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🚀 Video SDK for Android

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At Video SDK, we’re building tools to help companies create world-class collaborative products with capabilities for live audio/video, cloud recordings, RTMP/HLS streaming, and interaction APIs.

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📚 Table of Contents

📱 Demo App

📱 Download the sample Android app here:

⚡ Quick Setup

  1. Sign up on VideoSDK to grab your API Key and Secret.
  2. Familiarize yourself with Token

🛠 Prerequisites

📦 Running the Sample App

Step 1: Clone the Repository

Clone the repository to your local environment.

git clone

Step 2: Open and Sync the Project

Open the cloned project in Android Studio and perform a project sync.

Step 3: Modify

Generate a temporary token from your Video SDK Account and update the file:

auth_token = TEMPORARY-TOKEN

Step 4: Run the sample app

Run the Android app by pressing Shift+F10 or by clicking the ▶ Run button in the Android Studio toolbar.

🔥 Meeting Features

Unlock a suite of powerful features to enhance your meetings:

Feature Documentation Description
📋 Precall Setup Setup Precall Configure audio, video devices, and other settings before joining the meeting.
🤝 Join Meeting Join Meeting Allows participants to join a meeting.
🚪 Leave Meeting Leave Meeting Allows participants to leave a meeting.
🎤 Toggle Mic Mic Control Toggle the microphone on or off during a meeting.
📷 Toggle Camera Camera Control Turn the video camera on or off during a meeting.
🖥️ Screen Share Screen Share Share your screen with other participants during the call.
🔊 Change Audio Device Switch Audio Device Select an input-output device for audio during a meeting.
🔌 Change Video Device Switch Video Device Select an output device for audio during a meeting.
⚙️ Optimize Audio Track Audio Track Optimization Enhance the quality and performance of media tracks.
⚙️ Optimize Video Track Video Track Optimization Enhance the quality and performance of media tracks.
💬 Chat In-Meeting Chat Exchange messages with participants through a Publish-Subscribe mechanism.
📸 Image Capture Image Capturer Capture images of other participant from their video stream, particularly useful for Video KYC and identity verification scenarios.
📁 File Sharing File Sharing Share files with participants during the meeting.
🖼️ Virtual Background Virtual Background Add a virtual background or blur effect to your video during the call.
📼 Recording Recording Record the meeting for future reference.
📡 RTMP Livestream RTMP Livestream Stream the meeting live to platforms like YouTube or Facebook.
📝 Real-time Transcription Real-time Transcription Generate real-time transcriptions of the meeting.
🔇 Toggle Remote Media Remote Media Control Control the microphone or camera of remote participants.
🚫 Mute All Participants Mute All Mute all participants simultaneously during the call.
🗑️ Remove Participant Remove Participant Eject a participant from the meeting.

🧠 Key Concepts

Understand the core components of our SDK:

  • Meeting - A Meeting represents Real-time audio and video communication.

    Note: Don't confuse the terms Room and Meeting; both mean the same thing 😃

  • Sessions - A particular duration you spend in a given meeting is referred as a session, you can have multiple sessions of a specific meetingId.

  • Participant - A participant refers to anyone attending the meeting session. The local participant represents yourself (You), while all other attendees are considered remote participants.

  • Stream - A stream refers to video or audio media content published by either the local participant or remote participants.

🔐 Token Generation

The token is used to create and validate a meeting using API and also initialize a meeting.

🛠️ Development Environment:

  • You may use a temporary token for development. To create a temporary token, go to VideoSDK's dashboard .

🌐 Production Environment:

  • You must set up an authentication server to authorize users for production. To set up an authentication server, please take a look at our official example repositories. videosdk-rtc-api-server-examples

🧩 Project Overview

App Behaviour with Different Meeting Types

  • One-to-One meeting - The One-to-One meeting allows 2 participants to join a meeting in the app.

  • Group Meeting - The Group meeting allows any number of participants to join a meeting in the app.

