
+3 lostTime Lost Time Time flies when you're trying to stay alive. Lose {roll} resource{s} for this round. 1 1 1 8 0 0 -1
+4 richDeposit Rich Deposit A stroke of luck in an otherwise unlucky day. Gain {roll} resource{s} for this round. 1 1 1 8 0 0 1
+5 urgentRepairs Urgent Repairs No pneumatic tires on mars, but there are always holes to patch. {roll} resource{s} are immediately diverted to system health. 1 1 2 7 1 0 -1
+6 hullBreach Hull Breach Accidents happen. It's unavoidable. Our job is to do our best to avoid them all the same. Lose {roll} system health. 4 4 1 10 -1 0 0
+7 softwareUpgrade Software Upgrade A much needed patch to the system comes online. Gain {roll} system health. 4 4 1 10 1 0 0
+8 lostCargo Lost Cargo Precious cargo, now forever Martian property. Lose {roll} point{s}. 4 4 1 10 0 -1 0
+9 hitTheMotherlode Hit the Motherlode A valuable find. Fortunately for us, not that useful for repairs. Gain {roll} point{s}. 4 4 1 10 0 1 0
+-- Data for Name: solo_mars_event_deck; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+COPY public.solo_mars_event_deck (id) FROM stdin;
+-- Data for Name: solo_mars_event_deck_card; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+COPY public.solo_mars_event_deck_card (id, "dateCreated", "deckId", "cardId", "effectText", "systemHealthEffect", "resourcesEffect", "pointsEffect", "roundId") FROM stdin;
+-- Data for Name: solo_player; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+COPY public.solo_player (id, "userId", "playerIp", "gameId", points, "dateCreated") FROM stdin;
+-- Data for Name: solo_player_decision; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+COPY public.solo_player_decision (id, "systemHealthInvestment", "pointsInvestment") FROM stdin;
+-- Data for Name: student; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+COPY public.student (id, "userId", "classroomId", "rejoinCode") FROM stdin;
+25 30 1 zyionsx
+26 31 1 xvepygh
+27 32 1 oczuexs
+28 33 1 naecsqj
+29 34 1 mwajksd
+30 35 1 krguenm
+31 36 1 sudxwpz
+32 37 1 insihou
+33 38 1 nvrqgaf
+34 39 1 bkuwkat
+35 40 1 akwmmzg
+36 41 1 lyjlvyd
+37 42 1 epdetgu
+38 43 1 cfvtxav
+39 44 1 mfebamd
+40 49 1 nqtufcy
+41 50 1 vvegyne
+42 51 1 nuabdbn
+43 52 1 wobnasg
+44 53 1 upsitxi
+45 54 1 qnyxbiy
+46 55 1 saisoet
+47 56 1 qxbsoyr
+48 57 1 fmkuebm
+49 58 1 fejlbhn
+50 59 1 ijyhkvo
+51 60 1 urhwjbv
+52 61 1 ybabugk
+53 62 1 ttoohmm
+55 63 1 lkxiadk
+57 64 1 ipllzht
+58 65 1 xlplagh
+60 66 1 xljpbfy
+62 67 1 vsoqode
+63 68 1 urxtitd
+64 69 1 ptgbksp
+65 70 1 eykzwva
+67 71 1 vcnpfff
+69 72 1 kbqxjna
+70 73 1 zudddza
+71 74 1 izwdpqj
+72 75 1 sxwadxd
+73 76 1 ylgcftz
+74 77 1 spachyj
+75 78 1 rrwredt
+76 79 1 turksbi
+77 80 1 lcorzgj
+78 81 1 rmxowcm
+79 82 1 uhsjmmv
+80 83 1 mxztiff
+81 84 1 vwgjuei
+82 85 1 abswwgx
+83 86 1 hkbrhcd
+84 87 1 xshfzge
+85 88 1 fazheor
+86 89 1 thkpypo
+87 90 1 xoigrui
+88 91 1 orikjjp
+89 92 1 ncukmrn
+90 93 1 eihmykp
+91 94 1 yltbvji
+93 95 1 qibqnoe
+95 96 1 trvoros
+140 144 60 zwcsadt
+97 97 1 zinyqdt
+141 145 60 ihqxxnp
+98 98 1 nwakwil
+142 146 60 bewkioj
+99 99 1 fygktms
+143 147 1 putzyls
+100 100 1 yqimfck
+101 101 1 wlbvsuk
+102 102 1 vwjoufm
+103 103 1 waultbh
+104 104 1 ycslrck
+105 105 1 rbjlqjo
+106 106 1 lkdiktr
+107 107 1 wnmoqcl
+108 108 1 rnzxxbv
+109 109 1 hesqpbr
+110 110 1 cjjvfcb
+111 111 1 iefymch
+112 112 1 mfytuow
+113 113 1 ayietlg
+114 114 1 rsxbcac
+115 115 1 irbtpqo
+116 116 1 lvgqsys
+117 117 1 ohgiwng
+118 118 1 naxaorm
+119 119 60 rnxnzyk
+120 124 60 ynqgsqx
+121 125 60 mlykgxu
+122 126 60 wendgvr
+123 127 60 hsrhsae
+124 128 60 wokampv
+125 129 60 wekixhe
+126 130 60 rdroigs
+127 131 60 myuqsdn
+128 132 60 xddmloo
+129 133 60 obrmryt
+130 134 60 nqcgmxc
+131 135 60 bmldati
+132 136 60 dlvrjsj
+133 137 76 vvizvhh
+134 138 60 sgwokab
+135 139 60 eccegbm
+136 140 60 bsycycz
+137 141 60 treefxa
+138 142 60 eafztqe
+139 143 60 xslhyrp
+-- Data for Name: teacher; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+COPY public.teacher (id, "userId", password) FROM stdin;
+1 1 1234
+2 26 1234
+-- Data for Name: tournament; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+COPY public.tournament (id, name, active, "dateCreated", "minNumberOfGameRounds", "maxNumberOfGameRounds", description) FROM stdin;
+1 freeplay f 2024-06-06 00:28:19.711636 8 12 \N
+4 educator t 2024-07-23 21:29:06.349279 8 12 \N
+-- Data for Name: tournament_round; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+COPY public.tournament_round (id, "roundNumber", "numberOfGameRounds", "tournamentId", "introSurveyUrl", "exitSurveyUrl", "dateCreated", championship, announcement) FROM stdin;
+1 1 10 1 2024-06-06 00:28:31.996898 f
+2 2 10 1 2024-06-06 22:52:18.53373 f
+3 3 10 1 2024-07-01 03:35:50.731282 f
+4 1 10 4 2024-07-23 21:29:20.651476 f
+5 4 10 1 2024-07-28 23:41:08.537342 f
+6 5 10 1 2024-07-28 23:45:47.666877 f
+7 6 10 1 2024-07-31 00:05:35.59769 f
+-- Data for Name: tournament_round_date; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+COPY public.tournament_round_date (id, "tournamentRoundId", "dateCreated", date) FROM stdin;
+-- Data for Name: tournament_round_invite; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+COPY public.tournament_round_invite (id, "tournamentRoundId", "userId", "hasParticipated", "hasCompletedIntroSurvey", "hasCompletedExitSurvey", "dateCreated") FROM stdin;
+-- Data for Name: tournament_round_signup; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+COPY public.tournament_round_signup ("tournamentRoundInviteId", "tournamentRoundDateId") FROM stdin;
+-- Data for Name: tournament_treatments_treatment; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+COPY public.tournament_treatments_treatment ("tournamentId", "treatmentId") FROM stdin;
+-- Data for Name: treatment; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+COPY public.treatment (id, name, description, "dateCreated", "marsEventOverrides") FROM stdin;
+-- Data for Name: typeorm_metadata; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+COPY public.typeorm_metadata (type, database, schema, "table", name, value) FROM stdin;
+GENERATED_COLUMN port_of_mars public moderation_action dateMuteExpires case when "daysMuted" is not null then "dateCreated" + interval '1 day' * "daysMuted" else null end
+GENERATED_COLUMN port_of_mars public scheduled_game_date lobbyCloseDate "date" + interval '1 minute' * "minutesOpenAfter"
+-- Data for Name: user; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+COPY public."user" (id, name, username, email, "passedQuiz", "registrationToken", "participantId", "isVerified", "dateConsented", "isActive", "dateCreated", "isAdmin", "passportId", "isSystemBot", "lastPlayerIp", "isBanned", "isMuted", "muteStrikes") FROM stdin;
