Vundle is a short cut for Vimbundle and is a Vim plugin manager.
Setup Vundle:
git clone ~/.vim/vundle.git
Configure bundles:
Append to your
:set rtp+=~/.vim/vundle.git/ call vundle#rc() " Bundles: Bundle "L9" Bundle "FuzzyFinder" Bundle "rails.vim" Bundle "ack.vim" Bundle "git://" " ...
Install configured bundles:
, run:BundleInstall
restart required since v0.5)Installing requires Git and triggers Git clone for each configured repo to
Vundle allows to:
- keep track and configure your scripts right in
- install configured scripts (aka bundle)
- update configured scripts
- search all available vim scripts by name
- clean unused scripts up
Also as a bonus Vundle:
- manages runtime path of your installed scripts
- regenerates helptag atomatically
see :h vundle
vimdoc for more details.
See gmarik's vimrc for working example.
- Vundle was developed and tested in Vim 7.3 on
- Vundle wasn't tested on windows(so if you care i'm waiting for your pull request)
- Vundle tries to be as KISS as possible
Vundle is a work in progress so any ideas/patches appreciated
- √ activate newly added bundles on .vimrc reload or after :BundleInstall
- √ use preview window for search results
- √ vim documentation
- improve error handling
- allow specify revision/version?
- search by description aswell
- show descrption in search results
- instead sourcing .vimrc before installation come up with another solution
- tests
- make it rock!