Viking 1.9
Viking 1.9 - released 2020-03-20
Headline Features
- GPX 1.1 Support for most common Extensions (inc. Heart Rate, Power, Temperature & Cadence) - SF#96 / GH#77
- GTK3 - GH#111
- Pinch Zoom support on Touchpads/Touchscreens (not GTK2 build)
- Select Tool is now the default with more intuitive behaviour to enable moving the map - [GH#87(]
- OpenTopoMap is the new Map Default
- Online Search in Left Hand Pane
- Track Statistics in Left Hand Pane
- OSRM Routing Support
- Log diagnostic Window
- DEM Colour options - SF#158
- DEM Server enhanced support (NASA Earthdata login and alternative DEM server configuration) - SF#159
- Ruler uses Great Circle drawing and distance.
- Single key Shortcuts support GH#40 + GH#85
- Improved Track Area Coverage (faster drawing, option to limit years of coverage)
- Monthly Statistics Analysis
- Native KML Parser enabling support for more KML features
- More KML export options
- Ability to convert Tracks/Routes to Waypoints and vice versa.
- Ability to 'Rotate' Routes/Tracks, i.e. to shift the start/end point of circular routes.
- Ability to Reset Preferences and Layer Defaults - GH#86
- Ability to Reset Layers back to the Layer Default.
- Enable Filtering on some List Displays (hence a basic internal search).
- Support more GPX 1.0 Waypoint fields - the less commonally encountered ones.
- Flatpak Version - also available on Flathub - GH#70
SourceForge Bugs Fixed
- SF#157 Waypoint Properties dialog shows wrong waypoint symbol
- SF#149 HTTPS Does not work on Windows install
- SF#84 Losses Extended Waypoint Information on Save/Export
Additional SourceForge Feature Requests Implemented
- SF#81 Use XDG-compliant for config, cache (e.g. ~/.config/viking/)
- Viking will use your existing ~/.viking/ directory if there is one
- For existing users manually move ~/.viking/ to ~/.config/viking/ to start using the XDG location
- SF#133 Color of Tracks
- SF#150 Allow Specifying Offset for Map Source
- SF#154 Warning about "external layers" usage
- SF#155 Add "Save as" keyboard shortcut
- SF#157 Export All to Single GPX File
Additional Github Issues Implemented
- GH#65 Geotag images does nothing when using KML files
- GH#88 Allow zero-additional-click properties view when selecting
- GH#90 Don't fill in empty KML s for the user
- GH#92 OpenTopoMap uses ~/.viking-maps/Unknown
- GH#93 Clarify zoom levels
- GH#94 GPS data is removed while geotagging
- GH#96 Incorrect timezone on Distance-Time and Elevation-Time tabs of Track Properties
- GH#98 Crash when uploading GPS trace to OSM
- GH#102 Feature request: increase max. map cache size
- GH#106 Treat a latitude containing a comma as a Latitude Longitude pair when entering a Waypoint
- GH#107 Easier way to enter historical dates
- GH#114 Routes created via Route Finder can only be terminated by ESC
- GH#116 is (permanently) down
Also as usual, many other smaller features - see the source code history.
Building from source
Now builds under GCC10
Certain build configurations that were broken in the previous release have been fixed (and Continuous Integration builds to try to prevent future breakage).
Build minimums:
- Program: glib-compile-resources - so requires package libglib2.0-dev-bin / glib2-devel
- GTK 2.22 / 3.22
- GTK3 is now the default - so requires package libgtk-3-dev / gtk3-devel
- To enforce GTK2 use the configure option '--enable-gtk2'
- Anticipated that this will be the last Viking release that supports GTK2.
- GLIB 2.44
- GIO 2.32
- GDK-Pixbuf 2.32