+1 test teacher testteacher test@example.com f fd0d63d9-4689-40b8-9580-c37f85f04f06 34399e7e-70fc-4323-bee1-1ae7eb7a4c6f t 2024-06-06 22:44:33.573 t 2024-06-06 22:44:33.546198 f f f f 0
+2 LunarFox9068 \N f 7ff3b6ff-c360-483d-898e-71b7e04a1fcf a412cfbc-62ad-4fde-98db-aab126d4958f f \N t 2024-06-06 22:52:56.671489 f f f f 0
+3 CometaryIbex2603 \N f 83db4b78-97b2-4600-a436-bbbc288eedbb 845c27b4-aa29-4384-b53d-618ae2b99eaf f \N t 2024-06-06 22:53:20.412523 f f f f 0
+4 SolarDolphin1672 \N f 15765e27-3031-45d8-ac9f-f2cbf501d15c beab1df8-134f-4436-976d-0123e893248e f \N t 2024-06-06 22:53:46.746182 f f f f 0
+5 LunarFox6417 \N f 0b718b03-4a95-4a19-add5-48cc33c2916a 4da1428d-469d-416d-8b7c-de3b4031772d f \N t 2024-06-06 22:55:47.852297 f f f f 0
+6 NebularOrangutan2507 \N f 803c5d27-b006-4fcb-9954-1d798d83dcce df05f36a-f5d9-445d-9466-fa2207fb0c53 f \N t 2024-06-06 23:00:44.652767 f f f f 0
+7 EllipticalEagle4718 \N f bbc5814c-b90b-4995-9efb-8d074190ac35 87e91096-08b6-4f21-a9d5-6a6718ebdad4 f \N t 2024-06-06 23:06:01.528326 f f f f 0
+8 SolarCanary6228 \N f 819336ba-8464-4e1c-97c8-21fc3a44bec8 60f1bbca-3795-4d75-809a-75962268f644 f \N t 2024-06-06 23:08:11.351667 f f f f 0
+9 IllustriousRaccoon6607 \N f dc8946d0-15b6-4542-8f3e-136ad4685927 216afd4c-b9a7-4e7c-8b2d-b7fe7f44341e f \N t 2024-06-06 23:14:03.116687 f f f f 0
+10 LunarHeron7979 \N f f6e49c29-21ea-42d1-bac0-418e9fdac79b 3bd01a97-5235-4cd1-be77-574a6304cea9 f \N t 2024-06-06 23:15:01.773392 f f f f 0
+11 EllipticalOrangutan9140 \N f a20a1b61-95fe-4f63-a1f9-14e20918cefc 257eaf53-ca27-4c6f-8c96-fe49920e0eaa f \N t 2024-06-06 23:19:50.103458 f f f f 0
+12 CometaryMeerkat2816 \N f 7e526758-7e9a-4deb-a39b-e87e33798294 c875557a-e6cb-49a2-b748-ca3ca2f0db2a f \N t 2024-06-06 23:20:56.617389 f f f f 0
+13 LunarOrangutan8739 \N f d3f75720-1d70-49b4-aec0-21ad5f4dbc31 d6fc4dfa-f2fa-427f-a1e4-403d6e562b9a f \N t 2024-06-06 23:21:29.909379 f f f f 0
+14 AuroralEagle4911 \N f f03903a5-d548-4d7c-96d7-9f3c41c8d19a 5c836c00-ade3-4d85-ba4f-079b69471d48 f \N t 2024-06-07 05:21:24.564931 f f f f 0
+15 LunarGiraffe9238 \N f 81e47c0c-47ca-49f3-a418-5678dad9cdd0 e6c74c75-278a-436c-8768-a84f9dce272e f \N t 2024-06-07 05:28:36.883779 f f f f 0
+16 StellarCamel5210 \N f 71b1d2a4-87f7-41a4-8923-09c5d4564a56 be8a5771-0e8e-4dcf-bcac-0efe17b254ad f \N t 2024-06-07 23:35:42.621028 f f f f 0
+17 MartianGiraffe5526 \N f a86831f5-80b8-47f9-9574-13bc0c625a8d f89ed5a2-9922-4fa6-8e77-c1c6b5e0c237 f \N t 2024-06-12 00:02:50.43267 f f f f 0
+18 PlanetaryCanary6738 \N f ab8d6d26-3f8c-4897-aac7-572ecdbcadfa 5c7b4f80-807e-4ef3-b0ab-db51c3c7a1ac f \N t 2024-06-12 19:19:19.113444 f f f f 0
+19 CosmicHedgehog3639 \N f c0ecf843-f0fb-4b4b-abdd-332c5b09ab0d 797a6717-2b04-4255-82ea-be5cc38e6cbd f \N t 2024-06-12 20:01:36.734193 f f f f 0
+20 AstralNewt3408 \N f d8e4c276-70c0-4464-87be-9833aa4d5142 502bdc08-f68a-4b07-9915-ef301066372e f \N t 2024-06-12 20:06:37.053357 f f f f 0
+21 EllipticalWolverine3744 \N f 45111eee-d471-460b-b854-5568cdec8cc3 6689aa14-f1cf-4ee4-9c57-1e3f6e2d2801 f \N t 2024-06-12 20:07:45.512808 f f f f 0
+22 NebularHeron6800 \N f 0867792b-519f-4749-a61d-214679059c2a aaa2c9c1-9684-4469-bc96-10da8871ddbd f \N t 2024-06-14 02:19:59.001017 f f f f 0
+23 CometaryLizard2593 \N f 15fb2251-81cf-4da0-83a1-10a88768ecd9 e9af4e6c-5df3-4696-932e-ff8e4fd997d6 f \N t 2024-06-14 06:14:41.615947 f f f f 0
+24 StellarDingo3982 \N f 1b111823-9f03-47d9-ab93-f3f6842bf4d7 480eb551-5c4b-462f-bfa8-a61f0e7d1025 f \N t 2024-06-14 06:19:21.353101 f f f f 0
+25 EllipticalOrangutan4797 \N f 8956c7ba-a375-4e2f-a3c9-c6ff59641298 3b6ac0b0-cb45-466b-9166-991d83ec2c38 f \N t 2024-06-14 21:17:44.9987 f f f f 0
+26 test teacher 3 testteacher3 test_teacher_3@example.com f 19b24bd3-8f52-4dec-9f4a-4e1c0565ca10 9d3d9383-875f-4c32-bb33-81247d9c2c8b t 2024-06-18 21:50:25.108 t 2024-06-18 21:50:25.084485 f f f f 0
+27 CometaryLizard4284 \N f 0eb2996d-305c-4f24-a37a-5b6a7ceb8efe 119eda52-190a-4d69-91af-565ba150384f f \N t 2024-06-18 21:56:22.613779 f f f f 0
+28 IllustriousLemur5167 \N f 499ce711-4501-47a6-b57f-fd8327950848 8e570bcf-b139-4a33-b139-1b42baafbb31 f \N t 2024-06-18 21:56:35.46836 f f f f 0
+29 CometaryAntelope5303 \N f 4632cbd3-171e-40d5-8e13-c80e13f01d9e 4986d6bc-6985-4988-b700-aef9b16252d6 f \N t 2024-06-18 21:58:46.862657 f f f f 0
+30 sab nel IllustriousHedgehog5181 \N f 8169cce7-d806-46b5-a2c2-5dae2d86ff4e 77a16094-250b-478b-b4ae-b497443d3088 f \N t 2024-06-18 22:06:27.433746 f f f f 0
+31 sab nel MartianIguana3479 \N f 23fccc3f-1d6a-4152-aec3-61270acc717a cd26d76a-ed17-4e84-ac6b-20fca5dc4125 f \N t 2024-06-19 06:02:46.873541 f f f f 0
+32 sab nel AuroralWolverine8833 \N f fe4a96df-b7fd-4fc0-9dd7-da695c377918 d36f93c6-1b07-4cdd-8e15-16e16310f6bf f \N t 2024-06-19 21:28:29.682537 f f f f 0
+33 sab nel StellarDolphin7272 \N f 0bedf98d-8e02-415b-8467-ea03129dab4c 6ad122f3-8979-4179-9261-044f9e26aff0 f \N t 2024-06-19 21:35:43.714018 f f f f 0
+34 sab nel CometaryRaccoon8388 \N f a1a4e016-9d76-4df2-ab99-6c8d07caf126 1a745c91-96a6-4424-9cf1-d2673e852b86 f \N t 2024-06-19 21:38:58.954209 f f f f 0
+35 sab nel OrbitingEagle3724 \N f ef9d8838-df29-432d-9c08-7ac130f43128 1b34eccc-aad3-4d3e-bcde-6080def44362 f \N t 2024-06-20 18:22:46.943539 f f f f 0
+36 sab nel EllipticalIbex3831 \N f bcdac578-23d0-4212-bccc-9f45e3d64940 08754075-c032-4a65-850b-8ce4fe5e149e f \N t 2024-06-20 18:34:12.056106 f f f f 0
+37 sab nel GalacticCamel9896 \N f 2d114d68-681a-428c-b2f0-d017dd8fc287 04350976-02c6-4f0a-91ad-6aa7aed62e36 f \N t 2024-06-20 18:35:26.831505 f f f f 0
+38 GalacticAxolotl6910 \N f f550054e-6ff7-4d64-85ef-41be97fb000a 2dbea7f4-7dff-4cd3-b7e9-951bc167142e f \N t 2024-06-20 18:39:20.394161 f f f f 0
+39 OrbitingAntelope1804 \N f 9f68a296-9dae-468c-929d-bde6dcf3f9da f0448583-1270-4add-ae60-f4cf831b8952 f \N t 2024-06-20 18:47:26.027869 f f f f 0
+40 OrbitingMeerkat1760 \N f bb5b08ad-811d-44ce-99c4-bd2469c68cfb 5f0c6dd0-bcd3-4207-8253-64c4a10a8d0d f \N t 2024-06-20 18:50:36.232878 f f f f 0
+41 LunarHyena1921 \N f 6aa64165-f513-418e-baf2-b6ac82b69d97 8ada6d68-8ebf-4711-b690-5ca339767fd0 f \N t 2024-06-20 18:52:56.298021 f f f f 0
+42 SolarLemur7011 \N f a08afa9f-42ed-4825-b295-18ed6e8475c8 c762a489-0b64-42ac-b328-78c2cf0b49a1 f \N t 2024-06-20 18:58:25.08566 f f f f 0
+43 AsteroidalDingo4669 \N f 5d7b30be-ce6a-49a3-8fa5-8b48113b886c fed85c44-7aa8-46da-8693-b3c1021d9d9f f \N t 2024-06-20 18:58:58.584115 f f f f 0
+44 NebularCanary8941 \N f 84477979-061d-4e64-bcf8-992bf03e2872 49098132-6099-4ae1-95cb-5c1b9a24beec f \N t 2024-06-20 20:31:22.287622 f f f f 0
+45 InterstellarWolverine6186 \N f e86845d1-a032-40bd-aed4-cbb646fd1512 707e47f1-2192-46b9-bf87-1e0f0e23781f f \N t 2024-06-24 19:01:05.001227 f f f f 0
