Extracting, Loading, and Transforming data on Roman Coins gathered from wildwinds.com
Tools: Python, PostgreSQL, Docker, FastAPI, Airbyte, MinIO, Dagster, DuckDB, dbt
Scrapes data on coins from the Roman Empire from wildwinds.com, and loads the data into a postgres server. Due to the required 30-second delay between page requests, scraping takes several hours to complete; the data is loaded into the server as it arrives.
Serves data from the roman coins dataset, and allows data addition and manipulation via POST, PUT, and PATCH endpoints. Data is continuously added during web scraping.
Custom airbyte connector streams incremental data from the API to a standalone MinIO bucket.
Resilient storage for the incoming data stream. Data is replicated "at least once" by Airbyte, so some duplicated data is acceptable at this stage. Deduplication will be easily handled by dbt at the next stage of the pipeline.
Sensors trigger Airbyte syncs and DuckDB loads on a minute-by-minute basis.
Local data warehouse.
Transforms data within the data warehouse.
Step 1: Ensure Docker and Airbyte are both up and running.
Step 2: (Optional) Set preferred credentials/variables in project .env file
Step 3: Run the following terminal commands:
git clone https://github.com/vbalalian/roman_coins_data_pipeline.git
cd roman_coins_data_pipeline
docker compose up
This will run the web scraper, the API, MinIO, and Dagster; then build the custom Airbyte connector, configure the API-Airbyte-Minio connection, and trigger Airbyte syncs and DuckDB load jobs automatically using sensors.
View the web_scraper container logs in Docker to follow the progress of the Web Scraping
Access the API directly at http://localhost:8010, or interact with the different endpoints at http://localhost:8010/docs
Access the Airbyte UI at http://localhost:8000
Access the MinIO Console at http://localhost:9090
Access the Dagster UI at http://localhost:3000
At the moment, duckdb access is limited to docker exec commands on one of the dagster services with access to the duckdb volume.