Track It is a simple web application that helps users track their income and expenses. By inputting financial data, users can visualize their spending habits with a dynamic pie chart, giving them clear insights into their financial health.
Check out Video Demo.
- Track Income and Expenses: Input both income and expenses and categorize them for easy tracking.
- Data Visualization: View your financial breakdown in a pie chart, clearly showing the relationship between income and expenses.
- Categorization: Assign categories to expenses such as salary, rent, investment, and side-hustle to get detailed insights.
The Index Page displays a table with user information, generated after the user submits data through the Add Page.
The Add Page allows users to input their financial data through a form. The form includes:
- Amount: Input the amount of money for income or expenses.
- Type: Choose between Income and Expense.
- Category: Select from categories like salary, rent, investment, or side-hustle.
On the Dashboard Page, a pie chart is generated based on the submitted data, visually displaying the relationship between income and expenses.
Track It uses SQLAlchemy to manage the database, which stores user income and expense data. Below is a snapshot of the database structure.
- Python
- JavaScript
- Chart.js (for data visualization)
- Flask (Python web framework)
- Flask-SQLAlchemy (for managing the SQLite database)
- Flask-WTF (for handling forms)
- HTML/CSS/Bootstrap (for frontend styling and responsiveness)
To run this project locally, you will need the following:
- Python 3.x
- Flask
- Flask-SQLAlchemy
- Flask-WTF
Clone the repository:
git clone cd track-it
Install the required dependencies:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Run the Flask app:
flask run
Open your browser and navigate to