+46 GalacticNewt8597 \N f 18632e00-1ca5-4e27-8aad-833b3bb60112 2d20b68f-04f3-48b4-85c8-44f399197c00 f \N t 2024-06-24 19:01:14.520444 f f f f 0
+47 CosmicHeron9976 \N f 3fbc20eb-bf39-4512-b20c-183596677806 67b5c010-9c66-488e-83fa-9c71c890f06e f \N t 2024-06-24 19:07:57.729739 f f f f 0
+48 PlanetaryIbex5904 \N f 14189301-7166-4687-8382-63ba52529a50 a2c697a3-2a0d-49e6-a2cd-0cf41afabe50 f \N t 2024-06-24 19:17:10.607345 f f f f 0
+49 StellarWolverine4790 \N f e46a8bde-32b7-4cf9-ae85-80300a4b7328 6a758552-1a96-4bbe-b0ca-70598051d372 f \N t 2024-06-25 20:00:22.761639 f f f f 0
+50 GalacticParrot5648 \N f 03225f64-9ef2-40ac-8959-523b87e94507 57f63f9f-6dd4-4c2d-9021-e046098d8058 f \N t 2024-06-26 01:04:17.100703 f f f f 0
+51 LunarDolphin6755 \N f bacc86ee-db56-496e-8d97-88ff59d3d9c6 9c959b18-1734-44b6-8817-91b21b0913ac f \N t 2024-06-26 01:04:24.901592 f f f f 0
+52 PlanetaryHeron4418 \N f 7577cffb-6663-4e33-b312-802fecacc0cb 1367f84b-3403-48a8-bb45-3494a5c4a3a5 f \N t 2024-06-26 01:04:31.719098 f f f f 0
+53 OrbitingHeron8981 \N f ed93fafa-7a58-4edf-886a-d09343425fbb 916d0100-c245-4eb0-85c4-15dc3e872fea f \N t 2024-06-26 01:17:27.363768 f f f f 0
+54 AstralHyena9142 \N f b79d711f-05d6-43f6-b18f-87dbfaed8bea 37e00eb9-0edf-4a2e-a21f-0680d74de7ec f \N t 2024-06-26 01:38:53.580023 f f f f 0
+55 NebularFerret8911 \N f 166c48b8-8449-4fc5-9535-e38bbc2d2de0 b3702b73-8eaf-47ee-8b76-5b824452bb09 f \N t 2024-06-26 01:42:41.455095 f f f f 0
+56 CosmicOrca5233 \N f 955bccc5-13d7-48ac-8409-60b2d513a036 89765af9-0746-4b59-ade4-279878ed8896 f \N t 2024-06-26 01:47:07.77177 f f f f 0
+57 AuroralAntelope9350 \N f 149de38c-70dd-4993-a4e7-8d4770e027c0 2891ed22-2374-4b17-840e-27972b7f6255 f \N t 2024-06-26 01:48:40.28823 f f f f 0
+58 Sabrina Nelson SolarFalcon5048 \N f 67dbba8a-0be8-4b4c-abf1-ffdea04f5ead 14d2cc37-fe00-4cfa-b337-6b42a3e3bc9f f \N t 2024-06-26 16:38:44.023265 f f f f 0
+59 Sabrina Nelson PlanetaryHedgehog8074 \N f 217ecdab-c12a-4eda-a93a-9f40bc9632e3 9d89e483-63ac-42bb-880e-bd865e69b4f4 f \N t 2024-06-26 16:59:45.745115 f f f f 0
+60 sab nel StellarFerret1447 \N f 8355ef33-c434-4915-8554-1433516c061c 5f8c7867-1adb-45e1-99bb-c75dcf0f538c f \N t 2024-06-26 17:02:38.122137 f f f f 0
+61 sab nel GalacticIguana3820 \N f 0b8ef984-d450-46f0-8f90-da9cc7ba42b2 ef4fa828-b586-4b90-babd-84ef10271490 f \N t 2024-06-26 17:04:52.671743 f f f f 0
+62 CometaryOrangutan6437 \N f 9dc22d6f-0f6d-46cd-b731-072edd2c0c98 00ac2b1a-5ac6-4a4c-932f-4c067672338a f \N t 2024-06-26 17:13:19.758346 f f f f 0
+63 LunarCanary1214 \N f 165fb8aa-0332-4aef-819f-5147f43643c0 7e0cd09e-42f1-4ae7-8491-8eaf94cd6635 f \N t 2024-06-26 17:14:35.637319 f f f f 0
+64 LunarChameleon4519 \N f c1d9a7e5-29c1-4f4c-b34b-e388623b38f2 323706e5-74fd-4b81-ba9f-7f335120a75c f \N t 2024-06-28 22:13:38.021921 f f f f 0
+65 PlanetaryKoala1353 \N f 5697ebcb-ef5e-438a-9995-31c100acc95c d7cbdce4-bc5c-4ed3-ac91-32288aaab55c f \N t 2024-07-01 03:08:13.716644 f f f f 0
+66 LunarWolverine6661 \N f 3f010fc4-6eaf-49c1-905f-008d7abf587c 3a9e74c2-232d-43fb-99cf-35d6a40043ab f \N t 2024-07-01 03:09:38.9567 f f f f 0
+67 InterstellarFalcon8812 \N f 127b77e7-4062-4d09-8244-2401a21046c0 b4745f07-fae9-4ac2-ab95-dd3ec9b8e54f f \N t 2024-07-01 03:10:34.805526 f f f f 0
+68 StellarKoala9424 \N f 19cf20d9-28fe-4e83-8fcd-447d88e5e934 2e0e2355-7f97-4696-ae43-bf566cad723e f \N t 2024-07-01 03:11:25.484136 f f f f 0
+69 LunarDolphin9388 \N f 97a2e9a0-edfc-4a37-acc2-5286a672173d 1edec00b-149f-496d-a0fa-83cd377e0305 f \N t 2024-07-01 03:12:32.687911 f f f f 0
+70 StellarRaccoon8166 \N f b9a8da3a-97d5-4f5e-a42e-b2a39e33f3b2 2ccbf7de-e61a-48b3-9604-e197a1b52c57 f \N t 2024-07-01 03:28:08.953132 f f f f 0
+71 StellarDingo8222 \N f 46bd7656-23ab-4cb0-83ac-fbaa50f7f2f3 d16fe995-aa37-4498-87b4-454b15d8712e f \N t 2024-07-01 18:02:32.015248 f f f f 0
+72 MartianMeerkat4482 \N f d7e3abcd-f476-4436-ab9e-3c90ef813fac 28708c3a-f0b3-4655-9712-450ec8d038a3 f \N t 2024-07-01 18:05:46.18281 f f f f 0
+73 OrbitingNewt9320 \N f eb483fc0-81f6-4667-aae9-b26bdb21164b 9811f2d5-6db9-4870-b978-5283a6282913 f \N t 2024-07-01 18:07:56.013825 f f f f 0
+74 CometaryBison3496 \N f 2846880b-272c-4b9f-8bb9-ca450f1c2101 94c13415-c8c3-4f3f-9924-bcd7f6733620 f \N t 2024-07-01 18:17:29.155612 f f f f 0
+103 S N InterstellarOrca7008 \N f bd499920-79f7-4f96-a92e-b2b51b00bc60 41d79c27-1af8-4802-8ba7-76ee3b9e3df8 t \N t 2024-07-02 21:12:09.607778 f f f f 0
+75 N asdf NebularAxolotl1894 \N f c2656b00-9c7f-40d7-acfd-0249547d58a1 5e69645c-d4ad-4184-adcc-ec67b2104bdb f \N t 2024-07-01 18:18:43.99537 f f f f 0
+76 Sab Nel MartianFalcon4214 \N f c3dcc9e1-cfad-4b50-8b69-00af7c430d24 66c3e5a8-f4a9-401c-921d-1f0e6b6988ba f \N t 2024-07-01 18:19:49.213417 f f f f 0
+77 s n CometaryLemur5709 \N f 4080fd5a-d09b-4499-9860-9e25837ae68f 4e518497-3fe2-4c9f-b263-2034c4a6bf48 f \N t 2024-07-01 18:22:06.347485 f f f f 0
+78 S N PlanetaryRaccoon6096 \N f a8812d82-23ce-40da-9b08-389af9a3c484 0fc9b48a-cd17-4a71-b093-c11ff72b1a81 f \N t 2024-07-01 18:23:30.217972 f f f f 0
+79 MartianHyena2761 \N f c89cbfd8-73e1-4a82-8203-5ca8afca13af 2703cdcc-4085-49d8-9d0c-d71adaf19766 f \N t 2024-07-01 18:26:00.442955 f f f f 0
+80 sab nel SolarParrot2319 \N f 64b2d820-6ca0-4ae5-bf0c-8734d33ec19f 57da56f2-7db5-4318-aa37-3784ecb61a05 f \N t 2024-07-01 18:26:22.363283 f f f f 0
+81 AsteroidalOrangutan4273 \N f f8fc5cbe-9a50-4082-be51-d392147c4118 50ddb17d-4805-4c3e-92d6-8c7c69496e84 f \N t 2024-07-01 18:26:52.955182 f f f f 0
+82 S N LunarEagle4396 \N f 3036eb32-2e76-4e71-8e4e-9d27a9762a45 9f367d21-8172-4641-a317-237ef74b84e1 f \N t 2024-07-01 18:29:16.624623 f f f f 0
+83 sab nel NebularQuagga2881 \N f 9f7fdda9-46fd-4c88-beac-e2ff8bfeaaa3 a26a83b5-3a0f-47ec-a6db-5ef1767e7b43 f \N t 2024-07-01 22:26:29.165609 f f f f 0
+84 S N OrbitingFalcon7132 \N f 15a5fafc-7957-4c2b-97ad-c155b459e47f d23fe328-c6d7-4c1c-aa72-071b23d1da97 f \N t 2024-07-01 22:30:53.875903 f f f f 0
+85 Sab nel CelestialHedgehog3650 \N f 732ae45b-50f0-478d-ad17-0fd5820f669f 561f181d-2838-452f-8b06-ace7e6e9fbcc f \N t 2024-07-01 22:32:04.622771 f f f f 0
+86 sab nel CometaryGiraffe9552 \N f 92af4e40-53c5-42a7-b2fe-55ef062e17e7 2753726d-d486-435a-b4d6-29bcac9cd234 f \N t 2024-07-01 22:36:30.877461 f f f f 0
+87 Sab Nel GalacticFerret7776 \N f d31f49eb-9895-4eb1-80a7-de1d8b54e021 10b44fd7-2383-44b5-88c9-31cd30f090bf f \N t 2024-07-01 22:41:50.543276 f f f f 0
+88 sab nel AsteroidalHedgehog9751 \N f 23e967ff-d8ab-4a71-9b66-046e25e377e9 78684d1b-f6d6-4a23-9d42-eb97ee2e7b74 f \N t 2024-07-01 22:49:19.729018 f f f f 0
+89 AuroralWolverine6769 \N f 57041e39-6b71-4350-b7ab-93c3e8a0abe0 70b270ce-a40f-4132-91ce-de4d007fc10e f \N t 2024-07-01 22:50:19.333336 f f f f 0
