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PanDelos-plus: a parallel algorithm for computing sequence homology in pangenomic analysis

License: MIT


PanDelos-plus a dictionary-based method for pan-genome content discovery. It's the C++ revisitation of PanDelos. It's structured into different python modules and C++ library, piped together by a bash script,, that provides the access point to the PanDelos-plus pipeline.

Simple usage

bash -i <path_to_input_file.faa>

Custom usage (bash -h)

Usage: [-i input_file] [-o output_file] [-t thread_num] [-m] [-d discard_value] [-g path to gbks][-h]
  -i: Input file path
  -o: Output file path
  -t: Number of threads
  -m: Enable a different mode
  -d: Discard value (0 <= d <= 1, default 0.5)
  -h: Display this help message
  -g: Path to gbk files folder
  -f: for fragmented genes\n

IMPORTANT Note that the discard value will filter compared genes based on their length. For example:

NC_000913	NC_000913:NC_000913.3:b0001:1	thr operon leader peptide
NC_000913	NC_000913:NC_000913.3:b0018:1	regulatory protein MokC

In the case of this pair the gene identified by NC_000913:NC_000913.3:b0001:1 has a length equal to $69$ and the other has length equal to $21$ so a discard greater than $0.2$ will skip this comparison

Input format

PanDelos-plus takes as input a complete set of gene sequences stored in a .faa text file belonging to any of the studied genomes.

This file must have a "2 line pattern" where:

  • The first line represents the identification line, composed of 3 parts (genome identifier, the gene identifier and the gene product) separated by a tabulation character.
  • The second line consists of the complete gene sequence in FASTA amino acid format reported in a single line.

IMPORTANT No blank lines are admitted in the entire file.

Example of valid file composed of 5 genes grouped in 2 genomes

NC_000913	NC_000913:NC_000913.3:b0001:1	thr operon leader peptide
NC_000913	NC_000913:NC_000913.3:b0005:1	DUF2502 domain-containing protein YaaX
NC_000913	NC_000913:NC_000913.3:b0018:1	regulatory protein MokC
NC_007946	NC_007946:NC_007946.1:UTI89_RS06140:1	DUF1382 family protein
NC_007946	NC_007946:NC_007946.1:UTI89_RS06145:1	DUF1317 domain-containing protein

Input format for fragmented genes

PanDelos-plus takes as input a complete set of gene sequences stored in a .faa text file belonging to any of the studied genomes.

This file must have a "2 line pattern" where:

  • The first line represents the identification line, composed of 4 parts (genome identifier, the gene identifier, the gene product and the number of inferred characters) separated by a tabulation character.
  • The second line consists of the complete gene sequence in FASTA amino acid format reported in a single line.

IMPORTANT No blank lines are admitted in the entire file.

Example of valid file composed of 5 genes grouped in 2 genomes for fragmented genes

NC_000913	NC_000913:NC_000913.3:b0001:1	thr operon leader peptide   5
NC_000913	NC_000913:NC_000913.3:b0005:1	DUF2502 domain-containing protein YaaX  20
NC_000913	NC_000913:NC_000913.3:b0018:1	regulatory protein MokC   30
NC_007946	NC_007946:NC_007946.1:UTI89_RS06140:1	DUF1382 family protein  10
NC_007946	NC_007946:NC_007946.1:UTI89_RS06145:1	DUF1317 domain-containing protein   5

IMPORTANT Make sure that gene identifiers are unique within the input file. A suggested format to build unique gene identifier is genome_identifier:gene_identifier:unque_integer.

Generation of the input file

In the case of completed genomes, the input file can be generated following these steps:

  1. Download the genomes of interest
  2. Create a folder with all interested .gbff files
  3. Change the extension of all .gbff files to .gbk (find . -name '*.gbff' -exec bash -c 'mv "$0" "${0%.gbff}.gbk"' {} \;)
  4. Check that all .gbk files are accepted python3 scripts/ {path_to_folder} (path must end with '/')
  5. Generate the input file using python3 example/ {path_to_input_folder} {path_to_output_file}.faa (path of input folder must end with '/')

Output format

The execution of PanDelos-plus produces 2 output files named [prefix_input_file].clus and [prefix_input_file].json that reports the gene families discovered during the analysis. [prefix_input_file].json will be generated only if the -g flag is set to a correct gbk folder.

Quick Start User Guide

  1. Follow the installation steps using docker
  2. Create a folder inside the input folder. gbff_input in this case.
  3. Put .gbff inside input/gbff_input folder.
  4. Run script to convert .gbff to .gbk
  5. Run check .gbk files
  6. Run script to generate the input file
  7. Start the analysis using the script

Overview of the commands

After the installation with Docker

mkdir -r input/gbff_input

Put your .gbff files inside

python3 scripts/ input/gbff_input/ input/gbff_input/
python3 scripts/ input/gbff_input/

You can face some errors like Error processing a gbk file: 'locus_tag' not found; in this case, the genome can't be processed, so it must be removed from the dataset.

python3 examples/ input/gbff_input/ input/input.faa
bash -i input/input.faa -o output/out -g input/gbff_input/

At the end, you will find inside the output folder .json and .clus files containing computed gene families

Docker installation

We decided to prepare a docker container to make the usage of the tool easier.

System requirements

To create and run the container, make sure to have installed the following packages:

If you want to check the installation of these packages you can run:

docker --version
docker compose version

Directory setup

To share data with the container, you have to create 2 folders, one for the input, and one for the outputs.