🏗️ Project Structure

  • We have created 3 package screens and widgets in the following folder structure:
    • OneToOneCall - It includes all classes/files related to OneToOne meetings.
    • GroupCall - It includes all classes/files related to the Group meetings.
    • Common - It includes all the classes/files that are used in both meeting type.

1. Pre-Call Setup on Join Screen

  • : This is a custom RecyclerView.Adapter used to display a list of audio devices. It takes a list of devices and a click listener to handle item clicks. Each item shows the device name and an icon.

  • bottom_sheet.xml : This layout defines the structure of the bottom sheet dialog, which contains a RecyclerView that displays the list of items. The RecyclerView fills the available space and references list_items_bottom_sheet for its individual list items.

  • list_items_bottom_sheet.xml : This layout defines how each item in the bottom sheet looks. It contains a LinearLayout with an ImageView for the device icon, a TextView for the device label, and another ImageView for a checkmark icon. The checkmark is used to indicate the currently selected device.

2. Create or Join Meeting

  • - This class is used to call the API to generate a token, create and validate the meeting.

  • and activity_create_or_join.xml : This Activity allows users to either create or join a meeting. It manages microphone and webcam permissions and handles UI interactions like enabling/disabling audio and video. It also switches between the CreateMeetingFragment and JoinMeetingFragment, depending on user actions.

  • and fragment_createorjoin.xml : This fragment provides two buttons for users to either create or join a meeting. On button clicks, it transitions to the respective fragments (CreateMeetingFragment or JoinMeetingFragment) within CreateOrJoinActivity.

  • and fragment_create_meeting.xml : This fragment enables users to create a new meeting by selecting a meeting type (e.g., One-to-One or Group Call) and entering their name. Upon submission, it makes a network request to create a meeting and navigates to the relevant meeting activity.

  • and fragment_join_meeting.xml : This fragment allows users to join an existing meeting by entering a valid meeting ID and their name. It validates input and, on success, navigates to the appropriate meeting activity based on the selected meeting type.

3. Switch AudioDevice

  • : This is a custom ArrayAdapter that displays a list of audio devices in a dialog. It uses a ListItem model to represent each audio device. The layout for each list item is defined in audio_device_list_layout.xml.

  • : This class represents an individual list item (audio device) with properties such as the device name, icon, and a description, and a boolean indicating whether the item is selected.

  • audio_device_list_layout.xml : This layout defines the appearance of each audio device in the list.

4. Chat

  • ; This is a custom RecyclerView.Adapter for displaying chat messages in a meeting.

  • item_message_list.xml : This layout defines the structure of each chat message in the list. It displays the sender's name, the message, and the message timestamp.

5. ParticipantList

  • : This adapter displays the list of meeting participants in a RecyclerView. It includes the local user and updates in real-time as participants join or leave the meeting.

  • layout_participants_list_view.xml : This layout defines the structure for the participant's list view. It includes a RecyclerView that lists each participant using the item_participant_list_layout.

  • item_participant_list_layout.xml : This layout defines the appearance of each participant in the list. It displays the participant’s name, microphone, and camera status.

  • : handles one-on-one video call, providing features like microphone and camera control, screen sharing, and participant management. It supports real-time chat and meeting event listeners for tasks like recording and screen sharing. The activity also displays session elapsed time and handles permissions for audio, video, and screen sharing.
  • : The GroupCallActivity class manages the main UI and logic for initiating and maintaining a group video call. It serves as the primary activity where users can join a video call session, toggle mic and camera. It also manages the video grid where all participants are displayed using ParticipantViewFragment and ParticipantViewAdapter.
  • : Displays an individual participant's video feed and controls within a fragment, updating the UI based on participant state changes.
  • : Binds participant data to a RecyclerView, dynamically updating the video grid as participants join, leave, or change state.
  • : Listens for participant-related events (join, leave, state changes) and triggers UI updates.
  • : Represents the current state of a participant, such as mute and video status, for UI display and logic handling.

📖 Examples

📝 Documentation

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  • X: Stay updated with the latest news, updates, and tips from Video SDK.