+90 sab nel NebularFalcon7755 \N f 6b2d3667-0bd5-4110-9726-f0e5fdfa23e8 031cf10d-db09-4f92-b435-b40d57f6af8a f \N t 2024-07-02 19:32:44.361847 f f f f 0
+91 SolarAntelope1246 \N f 6d9585b0-e3b4-47f3-9209-aa97726669f1 f2b2c2ca-155e-41d4-a027-7b913136d89e f \N t 2024-07-02 19:37:41.425531 f f f f 0
+92 sab nel AsteroidalMeerkat1446 \N f c139f099-d18e-4729-9836-2b29d429b012 f89279db-6081-4778-8470-46d922ff0933 f \N t 2024-07-02 19:42:07.074328 f f f f 0
+93 MartianFox4035 \N f c7935d2b-bc8d-4f56-8b79-04275e86afcf 69314d68-43fa-468e-9c6e-f1323abb29cf f \N t 2024-07-02 19:51:33.726559 f f f f 0
+94 PlanetaryMeerkat6541 \N f c62c6b23-e225-408c-8202-84ad773a7290 d53a0d45-62d6-4752-b0ad-64f48920a246 f \N t 2024-07-02 19:55:11.168223 f f f f 0
+95 GalacticNewt3211 \N f badb4349-d1e2-49c2-94f9-e072eb1d1dde 4f83873d-9a53-4366-8c51-dc438e2dd3d2 f \N t 2024-07-02 19:56:22.687744 f f f f 0
+96 NebularDolphin2105 \N f 40475053-e069-4d87-a468-8b15729eb5ad ff343282-8e31-40a8-8cb1-414254751b84 f \N t 2024-07-02 19:57:26.922593 f f f f 0
+97 Sab nel AuroralLemur8957 \N f 2f29e0d5-856e-4d18-82f8-92f91aeab580 e02196e4-90ad-4e4f-9704-4227f7e6773d t \N t 2024-07-02 19:58:36.66568 f f f f 0
+98 sab nel CosmicEagle9623 \N f 795dd1df-5b2d-4d30-ab72-82f8a9d9fc98 731394c9-e110-43c9-8a66-6948c93e058e t \N t 2024-07-02 19:58:51.138562 f f f f 0
+99 S N AsteroidalRaccoon1291 \N f 995e0109-4077-439c-b3cb-58862489f63c 19cf8f70-3116-4ab0-b173-99af1473f7ac t \N t 2024-07-02 20:59:58.152642 f f f f 0
+100 S N StellarCamel6303 \N f 6ebba136-3c21-401a-8d81-0389e50c3144 bb2c97e9-1a68-4f02-9742-ec9b684ebae6 t \N t 2024-07-02 21:01:22.638793 f f f f 0
+101 InterstellarQuagga3102 \N f a74730ea-16fc-4218-87f6-fa30d3798c3d 8ea6613f-238f-4a24-948a-192e1b85681c f \N t 2024-07-02 21:01:36.372871 f f f f 0
+102 Sabrina Nelson LunarIbex9647 \N f 1510316b-75d9-4ac1-9f53-fb3e9bf5a94f 157ee0a7-642e-40f5-a12c-15585371d8b8 t \N t 2024-07-02 21:09:00.901549 f f f f 0
+104 Sab Nel EllipticalLemur8957 \N f 7b0eca36-30f1-46d8-9c12-52c7b2f6dd24 ff5557ff-e85d-4871-a0c6-84a9d057f0ce t \N t 2024-07-02 21:17:41.635092 f f f f 0
+105 StellarFox4417 \N f 018febf0-e3c1-4530-8bee-4ea9abb544ef b3191751-c0dc-4807-a558-b5339d2f92ae f \N t 2024-07-03 04:10:23.329568 f f f f 0
+106 sab nel CelestialCamel3749 \N f 28c39520-0f04-4155-9ef0-cc322a2ccaed 169544e6-0e5e-49c0-b0ae-174467b0e910 t \N t 2024-07-03 04:24:04.473876 f f f f 0
+107 S N SolarOrangutan2841 \N f ae7807be-ada9-4718-8113-f2db43b41e37 d113ddb2-ae0e-4abd-802f-d2898c356610 t \N t 2024-07-03 18:44:14.832135 f f f f 0
+108 S N LunarHedgehog3764 \N f 86645afb-79de-47ec-bf90-3b9a98172280 d8a977e3-fa0f-43be-a75b-5adefdbfc326 t \N t 2024-07-03 19:13:56.802159 f f f f 0
+109 S N GalacticMarmot4936 \N f 4c5af1ab-a5e5-4b0d-8284-6ee8bdebcc0a bd93cfa7-2a70-4e04-8e19-dc2cd973d36c t \N t 2024-07-03 19:20:41.113937 f f f f 0
+110 SolarRaccoon2995 \N f c44ac092-7ca8-4084-bd1a-0620db6897d8 166403c4-f59c-45c3-b4c2-c13b4148ebf9 f \N t 2024-07-03 19:24:26.417102 f f f f 0
+111 S N InterstellarHedgehog4671 \N f 8b61f411-fa20-47f3-900a-fa732b30020f d1c67a70-bc20-4680-957f-a42f3530ab4b t \N t 2024-07-03 19:24:46.468286 f f f f 0
+112 S N IllustriousAxolotl4596 \N f a4f5badd-2e84-465f-b150-1bf64cbdceb1 ac7db814-0658-4e2a-bbf1-dc401413e9bf t \N t 2024-07-05 23:59:00.443259 f f f f 0
+113 S N AsteroidalAntelope4386 \N f 64ef9b2f-0100-4054-9c10-84ac218c506c fd3bc8e1-98ae-475e-9707-e5b4a767ca5b t \N t 2024-07-06 05:31:08.777635 f f f f 0
+114 s n SolarParrot7475 \N f bbaa6dfe-53b1-4889-90a3-f29c02aabfc2 6a494717-afd9-45a4-b7cb-5d44184d4070 t \N t 2024-07-08 01:38:29.067536 f f f f 0
+115 S N GalacticHeron5255 \N f 9600e5d8-73ca-4207-bd11-c9845ee4ea1b 05cb60ee-de75-4d7f-88f0-0b55fdee1654 t \N t 2024-07-09 00:21:40.428037 f f f f 0
+116 S N IllustriousHedgehog7148 \N f c1edb820-0b6d-4ce1-8695-5c47d0e44501 1c845f8f-c0e3-48f5-a3f6-e0a4aa1ae048 t \N t 2024-07-09 21:40:25.464435 f f f f 0
+117 CelestialHeron3168 \N f f9ea6d0c-0284-4106-95aa-1addc5256a35 785c3a1e-e8ba-489d-a4fb-5238bce9b06f f \N t 2024-07-10 23:03:05.113849 f f f f 0
+118 S N CometaryHedgehog7941 \N f bb298950-0436-407b-ab92-40fdc8dba167 564ea5df-6a09-4bd2-9c37-3889db31f883 t \N t 2024-07-10 23:03:15.130597 f f f f 0
+120 robot MartianCamel3681 MartianCamel3681 \N f 20a645c4-7fa2-49aa-a1a8-53880e7cb204 df646020-96ac-47bb-9cf5-372cb8688ae0 f \N t 2024-07-23 21:31:24.2094 f t f f 0
+121 robot LunarBison2329 LunarBison2329 \N f 9eee4850-948c-49c0-b25f-162aa9450c93 a5a2fb2f-d589-4341-afae-78cc7add710f f \N t 2024-07-23 21:31:24.239253 f t f f 0
+122 robot SolarCamel3847 SolarCamel3847 \N f 7e981dec-2f42-46e9-bc1c-72652cb590e2 6030f331-1d99-4d08-ae28-94ee2c63f7e1 f \N t 2024-07-23 21:31:24.245632 f t f f 0
+123 robot AuroralCamel4881 AuroralCamel4881 \N f d1b076d1-52e4-43f3-b7ba-456653d79e09 d291cc02-b427-43cb-9e5b-0ab9bc94bf79 f \N t 2024-07-23 21:31:24.249532 f t f f 0
+119 S N GalacticCanary4199 \N f 0cb1b7a1-f1eb-410e-b4cf-959fa151068f dd21de89-9784-44af-b023-507d2c31e513 t \N t 2024-07-23 21:30:45.859595 f f ::ffff: f f 0
+124 S N IllustriousGiraffe8998 \N f f90c4fc3-eef9-467f-8145-f102a66f9397 88aa6444-2304-4c18-9768-b14267888089 t \N t 2024-07-25 01:50:04.928013 f f f f 0
+125 S N InterstellarStarfish6735 \N f 71894e52-ba88-479e-ac1d-d9a6c5e53e92 36652c9f-0dfa-497c-a2ca-74775bb828ef t \N t 2024-07-25 01:54:12.036175 f f ::ffff: f f 0
+126 Sab Nel SolarWolverine8632 \N f 7606142b-7b59-456f-acdd-f76e71b4171a 11641067-ced0-475f-9a9f-d50e019931e1 t \N t 2024-07-25 01:54:55.731517 f f ::ffff: f f 0
+127 S N AuroralLizard4476 \N f 8e9bfca1-761d-4b26-9b3a-19119ddbd1b8 a46e8857-1984-4c5a-94e2-1f8e3519b3b6 t \N t 2024-07-25 04:23:43.076032 f f f f 0
+128 S N PlanetaryQuagga6458 \N f 900a6a74-6798-4192-9202-b46cd503f34e 14cdb70e-4b20-45d6-bbaf-cc8c8828eb67 t \N t 2024-07-26 22:49:24.989699 f f ::ffff: f f 0
+129 S N LunarFox6831 \N f 2e9b21d6-5a41-4167-b632-48d7bcfcd923 c47fefb4-cb14-4626-82da-20b282a55f83 t \N t 2024-07-26 23:01:16.560227 f f f f 0
+130 S N CosmicRaccoon5930 \N f 3ca24074-54c9-4e70-87eb-e8e0f7aaedad aada0ee9-4124-4b83-9fb3-1c58687788a9 t \N t 2024-07-27 21:55:31.250449 f f f f 0
+131 Test Student 1 AuroralOrangutan5597 \N f 784ebddd-537d-4286-9999-d4c01798285c 4ac77a6f-e9a1-47a6-b709-307d30402194 t \N t 2024-07-29 00:03:45.239061 f f f f 0
+132 Test Student 2 PlanetaryFalcon2257 \N f 3b2a8940-301f-4fc1-8ec7-575650875660 f52552cc-946a-4cfe-a363-f7a787f4f7f0 t \N t 2024-07-29 00:04:16.925893 f f f f 0
+133 Sabrina Nelson AsteroidalBison5563 \N f 680a0861-d8b6-4b79-959d-ac7ce07a66ab cbbe8c60-dea9-4712-831b-272b6850a037 t \N t 2024-07-30 03:46:08.204219 f f f f 0
+134 Sabrina Nelson CometaryAxolotl5045 \N f b8eb41c0-fef6-451c-90f2-813931296501 af2da181-6866-4e89-b293-f58a08b2d513 t \N t 2024-07-30 03:48:22.029302 f f f f 0
