You must be signed in to change notification settings - Fork 0
Two steps. Hypothetical synchronous version if functions could block:
function fetch( a ){
meth1( a)
return meth2( a)
Idem but actual javascript using callback style:
function fetch( a, cb ){
meth1( a, function( error, result ){
if( error ) return cb( error);
meth2( a, function( error, result ){
cb( error, result);
Idem but using l8, extra long version:
function fetch_this_and_that( a, callback ){
return l8.begin
.step( function(){
meth1( a, this.next ) })
.step( function( err, result ){
if( err ) throw err else meth2( a, this.next }) })
.step( function( err, result ){
if( err ) throw err else return result })
.final( function( err, result ){ callback( err, result) })
CoffeeScript, much shorter, also thanks to Task() functor:
fetch = l8.Task (a,cb) ->
@step -> meth1 a, @walk
@step (e,r) -> if e then throw e else meth2 a, @walk
@step (e,r) -> if e then throw e else r
@final (e,r) -> cb e, r
Idem but returning a promise instead of using a callback:
fetch = l8.Task (a) ->
@step -> meth1 a, @walk
@step (e,r) -> if e then throw e else meth2 a, @walk
@step (e,r) -> if e then throw e else r
Idem but assuming meth1 and meth2 make tasks returning promises too:
fetch = l8.Task (a) ->
@step -> meth1 a
@step -> meth2 a
Back to Javascript:
fetch = l8.Task( function( a ){
l8.step( function(){ meth1( a) })
l8.step( function(){ meth2( a) })
Using the "transpiler":
fetch = l8.compile( function( a ){
step; meth1( a);
step; meth2( a);
The conclusion is that using tasks, steps and promises, the code's structure is similar to the hypothetical javascript blocking function.
fetch_all_seq = l8.Task (urls) ->
results = []
for url in urls then do (url) ->
@step -> scrap url, @proceed (err, content) -> result.push {url, err, content}
@success -> results
fetch_all = l8.Task (urls) ->
results = []
for url in urls then do (url) ->
@fork ->
scrap url, @proceed (err, content) -> results.push {url, err, content}
@success -> results
spider = l8.Task (urls, queue) ->
@repeat ->
url = null
@step -> url = queue.shift
@step -> @delay 10000 if @parent.tasks.length > 10
@step ->
@break if @stopping
scrap url, @walk
@step (err,urls) ->
return if err or @stopping
for url in urls
queue.unshift url unless url in queue
spider_task = l8.spawn -> spider( "http://xxx.com")
stop_spider = -> spider_task.stop
fire_all = l8.Task (targets) ->
ii = 0
@step ->
return if ii > targets.length
StratifiedJs example, see http://onilabs.com/stratifiedjs
var news;
waitfor {
news = http.get("http://news.bbc.co.uk");
or {
news = http.get("http://news.cnn.com");
or {
throw "sorry, no news. timeout";
The equivalent code with l8 is:
// JavaScript
var show_news = l8.Task( function(){
var news =
l8.fork( function(){
http.get( "http://news.bbc.co.uk",
l8.proceed( function( item ){ news.return( item) }) )
}).fork( function(){
l8.step( function(){
this.sleep( 1000)
}).step( function(){
http.get( "http://news.cnn.com",
l8.proceed( function( item ){ news.return( item) }) )
}).fork( function(){
l8.step( function(){ this.sleep( 1000 * 60)
}).step( function(){ throw "sorry, no news. timeout" })
.success( function( news ){ show( news) });
// CoffeeScript
show_news = l8.Task ->
news = @current
@fork ->
@step -> http.get "http://news.bbc.co.uk"
@step -> @news.return()
@fork ->
@step -> @sleep 1000
@step -> http.get "http://news.cnn.com"
@step -> @news.return()
@fork ->
@step -> @sleep 1000 * 60
@step -> throw "sorry, no news. timeout"
@success( news ) -> show news
// l8 transpiler
var show_new = l8.compile( function(){
var news = this
fork; begin
step; http.get( "http://news.bbc.co.uk");
step; news.return();
fork; begin
step; this.sleep( 1000);
step; http.get( "http://news.cnn.com");
step; news.return();
fork; begin
step; this.sleep( 1000 * 60);
step; throw "sorry, no news. timeout";
success( news ); show( news);
See https://groups.google.com/forum/?fromgroups=#!topic/nodejs/5hv6uIBpDl8
function pipe( inStream, outStream, callback ){
var loop = function( err ){
if (err) callback( err);
else inStream.read( function( err, data ){
if (err) callback(err);
else data != null ? outStream.write( data, loop) : callback();
pipe = l8.Task( function ( inStream, outStream ){
l8.repeat( function(){
l8.step( function(){
}).step( function( data ){
if( !data) l8.break;
outStream.write( data);
pipe = l8.Task (in,out) ->
@repeat ->
@step -> in.read()
@step (data) ->
@break if !data
out.write data
pipe = l8.compile( function( in, out ){
repeat; begin
step; in.read();
step( data ); if( !data ) this.break;
out.write( data);
Note: for this example to work, node.js streams need to be "taskified". This is currently left as an exercize (however, work is in progres about that).
Var fs = require('fs');
var path = require('path');
var recurseDir = function(dir) {
fs.readdirSync(dir).forEach(function(child) {
if (child[0] != '.') {
var childPath = path.join(dir, child);
if (fs.statSync(childPath).isDirectory()) {
} else {
// Async version:
var recurseDir = l8.Task( function( dir ){
l8.step( function( ){ fs.readdir( dir, l8.flow) })
l8.step( function( l ){ l.forEach( function( child ){
if( child[0] != "." ){
var childPath = path.join( dir, child);
l8.step( function( ){ fs.stat( childPath, l8.flow) })
l8.step( function( r ){
if( r.isDirectory() ){
recurseDir( childPath)
}) })