Test the app here ! Browser emulator, no additional software needed. You can login as admin/admin.
- Python + Flask mobile backend: PyMongo, JSON data parsing and SocketIO, Gunicorn specification and Heroku hosting
- Data communication between backend and frontend using SocketIO, Moshi and Room
- Frontend development: event handlers, LiveData, ViewModel and observers
All in one Restaurants is about managing your store’s inventory and sales in one single connected system. The main idea for this project is for owners of businesses, mainly restaurants, deli shops and similar, to have access to all the information regarding inventory and sales in one software. This way, the owner or manager can see what is going on behind the curtains and have a look at inventory reports, what goes in and out of their business. With easy access to that information, they can make better decisions on what products to purchase for their store’s inventory and when and can also have a more precise knowledge of what is going on, like damage control, missing or disposed products and more.
What motivated us into developing this software was to get our hands into something that takes us from prototype projects that will never be developed into something that is real and has market potential. We had to learn about new technologies with android development so that we can integrate it with a web-based dashboard, which monitors and delivers the store’s performance and metrics. The cashiers have access to an android app and the management have access to the web interface as well as the mobile app.
Eduardo Geisel Peres - https://github.com/eduardogeisel
Gustavo Bruno Pereira de Freitas - https://github.com/ac-gbpfreitas
Victor Correa Suleiman - https://github.com/victorsuleiman
Project successfully released.
POS (mobile app) features:
- Employee login and personal metrics checking (number of transactions and amount sold in the day).
- Issuing receipts for each transactionto be sent to the main database and printed to the customer.
- Having an easy-to-use interface for servers/cashiers so they can process the order efficiently by adding or removing dishes from the order fast and accurately and properly seeing the order information.
- Having different payment options and being able to properly maintain cash fund control in the cashier drawer.
Web app features:
- Employee registration.
- Building and issuing orders for products.
- Simple graphical user interface that will process receipts and product orders to generate graphs with different types of data visualization and inputs (inventory numbers, sales, profit, employee performance, among others), with variable date options (monthly, yearly, daily, etc.).
- Adding and removing suppliers, shippers, inventory products and dishes using simple forms and tables.
- Generating raw reports with inventory data for real-life inventory counting.