+135 Sabrina Nelson LunarMarmot7251 \N f aa885542-7f1a-4d0e-977c-04ad77f8cee7 d406afc6-e321-4245-a71d-d003f48556b9 t \N t 2024-07-30 04:09:27.430334 f f f f 0
+136 Sab Nel StellarFalcon6452 \N f d36db8a7-f888-4d23-a50d-e890feca999e 792db984-fee9-485d-a072-c090c4088824 t \N t 2024-07-30 23:58:05.252428 f f f f 0
+137 Sabrina Nelson GalacticOrangutan9195 \N f 5d590255-d01c-4f36-9854-33712ed559ce d58b511d-f2db-414e-a949-4934370f5b84 t \N t 2024-07-31 00:07:18.73585 f f f f 0
+138 Sab Nel LunarFalcon4386 \N f b8ce914e-4c6a-42f4-b354-2d71762dbe1e 6e2b2a1b-5900-4449-8ea2-992d83724e64 t \N t 2024-07-31 00:09:51.961939 f f f f 0
+139 Hailey Nelson MartianCanary9920 \N f 49165a28-6bb1-41cb-bd43-b5e30228fb39 ed488308-a1a6-4ef9-8855-0b378f95a556 t \N t 2024-07-31 00:26:50.429719 f f f f 0
+140 Sabrina Nelson CelestialStarfish3364 \N f ecf2079f-fa5b-42a7-854a-1160bbf0b20c 29b93fa7-a953-4aef-947d-8e293c0b34e8 t \N t 2024-07-31 00:30:14.456242 f f f f 0
+141 NebularGiraffe8754 \N f 34079aba-0780-4e40-b033-2b8c48217f20 e17665dd-b660-4fc1-a033-9852a2449de0 f \N t 2024-07-31 00:37:45.274851 f f f f 0
+142 S N AuroralLizard2453 \N f 3c8cadaf-cc7e-4222-bce7-289e6f5ed00f 33694f5d-7c08-4c09-b7cd-8e81f7e7cc3b t \N t 2024-07-31 00:41:21.1586 f f f f 0
+143 S N CometaryChameleon8159 \N f 37fcddc6-f5ad-4fbb-b141-b7f49e10531f b1ebebd7-56bb-4e60-82fa-d3479b6f3b27 t \N t 2024-07-31 00:43:01.544398 f f f f 0
+144 S N GalacticHedgehog8483 \N f bad7059f-8081-4df6-94a5-ba2edb883ce9 6d3e7671-05ca-4c78-858d-2f59bc9bb0de t \N t 2024-07-31 00:46:40.011887 f f f f 0
+145 S N NebularFalcon4036 \N f e5472e99-cf7d-44ae-a5d7-2a7b4222f6f0 e5d49bfc-6bf6-4ab2-806b-3a950a90adb5 t \N t 2024-07-31 00:58:08.265562 f f ::ffff: f f 0
+146 S N CosmicMeerkat1348 \N f 153b94a9-24c2-4178-97b6-9a4e865f38b0 293f443f-36a4-4a4a-88bb-d2597da69cc6 t \N t 2024-07-31 00:59:22.788685 f f f f 0
+147 S N SolarParrot3600 \N f 7dac33e1-0545-40f9-b8ca-edbd5499ab09 df7a45b2-872a-4d74-8416-c15e9565b706 t \N t 2024-08-16 20:20:22.069753 f f f f 0
+-- Name: chat_report_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('public.chat_report_id_seq', 1, false);
+-- Name: classroom_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('public.classroom_id_seq', 93, true);
+-- Name: game_event_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('public.game_event_id_seq', 1219, true);
+-- Name: game_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('public.game_id_seq', 6, true);
+-- Name: lobby_chat_message_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('public.lobby_chat_message_id_seq', 1, false);
+-- Name: migrations_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('public.migrations_id_seq', 33, true);
+-- Name: moderation_action_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('public.moderation_action_id_seq', 1, false);
+-- Name: player_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('public.player_id_seq', 30, true);
+-- Name: question_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('public.question_id_seq', 1, false);
+-- Name: question_response_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('public.question_response_id_seq', 1, false);
+-- Name: quiz_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('public.quiz_id_seq', 1, false);
+-- Name: quiz_submission_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('public.quiz_submission_id_seq', 1, false);
+-- Name: solo_game_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('public.solo_game_id_seq', 1, false);
+-- Name: solo_game_round_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('public.solo_game_round_id_seq', 1, false);
+-- Name: solo_game_treatment_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('public.solo_game_treatment_id_seq', 12, true);
+-- Name: solo_high_score_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('public.solo_high_score_id_seq', 1, false);
+-- Name: solo_mars_event_card_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('public.solo_mars_event_card_id_seq', 9, true);
+-- Name: solo_mars_event_deck_card_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('public.solo_mars_event_deck_card_id_seq', 1, false);
+-- Name: solo_mars_event_deck_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('public.solo_mars_event_deck_id_seq', 1, false);
+-- Name: solo_player_decision_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('public.solo_player_decision_id_seq', 1, false);
+-- Name: solo_player_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('public.solo_player_id_seq', 1, false);
+-- Name: student_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('public.student_id_seq', 143, true);
+-- Name: teacher_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('public.teacher_id_seq', 2, true);
+-- Name: tournament_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('public.tournament_id_seq', 8, true);
+-- Name: tournament_round_date_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('public.tournament_round_date_id_seq', 1, false);
+-- Name: tournament_round_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('public.tournament_round_id_seq', 7, true);
+-- Name: tournament_round_invite_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('public.tournament_round_invite_id_seq', 1, false);
+-- Name: treatment_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('public.treatment_id_seq', 1, false);
+-- Name: user_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('public.user_id_seq', 147, true);
+-- Name: moderation_action PK_152a7fb29b5a2bfc5fa43a96806; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+ALTER TABLE ONLY public.moderation_action
+ ADD CONSTRAINT "PK_152a7fb29b5a2bfc5fa43a96806" PRIMARY KEY (id);
+-- Name: question PK_21e5786aa0ea704ae185a79b2d5; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+ALTER TABLE ONLY public.question
+ ADD CONSTRAINT "PK_21e5786aa0ea704ae185a79b2d5" PRIMARY KEY (id);
+-- Name: teacher PK_2f807294148612a9751dacf1026; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+ALTER TABLE ONLY public.teacher
+ ADD CONSTRAINT "PK_2f807294148612a9751dacf1026" PRIMARY KEY (id);
+-- Name: game PK_352a30652cd352f552fef73dec5; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+ALTER TABLE ONLY public.game
+ ADD CONSTRAINT "PK_352a30652cd352f552fef73dec5" PRIMARY KEY (id);
+-- Name: solo_mars_event_deck_card PK_39035f7fd267d19f4863843efeb; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+ALTER TABLE ONLY public.solo_mars_event_deck_card
+ ADD CONSTRAINT "PK_39035f7fd267d19f4863843efeb" PRIMARY KEY (id);
+-- Name: student PK_3d8016e1cb58429474a3c041904; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+ALTER TABLE ONLY public.student
