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[u]NIT [t]EST

The ut class is designed to manage unit testing.


If the class is in the current project () ( reporter: 4D.Function )

If the class is in a component

cs.<name space> ()
cs.<name space> ( reporter: 4D.Function )


By default, the class uses the ASSERT command to check the test execution.

You can pass the constructor a formula that will be called to report the execution of the test.

The reporter must accept to parameters:

  • A Boolean that represents the pass/fail status of the test performed.
  • A Text which is the formatted message if any, an empty string otherwise.

💡 If the class is in a component, you can pass as reporter Formula (ASSERT ($1; $2)) to force execution of the ASSERT command in the database context.


Properties Type
.desc Text The description of the test suite
.tests Collection The collection of the executed tests
.testNumber Integer The number of tests performed
.successful Boolean True if all tests of the suite are successful
.failed Boolean True if at least one test of the suite is failed
.latest Test object The current (before run) or the last test performed (after run)
.testNumber Integer The number of tests in the suite
.errorNumber Integer The number of failed tests performed
.lastError Test object The last failed test
.lastErrorText Text The last failed test error description


💡 The value parameter can be a [value of any data type] ( or a [formula] ( returning a value, in which case it will be evaluated at runtime and the source of the formula will be used for the message if the test fails.

All functions return a reference to the original cs.ut. This allows you to chain function calls. See How to

Initialize a new test suite.
If the description is omitted, it will be "Suite #" where # is the number of suites created since the call to the constructor.
Initializes a new test.
If the name is omitted, the name will be "Test #" where # is the number of tests in the suite.
.expect (value) Sets the expected test value.
.macOS ()
.Windows ()
.Linux ()
Called before the execution function, reserves the execution to a platform.
• If a test is ignored on a platform, the Test object object mentions it.
• To specify more than one platform, you can write .macOS().Windows().

All test execution functions call the reporter even if the test passes. In this case, the message is an empty string, unless the test is bypassed on this platform, where the message is something like "Bypassed on <platform>".

Function Action
Performs the comparison between value and the expected value.
value parameter can be a value of any data type or a formula returning a value, in which case it will be evaluated during execution.

💡 Applies only to values of type: Text, Object, Collection, Image, Blob or numeric, but can also be used with 2 4D.Files to compare their contents or with a Text and a 4D.File to make a comparison between the text and the contents of the file. For other types, an error is generated.
Performs a comparaisonon between a numeric value and the expected value.
If value or expected value is not a numeric value an error is raised like : "[suite]test : Unable to cast 'hello' to num"

.not Called before an execution function, reverses the comparison.
In other words, it allows you to check whether the test should fail.
.strictly Called before an execution function, defines that the comparison will be diacritical if relevant.
.try Called before an execution function, prevents the reporter from being invoked even if the Test object is filled. In other words, no error will be reported, but if the test has failed, its success property will be False and its error property will be filled in with the error description..

💡 See How to use keywords for some examples.

The shortcuts avoid calling .expect() before running the test if you pass a value to the function. See How to

Function Action
.in ( list: Collection) Tests whether the expected value is contained in a collection of values.
⚠️ For objects, the comparison is made by reference and not by their content.
.isTrue (value)
.isFalse (value)
Tests the True/False status of the value parameter.
.isTruthy (value)
.isFalsy (value)
Tests the truthy/falsy status of the value parameter.
.isNull (value)
.isNotNull (value)
Tests the null or not status of the value parameter.
.isEmpty (value)
.isNotEmpty (value)
Tests the empty or not status of the value parameter.
.toLength (value; length:Integer) Tests if the value length is equal to the length parameter.
⚠️ Applies only to : Text & Collection. For other types, an error is generated.
.isObject (value)
.isCollection (value)
.isText (value)
.isPicture (value)
.isBoolean (value)
.isUndefined (value)
.isBlob (value)
.isPointer (value)
.isDate (value)
.isTime (value)
.isFile (value)
.isFolder (value)
Tests whether the type of value is the expected one.
When isFile(...) or isFolder(...) returns True, so does isObject(...).

