Simple Projects developed using the OpenCV Library
-- I have developed a program which detects the user's face by using their system's Internal webcam.
-- In this code we shall create a bounding box around the detected face using Open CV.
-- This program uses the well known Viola-Jones Algorithm basically used for face recognition problem.
-- You can also find the related xml file i.e. a cascade file used to detect the frontal face.
-- Here I have developed a program which detects the user's face aswell as their eyes by using their system's Internal webcam.
-- Here we shall create a rectangle around the detected face and make it as our region of interest to detect the eyes instead of looking all over the image, using the OpenCV tools.
-- This program uses the well known Viola-Jones Algorithm which is basically used for face recognition.
-- Viola-Jones algorithm makes use of Haar-like features to detect a face.
-- You can also find the related xml files in the directory.
-- Here I have developed a program which detects the user's smile by using the reference of their face.
-- Initially we try to detect the face using our face_detector program.
-- Once the face gets detected, we shall take face ase our region of interest to reduce the conputational power and detect the moth of the user.
-- When the user smiles, depending upon their lips movement a smile is detected using Haarlike features.
-- All the required xml files for the cascade detector has been uploaded in the working folder.