+ ADD CONSTRAINT "PK_3d8016e1cb58429474a3c041904" PRIMARY KEY (id);
+-- Name: tournament_round PK_40931a39f30039b3de581bf4806; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+ALTER TABLE ONLY public.tournament_round
+ ADD CONSTRAINT "PK_40931a39f30039b3de581bf4806" PRIMARY KEY (id);
+-- Name: solo_game_round PK_410930ce91d0fb7658ac8e5203d; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+ALTER TABLE ONLY public.solo_game_round
+ ADD CONSTRAINT "PK_410930ce91d0fb7658ac8e5203d" PRIMARY KEY (id);
+-- Name: quiz PK_422d974e7217414e029b3e641d0; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+ALTER TABLE ONLY public.quiz
+ ADD CONSTRAINT "PK_422d974e7217414e029b3e641d0" PRIMARY KEY (id);
+-- Name: tournament PK_449f912ba2b62be003f0c22e767; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+ALTER TABLE ONLY public.tournament
+ ADD CONSTRAINT "PK_449f912ba2b62be003f0c22e767" PRIMARY KEY (id);
+-- Name: lobby_chat_message PK_4640a139c74b0d188cc5efdda33; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+ALTER TABLE ONLY public.lobby_chat_message
+ ADD CONSTRAINT "PK_4640a139c74b0d188cc5efdda33" PRIMARY KEY (id);
+-- Name: tournament_treatments_treatment PK_51fb9e4c95d17614ddf43ff04a0; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+ALTER TABLE ONLY public.tournament_treatments_treatment
+ ADD CONSTRAINT "PK_51fb9e4c95d17614ddf43ff04a0" PRIMARY KEY ("tournamentId", "treatmentId");
+-- Name: solo_high_score PK_52d621b5047f8eb9a6861975622; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+ALTER TABLE ONLY public.solo_high_score
+ ADD CONSTRAINT "PK_52d621b5047f8eb9a6861975622" PRIMARY KEY (id);
+-- Name: treatment PK_5ed256f72665dee35f8e47b416e; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+ALTER TABLE ONLY public.treatment
+ ADD CONSTRAINT "PK_5ed256f72665dee35f8e47b416e" PRIMARY KEY (id);
+-- Name: tournament_round_date PK_608a88e29bcf26ffee33446e25f; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+ALTER TABLE ONLY public.tournament_round_date
+ ADD CONSTRAINT "PK_608a88e29bcf26ffee33446e25f" PRIMARY KEY (id);
+-- Name: solo_game_treatment PK_61a365004e22a4d84b35711f4c0; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+ALTER TABLE ONLY public.solo_game_treatment
+ ADD CONSTRAINT "PK_61a365004e22a4d84b35711f4c0" PRIMARY KEY (id);
+-- Name: player PK_65edadc946a7faf4b638d5e8885; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+ALTER TABLE ONLY public.player
+ ADD CONSTRAINT "PK_65edadc946a7faf4b638d5e8885" PRIMARY KEY (id);
+-- Name: solo_player PK_6b0ee07ab2bf9b16ad83c4f921c; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+ALTER TABLE ONLY public.solo_player
+ ADD CONSTRAINT "PK_6b0ee07ab2bf9b16ad83c4f921c" PRIMARY KEY (id);
+-- Name: classroom PK_729f896c8b7b96ddf10c341e6ff; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+ALTER TABLE ONLY public.classroom
+ ADD CONSTRAINT "PK_729f896c8b7b96ddf10c341e6ff" PRIMARY KEY (id);
+-- Name: solo_mars_event_card PK_7947d532c97b8ca371fb460d01c; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+ALTER TABLE ONLY public.solo_mars_event_card
+ ADD CONSTRAINT "PK_7947d532c97b8ca371fb460d01c" PRIMARY KEY (id);
+-- Name: solo_mars_event_deck PK_875bc3785d3916d7e5c5807d3a9; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+ALTER TABLE ONLY public.solo_mars_event_deck
+ ADD CONSTRAINT "PK_875bc3785d3916d7e5c5807d3a9" PRIMARY KEY (id);
+-- Name: migrations PK_8c82d7f526340ab734260ea46be; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+ALTER TABLE ONLY public.migrations
+ ADD CONSTRAINT "PK_8c82d7f526340ab734260ea46be" PRIMARY KEY (id);
+-- Name: tournament_round_invite PK_921655be23744634aaadf3568a5; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+ALTER TABLE ONLY public.tournament_round_invite
+ ADD CONSTRAINT "PK_921655be23744634aaadf3568a5" PRIMARY KEY (id);
+-- Name: tournament_round_signup PK_9ca713344f84fdcb0a29418ab48; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+ALTER TABLE ONLY public.tournament_round_signup
+ ADD CONSTRAINT "PK_9ca713344f84fdcb0a29418ab48" PRIMARY KEY ("tournamentRoundInviteId", "tournamentRoundDateId");
+-- Name: solo_player_decision PK_a39283302b3ed8728f66b8108fa; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+ALTER TABLE ONLY public.solo_player_decision
+ ADD CONSTRAINT "PK_a39283302b3ed8728f66b8108fa" PRIMARY KEY (id);
+-- Name: solo_game PK_a941170fd23d55a87d4e49cca7f; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+ALTER TABLE ONLY public.solo_game
+ ADD CONSTRAINT "PK_a941170fd23d55a87d4e49cca7f" PRIMARY KEY (id);
+-- Name: quiz_submission PK_af730e984e8f6f25b5667a5d7be; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+ALTER TABLE ONLY public.quiz_submission
+ ADD CONSTRAINT "PK_af730e984e8f6f25b5667a5d7be" PRIMARY KEY (id);
+-- Name: question_response PK_b6c14a10d1d808f247ad89f4685; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+ALTER TABLE ONLY public.question_response
+ ADD CONSTRAINT "PK_b6c14a10d1d808f247ad89f4685" PRIMARY KEY (id);
+-- Name: user PK_cace4a159ff9f2512dd42373760; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+ALTER TABLE ONLY public."user"
+ ADD CONSTRAINT "PK_cace4a159ff9f2512dd42373760" PRIMARY KEY (id);
+-- Name: game_event PK_d979b8a4d47b02b8f87322f33e0; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+ALTER TABLE ONLY public.game_event
+ ADD CONSTRAINT "PK_d979b8a4d47b02b8f87322f33e0" PRIMARY KEY (id);
+-- Name: chat_report PK_ebb459eb4da2a5061ff8d6e415e; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+ALTER TABLE ONLY public.chat_report
+ ADD CONSTRAINT "PK_ebb459eb4da2a5061ff8d6e415e" PRIMARY KEY (id);
+-- Name: solo_game REL_39a6a51dc8dbc70626d59fe06d; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+ALTER TABLE ONLY public.solo_game
+ ADD CONSTRAINT "REL_39a6a51dc8dbc70626d59fe06d" UNIQUE ("deckId");
+-- Name: teacher REL_4f596730e16ee49d9b081b5d8e; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+ALTER TABLE ONLY public.teacher
+ ADD CONSTRAINT "REL_4f596730e16ee49d9b081b5d8e" UNIQUE ("userId");
+-- Name: solo_game_round REL_a31e55e614589c1806a4b96f15; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+ALTER TABLE ONLY public.solo_game_round
+ ADD CONSTRAINT "REL_a31e55e614589c1806a4b96f15" UNIQUE ("decisionId");
+-- Name: student REL_b35463776b4a11a3df3c30d920; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+ALTER TABLE ONLY public.student
+ ADD CONSTRAINT "REL_b35463776b4a11a3df3c30d920" UNIQUE ("userId");
+-- Name: game REL_cd57acb58d1147c23da5cd09ca; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+ALTER TABLE ONLY public.game
+ ADD CONSTRAINT "REL_cd57acb58d1147c23da5cd09ca" UNIQUE ("winnerId");
