Default LEMP development VM for testing/hobby development.
- Download and install Vagrant and VirtualBox from and respectively. If you are using linux, use the packages appropriate to your distro as sometimes you can get weird bugs with downloading them from their respective sites. [e.g. I had an issue where Vagrant + Virtualbox = Reboot randomly, from packages it was fine.]
- $ git clone --recursive lemp && cd lemp && vagrant up
- ./www - This is the directory that is mounted onto /var/www/ in the VM [/var/www/dev.local/htdocs is the full path of the default dev site]
- ./srv - This is just gets mounted on /srv in case you need additional stuff [e.g. adding an irc bot]
- Ubuntu 12.04 LTS - Base VM box, default option for vagrant
- include_recipe "build-essential" #
- include_recipe "ohai" #
- include_recipe "openssl" #
- include_recipe "apt" # && cd apt && git checkout 1.7.0
- include_recipe "git" #
- include_recipe "php" #
- include_recipe "nginx" #
- include_recipe "mysql" #
- include_recipe "mysql::server"
- include_recipe "php-fpm" # php-fpm
- include_recipe "redis-server" #
- package "php5-mysqlnd"
- package "php5-pspell"
- package "php5-enchant"
- package "php-xml-parser"
- package "php5-gd"
- package "php5-geoip"
- Everything is setup to run off zsh / oh-my-zsh