See class test

The assert error message is automatically formatted according to this scheme:

[suite.desc] {test.desc}: gives '{test.result}' when '{test.expected}' was {strictly} expected


[suite.desc] {test.desc}: {error message}

Some examples:

  • [suite] <test>: gives 'Hello World' when 'hello world' was expected
  • [suite] <test>: gives 'HELLO WORLD' when 'hello world' was strictly expected
  • [suite] <test>: TYPE MISMATCH - Text instead of Null
  • [suite] <test>: gives '2' when '1' was expected
  • [suite] <test>: gives 'True' when 'False' was expected
  • [suite] <test>: gives 'picture: {"size":166,"width":12,"height":12}' when 'picture: empty' was expected
  • [suite] <test>: gives '00/00/00' when '1958/08/08' was expected
  • [suite] <test>: Property '.foo' type mismatch. ACTUAL (Object) EXPECTED (Text)
  • [suite] <test>: Property number mismatch ACTUAL (10) EXPECTED (12)
  • [suite] <test>: Property '[1]' mismatch ACTUAL ("bar") EXPECTED ("BAR")
  • [suite] <test>: gives '->number' when '->foo' was expected
  • [suite] <test>: TYPE MISMATCH - Pointer instead of Nil pointer
  • [suite] <test>: isFalse() cannot be applied to the type Object
  • [suite] <test>: Skipped on Windows
  • [suite] <test>: '10' is not less than '20'
  • [suite] <test>: Succeeded when it was expected to fail, '30' is greater or equal than '20'
  • [suite] <test>: Succeeded when it was expected to fail, '[1,2,3]' should not return a length of 3

More examples in the test_xxx methods.

var $ut : cs.ut

  // Start a suite
$ut.suite("First Suite")

  // Run a test with value
$ut.test("Integer value").expect(1+1).isEqualTo(2)

  // Run a test with a formula
$ut.test("Integer formula").expect(20).isEqualTo(Formula(myMultiplyingMethod(2; 10))

  // Use .isNotEqual()
$ut.test("Not strictly equal objects")\
   .expect(New object("foo"; "bar"))\
   .strict().isNotEqualTo(New object("foo"; "BAR"))

Use shortcuts

$ut.test("is True").isTrue(True)
$ut.test("is Null").isNull(Null)
$ut.test("is empty string").isEmpty("")
$ut.test("is empty object").isEmpty(New object)
$ut.test("is empty collection").isEmpty(New collection)
var $emptyPicture : Picture
$ut.test("is empty picture").isEmpty($emptyPicture)
var $blob : Blob
$ut.test("is empty blob").isEmpty($blob)
LONGINT TO BLOB(8858; $blob)
$ut.test("is not empty blob").isNotEmpty($blob)
var $c : Collection:=[0; 1; 2; 3; 4]



$ut.test("Text").expect("Hello World").strictly.isEqualTo("Hello World")
$ut.test("Text").expect("Hello World").not.strictly.isEqualTo("HELLO WORLD")

$ut.test("Collection").expect(["foo"; "bar"]).strictly.isEqualTo(["foo"; "bar"])
$ut.test("Collection").expect(["foo"; "bar"]).not.strictly.isEqualTo(["foo"; "BAR"])

Use isTrue/isFalse with a File or a Folder

$ut.test().isTrue(File(Structure file; fk platform path)) // Must pass
$ut.test().isTrue(Folder(fk database folder)) // Must pass

$test:=$ut.test().isFalse(File("/RESOURCES/fileThatDoesNotExist")) // Must pass
$test:=$ut.test().isFalse(Folder("/RESOURCES/folderThatDoesNotExist")) // Must pass

Use strict() for a rigourous comparison

// The default comparison is non-diacritical
$ut.test("equal text").expect("HELLO WORLD").equal("hello world")

$ut.test("not strictly equal text")\
   .expect("HELLO WORLD")\
   .expect("hello world")\
   .isNotEqualTo("HELLO WORLD")

Test collections

  .expect(New collection(1; "foo"; New collection(1; "foo"; "bar")))\
  .isEqualTo(JSON Parse("[1,\"foo\",[1,\"foo\",\"bar\"]]"))

Test pointers

var number : Integer
$ut.test("Pointer").expect(->number).isEqualTo(Get pointer("number"))
$ut.test("Pointer").expect(->number).isNotEqualTo(Get pointer("foo"))  // Nil pointer

Use toLength()

$ut.test("Text length").expect(11).toLength("HELLO WORLD")
$ut.test("Text length").toLength("HELLO WORLD";11)

Set platform restriction

$ut.test("Only on macOS").macOS().expect(True).isTrue() // This test will be skipped on Windows

Start a new suite in the same test method

var $ut : cs.ut

    // Start a suite
$ut.suite("First Suite")


    // Start a new suite
$ut.suite("Second Suite")
ASSERT($ut.desc="Second Suite")

Test the suite results

    // Start a new suite
$ut.suite("Test Suite")

// Perform 3 tests with 1 failing


ASSERT($ut.desc="Test Suite")