+-- Name: solo_game REL_ee276d60507980ddead8f08c80; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+ALTER TABLE ONLY public.solo_game
+ ADD CONSTRAINT "REL_ee276d60507980ddead8f08c80" UNIQUE ("playerId");
+-- Name: tournament UQ_39c996e461f5fe152d4811f9e54; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+ALTER TABLE ONLY public.tournament
+ ADD CONSTRAINT "UQ_39c996e461f5fe152d4811f9e54" UNIQUE (name);
+-- Name: tournament_round_invite UQ_4604294bf59d5e001f0361f2a33; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+ALTER TABLE ONLY public.tournament_round_invite
+ ADD CONSTRAINT "UQ_4604294bf59d5e001f0361f2a33" UNIQUE ("userId", "tournamentRoundId");
+-- Name: classroom UQ_5001c4e5dbc1507f8ad6578f3e1; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+ALTER TABLE ONLY public.classroom
+ ADD CONSTRAINT "UQ_5001c4e5dbc1507f8ad6578f3e1" UNIQUE ("authToken");
+-- Name: student UQ_77adce5802e7f39e1fb53885c8f; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+ALTER TABLE ONLY public.student
+ ADD CONSTRAINT "UQ_77adce5802e7f39e1fb53885c8f" UNIQUE ("rejoinCode");
+-- Name: user UQ_78a916df40e02a9deb1c4b75edb; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+ALTER TABLE ONLY public."user"
+ ADD CONSTRAINT "UQ_78a916df40e02a9deb1c4b75edb" UNIQUE (username);
+-- Name: user UQ_e12875dfb3b1d92d7d7c5377e22; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+ALTER TABLE ONLY public."user"
+ ADD CONSTRAINT "UQ_e12875dfb3b1d92d7d7c5377e22" UNIQUE (email);
+-- Name: IDX_03fa7ee872d41e983bdda793fc; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+CREATE INDEX "IDX_03fa7ee872d41e983bdda793fc" ON public.tournament_treatments_treatment USING btree ("tournamentId");
+-- Name: IDX_38eaef09c6bb65d223f53e8d74; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+CREATE INDEX "IDX_38eaef09c6bb65d223f53e8d74" ON public.tournament_treatments_treatment USING btree ("treatmentId");
+-- Name: tournament_treatments_treatment FK_03fa7ee872d41e983bdda793fc3; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+ALTER TABLE ONLY public.tournament_treatments_treatment
+ ADD CONSTRAINT "FK_03fa7ee872d41e983bdda793fc3" FOREIGN KEY ("tournamentId") REFERENCES public.tournament(id) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE CASCADE;
+-- Name: tournament_round_date FK_0d1fb1e55339e433e212fbd7212; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+ALTER TABLE ONLY public.tournament_round_date
+ ADD CONSTRAINT "FK_0d1fb1e55339e433e212fbd7212" FOREIGN KEY ("tournamentRoundId") REFERENCES public.tournament_round(id);
+-- Name: tournament_round_invite FK_10661028f07a7359fbbb45e4345; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+ALTER TABLE ONLY public.tournament_round_invite
+ ADD CONSTRAINT "FK_10661028f07a7359fbbb45e4345" FOREIGN KEY ("userId") REFERENCES public."user"(id);
+-- Name: tournament_round_invite FK_190cbb0d8573db49e599c973d5f; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+ALTER TABLE ONLY public.tournament_round_invite
+ ADD CONSTRAINT "FK_190cbb0d8573db49e599c973d5f" FOREIGN KEY ("tournamentRoundId") REFERENCES public.tournament_round(id);
+-- Name: question_response FK_1bb7171618902f1d1935002f979; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+ALTER TABLE ONLY public.question_response
+ ADD CONSTRAINT "FK_1bb7171618902f1d1935002f979" FOREIGN KEY ("submissionId") REFERENCES public.quiz_submission(id);
+-- Name: classroom FK_2b3c1fa62762d7d0e828c139130; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+ALTER TABLE ONLY public.classroom
+ ADD CONSTRAINT "FK_2b3c1fa62762d7d0e828c139130" FOREIGN KEY ("teacherId") REFERENCES public.teacher(id);
+-- Name: tournament_treatments_treatment FK_38eaef09c6bb65d223f53e8d74f; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+ALTER TABLE ONLY public.tournament_treatments_treatment
+ ADD CONSTRAINT "FK_38eaef09c6bb65d223f53e8d74f" FOREIGN KEY ("treatmentId") REFERENCES public.treatment(id) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE CASCADE;
+-- Name: solo_game FK_39a6a51dc8dbc70626d59fe06db; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+ALTER TABLE ONLY public.solo_game
+ ADD CONSTRAINT "FK_39a6a51dc8dbc70626d59fe06db" FOREIGN KEY ("deckId") REFERENCES public.solo_mars_event_deck(id);
+-- Name: moderation_action FK_41198e6096b6a55b1f5c5549beb; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+ALTER TABLE ONLY public.moderation_action
+ ADD CONSTRAINT "FK_41198e6096b6a55b1f5c5549beb" FOREIGN KEY ("userId") REFERENCES public."user"(id);
+-- Name: student FK_426224f5597213259b1d58fc0f4; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+ALTER TABLE ONLY public.student
+ ADD CONSTRAINT "FK_426224f5597213259b1d58fc0f4" FOREIGN KEY ("classroomId") REFERENCES public.classroom(id);
+-- Name: tournament_round FK_427f88a9c9475d0c248c0321736; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+ALTER TABLE ONLY public.tournament_round
+ ADD CONSTRAINT "FK_427f88a9c9475d0c248c0321736" FOREIGN KEY ("tournamentId") REFERENCES public.tournament(id);
+-- Name: solo_game_round FK_4561cd9a73086f238bc0433e0d2; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+ALTER TABLE ONLY public.solo_game_round
+ ADD CONSTRAINT "FK_4561cd9a73086f238bc0433e0d2" FOREIGN KEY ("gameId") REFERENCES public.solo_game(id);
+-- Name: question FK_4959a4225f25d923111e54c7cd2; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+ALTER TABLE ONLY public.question
+ ADD CONSTRAINT "FK_4959a4225f25d923111e54c7cd2" FOREIGN KEY ("quizId") REFERENCES public.quiz(id);
+-- Name: chat_report FK_4bcf26a31b96ed582fe5492e5da; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+ALTER TABLE ONLY public.chat_report
+ ADD CONSTRAINT "FK_4bcf26a31b96ed582fe5492e5da" FOREIGN KEY ("userId") REFERENCES public."user"(id);
+-- Name: teacher FK_4f596730e16ee49d9b081b5d8e5; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+ALTER TABLE ONLY public.teacher
+ ADD CONSTRAINT "FK_4f596730e16ee49d9b081b5d8e5" FOREIGN KEY ("userId") REFERENCES public."user"(id);
+-- Name: quiz_submission FK_611bef6102c491c49be42432c17; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+ALTER TABLE ONLY public.quiz_submission
+ ADD CONSTRAINT "FK_611bef6102c491c49be42432c17" FOREIGN KEY ("userId") REFERENCES public."user"(id);
+-- Name: moderation_action FK_64cb2162b81e4f4c4d778f1ed2d; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+ALTER TABLE ONLY public.moderation_action
+ ADD CONSTRAINT "FK_64cb2162b81e4f4c4d778f1ed2d" FOREIGN KEY ("reportId") REFERENCES public.chat_report(id);
+-- Name: solo_high_score FK_71c90c349c4faf3b1f071edaec3; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+ALTER TABLE ONLY public.solo_high_score
