Are you just starting your Game Development journey ?
Do you want to learn something new ?
PongPong, a game that every developer should try their hands on !
I really enjoyed making this game when I went ahead and completed a task from Zero To Mastery Academy monthly challenge.
It was super fun learning something new, the basics of game development and how to view a game as just like a geometry plane to work with, was simply mind blowing for me.
I chose pyglet for development work, motivation behind this was to completely learn something new and not to work with the good old pygame !
Go through the following parts to get familiar with pyglet game development style:
- Making PONGPONG - Game Development using Pyglet - Part 1
- Making PONGPONG - Game Development using Pyglet - Part 2
- Making PONGPONG - Game Development using Pyglet - Part 3
I really loved writing my experience and how I approached the problem, hoping you will find it insightful, will learn something new and get to know basics of developing a game like PongPong.
Library used:
Install to your virtual environment or global using pip:
pip install pyglet
Game Play Demo on MacOS:
Actual game was developed using Pygame shown in a youtube tutorial and can be found at Pong, Python & Pygame