If you are on Linux you can use this command

mkdir input
mkdir output
chmod 777 input
chmod 777 output

Important Share folders must have r/w permissions set for all users

Container build & run

You can build the container using

docker compose build --no-cache

Note that docker compose command may raise some errors so try also with docker-compose

To run the container

docker compose run pandelosplus --remove-orphans


If you are inside the container, you can run the analysis as described in the following section and pay attention to input and output paths:

bash -i <input/input_filename.faa> -o <output/filename>

Example of execution

The input folder contains a file called salmonella.faa, and output folder is empty, so you can run the analysis as follows

bash -i <input/salmonella.faa> -o <output/salmonella>

The output folder will contain 2 files:

  • salmonella.clus

Local installation

System requirements

We suggest running the pipeline on a Linux-based machine.

PanDelos-plus can run on any operating system where Bash, Python3 (or higher), C++11 and GCC are installed.

sudo apt update
sudo apt-get install -y bash python3 python3-pip build-essential time

Python packages:

pip install biopython
pip install networkx
pip install matplotlib

If you are running the latest version of Ubuntu, you may probably get this error:

× This environment is externally managed
╰─> To install Python packages system-wide, try apt install
    python3-xyz, where xyz is the package you are trying to

So you need to install the package using apt as follows

sudo apt install python3-biopython
sudo apt install python3-networkx
sudo apt install python3-matplotlib


The current repository contains a bash script with a selection of compilation flags.


If something goes wrong with the script, is possible to compile as follows:

g++ -std=c++11 -O1 -o main


The current repository contains a bash script that takes an argument (the path to the input file), executes a sequence of tools (tools folder) and executes cpp software.

bash -i <path_to_input_file.faa>

Running the examples


To run examples, the following packages are required:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get -y install gzip curl bash python3 python3-pip build-essential time
pip install biopython
pip install networkx
pip install matplotlib

As in the installation section, if you are running the latest version of Ubuntu, you may probably get this error:

× This environment is externally managed
╰─> To install Python packages system-wide, try apt install
    python3-xyz, where xyz is the package you are trying to

So you need to install the package using apt as follows

sudo apt install python3-biopython
sudo apt install python3-networkx
sudo apt install python3-matplotlib

Run examples

To run all examples for PanDelos-plus' benchmarks

cd examples

The script will test a set of genomes retrieved from NCBI databases. Every test corresponds to a .list.txt file in examples/lists/ that contains a different number of lines, each formatted in 3 columns, separated by a tabulation character \t, representing, in this order, Genome Assembly, GenBank and RefSeq.

Every test will create a folder named as the basename of the corresponding .list.txt file with this structure:

├── banks
│  └── # all .gbk files used in the test
├── basename.faa # .faa file extracted from all gbk files contained in 'banks' folder
├── basename.png # with a bar plot with gene number for each genome
├── nets
│  └── # all .net file
├── plots
│  └── # list of .png files with plots
└── tmp.txt # a temporal file

For developers


This repository has a folder (tools) that contains a set of tools concatenated by script. Current tools are:

  • used to calculate kmers length given a path_to_file.faa file.
  •, which takes (in this order) the path_to_file.faa file and the respective calculated by cpp software, and generates .clus.
  •, that takes (in this order) path_to_file.faa file and the respective calculated by cpp software, and generate .clus and a .pdf file
  • that takes a path_to_file.clus and generates a .json file.
  • that takes path_to_file.faa and generates a bar plot with the distribution of genes for each genome (file.png).
  • that checks if .gbk files are accepted.
  • that converts .gbff to .gbk files.


If the script does not work properly, it is possible to compile as follows:

g++ -std=c++11 <list_of_compilation_flags> -o main

For compilation flags, check this list of optimization options. It's recommended to use at least -O1 flag

IMPORTANT The output file (-o) must be named main for the correct work of the pipeline.


If you want a customized execution, you can run ./main -h to see all possible options.

+-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+-+-+-+-+
|P| |a| |n| |D| |e| |l| |o| |s| |-| |P| |l| |u| |s|
+-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+-+-+-+-+
-i to select the input file (path_to_file/file.faa)
-o to specify the file for output(path_to_file/file_name.extension)
-k to indicate the size of kmers
-t to indicate the number of threads
-m to activate specific mode with lower RAM cost (0 default)
-d to select a discard value (0 <= d <= 1) for similarity computation (0.5 default, a greater value implies a more aggressive discard)
-f for fragmented genes


PanDelos-plus is distributed under the MIT license. This means that it is free for both academic and commercial use. Note, however, that some third-party components in PanDelos-plus require you to reference certain works in scientific publications. You are free to link or use PanDelos-plus inside the source code of your own program. If you do so, please reference (cite) PanDelos-plus and this website. Bug fixes and collaboration for improvements are appreciated.


PanDelos-Plus has been presented at BBCC2024 - the 19th annual edition of the conference, November 27-29, 2024, in Naples, Italy.
Published 18 nov 2024

Original PanDelos software:

 Bonnici, V., Giugno, R., Manca, V.
 PanDelos: a dictionary-based method for pan-genome content discovery
 BMC bioinformatics 19.15 (2018): 437.

If you have used any of the PanDelos-plus project software, please cite the the following paper:


paraller PanDelos







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