- Install & activate WooCommerce
This plugin enables easily changing prices of Gold and Silver,Platinam products, based on their weigth/purity and the Gold and Silver,Platinam value.
- Upload plugin files to your plugins folder, or install using WordPress' built-in Add New Plugin installer
- Activate the plugin
- Insert/Edit a product in WooCommerce
- Fill in its weight value
- Add new/Use existing Custom Field named 'Metal and Purity', with values 22k Gold, 18k Gold,Platinum or Silver to indicate the Metal and Purity of the product
- Update the gold price at WooCommerce -> Gold/Silver/Platinum Price and all products with 'Metal and Purity' field will have their prices updated
How many karats can be added/used?
- Only 22k, 18k.
What are the metals can added/used
- Only Gold, Silver, Platinum.
Do I need to calculate the price when adding a new Gold/Silver/Platinum product?
- Only if you are not going to update the gold price.
Can I have a sale price for Gold/Silver/Platinum product?
- Yes, but the sale price will be removed when the Gold/Silver/Platinum price is updated.
I see no products under "Gold/Silver/Platinum priced products"
- This is because you have no Gold/Silver/Platinum, e.g., products with Custom Fields named karat and values 22k Gold, 18k Gold,Platinum or Silver.
What "Product was on sale, can't calculate sale price" means?
- Means that the product no longer is on sale, as the plugin can't calculate sale prices and just removed it. There is a handy link to edit the product, if one whishes to put it on sale again.