+ ADD CONSTRAINT "FK_71c90c349c4faf3b1f071edaec3" FOREIGN KEY ("userId") REFERENCES public."user"(id);
+-- Name: game_event FK_71fa66873a3ea8dabfa3b267432; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+ALTER TABLE ONLY public.game_event
+ ADD CONSTRAINT "FK_71fa66873a3ea8dabfa3b267432" FOREIGN KEY ("gameId") REFERENCES public.game(id);
+-- Name: solo_mars_event_deck_card FK_732e7ef62231a3b1f8a692b9ca9; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+ALTER TABLE ONLY public.solo_mars_event_deck_card
+ ADD CONSTRAINT "FK_732e7ef62231a3b1f8a692b9ca9" FOREIGN KEY ("roundId") REFERENCES public.solo_game_round(id);
+-- Name: player FK_7687919bf054bf262c669d3ae21; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+ALTER TABLE ONLY public.player
+ ADD CONSTRAINT "FK_7687919bf054bf262c669d3ae21" FOREIGN KEY ("userId") REFERENCES public."user"(id);
+-- Name: solo_mars_event_deck_card FK_794e3e38b173d64eec1f2962996; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+ALTER TABLE ONLY public.solo_mars_event_deck_card
+ ADD CONSTRAINT "FK_794e3e38b173d64eec1f2962996" FOREIGN KEY ("cardId") REFERENCES public.solo_mars_event_card(id);
+-- Name: tournament_round_signup FK_7a74b3434f7b9fd1e2dd345128c; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+ALTER TABLE ONLY public.tournament_round_signup
+ ADD CONSTRAINT "FK_7a74b3434f7b9fd1e2dd345128c" FOREIGN KEY ("tournamentRoundDateId") REFERENCES public.tournament_round_date(id);
+-- Name: solo_game FK_7ba902b4f916952de522fbf7d0e; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+ALTER TABLE ONLY public.solo_game
+ ADD CONSTRAINT "FK_7ba902b4f916952de522fbf7d0e" FOREIGN KEY ("treatmentId") REFERENCES public.solo_game_treatment(id);
+-- Name: player FK_7dfdd31fcd2b5aa3b08ed15fe8a; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+ALTER TABLE ONLY public.player
+ ADD CONSTRAINT "FK_7dfdd31fcd2b5aa3b08ed15fe8a" FOREIGN KEY ("gameId") REFERENCES public.game(id);
+-- Name: question_response FK_91f0c1f6c501e01525c9db6df29; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+ALTER TABLE ONLY public.question_response
+ ADD CONSTRAINT "FK_91f0c1f6c501e01525c9db6df29" FOREIGN KEY ("questionId") REFERENCES public.question(id);
+-- Name: lobby_chat_message FK_96a0bc5d48c597dbd5ea6400feb; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+ALTER TABLE ONLY public.lobby_chat_message
+ ADD CONSTRAINT "FK_96a0bc5d48c597dbd5ea6400feb" FOREIGN KEY ("userId") REFERENCES public."user"(id);
+-- Name: solo_game_round FK_a31e55e614589c1806a4b96f158; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+ALTER TABLE ONLY public.solo_game_round
+ ADD CONSTRAINT "FK_a31e55e614589c1806a4b96f158" FOREIGN KEY ("decisionId") REFERENCES public.solo_player_decision(id);
+-- Name: solo_mars_event_deck_card FK_a48822e171d01382a35c0d087fb; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+ALTER TABLE ONLY public.solo_mars_event_deck_card
+ ADD CONSTRAINT "FK_a48822e171d01382a35c0d087fb" FOREIGN KEY ("deckId") REFERENCES public.solo_mars_event_deck(id);
+-- Name: student FK_b35463776b4a11a3df3c30d920a; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+ALTER TABLE ONLY public.student
+ ADD CONSTRAINT "FK_b35463776b4a11a3df3c30d920a" FOREIGN KEY ("userId") REFERENCES public."user"(id);
+-- Name: moderation_action FK_b63b644db636b8abd2d4cfaf54d; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+ALTER TABLE ONLY public.moderation_action
+ ADD CONSTRAINT "FK_b63b644db636b8abd2d4cfaf54d" FOREIGN KEY ("adminId") REFERENCES public."user"(id);
+-- Name: game FK_c02c037ca5f7f6d22d82c4e18fa; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+ALTER TABLE ONLY public.game
+ ADD CONSTRAINT "FK_c02c037ca5f7f6d22d82c4e18fa" FOREIGN KEY ("tournamentRoundId") REFERENCES public.tournament_round(id);
+-- Name: game FK_c788ccf03f8452ec179982a4fbc; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+ALTER TABLE ONLY public.game
+ ADD CONSTRAINT "FK_c788ccf03f8452ec179982a4fbc" FOREIGN KEY ("treatmentId") REFERENCES public.treatment(id);
+-- Name: game FK_cd57acb58d1147c23da5cd09cae; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+ALTER TABLE ONLY public.game
+ ADD CONSTRAINT "FK_cd57acb58d1147c23da5cd09cae" FOREIGN KEY ("winnerId") REFERENCES public.player(id);
+-- Name: quiz_submission FK_d80e4bff3be137d3f97a5ac42d7; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+ALTER TABLE ONLY public.quiz_submission
+ ADD CONSTRAINT "FK_d80e4bff3be137d3f97a5ac42d7" FOREIGN KEY ("quizId") REFERENCES public.quiz(id);
+-- Name: tournament_round_signup FK_e23420d741d9efa72888f948d8e; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+ALTER TABLE ONLY public.tournament_round_signup
+ ADD CONSTRAINT "FK_e23420d741d9efa72888f948d8e" FOREIGN KEY ("tournamentRoundInviteId") REFERENCES public.tournament_round_invite(id);
+-- Name: chat_report FK_e2629ead95a4b6c06436b708505; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+ALTER TABLE ONLY public.chat_report
+ ADD CONSTRAINT "FK_e2629ead95a4b6c06436b708505" FOREIGN KEY ("gameId") REFERENCES public.game(id);
+-- Name: solo_game FK_ee276d60507980ddead8f08c80a; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+ALTER TABLE ONLY public.solo_game
+ ADD CONSTRAINT "FK_ee276d60507980ddead8f08c80a" FOREIGN KEY ("playerId") REFERENCES public.solo_player(id);
+-- Name: solo_player FK_f3655aa944db2032d6d9453c5c7; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: marsmadness
+ALTER TABLE ONLY public.solo_player
+ ADD CONSTRAINT "FK_f3655aa944db2032d6d9453c5c7" FOREIGN KEY ("userId") REFERENCES public."user"(id);
+-- Name: SCHEMA public; Type: ACL; Schema: -; Owner: marsmadness
+-- PostgreSQL database dump complete
diff --git a/server/src/services/educator.ts b/server/src/services/educator.ts
index b0cef3628..106f4c844 100644
--- a/server/src/services/educator.ts
+++ b/server/src/services/educator.ts
@@ -299,4 +299,8 @@ export class EducatorService extends BaseService {
return repo.save(classroom);
+ async getSystemHealthForRound() {}
+ async getChatLogForGame() {}
diff --git a/shared/src/routes.ts b/shared/src/routes.ts
index 875eae1a4..9d6609a4f 100644
--- a/shared/src/routes.ts
+++ b/shared/src/routes.ts
@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ export const STUDENT_LOGIN_PAGE = "StudentLogin" as const;
export const STUDENT_CONFIRM_PAGE = "StudentConfirm" as const;
export const CLASSROOM_LOBBY_PAGE = "ClassroomLobby" as const;
export const TEACHER_DASHBOARD_PAGE = "TeacherDashboard" as const;
+export const EDUCATOR_PRIVACY_PAGE = "EducatorPrivacy" as const;
export type Page =
| "Admin"
@@ -39,7 +40,8 @@ export type Page =
| "StudentLogin"
| "StudentConfirm"
| "ClassroomLobby"
- | "TeacherDashboard";
+ | "TeacherDashboard"
+ | "EducatorPrivacy";
export const PAGES: Array