diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 32e2da8..f2988ca 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -46,9 +46,15 @@ The following methods call Veracode REST APIs and return JSON.
 - `get_user(user_guid)`: get information for an individual user based on `user_guid`.
 - `get_creds()`: get credentials information (API ID and expiration date) for the current user.
 - `update_user(user_guid, roles)`: update the user identified by `user_guid` with the list of roles passed in `roles`. Because the Identity API does not support adding a single role, the list should be the entire list of existing roles for the user plus whatever new roles. See [veracode-user-bulk-role-assign](https://github.com/tjarrettveracode/veracode-user-bulk-role-assign) for an example.
+- `get_workspaces()`: get a list of SCA Agent workspaces for the organization.
+- `get_workspace_by_name(name)`: get a list of SCA Agent workspaces whose name partially matches `name`.
+- `create_workspace(name)`: create an SCA Agent workspace named `name`. Returns the GUID for the workspace.
+- `add_workspace_team(workspace_guid,team_id)`: add the team identified by `team_id` (int) to the workspace identified by `workspace_guid`.
+- `delete_workspace(workspace_guid)`: delete the workspace identified by `workspace_guid`.
 ## Notes
 1. Different API calls require different roles. Consult the [Veracode Help Center](https://help.veracode.com/go/c_role_permissions).
-2. This library does not include a complete set of Veracode API methods.
-3. Contributions are welcome.
+2. SCA APIs must be called with a human user.
+3. This library does not include a complete set of Veracode API methods.
+4. Contributions are welcome.
diff --git a/setup.py b/setup.py
index 1c2727b..4c6c37d 100644
--- a/setup.py
+++ b/setup.py
@@ -3,13 +3,13 @@
   name = 'veracode_api_py',         
   packages = ['veracode_api_py'],   
-  version = '0.5',      
+  version = '0.6',      
   description = 'Python helper library for working with the Veracode APIs. Handles retries, pagination, and other features of the modern Veracode REST APIs.',   
   author = 'Tim Jarrett',                  
   author_email = 'tjarrett@veracode.com',      
   url = 'https://github.com/tjarrettveracode',   
-  download_url = 'https://github.com/tjarrettveracode/veracode-api-py/archive/v_01.tar.gz',    
+  download_url = 'https://github.com/tjarrettveracode/veracode-api-py/archive/v_06.tar.gz',    
   keywords = ['veracode', 'veracode-api'],   
diff --git a/veracode_api_py/api.py b/veracode_api_py/api.py
index 30245e6..cc79bf3 100644
--- a/veracode_api_py/api.py
+++ b/veracode_api_py/api.py
@@ -63,24 +63,41 @@ def _request(self, url, method, params=None):
             logging.exception("Connection error")
             raise VeracodeAPIError(e)
-    def _rest_request(self, url, method, params=None,body=None):
+def _rest_request(self, url, method, params=None,body=None,fullresponse=False):
         # base request method for a REST request
-        if method in ["GET","POST"]:
+        myheaders = {"User-Agent": "api.py"}
+        if method in ["POST", "PUT"]:
+            myheaders.update({'Content-type': 'application/json'})
+        if method == "GET":
+            # incorporate retries to deal with some failure situations
                 session = requests.Session()
                 session.mount(self.base_rest_url, HTTPAdapter(max_retries=3))
-                request = requests.Request(method, self.base_rest_url + url, params=params, auth=RequestsAuthPluginVeracodeHMAC(), headers={"User-Agent": "api.py"})
+                request = requests.Request(method, self.base_rest_url + url, params=params, auth=RequestsAuthPluginVeracodeHMAC(), headers=myheaders)
                 prepared_request = request.prepare()
                 r = session.send(prepared_request, proxies=self.proxies)
                 if r.status_code == 500 or r.status_code == 504:
-                    r = requests.Request(method, url, params=params, auth=RequestsAuthPluginVeracodeHMAC(),headers={"User-Agent": "api.py"},json=body)
+                    r = requests.Request(method, url, params=params, auth=RequestsAuthPluginVeracodeHMAC(),headers=myheaders,json=body)
+            except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e:
+                logging.exception("Connection error")
+                raise VeracodeAPIError(e)
+        elif method == "POST":
