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villekf edited this page Jun 11, 2020 · 41 revisions

Welcome to the OMEGA wiki! This wiki is under construction and will get more documentation as the time goes on.

The same documentation can be found in HTML format in the doc-folder and can be viewed in MATLAB documentation under the "Supplemental software" label.

Help contents

Getting started

Basic information on the toolbox. You should read this first.

Toolbox overview

This page explains the general workings of the toolbox, i.e. how the toolbox actually works. It also explains some of the technical aspects of the toolbox.


This page contains a simple tutorial and an advanced example.

Function help

This article explains what each variable in the main-files (e.g. gate_main.m) does and also explains what each function in OMEGA actually does. Additional help can be obtained from MATLAB/Octave itself by typing help function_name, e.g. help plotMichelogram.

Extracting GATE scatter, randoms and trues data

This page explains how you can obtain the scatter, randoms and/or trues data from the GATE input.

Useful information

This page contains information that should be useful when starting to use the toolbox. It contains recommendations on choosing the right projector and implementation as well as general tips and things to take into consideration when using OMEGA.


This page contains tips and information on how to visualize the reconstructed data.

Using GATE data

Contains details on what to take into account when simulating GATE data to be used in OMEGA.

Extracting the system matrix

If you want to obtain a system matrix for your PET system, this page explains how that can be achieved. The system matrix is the matrix A in the equation y = Ax, where y are the measurements and x the reconstructed image.

Computing the forward and/or backward projections

This page explains how you can compute the matrix-vector operations y = Ax and x = A^Tz, i.e. forward and backprojections (T is the transpose operator). Any input vectors x and z can be used, while the system matrix A is computed by OMEGA. Contrary to the above system matrix extraction, this can be performed completely matrix free.

Using custom gradient-based priors

Here you can find tutorial on how to implement your own gradient-based priors with any or all of the OMEGA MAP-algorithms. Any gradient-based priors implemented in MATLAB/Octave can be input into OMEGA and also computed matrix free.

Using non-cylindrical scanners

This short article explains how to use non-cylindrical scanners or scanners that do not have discrete detectors (e.g. continuous detectors).

Using Inveon data

This page explains the contents of the open PET data DOI, how to reconstruct it, and also some recommendations on how to reconstruct it for best results.

Using Biograph data

Here you can find short instructions on how to extract measurement data from the Biograph mCT or Vision list-mode data.

Contributing code to OMEGA

This page explains how you can contribute your own code to OMEGA.


Contact information.