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212 lines (119 loc) · 3.68 KB

File metadata and controls

212 lines (119 loc) · 3.68 KB

koa-core the util library for koa web application



there are some Object exports which all extends Error, they have the same property all type and the value are as the same as the object's name, e.g.

var err = new ApiRequestError('err message');
// ApiRequestError
// err message
  • ApiRequestError

  • DBError

  • PageError

    it has the status property which stands for httpStatus, the same as http status code, default 500

    var err = new PageError('err message', 404);
    // 404
    // err message
  • CodeException


the util for handle files

  • has(uri)

    check the path exits?

    uri: the path (string)

    return true or false

  • write(uri, content)

    write something into the file

    uri: the file path (string)

    content: the file content (string)

  • read(uri, def)

    read file content

    uri: the file path (string)

    def: if readfile fail or file unexits (string)

    return string

  • remove(uri)

    remove file

    uri: the file path (string)

  • readJSON(uri, def)

    read the json file content and return a json object

    uri: the file path (string)

    def: the default return when the reading fail (object)

  • mkdirSync(dirname)


    dirname: dirname


the module for http request which extend request

  • get(url, params, header)

    the request with get method

    url: request URL

    params: request params

    header: request header, default {}

    return promise

  • post(url, params, header)

    the request with get method

    url: request URL

    params: request params

    header: request header, default {}

    return promise

there are some method you can register to global

// 注册请求前事件
http.onBeforeSend = function (req) {}

// 格式化输出
http.responseFormat = function (res) { return res; }

// 判断请求是否成功
http.isSuccess = function(res) { return Number(res.code) === 1; }

// 注册请求完成事件, 无论成功与否
http.onComplete = function(response) {}

// 业务上的错误回调
http.errCallback = function(response, body) {}

http.defaultOptions = {
  time: true
//option 结构参考



var logger = require('koa-core').logger;
  • log(msg, type)

    add logs content

    msg: logs content (string)

    type: log type which from your conf, default log(string)

there are some method you can register to global

logger.formatMsg = function(msg, type) { }


the helper for view engin

  • contructor(options)
    • options default was { jsonFileName: 'staticAsset.json' }
  • setCss(moduleName)

    get css url from the webpack asset.json file by moduleName

  • setScript(moduleName)

    get js url from the webpack asset.json file by moduleName

  • setImgSrc(srcPath)

    set the webpack build img path

    usage with img-assets-webpack-plugin

  • isToday(date)


  • formatDate (dateString, format)


  • fromNow (dataString)
    // 1 天前
    // 4 小时前
  • getweek (dateString)

    format the date to 周x