+            try:
+                r = requests.post(self.base_rest_url + url,params=params,auth=RequestsAuthPluginVeracodeHMAC(),headers=myheaders,data=body)
             except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e:
                 logging.exception("Connection error")
                 raise VeracodeAPIError(e)
         elif method == "PUT":
-                r = requests.put(self.base_rest_url + url,params=params,auth=RequestsAuthPluginVeracodeHMAC(), headers={"User-Agent": "api.py", 'Content-type': 'application/json'},data=body)
+                r = requests.put(self.base_rest_url + url,params=params,auth=RequestsAuthPluginVeracodeHMAC(), headers=myheaders,data=body)
+            except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e:
+                logging.exception("Connection error")
+                raise VeracodeAPIError(e)
+        elif method == "DELETE":
+            try:
+                r = requests.delete(self.base_rest_url + url,params=params,auth=RequestsAuthPluginVeracodeHMAC(),headers=myheaders)
             except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e:
                 logging.exception("Connection error")
                 raise VeracodeAPIError(e)
@@ -88,14 +105,22 @@ def _rest_request(self, url, method, params=None,body=None):
             raise VeracodeAPIError("Unsupported HTTP method")
         if not (r.status_code == requests.codes.ok):
+            logging.debug("API call returned non-200 HTTP status code: {}".format(r.status_code))
+        if not (r.ok):
             logging.debug("Error retrieving data. HTTP status code: {}".format(r.status_code))
             if r.status_code == 401:
                 logging.exception("Check that your Veracode API account credentials are correct.")
-                logging.exception("Error:" + r.text + " for request " + r.request.url)
+                logging.exception("Error [{}]: {} for request {}".format(r.status_code,r.text, r.request.url))
             raise requests.exceptions.RequestException()
+        elif fullresponse:
+            return r
-            return r.json()
+            if r.text != "":
+                return r.json()
+            else:
+                return ""
     def _rest_paged_request(self, url, method, element, params=None):
         all_data = []
@@ -169,7 +194,8 @@ def download_archer(self, token=None):
     ## Appsec APIs
     def get_apps(self):
-        return self._rest_paged_request('appsec/v1/applications',"GET","applications")
+        request_params = {}
+        return self._rest_paged_request('appsec/v1/applications',"GET", params=request_params, element="applications")
     def get_app (self,guid=None,legacy_id=None):
         """Gets a single applications in the current customer account using the Veracode Application API."""
@@ -218,4 +244,27 @@ def get_creds (self):
     def update_user (self,user_guid,roles):
         request_params = {'partial':'TRUE',"incremental": 'TRUE'}
         uri = "api/authn/v2/users/{}".format(user_guid)
-        return self._rest_request(uri,"PUT",request_params,roles)       
\ No newline at end of file
+        return self._rest_request(uri,"PUT",request_params,roles)      
+## SCA APIs - note must be human user to use these, not API user
+    def get_workspaces(self):
+        #Gets existing workspaces
+        request_params = {}
+        return self._rest_paged_request("srcclr/v3/workspaces","GET",params=request_params,element="workspaces")
+    def get_workspace_by_name(self,name):
+        #Does a name filter on the workspaces list. Note that this is a partial match. Only returns the first match
+        name = parse.quote(name) #urlencode any spaces or special characters
+        request_params = {'filter[workspace]': name}
+        return self._rest_paged_request("srcclr/v3/workspaces","GET",params=request_params,element="workspaces")
+    def create_workspace(self,name):
+        r = self._rest_request("srcclr/v3/workspaces","POST",body=name,fullresponse=True)
+        return r.headers.get('location','')
+    def add_workspace_team(self,workspace_guid,team_id):
+        return self._rest_request("srcclr/v3/workspaces/{}/teams/{}".format(workspace_guid,team_id),"PUT")
+    def delete_workspace(self,workspace_guid):
+        return self._rest_request("srcclr/v3/workspaces/{}".format(workspace_guid),"DELETE") 
\ No newline at end of file