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Sustainable Travel Planner

Sustainable Travel Planner helps users compare train and plane carbon emissions and travel duration. The application is built using Streamlit, map and charts are created in Vega-Altair.

Three versions of the sustainable travel planner with different data visualisations were created for user testing:

This tool is part of a Cartography MSc. thesis "Maps for sustainable business travel advice" (Poster, Presentation), conducted by Viktor Kochkin at the ITC, University of Twente.


  • Compare carbon emissions and travel duration between train and plane.
  • Visualize travel routes on a map.
  • Support for round trips and multiple passengers.
  • Dynamic updates based on selected cities.

Project Structure

└── sustainable_travel/
    ├──    #Streamlit app main script
    ├──        #Functions for data loading, normalization, and map creation
    ├── data_gathering.ipynb   #Data preparation scripts in jupyter notebook
    ├── data
    │   ├── coordinates.csv #Coordinates of 29 cities for the map
    │   └── trips_data.csv  #Plane and train travel time and emissions data for 406 city pairs
    ├── geojson_files
    │   ├── lines  #Train routes polylines
    │   └── points #Train routes transfer points
    └── pages # Different prototype versions for user testing

Scope and Limitations

Route planning is limited to 29 European cities: - Amsterdam
- Bern
- Bilbao
- Bratislava
- Brussels
- Bucharest
- Budapest
- Copenhagen
- Dresden
- Istanbul
- Lisbon
- Ljubljana
- London
- Luxembourg City
- Madrid
- Munich
- Oslo
- Paris
- Prague
- Riga
- Rome
- Sofia
- Stockholm
- Tallinn
- Vienna
- Vilnius
- Warsaw
- Zagreb

Data Flow

  1. Loading Data:

    • The trip and coordinates data are loaded from CSV files into Pandas DataFrames.
    • Column names are stripped of any leading or trailing spaces.
  2. Normalizing Data:

    • City pairs in the trip data are normalized using the normalize_city_pair function.
  3. Creating Maps:

    • The base map is created using the create_base_map function, which includes city points.
    • GeoJSON routes are loaded using the load_geojson_route function to draw routes on the map.
  4. User Interaction:

    • Users select departure and destination cities, number of people, and whether the trip is a round trip.
    • Travel details are displayed, including duration and CO2 emissions for both train and plane.
    • Dynamic charts are created using Vega-Altair to visualize travel duration and CO2 emissions.
  5. Dynamic Updates:

    • The app dynamically updates the 'To' city options based on the selected 'From' city.
    • Travel details and maps are updated based on user input.