In this series of deep learning sessions on CNN, we will go through variety of applications and also understand the basic concepts behind CNN and implement them.
- Step by Step understanding and implementing of CNN layers.
- Hand gesture classification using CNN on tensorflow framework.
- The Deep learning Happy House Application
- Face verification and Face recognition system using CNN.
- Self-driving car application (Ex. Car detection)
In this session, we will go through step by step analysis of CNN layers, we will implement CONVOLUTION and POOLING layers using numpy library, we will implement forward propagation and backward propagation for single layer and expand it to multiple layers.
- Install all the latest dependencies.
- Clone the repository in your local system.
- Make sure all folders are in same location
- Open any python3.6 IDE and execute
- Visualize the results of different layers
- Python 3.6
- Numpy
- Matplotlib
- h5py
The Repository also has notebook(.ipynb) file, which has detailed explnation of project and also implmentation steps, do check it out once
Thank You, cheers. 👍