This project have 2 structures:
- Webpack + Redux in branch:
- React-scripts + Global State with Context and Hooks in branch:
This project use:
- React
- Context + Hooks for Global State
- Axios
- React-Player
- LocalStorage for api token
- Styled-components
- FontAwesome
I use my boilerplate to create this project, despite using create-react-app, it is fully modified, leaving only the original project react-scripts.
Use enviroment variables:
If you need modify, change in file .env
REACT_APP_DEV: http://localhost:8888
I used Context + hooks to create a global State, this method use the hook useReducer
The method is equals to redux in reducers/actions.
In this project the custom hook does the same as the redux thunk. To create a new custom hook, you need to use the prefix use before the name. Example: useCustomHook.
If I use redux, I use the structure like this:
├── ...
├── src
│ ├── components # Common components
│ ├── routes # Routes configuration
│ ├── views # Views
│ ├── store # Global state, reducers, actions, queries
│ │ └── reducers.js # Combine Reducers
│ │ └── index.js # Create store, adding middlewares
│ │ └── auth # Name of props. Ex: Products, Cart, User, Auth
│ │ └── action-types.js # The name of actions
│ │ └── actions.js # Use createActions for redux-actions
│ │ └── queries.js # Axios/Fetch requests
│ │ └── reducers.js # Initial State of redux props and reducers
│ │ └── thunks.js # Redux thunk to organize and call all the actions/queries
│ └── utils # Helpers (axios, api, storage, etc...)
├── index.js # Register and initialize the app. Implement the route file
└── .env # Global constants
The server is running in Heroku. The first time have a few delay, because the server stay in sleep
git clone
cd spotify-project
npm install
npm start
If you have any problems, please tell me.